Country Profile On The Solid Waste Management Situation In: Yemen

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published by

The Regional Solid Waste Exchange of Information and

Expertise network in Mashreq and Maghreb countries

Country profile on the solid waste

management situation in YEMEN
April 2014


24,5 million (2012)

Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Generation:

3,8 million tons (2012)

Per Capita MSW Generation:

- Urban areas

0.6 kg/day

- Rural areas

0.35 kg/day

MSW Generation Growth:


Medical waste generation:

3,916 tons/year (2010)

Industrial waste:

No available data

Hazardous waste:

20,917 tons/ year (2010)

Agricultural waste:

No available data

C&D Waste:

No available data

Waste Tyres:

No available data


No available data

Packaging Waste:

No available data

Municipal Waste
MSW Collection Coverage:
- Rural areas


- Urban areas


MSW Final Destination:

- Composted


- Recycled

6.7 %

- Landfilled

26 %

- Openly dumped

68 %

Number of Dumpsites:


Number of Controlled Landfills:

Number of Sanitary Landfills:


- Under construction

- Constructed

- Operational

Hazardous and industrial waste

Number of hazardous landfills or plants
(Chemical and physical treatment):
- Planned

Authorities have agreed on general solid waste principals and

policies for Yemen and test them in the field through one or several pilot projects. These policies were further developed into the
National Strategy for Solid Waste Management for the Republic
of Yemen.

Legal framework
Strategic action number 1 and 2 were concentrated on amendment of the public cleaning law and cleaning funds law in order
to be concert with the new improvements and technical requirements in the SWM sector like transferring of tasks and responsibilities to local councils on district level. In view of this, SWMP/
GIZ had studied the amendments of the public cleaning law and
cleaning funds law and by-laws in cooperation with the Ministry
of Local Administration and committees specialized in cleaning
and local authority as well as legislation in order to present these
two laws and by-laws to the cabinet for approval.
Currently, the Public Cleaning Law and Cleaning Funds Law are
adopted by the Cabinet and passed to Parliament but not yet get
approved by Parliament.
The legal requirements for the disposal of waste in landfills are
defined in Law No. 39/1999 on regard of the public cleaning.
A by-law for Law No. 39 that further specifies the legal requirements for solid waste disposal has been elaborated as a draft
version but has not yet been finally approved.




- Planned

policy and planning environment





- Under construction


- Constructed


- Operational
Types of disposal and treatments for
medical waste:




Contact person
Markus Lcke
Project Leader
[email protected]

Institutional framework
Policy and Planning

Options for improvement

Ministry of Local Administration.

General Directorate for Solid Waste Management.
Environmental Protection Authority.

Draft the necessary laws and legislations for Public Cleaning to

identify the SWM work for Yemen and to identify the roles and
responsibilities of the different authorities. Aim of this law is to
clarify the framework required in providing SWM services and
define responsibilities.
Public Cleaning and Cleaning Fund Laws should be approved and
proceed with their implementation.

Implementation and Operation

Local Councils (Cleaning Fund)

Financial & cost recovery arrangements
A decentralized financing mechanism is required to provide
funds to the local authorities. SWM services needs decentralized
financing system and NOT central financing, even though central
financing is still required to finance some major investment in
SWM. The result was the Cleaning Fund Law 20/1999 with its
The aim of this law is to create decentralized financing for the
local authorities away from the central government budgeting

Role and competence of local authorities

The Local Authorities (LAs) have the responsibility for providing
SWM services.
Training for the municipalities and an awareness program should
be implemented in the near future, in order to improve Local
authorities competence.
Training workshops for trainers as well as national municipality staff should be considered, depending on best practices and
guidebooks that have been prepared on SWM.
Establish pilot projects for LAs to create practical examples in
order to build know how.

Private sector involvement

At present all waste collection, transport and disposal are
provided by the Local Authorities. Introducing private sector
involvement in solid waste management can potentially improve
the waste management services without increasing costs. A key
consideration is that there must be sufficient competition, transparency and accountability, as private-sector participation does
not, in itself, guarantee effectiveness and low costs.

Climate adaptation and mitigation strategies

This profile was last updated in September 2013

Nothing has been done to date.

Published by

Deutsche Gesellschaft fr
Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH

On behalf of the

German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation

and Development (BMZ)

Registered offices : Bonn and Eschborn, Germany

The Regional Solid Waste Exchange of Information

and Expertise Network in the MENA region
GIZ Office Tunis
B.P. 753 - 1080 Tunis Cedex - Tunisia
T + 216 71 967 220
F + 216 71 967 227
[email protected]

Adresses of
the BMZ offices

BMZ Bonn
Dahlmannstrae 4
53113 Bonn, Deutschland
T +4922899535-0
F +4922899535-3500

[email protected]

As at

April 2014

Design and layout

Kra - 1002 Tunis


GIZ Tunisia/ SWEEP-Net / D-Waste

GIZ is responsible for the content of this publication.

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10963 Berlin, Deutschland
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