2.092/2.093 F E A S F I: Inite Lement Nalysis of Olids and Luids F 2009
2.092/2.093 F E A S F I: Inite Lement Nalysis of Olids and Luids F 2009
2.092/2.093 F E A S F I: Inite Lement Nalysis of Olids and Luids F 2009
FALL 2009
Homework 8
Prof. K. J. Bathe
Seounghyun Ham
Assigned: Session 23
Due: Session 25
4 1 0
2 0 0
1 3 1 = 0 2 1
0 1 4
0 1 2
a) Calculate the eigenvalues and eigenvectors and show explicitly that these vectors are Mand K- orthogonal.
b) Find (any) two vectors that are M- and K- orthogonal but are not eigenvectors.
1 1
X1 = 1 0
1 1
That is, calculate X2 and X3, and hence the approximations to the exact eigenvalues and
eigenvectors (obtained in Problem 3).
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