Project Ebook

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What holidays do you

Qu fiestas celebras?

Colegio Pblico De Educacin Especial La Quinta, Madrid, SPAIN

Primaryschool 'SvetiSava' from Poarevac, SERBIA

What holidays do you celebrate? Qu fiestas celebras? Is an educational Project which was carried out on platform. The participants in the project are Colegio Pblico De Educacin Especial La Quinta
from Madrid, SPAIN and Primary School 'Sveti Sava' from Poarevac, SERBIA. In the project, pupils

introduced holidays which are celebrated in their countries or worldwide. Languages used in the project are
English andSpanish. Age of the pupils is 8-17.

In the project, students introduced places where they live and their local cultures, and they also learned about
new places and new cultures. They were encouraged to learn how to use new technologies, arts and crafts, and to
achieve learning goals from different subjects connected with the project in a fun and enjoyable way.

Work process
In the beginning of the project, students got to know each other by exchanging information about their schools
and countries. Next, students presented holidays which are celebrate in their countries Book Day, Easter,
Mothers Day, Fathers Day etc. In the end, students watched the videos and presentations from partner school,
created a project board, and evaluated the project. Project website was also created. During the project, teachers
shared with each other technologies and resources they used with SEN students to support teaching-learning

Project results
The project encouraged students to improve their computer and communicative skills. It also made them realize
that no matter which country we come from, they share a common European history and culture. In addition,
teachers discovered new methodologies and technologies they could use with SEN students, such as educative
software for PCs, APPs for tablets and activities for Smart Board.

This is how students from La Quinta presented themselves. The children drew themselves, their school and
theirteachers. Here are some of the pictures from the videos they made:


This is


This is how children from Sveti Sava school see themselves, their classroom, and their teacher.

International Women's Day

We started our project with International Women Day. This holiday is celebrated worldwide, including both Spain
and Serbia, on 8th March. In Spain children talked about gender equality, and occupations. In Serbia, children
made ecards.
Womens day in "La Quinta"
1. Kids chose the professions they liked

2. We talked about them

3. We
painted them
4. We cut them

5. We pasted them

6. We created a poster

7. And this is the result

Another activity in "La Quinta"

It is important for our students to understand the meaning of "The woman's day" and its consequences, so we
decided to talk about the role of women in our society.

The whole concept of gender equality is was a bit difficult for

students to understand. However, we discussed jobs and things
women and men can do.

After that, we looked at a picture of a family. A man and a

with their child are doing some domestic activities.


Some of our students assumed that men can't do some things

and they said that the image was wrong.

at home

Finally we watched a video about a classical story called

"Cinderello". The principal character was not a girl but a
first it was strange for them because it was not the story they
but at the end they enjoyed it.

man. At

It is important to talk about these ideas not just in this international day but always.
International Womens day in "Sveti Sava"
Students from Sveti Sava made ecards on this day. We used a website called for
this activity. The postcards were already prepared, but we customized them, and the kids sent them to their female
teachers. They were very happy they did this activity. They choose the cards themselves, and they typed the
messages, which was was a big step for them, as the Serbian alphabeth is different from the English, and we only
learn oral English. We also learnt new words- flowers, teddy bears, hugs.

We also sent
a postcard to
from La
Quinta. They
were kind
enough to
show the
cards to their
students, and together, they sent us a Thank you card. The kids were very happy to see it.

Father's Day
Father's Day is celebrated in many countries on different dates. In Spain the chosen day is on March 19, in the
honor of San Jose.In Serbia, this holiday is not celebrated.
This year, in La Quinta we made a bookmark. We have used this template

And this is how we made bookmarks.

And this is the result:

In Spain, Easter was celebrated on 27th March. In Serbia, Easter was celebrated on 1st of May.
Easter in "La Quinta"
We did a very funy ctivity we played a game where you have to look for Easter eggs.Its called Peek-a-boo.

Easter in

First we talked about the Easter and learnt words

with Easter


Then we did some colouring.

Then we did some more colouring, this time using the app
called Colouring Book, we downloaded from Google Play

In the end, we made colourful Easter eggs.

April Fools Day

This is a holiday which is celebrated all over the world. It is a celebration of laughter, jokes and
funny things. In Spain this holiday is celebrated on December 28, and in Serbia, on April 1. This was a great

opportunity to talk about how this holiday is celebrated differently in our countries.
April Fools Day in Sveti Sava
We decided to talk about Aprli Fools Day and its meaning. First we drew a clown on the board and learnt parts of
his face. Then we use dan app called 'Colouring Book', to color clowns and jesters. The app was downloaded for
free from Google Play Store.

Then we used the app called 'Funny Clown Photo Editor', that was downloaded from Google Play Store. The
children took photos of themselves, and added stickers to make themselves look like clowns. Their task after that
was to say what stickers they added - pink nose, red mouth, etc. That way we practiced saying constructions adjective + noun. Afterwards we talked about internet safety, and how they shouldn't use apps like this to mock
their friends, or post their friends' photos online.

final task
was creating bookmarks that looked like clowns. We used the similar template to the one that our Spanish friends
used for Fathers' Day.

April Fools Day in La Quinta

We looked at what students from Serbia did for April Fools Day. We talked about how they celebrate it, and we
told jokes. .

We liked their clown activities, so we decided to colour pictures of clowns too.

We also made paper dolls, because we wanted to show to our partners how we celebrate April FoolsDay in Spain
when a person is not watching, we try to stick paper dolls on his back!And wesay: "Inocente, inocente!"

Cultural week in la Quinta

Last week we celebrated the cultural week at our school, "La

Quinta". We had umerous workshops. All related to food, as the
motto of our school this year is "We are what we eat".
In this workshop kids paint with food: Condensed milk with food
coloring, chocolate and ketchup. The students really enjoyed it.


We held another workshop, and that was making

with macaroni. As Mothers Day was
close, we decided to make these pots as a
congratulate the mothers on their day.

nother workshop we have done was

them away to entire school community.
watermelon broaches were the prettiest.

Next workshop we had was

to learn how to make
hedgehogs with macaroni.
these pictures you can see
the process. We hope you
enjoy it.

flower pots

making broaches. We gave


Some of activities carried out by students EBO G:

Mother's Day
In Spain Mother's Day is celebrated on the first Sunday of May. Children often make handmade presents at
school and give them to their mothers to congratulate them this special day.
This was our gift:

This is how we made them:

World Book Day

April 23 was: the day of the book. We have decided to celebrate this important day by reading a strorystory "A
Taste of the moon" bz Michael Grejniec together.
In La Quinta
After reading the book, we colored the tales characters, cut them and plasticized them.

Finally, we performed the tale with the characters in our classroom.

In Sveti Sava'
We read the story, then we cut and coloured the characters from the story.

Then we recreated a story and made a poster.


book day in La

Another activity during the World Book Day was making broches and giving them away to the whole educational
community. Look how cool they were:

EBO G students have made a tribute to Miguel de Cervantes, and they decided tolearn more about his life and
create a poster. This is what they did:

They also read a story "El Quijote" and talked

about the characters:

Students EBOC saw the work about Cervantes that students from EBO G made:

When we finished watching the videos, we read the story: "El Quijote"

As we liked the story, we draw their main characters:

GREYHOUND -.faithful dog of "Don Quixote". He was

accompanied on his hunts. He is fast and skinny.

CASTILLA LA MANCHA- in the great work of Miguel de Cervantes,

Castilla is a character.

the face of

DEL TOBOSO- the most beautiful maiden on

the Earth.

SANCHO PANZA a person of a big heart. He is Don Quixote

faithful companion, Escudero accompanying him wherever he

DON QUIXOTE - the main character of the work of

Cervantes.Noble and honorable, he worries more of

others than

We all coloured the characters, and this is the result:

Earth Day in Sveti Sava

On April 22 we decided to talk about Earth Day, which is celebrated around the world. Our school is part of an
international project called Eco schools, so we talked about the project as well, and why ecology is important for
us. We also decided to show to our friends from La Quinta, how eco-friendly our school is.

This is
our ecoschool
these are
bins in

These are the trees and bushes that students have planted
themselves in the school yard.

Then we got back to our classroom. Today we decided to talk

about animals. First we talked about our favourite animals ad
why they are important for us. Then we played Animal Jigsaw
Puzzle Toddlers

Next, we looked at the video from

called Animals Chant 1 and we repeated the
the animals and the colours.

names of

We used the app called Kids coloring book. The

coloured the animals, and in the end they had to
animals they coloured, and what colours they

say what

In the end, we used the app called Animals, created on website. Students' task was to connect the
descriptions of the animals with the pictures.

Celebrate Diversity
The etwinning platform has invited the whole community to celebrate diversity on 9 May. And we have added
our videos on Celebrate Diversity page!

San Isidro

The May 15 is a holiday in Madrid. It is a celebration of its patron saint, San Isidro

At school we do our own embroidered Manila shawls.

We carried out numerous activities at school to celebrate San

Isidro, our patron.

After so much work, it is time for "The festival of San Isidr!" The whole school is celebrating: We danced with
"La Tuna" chocolate con churros breakfast, we take snack, donuts San Isidro with lemonade and enjoyed many of
the games. It was a fantastic day which the entire school community really enjoyed.

Flower festival
On the 7th and 8th of May, there was a Festival of flowers in Pozarevac. The main square of our little town was
covered in flowers. There were exibitions, competitions and various performances. Therefore, we decided to have
a lesson about flowers in our class too.
First we visited the flower garden of our school. We talked about beautiful colours on the flowers.

Then we decided to make flower pots, just like our Spanish friends made for Mothers Day.


Parks. It was part of the Eco school

Sava also took part in this, by
poster about parks.

European Day
May 24th, we
decided to
European Day of
project. Sveti
creating a

of the
Sadly, all
good things come to an end. This is the end of our project. :-( Our wonderful students did an evaluation of the
project. Both schools used the same
evaluation form.

Filing the evaluation form in La Quinta

Filing the evaluation form in Sveti Sava

Students at both schools looked at the videos and pictures from the eTwinning website, and talked about our
project and all the activities they did. Then students coloured flags from partner countries, and created project

At Sveti Sava school

At La Quinta school

In the end, the students were awarded certificates for participating in the project.

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