BK Install Guide Opendaylight

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The key takeaways are about installing and using OpenDaylight and its components like VTN Manager and VTN Coordinator.

The purpose of the OpenDaylight Installation Guide is to describe how to get started with OpenDaylight, including downloading, installing, and configuring it and its components.

The main components of OpenDaylight are the VTN Manager, VTN Coordinator, DLUX user interface, and XSQL console for commands and queries.

Op enDaylight

Inst allat ion Guide

Beryllium (February 21, 2016)

OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016

OpenDaylight Installation Guide

OpenDaylight Community
Beryllium (2016-02-21)

Copyright 2015 Linux Foundation All rights reserved.

This guide describes how to get started with OpenDaylight.
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 which
accompanies this distribution, and is available at http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html



OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


Table of Contents
1. Getting and Installing OpenDaylight ............................................................................ 1
Downloading and installing OpenDaylight ............................................................... 1
Installing the components ....................................................................................... 2
Installing support for REST APIs ............................................................................... 2
Installing MD-SAL clustering .................................................................................... 2
I. Getting to know OpenDaylight .................................................................................... 3
OpenDaylight Overview .......................................................................................... 5
2. Using the OpenDaylight User Interface (DLUX) .................................................... 6
Getting Started with DLUX ............................................................................. 6
Logging In ...................................................................................................... 6
Working with DLUX ........................................................................................ 6
Viewing Network Statistics .............................................................................. 7
Viewing Network Topology ............................................................................. 7
Interacting with the YANG-based MD-SAL datastore ....................................... 8
3. Running XSQL Console Commands and Queries ................................................. 15
XSQL Overview .............................................................................................. 15
Installing XSQL .............................................................................................. 15
XSQL Console Commands .............................................................................. 15
XSQL Queries ................................................................................................ 16
4. Setting Up Clustering ........................................................................................ 18
Clustering Overview ...................................................................................... 18
Single Node Clustering .................................................................................. 18
Multiple Node Clustering ............................................................................... 19
5. Security Considerations ...................................................................................... 24
Overview of OpenDaylight Security ............................................................... 24
OpenDaylight Security Resources ................................................................... 25
Deployment Recommendations ..................................................................... 25
Securing OSGi bundles ................................................................................... 26
Securing the Karaf container ......................................................................... 26
Securing Southbound Plugins ........................................................................ 27
Securing OpenDaylight using AAA ................................................................. 27
Security Considerations for Clustering ............................................................ 28
II. Project-specific Installation Guides ............................................................................. 29
6. OpFlex agent-ovs Install Guide ........................................................................... 31
Required Packages ........................................................................................ 31
Host Networking Configuration ..................................................................... 31
OVS Bridge Configuration ............................................................................. 32
Agent Configuration ..................................................................................... 33
7. OVSDB OpenStack Installation Guide ................................................................. 36
Overview ....................................................................................................... 36
Preparing for Installation ............................................................................... 36
Installing OVSDB OpenStack .......................................................................... 36
Verifying your Installation ............................................................................. 37
Uninstalling OVSDB OpenStack ...................................................................... 37
8. OVSDB Service Function Chaining Installation Guide ........................................... 38
Overview ....................................................................................................... 38
Preparing for Installation ............................................................................... 38
Installing OVSDB Service Function Chaining ................................................... 38


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


Verifying your Installation .............................................................................

Uninstalling OVSDB Service Function Chaining ...............................................
9. OVSDB NetVirt Hardware VTEP Installation Guide ..............................................
Overview .......................................................................................................
Preparing for Installation ...............................................................................
Installing OVSDB NetVirt Hardware VTEP ......................................................
Verifying your Installation .............................................................................
Uninstalling OVSDB NetVirt Hardware VTEP ..................................................
10. TSDR H2 Default Datastore Installation Guide ..................................................
Overview .......................................................................................................
Pre Requisites for Installing TSDR with default H2 datastore ...........................
Preparing for Installation ...............................................................................
Installing TSDR with default H2 datastore ......................................................
Verifying your Installation .............................................................................
Post Installation Configuration ......................................................................
Upgrading From a Previous Release ...............................................................
Uninstalling TSDR with default H2 datastore .................................................
11. TSDR HBase Data Store Installation Guide ........................................................
Overview .......................................................................................................
Prerequisites for Installing TSDR HBase Data Store .........................................
Preparing for Installation ...............................................................................
Installing TSDR HBase Data Store ..................................................................
Verifying your Installation .............................................................................
Post Installation Configuration ......................................................................
Upgrading From a Previous Release ...............................................................
Uninstalling HBase Data Store .......................................................................
12. VTN Installation Guide .....................................................................................
Overview .......................................................................................................
Preparing for Installation ...............................................................................
Installing VTN ................................................................................................
Verifying your Installation .............................................................................
Uninstalling VTN ............................................................................................



OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


List of Figures

DLUX Modules ......................................................................................................... 7

Topology Module ..................................................................................................... 8
Yang UI .................................................................................................................... 9
Yang API Specification ............................................................................................ 10
Yang UI API Specification ....................................................................................... 11
DLUX Yang Topology ............................................................................................. 12
DLUX List Elements ................................................................................................ 13
DLUX List Warnings ................................................................................................ 13
DLUX List Button1 .................................................................................................. 14

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List of Tables
3.1. Supported XSQL Console Commands ...................................................................... 15
3.2. Supported XSQL Query Criteria Operators .............................................................. 16


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


1. Getting and Installing OpenDaylight

Table of Contents
Downloading and installing OpenDaylight .......................................................................
Installing the components ...............................................................................................
Installing support for REST APIs ......................................................................................
Installing MD-SAL clustering ............................................................................................

Downloading and installing OpenDaylight

The default distribution can be found on the OpenDaylight software download page:
The Karaf distribution has no features enabled by default. However, all of the features are
available to be installed.

For compatibility reasons, you cannot enable all the features simultaneously.
We try to document known incompatibilities below.

Running the karaf distribution

To run the Karaf distribution:
1. Unzip the zip file.
2. Navigate to the directory.
3. run ./bin/karaf.
For Example:
$ ls distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium.zip
$ unzip distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium.zip
Archive: distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium.zip
creating: distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium/
creating: distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium/configuration/
creating: distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium/data/
creating: distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium/data/tmp/
creating: distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium/deploy/
creating: distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium/etc/
creating: distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium/externalapps/
inflating: distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium/bin/start.bat
inflating: distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium/bin/status.bat
inflating: distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium/bin/stop.bat
$ cd distribution-karaf-0.4.0-Beryllium
$ ./bin/karaf
.__ .__
\_____ \ ______
____ \______ \ _____ ___.__.| | |__| ____ | |___/ |_
\\____ \_/ __ \ /
\ |
| \\__ \<
| || | | |/ ___\| | \
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\/ __ \\___ || |_| / /_/ >
Y \ |


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


\_______ /
__/ \___ >___| /_______ (____ / ____||____/__\___ /|___| /__|

Press tab for a list of available commands

Typing [cmd] --help will show help for a specific command.
Press ctrl-d or type system:shutdown or logout to shutdown OpenDaylight.

Installing the components

The section describes a list of components in OpenDaylight Beryllium and the relevant Karaf
feature to install in order to enable that component.
To install a feature use the following command:

For Example:
feature:install <feature-name>

Multiple features can be installed using the following command:

feature:install <feature1-name> <feature2-name> ... <featureN-name>

Listing available features

To find the complete list of Karaf features, run the following command:

To list the installed Karaf features, run the following command:

feature:list -i

Installing support for REST APIs

Most components that offer REST APIs will automatically load the RESTCONF API Support
component, but if for whatever reason they seem to be missing, you can activate this
support by installing the odl-restconf feature.

Installing MD-SAL clustering

The MD-SAL clustering feature has "special" compatibility criteria. You must install
clustering, before other features are installed. To install clustering, run the following
command on the Karaf CLI console:
feature:install odl-mdsal-clustering

PartI.Getting to know OpenDaylight

OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


Table of Contents
OpenDaylight Overview .................................................................................................. 5
2. Using the OpenDaylight User Interface (DLUX) ............................................................ 6
Getting Started with DLUX ..................................................................................... 6
Logging In .............................................................................................................. 6
Working with DLUX ................................................................................................ 6
Viewing Network Statistics ...................................................................................... 7
Viewing Network Topology ..................................................................................... 7
Interacting with the YANG-based MD-SAL datastore ............................................... 8
3. Running XSQL Console Commands and Queries ......................................................... 15
XSQL Overview ...................................................................................................... 15
Installing XSQL ...................................................................................................... 15
XSQL Console Commands ...................................................................................... 15
XSQL Queries ........................................................................................................ 16
4. Setting Up Clustering ................................................................................................ 18
Clustering Overview .............................................................................................. 18
Single Node Clustering .......................................................................................... 18
Multiple Node Clustering ....................................................................................... 19
5. Security Considerations .............................................................................................. 24
Overview of OpenDaylight Security ....................................................................... 24
OpenDaylight Security Resources ........................................................................... 25
Deployment Recommendations ............................................................................. 25
Securing OSGi bundles ........................................................................................... 26
Securing the Karaf container ................................................................................. 26
Securing Southbound Plugins ................................................................................ 27
Securing OpenDaylight using AAA ......................................................................... 27
Security Considerations for Clustering .................................................................... 28

OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


OpenDaylight Overview
The OpenDaylight project is a collaborative open source project that aims to accelerate
adoption of Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and Network Functions Virtualization
(NFV) with a transparent approach that fosters new innovation.
OpenDaylight mainly consists of software designed to be run on top of a Java Virtual
Machine (JVM) and can be run on any operating system and hardware as there is a Java
Runtime Environment (JRE) available for it.
For a more detailed information about OpenDaylight, see the and OpenDaylight User Guie,
OpenDaylight Developer Guide.

OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


2. Using the OpenDaylight User Interface

Table of Contents
Getting Started with DLUX .............................................................................................
Logging In ......................................................................................................................
Working with DLUX ........................................................................................................
Viewing Network Statistics ..............................................................................................
Viewing Network Topology .............................................................................................
Interacting with the YANG-based MD-SAL datastore .......................................................


This section introduces you to the OpenDaylight User Experience (DLUX) application.

Getting Started with DLUX

DLUX provides a number of different Karaf features, which you can enable and disable
separately. In Beryllum they are: . odl-dlux-core . odl-dlux-node . odl-dlux-yangui . odl-dluxyangvisualizer

Logging In
To log in to DLUX, after installing the application:
1. Open a browser and enter the login URL http://<your-karaf-ip>:8181/index.html in your
browser (Chrome is recommended).
2. Login to the application with your username and password credentials.

OpenDaylights default credentials are admin for both the username and

Working with DLUX

After you login to DLUX, if you enable only odl-dlux-core feature, you will see only topology
application available in the left pane.

To make sure topology displays all the details, enable the odl-l2switch-switch
feature in Karaf.
DLUX has other applications such as node, yang UI and those apps wont show up, until
you enable their features odl-dlux-node and odl-dlux-yangui respectively in the Karaf

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Figure2.1.DLUX Modules

If you install your application in dlux, they will also show up on the left hand
navigation after browser page refresh.

Viewing Network Statistics

The Nodes module on the left pane enables you to view the network statistics and port
information for the switches in the network.
To use the Nodes module:
1. Select Nodes on the left pane. The right pane displays atable that lists all the nodes,
node connectors and the statistics.
2. Enter a node ID in the Search Nodes tab to search by node connectors.
3. Click on the Node Connector number to view details such as port ID, port name, number
of ports per switch, MAC Address, and so on.
4. Click Flows in the Statistics column to view Flow Table Statistics for the particular node
like table ID, packet match, active flows and so on.
5. Click Node Connectors to view Node Connector Statistics for the particular node ID.

Viewing Network Topology

The Topology tab displays a graphical representation of network topology created.

OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


DLUX does not allow for editing or adding topology information. The
topology is generated and edited in other modules, e.g., the OpenFlow plugin.
OpenDaylight stores this information in the MD-SAL datastore where DLUX can
read and display it.
To view network topology:
1. Select Topology on the left pane. You will view the graphical representation on the right
pane. In the diagram blue boxes represent the switches, the black represents the hosts
available, and lines represents how the switches and hosts are connected.
2. Hover your mouse on hosts, links, or switches to view source and destination ports.
3. Zoom in and zoom out using mouse scroll to verify topology for larger topologies.

Figure2.2.Topology Module

Interacting with the YANG-based MD-SAL

The Yang UI module enables you to interact with the YANG-based MD-SAL datastore. For
more information about YANG and how it interacts with the MD-SAL datastore, see the
Controller and YANG Tools section of the OpenDaylight Developer Guide.

OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


Figure2.3.Yang UI

To use Yang UI:

1. Select Yang UI on the left pane. The right pane is divided in two parts.
2. The top part displays a tree of APIs, subAPIs, and buttons to call possible functions (GET,

Not every subAPI can call every function. For example, subAPIs in the
operational store have GET functionality only.
Inputs can be filled from OpenDaylight when existing data from OpenDaylight is
displayed or can be filled by user on the page and sent to OpenDaylight.
Buttons under the API tree are variable. It depends on subAPI specifications. Common
buttons are:
GET to get data from OpenDaylight,
PUT and POST for sending data to OpenDaylight for saving
DELETE for sending data to OpenDaylight for deleting.
You must specify the xpath for all these operations. This path is displayed in the same
row before buttons and it may include text inputs for specific path element identifiers.

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February 21, 2016


Figure2.4.Yang API Specification

3. The bottom part of the right pane displays inputs according to the chosen subAPI.
Lists are handled as a special case. For example, a device can store multiple flows. In
this case "flow" is name of the list and every list element is identified by a unique key
value. Elements of a list can, in turn, contain other lists.
In Yang UI, each list element is rendered with the name of the list it belongs to, its key,
its value, and a button for removing it from the list.


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


Figure2.5.Yang UI API Specification

4. After filling in the relevant inputs, click the Show Preview button under the API tree to
display request that will be sent to OpenDaylight. A pane is displayed on the right side
with text of request when some input is filled.

Displaying Topology on the Yang UI

To display topology:
1. Select subAPI network-topology <topology revision number> == > operational == >
2. Get data from OpenDaylight by clicking on the "GET" button.
3. Click Display Topology.


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


Figure2.6.DLUX Yang Topology

Configuring List Elements on the Yang UI

Lists in Yang UI are displayed as trees. To expand or collapse a list, click the arrow before
name of the list. To configure list elements in Yang UI:
1. To add a new list element with empty inputs use the plus icon-button + that is provided
after list name.
2. To remove several list elements, use the X button that is provided after every list


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


Figure2.7.DLUX List Elements

3. In the YANG-based data store all elements of a list must have a unique key. If you try to
assign two or more elements the same key, a warning icon ! is displayed near their name

Figure2.8.DLUX List Warnings

4. When the list contains at least one list element, after the + icon, there are buttons to
select each individual list element. You can choose one of them by clicking on it. In


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


addition, to the right of the list name, there is a button which will display a vertically
scrollable pane with all the list elements.

Figure2.9.DLUX List Button1


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


3. Running XSQL Console Commands and

Table of Contents
XSQL Overview .............................................................................................................
Installing XSQL ..............................................................................................................
XSQL Console Commands ..............................................................................................
XSQL Queries ................................................................................................................


XSQL Overview
XSQL is an XML-based query language that describes simple stored procedures which parse
XML data, query or update database tables, and compose XML output. XSQL allows you to
query tree models like a sequential database. For example, you could run a query that lists
all of the ports configured on a particular module and their attributes.
The following sections cover the XSQL installation process, supported XSQL commands, and
the way to structure queries.

Installing XSQL
To run commands from the XSQL console, you must first install XSQL on your system:
1. Navigate to the directory in which you unzipped OpenDaylight
2. Start Karaf:

3. Install XSQL:
feature:install odl-mdsal-xsql

XSQL Console Commands

To enter a command in the XSQL console, structure the command as follows: odl:xsql
<XSQL command>
The following table describes the commands supported in this OpenDaylight release.

Table3.1.Supported XSQL Console Commands



Repeats the last command you executed.


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February 21, 2016


list vtables

Lists the schema node containers that are currently installed. Whenever an
OpenDaylight module is installed, its YANG model is placed in the schema context.
At that point, the XSQL receives a notification, confirms that the modules YANG
model resides in the schema context and then maps the model to XSQL by setting
up the necessary vtables and vfields. This command is useful when you need to
determine vtable information for a query.

list vfields <vtable name>

Lists the vfields present in a specific vtable. This command is useful when you need
to determine vfields information for a query.

jdbc <ip address>

When the ODL server is behind a firewall, and the JDBC client cannot connect to
the JDBC server, run this command to start the client as a server and establish a


Closes the console.


Enables or disables the forwarding of query output as a .csv file.

filename <filename>

Specifies the .tocsv file to which the query data is exported. If you do not specify a
value for this option when the toccsv option is enabled, the filename for the query
data file is generated automatically.

XSQL Queries
You can run a query to extract information that meets the criteria you specify using the
information provided by the list vtables and list vfields <vtable name> commands. Any
query you run should be structured as follows:
select <vfields you want to search for, separated by a comma and a space> from <vtables
you want to search in, separated by a comma and a space> where <criteria> *<criteria
For example, if you want to search the nodes/node ID field in the nodes/node-connector
table and find every instance of the Hardware-Address object that contains BA in its text
string, enter the following query:
select nodes/node.ID from nodes/node-connector where Hardware-Address like

The following criteria operators are supported:

Table3.2.Supported XSQL Query Criteria Operators

Criteria Operators


Lists results that equal the value you specify.


Lists results that do not equal the value you specify.


Lists results that contain the substring you specify. For example, if you specify like %BC%, every
string that contains that particular substring is displayed.


Lists results that are less than the value you specify.


Lists results that are more than the value you specify.


Lists results that match both values you specify.


Lists results that match either of the two values you specify.


Lists results that are more than or equal to the value you specify.

Lists results that are less than or equal to the value you specify.

is null

Lists results for which no value is assigned.

not null

Lists results for which any value is assigned.


Use this operator to list matching results from a child node, even if its parent node does not
meet the specified criteria. See the following example for more information.


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


Example: Skip Criteria Operator

If you are looking at the following structure and want to determine all of the ports that
belong to a YY type module:
Network Element 1
Module 1, Type XX
Module 1.1, Type YY
Port 1
Port 2
Module 2, Type YY
Port 1
Port 2
If you specify Module.Type=YY in your query criteria, the ports associated with module 1.1
will not be returned since its parent module is type XX. Instead, enter Module.Type=YY or
skip Module!=YY. This tells XSQL to disregard any parent module data that does not meet
the type YY criteria and collect results for any matching child modules. In this example, you
are instructing the query to skip module 1 and collect the relevant data from module 1.1.


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


4. Setting Up Clustering
Table of Contents
Clustering Overview ...................................................................................................... 18
Single Node Clustering .................................................................................................. 18
Multiple Node Clustering ............................................................................................... 19

Clustering Overview
Clustering is a mechanism that enables multiple processes and programs to work together
as one entity. For example, when you search for something on google.com, it may seem
like your search request is processed by only one web server. In reality, your search request
is processed by may web servers connected in a cluster. Similarly, you can have multiple
instances of OpenDaylight working together as one entity.
Advantages of clustering are:
Scaling: If you have multiple instances of OpenDaylight running, you can potentially do
more work and store more data than you could with only one instance. You can also
break up your data into smaller chunks (shards) and either distribute that data across the
cluster or perform certain operations on certain members of the cluster.
High Availability: If you have multiple instances of OpenDaylight running and one of
them crashes, you will still have the other instances working and available.
Data Persistence: You will not lose any data stored in OpenDaylight after a manual
restart or a crash.
The following sections describe how to set up clustering on both individual and multiple
OpenDaylight instances.

Single Node Clustering

To enable clustering on a single instance of OpenDaylight, perform the following steps:
1. Download, unzip, and run the OpenDaylight distribution
2. Install the clustering feature:
feature:install odl-mdsal-clustering

This will enabled the cluster-ready version of the MD-SAL data store, but will
not actually create a cluster of multiple instances. The result is that you will get
data persistence, but not the scaling or high availability advantages.

OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


Multiple Node Clustering

The following sections describe how to set up multiple node clusters in OpenDaylight.

Deployment Considerations
To implement clustering, the deployment considerations are as follows:
To set up a cluster with multiple nodes, we recommend that you use a minimum of three
machines. You can set up a cluster with just two nodes. However, if one of the two
nodes fail, the cluster will not be operational.

This is because clustering in OpenDaylight requires a majority of the nodes to
be up and one node cannot be a majority of two nodes.
Every device that belongs to a cluster needs to have an identifier. OpenDaylight uses the
nodes role for this purpose. After you define the first nodes role as member-1 in the
akka.conf file, OpenDaylight uses member-1 to identify that node.
Data shards are used to contain all or a certain segment of a OpenDaylights MD-SAL
datastore. For example, one shard can contain all the inventory data while another shard
contains all of the topology data.
If you do not specify a module in the modules.conf file and do not specify a shard
in module-shards.conf, then (by default) all the data is placed in the default
shard (which must also be defined in module-shards.conf file). Each shard has
replicas configured. You can specify the details of where the replicas reside in moduleshards.conf file.
If you have a three node cluster and would like to be able to tolerate any single node
crashing, a replica of every defined data shard must be running on all three cluster

This is because OpenDaylights clustering implementation requires a majority
of the defined shard replicas to be running in order to function. If you define
data shard replicas on two of the cluster nodes and one of those nodes goes
down, the corresponding data shards will not function.
If you have a three node cluster and have defined replicas for a data shard on each
of those nodes, that shard will still function even if only two of the cluster nodes are
running. Note that if one of those remaining two nodes goes down, the shard will not be
It is recommended that you have multiple seed nodes configured. After a cluster member
is started, it sends a message to all of its seed nodes. The cluster member then sends a
join command to the first seed node that responds. If none of its seed nodes reply, the
cluster member repeats this process until it successfully establishes a connection or it is
shut down.


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


After a node is unreachable, it remains down for configurable period of time (10
seconds, by default). Once a node goes down, you need to restart it so that it can rejoin
the cluster. Once a restarted node joins a cluster, it will synchronize with the lead node

Setting Up a Multiple Node Cluster

To run OpenDaylight in a three node cluster, perform the following:
First, determine the three machines that will make up the cluster. After that, do the
following on each machine:
1. Copy the OpenDaylight distribution zip file to the machine.
2. Unzip the distribution.
3. Open the following .conf files:
4. In each configuration file, make the following changes:
a. Find every instance of the following lines and replace with the hostname or
IP address of the machine on which this file resides and OpenDaylight will run:
netty.tcp {
hostname = ""

The value you need to specify will be different for each node in the
b. Find the following lines and replace with the hostname or IP address of any
of the machines that will be part of the cluster:
cluster {
seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://[email protected]:2550"]

c. Find the following section and specify the role for each member node. Here we assign
the first node with the member-1 role, the second node with the member-2 role, and
the third node with the member-3 role:
roles = [

This step should use a different role on each node.
d. Open the configuration/initial/module-shards.conf file and update the replicas so that
each shard is replicated to all three nodes:


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


replicas = [

For reference, view a sample config files below.

5. Move into the <karaf-distribution-directory>/bin directory.
6. Run the following command:

7. Enable clustering by running the following command at the Karaf command line:
feature:install odl-mdsal-clustering

OpenDaylight should now be running in a three node cluster. You can use any of the three
member nodes to access the data residing in the datastore.

Sample Config Files

Sample akka.conf file.
odl-cluster-data {
bounded-mailbox {
mailbox-type = "org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.common.actor.
mailbox-capacity = 1000
mailbox-push-timeout-time = 100ms
metric-capture-enabled = true
akka {
loglevel = "DEBUG"
loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"]
actor {
provider = "akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider"
serializers {
java = "akka.serialization.JavaSerializer"
proto = "akka.remote.serialization.ProtobufSerializer"
serialization-bindings {
"com.google.protobuf.Message" = proto
remote {
log-remote-lifecycle-events = off
netty.tcp {
hostname = ""
port = 2550
maximum-frame-size = 419430400


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


send-buffer-size = 52428800
receive-buffer-size = 52428800
cluster {
seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://[email protected]:2550"]
auto-down-unreachable-after = 10s
roles = [
odl-cluster-rpc {
bounded-mailbox {
mailbox-type = "org.opendaylight.controller.cluster.common.actor.
mailbox-capacity = 1000
mailbox-push-timeout-time = 100ms
metric-capture-enabled = true
akka {
loglevel = "INFO"
loggers = ["akka.event.slf4j.Slf4jLogger"]
actor {
provider = "akka.cluster.ClusterActorRefProvider"
remote {
log-remote-lifecycle-events = off
netty.tcp {
hostname = ""
port = 2551
cluster {
seed-nodes = ["akka.tcp://[email protected]:2551"]
auto-down-unreachable-after = 10s

Sample module-shards.conf file.

module-shards = [
name = "default"
shards = [


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016

replicas = [
name = "topology"
shards = [
replicas = [
name = "inventory"
shards = [
replicas = [
name = "toaster"
shards = [
replicas = [



OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


5. Security Considerations
Table of Contents
Overview of OpenDaylight Security ...............................................................................
OpenDaylight Security Resources ...................................................................................
Deployment Recommendations .....................................................................................
Securing OSGi bundles ...................................................................................................
Securing the Karaf container .........................................................................................
Securing Southbound Plugins ........................................................................................
Securing OpenDaylight using AAA .................................................................................
Security Considerations for Clustering ............................................................................


This document discusses the various security issues that might affect OpenDaylight. The
document also lists specific recommendations to mitigate security risks.
This document also contains information about the corrective steps you can take if you
discover a security issue with OpenDaylight, and if necessary, contact the Security Response
Team, which is tasked with identifying and resolving security threats.

Overview of OpenDaylight Security

There are many different kinds of security vulnerabilities that could affect an OpenDaylight
deployment, but this guide focuses on those where (a) the servers, virtual machines or
other devices running OpenDaylight have been properly physically (or virtually in the
case of VMs) secured against untrusted individuals and (b) individuals who have access,
either via remote logins or physically, will not attempt to attack or subvert the deployment
intentionally or otherwise.
While those attack vectors are real, they are out of the scope of this document.
What remains in scope is attacks launched from a server, virtual machine, or device other
than the one running OpenDaylight where the attack does not have valid credentials to
access the OpenDaylight deployment.
The rest of this document gives specific recommendations for deploying OpenDaylight in a
secure manner, but first we highlight some high-level security advantages of OpenDaylight.
Separating the control and management planes from the data plane (both logically
and, in many cases, physically) allows possible security threats to be forced into a smaller
attack surface.
Having centralized information and network control gives network administrators more
visibility and control over the entire network, enabling them to make better decisions
faster. At the same time, centralization of network control can be an advantage only if
access to that control is secure.


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


While both previous advantages improve security, they also make
an OpenDaylight deployment an attractive target for attack making
understanding these security considerations even more important.
The ability to more rapidly evolve southbound protocols and how they are used provides
more and faster mechanisms to enact appropriate security mitigations and remediations.
OpenDaylight is built from OSGi bundles and the Karaf Java container. Both Karaf and
OSGi provide some level of isolation with explicit code boundaries, package imports,
package exports, and other security-related features.
OpenDaylight has a history of rapidly addressing known vulnerabilities and a well-defined
process for reporting and dealing with them.

OpenDaylight Security Resources

If you have any security issues, you can send a mail to [email protected].
For the list of current OpenDaylight security issues that are either being fixed or resolved,
refer to https://wiki.opendaylight.org/view/Security_Advisories.
To learn more about the OpenDaylight security issues policies and procedure, refer to

Deployment Recommendations
We recommend that you follow the deployment guidelines in setting up OpenDaylight to
minimize security threats.
The default credentials should be changed before deploying OpenDaylight.
OpenDaylight should be deployed in a private network that cannot be accessed from the
Separate the data network (that connects devices using the network) from the
management network (that connects the network devices to OpenDaylight).

Deploying OpenDaylight on a separate, private management network
does not eliminate threats, but only mitigates them. By construction, some
messages must flow from the data network to the management network,
e.g., OpenFlow packet_in messages, and these create an attack surface
even if it is a small one.
Implement an authentication policy for devices that connect to both the data and
management network. These are the devices which bridge, likely untrusted, traffic from
the data network to the management network.


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


Securing OSGi bundles

OSGi is a Java-specific framework that improves the way that Java classes interact
within a single JVM. It provides an enhanced version of the java.lang.SecurityManager
(ConditionalPermissionAdmin) in terms of security.
Java provides a security framework that allows a security policy to grant permissions, such
as reading a file or opening a network connection, to specific code. The code maybe classes
from the jarfile loaded from a specific URL, or a class signed by a specific key. OSGi builds
on the standard Java security model to add the following features:
A set of OSGi-specific permission types, such as one that grants the right to register an
OSGi service or get an OSGi service from the service registry.
The ability to dynamically modify permissions at runtime. This includes the ability to
specify permissions by using code rather than a text configuration file.
A flexible predicate-based approach to determining which rules are applicable to which
ProtectionDomain. This approach is much more powerful than the standard Java
security policy which can only grant rights based on a jarfile URL or class signature. A few
standard predicates are provided, including selecting rules based upon bundle symbolicname.
Support for bundle local permissions policies with optional further constraints
such as DENY operations. Most of this functionality is accessed by using the OSGi
ConditionalPermissionAdmin service which is part of the OSGi core and can be obtained
from the OSGi service registry. The ConditionalPermissionAdmin API replaces the
earlier PermissionAdmin API.
For more information, refer to http://www.osgi.org/Main/HomePage.

Securing the Karaf container

Apache Karaf is a OSGi-based runtime platform which provides a lightweight container
for OpenDaylight and applications. Apache Karaf uses either Apache Felix Framework
or Eclipse Equinox OSGi frameworks, and provide additional features on top of the
Apache Karaf provides a security framework based on Java Authentication and
Authorization Service (JAAS) in compliance with OSGi recommendations, while providing
RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) mechanism for the console and Java Management
Extensions (JMX).
The Apache Karaf security framework is used internally to control the access to the
following components:
OSGi services
console commands
JMX layer

OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


The remote management capabilities are present in Apache Karaf by default, however they
can be disabled by using various configuration alterations. These configuration options may
be applied to the OpenDaylight Karaf distribution.

Refer to the following list of publications for more information on
implementing security for the Karaf container.
For role-based JMX administration, refer to http://karaf.apache.org/manual/latest/usersguide/monitoring.html.
For remote SSH access configuration, refer to http://karaf.apache.org/manual/latest/
For WebConsole access, refer to http://karaf.apache.org/manual/latest/users-guide/
For Karaf security features, refer to http://karaf.apache.org/manual/latest/developersguide/security-framework.html.

Disabling the remote shutdown port

You can lock down your deployment post installation. Set karaf.shutdown.port=-1 in etc/
custom.properties or etc/config.properties to disable the remote shutdown

Securing Southbound Plugins

Many individual southbound plugins provide mechanisms to secure their communication
with network devices. For example, the OpenFlow plugin supports TLS connections with
bi-directional authentication and the NETCONF plugin supports connecting over SSH.
Meanwhile, the Unified Secure Channel plugin provides a way to form secure, remote
connections for supported devices.
When deploying OpenDaylight, you should carefully investigate the secure mechanisms to
connect to devices using the relevant plugins.

Securing OpenDaylight using AAA

AAA stands for Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting. All three of can help
improve the security posture of and OpenDaylight deployment. In this release, only
authentication is fully supported, while authorization is an experimental feature and
accounting remains a work in progress.
The vast majority of OpenDaylights northbound APIs (and all RESTCONF APIs) are
protected by AAA by default when installing the odl-restconf feature. In the cases that
APIs are not protected by AAA, this will be noted in the per-project release notes.
By default, OpenDaylight has only one user account with the username and password
admin. This should be changed before deploying OpenDaylight.

OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


Security Considerations for Clustering

While OpenDaylight clustering provides many benefits including high availability, scaleout performance, and data durability, it also opens a new attack surface in the form of the
messages exchanged between the various instances of OpenDaylight in the cluster. In the
current OpenDaylight release, these messages are neither encrypted nor authenticated
meaning that anyone with access to the management network where OpenDaylight
exchanges these clustering messages can forge and/or read the messages. This means that
if clustering is enabled, it is even more important that the management network be kept
secure from any untrusted entities.


PartII.Project-specific Installation Guides

OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


Table of Contents
6. OpFlex agent-ovs Install Guide ...................................................................................
Required Packages ................................................................................................
Host Networking Configuration .............................................................................
OVS Bridge Configuration .....................................................................................
Agent Configuration .............................................................................................
7. OVSDB OpenStack Installation Guide .........................................................................
Overview ...............................................................................................................
Preparing for Installation .......................................................................................
Installing OVSDB OpenStack ..................................................................................
Verifying your Installation .....................................................................................
Uninstalling OVSDB OpenStack ..............................................................................
8. OVSDB Service Function Chaining Installation Guide ..................................................
Overview ...............................................................................................................
Preparing for Installation .......................................................................................
Installing OVSDB Service Function Chaining ...........................................................
Verifying your Installation .....................................................................................
Uninstalling OVSDB Service Function Chaining .......................................................
9. OVSDB NetVirt Hardware VTEP Installation Guide .....................................................
Overview ...............................................................................................................
Preparing for Installation .......................................................................................
Installing OVSDB NetVirt Hardware VTEP ..............................................................
Verifying your Installation .....................................................................................
Uninstalling OVSDB NetVirt Hardware VTEP ..........................................................
10. TSDR H2 Default Datastore Installation Guide ..........................................................
Overview ...............................................................................................................
Pre Requisites for Installing TSDR with default H2 datastore ...................................
Preparing for Installation .......................................................................................
Installing TSDR with default H2 datastore .............................................................
Verifying your Installation .....................................................................................
Post Installation Configuration ..............................................................................
Upgrading From a Previous Release .......................................................................
Uninstalling TSDR with default H2 datastore .........................................................
11. TSDR HBase Data Store Installation Guide ................................................................
Overview ...............................................................................................................
Prerequisites for Installing TSDR HBase Data Store .................................................
Preparing for Installation .......................................................................................
Installing TSDR HBase Data Store ..........................................................................
Verifying your Installation .....................................................................................
Post Installation Configuration ..............................................................................
Upgrading From a Previous Release .......................................................................
Uninstalling HBase Data Store ...............................................................................
12. VTN Installation Guide .............................................................................................
Overview ...............................................................................................................
Preparing for Installation .......................................................................................
Installing VTN ........................................................................................................
Verifying your Installation .....................................................................................
Uninstalling VTN ...................................................................................................



OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


6. OpFlex agent-ovs Install Guide

Table of Contents
Required Packages ........................................................................................................
Host Networking Configuration .....................................................................................
OVS Bridge Configuration .............................................................................................
Agent Configuration .....................................................................................................


Required Packages
Youll need to install the following packages and their dependencies:
Packages are available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 and Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Some of the
examples below are specific to RHEL7 but you can run the equivalent commands for upstart
instead of systemd.
Note that many of these steps may be performed automatically if youre deploying this
along with a larger orchestration system.

Host Networking Configuration

Youll need to set up your VM host uplink interface. You should ensure that the MTU of
the underlying network is sufficient to handle tunneled traffic. We will use an example of
setting up eth0 as your uplink interface with a vlan of 4093 used for the networking control
infrastructure and tunnel data plane.
We just need to set the MTU and disable IPv4 and IPv6 autoconfiguration. The MTU needs
to be large enough to allow both the VXLAN header and VLAN tags to pass through
without fragmenting for best performance. Well use 1600 bytes which should be sufficient
assuming you are using a default 1500 byte MTU on your virtual machine traffic. If you
already have any NetworkManager connections configured for your uplink interface find
the connection name and proceed to the next step. Otherwise, create a connection with
(be sure to update the variable UPLINK_IFACE as needed):


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


nmcli c add type ethernet ifname $UPLINK_IFACE

Now, configure your interface as follows:

nmcli connection mod "$CONNECTION_NAME" connection.autoconnect yes \
ipv4.method link-local \
ipv6.method ignore \
802-3-ethernet.mtu 9000 \
ipv4.routes ' 2000'

Then bring up the interface with

nmcli connection up "$CONNECTION_NAME"

Next, create the infrastructure interface using the infrastructure VLAN (4093 by default).
Well need to create a vlan subinterface of your uplink interface, the configure DHCP
on that interface. Run the following commands. Be sure to replace the variable values if
needed. If youre not using NIC teaming, replace the variable team0 below
nmcli connection add type vlan ifname $UPLINK_IFACE.$INFRA_VLAN dev
nmcli connection mod vlan-$UPLINK_IFACE.$INFRA_VLAN \
ethernet.mtu 1600 ipv4.routes ' 1000'
sed "s/CLIENT_ID/01:$(ip link show $UPLINK_IFACE | awk '/ether/ {print $2}')/"
> /etc/dhcp/dhclient-$UPLINK_IFACE.$INFRA_VLAN.conf <<EOF
send dhcp-client-identifier CLIENT_ID;
request subnet-mask, domain-name, domain-name-servers, host-name;

Now bring up the new interface with:

nmcli connection up vlan-$UPLINK_IFACE.$INFRA_VLAN

If you were successful, you should be able to see an IP address when you run:
ip addr show dev $UPLINK_IFACE.$INFRA_VLAN

OVS Bridge Configuration

Well need to configure an OVS bridge which will handle the traffic for any virtual machines
or containers that are hosted on the VM host. First, enable the openvswitch service and
start it:
# systemctl enable openvswitch
ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/openvswitch.service' '/etc/systemd/system/
# systemctl start openvswitch
# systemctl status openvswitch
openvswitch.service - Open vSwitch
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/openvswitch.service; enabled)
Active: active (exited) since Fri 2014-12-12 17:20:13 PST; 3s ago
Process: 3053 ExecStart=/bin/true (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Main PID: 3053 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
Dec 12 17:20:13 ovs-server.cisco.com systemd[1]: Started Open vSwitch.


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


Next, we can create an OVS bridge (you may wish to use a different bridge name):
# ovs-vsctl add-br br0
# ovs-vsctl show
Bridge "br0"
Port "br0"
Interface "br0"
type: internal
ovs_version: "2.3.90"

Next, we configure a tunnel interface on our new bridge as follows:

# ovs-vsctl add-port br0 br0_vxlan0 -- \
set Interface br0_vxlan0 type=vxlan \
options:remote_ip=flow options:key=flow options:dst_port=8472
# ovs-vsctl show
Bridge "br0"
Port "br0_vxlan0"
Interface "br0_vxlan0"
type: vxlan
options: {dst_port="8472", key=flow, remote_ip=flow}
Port "br0"
Interface "br0"
type: internal
ovs_version: "2.3.90"

Open vSwitch is now configured and ready.

Agent Configuration
Before enabling the agent, well need to edit its configuration file, which is located at "/etc/
First, well configure the Opflex protocol parameters. If youre using an ACI fabric, youll
need the OpFlex domain from the ACI configuration, which is the name of the VMM
domain you mapped to the interface for this hypervisor. Set the "domain" field to this
value. Next, set the "name" field to a hostname or other unique identifier for the VM host.
Finally, set the "peers" list to contain the fixed static anycast peer address of and
port 8009. Here is an example of a completed section (bold text shows areas youll need to
"opflex": {
// The globally unique policy domain for this agent.
"domain": "[CHANGE ME]",
// The unique name in the policy domain for this agent.
"name": "[CHANGE ME]",
// a list of peers to connect to, by hostname and port. One
// peer, or an anycast pseudo-peer, is sufficient to bootstrap
// the connection without needing an exhaustive list of all
// peers.
"peers": [
{"hostname": "", "port": 8009}


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


"ssl": {
// SSL mode. Possible values:
// disabled: communicate without encryption
// encrypted: encrypt but do not verify peers
// secure: encrypt and verify peer certificates
"mode": "encrypted",
// The path to a directory containing trusted certificate
// authority public certificates, or a file containing a
// specific CA certificate.
"ca-store": "/etc/ssl/certs/"

Next, configure the appropriate policy renderer for the ACI fabric. Youll want to use a
stitched-mode renderer. Youll need to configure the bridge name and the uplink interface
name. The remote anycast IP address will need to be obtained from the ACI configuration
console, but unless the configuration is unusual, it will be
// Renderers enforce policy obtained via OpFlex.
"renderers": {
// Stitched-mode renderer for interoperating with a
// hardware fabric such as ACI
"stitched-mode": {
"ovs-bridge-name": "br0",
// Set encapsulation type. Must set either vxlan or vlan.
"encap": {
// Encapsulate traffic with VXLAN.
"vxlan" : {
// The name of the tunnel interface in OVS
"encap-iface": "br0_vxlan0",
// The name of the interface whose IP should be used
// as the source IP in encapsulated traffic.
"uplink-iface": "eth0.4093",
// The vlan tag, if any, used on the uplink interface.
// Set to zero or omit if the uplink is untagged.
"uplink-vlan": 4093,
// The IP address used for the destination IP in
// the encapsulated traffic. This should be an
// anycast IP address understood by the upstream
// stitched-mode fabric.
"remote-ip": ""
// Configure forwarding policy
"forwarding": {
// Configure the virtual distributed router
"virtual-router": {
// Enable virtual distributed router. Set to true
// to enable or false to disable. Default true.
"enabled": true,
// Override MAC address for virtual router.
// Default is "00:22:bd:f8:19:ff"
"mac": "00:22:bd:f8:19:ff",


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


// Configure IPv6-related settings for the virtual

// router
"ipv6" : {
// Send router advertisement messages in
// response to router solicitation requests as
// well as unsolicited advertisements.
"router-advertisement": true
// Configure virtual distributed DHCP server
"virtual-dhcp": {
// Enable virtual distributed DHCP server. Set to
// true to enable or false to disable. Default
// true.
"enabled": true,
// Override MAC address for virtual dhcp server.
// Default is "00:22:bd:f8:19:ff"
"mac": "00:22:bd:f8:19:ff"
// Location to store cached IDs for managing flow state
"flowid-cache-dir": "DEFAULT_FLOWID_CACHE_DIR"

Finally, enable the agent service:

# systemctl enable agent-ovs
ln -s '/usr/lib/systemd/system/agent-ovs.service' '/etc/systemd/system/multiuser.target.wants/agent-ovs.service'
# systemctl start agent-ovs
# systemctl status agent-ovs
agent-ovs.service - Opflex OVS Agent
Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/agent-ovs.service; enabled)
Active: active (running) since Mon 2014-12-15 10:03:42 PST; 5min ago
Main PID: 6062 (agent_ovs)
CGroup: /system.slice/agent-ovs.service
##6062 /usr/bin/agent_ovs

The agent is now running and ready to enforce policy. You can add endpoints to the local
VM hosts using the OpFlex Group-based policy plugin from OpenStack, or manually.


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


7. OVSDB OpenStack Installation Guide

Table of Contents
Overview .......................................................................................................................
Preparing for Installation ...............................................................................................
Installing OVSDB OpenStack ..........................................................................................
Verifying your Installation .............................................................................................
Uninstalling OVSDB OpenStack ......................................................................................


This guide is geared towards installing OpenDaylight to use the OVSDB project to provide
Neutron support for OpenStack.
Open vSwitch (OVS) is generally accepted as the unofficial standard for Virtual Switching in
the Open hypervisor based solutions. For information on OVS, see Open vSwitch.
With OpenStack within the SDN context, controllers and applications interact using two
channels: OpenFlow and OVSDB. OpenFlow addresses the forwarding-side of the OVS
functionality. OVSDB, on the other hand, addresses the management-plane. A simple
and concise overview of Open Virtual Switch Database (OVSDB) is available at: http://

Preparing for Installation

Follow the instructions in Getting and Installing OpenDaylight.

Installing OVSDB OpenStack

Install the required features with the following command:
feature:install odl-ovsdb-openstack

Sample output from the Karaf console

opendaylight-user@root>feature:list -i | grep ovsdb
| 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
OpenDaylight :: southbound :: api
| 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
OpenDaylight :: southbound :: impl
| 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
OpenDaylight :: southbound :: impl :: REST
| 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
OpenDaylight :: southbound :: impl :: UI


| x

| odl-

| x

| odl-

| x

| odl-

| x

| odl-

OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016

| 1.1.0-SNAPSHOT
OpenDaylight :: OVSDB :: OpenStack Network Virtual


| x

| ovsdb-1.

Verifying your Installation

To verify that the installation was successful, use the following command in karaf and check
that there are no errors logs relating to odl-ovsdb-openstack.

There is no easy way to troubleshoot an installation of odl-ovsdb-openstack. Perhaps a
combination of log:display | grep -i ovsdb in karaf, Open vSwitch commands (ovs-vsctl) and
OpenStack logs will be useful but will not explain everything.

Uninstalling OVSDB OpenStack

1. Shutdown the karaf instance:

2. Remove what is in the /data folder of the OpenDaylight Distribution.


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


8. OVSDB Service Function Chaining

Installation Guide
Table of Contents
Overview .......................................................................................................................
Preparing for Installation ...............................................................................................
Installing OVSDB Service Function Chaining ...................................................................
Verifying your Installation .............................................................................................
Uninstalling OVSDB Service Function Chaining ...............................................................



Preparing for Installation

Follow the instructions in Getting and Installing OpenDaylight.

Installing OVSDB Service Function Chaining

Install the required features with the following command:
feature:install odl-ovsdb-sfc-ui

Sample output from the Karaf console


Verifying your Installation

To verify that the installation was successful, use the following command in karaf and check
that there are no error logs relating to odl-ovsdb-sfc


Uninstalling OVSDB Service Function Chaining

1. Shutdown the karaf instance:


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016

2. Remove what is in the /data folder of the OpenDaylight Distribution.



OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


9. OVSDB NetVirt Hardware VTEP Installation

Table of Contents
Overview .......................................................................................................................
Preparing for Installation ...............................................................................................
Installing OVSDB NetVirt Hardware VTEP ......................................................................
Verifying your Installation .............................................................................................
Uninstalling OVSDB NetVirt Hardware VTEP ..................................................................



Preparing for Installation

Follow the instructions in Getting and Installing OpenDaylight.

Installing OVSDB NetVirt Hardware VTEP

Install the required features with the following command:
feature:install odl-ovsdb-netvirt-hwvtep

Sample output from the Karaf console


Verifying your Installation

To verify that the installation was successful, use the following command in karaf and check
that there are no error logs relating to odl-ovsdb-netvirt-hwvtep


Uninstalling OVSDB NetVirt Hardware VTEP

1. Shutdown the karaf instance:


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016

2. Remove what is in the /data folder of the OpenDaylight Distribution.



OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


10. TSDR H2 Default Datastore Installation

Table of Contents
Overview .......................................................................................................................
Pre Requisites for Installing TSDR with default H2 datastore ..........................................
Preparing for Installation ...............................................................................................
Installing TSDR with default H2 datastore .....................................................................
Verifying your Installation .............................................................................................
Post Installation Configuration ......................................................................................
Upgrading From a Previous Release ...............................................................................
Uninstalling TSDR with default H2 datastore .................................................................


This document is for the user to install the artifacts that are needed for using Time Series
Data Repository (TSDR) functionality in the ODL Controller by enabling the default JPA (H2)
Datastore. TSDR is new functionality added in OpenDaylight in Lithium Release.

In Lithium Release the time deries data records of OpenFlow statistics are collected
periodically and stored in a persistent store. For non-production usage, the bundled default
JPA based datastore (H2) is utilized based on odl-tsdr-all feature installation. The TSDR
records get persisted in H2 store in <install folder>/tsdr/ folder by default.

Pre Requisites for Installing TSDR with default H2

There are no additional pre-requisites for TSDR based on default datastore

Preparing for Installation

No additional steps required for preparation of installing TSDR feature

Installing TSDR with default H2 datastore

Once OpenDaylight distribution is up, from karaf console install the TSDR feature with
default datastore (JPA based datastore H2 store used) can be installed by
feature:install odl-tsdr-all
This will install all dependency features (and can take sometime) before returning control
to the console.

OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


Verifying your Installation

If the feature install was successful you should be able to see the following tsdr commands
tsdr:list tsdr:purgeAll

Check the ../data/log/karaf.log for any exception related to TSDR or JPA related features

Post Installation Configuration

The feature installation takes care of automated configuration of the datasource by
installing a file in <install folder>/etc named org.ops4j.datasource-metric.cfg. This contains
the default location of <install folder>/tsdr where the H2 datastore files are stored. If you
want to change the default location of the datastore files to some other location update
the last portion of the url property in the org.ops4j.datasource-metric.cfg and then restart
the karaf container

Upgrading From a Previous Release

Lithium being the first release supporting TSDR functionality, only fresh installation is
possible.However if you want to move to production usage by enabling the store HBase for
TSDR usage, you can do it by uninstalling the TSDR with default H2 datastore, restarting
the Karaf container and then enabling the TSDR with HBase store as documented in tsdrhbase-install.doc

Uninstalling TSDR with default H2 datastore

To uninstall the TSDR functionality with the default store, you need to do the following
from karaf console * feature:uninstall odl-tsdr-all * feature:uninstall odl-tsdr-core *
feature:uninstall odl-tsdr-H2-persistence
Its recommended to restart the Karaf container after uninstallation of the TSDR
functionality with the default store


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


11. TSDR HBase Data Store Installation Guide

Table of Contents
Overview .......................................................................................................................
Prerequisites for Installing TSDR HBase Data Store .........................................................
Preparing for Installation ...............................................................................................
Installing TSDR HBase Data Store ..................................................................................
Verifying your Installation .............................................................................................
Post Installation Configuration ......................................................................................
Upgrading From a Previous Release ...............................................................................
Uninstalling HBase Data Store .......................................................................................


This document is for the user to install the artifacts that are needed for using HBase Data
Store in Time Series Data Repository, which is a new feature available in OpenDaylight
Lithium release.

The Time Series Data Repository (TSDR) project in OpenDaylight (ODL) creates a
framework for collecting, storing, querying, and maintaining time series data in the
OpenDaylight SDN controller. It contains the following services and components:
Data Collection Service
Data Storage Service
TSDR Persistence Layer with data stores as plugins
TSDR Data Stores
Data Query Service
Data Aggregation Service
Data Purging Service
Data Collection Service handles the collection of time series data into TSDR and hands it
over to Data Storage Service. Data Storage Service stores the data into TSDR through TSDR
Persistence Layer. TSDR Persistence Layer provides generic Service APIs allowing various
data stores to be plugged in. Data Aggregation Service aggregates time series fine-grained
raw data into course-grained roll-up data to control the size of the data. Data Purging
Service periodically purges both fine-grained raw data and course-granined aggregated
data according to user-defined schedules.
In Lithium, we implemented Data Collection Service, Data Storage Service, TSDR Persistence
Layer, TSDR HBase Data Store, and TSDR H2 Data Store. Among these services and
components, time series data is communicated using a common TSDR data model, which
is designed and implemented for the abstraction of the time series data commonalities.

OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


With these functions, TSDR will be able to collect the data from the data sources and store
them into one of the TSDR data stores: either HBase Data Store or H2 Data Store. We also
provided a simple query command from Karaf console for the user to retrieve TSDR data
from the data stores.
A future release will contain Data Aggregation service, Data Purging Service, and a fullfledged Data Query Service with Norghbound APIs.

Prerequisites for Installing TSDR HBase Data Store

The hardware requirements are the same as those for standard ODL controller installation.
The software requirements for TSDR HBase Data Store are as follows:
The supported operating system for TSDR HBase Data Store is Linux. We do not support
TSDR HBase Data Store on Windows.
Besides the software that ODL requires, we also require HBase database running on top
of Hadoop single node.

Preparing for Installation

Download HBase (version number to be finalized) from the following website.

Installing TSDR HBase Data Store

Installing TSDR HBase Data Store contains two steps:
Installing HBase server, and
Installing TSDR HBase Data Store features from ODL Karaf console.
This installation guide will only cover the first step. For installing TSDR HBase Data Store
features, please refer to TSDR HBase Data Store User Guide.
In Lithium, we only support HBase single node running together on the same machine as
ODL controller. Therefore, follow the steps to download and install HBase server onto the
same box as where ODL controller is running:
Create a folder in Linux operating system for the HBase server.
For example, create an hbase directory under /usr/lib:
mkdir /usr/lib/hbase

Unzip the downloaded HBase server tar file.

Run the following command to unzip the installation package:
tar xvf <hbase-installer-name>



OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


Make proper changes in hbase-site.xml

a. Under <hbase-install-directory>/conf/, there is a hbase-site.xml. Although it is not
recommended, an experience user with HBase canmodify the data directory for hbase
server to store the data.
b. Modify the value of the property with name "hbase.rootdir" in the file to reflect the
desired file directory for storing hbase data.
The following is an example of the file:

Verifying your Installation

After the HBase server is properly installed, start hbase server and hbase shell.
a. start hbase server
cd <hbase-installation-directory>

b. start hbase shell

cd <hbase-insatllation-directory>
./hbase shell

Post Installation Configuration

Please refer to HBase Data Store User Guide.

Upgrading From a Previous Release

Lithium is the first release of TSDR. Upgrading is not applicable for TSDR Lithium release.

Uninstalling HBase Data Store

To uninstall TSDR HBase Data Store,
a. stop hbase server
cd <hbase-installation-directory>

b. remove the file directory that contains the HBase server installation.

OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016

rm -r <hbase-installation-directory>



OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


12. VTN Installation Guide

Table of Contents
Overview .......................................................................................................................
Preparing for Installation ...............................................................................................
Installing VTN ................................................................................................................
Verifying your Installation .............................................................................................
Uninstalling VTN ...........................................................................................................


OpenDaylight Virtual Tenant Network (VTN) is an application that provides multi-tenant
virtual network on an SDN controller.
Conventionally, huge investment in the network systems and operating expenses are
needed because the network is configured as a silo for each department and system.
Therefore various network appliances must be installed for each tenant and those boxes
cannot be shared with others. It is a heavy work to design, implement and operate the
entire complex network.
The uniqueness of VTN is a logical abstraction plane. This enables the complete separation
of logical plane from physical plane. Users can design and deploy any desired network
without knowing the physical network topology or bandwidth restrictions.
VTN allows the users to define the network with a look and feel of conventional L2/L3
network. Once the network is designed on VTN, it will automatically be mapped into
underlying physical network, and then configured on the individual switch leverage SDN
control protocol. The definition of logical plane makes it possible not only to hide the
complexity of the underlying network but also to better manage network resources.
It achieves reducing reconfiguration time of network services and minimizing network
configuration errors. OpenDaylight Virtual Tenant Network (VTN) is an application that
provides multi-tenant virtual network on an SDN controller. It provides API for creating a
common virtual network irrespective of the physical network.
It is implemented as two major components
VTN Manager
VTN Coordinator

VTN Manager
An OpenDaylight Controller Plugin that interacts with other modules to implement
the components of the VTN model. It also provides a REST interface to configure VTN
components in ODL controller. VTN Manager is implemented as one plugin to the
OpenDaylight controller. This provides a REST interface to create/update/delete VTN
components. The user command in VTN Coordinator is translated as REST API to VTN

OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


Manager by the ODC Driver component. In addition to the above mentioned role, it also
provides an implementation to the OpenStack L2 Network Functions API.

VTN Coordinator
The VTN Coordinator is an external application that provides a REST interface for a
user to use the VTN Virtualization. It interacts with VTN Manager plugin to implement
the user configuration. It is also capable of multiple controller orchestration. It realizes
Virtual Tenant Network (VTN) provisioning in OpenDaylight Controllers (ODC). In
the OpenDaylight architecture VTN Coordinator is part of the network application,
orchestration and services layer. VTN Coordinator has been implemented as an external
application to the OpenDaylight controller. This component is responsible for the VTN
virtualization. VTN Coordinator will use the REST interface exposed by the VTN Manger to
realize the virtual network using the OpenDaylight controller. It uses OpenDaylight APIs
(REST) to construct the virtual network in ODCs. It provides REST APIs for northbound VTN
applications and supports virtual networks spanning across multiple ODCs by coordinating
across ODCs.

Preparing for Installation

VTN Manager
Running the Karaf distribution
Follow the instructions in Getting and Installing OpenDaylight.

VTN Coordinator
Arrange a physical/virtual server with any one of the supported 64-bit OS environment.
RHEL 6 / 7
CentOS 6 / 7
Fedora 20 / 21 / 22
Install these packages
yum install perl-Digest-SHA uuid libxslt libcurl unixODBC json-c
rpm -ivh http://yum.postgresql.org/9.3/redhat/rhel-6-x86_64/pgdgredhat93-9.3-1.noarch.rpm
yum install postgresql93-libs postgresql93 postgresql93-server postgresql93contrib postgresql93-odbc

Installing VTN
VTN Manager
Install Feature

OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016


feature:install odl-vtn-manager-rest odl-vtn-manager-neutron

The above command will install all features of VTN Manager. You can install
only REST or Neutron also.

VTN Coordinator
Enter into the externalapps directory in the top directory of Lithium
cd distribution-karaf-0.2.1-Lithium-SR1/externalapps

Run the below command to extract VTN Coordinator from the tar.bz2 file in the
externalapps directory.
tar C/ -jxvf distribution.vtn-coordinator-

This will install VTN Coordinator to /usr/local/vtn directory. The name of the tar.bz2 file
name varies depending on the version. Please give the same tar.bz2 file name which is
there in your directory.
Configuring database for VTN Coordinator

To start the Coordinator



Get the version of VTN REST API using the below command, and make sure the setup is
curl --user admin:adminpass -H 'content-type: application/json' -X GET http://

The response should be like this, but version might differ:


Verifying your Installation

VTN Manager
In the karaf prompt, type the below command to ensure that vtn packages are installed.
feature:list i | grep vtn

Run any VTN Manager REST API

curl --user "admin":"admin" -H "Accept: application/json" -H \"Contenttype: application/json" -X GET \http://localhost:8282/controller/nb/v2/vtn/


OpenDaylight Installation Guide

February 21, 2016

VTN Coordinator
ps ef | grep unc will list all the vtn apps
Run any REST API for VTN Coordinator version

Uninstalling VTN
VTN Manager
Feature:uninstall odl-vtnmanager-all

VTN Coordinator
Remove the usr/local/vtn folder



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