State Space Wiki
State Space Wiki
State Space Wiki
State-space representation
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
1 State variables
2 Linear systems
2.1 Example: continuous-time LTI case
2.2 Controllability
2.3 Observability
2.4 Transfer function
2.5 Canonical realizations
2.6 Proper transfer functions
2.7 Feedback
2.7.1 Example
2.8 Feedback with setpoint (reference) input
2.9 Moving object example
3 Nonlinear systems
3.1 Pendulum example
4 See also
5 References
6 Further reading
7 External links
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State variables
The internal state variables are the smallest possible subset of system variables
that can represent the entire state of the system at any given time. [3] The
minimum number of state variables required to represent a given system, , is
usually equal to the order of the system's dening dierential equation. If the
system is represented in transfer function form, the minimum number of state
variables is equal to the order of the transfer function's denominator after it has
been reduced to a proper fraction. It is important to understand that converting a
state-space realization to a transfer function form may lose some internal
information about the system, and may provide a description of a system which is
stable, when the state-space realization is unstable at certain points. In electric
circuits, the number of state variables is often, though not always, the same as
the number of energy storage elements in the circuit such as capacitors and
inductors. The state variables dened must be linearly independent, i.e., no state
variable can be written as a linear combination of the other state variables or the
system will not be able to be solved.
Linear systems
The most general state-space
representation of a linear
system with inputs, outputs
and state variables is written
in the following form:[4]
is called the "state vector",
is called the "output vector",
is called the "input (or control) vector",
is the "state (or system) matrix",
is the "input matrix",
is the "output matrix",
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is the "feedthrough (or feedforward) matrix" (in cases where the system
model does not have a direct feedthrough,
is the zero matrix),
In this general formulation, all matrices are allowed to be time-variant (i.e. their
elements can depend on time); however, in the common LTI case, matrices will be
time invariant. The time variable can be continuous (e.g.
) or discrete (e.g.
). In the latter case, the time variable is usually used instead of . Hybrid
systems allow for time domains that have both continuous and discrete parts.
Depending on the assumptions taken, the state-space model representation can
assume the following forms:
System type
State-space model
Continuous time-invariant
Continuous time-variant
Explicit discrete time-invariant
Explicit discrete time-variant
Laplace domain of
continuous time-invariant
Z-domain of
discrete time-invariant
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The roots of this polynomial (the eigenvalues) are the system transfer function's
poles (i.e., the singularities where the transfer function's magnitude is
unbounded). These poles can be used to analyze whether the system is
asymptotically stable or marginally stable. An alternative approach to
determining stability, which does not involve calculating eigenvalues, is to analyze
the system's Lyapunov stability.
The zeros found in the numerator of
whether the system is minimum phase.
The system may still be inputoutput stable (see BIBO stable) even though it is
not internally stable. This may be the case if unstable poles are canceled out by
zeros (i.e., if those singularities in the transfer function are removable).
State controllability condition implies that it is possible by admissible inputs to
steer the states from any initial value to any nal value within some nite time
window. A continuous time-invariant linear state-space model is controllable if
and only if
Observability is a measure for how well internal states of a system can be inferred
by knowledge of its external outputs. The observability and controllability of a
system are mathematical duals (i.e., as controllability provides that an input is
available that brings any initial state to any desired nal state, observability
provides that knowing an output trajectory provides enough information to
predict the initial state of the system).
A continuous time-invariant linear state-space model is observable if and only if
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Transfer function
The "transfer function" of a continuous time-invariant linear state-space model
can be derived in the following way:
First, taking the Laplace transform of
, giving
and thus
Substituting for
with respect to
, giving
must have by dimensionality, and thus has a total of
So for every input there are transfer functions with one for each output. This is
why the state-space representation can easily be the preferred choice for
multiple-input, multiple-output (MIMO) systems. The Rosenbrock system matrix
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Canonical realizations
Any given transfer function which is strictly proper can easily be transferred into
state-space by the following approach (this example is for a 4-dimensional, singleinput, single-output system):
Given a transfer function, expand it to reveal all coeicients in both the
numerator and denominator. This should result in the following form:
The coeicients can now be inserted directly into the state-space model by the
following approach:
Transfer functions which are only proper (and not strictly proper) can also be
realised quite easily. The trick here is to separate the transfer function into two
parts: a strictly proper part and a constant.
The strictly proper transfer function can then be transformed into a canonical
state-space realization using techniques shown above. The state-space realization
of the constant is trivially
. Together we then get a state-space
realization with matrices A, B and C determined by the strictly proper part, and
matrix D determined by the constant.
Here is an example to clear things up a bit:
Notice how the output also depends directly on the input. This is due to the
constant in the transfer function.
A common method for feedback is
to multiply the output by a matrix
K and setting this as the input to
the system:
. Since
the values of K are unrestricted
the values can easily be negated
for negative feedback. The
presence of a negative sign (the
common notation) is merely a
notational one and its absence
has no impact on the end results.
Typical state-space model with feedback
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One fairly common simplication to this system is removing D, which reduces the
equations to
is position;
is velocity;
is an applied force
is the viscous friction coeicient
is the spring constant
is the mass of the object
is acceleration
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which also has full rank. Therefore, this system is both controllable and
Nonlinear systems
The more general form of a state-space model can be written as two functions.
The rst is the state equation and the latter is the output equation. If the function
is a linear combination of states and inputs then the equations can be
written in matrix notation like above. The
argument to the functions can be
dropped if the system is unforced (i.e., it has no inputs).
Pendulum example
A classic nonlinear system is a simple unforced pendulum
is the angle of the pendulum with respect to the direction of gravity
is the mass of the pendulum (pendulum rod's mass is assumed to be zero)
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is the angle of the pendulum
is the rotational velocity of the pendulum
is the rotational acceleration of the pendulum
Instead, the state equation can be written in the general form
and so the
for integers n.
See also
Control engineering
Control theory
State observer
Discretization of state-space models
Phase space for information about phase state (like state space) in physics
and mathematics.
State space for information about state space with discrete states in
computer science.
State space (physics) for information about state space in physics.
Kalman lter for a statistical application.
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1. Katalin M. Hangos, R. Lakner, and M. Gerzson (2001). Intelligent Control Systems: An
Introduction with Examples (
pg=PA254). Springer. p. 254. ISBN 9781402001345.
2. Katalin M. Hangos, Jzsef Bokor, and Gbor Szederknyi (2004). Analysis and Control
of Nonlinear Process Systems ( Springer. p. 25. ISBN 9781852336004.
3. Nise, Norman S. (2010). Control Systems Engineering (6th ed.). John Wiley & Sons,
Inc. ISBN 978-0470-54756-4.
4. Brogan, William L. (1974). Modern Control Theory (1st ed.). Quantum Publishers, Inc.
p. 172.
Further reading
Antsaklis, P. J.; Michel, A. N. (2007). A Linear Systems Primer. Birkhauser.
ISBN 978-0-8176-4460-4.
Chen, Chi-Tsong (1999). Linear System Theory and Design (3rd ed.). Oxford
University Press. ISBN 0-19-511777-8.
Khalil, Hassan K. (2001). Nonlinear Systems (3rd ed.). Prentice Hall.
ISBN 0-13-067389-7.
Hinrichsen, Diederich; Pritchard, Anthony J. (2005). Mathematical Systems Theory I,
Modelling, State Space Analysis, Stability and Robustness. Springer.
ISBN 978-3-540-44125-0.
Sontag, Eduardo D. (1999). Mathematical Control Theory: Deterministic Finite
Dimensional Systems (
/sontag_mathematical_control_theory_springer98.pdf) (PDF) (2nd ed.). Springer.
ISBN 0-387-98489-5. Retrieved June 28, 2012.
Friedland, Bernard (2005). Control System Design: An Introduction to State-Space
Methods. Dover. ISBN 0-486-44278-0.
Zadeh, Lot A.; Desoer, Charles A. (1979). Linear System Theory. Krieger Pub Co.
ISBN 978-0-88275-809-1.
On the applications of state-space models in econometrics
Durbin, J.; Koopman, S. (2001). Time series analysis by state space methods. Oxford,
UK: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0198523543.
External links
Wolfram language functions for linear state-space models
(, aine
state-space models (
/ref/AineStateSpaceModel.html), and nonlinear state-space models
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/ref/NonlinearStateSpaceModel.html).Mathematical modeling
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Categories: Control theory Time domain analysis Time series models
Econometric models
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