The document discusses the Alpair 12, a large full range audio driver. It has an extended frequency range up to 20 kHz without additional tweeters. It uses custom designed parts and advanced suspension techniques to achieve outstanding clarity and detail.
The document discusses the Alpair 12, a large full range audio driver. It has an extended frequency range up to 20 kHz without additional tweeters. It uses custom designed parts and advanced suspension techniques to achieve outstanding clarity and detail.
The document discusses the Alpair 12, a large full range audio driver. It has an extended frequency range up to 20 kHz without additional tweeters. It uses custom designed parts and advanced suspension techniques to achieve outstanding clarity and detail.
The document discusses the Alpair 12, a large full range audio driver. It has an extended frequency range up to 20 kHz without additional tweeters. It uses custom designed parts and advanced suspension techniques to achieve outstanding clarity and detail.
The Alpair 12 is a large full range single cone drive unit (8 inch - 206-mm frame). The primary feature is its extended and detailed range, operating to 20-kHz. The driver achieves this performance without using a whizzer or co-axial centre tweeter making this driver a purists single cone/cap design. This driver incorporates a new cone multi-forming technology originally developed in Japan. The cones and made using 7 separate forming and trimming processes, all controlled via CNC operation. The accuracy of this technology is superior to conventional spun and press methods. Tadashi Matsubara San, a most experienced senior driver designer from Japan has produced the rear suspension. It is unique and exclusively made for the Alpair 12. Lui Yi Ping from Taiwan is a specialist in front suspension design. He has produced the 7s suspension as the most advanced of its type so far. Its ultra-thin, and the production process for this component is all new. The same exclusivity is also applied to the frame, coil, connectors, every part for this driver is unique custom designed. The acoustic result is remarkable for a large full range emitter, delivering outstanding clarity, detail and musical realism.
Alpair 12 data
Revc= 7.000 Ohm
Fo= 46 Hz Sd= 143.14 Cm Vas= 22.8 Ltr Cms= 0.750 MM/N Mmd= 14.886 g Mms= 15.871 g BL= 8.752 T.M Qms= 1.454 Qes= 0.420 Qts= 0.327 Levc= 0.058m H No= 0.493 % SPLo= 89.3 dB Xmax= 9mm (1 way) Pwr cont= 50 watts Two colour choices, gun-metal grey and classic gold. Drivers are packed in single boxes with a 2mm thick seals and 6 X 22-mm long Hex head wood screws. Handling Dont touch the cone or cap. These are delicate components. Running in period The Alpair 12 has advanced suspensions that require careful running in: Dont use any kind of artificially generated sound signal. Hours 1 to 20. Low volume vocal and light music, no heavy bass. Hours 21 to 120, gradually increase the volume to normal listening levels and gently introduce rhythmic bass music. Patience and care will bring musical rewards. Mark Fenlon. All rights reserved.