DRS-C2BB Description e

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Busbar Differential Protection

Busbar Differential Protection
for Single Busbars









First Edition:


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Hazardous voltages are present in the electrical equipment during operation and
Death, severe personal injury or substantial property damage can result if proper
precautions are not taken.
Please refer to plant and device manuals for safe operation of the equipment.

Qualified personnel
Only qualified personnel shall work on and in the vicinity of this equipment. The personal
must be thoroughly familiar with all warnings and maintenance procedures of the manuals
as well as the safety regulations.
Qualified personnel must be trained and authorized to energize, de-energize, clear ground
and tag circuits and equipment in accordance with established safety practices.
Qualified personnel must be trained and instructed for switching, grounding and
designating devices and systems.
Qualified personnel must be trained in rendering first aid.

General installation and safety regulations

Of particular importance are the general installation and safety regulations for work in a
high-voltage environment, for example VDE, IEC; EN, DIN, or other national and
international regulations. These regulations must be observed.

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Table of Contents:

General .................................................................................................................................... 7

Concept ................................................................................................................................... 7

Function Principles ................................................................................................................ 8


Functions Overview ........................................................................................................... 8


Build-up of the Sections (Plant Layout) ............................................................................. 8


Maintenance Selector Switch .......................................................................................... 10


CT Ratio (Primary CT Rating) and Current Direction ...................................................... 10


CT Saturation Detection .................................................................................................. 11


Overcurrent Interlock Criteria........................................................................................... 11


Bus Section Functions (Tripping Characteristic).............................................................. 12

3.7.1 General......................................................................................................................... 12
3.7.2 Measuring System Stage 1 .......................................................................................... 12
3.7.3 Measuring System Stage 2 .......................................................................................... 13

Check Zone ..................................................................................................................... 13

3.8.1 Check Zone Summation Stage 1............................................................................... 14

3.8.2 Check Zone Stage 2..................................................................................................... 14

Alarm Stage ..................................................................................................................... 14

3.10 Bus Isolator...................................................................................................................... 15

3.10.1 Position Discrepancy.................................................................................................. 15
3.10.2 Failure of the Auxiliary Input Supply Voltage ............................................................. 16

Setting Parameters............................................................................................................... 17

General Setting Parameters (Valid for the Complete Bus Protective Function) .............. 17

4.1.1 Station Layout and General Parameters ...................................................................... 17

4.1.2 CheckZone - Parameter ............................................................................................... 17
4.1.3 Section Parameter Settings (For All 3 Sections) .......................................................... 17
4.1.4 Blocking Function ......................................................................................................... 18
4.1.5 Bus Section Isolator Setting Parameters...................................................................... 18

Feeder Specific Parameter Settings ................................................................................ 18

Applications guide ............................................................................................................... 19


Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 19


Configuration of the differential protection function ......................................................... 20

5.2.1 Input Matrix:..................................................................................................................23


Measured Values............................................................................................................. 25


Useful Hints ..................................................................................................................... 26

5.4.1 Help Function for Differential Protection....................................................................... 26

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5.4.2 Blocking of Alarmstage................................................................................................. 26

5.4.3 Bus Isolators.................................................................................................................28
5.4.4 IEC60870-5-103 interface ............................................................................................ 28
5.4.5 Trip Criterion................................................................................................................. 28

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The busbar differential protection ELIN DRS-C2BB is part of the DRS-Protection Family from
the Model Series DRS-COMPACT. Further to the system description of the DRS-C2BB it
also should be referred to the following documents:
ELIN DRS-COMPACT2A, Technical Description (DIC-018-1.00)
ELIN DRS-COMPACT2A, Local Operation via the Keypad and Display (DIC-006-1.01)
Due to the complexity of a busbar differential protective scheme (more than 50 parameters,
subprograms) a parameter setting via the keypad is at present not available.
However, the general functions of the display, e.g. showing the actual measured values can
be carried out.
This document outlines the features of the busbar differential protective functions whereby
the knowledge about the software structure of the DRS-Family (Modular Protective Functions
Library, Inputs- and Outputs- and LED Matrix) and the basic operations are not described in


The ELIN DRS-C2BB is a centralised, digital busbar differential protection and operates
according to the differential protection system with fault current bias.
The busbar protection DRS-C2BB is designed for a single bus system whereby the bus may
be sectionalised with up to 2 bus isolators. The maximum number of feeders is limited to 10.
In case of a double busbar with or without a reserve bus the digital busbar differential
protection DRS-BB would be applicable.
The busbar protection DRS-C2BB is realised on the hardware platform DRS-COMPACT 2.
The DRS-COMPACT is provided with 10 current inputs (secondary nominal current 1A),
24 potential free contacts for alarms and trips and 8 binary inputs.
Communication with the control equipment can be made parallel hard wired via potential free
contacts or with the serial interface according to the IEC 60870-5-103 protocol (optional 104).
The bus protective function evaluates 3 independent bus sections which may be connected
via 2 bus section isolators and the 10 current inputs can be allocated to any of the 3 sections.
This way a DRS-C2BB can provide differential protection per phase for up to 10 feeders.
By this for traction systems 2 devices are necessary, i.e. one 19 rack with 6UH.
The output contacts of both DRS-C2BB are connected in parallel to the protection cubicle
terminals. Communication between the two relays is not provided. For traction with a single
busbar one DRS-C2BB can provide protection for up to 5 feeders provided that no section
isolator is required, i.e. 5 current inputs are allocated to the first phase and the other current
inputs are connected to the second phase.

The relay contains following protective functions from the Protective Function Library:
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Bus bar differential protection

Signal functions

The overcurrent function is a standard single phase two stage definite time overcurrent
protection using the nominal frequency of the Fourier Analysis to compute the operating
criteria. Details can be obtained from the Protective Functions Library.
The signal functions are binary functions which will forward the function inputs onto real or
virtual outputs (also inverted and/or with time delay). In the DRS-C2BB they can be applied
for section isolator position, i.e. section isolator Open corresponds to Not Closed or as a
transfer function for external inputs as an annunciation according to IEC60870-5-103.
The bus protective function is operating with its own and independent task having a
sampling rate of 1ms. The other protective functions are processed by the general task
with a sampling rate of 12 per period, i.e. 5ms at 16.7Hz.
All features of the DRS-Family are also available for the busbar protection DRS-C2BB such
as self-monitoring, display of the actual measured values, fault recording and event records.
A series of menus as well as the fully graphical PC User Operating Program DRS-WIN
provide a User-friendly access to the setting parameters, measured values and disturbance


Function Principles

Functions Overview

The busbar protection DRS-C2BB is operating according to the current differential principle
with through-fault current bias. Three independent sections can be evaluated and to increase
reliability against false operation for each feeder a check zone and a fast overcurrent
interlock is included into the scheme. Different CT ratios can be matched by software for
each feeder thereby eliminating the necessity of applying equal CT ratios or interposing
CTs and the well-proven method of CT saturation detection is taken from the busbar
protection DRS-BB to prevent false tripping by external faults causing CT saturation.
The allocation of the feeders to the bus sections have to be individually configured for the
busbar differential protective scheme for a specific plant (plant layout) since a default
structure of the bus configuration is set. But the allocation of the feeders to the different bus
sections can easily be altered by the Customer.

Build-up of the Sections (Plant Layout)

The busbar protection DRS-C2BB is designed for a fixed plant structure also known as plant
layout and implemented into the function which cannot be altered. Fig. 1 shows the basic
arrangement of the busbar.
The bus function consists of 3 independent sections and the maximum number of 10 feeders
and the mask parameters can be allocated to the individual bus sections whereby these bus
sections can be connected via 2 section isolators.
The allocation to the feeders is basically according to system requirements but the bus layout
cannot be changed. Bus section 1 and bus section 2 must only be connected with the bus
isolator BC1 and section 2 and 3 only via the bus isolator BC2. The open or closed state of
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bus isolators are determined via 2 isolator auxiliary contacts for the Open or Closed state.
For details please refer to Item 3.10.
Fig. 1 shows an example whereby the isolators and circuit breakers are shown as crosses
and lines respectively:
A single bus system consists of 3 sections, i.e. section 1 to 3 which are connected by bus
isolators BC1 and BC2. In the following example feeders 1, 2, 5, 6 and 7 are allocated to bus
section 1, the feeder 3 to bus section 2 and the feeders 4, 8, 9 and 10 to bus section 3.
An input of the feeder isolators is not considered to reduce external cabling. When the setting
values of the protective function are exceeded selective tripping of the faulty bus section will
be initiated.

Section 1
Feeder 5

Feeder 6

Section 2

Feeder 7

Section 3
Feeder 8


Feeder 9

Feeder 10


Circuit breaker

Feeder 1

Feeder 2

Feeder 3

Feeder 4


Fig. 1: Bus Layout

In addition to the 3 bus differential protective sections also a check zone feature can be
configured to increase supply reliability since the sum of the currents of the whole plant is
The parameter settings are carried out the same way as by the bus section functions via the
masked parameters. When the interlock of the check zone is set to Yes also the check
zone will be evaluating the differential current according to the set parameter mask and
should there be any incoming signals of a bus section isolator not plausible a false bus trip
will be prevented.

Fig. 1 shows the maximum upgrading (3 bus sections with 2 bus section isolators). By the
flexible allocation to the bus sections also busbars can be protected which represent a partial
structure of the station layout:

Single bus without bus section isolator: All feeders are allocated to one bus, e.g.
section 1.
Single bus with 1 bus section isolator: The feeders will be allocated to bus section
1 and 2 according to the above single line diagram.

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Maintenance Selector Switch

During plant maintenance or extensions feeder circuits can be switched to Maintenance to

continue work with the plant still in service. Selecting a feeder to Maintenance it will not be
included into the computation of the current sum. However, it has to be ensured that this
feeder circuit was completely taken out of service before commencing work.
CAUTION: When switching to the Maintenance position of a feeder circuit included into
the busbar protective function being still in primary service conditions a trip of this section
may be initiated!
There are 2 kinds of Maintenance conditions which can be configured via the
Maintenance parameter settings: Static and Dynamic.
Maintenance 'Static':
With the mask parameter settings 'Feeder Maintenance' the feeders being not in service can
be selected which then will not be included into the current sum check.
Maintenance 'Dynamic':
In the input matrix each feeder can be identified by a binary input, e.g. maintenance feeder n.
In case of the maintenance parameters are configured to Dynamic the auxiliary inputs are
evaluated. When selected to maintenance the input is a logic 1 and the corresponding feeder
is considered to be under maintenance conditions.
For the allocation it has to be considered that the DRS-COMPACT is provided with 8 binary
inputs and therefore for 10 feeders it will not be possible to provide for each feeder a
separate external maintenance control selector switch. However, an input can be allocated to
several feeder circuits.

CT Ratio (Primary CT Rating) and Current Direction

The busbar protection is operating according to the differential current principle whereby all
current values which are summed up have to be compensated.
Compensation is obtained via following two parameter settings which have to be configured
for each individual feeder circuit.
Primary CT current rating:
With the primary CT rating compensation different CT ratios can be accommodated thereby
eliminating the use of equal CT ratios and/or interposing CTs in the switchgear.
The determination of the primary CT rating is according to following procedures:
The highest CT primary rating of a feeder is set to a value of 1 and feeders with a lesser
primary current are set correspondingly smaller than 1, i.e. feeders with a smaller current
rating are set in relation to the maximum primary feeder current.
e.g.: In a switch gear with CT ratios of F1 = 1000/1A, F2 = 500/1A and F3 = 200/1A, F1 will
be configured with the primary CT rating factor of 1.00. For the feeder F2 the primary CT
ratio factor is calculated 500A/1000A = 0.50 and by feeder F3 the primary compensation
factor is 200A/1000A = 0.20.
Current Direction:
It is important that for the busbar differential protection the switchgear CT mounting
positions and the direction of the secondary CT current connections for each feeder
circuit are correctly wired to determine the exact current sum.
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Generally in most switch gears and substations the CTs are mounted in the same direction
whereby in generating stations the generator-transformer CTs may be mounted in the
opposite direction to the line feeders.
The parameter setting Current Direction will match the CT direction of the plant having a
value of 1 or 2. When all CTs are mounted in the same direction a Current Direction of 1 is
applicable for all feeder circuits. However, when some feeders of a plant are having opposite
directions one direction has to be defined as Current Direction 1.
As an example following procedure can be applied:
Direction = 1 when the CT neutral is in opposite direction to the busbar.
Direction = 2 when the CT neutral is in the direction towards the busbar.

CT Saturation Detection

The most important feature of a busbar differential protection is the stability for external
system faults even if one CT is being saturated. As soon as CT saturation is detected all trips
are blocked but for a reliable operation for internal faults a saturation-free transfer during the
first 5ms has to be guaranteed.






I2= I 1



Fig. 2: Saturation Algorithm

The principle of the algorithm is displayed in Fig. 2. On the left side a sinusoidal progression
of the CT current is shown, i.e. the primary current I1 and the secondary current I2 are in
union. The rectified signal is filtered and processed the same way as a condenser discharge
(Ic). By the comparison of the two values Ic>I2 the signal "SAT" is derived as a binary time
The right part of Fig. 2 shows a saturated current progression (I2I1) and the time where
the "SAT" signal is produced is considerably larger. Since the saturation signal is evaluated
by each sample protection blocking is taking place always in the saturated portion of the fault
current progression, respectively near the zero current instant.

Overcurrent Interlock Criteria

To increase the safety against mal-operation an additional fast current interlock function
besides the differential current and the check zone feature is provided and only then when all
3 criteria are in unison a busbar differential trip will be initiated.

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Busbar Differential Protection

The fast current interlock requires an overcurrent condition in at least one feeder of the
respective bus section to enable tripping of the busbar protection in this section.
The overcurrent algorithm is applying a combination of the instantaneous- and differential
current measuring method to ensure fast operation of the busbar protection for internal faults.
If required this interlock can be de-activated via software, i.e. for consumer feeders which
cannot contribute to the short circuit current.
Further, an interrogation request can be configured, namely I> before trip, so that a busbar
protection trip will only be initiated in the presence of overcurrent conditions.

Bus Section Functions (Tripping Characteristic)


Each bus section function represents a bus differential protection for the respective bus
section. All feeder currents not being in maintenance selection are being summed up. When
one of the section isolators are closed both section functions are evaluating the current sum
of the feeders, i.e. according to Fig. 1 section 1 and section 2 are considering the sum of the
currents for feeders 1, 2, 3, 5, 6 and 7.
Two differential stages are provided: Stage 1 is used for the main bus differential protection
which is a differential protection with a bias characteristic. Stage 2 is a sensitive stage for
compensated network systems which is only evaluating via the Fourier Analyses the basic
harmonic and is being time delayed.
When the setting value of the section function is exceeded and the check zone and the
current interlock are allowing a trip the corresponding function outputs will be activated and
distributed to the corresponding trip relays.
Via the fast stage 1 the tripping command may be too short to ensure tripping of the circuit
breaker and for this purpose a minimum trip time can be adjusted.

Measuring System Stage 1

For the computation of the tripping criterion the currents of each feeder being not in the
maintenance condition are summed up.
For the currents following bias differential algorithm is applicable:

ir IStufe 1 und
r =1

r =1

r =1

ir K. ir

Whereby i ist the current in feeder r, n is the number of feeders of the bus section zone and
IStage 1 the zone differential setting of stage 1 and K the zone bias slope. Fig.3 is showing this
characteristic graphically.
The bias differential algorithm provides stabilising during heavy through fault conditions.
For the computation of the bias algorithm the sum of the absolute values of the feeder
currents is used.

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When the setting value is exceeded during a few consecutive cycles a trip signal will be
initiated but in case of a saturation signal the respective cycle is considered to be not valid
and will be ignored.

Fig. 3: Tripping Characteristic


Measuring System Stage 2

This sensitive stage is for the application by compensated and Peterson-Coil system.
It is provided with a Fourier filter to extract higher harmonic frequencies above the basic
frequency and has additionally a time delay stage.

ir IStufe 2 und
r =1

r =1

r =1

ir K. ir

The variables correspond to stage 1; IStage 2 to the zone differential setting stage 2.

Check Zone

The check zone is a bus differential protection over the whole switchgear which is
independent of the bus section isolator positions. A special section function summarising
all plant feeder currents thereby providing a trip interlock for each particular bus section when
the operating value is exceeding the set value.
For a busbar differential protection DRS-C2BB with a single bus system in some applications
the use of a check zone may not be an advantage and therefore this feature can be disabled
via the parameter setting 'Check Zone Enabled'.
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Two differential stages are provided: Stage 1 is used fort he main busbar protection having
a bias restraint characteristic whereas the sensitive stage 2 is applicable for compensated
power systems which is only evaluating the basic harmonic with the Fourier Analysis having
a time delay stage.

Check Zone Summation Stage 1

All feeder currents not being selected to the maintenance state are phase-wise evaluated for
the current sum of the check zone.
For the currents following bias differential algorithm is applicable:

ir IStufe 1 und
r =1

r =1

K. imax

In this formula i is the current in feeder r, n the number of feeders being within the check
zone , IStage1 is differential current setting for stage 1 of the check zone, K the bias slope of
the check zone and Imax represents the largest feeder current.
The function of the check zone measuring system is similar to those of the section functions
whereby the only difference is that the highest absolute value the largest CT current is
applied for the bias and not the sum of the absolute values. The reason for this is that the
sum of the normal load currents of the individual zones which are not influenced by a bus
section fault may lead to an excessive high level of stabilising.
The operating characteristic is basically the same as fort the bus section protective functions
illustrated in Fig. 3.

Check Zone Stage 2

This sensitive stage is applied for compensated or Peterson-Coil network systems and is
provided with Fourier Filter to suppress frequencies above the basic harmonic. Stage 2 has
an additional configurable time delay.
The bias algorithm is according to following formula:

r =1

I Stufe2 und

r =1

K. imax

Whereby IStage2 represents the check zone differential current setting for stage 2.

Alarm Stage

This stage is used for a phase-wise monitoring of the CT currents with a sensitive parameter
setting. The characteristic has no bias and is provided with an adjustable time delay. During
external system faults there may be an initiation of this feature due to unbalance currents
and CT errors but because of the time delay no false trips can occur. The time delay should
be set above the tripping time of the main protection.
In case of operation of the alarm stage the bus protection trip should be inhibited and the bus
protective functions shall be set according to their functionality, e.g. parameter setting
blocking by alarm stage.

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3.10 Bus Isolator

As outlined in Item 3.2 the busbar protection DRS-C2BB consists of 3 selective sections
which can be connected via the bus isolators. These positions of the of the bus isolatotors
have to be configured into the busbar differential scheme to ensure correct allocation to the
feeder currents for each section. For this function two direct auxiliary contacts for each
isolator with following characteristic are required:

1 Auxiliary contact 'Open' when the bus isolator is in the open position
1 Auxiliary contact 'Closed' when the bus isolator is in the closed position

The way of operation is illustrated in Fig. 4 whereby the isolator position is derived from the
normally closed contact and position discrepancy monitoring is carried out via the normally
open contact.









t> Discrepancy




Fig. 4: Isolator Axiliary Contacts

Since the isolator distance is reached when the isolator is completely open for reasons of
safety the auxiliary contact operation should happen near the open position of the bus
isolator thereby ensuring that for the busbar protection the isolator is considered to be
Closed as soon as the open position has been left.
3.10.1 Position Discrepancy
According to Fig. 4 that except during the transfer time "t> Discrepancy" the auxiliary
contacts S1 or S2 always have a logic 1 and the other one a logic 0. This way each of the
two bus isolators is monitored by an incident detector via an EX-OR circuit and a time delay
stage for position discrepancy.
In case of discrepancy the bus isolator is considered to be Closed and the protective
function will also set the corresponding Isolator Position Discrepancy output which can be
configured either as an indication or an alarm via the User Software.
Should it be desired that by bus isolator discrepancy conditions the protective functions shall
be blocked this can be achieved by the parameter 'Block by Discrepancy' setting.

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3.10.2 Failure of the Auxiliary Input Supply Voltage

A failure of the input supply voltage will result into a position discrepancy, i.e. S1=0 & S2=0.
When the input supply voltage of the bus isolators is connected to a binary input a memory of
the isolator position before supply failure can be configured.

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Busbar Differential Protection

Setting Parameters


General Setting Parameters (Valid for the Complete Bus Protective Function)
Station Layout and General Parameters




Section 1 Feeders
Section 2 Feeders
Section 3 Feeders
Check Zone Feeders
Maintenance Feeders
Maintenance inquiry
O/C Interlock Active
Inquiry O/C Before Trip
Interlock by Check Zone
Trip Signal Extention

Yes (;), No ()
Yes (;), No ()
Yes (;), No ()
Yes (;), No ()
Yes (;), No ()
Yes (;), No ()
Yes (;), No ()
Yes, No
0.050 to 1.000 s in Steps of 0.05s

No ()
No ()
No ()
No ()
No ()
Yes (;)
No ()



CheckZone - Parameter

Setting Value Alarm
Time Delay Alarm
Setting Value Stage 1
Bias Slope
Setting Value Stage 2
Time Delay Stage 2

Stage 1:
Stage 2:

0.10 to 1.00 A in 0.01 A Steps
0.00 to 10.00 s in 0.01s Steps
0.20 to 10.00 A in 0.05 A Steps
0 to 80 % in 1 % Steps
0.20 to 5.00 A in 0.05 A Steps
0.00 to 10.00 s in 0.01s Steps

0.20 A
5.00 s
2.00 A
70.00 %
2.00 A
5.00 s


Fast stage according to the instantaneous value method

Time delayed stage according to FFT

The bias slope is equal for both stages.


Section Parameter Settings (For All 3 Sections)

Setting Value Alarm
Time Delay Alarm
Setting Value Stage 1
Bias Slope
Setting Value Stage 2
Time Delay Stage 2

Stage 1:
Stage 2:

0.10 to 1.00 A in 0.01 A Stufen
0.00 bis 10.00 s in 0.01s Stufen
0.20 bis 10.00 A in 0.05 A Stufen
0 bis 80 % in 1 % Stufen
0.20 bis 5.00 A in 0.05 A Stufen
0.00 bis 10.00 s in 0.01s Stufen

0.20 A
5.00 s
2.00 A
70.00 %
2.00 A
5.00 s


Fast stage according to the instantaneous value method

Time delayed stage according to FFT

The bias slope is equal for both stages.

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Blocking Function

Block by Alarm Stage
Block by Isolator Discrepancy






Bus Section Isolator Setting Parameters




Memorise Isolator Position

0.1 to 200s in 0.1 Steps


5.00 s


Feeder Specific Parameter Settings

Primary CT Factor
O/C Interlock
Current Direction

0.050 to 1.000 in 0.005 Steps
0.20 to 25.00 A in 0.05 A Steps
Direction 1, Direction 2

1.50 A
Direction 1


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Busbar Differential Protection

Applications guide



The present chapter should help the user to configure the DRS-C2BB according to the
respective application. Due to the increased number of protection parameters compared with
a conventional protection function (e.g. overcurrent protection), a configuration only with the
operation software DRS-WIN is possible. A parameter modification via local relay keypad is
not available.
After connecting the DRS-C2BB to the PC and starting DRS-WIN the basic relay data
appears automatically, which is shown in figure 5. Please note: As the DRS-C2BB is a
member of the DRS family the same procedures are valid for the principle communication
under DRS-WIN.

save data

Trip Matrix

LED Matrix

measured values

Differential Protection

Help Function for

Differential Protection

device identification

event list

fault records

online connection

fig. 5: Relay Data after starting DRS WIN (DRS device window)

The DRS-C2BB provides separately the busbar differential protection function, which
includes basic setting parameters like operate values, feeder allocation and provides a
specific related help function. The help function is necessary for the availability to configure
zone related trips and isolator alarm indication as well as LED indications.
Additionally, some auxiliary signal functions and features like event list, fault records,
configuration of trip matrix and LED matrix, indication of measured values and so on are

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Configuration of the differential protection function

For the parameterization of the differential protection function the respective button has to be
pressed in the device window and the related parameters appear in a separate window.

fig. 6: Parameterization of differential protection

In the following the parameters should be described.

Zone 1 Feeder, Zone 2 Feeder, Zone 3 Feeder:
The function provides in maximum 3 busbar discriminating zones (bus sections), which are
sectionalised with 2 bus isolators. In dependence of the plant configuration (please refer also
to figure 1) the different feeders must be allocated to the respective bus section. Please note,
that the configuration of the input matrix (analog inputs) influences this allocation. Referred to
figure 1 the following relation can be made: In case the plant feeder 5 is wired to the C2BB
current analog input 7, the differential functions treats the plant feeder 5 internal as feeder 7
and therefore feeder 7 has to be allocated to zone 1. To avoid a mismatch the wiring of the
plant feeders to the respective C2BB analog inputs is recommended.

Checkzone Feeder:

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The allocation of the checkzone feeder is based on the same principle as for the zone
allocation. In most of the applications the checkzone allocation is equal to the zone

Maintenance Feeder, Maintenance:

Two different operating principles are available, static and dynamic treatment, and can be set
accordingly via the 'Maintenance' parameter. In case of a static treatment, the feeders which
are under maintenance can be allocated via the 'Maintenance Feeder' parameter and will
then not be considered in the current summation.
In case of a dynamic mode the treatment of the maintenance feeders is done automatically
(fading out for current summation) in accordance of binary inputs and their specific allocation
under the input matrix. For a high signal of the binary input the maintenance feature is active
for the allocated feeder.

Enable I> Interlock:

This parameter provides the configuration of the current interlock criterion of the respective
feeder. It need not be set for consumer feeders which can not contribute to the short circuit

I>Trip Release:

In case a busbar protection trip should only be initiated in the presence of overcurrent
conditions (interrogation request) the related setting is provided for every feeder.

Zone Parameters:

The parameterization of the bus sections is possible by pressing the 'zone parameters'

fig. 7: Parameterization of discriminating zone

The operate value stage 1 is related to the main bus differential protection, stage 2 settings
are related to the sensitive algorithm for compensated networks. The alarm stage feature can
also be set via this menu.

Checkzone Parameters:

The setting is in accordance to the zone parameters.

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fig. 8: Parameterization of Checkzone

t> Discrepancy, Save Isol. Status:

According to the bus isolator logic of the DRS C2BB the discrepancy time can be chosen as
well as the selection if the position of the isolators should be saved in case the isolator
auxiliary supply voltage fails. Please refer also to the description of the input matrix for the
allocation of the isolator auxiliary contacts and auxiliary supply voltage (wired to binary inputs
of the device).

Block If Alarmstage, Discrepancy:

The possibility to block the system in case of an active alarmstage or isolator discrepancy is
provided by these parameters.

Release by Checkzone:

In some applications it doesn`t make sense to use the checkzone criterion and can therefore
be disabled (set to 'No').

Dwell Time:

As the main busbar protection system provides fast tripping times the dwell time setting
defines a specific closing time of the DRS-C2BB output contacts to ensure the opening of the
feeder circuit breaker.

Feeder Parameter:

For every feeder some local configurations are necessary. This includes the adjustment of
the CT ratio in dependence of the various primary current transformer ratings (please refer to
the related chapter for the calculation), the setting for the overcurrent interlock criterion
(overcurrent to release a busbar protection trip) and the consideration of the CT mounting
position (CT mounted in direction to busbar, or mounted in opposite direction to busbar).
Please note, that the 'feeder parameter' are related to the selection of the input matrix for the
analog current inputs.

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fig. 9: Parameterization of local feeder parameter


Input Matrix:

fig. 10: Input Matrix of the differential protection

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Figure 10 shows the input matrix of the busbar differential function (by pressing the
button), which has to be configured according to the plant. The related scheme is shown in
figure 11.
Transformer 2

Line 1

Transformer 3

Line 2


Transformer 1

Line 3

fig. 11: Related Plant scheme to Input Matrix

The bus layout includes a longitudinal isolator (auxiliary contacts configured as binary input 5
and input 6), therefore two sections are necessary for the configuration. The following table
gives an example for a possible solution of the C2BB wiring and the definition of the
corresponding input matrix.
Line 1
Line 2
Line 3
Transformer 1
Transformer 2
Transformer 3

C2BB Wiring
C2BB Analog Input 1
C2BB Analog Input 2
C2BB Analog Input 3
C2BB Analog Input 4
C2BB Analog Input 5
C2BB Analog Input 6

Input Matrix
Current Input: Feeder 1
Current Input: Feeder 2
Current Input: Feeder 3
Current Input: Feeder 4
Current Input: Feeder 5
Current Input: Feeder 6

Feeder Allocation
Zone 1 Feeder
Zone 2 Feeder
Zone 1 Feeder
Zone 2 Feeder
Zone 1 Feeder
Zone 2 Feeder

Line 1, Line 3 and Transformer 2 are assigned to Zone 1. Line 2, Transformer 1 and
Transformer 3 are assigned to Zone 2 for the differential protection algorithm. The setting for
the feeder allocation can be seen in figure 6. Of course, other configurations are possible.
But please note, that the C2BB wiring, definition of input matrix and feeder allocation must fit
Further figure 10 also shows, that binary input 3 is used to reset the alarm stage in case the
system is blocked (parameter 'Block if Alarmstage'). General blocking and test inputs are
also in use. For the maintenance philosophy a static treatment is chosen. Therefore no
inputs for 'Maint. Feeder' are necessary.

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Measured Values

A powerful tool for testing and commissioning are the measured values windows. For the
busbar differential protection two different types are available. The first shows the general
measured currents for every analog input and with no consideration of the feeder parameter
'Primary CT ratio' (compensation of the different plant CT ratios), figure 12.

fig. 12: General Measured Values Display

The second shows the internal measured values, i.e. the differential current separately for
each zone, differential current for the checkzone, restraint current for each zone and restraint
current for the checkzone. During normal conditions the differential currents should be zero.
The restraint current for a zone is the current summation of all feeders which are allocated to
a zone. The restraint checkzone current is the largest feeder current of the whole plant.

fig. 13: Internal Measured Values Display

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Useful Hints

Help Function for Differential Protection

As described in chapter 5.1, the busbar differential function provides a lot of different
parameters. The handling of the trip matrix, isolator alarm and LED indications is supported
by a separate help function. No internal parameters can be configured, as shown in fig. 14.

fig. 14: Busbar protection help function

The help function provides only function outputs to manage the mentioned requirements, e.g.
for trip matrix or LED matrix.
CAUTION: The help function is essential for the operation of the main busbar differential
protection function. It is not allowed to deactivate the help function under the "Selection of
Active Functions" menu!

Blocking of Alarmstage

In case the parameter 'Block If Alarmstage' is selected, the system is blocked if the related
alarm current level is exceeded. The blocking is internally latched and can be reset only by
the input allocated for the 'Reset Alarmstage' in the input matrix (figure 10).
The indication of the blocking by LED is in principle also latched, but can be reset by the
local, blue 'Quit/Accept' if the actual differential current is below the related alarm current
To avoid a mismatch that the system is still blocked but the local indication is reset the usage
of two 'Signal functions' is recommended. One signal function is used to provide an external
indicated latched alarmstage (LED, output contact), the other is used to reset the main
differential function.
Figure 15 shows the configuration for the two functions. Both derive benefit from the
possibility to copy virtual outputs 25 to 27 back to virtual inputs 25 to 27. For this example the
copy of output 27 provides the alarmstage latching. The copy of output 26 (corresponding
input 26 assigned to input matrix 'Reset Alarmstage'!) carries out the reset of the system.
The related trip matrix is shown in figure 16. In this case the alarmstage outputs of all 3
zones are assigned to output 27. As the copy of output 27 (=input 27) is assigned to the
signal function 'Latched alarmstage' the required external latching is provided. Additional
assignments of the signal function trip like output contacts or LEDs indicate the blocking to
the control system. Signal function 'Reset 87BB' is based on the same principle, but working
with output 26 (input 26 must be assigned for the 'Reset Alarmstage' input, figure 10).
The whole latched and blocking scheme is reset by switching binary input 3 to a HIGH state,
e.g. by an external push button.

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fig. 15: Signal functions for external latched alarmstage

fig. 16: Trip matrix for external latched alarmstage

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Bus Isolators

The main busbar differential protection can process up to three bus sections which are
separated by two bus isolators whereby isolator 1 divides section 1 from section 2 and
isolator 2 divides section 2 from section 3. In case the auxiliary contacts of the isolators are
not assigned to the input matrix (select 'unused' in figure 10), they will be treated in a
permanent OFF position.

IEC60870-5-103 interface

On request the DRS-C2BB can be equipped with a IEC-60870-5-103 interface (optical or

electrical). The parameterization is provided by DRS-WIN (menu 'IEC-103-Settings'). A
general configuration as well as the assignment of the info numbers, function type (for
'protective function outputs') can be carried out.

fig. 17: Configuration of IEC-60870-5-103 interface


Trip Criterion

In case the checkzone algorithm is in use, 3 criterions have to be fulfilled for a busbar
differential protection trip: trip of discriminating zone, trip of checkzone and overcurrent
interlock (overcurrent in one feeder). By deactivating the 'Enable I> Interlock' parameter, the
trip criterion is not fulfilled. Therefore at least one feeder must provide an activated 'Enable I>
Interlock' setting!

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This document is the sole property of VA TECH HYDRO GmbH and may neither be copied
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The data contained in this literature should be considered as product information only. We
would like to advise that short term modifications of our production range are possible due to
our aim to continuously improve the performance of our products for the benefit of our
customers so there may be differences between the products supplied and the
corresponding descriptive literature.
According to our experience following the instructions outlined in this document will provide
the most satisfactory service performance.
In case of unusual troubles, which cannot be resolved by referring to this literature, please
contact our nearest agent or our Head Office.
When commissioning, the operating instructions and also the applicable Local Safety
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All agreements, legal rights, obligations, performance and scope of supply for VA TECH
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PRT / attn. Mr. Hantsch
Ruthnergasse 1

Please inform us at your earliest convenience if you have any additional requests and
suggestions or in case of errors.
We thank you for your co-operation.
Drawing No. of the documentation: __________________ revision (+date):______________



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