Neuro Ophtha DR Mariano
Neuro Ophtha DR Mariano
Neuro Ophtha DR Mariano
- Retina
- Optic nerve
- Chiasm
- Tract
- Cortex
- CN 3,4,6
- Ocular muscles
- Brainstem
- Pursuit and saccadic
***Eye movement CN 3, 4, 6 + CN 5, 7, 8
***Meyers loop while it goes to the optic radiation..some
fibers go up to the parietal lobe and some fibers go to the
temporal lobe before it actually goes to the occipital lobe
***pupillary light reflex it ends in the pretectal nucleus
and it does not go all the way to the occipital lobe, so you can
be occipitally blind but you still have pupillary reaction.
Afferent System Diseases
- optic neuritis
- ischemic optic neuropathy (arteritic vs. non
- Toxic optic neuropathy (e.g. ethambutol toxicity)
- other optic neuropathies (compressive,
papilledema, inflammatory, hereditary)
- chiasmopathies/chiasmal disorders
- stroke that causes defects in the visual field
Loss of Vision
- History: sudden or chronic
- Check visual acuity
- Check for relative afferent pupillary defect
- Do a visual field by confrontation
- Color test
- Ophthalmoscopy
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- Optic nerve head swelling
- Normal visual acuity
- Visual acuity
- Color test
- Double vision
***if a patient come to you with a complaint of double vision
and disappears after covering one eye investigate but if
double vision still persists can be an error of refraction
***in ishihara book, number 12 is the most important thing
b/c both normal and colorblind person can see the number
12 and when the patient tells you that he/she cant see
even the number 12, then theres really a problem.
***red is best color to test for desaturation
Confrontation Fields
***always draw it how the patient sees it and always plot the
physiologic blind spot.. blind spot is always located
***temporal side is always bigger than the nasal side b/c
there are 53 decussated fibers and 47 undecussated fibers
***in pediatric, ask him/her to copy you to assess visual
Relative Afferent Pupillary Defect (RAPD)
- Normal response
- theres consensual light reflex but theres no direct
light reflex on the affected eye
- can be caused by optic neuritis, or tumor anterior to
the chiasm
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Ethambutol Toxicity
- can present with bitemporal hemianopsia
***any lesion posterior to the chiasm always
***anterior to the chiasm one eye is only affected
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English pick-up lines:
Boy: Did they just take you out of the oven?
Girl: No, why?
Boy: Because youre hot!
You must be a magician, because every time I look at you,
everyone else disappears.
If I were an Azkal, then you are my goal.
If I were a gardener, I would put my tulips and your
tulips together.
Adies/Tonic Pupil
- Damage to the ciliary ganglion and/or short ciliary
- Sluggish or no reaction to light
- tested in a well-lighted room
- Hallmark:
o delayed dilation after constriction
o segmental constriction BAG OF WORMS
o constricts to 0.125% pilocarpine
- DTRs may be affected ADIE-HOLMES
- initially presents with dilated pupil but will later
become constricted.
- dark > bright HORNERS
- bright > dark ADIES
- dark = bright = accommodation PHYSIOLOGIC
- dark = bright < accommodation LIGHT NEAR
- Anisocoria +/- CN3 ANEURYSM
It should always come to mind that treatment with
experience without theory is unsighted therapy, but theory
without experience is mere intellectual tragedy to which the
patient is always the recipient.
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