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Your Nursing Career: A Look at The Facts: The Need For The Baccalaureate Nurse

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Your Nursing Career: A Look at the Facts

Nursing is the nation's largest health care profession with more than 3.1 million
registered nurses practicing nationwide. Despite its large size, many more nurses
are needed into the foreseeable future to meet the growing demand for nursing
care. As you plan or consider a career as a registered nurse, you should know
these facts:

 The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that employment for

registered nurses will grow faster than most other occupations through

 Nursing students comprise more than half of all health professions


 Nurses comprise the largest single component of hospital staff, are the
primary providers of hospital patient care, and deliver most of the nation's
long-term care.

 Most health care services involve some form of care by nurses. Although
62.2 percent of all employed RNs work in hospitals, many are employed
in a wide range of other settings, including private practices, public health
agencies, primary care clinics, home health care, outpatient surgicenters,
health maintenance organizations, nursing school-operated nursing
centers, insurance and managed care companies, nursing homes,
schools, mental health agencies, hospices, the military, and industry.
Other nurses work in careers as college and university educators
preparing future nurses or as scientists developing advances in many
areas of health care and health promotion.

 Though often working collaboratively, nurses do not simply "assist"

physicians and other health care providers. Instead, they practice
independently within their own defined scope of practice. Nursing roles
range from direct patient care to case management, establishing nursing
practice standards, developing quality assurance procedures, and
directing complex nursing care systems.

 With more than four times as many RNs in the United States as
physicians, nursing delivers an extended array of health care services,
including primary and preventive care by advanced, independent nurse
practitioners in such clinical areas as pediatrics, family health, women's
health, and gerontological care. Nursing's scope also includes care by
clinical nurse specialists, certified nurse-midwives and nurse anesthetists,
as well as care in cardiac, oncology, neonatal, neurological, and
obstetric/gynecological nursing and other advanced clinical specialties.

 The primary pathway to professional nursing, as compared to technical-

level practice, is the four-year Bachelor of Science degree in nursing
(BSN). Registered nurses are prepared either through a four-year
baccalaureate program; a three-year associate degree in nursing
program; or a three-year hospital diploma program. Graduates of all three
programs take the same state licensing exam, the NCLEX-RN. (The
number of diploma programs has declined steadily -- to less than 10
percent of all basic RN education programs -- as nursing education has
shifted from hospital-operated instruction into the college and university

The Need For The Baccalaureate Nurse

The Bachelor of Science degree in nursing is the critical first step for a career in
professional nursing. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN),
American Organization of Nurse Executives (AONE), American Nurses Association
(ANA) and other leading nursing organizations recognize the BSN degree as the
minimum educational requirement for professional nursing practice. While
graduates can begin practice as an RN with an associate degree or hospital
diploma, the BSN degree is essential for nurses seeking to move up the career
ladder and provide a higher level of quality care.

The BSN nurse is prepared for a broader role. The BSN nurse is the only basic
nursing graduate preferred to practice in all health care settings -- critical care,
ambulatory care, public health, and mental health -- and thus has the greatest
employment flexibility of any entry-level RN. The BSN curriculum includes a broad
spectrum of scientific, critical-thinking, humanistic, communication, and leadership
skills, including specific courses on community health nursing not typically included
in diploma or associate-degree tracks. These abilities are essential for today's
professional nurse who must be a skilled provider, designer, manager, and
coordinator of care. Nurses must make quick, sometimes life-and-death decisions;
understand a patient's treatment, symptoms, and danger signs; supervise other
nursing personnel; coordinate care with other health providers; master advanced
technology; guide patients through the maze of health resources in a community;
and teach patients how to comply with treatment and adopt a healthy lifestyle.

In particular, a report by the National Advisory Council on Nurse Education and

Practice, an advisory panel to the federal Division of Nursing, noted that
baccalaureate nursing programs are far more likely than other entry-level tracks to
provide students with on-site clinical training in non-institutional settings outside the
hospital. As a result, the BSN graduate is well-prepared for practice in such sites
as home health agencies, outpatient centers, and neighborhood clinics where
opportunities are fast expanding as hospitals focus more on acute care and health
services move beyond the hospital to more primary and preventive care throughout
the community.

The BSN nurse is preferred. More nurse executives are indicating their desire for
the majority of their hospital staff nurses to be prepared at the baccalaureate level
to meet the more complex demands of today's patient care. In fact, the words
"BSN preferred" are appearing more frequently in classified ads for registered
nurses nationwide.

Aware of the expanding opportunities, RNs are seeking the BSN degree in
increasing numbers. In 1980, almost 55 percent of registered nurses held a
hospital diploma as their highest educational credential, 22 percent held the
bachelor's degree, and 18 percent an associate degree, according to figures from
the federal Division of Nursing. By 2008, a diploma was the highest educational
credential for only 13.9 percent of RNs, while the number with bachelor's degrees
had climbed to 36.8 percent, with 36.1 percent holding an associate degree. In
addition, 13.2 percent of the current nursing workforce hold master's or doctoral
degrees. According to a report released by the Health Resources and Services
Administration in July 2002, associate degree in nursing graduates are declining at
a somewhat faster rate than baccalaureate graduates, with the net result that
baccalaureate graduates now comprise an increasingly greater share of total
graduates. These numbers indicate the high premium that nurses place on
advanced education in today's growing market, and the demand by employers for
RNs who are baccalaureate-prepared.

The Changing Job Market: Some Needed Perspective

Federal figures project that if current trends continue, the shortage of RNs will
continue to grow throughout the next 20 years. By 2020, more than 800,000 RN
positions are expected to go unfilled nationwide, according to the National Center
for Workforce Analysis, an agency of the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services. But already, in an expanding number of markets, hospitals and other
employers are struggling to meet the rising demand for RN care and have stepped
up recruitment.

Today's intensified hiring of RNs is being spurred by:

 the mounting health care needs of increasing numbers of elderly;

 a growing population of hospitalized patients who are older, more acutely
ill, and in need of more skilled RNs per patient;
 the rapid expansion of front-line primary care to many sites throughout
the community;
 technological advances requiring more highly skilled nursing care; and
 an aging RN workforce. The average age of working RNs in 2008 was
47.0 up from 40 in 1980.

As nursing and health care delivery expand, opportunities abound outside

the hospital. Between 1996-2008, the number of registered nurses in community
health settings, including home health care rose to 14.2 percent. An estimated 10.5
percent of RNs were practicing in outpatient settings in 2008, including health
maintenance organizations and physician- and nurse-based practices, and 5.3
percent of RNs work in long-term care facilities.

The average annual earnings of registered nurses employed in nursing was

$60,970 in 2007, according to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics. Clinical
Nurses Specialists, Nurse Practitioners, and other nurses prepared in graduate
degree programs command much higher salaries.

With patient care growing more complex, ensuring a sufficient RN workforce

isn't merely a matter of how many nurses are needed, but rather an issue of
preparing an adequate number of nurses with the right educational mix to
meet health care demands. The National Advisory Council on Nurse Education
and Practice has urged that at least two-thirds of the basic nurse workforce hold
baccalaureate or higher degrees in nursing by 2010. Currently, only 50.0 percent

Moreover, a 1995 report by the Pew Health Professions Commission called for a
more concentrated production of nurses from bachelor's- and graduate-degree
programs. Today's rising need for registered nurses does not appear to be a repeat
of the widespread nursing shortage of a decade ago, when employers hired
qualified entry-level RNs virtually regardless of their nursing degree preparation.

Rather, today's demand is different because:

 Employers are seeking nurses prepared at the bachelor's and

graduate-degree levels who can deliver the higher complexity of care
required across a variety of acute-care, primary-care, and community
health settings, and to provide other needed services such as case
management, health promotion, and disease prevention.
 Demand is particularly acute for nurses in key specialties, such as
critical care; neonatal nursing; emergency, operating room, and labor and
delivery units; and for advanced practice RNs such as nurse practitioners
and clinical nurse specialists.
 Though hiring of RNs is accelerating in more cities, today's demand
varies region by region, market by market, contrary to the pervasive
nationwide shortfall of RNs in the late 1980s.
BSN and BS in Nursing Degree Titles

Depending on the nursing school you attend, graduates of the baccalaureate

program may receive a BSN (Bachelor of Science in Nursing) or a BS in Nursing
degree. Please note that there is no substantive difference in the degrees offered,
and graduates of both programs are expected to possess the competencies
outlined in AACN's Essentials document. (Amy, please link Essentials to the
Baccalaureate Essentials.) The degree title used is purely an instutitional decision
and does note connote differences between BSN and BS programs in nursing.
This same rationale is true for the Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) and the MS
in Nursing degrees.

Flexibility is the key. All projections forecast accelerating demand for nursing
care and for nurses with expanded education and skills. Still, the accelerating
demand for RNs varies by region and market. As a result, flexibility will be key both
for entering and moving within the profession. Some graduates may need to
pursue employment in different parts of their home states, in another state, or even
in another region where hiring in certain clinical settings or specialties may be more

Advanced Practice Nursing: Extending Primary Care's Reach

The health system's increasing demand for front-line primary care, and the
accelerating drive toward managed care, prevention, and cost-efficiency, are
driving the nation's need for nurse practitioners, clinical nurse specialists, certified
nurse-midwives, and other RNs with advanced practice skills.

Prepared typically in graduate programs, advanced practice nurses (APNs) include

the following four categories of clinicians:

 Nurse Practitioners (NPs) conduct physical exams; diagnose and treat

common acute illnesses and injuries; provide immunizations; manage
high blood pressure, diabetes, and other chronic problems; order and
interpret X-rays and other lab tests; and counsel patients on adopting
healthy lifestyles and health care options as a part of their clinical roles.
In addition to practicing in clinics and hospitals in metropolitan areas, the
nation's estimated 158,348 nurse practitioners also deliver care in rural
sites, inner cities, and other locations not adequately served by
physicians, as well as to other populations, such as children in schools
and the elderly. Many NPs work in pediatrics, family health, women's
health, and other specialties, and some have private practices. Nurse
practitioners can prescribe medications in all states, while 23 states have
given NPs authority to practice independently without physician
collaboration or supervision.

 Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs) provide care in a range of specialty

areas, such as cardiac, oncology, neonatal, and obstetric/gynecological
nursing, as well as pediatrics, neurological nursing, and
psychiatric/mental health. Working in hospitals and other clinical sites,
CNSs provide acute care and mental health services, develop quality
assurance procedures, and serve as educators and consultants. An
estimated 59,242 clinical nurse specialists are currently in practice.

 Certified Nurse-Midwives (CNMs) provide prenatal and gynecological

care to normal healthy women; deliver babies in hospitals, private homes,
and birthing centers; and continue with follow-up postpartum care. In
2002, CNM deliveries accounted for 8.1 percent of all births in the U.S.,
up from 6.5 percent in 1996, according to the National Center for Health
Statistics. There are approximately 18,492 CNMs nationwide.

 Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNAs) administer more

than 65 percent of all anesthetics given to patients each year, and are the
sole anesthesia providers in approximately two-thirds of all rural hospitals
in the U.S., according to the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists
(AANA). Of the 24 million anesthetics given annually, about 20 percent
are administered by CRNAs practicing independently and 80 percent by
CRNAs in collaboration with physician anesthesiologists, says AANA.
Working in the oldest of the advanced nursing specialties, CRNAs
administer anesthesia for all types of surgery in settings ranging from
operating rooms and dental offices to outpatient surgical centers. There
are more than 34,821 CRNAs in practice nationwide.

Mounting studies show that the quality of APN care is equal to, and at times
better than, comparable services by physicians, and often at lower cost. For

Even after acknowledging flaws in some of the studies it reviewed in 1986, the
congressional Office of Technology Assessment (OTA) concluded that nurse
practitioners can deliver as much as 80 percent of the health services, and up to 90
percent of the pediatric care, provided by primary care physicians, at equal or
better quality and at less cost. In the 12 studies reviewed, OTA found that the
quality of care by nurse practitioners -- including communication with patients,
preventive actions, and reductions in the number of patient symptoms -- was
higher than comparable care by physicians.

At the University of Rochester, researchers reported that intensive-care babies

cared for by neonatal nurse practitioners averaged 2.4 fewer hospital days and
more than $3,400 less in charges than those cared for by medical residents,
despite the fact that the NPs' infants were younger and had significantly lower
birthweight. Unlike residents, nurse practitioners don't rotate, are "more consistent
caregivers" who can follow infants through their entire stay, and need to rely less
on support services to stay apprised of a patient's progress, the authors suggest in
the 1994 study.

Last Updated: May 3, 2010


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