Massachusetts Filed NTIA - BTOP Recommendations
Massachusetts Filed NTIA - BTOP Recommendations
Massachusetts Filed NTIA - BTOP Recommendations
Tlie MBI has been engaging with private broadband firms, both large
and small, to develop the co-investment partnerships expected to provide
service to the public based on the utilization and extension of the MBl's
assets. The MBI will make limited and strategic public investments that
leverage the use of public dollars to incentivize private investment from
providers to supply complete broadband solutions to customers in
unserved and underserved areas.
To close this gap and ensure that the broadband needs of western
Massachusetts are met for the next three decades, the MBI proposes to
build over the next 2-3 years a 581-mile, carrier-class, fiber-opl:ic middle-
rrrile infrastructure project, providing scalable access from 1.5Mbps to
40Gps. It covers a 97% rural service area of 1,591 square miles, roughly
one-third of the Commonwealth, and would bring new broadband access to
20,337 households and 5,750 businesses. Numerous anchor institutions,
public safety entities, and CI-iticalconimur~ityorganizations in the region
have expressed interest in being involved with this shovel-ready project
and being corlnected to the network that the MBI proposes to build. Our
state public safety and information tectlnology agencies also stand ready to
partner with this project, ensuring its effectiveness.
reach the most densely populated areas of the region and to reach the
lowest-income and highest-minority popula1:ions in the coun,l:ies. The more
remote areas of the region will be reached through an innovative computer
lending system. Training and education programs will be developed and
provided in the computer centers by the region's community colleges,
public television station, regional educational collaboratives, and by the
regional library system, as well as other key orgarrizations, such as regional
employment boards. This project provides access to technology and
training that will improve the job readiness, quality of life, and life-long
learning of thousands of individuals over .the course of the project period
and beyond.
quickly implement its plan and effect the most irrlmediate impact in the area
where our need is greatest.
The MBI has allocated $5 million from its $40 million bond
au.thorization to support OpenCape's efforts, and this is included in
OpenCape's 20% matching requirement in their BTOP application.
City of Boston
Boston may be the only major city in the nation that met the
challenging NTlA eligibility criteria for last-mile infrastructure funding in an
underserved urban area. Specifically, Boston conducted a survey of
broadband adoption among its targeted population, demonstrating that low
adoption rates exist in Boston's proposed funded service area, as required.