Z Plates: Hot-Rolled Steel Sheets, Plates and Coils

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A specially processed steel grade, which takes the requirements of heavy steel construction into consideration. The
possibility of lamellar tearing occurring in stiff welded joints has been prevented by improving the perpendicular
properties of steel.


Frame structures, in which the plates are heavily loaded in the through-thickness direction
Beams in bridge construction
Overhead bridge crane structures
Ship structures
Machine beds
Heavily loaded structures such as crushers
Propeller blade structures
Oil rig cross frames
Other offshore structures

Definition of Z plates, quality classification and dimension range

The properties of the Z plates perpendicular to the plate surface are better than those properties of the corresponding grade of general structural steel. The letter Z refers particularly to the thickness in xyz-coordinates
plate width x length x thickness. The through thickness deformation properties are determined with the tensile
test using test pieces that are machined in through thickness direction of the plate. The result is the perpendicular reduction of area at fracture, that is, the so-called Z value. The figure indicates the reduction of the crosssectional area of the tensile test piece during tensile test, ie. perpendicular reduction of area in percents. This
calculated Z value set a basis for the quality classification of Z plates, table 1.
Table 1. Z quality classes and the corresponding reduction of area values for Z plates according to EN 10164
Z quality class

Requirements for reduction of area value (Z values)

Quality class designation

Minimum average value,

requirement for three tests %

Minimum individual
value requirement %










For plates of thickness less than 15 mm the standard EN 10164 does not require through-thickness tensile tests and these tests are not carried
out. However, the same manufacturing process is used for all the Z plates regardless of the thickness.

Standard AST M A 770 deals also with the steel plates having improved through-thickness properties. In this
standard, Z plates are defined as plates that have reduction of area value Z 20%. Z plates with improved
through-thickness properties can be delivered in the thickness range of 25mm. Z guarantee for thinner plates
according to separate agreement. For other dimensions the corresponding dimension range of heavy plates is

Steel grades, product shapes and properties

Z plates can be ordered in any of the steel grades included in the heavy plate production programme. Z plates
are used in all parts of the world as structural steels, pressure equipment steels, ship construction steels and offshore steels. In addition to heavy plates, shop-primed plates and a wide selection of prefabricated plate products are also available. Prefabricated products that are ready for installation can be tailormade, cut, bent and/or
bevelled in accordance with customer requirements. The chemical composition, mechanical properties as well as
usability in the engineering shop are determined by the steel grade.

Manufacture of Z plates

Z plates are manufactured and tested primarily according to the requirements set in the relevant steel standard
or in the Rules of the classification society in question. During the manufacture of the steel, special additional
treatment is used to improve the through-thickness properties of the finished plates. If the material standard
does not specify requirements for Z plates and the purchaser does not indicate any specific requirements, the
standard EN 10164 will be applied.

Structural steels. Z Plates

Occurrence of lamellar tearing in steel structures

Lamellar tearing as a failure type of steel structures is extremely uncommon. When occurring it usually takes the
form of cracking parallel to the surface of the plate and in association with a welded joint. The cracks are on different planes and are connected to one another in a step-like form. Most sensitive to this are stiff, fillet and butt
welded L and T joints, where large through-thickness stresses may occur. When assessing the possibility of occurrence of lamellar tearing the empirical values for through-thickness reduction of area presented in table 2 can be
Table 2. Values for reduction of area in the through-thickness direction
Reduction of area
in the throughthickness
direction %

Probability of occurrence of lamellar tearing

Z 35

Extremely unlikely.

20 Z < 35

Extremely rare.

15 Z < 20

Possible in welded joints highly loaded in the through-thickness direction of the plate.

10 Z < 15

Possible in welded joints moderately loaded in the through-thickness direction of the plate.

Z < 10

Possible in welded joints only lightly loaded in the through-thickness direction of the plate.

It must be taken into account that there is no direct correlation between the reduction of area value of steel and
the durability of the steel structure. In addition to the material, sensitivity to lamellar tearing is affected also
by the type and the design of the steel structure and the implementation of the welding. This means that the
minimum reduction of area values given in the standard will not solely guarantee freedom from lamellar tearing.
Reduction of area value is, however, a good thumb rule when assessing resistance to lamellar tearing.
For critical parts of structure the tensile stress in the through-thickness direction in plates must be reduced, by
constructional means and welding techniques, to the level, which will ensure safe use of the structure.

Z plate designation

The designation for plates with improved through-thickness reduction of area properties is the following:
The designation of the steel grade (according to the material standard, data sheet or other specification)
The number of the standard defining the Z properties (e.g. EN 10164)
The designation of the relevant Z quality class (according to table 1).
Example of the designation on drawing and on order
Heavy plates according to EN 10025-3 of the steel grade S355N with Z quality class Z25 according to EN 10164, shall
be designated when designing or purchasing in accordance with the following example:
EN 10025-3 S355N + EN 10164-Z25.
Z plates that are ordered according to the standard AST M A 770 shall be designated by merely the standard name
or by the standard plus the symbol ZT.

Material testing and sampling

Z plates are manufactured and tested primarily according to the requirements set in the relevant material
standard or in the rules of Classification Society in question. If the standard does not specify requirements for Z
plates and the purchaser does not indicate any specific requirements, standard EN 10164 will be applied. A test
unit and the sampling are defined in EN 10164. The through-thickness tensile test and the calculation of the
through-thickness reduction of area are defined in the standard EN 10002-1. The test result assessment is based
on the sequential method defined in the standard EN 10021.

Ultrasonic testing

The testing of Z plates always includes ultrasonic testing which is carried out according to the requirements of EN
10160 class S1. It must be noted that the normal ultrasonic technique cannot be used for determining resistance
to lamellar tearing.

Marking of Z plates

Z plates are marked in accordance with the relevant material standard or specification in question, in addition to
which is added a Z quality class designation, e.g. S355N + Z25.

Structural steels. Z Plates

This publication is accurate to the best of our knowledge and understanding. Although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy,
the company does not assume any responsibility for any errors or
omissions, or any direct, indirect or consequential damage caused by
incorrect application of the information. We reserve the right to make
changes. Always use original standards for accurate comparison.

Ruukki Metals Oy, Suolakivenkatu 1, FI-00810 Helsinki, Finland, +358 20 5911, www.ruukki.com
Copyright 2014 Rautaruukki Corporation. All rights reserved. Ruukki, Rautaruukki, Living. Working. Moving. and Ruukkis
product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of Rautaruukki Corporation.


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solutions for better living,
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