Bital 3
Bital 3
Bital 3
Dasha s
Timing Events Through Vimshottary Dasha
Shri KN Rao
Laghu Parashari ( Vimshottary Dasa Bible)
Predicting Through Jaimini Chara Dasha Shri KN Rao
Advanced Use of Jaimini Chara Dasha
Shri KN Rao
Snapshot Prediction Using Yogini Dasha VP Goel
Kaala Chakra Dasha System
Shakti Mohan Singh
Predicting through Jaimini s Sthira Dasha- Akhila Kumar
Marriage & Children
Predicting Marriage Mridula Trivedi & TP Trivedi ( Bible for Marriage)
Timing of Marriage MN Kedar
Astrology & Timing of Marriage- Shri KN Rao
Compendium of Marriage (2 Vol)
Mridula Trivedi & TP Trivedi
Bliss & Agony of Marriage- Z Ansari
Planets & Children Shri KN Rao
Adoption Rajbir Singh
Astrological Secrets of Friendship, Love and Marriage
Ojha & Ojha
The First Born Child KN Rao
Children & Astrology Lt.Col(Retd.) Raj Kumar
Pointers to Profession Mridula Trivedi & TP Trivedi
Astro Equations for Specific Professions
Mridula Trivedi & TP Trivedi
Astrology of Profession ( 1 & 2 )
KK Pathak
Profession Through Astrology OP Verma
Professions- Inclination,Fructification and Career Profile- Col.AK Gour
Electional Astrology
Hindu Electional Astrology V.K.Sridhar ( Bible)
Rahu & Ketu
The Rahu Ketu Experience Prash Trivedi
Rahu & Ketu in Predictive Astrology
MC Jain
Karmic Control Planets MC Jain
Understanding the Moon Nodes
Keven W Barrett
The Mystery of Rahu in Horoscope
Shivraj Sharma
The Book of Nakshatras Prash Trivedi
Nakshatra( 1 & 2)
T Subhakaran
The Nakshatras Dennis M Harness
Myths & Symbols of Vedic Astrology
Bepin Behari
Path of Light ( I & II)
James Kelleher
Divisional Charts
Secrets of Vargas Krishna Kumar
Comprehensive Prediction by Divisional Charts
V.P Goel
Interpreting Divisional Charts N.N Sharma ( Specially remember it for showing ho
w to predict for Twins )
The Drekkana Col AK Gour
Splendour of Vargas
Justice S.N. Kapoor
Navamsa in Astrology Shri. C.S Patel
Charisma of Navamsa
Lt.Col Raj Kumar
Ashtakvarga Shri C.S. Patel
Dots of Destiny
Vinay Aditya
Practical Ashtakvarga
Vinay Aditya
Secrets of Ashtakvarga Prof P.S. Sastri
Prashna & Varshphal
Prashna Shastra- Horary Astrology ( 1 & 2)
Deepak Kapoor
Prasna Marga (I
BV Raman
Principles and Practise of Horary Astrology
Predictive Techniques in Varshphal Shri K.S. Charak
A Textbook of Varshphala Shri K.S. Charak (Combine this book with the above boo
k from the same author)
Tajik Neelkanthi
D.P Saxena
Annual Horoscope M.S.Mehta
The Solar Return or Varshphal
Ojha & Ojha
Nadi Astrology
Insights Into Nadi- AV Sundaram & Andree Leclerc
Nadi Astrology Shri. C.S Patel
Predicting Through Navamsa & Nadi Astrology
Shri .C.S Patel
Essence of Nadi Astrology Shri R.G.Rao
Prediction Secrets Naadi Astrology Satyanarayana Naik
Bhrigu Nadi Principles Dr. N.Srinivasan Shastry