Ellfy: Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
Ellfy: Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
Ellfy: Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs
Rick Perry
C. Kent Conine. Chair
Gloria Ray. Vice Chair
Leslie Bingham Escarefio
Michael Gerber Tom H. Gann
Juan S. Mufiol., Ph.D.
April 13,2010
Enclosed is a report that details the monitoring review of Community Action Program, Inc. (CAP)
Weatherization Assistance Program contracts with the Texas Department of Housing and Community
Affairs (The Department). This infOlmation is provided to ensure that compliance with the contracts is
maintained and that services to the poor, elderly, and disabled are offered in the most expeditious and
economical manner.
This monitoring report notes ten (10)findings and two (2) recommended improvements In the financial
and programmatic areas of the program. The Department is concerned with the status of your
weatherization program as there are significant deficiencies in CAP's fiscal operations. Please submit
a response to this report to t!lis office within t!lirty (30) days of the date of this leiter.
If we can be of any assistance, please feel free to contact Jason Seale, Program Officer, at (512) 463-
0172. The assistance provided to the Program Officers by the agency is greatly appreciated.
Mi hael DeYoung
Di ision Director
Community Affairs Division
221 EAST liT" • P. O. Box 13941 • AUSTIN, TEXAS78711.3941 • (800) 525-0657 • (512) 475-3800
Section V. Procurement
Focus of Review
On-site review of the Community Action Program, Inc. (CAP) implementation of the
Department of Energy, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program and American Recovery
and Reinvestment Act of 2009 Weatherization Assistance Program (WAP). Specific areas of
review included Financial Reporting, Contract Agreements, Procurement, Personnel and the
Management of the Department of Energy, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program and
American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of2009 contracts.
Program Evaluation
The evaluation of the program consisted of: Interviews with the Community Action Program Inc.
(CAP) personnel, analysis of the fiscal system, review of programmatic records, on.site
inspections, client file reviews and inventory review.
Finding #1 At the time of monitoring, CAP was unable to provide adequate support
documentation to reference monthly expenditures for DOE, LIHEAP and
ARRA contracts. Insufficient financial documentation did not allow
Program Officers to conduct a thorough review of the financial portion of
the monitoring. During the exit interview, CAP was given an additional
five (5) business days to provide the requested documentation to the
Department. Although CAP did meet the deadline requirements for
submittal, the documentation provided did not prove substantial to be
cross-referenced with monthly expenditure reports. An additional two (2)
days of monitoring were conducted on March 29 - 30, and after multiple
attempts CAP staff were unable to provide substantial documentation from
the accounting software program to reconcile differences in monthly
expenditure reports. CAP is currently in the process of hiring a Fiscal
Officer and Accountant. Until that time, the Executive Director and
Operations Manager are attempting to reconcile the differences in general
ledgers and monthly expenditure reports.
Required: As part of the monitoring response to this report, the Department is
requiring CAP to submit documentation reconciling general ledgers to
expenditure reports for all months of PY08 DOE & LIHEAP contracts. If
adequate documentation is not provided to the Department within forty-
five (45) days, the Department may impose sanctions including, but not
limited to withholding payments, suspension of contract and/or
termination. Reference: ARRA Contract Section 10, DOE Contract
Section 8, LIHEAP Contract Section 8, 10 CFR ~440.24, OMB
Circular A-110 Subpart C (21), TAC ~5.16 (7) (K)
Finding #2 At the time of monitoring, CAP was responsible for submitting DOE and
LIHEAP programmatic and expenditure reports late for PY09. DOE and
LIHEAP programmatic reports for June 2009 and July 2009 in addition to
DOE and LIHEAP expenditure reports for June 2009, July 2009, August
2009 and September 2009 expenditure reports were submitted past the
contract deadline.
Required The Department reminds CAP that DOE and LIHEAP programmatic and
expenditure reports are to be submitted to the Department no later than
fifteen (15) days after the end of each month of the Contract term. ARRA
programmatic and expenditure reports are to be submitted to the
Department no later than five (5) days after the end of each month of the
Contract term. Reference: DOE Contract Section 11 (A), LIHEAP
Contract Section 11 (A)
Action Required: Retwn and address. Upon completion, verification of retwns must be
submitted to the Department within forty-five (45) days of this report.
Recommended Improvement #1 Review of the January 2010 expenditure report revealed that
the LIHEAP average cost per unit was above the household maximum of$4,000.OO. The average
cost per unit for the LIHEAP contract was at $4,036.94. CAP is reminded that the average cost
per unit must be at or below the maximum allowable by the end of the contract period. Any
costs above the maximum average cost per unit will be subject to disallowed cost.
Recommended Improvement #2 Review of the January 2010 expenditure reports for DOE and
DOE ARRA revealed Administrative expenditures were above the maximum allowable of 5%.
Current Administrative expenditures for the DOE contract are 5.83%. Current Administrative
expenditures for the DOE-ARRA contracts (658) and (745) are 36.33% and 34.92% respectively.
The Department reminds CAP that Administrative expenditures are required to be below the
maximum allowable by contract end. Any costs above the maximum allowable will be subject to
disallowed cost.
Required CAP must submit to the Department within forty-five (45) days the
closeout reports from PYOSDOE and LIHEAP contracts. Failure to do so
may result in ineligibility to receive additional funds or additional
contracts. Reference: DOE Contract Section 11 (B), LlHEAP
Contract Section 11 (B)
Required CAP must submit to the Department within forty-five (45) days a
completed contract inventory for PY08 DOE & LIHEAP contracts. The
Department reminds CAP that PY09 DOE & LIHEAP contract inventories
must be submitted to the Department no later than 60 days after the end of
the contract term. Reference: DOE Contract Section 11 (C), LIHEAP
Contract Section 11 (C)
Required CAP must submit within forty-five (45) days an updated organizational
chart and a policy for their use of the Declaration of Income Statement
(DIS) within all Community Affairs programs. Reference: TAC ~5.16
(7) (B), TAC ~5.16 (7) (R)
Required CAP must review its Guidelines for Personnel Management, Policies and
Practices and submit to the Department within forty-five (45) days a
revised copy to include the missing provision to establish, maintain, and
utilize internal control systems and procedures sufficient to prevent,
detect, and correct incidents of waste, fraud and abuse. Reference:
ARRA Contract Section 26, DOE Contracts Section 22, LIHEAP
Contract Section 22
Finding #8 Client J. Harris received 3 heating source retrofits, one of which was a
35000 Btu wall heater and two (2) 6000 Btu unvented space heaters with
ODS. One of the replacement unvented space heaters was charged to
Required Weatherization staff and fiscal staff are to review the Space Heater Policy
from DOE to provide a better understanding of allowable measures
provided by DOE. The Department is questioning the costs of this
measure in the amount of $575.00
Reference: WPN 08-4, Space Heater Policy
Finding #9 CAP was unable to provide adequate support documentation for material
specifications being utilized by its current contractors. Missing material
specifications are replacement windows, replacement doors, storm
windows, gas and electric furnace, gas and electric water heater, air
conditioning, evaporative coolers, window screens and refrigerators.
Documents submitted that meet Code of Federal Regulation (CFR)
Required CAP must submit to the Department within forty-five (45) days additional
material specifications for the above referenced materials. The
Department reminds CAP that materials utilized in the Weatherization
Assistance Program that don't comply with 10 CFR 440, Attachment A
will be subject to disallowed cost.. Reference: 10 CFR 440,
Attachment A - Standards for Weatherization Materials
Finding #10 At the time of monitoring, a review of a random sampling of PY09 WAP
client files noted six (6) deficiencies. Two (2) client files contalned
incomplete blower door data sheets, two (2) client files contained
incomplete Building Weatherization Reports, one (I) client file contained
an incomplete Declaration of Income Statement (DIS) form and one (1)
client file contained inadequate income documentation.
Required CAP is reminded that all client files must contain, at minimum, the list of
record-keeping requirements found in all WAP contracts. Reference:
ARRA Contract Section 13, DOE Contract Section 10, LIHEAP
Contract Section 10.
Signature Date
t Manager, Monitoring