Challenges in The Management of Hypertension in Asia: Bernard Man Yung Cheung and Tommy Tsang Cheung

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European Heart Journal Supplements (2012) 14 (Supplement A), A37A38


Challenges in the management of hypertension in Asia

Bernard Man Yung Cheung* and Tommy Tsang Cheung
Division of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Queen Mary
Hospital, Hong Kong

Hypertension is common in Asia (Table 1)1 and is a major

cause of circulatory diseases such as stroke, coronary
heart disease, heart failure, and renal failure. Even a
small reduction in blood pressure can lead to a substantial decrease in the risk of both ischaemic and haemorrhagic stroke.
The prevalence of hypertension appears to be increasing
in many countries,2 partly because of ageing of the population, but also because of increasing obesity. In Asia, central
or abdominal obesity is an important cause of hypertension
and diabetes.3 In the Hong Kong Cardiovascular Risk Factor
Prevalence Study (CRISPS), 58% of people with diabetes
had raised blood pressure, while 56% of people with hypertension had dysglycaemia.4 Obesity, diabetes, and hypertension are often found together in the same patient,
who may also have hypertriglyceridaemia and reduced
high-density lipoprotein cholesterol. This cluster of risk
factors forms the metabolic syndrome.5 The syndrome, although controversial, is a useful concept in Asia,6 because
it precedes type 2 diabetes and reminds the clinician to
look for the other components of the syndrome.

* Corresponding author. Tel: +852 22554347, Fax: +852 28186474,

Email: [email protected]

In Asia, diabetes is common7 and presents a particular

challenge. As it is associated with hypertension and dyslipidaemia, the patients are at increased cardiovascular
risk and require a comprehensive approach to the management of cardiovascular risk. This includes good
control of blood pressure, which is known to reduce
macrovascular complications. The detection and vigorous
treatment of hypertension in diabetic patients are therefore extremely important.
While much effort has gone into promoting the awareness of hypertension, the rates of detection, treatment,
and control remain low. If hypertension is present in
2030% of the general population, it makes sense to
adopt a population approach towards the detection and
treatment of hypertension, and its prevention. The high
prevalence of hypertension justies the measurement
of blood pressure in every adult. Because of the large
numbers, ambulatory blood pressure cannot be used for
the purpose of screening. Instead, home blood pressure
monitors may prove to be very useful, as they are
increasingly affordable. These home machines may be
used in other household members for the detection and
the monitoring of hypertension. Indeed, home blood
pressure monitoring is now recognized as one of the
methods for the diagnosis of hypertension in the NICE

Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. & The Author 2012.
For permissions please email: [email protected]

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Hypertension is common in Asian populations and is a major cause of cardiovascular diseases. Even a small reduction in
blood pressure can lead to a substantial decrease in the risk of stroke. The prevalence of hypertension appears to be
increasing in many countries, partly because of ageing of the population, but also because of increasing obesity. While
much effort has gone into promoting the awareness of hypertension, the rates of detection, treatment, and control
remain low. As hypertension is very prevalent in the general population, it makes sense to adopt population approaches
towards the detection and treatment of hypertension, and its prevention. As obesity is a major cause of hypertension in
Asia, tackling it will help to lower the incidence of hypertension in the future. Lowering sodium contents in foods and
promotion of regular physical activity will also help to lower blood pressure at the population level. Asians appear to
respond well to calcium channel blockers but have a higher incidence of dry cough with angiotensin-converting enzyme
inhibitors.The costs of long-term follow-up and treatment impose a certain economic burden, whether on the individual
or on the health provider.


B.M.Y. Cheung and T.T. Cheung

Table 1 Prevalence and control of hypertension in different

parts of Asia




Prevalence (%)

Control (%)






5% (total)


Adapted from Cheung and Ong.1

B.M.Y.C. received funding from the Hong Kong Research
Grants Council (HKU7229/01M and HKU7626/07M) for
his work in the Hong Kong Cardiovascular Risk Factor
Prevalence Study.
Conict of interest: none declared.

1. Cheung BMY, Ong KL. The challenge of managing hypertension. In:
Finkel ML, ed. Public Health in the 21st Century. Santa Barbara,
CA: Praeger Publishing; 2010.
2. Kearney PM, Whelton M, Reynolds K, Muntner P, Whelton PK, He J.
Global burden of hypertension: analysis of worldwide data. Lancet
3. Cheung BM, Wat NM, Man YB, Tam S, Cheng CH, Leung GM, Woo J,
Janus ED, Lau CP, Lam TH, Lam KS. Relationship Between the Metabolic Syndrome and the Development of Hypertension in the Hong
Kong Cardiovascular Risk Factor Prevalence Study-2 (CRISPS2). Am J
Hypertens 2008;21:1722.
4. Cheung BM, Li MF, Ong KL, Wat NM, Tso AWK, Tam S, Pang RWC,
Thomas GN, Woo J, Janus ED, Lau CP, Lam TH, Lam KS. Raised
blood pressure and dysglycemia in Hong Kong Chinese. Diabetes
Care 2008;31:18891891.
5. Alberti KG, Eckel RH, Grundy SM, Zimmet PZ, Cleeman JI, Donato KA,
Fruchart JC, James WP, Loria CM, Smith SC Jr; International Diabetes
Federation Task Force on Epidemiology and Prevention; National
Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; American Heart Association;
World Heart Federation; International Atherosclerosis Society; International Association for the Study of Obesity. Harmonizing the metabolic syndrome: a joint interim statement of the International
Diabetes Federation Task Force on Epidemiology and Prevention; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; American Heart Association;
World Heart Federation; International Atherosclerosis Society; and
International Association for the Study of Obesity. Circulation 2009;
6. Cheung BMY. The metabolic syndrome in China. Br J Clin Pharmacol
7. Ramachandran A, Ma RC, Snehalatha C. Diabetes in Asia. Lancet
8. Woo J, Cheung B, Ho SC, Sham A, Lam TH. Inuence of dietary
pattern on the development of overweight and obesity in a Chinese
population. Eur J Clin Nutr 2008;62:480487.
9. Chan JC, Cockram CS, Nicholls MG, Cheung CK, Swaminathan R. Comparison of enalapril and nifedipine in treating non-insulin dependent
diabetes associated with hypertension: one year analysis. BMJ 1992;
10. Woo KS, Nicholls MG. High prevalence of persistent cough with angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors in Chinese. Br J Clin Pharmacol

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guideline on the management of hypertension in adults in

primary care.
As obesity is a major cause of hypertension and its
prevalence is increasing in Asia, tackling it will help to
lower the incidence of hypertension in the future. In
order to prevent the rise in blood pressure, people in
the community must embrace a healthy lifestyle and
change their diet and leisure activities to prevent the development of obesity. The prevalence of hypertension
increases with age, which means that lifestyle changes
must be started early in life. We have identied snack
foods as an important factor associated with obesity
and not eating vegetables, fruits, and sh as a risk
factor for diabetes.8 Lowering sodium contents in foods
and promotion of regular physical activity will also help
to lower blood pressure at the population level. Asian
households tend to be larger than in western countries
and it is common for the extended family or generations
to live together. This means that lifestyle changes should
be targeted at the household rather than the individual
hypertensive patient. A family approach should work
well in Asia.
There have been high hopes that the Human Genome
Project will reveal the genes that cause common diseases
such as hypertension. Genome-wide association studies
have revealed many candidate genes for hypertension,
but nearly all of these have only a small effect on
blood pressure. For the majority in the general population, a large number of genes inuence blood pressure.
This means that a single drug class is unlikely to be sufcient to normalize blood pressure in every person. Asians
appear to respond well to calcium channel blockers,9 but
have a higher incidence of dry cough with angiotensinconverting enzyme inhibitors.10 Angiotensin receptor
blockers may be suitable for Asian patients who develop
a cough with the latter. There are now enough generic
antihypertensive drugs from which to choose, but it is
recognized that the costs of long-term follow-up and
treatment impose a certain economic burden, whether
on the individual or on the health provider.
In conclusion, we must not underestimate the scale
and depth of the challenge of hypertension in Asia. It is
very prevalent and increasingly so, partly because of

the ageing of the population and partly because of increasing obesity. We still do not know the main genes
involved and existing antihypertensive drugs are not
ideal in terms of efcacy and tolerability, resulting in imperfect compliance and suboptimal blood pressure
control. To prevent hypertension and to reduce the incidence of hypertension in the general population, lifestyle
changes, including healthy diet and regular physical activity, are of paramount importance and should be
taken up by people of all ages.

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