Electrochemical Process of Titanium Extraction
Electrochemical Process of Titanium Extraction
Electrochemical Process of Titanium Extraction
Transactions of
Nonferrous Metals
Society of China
Trans. Nonferrous Met. SOC.China 17(2007) 429- 433
1 Introduction
Titanium metal has enormous potential for a wide
variety of applications but its usage and consumption
have been limited to aerospace and few other areas
mainly because of the high cost of metal. Currently
titanium is extracted from titanium oxide ore by a series
of process steps involving: 1) chlorination of oxide
concentrate to prepare titanium tetrachloride (TiC14), 2)
reduction of TiCI, by magnesium metal (Kroll process),
3) vacuum distillatiodleaching of reduced mass.
Electrolysis of the by-product MgClz is a parallel process
carried out for recovering magnesium metal and chlorine.
Sodium reduction of TiC14 (Hunter process) had also
been operated till early 1990s but its commercial
application at present is limited. Fused salt electrolysis of
Tic14 in alkali chloride mixtures has been extensively
pursued in Dow-Howmet, USA and Ginatta, Italy. But
the process could not be commercialized due to several
problems such as multi-valency of the metal, selection of
materials of construction of the cell and other
techno-economic factors.
Extractian of titanium directly from titanium
dioxide has been proven to be futile due to high affinity
of the metal towards oxygen and high process
temperatures. Conventional carbothennic reduction and
metallothermic reduction methods did not yield titanium
of required purity owing to limiting thermodynamic
constraint and high chemical reactivity of the metal.
under study
MER Corporation,
2.2 0s process
The calciothermic reduction of Ti02 and in-situ
electrolysis of CaO in molten calcium chloride was
extensively studied by O N 0 and SUZUKI[S] for
preparing titanium sponge granules. The 0s process,
thus combines the calciothermic reduction at about 900
"C and hsed salt electrolysis of CaO in CaC12 at DC
voltage in the range 2.7-3.2 V in a single set up
comprising a reduction zone and an electrolytic zone. In
a conceptual cell design proposed by this process,
titanium dioxide powder is continuously fed into a
titanium crucible and from the bottom of the crucible
molten CaC12 with dissolved CaO is taken out and fed
into the electrolytic compartment. Calcium metal is fed
into the cruc.ible from the electrolytic chamber. The
process is under investigation for improvements and
scale up.
2.3 OIT liquid titanium process
Quebec Iron and Titanium(QIT), Canada has
recently patented a new titanium extraction process[6], in
which titania slag as obtained by beneficiation of
ilmenite can be treated in an electric arc furnace to
remove impurity oxides and then subsequently subjected
to electrolysis using molten CaFz as electrolyte to
electrowin titanium that can be tapped out in liquid
condition. A few other processes for titanium extraction
based on electrometallurgy that are being tried on
laboratory scale are given in Table 1.
3 Experimental
At the Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory,
Hyderabad(DMRL) experimental work on laboratory
scale has been carried out to study the electrochemical
reduction of TiOz in molten calcium chloride bath (Fig. 1).
Studies are also under way at DMRL to explore the
kinetics of the process. The following is a description of
experimental work and discussion of the results.
Mediated Reaction
(EMR)/Molten Salt
Electrolysis (MSE)
Anode reduction of TiOz,
electrolysis in molten halide
mixture to deposit titanium
metal on cathode
Electrochemical reduction of
TiO, in calcium chloride bath
Electrolytic reduction of Ti02
without physical contact of
oxide and calcium using
Ca-Ni alloy and CaClz
Titanium sponge
Fig.1 Steps in electrochemical reduction process for titanium
sponge production
Initially bench scale experimental work was
conducted in which different pre-forms of titanium
dioxide were subjected to electrochemical reduction in
calcium chloride bath at a temperature range of 800-900
"C to study the important parameters of the process, and
the details of which were presented elsewhere[7]. This
has led to the current activity of cell operation on a batch
size of 100-200 g of sponge.
The schematic of the cell is shown in Fig.2 that
consists of a stainless steel retort heated by an electrical
resistance hrnace. The retort is closed by a lid that
has provision of nozzles for electrode leads, argon gas
supply and vent gas outlet. TiOz granules prepared from
the oxide powder are sintered and taken into a stainless
steel perforated basket that is inserted into a graphite
crucible placed in the retort with the help of a steel rod.
The steel rod and graphite crucible are connected to the
two terminals of a DC power source. Typical
experimental procedure involves: 1) loading of weighed
43 1
- Ti02
o l e
- 900
Fig3 Variation of electrical conductivity of Ti02 with
4 Discussion
During the reduction process the cell current is
found to be gradually increasing while the cell voltage is
kept constant, which may be explained by the fall in
resistance of the oxide granules due to metallization. The
cell current comprises current due to ionic conductivity
and current due to electronic conductivity of the oxide.
by electrochemical
Fig.5 Typical EDAX profile of sponge granule
The authors are thankful to Dr. A. M. Sriram
Murthy, Director, DMRL for permitting to publish this
work. They are grateful to Defence Research &
Development Organization(DRD0) for initiating this
activity and extending financial support. They also wish
to acknowledge the help received from Dr. V. V. Bhanu
Prasad and Sir V. V. Rama Rao of CCG & EPMA groups
of DMRL. Technical support to carry out the resistance
measurement of TiOz received from Dr. A. K. Suri,
BARC is gratefully acknowledged.
5 Conclusions
The results obtained on electrochemical reduction
process have been very encouraging. There is a lot of