Technical Manual Overtopping Protection For Dams

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FEMAs mission is to support our citizens and first responders to

ensure that as a nation we work together to build, sustain and

improve our capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to,
recover from and mitigate all hazards.
The U.S. Department of the Interior protects Americas natural
resources and heritage, honors our cultures and tribal communities,
and supplies the energy to power our future.
The mission of the Bureau of Reclamation is to manage, develop,
and protect water and related resources in an environmentally and
economically sound manner in the interest of the American public.

On the cover.Vesuvius Dam (Ohio) after overtopping protection

placement of roller compacted concrete. Construction was completed in
2001 (Reclamation)


The original design of a dam may be reevaluated for a number of reasons,
including the occurrence of an incident or unusual load, the availability of new
information, the refinement of certain design requirements or guidelines, the
adoption of risk-based criteria, or as part of a regular dam safety program. During
this process, the design flood may be revised, resulting in a flood that is larger
than was used for the original design. In many cases, analysis may show that the
revised flood will result in the dam being overtopped due to insufficient reservoir
storage and/or release capabilities.
There are many methods available for accommodating larger revised floods.
However, some of the more common methods, such as increasing reservoir
storage by raising the dam crest or increasing release capability by increasing the
spillway discharge capacity, can often be cost prohibitive or impractical. To
address this situation, new design approaches have been developed that may allow
for the dam to be safely overtopped. The design and construction of overtopping
protection for dams is increasingly being viewed as a viable alternative to larger
spillways as developing watersheds or changing hydrology produce higher peak
flows and the need for additional spillway discharge capacity for existing dams.
Overtopping protection may be an attractive alternative because of its potential
economic advantages and may offer an economical solution to a hydrologic
deficiency that would otherwise not be addressed. Maintaining the existing
hydraulic conditions at the dam to the extent possible is also increasingly
important as downstream river corridors are developed in close proximity to the
channel. This document assumes that a hydrologic deficiency exists at a dam and
that traditional approaches to safely accommodate a larger design flood have first
been investigated.
The decision to pursue overtopping protection for an existing dam must give
strong consideration to the potential risk of failure of the protection system, which
could quickly lead to a full breach of the dam. This is especially true for
embankment dams, in the sense that a small defect or design flaw could lead to
catastrophic failure once the embankment is exposed to the overtopping flow. An
evaluation of this type of risk must be incorporated into the decision-making
process, whether qualitatively or quantitatively.
A decision to use overtopping protection in place of improving the service
spillway, imposing a reservoir restriction, raising the dam crest, or constructing an
auxiliary spillway cannot be made lightly. Overtopping protection should
generally be reserved for situations with some combination of very low annual
probability of occurrence (e.g., 1 in 100), physical or environmental constraints
on constructing other methods of flood conveyance, and prohibitive cost of other
alternatives; or where downstream consequences of dam failure are demonstrated

Overtopping Protection for Dams

to be low. A careful analysis of all potential failure modes for the dam and
appurtenant features must be performed for both the existing (baseline) conditions
and for the proposed modified conditions.
Alternatives for overtopping protection may use a variety of different materials,
such as roller-compacted concrete, cast-in-place concrete, precast concrete blocks,
gabions, vegetative cover, turf reinforcement mats, synthetic turf revetments,
flow-through rockfill, reinforced rockfill, riprap, and various types of
geosynthetic materials including geomembranes, geocells, and fabric-formed
concrete. Not all materials are applicable in every situation. Significant research
and hydraulic testing has been conducted on many of these materials, but since
most overtopping protection is designed to function at an infrequent recurrence
interval, practical experience on constructed projects that have been subjected to
overtopping flows is limited to date. New materials and methods of analysis are
always being developed, so designers may need to rely upon manufacturers
design recommendations for these new materials, always mindful of the
limitations of product testing and analysis. Independent analysis should always be
considered as appropriate.
Many organizations, such as the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and the
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), have conducted extensive model testing
on a variety of overtopping protection alternatives. In addition, these
organizations have completed evaluations of the performance of full-size,
prototype structures and have modified designs to accommodate overtopping.
Often, the results of these studies are not well known outside of these
organizations. Due to the absence of any single recognized standard for
overtopping protection alternatives for dams, there is some inconsistency in the
design and construction rationale. In an effort to correct this problem, this manual
has been prepared to collect and disseminate information and experience that is
current and has a technical consensus. The goal of this manual is to provide a
nationally recognized source to promote greater consistency between similar
project designs, facilitate more effective and consistent review of proposed
designs, and aid in the design of safer, more reliable facilities. This manual is not
intended to provide detailed design procedures for all potential applications.
Information on dam overtopping alternatives is dispersed in a variety of sources
such as text books, handbooks, and reference manuals. These sources may not
reflect recent advances in research and design, published professional papers, and
lessons learned from constructed projects. The authors reviewed most of the
available information on dam overtopping protection alternatives in preparing this
manual, and have attempted to condense and summarize the body of existing
information, and provide a clear and concise synopsis of todays best practices.
Where conflicting information was available, the authors focused on what they
judged to be the best practice and included that judgment in this manual. Where
detailed documentation exists, the authors cited it to avoid duplicating extensive
technical details. Where applicable, the reader is directed to other consensus


accepted references for additional guidance. This manual is intended for use by
personnel familiar with dams, such as dam designers, inspectors, construction
oversight personnel, dam safety engineers, and decision-makers.
Designers should continue to explore and investigate the subject of overtopping of
dams. No single publication can cover all of the requirements and conditions that
can be encountered during design and construction. Therefore, it is critically
important that when an overtopping protection alternative is considered, the
designer must clearly understand all aspects of its design, construction, and
anticipated future performance.
The authors caution the users of this manual that sound engineering judgment
should always be applied when using references. The authors have strived to
avoid referencing any technical material that is considered outdated for use in
modern designs. However, the user should be aware that certain portions of
references cited in this manual may have become outdated in regards to design
and construction aspects and/or philosophies. While these references still may
contain valuable information, users should not assume that the entire reference is
suitable for design and construction purposes.
The authors used many sources of information in developing this manual,
Published design standards and technical publications of the various
Federal and State agencies and organizations involved with the
preparation of this manual.
Published professional papers and articles from selected authors, technical
journals and publications, and organizations.
Experience of the individuals, Federal and State agencies, and

organizations involved in the preparation of this manual.

This manual is available from FEMA in digital versatile disc (DVD) format. The
DVD includes built-in Adobe Acrobat Reader software, hyperlinks, and search
capabilities. A hyperlink is a highlighted word or image within the manual which,
when clicked, takes the user to another place within the manual or to another
location altogether. Hyperlinks are especially useful when the user wants to see
the full reprint of a cited reference or the exact location in a reference from which
the material was cited. The DVD contains the manual and portable document
format (PDF) copies of selected cited references available in the public domain.
For other references, users may want to contact the author or publisher directly for
reprint information.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

This manual can also be downloaded from the FEMA website at:
This manual is intended solely for noncommercial and educational purposes.
Suggestions for changes, corrections, or updates to this manual should be directed
Bureau of Reclamation
Denver Federal Center, Bldg. 67
6th Avenue and Kipling Street
Denver CO 80225-0007
Attention: Tony Wahl (86-68460)
[email protected]
Please reference specific pages, paragraphs, or figures within the manual, together
with proposed new material in any convenient format. Sources of proposed new
material should be completely cited. Submission of material signifies permission
for use in a future revised edition of this manual, but credit for such new material
will be given where appropriate.
The material presented in this manual has been prepared in accordance with
recognized engineering practices. The guidance in this manual should not be used
without first securing competent advice with respect to its suitability for any given
application. The publication of the material contained herein is not intended as
representation or warranty on the part of individuals or agencies involved, or any
other person named herein, that this information is suitable for any general or
particular use, or promises freedom from infringement of any patent or patents.
Anyone making use of this information assumes all liability from such use. Any
use of trade names and trademarks in this manual is for descriptive purposes only
and does not constitute endorsement. The information contained herein regarding
commercial products or firms may not be used for advertising or promotional
purposes and is not to be construed as an endorsement of any product or firm.



The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), as the lead agency for the
National Dam Safety Program (NDSP), sponsored the development of this
manual in conjunction with Reclamation. The primary authors of this document
were Chuck Cooper, P.E.; Robert Dewey, P.E.; Bill Fiedler, P.E.; Kathy Frizell,
P.E.; Tom Hepler, P.E.; ; and Tony Wahl, P.E, of Reclamation. Additional
contributions were made by Elizabeth Cohen, P.E.; Christopher Ellis, P.E.;
Dennis Hanneman, P.E., and Tracy Vermeyen, P.E, of Reclamation. Additional
technical assistance was provided by Cynthia Fields, Cindy Gray, and Gia Price.
Peer review of this manual, in whole or in part, was provided by Dave Gillette,
P.E. and Bill Engemoen of Reclamation; Sal Todaro, P.E., USACE; Paul
Schweigher, P.E., Gannett Fleming; Rafael Morn and Miguel Toledo, and
Technical University of Madrid.
Member of the National Dam Safety Review Board (NDSRB) reviewed this
manual prior to issuance. The NDSRB plays an important role in guiding the
NDSP. The NDSRB has responsibility for monitoring the safety and security of
dams in the United States, advising the Director of FEMA on national dam safety
policy, consulting with the Director of FEMA for the purpose of establishing and
maintaining a coordinated NDSP, and monitoring State implementation of the
assistance program. The NDSRB consists of representatives appointed from
Federal agencies, State dam safety departments, and the U.S. Society on Dams
(USSD). The NDSRB Research Work Group and the Interagency Committee on
Dam Safety (ICODS) provided additional review. A number of additional
engineers and technicians provided input in preparation of this manual, and the
authors greatly appreciate their efforts and contributions. The authors, peer
reviewers, and their associated agencies and organizations contributed
information and materials for use in this manual. The authors extend their
appreciation to the following agencies and individuals for graciously providing
permission to use their materials in this publication:

Agricultural Research Service (ARS)

U.S. Department of Agriculture

American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE)

American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)

Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research

Association of State Dam Safety Officials (ASDSO)


Black & Veatch Ltd, United Kingdom

Overtopping Protection for Dams


Erik Bollaert, PhD., President of AquaVision Engineering

Rolando Bravo, Ph.D., P.E., P.H., D.WRE, Executive Director of the

American Institute of Hydrology

Bruce Brown PhD., Bruce Brown Consulting Pty. Ltd

Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA)

Colorado State University


Contech Engineered Solutions LLC

Donnelly Fabricators

Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District

Engineering Heritage Canberra, Australia


Erosion Control Magazine

Gannett Fleming, Inc. Umberto Fratino, Ph.D, Full Professor, DICATECh,

Technical University of Bari, Italy

GEI Consultants, Inc.

DX2 Geosyntex

Kenneth Hansen, P.E., Individual Consulting Engineer

Juntong Guanda

Maccaferri Inc.

Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation

Rafael Morn, PhD, Civil Engineering Department: Hydraulics and

Energy E.T.S.I. de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos, Technical
University of Madrid, Spain

National Civil Engineering Laboratory (LNEC) in Lisbon, Portugal

Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS)

Pannon Gabion, Hungary

Portland Cement Association (PCA)

Presto Geosystems

Presto Products Company

City of Seattle



Sweetwater Authority

Terra Aqua Gabions, Inc.

Christopher I. Thornton, P.E. , PhD, Director, Hydraulics

Laboratory,Colorado State University

U.S. Society on Dams (USSD)

Watershed Geosynthetics LLC)


John Wiley & Sons Inc.





Table of Contents
Chapter 1. General Considerations for Embankment Dams .................................. 7

1.1 Embankment Dam Overtopping Protection Considerations ...................... 10

1.2 Site Investigations and Analyses for Overtopping Protection.................... 12

1.3 Types of Overtopping Protection Systems for Embankment Dams ........... 17

Chapter 2. Roller-Compacted Concrete and Soil Cement ................................... 21

2.1 Historical Perspective............................................................................... 23

2.2 Sloped chute ............................................................................................ 25

2.3 Construction Considerations..................................................................... 44

2.4 Vulnerabilities and Risk ........................................................................... 46

Chapter 3. Conventional or Mass Concrete ........................................................ 49

3.1 Historical Perspective............................................................................... 49

3.2 Design and Analysis................................................................................. 51

3.3 Construction Considerations..................................................................... 71

3.4 Vulnerabilities and Risk ........................................................................... 72

Chapter 4. Precast Concrete Blocks ................................................................... 75

4.1 Historical Perspective............................................................................... 78

4.2 Design and Analysis................................................................................. 80

4.3 Construction Considerations..................................................................... 87

4.4 Vulnerabilities and Risk ........................................................................... 89

4.5 Maintenance and Inspection ..................................................................... 91

Chapter 5. Gabions ............................................................................................ 93

5.1 Historical Perspective............................................................................... 96

5.2 Design and Analysis................................................................................. 97

5.3 Availability ............................................................................................ 109

5.4 Construction Considerations................................................................... 109

5.5 Vulnerabilities and Risk ......................................................................... 111

Chapter 6. Vegetative Cover, Turf Reinforcement Mats, and Synthetic Turf

Revetments ................................................................................................ 115

6.1 Historical Perspective............................................................................. 116

6.2 Design and Analysis............................................................................... 119

6.3 Establishment of Vegetative Systems ..................................................... 128

6.4 Turf Reinforcement Details .................................................................... 130

6.5 Vulnerabilities and Risk ......................................................................... 130


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Chapter 7. Flow-through Rockfill and Reinforced Rockfill .............................. 135

7.1 Flow-Through Rockfill .......................................................................... 135

7.2 Reinforced Rockfill ................................................................................ 137

7.3 Design and Analysis............................................................................... 142

7.4 Vulnerabilities and Risk ......................................................................... 148

Chapter 8. Riprap ............................................................................................ 151

8.1 Historical Perspective............................................................................. 151

8.2 Design and Analysis............................................................................... 154

8.3 Alternative Riprap Placement Methods .................................................. 164

8.4 Construction Considerations................................................................... 166

8.5 Vulnerabilities and Risk ......................................................................... 168

Chapter 9. Geomembrane Liners, Geocells, and Fabric-Formed Concrete........ 169

9.1 Geosynthetic Systems ............................................................................ 169

9.2 Historical Perspective............................................................................. 173

9.3 Design and Analysis............................................................................... 174

9.4 Construction Considerations................................................................... 182

9.5 Vulnerabilities and Risk ......................................................................... 183

Chapter 10. Summary of Overtopping Protection Alternatives for

Embankment Dams.................................................................................... 185

10.1 Physical Factors ................................................................................... 185

10.2 Hydraulic Factors ................................................................................. 189

10.3 Socio-Economic Factors....................................................................... 191

10.4 Summary Table .................................................................................... 192

Chapter 11. General Considerations for Concrete Dams................................... 195

11.1 Historical Perspective........................................................................... 195

11.2 Failure Mechanisms (Potential Failure Modes) ..................................... 196

11.3 Concrete Dam Type ............................................................................. 198

11.4 Site Implications .................................................................................. 200

11.5 Flow Depth and Duration Factors......................................................... 213

11.6 Types of Concrete Dam Overtopping Protection................................... 214

11.7 General Design Considerations ............................................................ 215

11.8 Vulnerabilities ...................................................................................... 216

Chapter 12. Roller-Compacted Concrete.......................................................... 219

12.1 Historical Perspective........................................................................... 219

12.2 Design and Analysis ............................................................................. 224

12.3 Construction Considerations................................................................. 226

12.4 Vulnerabilities and Risk ....................................................................... 227

Chapter 13. Conventional or Mass Concrete................................................... 229

13.1 General ................................................................................................ 229

13.2 Historical Perspective........................................................................... 229

13.3 Design and Analysis ............................................................................. 233


13.4 Construction Considerations................................................................. 238

13.5 Vulnerabilities and Risk ....................................................................... 238

Chapter 14. Foundation and Abutment Reinforcing ......................................... 241

14.1 Historical Perspective........................................................................... 241

14.2 Design and Analysis ............................................................................. 245

14.3 Construction Considerations................................................................. 249

14.4 Vulnerabilities and Risk ....................................................................... 250

Chapter 15. Tailwater Effects .......................................................................... 253

15.1 Historical Perspective........................................................................... 253

15.2 Design and Analysis ............................................................................. 256

15.3 Construction Cnsiderations................................................................... 266

15.4 Vulnerabilities and Risk ....................................................................... 266

Chapter 16. Summary of Overtopping Protection Alternatives for

Concrete Dams .......................................................................................... 267

16.1 Physical Factors ................................................................................... 267

16.2 Hydrologic/Hydraulic Factors .............................................................. 270

16.3 Socio-Economic Factors....................................................................... 270

16.4 Summary of Concrete Dam Overtopping Alternatives .......................... 271

Attachment 1: List of RCC Overtopping Protection Projects

AppendixCase Histories
page A-

Part 1: Embankment Dams

Addicks and Barker Dams, Texas: RCC ............................................................. 1

Arthur R. Bowman Dam, Oregon: CRCS............................................................. 3

Baldhill Dam, North Dakota: CRCS .................................................................. 19

Barriga Dam, Spain: ArmorWedge Block ...................................................... 25

Bruton Flood Storage Reservoir, England: Tapered Wedge Block ..................... 37

Cottonwood Dam No. 5, Colorado: Geomembrane Liner ................................... 41

Empire Landfill, Pennsylvania: Geocell ............................................................ 53

Friendship Village, Missouri: ArmorWedge Block ............................................ 55

Googong Dam, Australia: Reinforced Rockfill .................................................. 59

Richmond Hill Mine, South Dakota: Non-cable-tied ACB ................................. 63

Ringtown No. 5 Dam, Pennsylvania: RCC ........................................................ 69

Spring Creek Dam, Colorado: RCC .................................................................. 71

Strahl Lake Dam, Indiana: Cable-tied ACB ....................................................... 73

Tongue River Dam, Montana: RCC .................................................................. 79

West Cornfield Dam, New Mexico: Gabions ..................................................... 81


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Part 2: Concrete Dams

Boundary Dam: Shotcrete overlays with rock reinforcement .............................. 85

Coolidge Dam: Concrete overlays with rock reinforcement ...............................89

Gibson Dam: Concrete overlays with rock reinforcement ................................ 107

Railroad Canyon Dam: Concrete overlays, rock reinforcement

and downstream weir ................................................................................. 119

Sweetwater Dam: Mass concrete overlays ....................................................... 123

Tygart Dam: Concrete channel at downstream toe of dam................................ 129


Figure 1-1.Typical hydraulic conditions during embankment overtopping. ........................ 9

Figure 2-1.Downstream slope geometry of RCC overtopping section .................................. 26

Figure 2-2.Overtopping protection with RCC placed parallel to slope . ............................ 26

Figure 2-3.Typical section: RCC overtopping protection. .............................................. 36

Figure 2-4.Typical drainage details ......................................................................... 38

Figure 2-5.Spillway flow training walls...................................................................... 40

Figure 2-6.Reinforced concrete training wall (section looking downstream) .................... 41

Figure 2-7.Plan of RCC overtopping and abutment protection partially constructed. ......... 42

Figure 3-1.Development of spillway stagnation pressures. .......................................... 54

Figure 3-2.Concrete delamination due to thermal expansion ....................................... 55

Figure 3-3.Mean uplift pressure, sharp-edged geometry, sealed cavity, -inch gap. ......... 57

Figure 3-4.Mean uplift pressure, sharp-edged geometry, vented cavity, -inch gap ......... 57

Figure 3-5.Mean uplift pressure, sharp-edged geometry, vented cavity, -inch gap.......... 58

Figure 3-6.Unit discharge for joint/crack, sharp-edged geometry, -inch gap.................. 59

Figure 3-7.Unit discharge for joint/crack, sharp-edged geometry, -inch gap ................. 59

Figure 3-8.Defensive design measures for concrete chutes to prevent uplift failure ......... 61

Figure 3-9.Cavitation created in low ambient pressure chamber . ................................. 63

Figure 3-10.Incipient cavitation characteristics of chamfered offsets ............................ 67

Figure 3-11.Incipient cavitation characteristics of isolated surface irregularities.............. 68

Figure 3-12.Cavitation damage as a function of cavitation index and hours of operation . . 69

Figure 4-1.a) Fabric-formed AB mat b) Armorwedge tapered block c) Concrete construction

or cinder blocks............................................................................................... 77

Figure 4-2.Common examples of precast concrete revetment systems. ......................... 78

Figure 4-3.Hydraulic forces on the typical cable-tied ACB system ................................. 82

Figure 4-4.Typical forces on a wedge-block ACB system .............................................. 84

Figure 4-5.Cabled ACB section being delivered and installed ....................................... 87



Figure 5-1.Example of gabion baskets delivered to the project site .............................. 93

Figure 5-2.Typical unfilled gabion basket on left and mattress on right. ......................... 94

Figure 5-3.Example of welded wire gabions filled with various rock sizes........................ 94

Figure 5-4.Example of gabion spillway crest structure ................................................ 94

Figure 5-5.Example of a gabion channel and drop structure ........................................ 95

Figure 5-6.Gabion erosion protection on slope of embankment.

Zamoly Reservoir, Hungary. ............................................................................... 95

Figure 5-7.Unit head loss over plain gabion steps. ................................................. 101

Figure 5-8.Depth at toe of plain gabion spillway ...................................................... 102

Figure 5-9.Laboratory test facility at the University of Bari, Italy .................................. 103

Figure 5-10.Example gabion sections for overtopping protection

and energy dissipation. ................................................................................... 105

Figure 5-11.Example filter/bedding layer for gabion construction .............................. 107

Figure 5-12.Example geotextile bedding layer for gabion construction ........................ 108

Figure 5-13.Gabion baskets on slope being filled with rock, Milltown Dam

Removal project in Milltown, Montana ............................................................... 110

Figure 5-14.Example gabion structure without and with proper downstream anchor ...... 112

Figure 5-15.Example foundation erosion/migration and gabion settlement .................. 113

Figure 6.1.HydroTurfTM Outfall Structure with St. Johns River Water Management

District in Florida ........................................................................................... 119

Figure 6-2.CIRIA velocity-duration curves for plain and reinforced grass ...................... 126

Figure 6-3.Synthetic turf revetment system........................................................... 127

Figure 6-4.Virginia Kendall Dam in Ohio after 3 hours of overtopping flow .................. 133

Figure 7-1.Pit No. 7 Afterbay Dam in California ...................................................... 138

Figure 7-2.Pit No. 7 Afterbay Dam, looking at downstream face, toward right

abutment spillway. Dam crest has been capped with concrete. .............................. 139

Figure 7-3.Embankment sectionDes Arc Bayou site No. 3 ....................................... 141

Figure 7-4.Detail of downstream slope reinforcement at the toe and at midslope

Des Arc Bayou site No. 3 ................................................................................. 141

Figure 7-5.Reinforcement detail for the downstream toeDes Arc Bayou site No. 3. ...... 142

Figure 7-6.Schematic detail of tie-back steel reinforcing bars with

end-anchorage alternatives ............................................................................. 146

Figure 7-7.Local pattern of rock movement within a mattress .................................... 149

Figure 8-1. Dumped riprap placement on 6-inch bedding layer for Upper Stoneville

Reservoir Dam, Massachusetts ........................................................................ 153

Figure 8-2.Rock chute spillway on Little Washita Site 13 in Grady County, Oklahoma.. .... 154

Figure 8-3.Example calculation of allowable unit discharge as a function of slope,

assuming a fixed stone size ............................................................................ 162

Figure 8-4.Example calculation of required stone size as a function of slope,

assuming a fixed allowable unit discharge .......................................................... 163


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure 9-1.Examples of a perforated and solid geoweb system with various fill
materials (a) Geoweb; (b) TerraCell .............................................................. 171

Figure 9-2.(a) Filter Point fabric form pumped with concrete (b) Filter Band

fabric form pumped with concrete ; (c) Uniform Section fabric form. ..................... 173

Figure 9-3.Profile along the centerline of the spillway showing the location of

the geomembrane sheets (dimensions in feet) .................................................... 176

Figure 9-4.Typical cross-section of geomembrane installation procedure

along the channel. ......................................................................................... 176

Figure 9-5.Details of the upstream and downstream ends of the geomembrane

blankets, showing a) upstream end of the spillway at the dam crest;

b) typical section along the spillway showing the overlap of about 5 ft; and
c) downstream end of the spillway liner attachment to the concrete end sill............. 177

Figure 9-6.TerraCell design guide for moderate conditions ...................................... 179

Figure 9-7.Fabric forms being filled with fine aggregate concrete. .............................. 182

Figure 11-1.Scour downstream from concrete dam showing potential for

daylighting of foundation discontinuities ............................................................ 198

Figure 11-2.Free jets (a) overtopping a dam, (b) issuing from an orifice through a dam,

(c) definition sketch for parameters of a free falling jet. ........................................ 201

Figure 11-3.Sectional view of the final trajectory profile for the PMF though a dam

section aligned with the river channel ................................................................ 204

Figure 11-4.Footprint of the trajectory with no spread of the jet for the PMF

overtopping. ................................................................................................. 205

Figure 11-5.Sectional view of predicted trajectories for various frequency overtopping

flood events.................................................................................................. 206

Figure 11-6.Jet diffusion in a plunge pool for two-phase shear layer and a highly

turbulent plunging jet. .................................................................................... 211

Figure 12-1.Completed RCC buttress at downstream face of Camp Dyer Diversion

Dam in Arizona.. ............................................................................................ 220

Figure 12-2.RCC buttress for Camp Dyer Diversion Dam during overtopping in
January 1993. ............................................................................................... 220
Figure 12-3.Concrete overtopping protection for Santa Cruz Dam in New Mexico. .......... 221

Figure 12-4.Service spillway flows confined by training walls on stepped downstream face of
Santa Cruz Dam ............................................................................................ 222

Figure 12-5.RCC buttress construction within the original spillway plunge pool for Pueblo

Dam in Colorado ............................................................................................ 223

Figure 12-6.Mechanical anchors being installed through the RCC toe block into the

foundation for Pueblo Dam spillway, to improve sliding resistance. ......................... 223

Figure 12-7.RCC buttress being constructed at downstream face of Camp Dyer

Diversion Dam............................................................................................... 225

Figure 12-8.RCC placements followed curvature of existing arch dam, Santa Cruz Dam

(Reclamation). .............................................................................................. 225

Figure 13-1.Crest of concrete dam with splitter piers for overtopping flows .................. 230

Figure 13-2.Splitter piers designed to aerate overtopping flows.................................. 230

Figure 13-3.Concrete overtopping protection at downstream toe of dam...................... 231



Figure 13-4.Concrete overtopping protection at downstream toe of dam .................... 231

Figure 13-5.Concrete channel using guide wall to convey overtopping flows ............... 232

Figure 14-1.Nested foundation blocks, view from downstream ................................. 242

Figure 14-2.Nested foundation blocks, view from upstream..................................... 242

Figure 14-3.Example of removable rock block in dam foundation.............................. 243

Figure 14-4.Rock bolt installation on downstream abutment as part of overtopping

protection .................................................................................................... 244

Figure 14-5.Epoxy coated rock bolts. ..................................................................... 248

Figure 15-1.Overtopping of Gibson Dam in 1964 by about 3 feet................................ 256

Figure 15-2.Definition sketch for parameters of a free falling jet into a plunge pool.. ...... 257

Figure 15-3.Variation of mean dynamic pressure coefficient versus ratio of pool depth

to jet impact diameter.. ................................................................................... 259

Figure 15-4.Probability that erosion will occur based upon the available flow energy or
stream power and the characteristics of the rock in terms of the erosion index.
Probability of erosion by logistic regression for Annandales regression line. ............. 265



Table 5-1. Design coefficients for plain gabion steps ............................................................100

Table 6-1. Properties of grass channel linings having good uniform stands of

each cover ...................................................................................................................... 122

Table 6-2.Typical grass mixtures, in percent .......................................................................128

Table 7-1.Maximum permissible flow rates through a downstream rockfill........................144

Table 8-1.Coefficients for riprap design equations. ............................................................159

Table 10-1.Summary of design limits for overtopping protection systems .........................193

Table 15-1.Modified joint set number values...................................................................... 261

Table 15-2.Joint roughness number ...................................................................................261

Table 15-3.Joint Alteration Number ....................................................................................263

Table 15-4.Determination of JS ...........................................................................................264

Table 16-1 Summary of concrete dam overtopping protection case histories ......................271


Abbreviations and Acronyms

Abbreviations and Acronyms


articulating block


articulating concrete block


American Concrete Institute


Australian National Committee on Large Dams


apparent opening size


Agricultural Research Service


American Society of Civil Engineers


Association of State Dam Safety Officials


alkali-silica reaction


California Department of Transportation


cellular concrete mat


cellular confinement system


closed circuit television


Construction Industry Research and Information Association


concrete masonry unit


Consultant Review Board


continuously reinforced concrete pavement


continuously reinforced concrete slab


chlorosulfimated polyethylene


Colorado State University


double twisted hexagonal mesh


ethylene propylene diene monomer



Food and Agriculture Organization


Federal Emergency Management Agency


Federal Highway Administration


grout-enriched RCC mix


Harris County Flood Control District


Hydraulic Conductivity Ratio


high density polyethylene


Overtopping Protection for Dams


Interagency Committee on Dam Safety


International Commission on Large Dams


Inflow design flood


linear low density polyethylene


National Civil Engineering Laboratory (Lisbon)


maximum credible earthquake


maximum size aggregate


National Concrete Masonry Association


National Environmental Policy Act


National Dam Safety Program


National Dam Safety Review Board


Natural Resources Conservation Service


Portland Cement Association


portable document format


partially-grouted riprap


probable maximum precipitation


probable maximum flood


reinforced polypropylene


polyvinyl chloride


Bureau of Reclamation


roller-compacted concrete


Standing Operating Procedures


uniaxial compressive strength


United States Army Corps of Engineers


United States Department of Agriculture


United States Department of Transportation


United States Forest Service


U.S. Geological Survey


United States Society on Dams




Conversion Factors

Conversion Factors

To the International System of Units (SI) (Metric)

Pound-foot measurements in this manual can be converted to SI measurements by

multiplying by the following factors:


To obtain



cubic meters

cubic feet


cubic meters

cubic feet per second


cubic meters per second

cubic inches


cubic centimeters

cubic yards


cubic meters

degrees Fahrenheit


degrees Celsius




feet per second


meters per second



cubic meters




gallons per minute


cubic meters per second

gallons per minute


liters per second










pounds per cubic foot


kilograms per cubic meter

pounds per square foot


kilograms per square meter

pounds per square inch



pounds per square inch



square feet


square meters

square inches


square centimeters


Overtopping Protection for Dams

ASTM Standards




Standard Specification for Welded Wire Fabric Gabions and

Gabion Mattresses (Metallic Coated or Polyvinyl Chloride
(PVC) Coated


Standard Specification for DoubleTwisted Hexagonal Mesh

Gabions and Revet Mattresses (Metallic-Coated Steel Wire or
Metallic-Coated Steel Wire With Poly(Vinyl Chloride) (PVC)


Standard Test Method for Soundness of Aggregates by Use of

Sodium Sulfate or Magnesium Sulfate


Standard Test Method for Density, Relative Density (Specific

Gravity), and Absorption of Coarse Aggregate


Standard Test Method for Resistance to Degradation of SmallSize Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and Impact in the Los
Angeles Machine


Standard Test Methods for Rubber PropertyAdhesion to

Flexible Substrate


Standard Test Methods for Coated FabricsC666 Standard Test

Method for Resistance of Concrete to Rapid Freezing and

D 1241

Standard Specification for Materials for Soil-Aggregate

Subbase, Base, and Surface Courses

D 4354

Standard Practice for Sampling of Geosynthetics for Testing

D 4759

Standard Practice for Determining the Specification

Conformance of Geosynthetics


Standard Test Method for Measuring the Filtration

Compatibility of Soil-Geotextile Systems


Standard Test Method for Hydraulic Conductivity Ratio (HCR)

Testing of Soil/Geotextile Systems


Overtopping Protection for Dams


Standard Specification for Materials and Manufacture of

Articulating Concrete Block (ACB) Revetment Systems

D 6884

Standard Practice for Installation of Articulating Concrete

Block (ACB) Revetment Systems


Standard Guide for Analysis and Interpretation of Test Data for

Articulating Concrete Block (ACB) Revetment Systems in
Open Channel Flow

D 7277

Standard Test Method for Performance Testing of ACB

Revetment Systems for Hydraulic Stability in Open Channel


Standard Practice for Atmospheric Environmental Exposure

Testing of Nonmetallic Materials


Standard Practice for Conditioning and Handling of

Nonmetallic Materials for Natural and Artificial Weathering




The following websites can provide additional information and publications

related to dams and overtopping protection:
American Society of Civil Engineers:
American Society of Civil Engineers Publications:
Association of State Dam Safety Officials:
Bureau of Reclamation:
Bureau of Reclamation Publications:
Canadian Dam Association:
Federal Emergency Management Agency:
Federal Emergency Management Agency Publications:
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission:
International Commission on Large Dams:
Mine Safety and Health Administration:
National Performance of Dams Program:
Natural Resources Conservation Service:
Natural Resources Conservation Service Publications:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers:
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Publications:
U.S. Department of Agriculture:
United States Society on Dams:



Inadequate spillway capacity is a common problem with many dams. Thousands
of dams throughout North America have been determined to have inadequate
spillway capacity and would be overtopped during the inflow design flood (IDF),
which is often equated to the probable maximum flood (PMF) or to some
frequency flood associated with a particular return period. The PMF is defined as
the flood that may be expected from the most severe combination of critical
meteorologic and hydrologic conditions that are reasonably possible in the
drainage basin under study (Federal Emergency Management Agency [FEMA],
2004). Reservoir inflow from storm events which exceeds the available storage
and/or spillway discharge capacity can result in the dam being overtopped. Dam
failure from overtopping can lead to a potential for loss of life and significant
downstream damages.
Many early dams were designed to accommodate floods based on the largest
experienced local flood or a standardized PMF considered appropriate at that
time. Over the years, significant technological and analytical advances have led to
better watershed and rainfall information, improvements in the analysis of
extreme floods, and tools for evaluating hydrologic events in a risk-based context,
which have resulted in the reclassificat ion of some dams as being hydrologically
deficient (Richards et al., 2013). Guidance for the evaluation of the hydrologic
safety of dams, including guidelines for determination of the IDF for both new
and existing dams, is provided by FEMAs new manual, Selecting and
Accommodating Inflow Design Floods for Dams (FEMA, 2013).
This document assumes that a hydrologic deficiency exists at a dam and that
traditional approaches to safely accommodate a larger design flood have first been
investigated. Designers and dam safety personnel should fully evaluate all options
available when dam overtopping is a possibility. While choosing an alternative
that avoids flow over the top of the dam has clear engineering benefits, providing
project-specific protection during dam overtopping can be a viable method in
some instances to safely convey large flows downstream from the dam.
Overtopping protection should generally be reserved for situations with some
combination of very low annual probability of occurrence (e.g., 1 in 100),
physical or environmental constraints on constructing other methods of flood
conveyance, and prohibitive cost of other alternatives, or where downstream
consequences of dam failure are demonstrated to be low.
A major concern with overtopping protection is that if the protection fails during a
flood event and the underlying embankment is exposed, erosion and headcutting
in the embankment materials could progress rapidly. This could lead to a breach
of the dam during the flood event, with no potential for preventing the failure. A
careful analysis of all potential failure modes for the dam and appurtenant features

Overtopping Protection for Dams

must be performed for both the existing (baseline) conditions and for the proposed
modified conditions.
Where applicable, overtopping protection may involve all or a portion of the dam
crest. This may be more cost effective than constructing an auxiliary spillway on
either abutment at dams where increased hydraulic capacity is required. However,
this depend upon many factors, including the site conditions; dam characteristics;
magnitude, depth, and duration of the overtopping flow; and the type of
overtopping protection selected.
Techniques used to analyze the impacts of overtopping on embankment and
concrete dams differ greatly. Hence, the protection alternatives available to
accommodate overtopping also differ. The following provides a brief discussion
of the overtopping protection alternatives presented in this manual:
Part 1 (Embankment Dams).These chapters provide general guidance on the
design and construction considerations, site implications, depth and duration
factors, and vulnerabilities associated with the overtopping protection alternatives
for embankment dams. Chapters addressing overtopping protection for
embankment dams are:
Chapter 1 (General Considerations).One of the most common
deficiencies for embankment dams is inadequate spillway capacity.
Economical methods to significantly increase the hydraulic capacity of
such facilities are needed to preserve dam safety. Before considering any
type of overtopping protection for an existing dam, site investigations and
analyses should be performed as described in Chapter 1.
Chapter 2 (Roller-Compacted Concrete and Soil Cement).Roller

compacted concrete (RCC) combines a mix of sand, gravel, and cement,

while soil cement is formed by creating a mix of soil and cement. Both of
these materials can be applied using typical earth moving equipment and
are generally placed in horizontal lifts. A higher percentage of cement is
typically required for RCC in order to achieve its greater compressive
strength. Thus, RCC provides a more rigid and durable form of protection
and many embankment dams throughout the nation have been armored
using RCC. For guidance on the use of RCC and soil cement, see
Chapter 2.
Chapter 3 (Conventional or Mass Concrete).Conventional or mass
concrete protection systems rely on a continuous layer of concrete to serve
as the flow surface for overtopping flows. The concrete layer protects the
underlying embankment from high velocity flows discharging along the
downstream face of the dam. Training walls may be required at the sides
of the overtopping protection to contain the overtopping flows and to


protect the dam abutments. For guidance on the use of conventional or

mass concrete, see Chapter 3.
Chapter 4 (Precast concrete blocks).Many types of precast concrete
blocks are used for overtopping protection, each with its own geometry,
useful applications based upon hydraulic performance and erosion
prevention, installation procedures, aesthetic value, and cost. Proper
selection requires a product that has been extensively tested under the flow
conditions anticipated during overtopping. For guidance on the use of
precast concrete blocks, see Chapter 4.
Chapter 5 (Gabions).Gabions are wire baskets encasing uniformlygraded stone. The dimensions of the wire basket vary in size, and
gradation of the stone may vary according to the type of application.
Gabions typically require anchorage into the embankment and should only
be considered for low head and flow depth applications. For guidance on
the use of gabions, see Chapter 5.
Chapter 6 (Vegetative Cover, Turf Reinforcement Mats, and Synthetic Turf
Revetments).Vegetation provides an inexpensive and aesthetically
pleasing alternative, if the expected hydraulic conditions at the site do not
exceed the erosive limitations of the vegetation. Various types of
vegetative covers and turf reinforcement mats, including synthetic turf,
have demonstrated effectiveness in preventing exposure of bare soil to low
overtopping flows of limited duration. For guidance on the use of
vegetative cover, turf reinforcement mats, and synthetic turf revetments,
see Chapter 6.
Chapter 7 (Flow-Through Rockfill and Reinforced Rockfill).Some
rockfill dams have been designed to withstand both overtopping and flowthrough conditions. Reinforcement can be incorporated into rockfill to
hold the surface rock particles in place under overtopping and flowthrough conditions. Improvement to the mass slope stability is an
important benefit under flow-through conditions, but is secondary under
overtopping conditions. The reinforcement is a system composed of two
essential components: a mesh and anchoring. For guidance on the use of
flow-through rockfill and reinforced rockfill, see Chapter 7.
Chapter 8 (Riprap).A riprap layer on the downstream slope of an
embankment dam can protect against the initiation of embankment erosion
during overtopping flow up to the design flow characteristics (maximum
depth and velocity) of the riprap size. Riprap is generally composed of
uniform-sized, high quality crushed or quarried rock, or occasionally
concrete rubble, dumped or manually placed over a suitable bedding layer,
and may include a grout matrix. For guidance on the use of riprap, see
Chapter 8.

Overtopping Protection for Dams

Chapter 9 (Geomembrane Liners, Geocells, and Fabric-Formed

Concrete).Geomembranes and geocells are each a subset of a larger
group of geosynthetic materials that are widely used in combination with
other products to protect surfaces from erosion. Geosynthetic materials
have a large number of uses in providing protection from dam leakage,
reinforcement for dam raises, slope stabilization, and building roads on
sandy or soft soils, in addition to erosion protection. However,
geomembrane liners, geocells, and fabric-formed concrete appear to have
very limited applications for overtopping flows. For guidance on the use
of geomembrane liners, geocells, and fabric-formed concrete, see
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10 (Summary).The various overtopping protection alternatives
for embankment dams presented in this manual are summarized in
Chapter 10.
Part 2 (Concrete Dams).These chapters provide general guidance on the
design and construction considerations, site implications, depth and
duration factors, and vulnerabilities associated with the overtopping
protection alternatives for concrete dams. Chapters addressing overtopping
protection for concrete dams are:
Chapter 11 (General Considerations).This chapter provides an
overview of the different overtopping protection systems and their design
considerations for concrete dams. A summary of key overtopping case
histories (including examples of overtopping that either led to dam failure
or resulted in the dam surviving) for concrete dams is provided. Basic
hydraulic equations for evaluating the flow characteristics for overtopping
flows are included.
Chapter 12 (Roller-Compacted Concrete).RCC has been used to
buttress concrete dams and to provide foundation protection from
overtopping flow. For guidance on the use of RCC, see Chapter 12.
Chapter 13 (Conventional or Mass Concrete).Conventional or mass
concrete has been used to buttress concrete dams and to provide abutment
and foundation protection from overtopping flow. For guidance on the use
of conventional or mass concrete, see Chapter 13.
Chapter 14 (Foundation and Abutment Reinforcing).Various methods
of rock anchoring can be used to stabilize abutments and foundations
during exposure to overtopping flow. For guidance on the use of
foundation and abutment reinforcing, see Chapter 14.
Chapter 15 (Abutment and Plunge Pool Erosion Potential).Overtopping
flow can act as a free falling jet that impacts the downstream dam
abutments, dam foundation, and downstream channel. The overtopping


flow will enter the tailwater below the dam (either created naturally or
through the excavation of a plunge pool) and may disperse before
impinging on the rock surface. If an adequate tailwater pool depth is
provided, then insufficient energy will remain to erode the rock material
on the sides or base of the pool. If not, scour may occur depending upon
the rock materials. For guidance on abutment and plunge pool erosion
potential, see Chapter 15.
Chapter 16 (Summary).The various overtopping protection alternatives
for concrete dams presented in this manual are summarized in Chapter 16.

Part 1

Part 1: Embankment Dams

Chapter 1. General Considerations

Chapter 1. General Considerations for

Embankment Dams

The National Dam Safety Program (NDSP) was first implemented in the late
1970s. The NDSP, which is led by FEMA, is a partnership of States, Federal
agencies, and other stakeholders established to encourage individual and
community responsibility for dam safety. One of the most common deficiencies
identified for embankment dams was inadequate spillway capacity. This was due
to new design criteria for IDFs, new regulatory standards, and in many cases,
changes in hazard classifications due to downstream development. The spillway
capacity that was required for many dams was found to be significantly greater
than the capacity of the existing spillways.
Various Federal and State agencies have different systems for rating the hazard
potential of dams. Each of the hazard potential classification systems groups dams
into categories based on the potential for loss of life and downstream damage in
the event of failure. The hazard potential classification does not reflect in any way
on the current condition of the dam itself (i.e., safety, structural integrity, or flood
routing capacity), but rather on the conditions downstream of the dam. FEMA has
a hazard classification system that is clear and concise, and this system was
adopted for the purposes of this manual. The reader is directed to FEMA 333,
Federal Guidelines for Dam Safety: Hazard Potential Classification Systems for
Dams (FEMA 2004), for a complete description of their system. The FEMA
document uses three hazard potential levels to classify dams. These levels are
summarized as follows:
Low hazard potential.Dams assigned the low hazard potential
classification are those where failure or misoperation results in no
probable loss of human life and low economic and/or environmental
losses. Losses are principally limited to the dam owners property.
Significant hazard potential.Dams assigned the significant hazard
potential classification are those dams where failure or misoperation
results in no probable loss of human life, but can cause economic loss,
environmental damage, or disruption of lifeline facilities, or can impact
other concerns. Significant hazard potential classification dams are often
located in predominantly rural or agricultural areas, but could be located in
areas with significant population and infrastructure.
High hazard potential.Dams assigned the high hazard potential
classification are those where failure or misoperation will probably cause
loss of human life.

Overtopping Protection for Dams

The guidance in this manual is intended to be technically valid without regard to

the hazard potential classification of a particular dam. However, some design
measures that are commonly used for the design of high and significant hazard
potential dams may be considered overly conservative for use with low hazard
potential dams; and conversely, some overtopping protection alternatives may not
be appropriate for high and significant hazard potential applications. The selection
of any overtopping protection system for final design must give strong
consideration to the potential risk of failure of the protection system and resulting
consequences of potential failure of the dam.
Typically, the required IDF for a spillway ranges up to the full PMF for high
hazard potential dams. This results in very large peak flows using present day
hydrometeorological standards. Erosion and instability resulting from overtopping
flow is a principal cause of embankment dam failure (Powledge and Pravdivets,
1994). As a result, economical methods to significantly increase the hydraulic
capacity of such facilities were needed to preserve dam safety (Portland Cement
Association [PCA], 2002).
A decision to use dam overtopping protection in place of improving the service
spillway, constructing an auxiliary spillway, raising the dam crest, or imposing a
reservoir restriction should only be made with careful consideration of all
potential impacts. The designer should always check the applicable policies and
guidelines of the Federal and State regulatory agencies involved regarding
overtopping protection of embankment dams. Some States may not allow any
form of embankment overtopping protection (such as California) while other
States may have restrictive criteria that must be followed.
Understanding the behavior of an embankment dam during an overtopping event
provides a basis for the design of protective measures. Flow over an embankment
dam, as shown in Figure 1-1, generally proceeds from a subcritical velocity over
the upstream portion of the crest, through critical velocity on the crest and
supercritical velocity across the remainder of the crest, to accelerating turbulent
flow on the downstream slope. The hydraulics of overtopping flows in terms of
unit discharge, depth, and velocity can be estimated by conventional open-channel
flow theories. The unit discharge of the overtopping flow, q, in ft 3/s/ft, is a
function of the overtopping depth, H, in feet, as follows (Equation 1-1):
q = C H1.5

Eq. 1-1


a discharge coefficient dependent upon the geometry of the

embankment and the depth of flow.

Chapter 1. General Considerations

Figure 1-1.Typical hydraulic conditions during embankment overtopping


Dam overtopping flow is normally compared to broad-crested weir flow with a

sloping approach. Near parallel flow will occur across the dam crest when the
ratio of the overtopping depth (H) to the crest length in the direction of flow (L) is
between 0.08 and 0.33, and critical depth will occur within the downstream third
of the crest. The exact location of critical depth on the crest will be dependent
upon the crest profile and the relative roughness of the crest surface. Beyond the
critical depth location, flow depth and pressure profiles will decrease from
hydrostatic pressure as the flow begins curving toward the slope beyond the
downstream edge of the crest, or crest brink, where separation of the nappe
occurs. When H/L is less than 0.08, the roughness of the crest surface may cause
undulating flow and surface erosion. When H/L is greater than 0.33, the control
will shift toward the upstream edge of the crest and may spring free, producing an
upstream flow cavity. Sharp-crested weir flow will occur for H/L ratios greater
than 3.0 (Dodge, 1988).
Laboratory tests of overtopping flow for various embankment slopes indicated
scour started near the top of the slope just below the crest brink. Although the
scour progressed down the embankment slope over time, the majority of the
damage occurred on the upper half of the embankment. Studies indicated the
pressure head on the embankment crest decreased rapidly from the location of
critical depth to the brink. The ratio of the brink depth to the critical depth
decreased with increasing slope, from 0.729 for a 4:1 slope to 0.674 for a
2:1 slope, reflecting an increase in pressure gradient at the brink. Large pressure
gradients at the brink could produce erosion of the dam embankment or failure of
an overtopping protection system. Increasing the embankment slope also reduced
the pressure heads recorded at the brink, with negative pressures recorded for a
2:1 slope with a unit discharge of 2 ft3/s/ft or greater. The lowest pressures were
recorded within 0.5 feet downstream of the crest brink (Dodge, 1988).

Overtopping Protection for Dams

Slope stability equations by the limit equilibrium method can be extended to

include the effects of surface tractive forces and pressures resulting from
overtopping flows on an embankment dam. An analysis method for estimating the
potential for deep-seated slope instability of an embankment dam during
overtopping is provided by Chugh (1992).
Miller and Ralston (1987) evaluated several case histories of embankment dams
being overtopped, with the following conclusions related to performance:
Uniform vegetation can generally provide some protection for shallow
overtopping depths (up to about 1 foot) for short durations of a few hours,
especially on clayey, compacted soil surfaces
Granular rockfill materials at the embankment toe may be more easily
eroded and cause undermining of a more resistant cohesive fill
High tailwater reduces the head differential on the embankment and can
reduce erosion
Interruptions to a smooth downstream slope surface (e.g., a change in
slope [either from steeper to flatter, or from flatter to steeper] or a
projecting structure, berm, roadway, or abutment groin) produce
turbulence which can initiate erosion and accelerate breaching
Flow concentrations due to elevation changes along the embankment crest
(generally caused by camber or by crest settlement) can initiate erosion
Flatter embankment slopes have greater resistance to erosion

1.1 Embankment Dam Overtopping Protection

Embankment dam overtopping protection has been found in some cases to be a
practical and cost-effective method for providing additional spillway capacity to
convey large, infrequent floods at existing dams with inadequate spillway
capacity. However, a decision to use overtopping protection in place of spillway
improvements, a reservoir restriction, dam crest raise, or auxiliary spillway
construction cannot be made lightly. Overtopping protection should not be
considered as a low-cost substitute for a service spillway, especially where
frequent use, high unit discharge, or high head is a design requirement, or where
the structure impounds a substantial volume of water and downstream
consequences in the event of failure would be significant. Overtopping protection
is generally discouraged for use on new embankment dams due to settlement
concerns, unless they can be addressed in the design and no other practical
alternatives exist. Most embankment dam overtopping protection features serve as


Chapter 1. General Considerations

an auxiliary spillway1, with service spillways provided to pass the more frequent
floods. When planning to use embankment dam overtopping protection as an
auxiliary spillway, the designer should consider the limitations and risks of
conveying spillway flow over an earthen embankment. Important engineering
design considerations include:
Significant quantities of concentrated flowing water may be introduced
over erodible materials, such as an earthen embankment or foundation
material at the abutment contacts.
Higher static loading on an embankment dam may result in slope failure.
Uncontrolled leakage from the overtopping protection could cause

embankment erosion and instability.

Debris carried in the flood flows may damage the overtopping protection.
Numerous overtopping protection projects have been constructed, but few
have seen significant useand none has been tested for full design flood
Overtopping protection typically involves a significant change to the
visual appearance of the structure.
When larger spillway capacity is required for an existing dam, the hydraulic
capacity of the existing service spillway should generally be maintained before
operation of an embankment overtopping spillway. For example, if an existing
service spillway is capable of passing a 500-year flood without overtopping the
dam, then the planned overtopping protection would generally not be designed to
begin operation more frequently than the 500-year flood event. However, if the
embankment crest must be lowered to accommodate the overtopping protection,
the overtopping protection may experience flows before the original design
capacity of the service spillway is achieved. This can potentially change the
downstream risks to affected properties as well as the potential liabilities due to
flooding, and this lowering should only be considered for infrequent events. At a
minimum, the outflow conditions should usually not be increased for events more
frequent than a 100-year flood event (PCA, 2002). This is intended to ensure a
low probability of occurrence and avoid potential impacts on flood insurance
within the 100-year floodplain. The need to assess upstream and downstream
flooding conditions should be evaluated for each project. Environmental impacts
must be evaluated in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act
(NEPA) and in accordance with applicable Federal and State regulatory

The term emergency spillway is discouraged, to avoid the implication that an emergency exists
when its use is required (FEMA, 2013).

Overtopping Protection for Dams

If an auxiliary spillway is to be located on the dam as embankment overtopping

protection, flow from the auxiliary spillway should be directed to the downstream
channel and away from the toe of the dam to reduce the risk of erosion of the dam
embankment during an overtopping event. The embankment dam overtopping
protection should be designed so that the abutment groins and toe of the dam are
protected from localized erosion caused by flow concentrations and by high
velocity flow. Hydraulic analyses should be performed to determine the
characteristics of the overtopping flow, including: flow velocity, depth, and type
(laminar or turbulent, supercritical or subcritical), slope changes and
discontinuities, and the energy dissipation requirements at the downstream toe.
Channel erosion downstream of embankment dam overtopping protection can
also have a critical impact on the stability of the embankment and can cause high
seepage gradients at the toe of the dam. If erosion at the toe of the dam is
expected to occur during overtopping, the eroded conditions should be evaluated
in both the embankment stability and embankment seepage analyses. These
critical stability and seepage conditions must be considered in the design of the
overtopping protection system.
The construction of overtopping protection on an embankment dam could also
impact the long-term stability of the embankment. An impermeable structure on
the downstream slope of an embankment dam can block existing seepage paths
and thereby increase the phreatic surface and decrease embankment stability.
Furthermore, any reductions to the embankment cross-section can decrease the
factor of safety for slope stability, especially due to excavation required during
construction. Excavation at the toe of the embankment to construct the various
features of the overtopping protection system, in particular to construct a
downstream stilling basin or for over-steepening of the downstream slope, will
change the stability of the overall embankment. An evaluation of the estimated
potential risks of dam failure during construction, in addition to long-term
impacts, should be performed as part of the design of overtopping protection for
an embankment dam. Any excavation of the existing dam crest may increase the
potential for dam overtopping during construction, which should be considered in
the final design. A reservoir level restriction, temporary cofferdam, or
construction requirement to avoid the rainy season may be necessary to ensure
adequate protection against potential hydrologic construction risks.

1.2 Site Investigations and Analyses for Overtopping

1.2.1 Preliminary Studies
Before designing overtopping protection for an existing dam, the impact of the
proposed modifications on the embankment dam and downstream conditions must
be evaluated. Site reconnaissance and investigations will be needed to understand


Chapter 1. General Considerations

the conditions of the embankment, foundation, and downstream area and to

develop appropriate geotechnical parameters for:

Analyzing embankment slope stability and seepage conditions

Estimating the bearing capacity of the foundation

Providing analysis of filter compatibility

Predicting settlement or heave

Available information should be reviewed to develop an understanding of how the

dam was constructed and how it has performed. This can include design and
construction drawings, construction records and photographs, records of
inspections, and reviews by dam owners or jurisdictional agencies. In some cases,
there may be substantial structure performance data from instrumentation
programs. Instrumentation will usually include monitoring of the phreatic surface
within the dam, seepage measurements, and surface movements (both vertical and
horizontal). Instrumentation requirements for the modified embankment must be
addressed for final design. Visual observations can also provide considerable
information on the past performance of the dam. High water levels, seepage,
settlement, and shear displacement generally leave surface expressions that can be
observed during a site reconnaissance.

1.2.2 Subsurface Investigations

Subsurface investigations are used to determine subsurface strata and water levels
in the embankment and foundation and to collect samples for laboratory testing.
Of particular interest are the subsurface materials and water levels (or phreatic
surface) in the downstream slope of the embankment and in the dam foundation at
the downstream toe. The scope of investigation usually includes drilling of test
holes and/or excavating test pits, with associated logging and sampling. Logging
and sampling are needed to classify the soils encountered, and samples are needed
for laboratory testing. The amount of investigation required can vary considerably
depending on the size of the project, the subsurface conditions at the site, and the
availability of information from previous investigation and construction records.
The scope of the subsurface investigations should be planned and implemented
under the direction of a qualified geotechnical engineer experienced in dam
design. Test holes and test pits can be excavated to shallow depth by hand and to
greater depths by drill rigs or excavators. Test hole and test pit locations and
depths should be selected to sample embankment and foundation material where
the overtopping structure and appurtenant facilities are planned. Test pits should
be backfilled properly following sampling and logging, and test holes may either
be grouted or developed into observation holes by using instruments such as a
standpipe piezometer or an inclinometer. Geophysical methods such as ground


Overtopping Protection for Dams

penetrating radar and electrical resistivity may also apply to an overtopping

protection investigation.
Subsurface investigations may be needed to confirm the location, type, and
condition of buried drainage systems within an existing dam. Drainage systems
can include granular drains and filters, geotextiles, and drain pipes. Subsurface
investigations should be conducted in such a way that existing features are
maintained, without significant impact. Granular drains and filters can be
evaluated by test holes and test pits, with careful logging and sampling.
Geotextiles can be evaluated by partial excavation, if needed, to obtain a sample
for testing. Drain pipes can be evaluated by probing and by visual inspection
using remotely operated camera surveys inside the pipe. Any underground
utilities within the dam foundation and downstream area should also be identified
and located.
Permeability tests may be required for seepage analyses of the existing
embankment or foundation, to evaluate dewatering needs during construction and
for the design of permanent seepage control measures. Permeability
measurements can be made from test holes as well as from limited field samples
prepared and tested in the laboratory. Other tests such as consolidation testing
including time-rate measurements, direct-shear or triaxial-shear testing for shear
strength, chemical testing to determine potential effects of the aggressiveness of
the soil on degradation of concrete and corrosion of steel, and dispersion tests to
evaluate the potential for internal soil erosion may be desirable for some projects.

1.2.3 Slope Stability Analyses

An important aspect of constructing an auxiliary spillway on an embankment is
the stability of the foundation. Slope stability analysis may be required to evaluate
whether an existing structure will have an acceptable factor of safety against slope
failure both during and following construction. Foundation analyses may also be
required to evaluate other potential modes of failure related to bearing capacity,
settlement or heave, and overturning or sliding of retaining walls, or potential
scour at the downstream toe. For most projects, standard analysis methods should
be adequate; however, certain projects may require more sophisticated models,
such as finite element or finite difference models of deformation. For cases where
the overtopping protection will not create significant changes to loading or water
levels within the dam, computer-based slope stability analysis may not be
Slope stability analyses for an embankment dam consist of five primary steps
(PCA, 2002):
1. Characterizing the geometry of the slope and material boundaries
2. Evaluating the material properties for each type of material in the

embankment and foundation


Chapter 1. General Considerations

3. Evaluating internal and external water pressure and loading or seepage

4. Inputting geometry, material properties, and water pressures in a model for
analysis of slope stability
5. Solving for the minimum theoretical factor of safety
Input parameters for slope stability analyses include: material boundaries, water
pressures or phreatic surface levels, material unit weights, and material strengths.
Water pressure and material strength parameters are most important because they
can have a significant effect on the calculated factor of safety. Standard loading
conditions for embankment dams include: end-of-construction, steady-state
seepage for normal pool conditions, steady-state seepage at flood pool, steadystate seepage earthquake loading conditions, and rapid drawdown. Unlike many
construction materials, the strength of soil is highly dependent on the loading
conditions. Strength parameters which represent the cohesion and friction angle of
a material are generally appropriate for a slope stability analysis. The analysis
should consider that the overtopping protection may act as a barrier to evaporation
and seepage, and that the phreatic surface may increase as a result.

1.2.4 Foundation Analyses

Embankment and structure modifications associated with overtopping protection
may require foundation analysis for design. Volume change in foundation soil can
occur in response to changes in loading, water content, or weather. Although most
overtopping protection will result in only nominal changes in loading, there may
be changes in water content and phreatic surface within the embankment that
could have adverse impacts if they are not considered in the design. These adverse
impacts may include cracking, offsets, uplift, and/or disruption of the overtopping
protection and exposure of the underlying embankment. Shaking due to seismic
loading may produce consolidation of an uncompacted or loose foundation. The
degree of volume change is most significant in certain types of soils and
Consolidation and settlement can occur gradually, over several months or years.
Consolidation and settlement will generally be significant where soft, normally
consolidated or slightly overconsolidated clayey soil comprises the foundation,
and for uncompacted rockfill. In such cases, even light loads can cause enough
settlement to contribute to cracking and structural distress. Where possible,
excavation and replacement of soft clayey soils should be considered. Where this
is not possible or practical, it may be desirable to include load compensat ion in
the design.
Settlement can also occur as a result of collapse from wetting. This should be
consideredespecially where silty and sandy soil are at relatively low density
and are dry or unsaturated. Collapse can sometimes be induced prior to

Overtopping Protection for Dams

constructing a structure by wetting and compacting the soil. However, the

preferred approach would be to remove and replace soils that could collapse, if
Foundation heave can result from the swelling of some types of clayey soil.
Heave resulting from unloading of saturated clayey soil is generally not large,
andconsidering the limited amount of excavation associated with typical
overtopping protectionis often insignificant. Heave resulting from increased
moisture content in partially saturated clays and weathered claystone can
represent a volume increase of 10 percent or more. The degree of heave can be
reduced by compacting soil wet of optimum moisture content, and by maintaining
a constant moisture content environment. Expansive clays (such as bentonite and
montmorillonite) can swell to many times their original volume and should be
Frost heave can occur where soil within the frost depth (or the depth to which
groundwater in the soil is expected to freeze, based on climatic conditions and soil
properties) is moist or saturated. Frost heave is most significant in silty sand,
where ice lens formation can cause heave of several inches. Uplift pressure from
frost heave could be enough to crack or dislodge the overtopping protection and
cause unsatisfactory performance. Free-draining soils with minimal amounts of
fines and fine sands, and with significant amounts of coarse sand and gravel
fractions, are least susceptible to frost heave, even if they are moist or wet,
because the soil is permeable enough to allow water to flow away from ice as it
forms, thereby minimizing volume change. Free-draining bedding material is
recommended where conditions for frost heave exist.
Bearing capacity is generally not of significant concern for overtopping protection
on embankment dams because of the light loads typically applied. Bearing
capacity of the foundation can be evaluated using standard equations relating soil
strength and unit weight, and the planned size and depth of the structure

1.2.5 Seepage Analyses

The overtopping protection design must be compatible with the seepage
conditions resulting from a modification of the embankment dam. Seepage
collection and control features are often required in the design of overtopping
protection to:
Collect and control seepage through the embankment or foundation under
normal reservoir conditions
Limit uplift pressures that could develop beneath the overtopping

protection as a result of flood releases


Chapter 1. General Considerations

Collect and control infiltration of water through cracks and joints in the
overtopping protection
Under normal reservoir condit ions, seepage can develop through the embankment
and foundation, as well as through the foundation beneath a spillway. If the
overtopping protection provides a low permeability barrier to seepage, excess
water pressures could build up beneath the structure and cause uplift damage, or
redirect general embankment and foundation seepage to the locations of cracks or
joints in the overtopping protection. This could result in higher seepage gradients
at the cracks or joints, which could allow piping (or internal erosion) of the
embankment and/or foundation soils to develop. Blockage of seepage exit points
could also result in increased pore-water pressures in the embankment and
foundation soils which in turn could decrease the stability of the embankment.
If the existing embankment or foundation includes adequate seepage collection
and control features upstream of the location of the overtopping protection, then it
may not be necessary to include seepage collection and control features in the
design. For example, if an embankment includes an upstream chimney and
blanket drain, then it is not likely that uncontrolled seepage would reach the
underside of an overtopping protection structure. Similarly, if an embankment
contains an effective clay core, seepage may not reach the downstream face where
the overtopping protection would be constructed. However, the lack of visible
seepage on the downstream slope of an existing dam may not be sufficient to
conclude that a drainage system is not needed. The possibility exists that the
amount of seepage that reaches the face is sufficiently small and evaporates into
the open air, but could build up beneath a structure. If the overtopping protection
is constructed downstream of existing seepage collection and control features, the
design must include means for the discharge from those systems to safely pass
through or around the structure. Field investigations and instrumentation readings
should be used to confirm the actual seepage conditions in the embankment and
foundation for design of overtopping protection using standard steady-state
seepage analysis methods (PCA, 2002).

1.3 Types of Overtopping Protection Systems for

Embankment Dams
Since 1983, extensive testing has been conducted in the United States, Great
Britain, Spain, Portugal, Italy, and the former Soviet Union to develop
alternatives for overtopping prote ction for embankment dams. Protection systems
tested include roller-compacted concrete and soil cement, precast concrete block
systems, rockfill, riprap, gabions, grass linings, and geosynthetic materials.
Success and/or failure of the various systems is well documented in each case,
and a review of available reports may help determine the most appropriate
overtopping protection alternative for a particular project (ASCE, 1994). The


Overtopping Protection for Dams

designer is cautioned to carefully review the test conditions and range of loadings
evaluated for these tests, compared to those for a particular project.
General design considerations when selecting an overtopping protection system
for a particular project may include:

Unit discharge

Maximum head on crest

Embankment or drop height

Embankment materials

Downstream slope flow duration

Flow velocity

Shear stress

Surface discontinuities that can lead to irregular hydraulic flow patterns

or turbulence

Potential for differential settlement

Cavitation potential

Erosion potential stagnation (or uplift) pressures



Potential for debris loads

Durability (or resistance to corrosion abrasion and freeze-thaw damage)

Energy dissipation

Downstream channel conditions

Downstream consequences


Maintenance requirements

Potential vulnerabilities (including terrorism and vandalism)


These design considerations are addressed in the following chapters for each type
of overtopping protection system and are used as a basis of comparison in Chapter
10 for all of the overtopping protection systems considered in this manual for
embankment dams.


Chapter 1. General Considerations

Overtopping protection systems for large, high hazard potential embankment

dams require more rigorous and detailed analysis to ensure stability for higher
unit discharges, drop heights, and flow velocities. Smooth, continuouslyreinforced concrete deck systems (long in use for concrete-faced rockfill dams
and highway pavements) have been evaluated for use as overtopping protection
on the downstream face of embankment dams up to 200 feet high (see A.R.
Bowman Dam case history in the Appendix). Stepped concrete overlay systems of
roller-compacted concrete have been used to provide energy dissipation in
addition to overtopping protection for embankment dams up to about 100 feet
high. Cable-tied, precast concrete blocks have been used to provide overtopping
protection for numerous embankment dams up to about 50 feet high.
Regardless of type, overtopping protection for embankment dams should be
reserved for situations with a relatively low annual probability of occurrence, and
for which conventional flood protection methods are cost prohibitive or could
represent a greater risk than for the alternative selected. The policies and
guidelines of applicable Federal and State regulatory agencies pertaining to
embankment overtopping protection should be determined for relevant design
criteria. Some States, such as California, do not allow any form of embankment
overtopping, regardless of the method or approach.
Overtopping protection systems for embankment dams have been constructed
using various types of construction materials. The following chapters describe the
use of RCC and soil cement, conventional or mass concrete, precast concrete
blocks, gabions, vegetative cover, turf reinforcement mats, synthetic turf
revetments, flow-through rockfill, reinforced rockfill, riprap, and various types of
geosynthetic materials as overtopping protection, including geomembrane liners,
geocells, and fabric-formed concrete. Chapter 10 provides a summary of the
overtopping protection alternatives for embankment dams presented in this
manual and a general guide for their potential range of use.


Chapter 2 RCC and Soil Cement

Chapter 2. Roller-Compacted Concrete and Soil


Roller-compacted concrete (RCC) and soil cement have been used in dam
construction since the late 1970s. These materials are similar since they both have
zero-slump consistency and are placed and compacted with equipment typical of
earth-moving or paving operations. The use of RCC and soil cement usually
results in a shorter construction schedule due to higher production rates compared
to conventional or mass concrete construction. A shorter construction schedule
minimizes the hydrologic risks involved with dam construction and allows the
contractor to reduce contingency costs for potential flood damages. A detailed
discussion of the similarities and fundamental differences between RCC and soilcement is provided by Choi and Hansen (2005).
The terms roller compaction and roller-compacted concrete are defined by the
American Concrete Institute (ACI, 2005) as follows:
Roller compaction: A process for compacting concrete using a roller, often a
vibratory roller.
Roller-compacted concrete: Concrete compacted by roller compaction;
concrete that in its unhardened state will support a roller while being
The development of RCC technology has provided a successful method of erosion
protection of embankment dams, which has proven to be cost effective while
affording a number of other advantages. RCC construction is normally very rapid
compared to conventional concrete construction, with minimal project disruption.
In most cases, construction for overtopping protection is limited to the dam crest
and downstream slope, with little to no impact to reservoir operations. Depending
upon the site conditions and discharge requirements, the entire length of the
embankment dam can be used by armoring the crest and downstream face with
RCC, or a selected portion of the embankment crest can be lowered for use as an
RCC-lined spillway. However, lowering the embankment crest can potentially
change the downstream flood risks and potential liabilities, and this lowering
should be evaluated for each project.
RCC spillways generally consist of non-air-entrained concrete, without
reinforcement, water-stopped joints, or anchorage, but with underdrain systems
similar to conventional concrete spillways. For structures that impound water,
such as earth embankments, designing RCC overtopping protection is generally
limited to auxiliary spillways that would only operate for flood return periods of
100 years or greater (PCA, 2002). Greater return periods may be required


Overtopping Protection for Dams

depending upon the downstream consequences. Conventional service spillways

should generally be used for more frequent flood events.
RCC overtopping projects completed in the United States typically range in
height from 15 to 65 feet (with a few up to about 100 feet), with the volume of
RCC typically ranging from 1,000 to 60,000 yd3. A list of completed RCC
overtopping protection projects (including auxiliary spillways located on earth
abutments) was prepared by Ken Hansen in 2013 and is shown in Attachment 1.
The projects (for which information is available) average 44 feet high, with an
average RCC volume of 10,000 yd3, an average unit discharge of 80 ft3/s per
lineal foot of crest length, and an average design overflow depth (or head on
crest) of 8 feet. The average cementitious materials content is 340 lb/yd3
(including both cement and pozzolan) and the maximum size aggregate (MSA)
most commonly used for RCC overtopping protection projects is 1- inches.
RCC has a wide application for use as overtopping protection since the material is
suitable for a wide range of flow depths and velocities. Laboratory studies, fullscale tests, and field experience have all shown that, even at relatively low
strengths and cementitious contents, RCC has exceptional resistance to erosion
and abrasion damage from both high and low velocity flows, even at an early age
(Schrader, 1995). RCC has an added advantage where debris lies within the
drainage basin since it can generally resist captured debris impacts (such as trees,
cobbles, and boulders) without significant damage and without causing severe
irregularities in the hydraulic flow due to snagging of debris. Approximately
10 percent of the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) federallyassisted dams are expected to use RCC overtopping protection in the future to
increase hydraulic capacity and meet dam safety standards (Hunt et al., 2008).
Soil cement is a mixture of water, cement, and natural soil, usually processed in a
pugmill, mixed to a specific (or zero-slump) consistency, placed in lifts, and
rolled with earth moving equipment to compact. Soil cement has smaller
aggregate, lower strength properties, and lower abrasion resistance than RCC, and
applications of soil cement are generally limited to those where strength and
abrasion resistance considerations are not critical. Soil cement has most often
been used as a low-cost paving material. Although limited in use, soil cement has
been placed in layers on the upstream face of embankment dams to provide slope
protection, most often where riprap is not readily available. Soil cement should
generally not be considered for embankment overtopping protection for the
following reasons:
Lack of quality bonding between lifts (unless improved by the use of
bonding mortar)
Significant separation along lifts


Chapter 2 RCC and Soil Cement

Thicker section compared to RCC (needed to resist potential uplift

pressures, due to lack of bonded lifts)

More shrinkage cracking than for RCC

Less erosion resistance compared to RCC
One notable example of the use of soil cement for overtopping protection on an
embankment is Alvin J. Wirtz Dam near Austin, Texas. The project required the
placement of 160,000 yd3 of soil cement to a maximum height of 105 feet in
1997. The final mix required 230 lb/yd3 of cement and 230 lb/yd3 of flyash, with a
maximum aggregate size of only -inch, to meet the design compressive strength
requirement of 2,000 lb/in2. A minimum in-place compacted dry density of
126 lb/ft3 was specified for the soil cement, which was expected to provide
satisfactory durability and bonding between lifts (King et al., 1997).
Unless otherwise indicated, the remainder of this chapter addresses the use of
RCC for overtopping protection.

2.1 Historical Perspective

According to PCA, the method of providing an auxiliary spillway with a large
flood capacity on an embankment dam, commonly referred to as overtopping
protection, was first applied using RCC in the early 1980s at projects such as
Ocoee Dam #2 in Tennessee, Brownwood Country Club in Texas, North Fork
Toutle River in Washington, and Harris Park No. 1 and Spring Creek Dams in
Colorado, where rapid construction and/or budget constraints were driving forces
in identifying alternative designs. The cost effectiveness of RCC overtopping
protection was proven in these early projects where the relatively high hauling,
placement, and compaction production rates yielded lower unit costs than for
conventional concrete spillways. Overtopping protection subsequently saw
sporadic application in the following years, with a total of 11 projects constructed
in the 1980s, and then continued to grow to 50 projects in the 1990s (Bass and
Hansen, 1998). By 2007, RCC had been used as a spillway or overtopping
protection for more than 130 dams (Abdo and Adaska, 2007). Attachment 1
provides a list of 109 completed RCC overtopping protection projects (including
auxiliary spillways located on earth abutments, and one soil-cement project).
(Hansen, 2013).

2.1.1 Design and Analysis

The PCA released the Design Manual for RCC Spillways and Overtopping
Protection in 2002, from which much of the following information was taken.
Updated information has been provided from more recent sources where


Overtopping Protection for Dams

2.1.2 Location
RCC spillways can be located in three general areas:
(1) On an abutment separate from the dam embankment
(2) As overtopping protection over the entire dam ernbankment
(3) As overtopping protection over a portion of the dam embankment
Spillway location is one of the most important decisions of spillway design due to
the potential implications for dam and public safety, as well as for hydraulics
(including energy dissipation), aesthetics, cost, and maintenance. When
determining the location of the spillway, the designer should give preference to a
location that is separate from the dam embankment whenever possible, would not
cause excessive erosion along the abutment groins or at the downstream toe, and
is aligned with the downstream channel to minimize erosion and safely convey
spillway releases away from the dam.
The width of RCC overtopping protection on an embankment dam is normally
determined by both technical and economic considerations. Issues to consider
when deciding the length of dam crest to be used for overtopping protection
Energy dissipation.Wider overtopping protection can usually improve
spillway performance by decreasing the depth of flow, decreasing the unit
energy at the downstream end of the spillway, and increasing energy
dissipation. Flood routings for various frequency floods are used to
determine magnitudes and durations of spillway flows, and water surface
profiles are used to calculate flow depths and velocities for design. Energy
dissipation requirements become more important as the height of the dam
and unit discharge increase. High-head and/or high-unit-discharge RCC
spillway designs should generally be avoided or will need special design
considerations. Maximum RCC applications to date have been for dam
heights up to about 100 feet and for unit discharges up to about 340
Existing dam crest length.Extending the RCC overtopping protection
across the entire crest of the existing dam, and down the abutment groins,
can maximize the available spillway crest length and decrease the
maximum reservoir water surface level. Conversely, the designer may
want to limit the crest length of the overtopping protection to decrease the
amount of flow along the abutment groins of the embankment, and to
provide a better transition from the spillway channel to the natural
channel. A narrow spillway may be preferable if the downstream channel
is significantly narrower than the dam crest. A converging spillway can be
used to provide a longer crest length and better fit a narrow downstream

Chapter 2 RCC and Soil Cement

channel, but may require consideration of the effects of wall convergence

on spillway cross-waves and potential for wall overtopping, as well as the
hydraulic performance of the downstream apron or stilling basin. The
transition from the overtopping width to the downstream channel is also
important for operation and maintenance.
Cost.Wider overtopping protection usually increases the total RCC and
conventional concrete volumes (where used for the overflow crest, formed
steps, and stilling basin) which can result in a higher project cost.
However, overtopping protection over a portion of a dam embankment
will require the provision of sidewalls to contain the flow, normally of
conventional concrete.

2.2 Sloped chute

The sloped chute is the portion of the spillway that conveys water down the face
of the dam or abutment, from the crest to the stilling basin. RCC for the sloped
chute is typically placed in horizontal lifts resulting in a stepped chute, as shown
in Figure 2-1. RCC chute surfaces constructed in horizontal lifts can be
constructed without formwork, or by using vertical forms to create a more
pronounced stepped chute surface along the exposed edges. Stepped chutes can
significantly increase the rate of energy dissipation on the downstream face of the
dam compared to a smooth spillway that has the same slope. This can reduce the
size of the energy dissipation structure (or stilling basin) and the potential for
scouring the downstream channel and /or foundation material. Formed steps may
consist of compacted RCC, grout-enriched RCC, or conventional concrete, and
these formed steps are generally 1- or 2-feet high.
RCC for the sloped chute can also be placed parallel to the sloped surface, as
shown in Figure 2-2. RCC placement parallel to the slope (called plating) has
generally been considered for projects where the depth of overtopping is less than
two feet, the duration of overtopping is short, and the slope is 3:12 or flatter. The
RCC is placed directly against the filter/drain material on the embankment slope
by operating the placing and compacting equipment up and down or across the
slope. Winching may be necessary to operate the spreading equipment and the
vibrating rollers on downstream slopes steeper than 3:1. This method normally
requires considerably less material than the stepped RCC overlay method;
however, unit costs are generally higher because of the more difficult placing
procedure. Additionally, the energy dissipation and resistance to uplift pressure
would be reduced when compared to RCC placed in horizontal lifts. One plating
application was on the Toutle River where a primary design consideration was to
allow debris from eruptions from Mount St. Helens volcano to flow through the
spillway structure.

Ratio of horizontal (H) to vertical (V).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure 2-1.Downstream slope geometry of RCC overtopping section

(PCA, 2002, reprinted courtesy of PCA, all rights reserved).

Figure 2-2.Overtopping protection with RCC placed parallel to slope

(PCA, 2002, all rights reserved).


Chapter 2 RCC and Soil Cement

The following discussion of the design of sloped spillway chutes is intended for
RCC placed in horizontal lifts, although much of this information could also
apply to RCC placed parallel to the slope.
The thickness of the sloped RCC chute is commonly measured perpendicular to
the slope. The required thickness is based upon the slope of the spillway,
constructability requirements for placement of the RCC, and structural
requirements to resist potential uplift pressures and other loading conditions. The
thickness of a stepped chute will also be dependent upon the lift width. A
minimum 8-foot-width is normally required for the horizontal lift surface to
operate standard placing and compacting equipment. This provides an effective
concrete thickness of 2.3 to 3.2 feet for embankment slopes of 2:1 to 3:1,
respectively. A 5-foot-width of RCC, with a 3-foot-width of pervious fill, was
placed in horizontal lifts on a 2:1 slope for South Dam in Ohio, using a split
spreader box (Hill, 1997). Lifts wider than 8 feet may be needed to provide
additional weight if required to resist potential uplift pressures on the RCC slab
during overtopping. The location of the maximum uplift pressure beneath the slab
is often found near the bottom of the slope just above the base of the spillway or
adjacent to the downstream apron or basin slab. Most designers have adopted a
minimum slab thickness of 2 feet for a sloped chute. The slab thickness is
generally increased as the overtopping depth increases. Additional design
guidelines for uplift loadings on spillway slabs may be found in Design of Small
Dams (Reclamation, 1987a) and Hydraulic Design of Spillways (U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers [USACE], 1990).
Unformed RCC chutes are usually less expensive and take less time to construct
than formed RCC chutes, and are therefore used more commonly. Unformed RCC
is usually end dumped by trucks or placed by a loader and spread by a dozer.
Compaction is performed by single- or double-drum vibratory rollers. During
compaction, the unrestrained face can result in RCC that is not fully compacted
near the outside of the edge, which can ravel and erode over time. Raveling would
generally be limited to the depth to the more densely compacted RCC. In an
unformed chute, this zone of lower density should be considered as sacrificial
concrete and should not be considered as part of the wearing surface, nor be
included in the concrete mass for stability analysis. An unformed RCC face can
have the appearance of rough, irregular-shaped concrete, with exposed aggregate
and possibly rock pockets. To some, an uncompacted RCC surface can have the
appearance of poorly constructed or damaged concrete, while to others, the rough,
irregular appearance blends into the natural surroundings. If a smoother finish
surface is an important project requirement, the exposed RCC edge can be
compacted or trimmed to give a more uniform appearance.
Compaction of the exposed RCC face will increase the RCC density and reduce
raveling; however, scattered rock pockets may still be encountered. Wetter RCC
mixes are generally not well-suited for unformed steps. These mixes tend to
spread out when compacted, making it difficult to maintain the proper thickness at


Overtopping Protection for Dams

the outer edge. Because unformed steps are constructed on a flatter angle, the
amount of energy dissipation on the sloped chute surface is reduced from that of
formed steps.
When vertical forms are used to restrain the outside edge of the RCC lift during
spreading and compaction, higher RCC densities can be achieved near the edge
and a stepped surface is provided. Advantages of forming the outside edge of the
RCC lift include:
(1) Increased energy dissipation on the sloped chute surface
(2) Higher RCC densities and strength at the outside edge of a lift, which
reduces raveling and increases freeze-thaw resistance
(3) The improved appearance of a formed surface when well constructed
Placement of RCC against a vertical form requires a more workable RCC mix
than for a non-formed surface. Enhanced workability is required for consolidation
of RCC against the form to produce a smooth finished surface and to minimize
rock pockets. The workability of the RCC near the form can be increased by:
(1) Providing an RCC mix with a higher cementitious content
(2) Using pozzolan or additives
(3) Increasing the water/cement ratio
The workability of the RCC adjacent to the forms has also been improved by
enriching the RCC near the formed surfaces with a cement grout (Tatro et al.,
2008). Disadvantages of forming include:
(1) Decreased RCC placement rates
(2) Increased requirements for laborers and carpenters to install, strip, and
move forms
(3) Special compaction using smaller equipment
(4) Increased project costs
Joint surfaces naturally occur between succeeding horizontal lifts of RCC. The
need to treat a joint depends upon the location of the joint and specific project
requirements for bonding joints. Normally, it is desirable for the sloped chute to
become a large monolithic mass to resist potential uplift pressures and to provide
few paths for water to seep beneath the chute during overtopping flows. One
approach to the design of horizontal RCC lifts is to require that a bedding mix be
used between each lift to improve bonding. However, with proper curing and by
maintaining a clean lift surface during construction, bonding of lift surfaces

Chapter 2 RCC and Soil Cement

usually occurs naturally. Although the degree of bonding between RCC lifts for
overtopping structures is largely empirical, some research has been conducted on
bonding of successive layers of RCC (Tayabji and Okamoto, 1987). Generally,
delamination of RCC lifts in overtopping spillway applications has not occurred,
with the possible exception of one project in the southwestern United States
reported by PCA, where delamination apparently occurred between the top two
lifts of an in-stream grade control structure on the Salt River in Phoenix, Arizona.
In many cases, monolithic action may not be structurally required, and RCC
overtopping protection can be designed to resist potential uplift pressures based
on its dead weight alone. Seepage through RCC lifts can be safely handled by a
properly designed and filtered drainage system beneath the sloped RCC chute.
The decision to require bonding on cold joint lift surfaces (commonly defined as
more than 6 hours old) at present, depends upon project requirements and
engineering judgment. The minimum joint treatment generally recommended
would be:
(1) Cleaning lift surfaces less than 6 hours old using compressed air or

vacuum equipment prior to placement of succeeding lifts

(2) Removing contaminants, damaged RCC, or RCC that has not properly
cured by appropriate methods
(3) Removing laitance using high-pressure water jetting or sand blasting
(4) Placing a bedding mix on joint surfaces more than 24 hours old, and
between each lift of the approach apron and downstream apron only, if
(5) Evaluating the need to provide a bedding mix on joints between 12 and
24 hours old. Ambient air temperatures are also often considered in
addition to age when determining the requirements for treatment of joint
Contraction joints3 may be placed in wide RCC spillways to control the location
of cracks caused by thermal contraction of the RCC. Contraction joints are
intended to reduce random cracking, improve the appearance of the project, and
reduce maintenance. Most completed RCC overtopping projects have been
designed without using contraction joints and have been allowed to crack freely.
Performance histories have not been compiled on the effectiveness of using
contraction joints. Spacing between contraction joints should be determined based
upon the exposure conditions of the project and performance of other similar
projects. Where contraction joints have been constructed for RCC overtopping

Contraction joints are oriented normal to the dam axis and parallel to the flow and are also
referred to as longitudinal joints. Transverse joints are oriented parallel to the dam axis and
normal to the flow. Some sources may reverse these conventions.

Overtopping Protection for Dams

projects, longitudinal (upstream to downstream) joints have been installed, with a

typical spacing from 100 to 300 feet. Transverse (abutment to abutment) joints
have typically not been installed in RCC projects, as they could provide a
mechanism for differential movement that could allow sloped sections of RCC to
ride up over a lower section, leading to erosion during spillway operation, and
structural and maintenance problems. Open transverse joints with offsets into the
flow would be particularly susceptible to the development of uplift pressures
beneath the RCC slab and could result in loss of the overtopping protection.
Transverse cracks are most likely to occur at the inside corners of steps, where the
RCC is thinnest. Offsets developing at these locations will be hidden from the
flow and the potential for the development of uplift pressures is minimized.
The objective of any joint in RCC should be to produce a fairly straight
contraction joint that disbonds the RCC on either side of the joint while not
reducing the strength and density of the RCC near the joint. Crack inducers have
been constructed and installed using different materials and methods to produce
vertical joints in RCC structures where required, including steel plates driven into
the lift, and plastic sheeting or steel plates buried in the lift. The steel plates and
plastic sheeting create a plane of weakness within the RCC that will encourage
cracks to form. Sawcuts are generally not recommended as they tend to produce a
wider joint which would increase the potential for seepage and the migration of
fines. RCC contraction joint details should include a means to prevent direct
connection from the flow surface to the underlying embankment. Although
waterstops used in conventional concrete structures have typically not been used
in RCC overtopping protection, geomembranes have been used beneath joints to
minimize the infiltration of spillway flow through the joint, and geotextiles have
been used to control the potential for migration of fine particles through a joint
from the foundation.
As flow descends a stepped spillway chute, a roller develops within the flow on
each step. Significant energy can be dissipated as the roller rotates into the main
flow, depending upon the flow depth and step height. Investigations of the
hydraulic performance of stepped spillways have been conducted by several
researchers. Although many of these studies have been performed on steeper
slopes for concrete dams (up to 0.7:1) (e.g., Houston, 1987; Houston and
Richardson, 1988;and Christodoulou, 1993), more recent research has focused on
flat-sloped spillways for embankment dams (2:1 and flatter). The results of
studies performed in Australia of flow resistance for stepped chutes on
embankments having flat to moderate slopes (between 11 and 30 degrees) are
presented by Gonzalez and Chanson (2006), and include some design guidance
for the heights of steps and training walls. The United States Department of
Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Research Service (ARS) has performed
research on stepped spillways for embankment dams (Hunt and Kadavy, 2008a,
2008b, 2009a, and 2009b). A two-dimensional physical model of a stepped
spillway was constructed to evaluate the inception point, flow velocities, and
energy dissipation within a 4:1 sloping spillway chute having steps of varying


Chapter 2 RCC and Soil Cement

heights. A 1:8 scale was used to minimize scale effects related to viscous forces
and surface tension.
Model unit discharges ranged from 1.2 to 8.9 ft3/s/ft. Water surfaces, bed
surfaces, flow velocities, and air concentrations (or void fractions) in the flow
were recorded. The inception point was defined as the location where the
turbulent boundary layer (or flow region affected by the stepped surface) reaches
the free water surface, and where significant flow bulking first occurs in the flow.
Flow bulking is the increased flow depth above the normal expected (or clear
water) flow depth in the stepped chute, resulting from the entrainment of air. Flow
bulking within the chute directly impacts the required height of the chute training
The inception point moves downstream with increasing unit discharge, and may
be located by observation or by equation (Hunt and Kadavy, 2009a). Additionally,
the inception point moves downstream for a given unit discharge as the step
height is reduced. Velocity profiles were found to transition from nearly uniform
at the crest and approached a one-sixth power law distribution at the inception
point. Average velocities beyond the inception point were based on the equivalent
clear water depths without air. The computed average flow velocities are used to
determine the relative energy loss on the spillway chute. Energy dissipation at any
location within the chute was defined as the ratio of head loss to total head,
expressed in percent, and was found to vary linearly from near zero at the
downstream edge of the crest to approximately 30 percent at the inception point
(at distance Li), increasing in a logarithmic fashion beyond the inception point to
a maximum of approximately 73 percent (at distance 3.5*Li).
Christodoulou (1993) found that the two most important parameters governing
energy dissipation are the ratio of the critical depth to the step height and the
number of steps. Increasing the step height was shown to increase the energy
dissipation within the chute. Knowing the energy dissipation in the spillway chute
and the incoming flow velocity in the stilling basin is needed to size the stilling
basin for a non-converging stepped spillway. The step height can also affect the
cost, constructability, and accessibility of the RCC structure. Step heights for
RCC spillways generally use 1- to 2-foot-high vertical forms. Higher step heights
(3 feet or more) have been used on RCC gravity dams to provide increased energy
dissipation for large spillway discharges, and/or to inhibit public access on the
downstream slope. As the step height increases, the form strength and the bracing
requirements will become greater. Greater step heights can also result in larger
RCC volumes (PCA, 2002).

2.2.1 Approach Apron and Crest

RCC spillway crests for embankment overtopping protection often follow the
shape of the embankment crest to simplify construction, but these crests represent
a broad-crested weir having a low coefficient of discharge, especially for lower


Overtopping Protection for Dams

depths of overtopping relative to the crest width. Increasing the efficiency of the
spillway crest section can reduce the required crest length of the spillway and/or
the overtopping depth, which typically reduces material quantities. A narrower
spillway chute can also better match the downstream channel geometry. Total
project costs are often reduced by using a more efficient spillway crest section
with a higher discharge coefficient. Conventional concrete can be used to provide
an ogee-shaped crest, a flat-curved crest, or a sharp-crested weir to improve the
spillway discharge coefficient and reduce the upstream water surface, but will
increase the cost of the concrete placement and may limit future access. The
discharge coefficient of all weirs will vary with the approach channel conditions,
approach depth (or crest height), depth of flow over the weir, and tailwater
conditions. Design guidelines for spillway crest control structures are provided in
general design references (Reclamation, 1987a and USACE, 1990).
The following should be considered when selecting the spillway crest design:
Broad-crested weir.This design configuration consists of paving the
embankment crest with RCC. The efficiency of this type of crest improves
as the ratio of the depth of flow to the crest width increases. The discharge
coefficient is affected by the approach conditions to the crest and the
tailwater conditions below the crest.
Sharp-crested weir.A sharp-crested weir can be constructed as an
extension of an upstream cutoff wall and can significantly increase the
efficiency of the spillway with minimal effect on the placement of the
Ogee crest and other curved crest designs.The ogee crest shape is a
highly efficient spillway crest section constructed of conventional concrete
on an RCC apron and is discussed in Design of Small Dams (Reclamation,
1987a). Modified or non-standard curved crest designs (such as flat
curves) are discussed in Engineering Monograph No. 9, Discharge
Coefficients for Irregular Overfall Spillways (Reclamation, 1952).
The approach apron slab is located upstream of the spillway crest control section
and sloped chute. The function of the approach apron is to:
Reduce channel erosion
Establish the crest height for the control section
Increase the length of the under-seepage path
Reduce the seepage that could occur from the reservoir beneath the

spillway chute


Chapter 2 RCC and Soil Cement

The approach apron should be compatible with the internal geometry of the dam,
and the apron should extend far enough upstream so that the length is sufficient to
reduce the potential for piping or excessive seepage from occurring through the
dam, beneath the apron slab, crest section, and sloped chute. An upstream cutoff
wall is an important design feature to increase the seepage path beneath the
approach apron and also to prevent erosion at the upstream edge of the RCC
apron. Seepage beneath the approach slab and sloped chute can cause excessive
uplift pressure, or saturation and instability of the embankment. Seepage analysis
of the embankment may be required to determine the apron length upstream and
the depth of the cutoff wall to control seepage and potential uplift pressures.
The thickness of the approach apron is controlled by the requirement to provide
adequate weight to resist uplift. When determining the minimum thickness of
RCC, the designer should consider freeze-thaw and long-term weathering
protection, and frost heave. Two 12-inch lifts of RCC should be considered as a
minimum thickness for constructability and serviceability of an RCC approach
apron. In regions where the frost depth (or depth to which the groundwater is
expected to freeze) exceeds two feet, the designer should consider increasing the
minimum apron thickness or installing a gravel underdrain beneath the apron and
downstream of the cutoff wall.

2.2.2 Downstream Apron or Basin

Common terminal structures for embankment overtopping projects include
downstream aprons or stilling basins. The primary function of the downstream
apron or basin is to protect the RCC spillway and dam embankment from failure
during an extreme flood event. The length and thickness of the downstream apron
depends upon energy dissipation and erosion-control features of the design. The
downstream apron or basin is one of the most critical features of an RCC spillway
design, especially when the RCC spillway is located over the dam embankment.
The designer should have a thorough understanding of the spillway and channel
hydraulics, foundation conditions, and erosion control requirements. The type of
stilling basin or energy dissipator needed will depend upon the flow depth and
incoming velocity, unit discharge, operating frequency, tailwater conditions, and
downstream consequences. A simple apron with or without an end sill is generally
most applicable to RCC overtopping projects with infrequent use. A conservative
approach for designing the downstream apron or basin is to use competent
bedrock as the structure foundation whenever possible. The downstream apron
can also be located at an adequate depth below tailwater, and with adequate
length, so that a hydraulic jump would form on the apron and not within the
unprotected downstream channel.
The erosion potential of the soil or rock downstream of the apron must also be
determined. The estimated depth of erosion and channel degradation can then be
determined for the full range of spillway operational flows. Estimates of channel
degradation, scour, and erosion below a spillway should be developed based on


Overtopping Protection for Dams

channel hydraulics and foundation conditions. The hydraulic conditions that can
occur at the toe of an embankment dam are usually less than ideal and physical
modeling may be required. Erosive lateral flow and eddy currents can occur along
the groins, and the downstream tailwater may be insufficient for the flow
conditions, resulting in potential sweepout of the basin. Additional erosion
protection may be required at the groins.
The downstream apron must be designed for uplift pressures that are more severe
than for the upstream apron due to the high differential water pressures that may
exist at the downstream end of the spillway chute (or upstream end of the apron).
The designer needs to determine the tailwater depth at the downstream end of the
apron slab, and the depth of flow at the upstream end of the apron slab, for the full
range of spillway discharges, in order to evaluate the potential uplift loading
conditions on the downstream apron. The critical uplift loading condition for
design often occurs at flows less than the maximum spillway discharge. For
further discussion, refer to spillway and stilling basin guidelines in Design of
Small Dams (Reclamation 1987a) and Hydraulic Design of Spillways (USACE
1990). Based on typical construction conditions, a minimum thickness of three
feet should be considered for the downstream apron for most projects.
Cutoff walls are typically located at the upstream and downstream ends of the
RCC spillway, as shown in Figure 2-1. The primary function of the downstream
cutoff wall is to prevent undermining of the spillway from channel erosion and
degradation. The downstream cutoff wall should extend into competent bedrock,
or to a depth below the estimated depth of erosion that could occur from the
spillway design flow, and should not interfere with the drainage system. Scour
and/or channel degradation studies may be required to determine the required
depth of the cutoff wall, as well as post-scour stability analyses of the cutoff wall.
Cutoff walls are generally constructed of conventional concrete or RCC. Cutoff
walls can be designed as non-structural elements, constructed by excavating a
trench and backfilling the trench with conventional concrete, with or without
reinforcement. Cutoff walls can also be constructed as formed reinforced concrete
walls, which would require a larger excavation than trenched wall construction for
installing the concrete form work. A formed wall design will require that the
excavated slopes be laid back as required for trench safety, and then backfilled
and compacted to grade. RCC cutoff walls require a larger trench excavation than
for conventional concrete cutoff walls because of the minimum width
requirements for placing and compacting RCC, and the need for side slopes of
1:1 or flatter for worker safety. RCC cutoff walls may be preferred for projects
where conventional concrete would not otherwise be required. RCC can also be
placed over the entire crest of the dam and extend down the upstream face of the
dam. This design serves as a cutoff wall as well as minimizing the potential for
contraction scour on the upstream face of the dam.


Chapter 2 RCC and Soil Cement

Sheet piling can also be used to construct upstream or downstream cutoff walls.
Some advantages of driven steel sheet piling are that excavating trenches,
dewatering, and placing compacted fill in the trench are not required. However,
the use of driven sheet piling may only be suited to larger projects that can justify
the higher equipment mobilization expenses. Driven sheet piling also requires
foundation conditions conducive to pile driving, such as the absence of cobbles,
boulders, and interbedded hard or cemented layers. Sheet pile cutoff walls can be
constructed in rocky foundations by placing steel or plastic sheet piling in an
excavated trench and then backfilling against the sheet piling, and these sheet pile
cutoff walls should not interfere with the drainage system. Care must be taken
during construction, as any gaps in the sheet pile cutoff wall can concentrate
seepage flow.
End sills, chute blocks, and impact blocks can be added to the downstream apron
to improve the hydraulic performance of the energy dissipator and shorten the
apron length. If a hydraulic jump-type stilling basin energy dissipator is used,
adequate tailwater will be required for these features to function as designed. If
chute or impact blocks are used, capping the downstream apron with a
conventional concrete slab should be considered to expedite construction of the
blocks. The end sill can easily be incorporated with a conventional concrete or
RCC cutoff wall. Riprap is often placed downstream of the RCC apron to protect
the downstream edge of the RCC, and to transition to the downstream channel.
Additional discussion of the design of terminal structures for RCC overtopping
projects is provided by Paxson (2007).

2.2.3 Drainage and filter requirements

Drainage features are normally provided beneath the sloped chute, as shown on
Figure 2-3. The most common method used to control seepage for an RCC
spillway or overtopping protection is a drainage layer placed beneath the RCC.
The drainage layer must provide sufficient capacity to convey the anticipated
seepage, and it must meet filter criteria relative to the underlying soils so that
piping does not occur. If a drainage system contains multiple layers (e.g., sand
filters, gravel drains, and slotted or perforated pipes), then filter criteria must be
met at each successive boundary. The seepage control system must include
collection and outfall pipes or other means to discharge the seepage collected by
the system.
Drain outlets can range from pipes daylighting through the RCC steps to
substantial concrete channels. For narrow spillways, manholes and cleanouts can
be located outside of the spillway walls. For wider spillways, drain outlets can be
provided through the RCC chute. Exposed outlets should include screens to
prevent animal access. Drain outlets and manholes must be designed to prevent
overtopping flow from entering the drainage system and producing excessive
uplift pressures beneath the slab. Hydraulic model studies have been used to
develop drain outlet details which create negative pressure (or aspiration) at drain


Overtopping Protection for Dams

outlets, to both prevent flow from entering the drain and induce drainage of the
system. If underdrain pipes are included as part of the design, methods for
cleaning, inspecting, and maintaining the system should be provided. Providing
two access points (or cleanouts) to drain lines can facilitate closed circuit
television (CCTV) inspection and maintenance activities. Cooper (2005) provides
guidance on designing underdrain pipe systems to accommodate CCTV
inspection equipment.

Figure 2-3.Typical section: RCC overtopping protection

(PCA, 2002, all rights reserved).

During flood events, there is a potential for uplift pressures to develop beneath the
RCC layer, either within a permeable drainage layer beneath the RCC or at the
boundary between the RCC and less-permeable underlying foundation (if no
drainage layer is present). If the uplift pressures exceed the combined weight of
the overlying RCC and flowing water, the RCC could be displaced. Movement of
the RCC layer during flow over the RCC can lead to foundation erosion,
undermining, and failure of the RCC overtopping protection.
Uplift pressures can develop from two sources. The reservoir can either come into
direct or near-direct communication with the area beneath the RCC from erosion
at the upstream end of the RCC, or water pressure can be transmitted through
cracks and/or joints in the RCC during overtopping flows, producing a stagnation
pressure. Pressure from direct connection with the reservoir by way of seepage is
of particular concern, because of the potential to transmit the full reservoir head to
the area beneath the RCC. This is normally mitigated by constructing an upstream
cutoff wall, and by providing drainage materials beneath the RCC.
For pressures to develop beneath large areas of the RCC slab due to overtopping
flow, hydrostatic pressures must be transmitted through open cracks by
infiltration, and then spread laterally beneath the slab. The potential for pressure
development would increase as the spacing of the cracks decreases, since the
distance over which the pressure must be transmitted decreases. Consequently, an
RCC design that results in more widely spaced cracks is less prone to
development of this condition.
The potential for pressure development beneath the RCC needs to be considered
for steady-state seepage under normal pool conditions, for conditions during an


Chapter 2 RCC and Soil Cement

overtopping event, and for conditions immediately after overtopping ceases. If the
seepage cannot drain from beneath the RCC quickly enough, a condition could
develop whereby uplift pressure is trapped beneath the RCC without the gravity
load from water on top of the RCC, and heave of the RCC could result. This could
also occur under normal conditions due to a plugged or inadequately-sized
internal drainage system or due to a rapid loss of tailwater resulting from
sweepout in the stilling basin. Additional drainage capability can be provided by
using formed holes through the RCC or by drilling holes from the downstream
face after the RCC has been placedprovided appropriate filter material is
already in place beneath the RCC. Drain holes should be located and configured
so as to avoid the potential introduction of excess hydrostatic pressures into the
For low height dams, the weight of the RCC layer may be sufficient to resist the
full reservoir head, even at the toe of the dam. However, for higher RCC
structures, it may be necessary to include specific design features to address any
potential uplift loads beyond those that can be resisted by weight alone. The
primary design feature to reduce uplift pressure is a pervious underdrain layer
with pipe outfalls to limit the development of unbalanced pressures. Control of
seepage and uplift pressures needs to be considered not only for the sloping
portion of the RCC spillway or overtopping protection, but also for any RCC
apron that extends beyond the toe of the slope. Since reinforcing steel, waterstops,
and anchors used in conventional concrete are generally not practical in RCC, the
design should include:
(1) Sufficient drainage to limit/prevent uplift pressures
(2) Adequate RCC mix designs to develop sufficient compressive and bond
strength to meet all loading conditions
(3) Widely-spaced contraction joints as needed to limit cracks and allow for
larger monolithic sections
Unlike the case of steady-state seepage through an embankment dam, the method
of analysis for uplift beneath an RCC slab is not well established. The combined
weight of the RCC mass and the water on top of the RCC must be sufficient to
resist the uplift pressure beneath the RCC. The weight of the RCC is relatively
easy to calculate. The depth of water on top of the RCC would typically be
calculated using water surface profile models, or computed from the unit
discharge and flow velocity. The water pressure beneath the RCC is the result of
transient flow and seepage conditions. Because of the uncertainty in the analyses,
uplift pressures are not often analyzed in detail. Since few RCC spillways or
overtopping protection structures have been tested by significant flows, not much
field data are available. It is likely that more appropriate analysis methods will be
developed as installed systems are tested by overtopping events. In the interim,
PCA (2002) has recommended that RCC spillways and overtopping protection
installations include underdrains or pressure relief systems spaced approximately

Overtopping Protection for Dams

every 10 vertical feet. Typical details for an underdrain system are illustrated in
Figure 2-4. Pipe drains that extend through sloping RCC sections should be
designed to provide aspiration at the outlet end, so that they drain properly during
flow over the RCC. Pressure relief systems should also be included beneath
horizontal aprons located at the downstream ends of RCC spillways and
overtopping protection sections, as is customarily done with spillway stilling
Including a filter zone immediately beneath the RCC is generally advisable to
control the potential for loss of fines through open cracks or joints. Flow through
open cracks or joints could result from steady-state seepage, from the release of
water that infiltrated beneath the RCC slab during overtopping, or from
precipitation events. Geotextiles have been used to serve the filter function in
some RCC spillway and overtopping protection applications. However, the
history of using geotextiles for these types of applications is short, relative to the
experience with sand and gravel filters. Since the potential for long-term
deterioration or plugging of geotextiles has not yet been firmly established, it is
not recommended that geotextiles be used in an application where their function is
critical to dam safety (FEMA, 2008). Non-critical applications may be reasonable,
subject to consideration of the limited access to the geotextile for repair or
replacement in the future. This is true for any overtopping protection system.

Figure 2-4.Typical drainage details

(PCA, 2002, all rights reserved).


Chapter 2 RCC and Soil Cement

2.2.4 Training Walls and Abutment Protection

Dam abutments generally slope toward the river channel and funnel the
overtopping flow into the river channel downstream. The abutments must be
protected against erosion from overtopping floweither by armoring them with
RCC placed along the embankment groins or by providing cast-in-place concrete
training walls.
Abutment protection is required for all embankment dam overtopping designs.
The abutment protection should be designed to safely contain the spillway flow
between the embankment groins, and transit ion to the stream channel. Although
generally impractical, the abutment protection should be placed on a rock
foundation when possible to prevent undermining the RCC slab if water
overflows the abutment protection. Designs which direct flow in a converging
configuration on the downstream face result in three-dimensional concentrated
flow channels which increase the velocity and flow concentration from top to
bottom at the abutment groins. The hydraulic analysis of flow depth and velocity
for the overtopping spillway design should provide a design that protects the
abutments from erosion and safely conveys the flow away from the dam.
Abutment protection can be constructed by shaping the RCC to armor the
abutments from erosion and to provide a trough to channel water from the
downstream face of the dam to the natural channel below the dam. The design of
abutment groin protection warrants conservative design assumptions and can
often justify the use of a numerical or physical model.
Training walls are constructed along the sloped chute to contain the spillway flow
and protect the dam embankment from potential erosion, while abutment
protection is located along the downstream embankment groins. Overtopping of
the training walls or abutment protection can result in high velocity concentrated
flow along the critical abutment areas of the dam and erosion of the embankment.
Training walls can be designed with a uniform channel width for the length of the
chute, or they can be designed to contract (or converge) from the spillway crest to
the downstream toe, as shown on Figure 2-5.
Two methods of constructing conventional concrete training walls for RCC
overtopping protection are shown on Figure 2-6. Training walls constructed on
the downstream face of the dam embankment can mitigate the need for abutment
protection. The height of the training walls is determined by the water surface
profile for the design discharge, including considerations for waves and air
bulking (Reclamation, 1980). The water surface profile will depend upon the
chute slope, surface roughness, unit discharge, chute convergence, step height, air
entrainment, and energy dissipation (Hunt and Kadavy, 2008a).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure 2-5.Spillway flow training walls

(PCA, 2002, all rights reserved).


Chapter 2 RCC and Soil Cement

Figure 2-6.Reinforced concrete training wall (section looking downstream)

(PCA, 2002, all rights reserved).

References for determining wall height are given in Design of Small Dams
(Reclamation 1987a) and Hydraulic Design of Spillways (USACE 1990). RCC
spillway surfaces are typically rougher than conventional concrete chutes, and
bulking of flow due to greater air entrainment in the flow must be considered in
determining the maximum depth of flow. This is especially true for stepped
spillway chutes.
Determining the height of converging (or contracting) spillway walls is more
difficult due to the potential for the development of cross-waves; however, if the
convergence angles of the walls are within guidelines (Reclamation 1987a),
standard design aids can be used to estimate wall height. Sharply converging
walls may require the use of numerical or physical model studies to evaluate
complex three-dimensional flow conditions to predict spillway performance and


Overtopping Protection for Dams

to determine the required wall height. Additional guidance on wall heights for
converging chutes is available from Hunt and Kadavy (2008a and 2008b).
RCC training walls can be constructed by modifying the geometry of the RCC at
each side of the spillway to contain the flow on the spillway surface, as shown on
Figure 2-7. Structural concrete training walls can be constructed after the RCC
placement is completed, and do not complicate the lift geometry nor interfere with
RCC placement operations.

Figure 2-7.Plan of RCC overtopping and abutment protection partially constructed

(PCA, 2002, all rights reserved).

Generally, it is more economical to use structural concrete training walls if the

spillway width is narrow, due to reduced impacts to the RCC placement. Analyses
for the design of training walls with earth backfill should be based on either the
active or at-rest coefficient of earth pressure (depending upon the degree of
potential wall movement) and unbalanced water pressures. Water pressure has a
large impact on design but can be reduced by installing drainage behind the walls.
Wall analyses should include an evaluation of sliding, overturning, and global
stability, as well as foundation bearing capacity. Walls extending through the dam
crest should be battered on the embankment side to promote quality fill
placement. Standard methods of analysis should be used. High training walls on
relatively thin RCC slabs may produce cracking through the RCC due to
differential settlement, if not accounted for in the design. Joints should be
provided in training walls to control cracking, but generally do not require the
provision of reinforcing steel or waterstops crossing them.


Chapter 2 RCC and Soil Cement

2.2.5 Soil Cover

RCC overtopping protection often changes a grass-covered embankment to a
concrete-covered surface having a rough, unfinished appearance. A number of
RCC spillways have been covered with soil and grass, such as Philipsburg Dam
3 in Pennsylvania and Lake Lenape Dam in New Jersey (Ditchey, 1992). A soil
cover is usually only considered for RCC spillways that would operate
infrequently, as it can create potential maintenance and environmental impacts at
the dam and in the downstream channel when eroded. The minimum thickness of
soil cover is usually dependent upon the type of soil and its ability to support
vegetation, but has generally ranged from 6 inches to about 2 feet. Freeze-thaw
protection of the RCC can also be a consideration in wet climates subject to
freeze-thaw conditions, for which the soil cover may provide some protection.
Benefits that can be obtained by covering an RCC spillway with soil include:
Covering the RCC with soil soon after placement, when practical, aids in
curing the RCC by keeping the surface moist and by preventing surface
drying caused by wind and thermal exposure.
Soil cover helps maintain a uniform curing temperature for the RCC by
limiting the daily thermal cycles of the RCC surface from solar radiation
and nightly temperature drops.
Covering the RCC with soil can bury the RCC below the frost level and
limit potential freeze-thaw damage, which can increase the useful life and
decrease long-term maintenance costs.
Covering the RCC with soil and grass can provide a more natural

appearance to the finished construction.

Disadvantages of covering the RCC surface with soil include:

The RCC surface is buried and not accessible for visual inspection.
Operation of the spillway would cause erosion of the soil cover, which
would result in maintenance costs and a potential for environmental
impacts downstream.
Erosion in the soil cover may occur due to concentrated runoff from
precipitation, developing erosion channels in the soil cover down to the
Seepage outlet drains must extend through the soil cover and large
quantities of seepage can cause erosion of the soil cover.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

The decision to cover the RCC spillway should be based upon specific project
requirements, including frequency of spillway use, aesthetics, and operation and
maintenance requirements. The dam owner should be made aware of the
advantages and disadvantages of soil cover so an informed decision can be made
concerning using a soil cover for an RCC spillway.

2.2.6 Instrumentation and Monitoring

When placing an RCC layer on the downstream slope of an existing embankment
dam, it may be important to maintain the operation of any existing
instrumentation in the embankment to continue the dams monitoring program.
Existing instrumentation systems, such as piezometers, inclinometers, and
borehole extensometers, are often exposed on the crest and downstream slope of
the embankment. Suitable provisions must be made to protect, modify, or
abandon and replace existing instrumentation systems,and to provide new systems
as required for monitoring the modified dam embankment. In some cases, it may
be easier to install a new instrument from the completed RCC surface rather than
place RCC around an existing instrument.
Another key consideration is the settlement potential of the embankment, which
can result in differential settlement and cracking of the RCC (described under
Foundation Analyses in Chapter 1, Section 1.2.4). This may adversely affect the
hydraulic performance of the RCC overlay as well as the long-term durability of
the concrete. Measurement points are frequently installed on an embankment dam
for settlement monitoring. If the settlement on an exist ing embankment dam has
stabilized prior to placement of the RCC overtopping protection, this may reduce
the concern for cracking due to additional settlement; however, some settlement
could still occur due to the additional weight of the RCC or as a result of
construction loads. Such settlement of the embankment could be concealed by the
rigid RCC overlay and resulting voids may go undetected. Additional
instrumentation and monitoring systems that may be required for RCC
overtopping protection include blanket and/or toe drain seepage monitoring, and
water level gauges or piezometers to monitor the internal phreatic surface.

2.3 Construction Considerations

2.3.1 General Considerations for RCC construction
RCC construction involves significantly higher placement rates than for
conventional concrete placement, as well as transportation methods and
compaction equipment typically used in earthwork. The compressive strength of
RCC for overtopping protection is usually specified at 28 days, and generally
ranges between 2,500 and 3,500 lb/in2. Early strengths are often obtained by
specifying a mix with less than 20 percent of the cementitious material being a fly
ash or pozzolan. Most projects now limit the maximum aggregate size to


Chapter 2 RCC and Soil Cement

1 inches or less, to improve workability, reduce segregation problems, avoid

multiple stockpiles, and improve appearance. Few projects have been large
enough to warrant producing an on-site aggregate, with one notable exception
being Tongue River Dam in Montana, where over 100,000 yd3 of RCC was
placed (Wright, 1998). A complete discussion of RCC mix design, production,
transportation, placement, compaction, and curing is beyond the scope of this
manual, but can be found in many references, including those published by PCA
(2002) and by Reclamation (2005b).

2.3.2 Special Considerations for Construction on Embankments

Seepage and wet foundation conditions can have a significant effect on
foundation strength as well as on construction productivity. If water is
encountered in a structure foundation (perhaps for the downstream apron or
stilling basin) , it may be necessary to lower the groundwater table to a sufficient
depth (possibly several feet) below the foundation grade such that a firm subgrade
is obtained to withstand the operation of heavy construction equipment without
damage. On many projects, sumps and ditches provide suitable groundwater
control since relatively pervious foundation materials are typically encountered at
stilling basin locations. The depth of trenches and spacing of sumps will vary
based on the foundation material. In some foundations, well-point dewatering
systems may be required for both foundation and slope stability.
As noted in Chapter 1, constructing overtopping protection on an embankment
dam could impact the stability of the embankment. Any reductions to the
embankment cross-section can decrease the factor of safety for slope stability,
especially due to excavation required during construction. Excavation at the toe of
the embankment to construct the various features of the overtopping protection, in
particular for construction of a downstream stilling basin or for over-steepening of
the downstream slope, will change the stability of the overall embankment. These
factors must be considered during design, and may require reservoir operating
restrictions to ensure adequate stability during construction. Special care should
be taken during construction to preserve temporary cutslopes within the
embankment until construction is complete.
Prior to placing the RCC and underdrain system, soft and weathered materials are
typically removed to prevent subgrade deterioration during construction. Often,
the first lift of RCC placed on filter/drain material cannot be compacted to the
target compaction density due to yielding of the subgrade. The first lift may be
designated as a non-critical or sacrificial lift of RCC, or a stabilized subgrade
layer may be provided, consisting of a rock or gravel layer that is filtercompatible with the drainage layer, or a conventional concrete mud slab. If the
first lift is too small for standard construction equipment, then small-scale
compaction equipment, small backhoes, and hand-operated equipment may be
used. However, this type of construction can be slow. An alternative for working


Overtopping Protection for Dams

in a tight area is to place a conventional concrete starter slab or block to an

elevation at which standard production equipment can more readily operate.
The interface between the embankment and the RCC spillway or overtopping
protection needs to be protected from surface erosion, including sheet runoff, and
from erosion during the flood event, including downcutting and headcutting. This
is often done by either constructing RCC wing walls or dikes or by placing riprap
or similar slope protection. The construction of transitions between the RCC and
the embankment is best handled by using one of two construction techniques:
sculpting the RCC at the embankment interface, or constructing a discrete
interface zone with a concrete training wall. When RCC is sculpted at the
embankment interface, the equipment and methods used to place and compact the
RCC, including dozers and vibratory rollers, must be considered. Various types of
production equipment have difficulty operating in tight areas because of their
turning radii, and damage to the already compacted RCC can occur. RCC
production in the transition zone is typically the slowest on the project, since RCC
is difficult to place in curving and tapering lifts.
The transition between the RCC and the embankment and earth abutments can
also be constructed using conventional concrete walls. These tend to be the easiest
and quickest to construct, but their cost effectiveness must be evaluated. RCC can
be easily placed and compacted against concrete walls or conventional concrete
walls can be constructed on the completed RCC surface. When RCC is placed
against rock abutments or foundation contacts, the main consideration (besides
the potential for differential settlement) is whether a watertight bond needs to be
developed between the RCC and rock. If not, RCC may be placed against the
cleaned rock surface. If the interface is to be watertight, such as at or near the
crest or abutment interface, then a layer of bedding mortar or conventional
concrete may be required on the rock surface before placing and compacting the
RCC. If bonding is required at the interface between RCC and existing walls and
conduits, then the existing structure should be sandblasted and power-washed, and
bedding mortar or conventional concrete should be placed between the RCC and
the structure. Alternatively, a grout-enriched RCC mix (or GERCC) may be
placed and consolidated using internal vibration (Tatro et al., 2008).

2.4 Vulnerabilities and Risk

2.4.1 Performance of RCC Overtopping Protection Projects
Of all the embankment dams in the United States for which RCC overtopping
protection has been provided, few have experienced significant flows and for long
durations. However, based on limited experience, embankments with RCC
overtopping protection have performed well during overtopping, with only minor
erosion of uncompacted and poorly-compacted material. For example:


Chapter 2 RCC and Soil Cement

The RCC protection for Ocoee No. 2 Dam near Benton, Tennessee, has
been subjected to periodic overtopping since completion in 1980 to
accommodate whitewater rafters downstream, and has remained
undamaged by water flows and weathering where the RCC was wellcompacted.
North Fork Toutle Dam, located in southern Washington, was designed as
a debris retention dam with RCC service spillway and operated
continuously for 11 months in 1981 under overtopping flow conditions,
including volcanic ash and debris from Mt. St. Helens. The RCC was
reinforced with steel mesh, and performed well despite some abrasion
The RCC protection for Brownwood Country Club Dam near
Brownwood, Texas, completed in 1984, has overtopped several times with
maximum flow depths up to 1 foot (Hansen, 1989).
Abdo and Adaska (2007) cite several other RCC overtopping protection projects
that have performed well with overtopping depths of up to 10 feet, with damage
limited to surface erosion and minor spalling. These limited examples do not,
however, include performance under high unit discharges and high heads, and
therefore would not have had the potential to develop significant uplift pressures
relative to the weight of the structure, or erosion sufficient to damage the surface.
More recent performance of RCC overtopping protection occurred in Gwinnett
County, Georgia in September 2009 (Hudock and Semerjian, 2010). The Upper
Yellow River Watershed Dam Nos. 14, 15, 16, and 17 were the first projects
constructed by the NRCS and Gwinnett County as part of a capital improvement
project to upgrade fourteen NRCS flood control structures within the watershed to
bring them into compliance with modern dam safety criteria for a high hazard
classification. New subdivisions were built very close to the embankment dams,
which ranged in height from 30 to 40 feet, and this would not permit conventional
dam modifications to meet the new hydrologic design criteria Therefore, RCC
spillways were constructed for overtopping protection of the existing dams. The
first four Yellow River RCC spillways were completed between 2003 and 2008,
and consisted of a straight or angled ogee weir with a converging stepped
spillway chute and basin.
On September 21, 2009, a storm event occurred in the Upper Yellow River
Watershed that resulted in more than 10 inches of rain in a 24-hour period, with
an estimated return period of greater than 500 years. Each RCC spillway
performed as designed, with overtopping flow depths averaging approximately
2 feet and for durations of nearly 30 hours. Peak unit discharges ranged from 4 to
13 ft3/s/ft of spillway width. The structures were closely monitored during and
following the flood event and were found to have sustained no noticeable damage
aside from aesthetic concerns and some riprap displacement in the downstream


Overtopping Protection for Dams

channel. Soil covers at two of the dams were significantly eroded and were to be

2.4.2 Potential Failure Modes

Converting an embankment dam to an overtopping structure may introduce a new
potential failure mode for a more frequent flood event than for the maximum
capacity of the existing service spillway, due to the potential for embankment
erosion when flow is allowed to pass over the embankment crest, even though
RCC protection is provided. Such failure could occur due to large uplift pressures
on the RCC slabs, either from reservoir seepage or from the overtopping flow
through open joints or cracks, which result in loss of the overtopping protection,
or due to surface erosion from flows beneath the overtopping protection along the
embankment contact. Inadequate energy dissipation at the downstream apron, or
overtopping of training walls, can also produce embankment erosion at the
downstream toe or along the abutment groins sufficient to breach the dam.
Changes to the existing embankment seepage patterns and phreatic surface due to
the construction of an RCC slab on the downstream face may also reduce the
stability factors of safety of the embankment, increasing the static piping risk or
potential for slope instability. These issues must be analyzed during the design
process. RCC technology is still relatively new and no significant historical
performance records exist for most RCC spillways on embankment dams.
There are numerous examples of RCC being used for overtopping protection of
embankment dams, as indicated in Attachment 1. Although based on limited data,
the performance of embankment dams protected by RCC which have been
subjected to overtopping flows has been satisfactory to date. However, the few
projects that have experienced overtopping flows have not seen the higher unit
discharges and heads for which they were designed, and performance under such
conditions is still unproven.
Case histories of three of the higher embankment dams modified using RCC
(Spring Creek, Ringtown No. 5, and Tongue River Dams), as well as Addicks and
Barker Dams, are provided in the Appendix.


Chapter 3 Conventional or Mass Concrete

Chapter 3. Conventional or Mass Concrete

Overtopping protection for embankment dams utilizing conventional or mass

concrete relies on a continuous layer of concrete to serve as the flow surface for
overtopping flows. This normally consists of a smooth, continuously-reinforced
concrete slab (CRCS) constructed over a filtered drainage layer. The concrete slab
and drainage layer protects the underlying embankment from high velocity flows
discharging along the downstream face of the dam. Training walls are normally
required at the sides of the overtopping protection to contain the overtopping
flows and to protect the abutments. If the abutments consist of competent nonerodible rock, it may be possible to forego the training walls, as long as the groins
are protected and the underlying embankment does not become subjected to highvelocity flow.
For this discussion, mass concrete is defined as conventional concrete having a
thickness greater than three feet.

3.1 Historical Perspective

There are a number of embankment dams worldwide that have concrete spillways
located on the downstream face, rather than on an abutment. Some of these
spillways have been summarized by Sherard (1972) and are briefly described
below. Although these installations may not have been originally classified as
concrete overtopping protection, their concept is similarhigh velocity flow is
conveyed along a concrete surface located on the downstream face of an
embankment dam. Many of the design concerns and potential vulnerabilities are
also the same for spillways over an embankment dam as compared to concrete
overtoppiing protection. Sherard concluded that some spillways have been built
on top of embankment dams when they could have been built as conventional
spillways on an abutment. In these cases, the alternative over the top of the dam
was determined to be less costly and still considered technically sound.
Embankment dams with spillways located on the downstream face include (in
alphabetical order):
Beaver Lake Dam.This dam is near Omaha, Nebraska, and is a
homogeneous embankment. The spillway includes a 50-foot-wide open
channel concrete chute on the downstream face of the dam. The floor slab
of the chute is 10 inches thick and reinforcement is continuous across the
joints. The discharge capacity of the spillway is 2,880 ft3/s, for a unit
discharge of 57.6 ft3/s/ft).
Bingham Creek Dam.This dam is near Bingham, Utah. The spillway
includes a chute that is 20 feet wide at the upstream end and 10 feet wide

Overtopping Protection for Dams

at the downstream end. The floor slab of the chute is 8 inches thick and
reinforcement is not continuous across the joints. The discharge capacity
of the spillway is unknown.
Dry Creek Dam.This dam is in Utah. The spillway includes a 24-foot
wide open channel concrete chute on the downstream face of the dam. The
floor slab of the chute is 10 inches thick and reinforcement is not
continuous across the joints. The discharge capacity of the spillway is
2,800 ft3/s, for a unit discharge of 117 ft3/s/ft. The spillway was reported
to have operated in 1972 with a maximum release of 400 ft 3/s.
Green Canyon Dam.This dam is in New Mexico. The spillway includes
a 120-foot-wide open channel concrete chute on the downstream face of
the dam. The thickness of the spillway chute floor slab is 15 inches, with
no reinforcement across the transverse joints. The total discharge capacity
is 52,400 ft3/s, which includes both the concrete spillway and an unlined,
600-foot-wide auxiliary spillway.
Guaremal Dam.This dam is in Venezuela and consists primarily of
compacted river gravels with a thin clay core. The spillway includes a
295-foot-wide open channel concrete chute on the downstream face of the
dam. The floor slab of the chute is 12 inches thick and reinforcement is
continuous across the joints. The discharge capacity of the spillway is
16,500 ft3/s, for a unit discharge of 55.9 ft3/s/ft.
Kinzua Project Upper Reservoir.This dam is in Pennsylvania. The
upper reservoir is operated for a pumped storage hydroelectric project.
The spillway was designed to operate only if the upper reservoir was in
danger of overfilling. The spillway contains an earthen fuseplug section,
which must erode before the spillway operates. The spillway includes a
100-foot-wide open channel concrete chute on the downstream face of the
dam. The floor slab of the chute is 6 inches thick and reinforcement is
continuous across the joints. The discharge capacity of the spillway is
6,200 ft3/s, for a unit discharge of 62 ft3/s/ft.
Loud Thunder Dam.This dam is near Rock Island, Illinois and consists
of a homogeneous clay embankment. The spillway includes a 60-foot

wide open channel concrete chute on the downstream face of the dam. The
floor slab of the chute is 9 inches thick and reinforcement is not
continuous across the joints. The discharge capacity of the spillway is
6,500 ft3/s, for a unit discharge of 108 ft3/s/ft.
Regadera Dam.This dam is near Bogata, Columbia. The spillway chute,
located on the downstream face of the dam, transitions from 394 feet wide
at the crest to 295 feet wide at the downstream end. The floor slab of the
chute is 6 inches thick and reinforcement is continuous across the joints,


Chapter 3 Conventional or Mass Concrete

except at breaks in the slope. The discharge capacity of the spillway is

25,000 ft3/s, for a unit discharge of 63.5 ft3/s/ft.
Silver Lake Flat Dam.This dam is near American Fork, Utah. The
auxiliary spillway includes a 13-foot-wide open channel concrete chute on
the downstream face of the dam. The floor slab of the chute varies in
thickness from 9 to 14 inches and reinforcement is not continuous across
the joints. The discharge capacity of the spillway is 670 ft3/s, for a unit
discharge of 51.5 ft3/s/ft.
Reclamation has two concrete service spillways that are constructed on the
downstream face of embankment dams. Meeks Cabin Dam, in Wyoming, is an
embankment dam with a structural height of 184 feet and was constructed from
1966 to 1971. The spillway consists of an uncontrolled ogee crest structure on the
upstream face of the dam, with a concrete box conduit/chute and a downstream
stilling basin. The ogee crest is gently curved with a length of 39 feet. The box
conduit is 30 feet wide and 15 feet high, and is buried shallowly within the
downstream face of the embankment. The spillway discharge capacity is
7,240 ft3/s with a head of 12.6 feet (for a unit discharge of 241 ft3/s/ft); however,
the maximum historic spillway discharge is estimated to be only
300 ft3/s (Reclamation, 2010).
Currant Creek Dam, Utah, is an embankment dam with a structural height of
164 feet and was constructed from 1974 to 1977. The spillway consists of an
uncontrolled ogee crest structure on the upstream face of the dam, with a concrete
box conduit/chute and a downstream stilling basin. The ogee crest length is
20 feet. The box conduit is 20 feet wide and 10 feet high, and is buried shallowly
within the downstream face of the embankment. The spillway discharge capacity
is 850 ft3/s with a head of 5.2 feet (for a unit discharge of 42.5 ft3/s/ft); however,
the spillway has never operated. The conduit portions of the spillways at both
dams have control joints, with reinforcement continuous across the joints as well
as waterstops (Reclamation, 2007a).

3.2 Design and Analysis

Some key analyses must first be performed for the design of concrete overtopping
protection for embankment dams. Flood frequency studies are needed to develop
flood hydrographs for various return period flood events for the site. This
information is then used in a flood routing study, in which magnitudes and
durations of spillway flows are determined. Once this information is obtained,
water surface profiles can be determined to calculate flow depths and velocities
along the downstream face of the dam for a suite of spillway discharges and for a
range of return periods. This information can then be used for the design of the
concrete overtopping protection for embankment dams:


Overtopping Protection for Dams

The flow depths are used to size training walls at the sides of the
overtopping protection to retain the flows, or used with the flow velocities
to evaluate the impact of overtopping flows on the rock abutments. If the
abutments have limited erosion resistance and the energy of the
overtopping flows is high enough, the erosion potential of the abutments
should be evaluated.
The flow depths and velocities are used to evaluate the potential for
stagnation pressures occurring at transverse joints within the concrete
overtopping protection, and for the design of drainage features.
The flow depths and velocities are used to estimate the potential for
cavitation damage to the surface of the concrete overtopping protection,
for the determination of allowable concrete surface tolerances and
potential aeration requirements.

3.2.1 Sizing Wall Heights

Overtopping flows along training walls would likely initiate erosion in the wall
backfill, which has the potential to progress to the point of undermining the
concrete slab and failing the concrete overtopping protection. Once this occurs,
headcutting can initiate and progress upstream and possibly breach the dam, as
was the case at El Guapo Dam in Venezuela in December 1999, when the
spillway chute walls overtopped. Flood routings will provide information on the
duration of certain discharge levels. If durations of spillway flows are limited,
failure of the concrete overtopping protection may initiate due to wall
overtopping, but may not have t ime to fully develop into a breach of the reservoir.
Water surface profiles can be calculated for discharges that are obtained from the
frequency flood routings. Typically, the maximum discharges for a given
frequency flood will be evaluated, but if the peak discharge will only occur for a
very limited duration, lesser discharges can be evaluated as well. A number of
water surface profile computer programs are available, such as Reclamations
ZPROF program. The water surface profile program should account for the
boundary layer thickness, slope correction (by converting flow depths normal to
the chute slope to flow depths in the vertical direction for use with the energy
equation), and air entrainment.
For a given discharge and starting water depth at the dam crest, flow depths and
velocities can be determined at key stations along the overtopping protection. This
information can be used to evaluate training wall heights along the overtopping
protection and estimate probabilities for the development of this potential failure
mode. For hydraulic jump stilling basins provided at the downstream toe of the
dam, the conjugate depth of the hydraulic jump (the flow depth at the downstream
end of a hydraulic jump) can be calculated and compared to the stilling basin wall


Chapter 3 Conventional or Mass Concrete

Spillway discharges generally pass through critical depth at the dam crest and
enter the downstream slope at supercritical flow. The overtopping flow may be
uniform or it may be accelerated or decelerated, depending on the slopes and the
dimensions of the channel and on the total drop to the river channel. Flow at any
point along the overtopping protection will depend on the specific energy, d + hv,
available at that point, where d is the flow depth and hv is the velocity head. The
velocities and depths of open channel flow in a channel conform to the principle
of the conservation of energy, expressed by Bernoullis theorem, which states that
the absolute energy of flow at any cross section is equal to the absolute energy at
a downstream section plus intervening losses of energy. This relationship can be
expressed by Equation 3-1:
Z + d1 + hv1 = d2 + hv2 + hL
Z =
d1 =
hv1 =
d2 =
hv2 =

Eq. 3-1

the difference in floor elevation between points 1 and 2

the flow depth at point 1
the velocity head at point 1
the flow depth at point 2
the velocity head at point 2
the energy losses in the chute between points 1 and 2, including
friction, turbulence, impact, and transition losses

The ZPROF computer program computes the water surface profile using the
Standard Step method for gradually varied flow. In this method, the distance
between stations is known and the correct depth at each station is determined in
the computations. The computation is carried forward in a series of steps,
beginning with a known depth of flow (such as critical depth) at the first station.
The depth of flow is used in the computations to obtain area, velocity, velocity
head, and hydraulic radius. The Chezy equation is solved for the friction slope.
The loss in head due to friction is then computed by multiplying the friction slope
by the length of the reach. The ZPROF program uses the Chezy equation for
friction slope rather than the Manning, Scobey, or Hazen-Williams equations, as it
has a theoretical development and the others are empirically derived. The
empirical equations were developed primarily for channels of small slope,
subcritical flow, and fully turbulent flow. The Chezy coefficient (C) depends on
the Reynolds number and the boundary roughness.

3.2.2 Evaluating Erosion Potential

The stream power erodibility index method can be used to estimate the
likelihood of rock erosion initiating on the abutments beyond the limits of the
concrete overtopping protection. This method can be used to evaluate whether
additional protection is needed if overtopping flows are allowed to contact
unprotected rock abutments of the dam downstream of the crest. The erodibility
index represents how erodible the abutment material is and is relat ively simple to


Overtopping Protection for Dams

calculate. The stream power represents the erosive power of the overtopping
flows, and is much more complicated to compute. This method is described
further in Chapter 15.

3.2.3 Stagnation Pressures

Stagnation pressure-related failures of concrete overtopping protection can occur
as a result of water flowing into open joints and cracks during overtopping flows.
If water entering a joint or a crack reaches the bedding materials or the
embankment surface beneath the protection, failure can result from excessive
uplift pressure and/or from erosive flow contacting the underlying materials. If no
drainage exists, or if the drainage is inadequate, and the concrete slab is
insufficiently restrained, then the resulting development of hydrodynamic
pressure beneath a concrete slab can cause hydraulic jacking and displacement. If
drainage paths are availablebut are not adequately filterederosion of
foundation material is possible and structural collapse may occur. Figure 3-1
depicts the development of stagnation pressures beneath a concrete slab for a
spillway chute.

Figure 3-1.Development of spillway stagnation pressures (Reclamation).

Routings of specific frequency floods provide discharges and discharge durations

for a flood with a given return period. Water surface profiles can be calculated for
discharges that are obtained from the frequency flood routings. The water surface
profiles will provide depths of flow and velocities at selected stations along the
concrete overtopping protection. The flow velocity at open joints and cracks in
the slabs will help determine the magnitude of uplift pressure that can be
generated beneath the slabs and the volume of discharge that can be introduced
through the joint or crack. If durations of overtopping flows are limited, failure of
the protection may initiate but may not have time to fully develop into a breach of
the reservoir.


Chapter 3 Conventional or Mass Concrete Estimating Stagnation Pressures

There are generally two conditions that must be present for a stagnation pressure
failure mode to initiate. First, there needs to be an open joint or crack where flow
and/or pressure can enter and access the foundation or interface. Second, the joint
or crack needs to be offset into the flow so that stagnation pressures can develop.
Offsets away from the flow tend to aspirate through the joint or cracklowering
the pressure and pulling drainage back into the spillway chute from the
foundation. Longitudinal cracks parallel to the flow may allow seepage flows
from the spillway chute into the foundation that could initiate foundation erosion,
but at a lower magnitude than what would occur at a transverse joint or crack with
an offset into the flow.
Structural damage at the joints can include delamination and spalling.
Delamination typically occurs at a joint near the exposed surface, above the top
layer of reinforcement (see Figure 3-2). The combination of high surface
temperatures and a plane of weakness (i.e., layer of reinforcement) below the
surface can result in delamination, caused by thermal expansion of the concrete at
the joint near the surface and the development of differential stresses throughout
the concrete depth. The resulting splitting tensile force parallel to the surface
can exceed the tensile strength of the concrete and cause a crack and possible loss
of concrete. Damage may be most significant in portions of the chute that have
the greatest exposure to direct sunlight. If a competent waterstop is installed
below the delamination, a serious stagnation pressure problem may not develop
unless the concrete further deteriorates, compromising the waterstop. Loss of
concrete upstream of the joint may create an abrupt offset into the flow and
increase the potential for stagnation pressure.

Figure 3-2.Concrete delamination due to thermal expansion

(Reclamation, 1997).

Overtopping Protection for Dams

Concrete spalling at joints may be caused by freeze-thaw damage, alkali-silica

reaction (ASR), sulfate attack, or poor concrete consolidation. When spalling
occurs, a deep localized offset will be present. If deep enough, spalling may
compromise other defensive measures (described below) such as reinforcement,
waterstops, and keys. In addition, there may be offsets related to foundation heave
or differential settlement. Offsets at open joints and cracks in slabs and the lower
portions of training walls exposed to flow, and especially vertical offsets into the
flow, allow for stagnation pressures to develop and for this potential failure mode
to initiate.
Having established that there are, or may be, unfavorable conditions at open joints
or cracks, the magnitude of uplift pressures that can develop to initiate potential
uplift failure can be estimated. Model tests for offsets into the flow as small as
-inch, with gaps as small as -inch, indicate that significant uplift pressures
and/or flow can develop (Figures 3-3 through 3-7, from Reclamation, 2007b).
Some of these tests were conducted with a sealed water vessel beneath the slab,
where all hydrodynamic pressures were transmitted to this system (see Figure
3-3). Head loss that would occur as the water traveled through cracks, foundation
materials, or drains was not modeled or captured. These results are, therefore,
conservative and should be used with some caution. A second set of tests were
conducted, in which the water vessel beneath the slab was opened or vented
by allowing drainage out of the cavity (see Figures 3-4 and 3-5). These tests
allowed flow through the system, and uplift pressures on the slab were
measured as well as flow through the joint. Venting of the cavity produced a
reduction in uplift pressure for all test configurations. However, it should be noted
that the drainage flow rates were a function of the hydraulic losses within the test
system. These include the crack entrance losses and losses within the piping and
valve that allowed water to flow out of the area beneath the slab. Therefore, if
enough drainage were provided to accommodate all flow that tended to enter the
crack, the uplift pressures could be lower.


Chapter 3 Conventional or Mass Concrete

Figure 3-3.Mean uplift pressure, sharp-edged geometry, sealed cavity,

-inch gap (Reclamation, 2007b).

Figure 3-4.Mean uplift pressure, sharp-edged geometry,

vented cavity, -inch gap (Reclamation, 2007b).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure 3-5.Mean uplift pressure, sharp-edged geometry, vented cavity,

-inch gap (Reclamation, 2007b).

Figures 3-6 and 3-7 provide unit discharges for variable flow velocities, joint
offsets, and joint gaps. The discharges represented in Figures 3-6 and 3-7 are
based on the pressure and drain conditions reflected in the companion curves
provided in Figures 3-4 and 3-5. The unit discharges provide estimates of flow
through the joint that are consistent with the uplift pressures shown in Figures 3-4
and 3-5, with the flow controlled by the valve used to model the vent in the
experiments. The unit discharge values can be used to help assess whether the
underdrain system capacity is adequate to reduce uplift pressures to those levels
indicated in Figures 3-4 and 3-5.
An interesting result of the tests is that the test configurations with the smallest
joint gap (see Figure 3-6) resulted in more flow through the joint as compared to
test configurations with larger gaps (see Figure 3-7). A smaller gap can also
produce higher uplift pressure than a larger gap for the smaller offsets (about
/4 inch and less). The postulated reason for this is that a recirculation zone is
created at the point of the gap entrance that is more effective in blocking flow and
transmission of stagnation pressure at larger gaps. The details of the joint were
also varied in the studies. Sharp-edged joints were tested as well as joints with
chamfered and rounded corners. The chamfered and rounded corners with small
gaps performed in a similar manner to sharp-edged joints with wider gaps.


Chapter 3 Conventional or Mass Concrete

Figure 3-6.Unit discharge for joint/crack, sharp-edged geometry, -inch gap

(Reclamation, 2007b).

Figure 3-7.Unit discharge for joint/crack, sharp-edged geometry, -inch gap

(Reclamation, 2007b).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

There have been no specific tests for a joint that is not offset into the flow, or for
smaller gaps; however, it would seem possible that some flow and pressure could
develop without an offset. Note that the stagnation lines (in black) in Figures 3-3
through 3-5 represent an upper bound or theoretical pressure that could be
developed by converting the velocity head entirely to pressure. Additional
conditions have been evaluated in the model tests, and are presented in
Reclamation (2007b).
After flow rates are determined for various flood frequencies, water surface
profiles can be developed to determine flow depth and velocity. Both may be
important factors. In general, Reclamation studies have indicated that pressures
and flows into offset joints and cracks increase with flow velocity (Figures 3-3
through 3-5). For a given flow, there may be portions of the overtopping
protection that experience velocities that are high enough to cause damage, while
other portions do not. If the portions of the overtopping protection experiencing
the potentially damaging velocities are not prone to failure because they have
adequate defensive measures (described below), then the lack unfavorable joints
or cracks, and/or lack offsets into the flow, failure is not likely to initiate.
However, as flows increase, other portions of the slab without adequate protection
may experience conditions that can initiate failure. Therefore, there may be a
specific flow for different sections of the slab that will represent an initiating
failure condition. Depth of flow may be important when there is an increasing
offset between two training wall segments that increases with height, or where
damage has occurred above the slab invert. Defensive Design Measures
Defensive design measures can help prevent this potential failure mode from
initiating or from developing. These examples of defensive design measures are
listed in order of decreasing effectiveness):
Waterstops (which block paths for water flow through joints in slabs)
Transverse cutoffs (which prevent vertical offsets at transverse joints and
limits path for water from the flow surface to the foundation)
Longitudinal reinforcement or smooth dowels across floor joints (which
minimize width of cracks and openings at joints and may help prevent
Anchor bars into foundation (which provide additional resistance to uplift
pressures on concrete slabs; use soil anchors for earth foundation)
Filtered underdrains (which relieve uplift pressures that can be generated
beneath slabs and prevents movement of foundation materials into
drainage system and initiation of foundation erosion)


Chapter 3 Conventional or Mass Concrete

Rigid plastic foam insulation (which insulates the drainage system and
reduces the potential for freezing. It also prevents frost heave locally).
An absence of these defensive design measures can allow initiation and
progression of this potential failure mode. Figure 3-8 shows these defensive
design measures. Keyed joints are an additional defensive measure sometimes
used but not shown below.

Figure 3-8.Defensive design measures for concrete chutes to prevent uplift failure
(Reclamation, courtesy of Bill Fiedler). Case Histories

The following case histories illustrate the potential for stagnation pressures and
seepage to cause damage to spillway chute slabs, which are analagous to concrete
slabs for overtopping protection:
Big Sandy Dam Spillway: June 1983.Big Sandy Dam is on Big Sandy Creek,
45 miles north of Rock Springs, Wyoming. The 85-foot-high rolled earthfill
embankment dam was completed in 1952. The spillway is located on the right
abutment of the dam and consists of an uncontrolled concrete side-channel crest
structure and a concrete chute and stilling basin. The spillway has a discharge
capacity of 7,350 ft3/s at a reservoir water surface elevation 5.3 feet above the
spillway crest elevation. The spillway is founded on thinly bedded to massive
siltstone and sandstone. The foundation rock ranges from soft to moderately hard


Overtopping Protection for Dams

with joints that are primarily vertical, tight and healed to open and spaced from
1-foot to several feet apart. A zone in the foundation below the spillway inlet
structure contains open joints and bedding planes, which allowed reservoir water
to seep under the spillway chute floor. The spillway chute was designed with an
underdrain system and anchor bars, but waterstops and continuous reinforcement
were not provided across the floor joints (Reclamation, 1987b).
Deterioration of the concrete slab occurred shortly after the dam was put into
service. Cracking occurred in the chute slabs due to excessive water and ice
pressures along the foundation-concrete slab interface and some of the slabs
heaved and were displaced off the foundation, creating offsets into the flow. The
spillway operated from 1957 to 1983 without incident, but a chute floor slab
failed in June 1983, due to uplift pressures from flows of 400 ft3/s (Hepler and
Johnson, 1988). The failure did not progress beyond the spillway slab failure,
primarily due to the erosion resistance of the underlying foundation relative to the
energy of the spillway flows, and the magnitude and duration of the flood.
Calculations were performed to confirm that the failure was the result of
stagnation pressures being generated under the chute slab. The Big Sandy Dam
spillway chute slab failed between stations 4 + 66.87 and 4 + 85.85, during
spillway discharge of 400 ft3/s. Failure was initiated by an offset into the flow at
station 4 + 66.87 (depth of flow0.3 ft; velocity31 ft/s). Assuming a -inch
open joint and a vertical offset of an inch and anchor bars that are only
50 percent effective, the calculations predicted the slab would fail. The
calculations also showed that with anchor bars fully effective, the slab would not
have failed. The uplift pressures assumed in the calculations were estimated from
extrapolated laboratory tests (Hepler and Johnson, 1988). The analysis of the slab
for uplift pressures evaluated a one foot wide strip of the chute slab between
stations 4 + 66.87 and 4 + 85.85, assuming that the stagnation pressures would be
constant over this area. From observations after the failure, it was observed that
the anchor bars exposed beneath the slab had been pulled out of the soft sandstone
foundation, with little evidence of the original grout encasement, indicating that
the anchor bar capacity was not fully developed.
Hyrum Dam Spillway.Hyrum Dam is on the Little Bear River, about 9 miles
southwest of Logan, Utah. The 116-foot-high zoned earthfill embankment dam
was completed in 1935. The spillway is located about 900 feet from the dam on
the right abutment and consists of a concrete-lined inlet transition, a gated crest
structure regulated by three 16-foot-wide by 12-foot-high radial gates, and a
concrete-lined spillway chute and stilling basin. The foundation of the spillway
consists of Lake Bonneville sediments (described as clay and gravelly loam) to a
depth of about 90 feet below the spillway crest. The spillway chute was designed
with an underdrain system, although a filter was not provided between the gravel
drain envelope and the fine-grained foundation material. The spillway chute was
constructed with a single layer of reinforcement that is not continuous across the
joints. Waterstops were not provided at the joints. The spillway had significant


Chapter 3 Conventional or Mass Concrete

problems associated with cracking and slab movement. Long horizontal cracks
developed in the sides of the trapezoidal spillway chute, and bulging of the lining
was noticeable. In 1980, an inspection revealed water spurting through a crack in
the left chute wall (indicating water pressure behind the wall) and open horizontal
cracks. In 2003, ground penetrating radar, drilling, and closed circuit television
examination of the spillway underdrains and drill holes were used to identify
voids underneath the spillway chute. A continuous channel, over two feet deep in
places, was identified beneath the steeper portion of the chute. The erosion that
occurred in the spillway foundation was attributed to the introduction of flows
through the cracks and joints in the slab and piping of foundation materials into
the unfiltered drainage system (Reclamation, 2005a).

3.2.4 Cavitation
Cavitation is the formation of vapor cavities in a liquid. Cavitation occurs in high
velocity flow, where the water pressure is reduced locally because of an
irregularity in the flow surface. As the vapor cavities move into a zone of higher
pressure, they collapse, sending out high pressure shock waves (see Figure 3.9). If
the cavities collapse near a flow boundary, there will be damage to the material at
the boundary. Cracks, offsets, and surface roughness can increase the potential for
cavitation damage.

Figure 3-9.Cavitation created in low ambient pressure chamber

(Reclamation, 1990a).

Cavitation damage can occur along flow surfaces exposed to high velocity flow if
surface irregularities exist and if the flow durations are long. For a new design, it
should be expected that the flow surface will be in good condition, but the design
should consider that defects along the surface will likely develop over time. If
there is potential for cavitation damage to occur along the concrete overtopping


Overtopping Protection for Dams

protection, evaluations of the concrete should be performed in the future,

considering the actual condition of the surface. The extent of cavitation damage
will be a function of the cavitation indices at key locations along the overtopping
protection and the duration of flow. Cracks, offsets, surface irregularities and/or
open joints in the overtopping protection, and the lower portions of training walls
exposed to flow, may allow this potential failure mode to initiate. The geometry
of the flow surface irregularities will affect the initiation of cavitation. The more
abrupt the irregularity, the more prone the surfacewill be to the initiation of
cavitation. Concrete deterioration in the form of alkali-silica reaction (ASR),
freeze thaw damage, and sulfate attack can exacerbate this potential failure mode
due to the resulting cracks, or opening of cracks and joints in the concrete,
creating surface irregularities and/or offsets at damaged areas. However, this
potential failure mode is unlikely to progress in most cases to the point where dam
failure occurs, due to the long flow durations that are required to cause major
damage to concrete slabs (Reclamation, 1990a). Estimating Cavitation Potential
Cavitation indices can be used to evaluate the potential for cavitation damage to
concrete overtopping protection. The cavitation index (Equation 3-2) is defined as

P Pv
V 2

Eq. 3-2

P = pressure at flow surface (atmospheric pressure + pressure related to
flow depth)
Pv = vapor pressure of water
= density of water
V = average flow velocity
In most cases, there is the potential for cavitation damage when the cavitation
index, , is 0.5 or less at a concrete surface. For large structural features that are
introduced into the flow abruptly, cavitation damage can occur when the is as
high as 1.0 or greater.
Routings of specific frequency floods provide discharges and durations for a flood
with a given return period. This information can be used to generate probabilities
for certain discharge levels. Water surface profiles can be calculated for
discharges that are obtained from the routings of frequency floods. The water
surface profiles can provide depths of flow, velocities, and cavitation indices at


Chapter 3 Conventional or Mass Concrete

selected stations along the overtopping protection. If the cavitation indices are not
calculated by the water surface profile program (which is an option with
Reclamations water surface profile program ZPROF) cavitation indices can be
calculated at any location along the concrete overtopping protection where the
depth and velocity of flow are known (Reclamation, 1990a). The cavitation
indices at offsets or irregularities along the flow surface will help determine the
potential for cavitation damage to initiate. If durations of overtopping flows are
limited, failure of the concrete overtopping protection may initiate but there may
not be time for a breach of the reservoir to develop. Cavitation Damage
The initiation of cavitation damage requires irregularities or roughnesses along
the flow surface and a low cavitation index associated with an overtopping flow.
Typical examples of irregularities in hydraulic structure flow surfaces include:

Offsets into the flow at joints or cracks

Offsets away from the flow at joints or cracks

Holes, grooves, or spalls in the flow surface

Delaminated surfaces

Calcite deposits on the flow surface

For all of these occurrences, cavitation is formed by turbulence in the shear zone
(interface between high velocity and low velocity flow) which is produced by the
sudden change in flow direction at the irregularity. The location of the shear zone
can be predicted by the shape of the roughness. Cavitation bubbles will collapse
either within the flow or near the flow boundary, depending on the shape of the
roughness. Surface irregularities can be identified by a thorough examination of
the concrete overtopping protection. If a recent examination has not been
performed or if the concrete overtopping protection is being designed, it may be
reasonable to evaluate the potential risk of cavitation damage assuming both
favorable and unfavorable conditions. The difference in risk between these two
conditions may provide justification for further characterization of the flow
Water surface profiles can be used to calculate cavitation indices at key locations
along the flow surface. These key locations would include any areas where
surface irregularities or offsets have been identified or where it is expected that
these features might exist. Lower cavitation indices indicate a higher potential for
cavitation damage. The cavitation index will decrease with an increase in flow
velocity and a decrease in the pressure at the flow surface. For a given flow, there
may be portions of the concrete overtopping protection that are vulnerable to the
initiation of cavitation, while other portions may not be vulnerable. As flows

Overtopping Protection for Dams

increase, additional portions of the overtopping protection may experience

conditions that can initiate damage. Therefore, there may be a specific flow for
different sections of the overtopping protection that will represent an initiating
failure condition.
Cavitation occurs in several phases. Incipient cavitation occurs when occasional
cavitation bubbles develop in the flow. Developed cavitation occurs when many
small cavitation bubbles are formed, appearing as a fuzzy white cloud.
Supercavitation occurs when large vapor cavities are formed from individual
cavitation bubbles.
The rate of cavitation damage is not constant with time. At first, a period begins
where loss of material does not occur. This period is known as the incubation
period. In this phase surfaces become pitted. Following the incubation period, the
damage rate increases rapidly during a period called the accumulation period. The
damage rate reaches a peak during this period. The last phase is an attenuation
phase in which the damage rate decreases. However, if the damage has resulted in
loss of the concrete spillway lining, a large amount of erosion can occur.
The initiation of cavitation damage can be predicted by the cavitation index of the
flow. In general, if the cavitation index is greater than 0.5, significant damage is
not expected for a typical spillway chute or tunnel lining. For cavitation indices
between 0.5 and 0.2, damage can occur if surface irregularities exist. If the
irregularity is large and abruptly introduced into the flow, such as a stilling basin
baffle block or a stilling basin splitter wall, damage may occur for flow with a
cavitation index of 1.0 or greater. For flow surface irregularities that are abrupt
but small (such as offsets at joints, or localized spalled areas with a steep profile),
damage may initiate during flow with a cavitation index as high as 0.5. If the
irregularity is more gradual, the cavitation index may have to approach 0.2 in
order for damage to occur. If the cavitation index is below 0.2, air entrainment is
the only reliable method of preventing cavitation damage, as described below.
Whether cavitation initiates or not will be a function of the cavitation index of the
flow and the geometry of the surface irregularity that potentially could initiate
cavitation. Figures 3-10 and 3-11 provide information on incipient cavitation for
chamfers and for isolated surface irregularities. Incipient cavitation is the stage at
which occasional cavitation bubbles form in the flow. Damage is not expected at
this level of cavitationthe cavitation index must drop significantly for cavitation
to progress and for damage to initiate. For hydraulic structures, damage has been
experienced at flow cavitation indices that are one-sixth to one-fourth of the
incipient cavitation values. Additional graphs are included in Chapter 2 of
Reclamations Engineering Monograph No. 42 (1990a) that provide incipient
cavitation characteristics for a wide range of surface irregularities.
When flow is only minimally aerated, cavitation damage has been found to vary
inversely with the air concentration. This conclusion was reached based on tests
conducted with air concentrations between 8 x 10-6 and 20 x 10-6 moles of air per

Chapter 3 Conventional or Mass Concrete

moles of water (Stinebring, 1976). At high air concentrations of about 0.07 moles
of air per moles of water, damage was found to be completely eliminated over a
2-hour test period (Peterka, 1953). The introduction of air into spillway flows
reduces the potential for cavitation to damage concrete surfaces by reducing the
damage that occurs from collapsing vapor cavities. If the flow is not naturally
aerated, measures can be taken to introduce air into the flow at critical locations
along the concrete overtopping protection by constructing air slots or ramps.
Overtopping flows can be self-aerating when the turbulent boundary layer from
the floor intersects the water surface. If an air slot or ramp has been designed to
introduce air into spillway flows, air entrainment is likely downstream of the slot
or ramp. Model study results or actual field testing of the air slot/air ramp can be
used to estimate the downstream effectiveness of the air entrainment. If air has not
been intentionally introduced into the flow, it should be conservatively assumed
that the flow is not aerated.

Figure 3-10.Incipient cavitation characteristics of chamfered offsets

(Reclamation, 1990a).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

dimenSymbol Irregularity sions Data source


Hall, 1960

0.361 0.196


Circular arcs

Hall, 1960

0.344 0.267




0.439 0.298




0.632 0.451




0.737 0.550



Bohn, 1972

0.041 0.510



= boundary layer thickness = 0.38 Xb/Rx0.2

= distance from start of boundary layer
= Reynolds number
= velocity at top of boundary layer
= kinematic viscosity of water

Figure 3-11.Incipient cavitation characteristics of isolated surface irregularities

(Reclamation, 1990a).


Chapter 3 Conventional or Mass Concrete

Several mechanisms are usually involved in the damage of hydraulic structures

due to cavitation. When cavitation forms in a concrete lining due to a surface
irregularity, surface damage will begin at the downstream end of the cloud of
collapsing cavitation bubbles. After a period of time, an elongated hole will form
in the concrete surface. The hole will get longer as high velocity flow impinges on
the downstream end of the hole. This flow creates high pressures in
microfractures in the concrete, formed around individual pieces of aggregate or
within temperature cracks that developed during the concrete curing process. This
creates pressure differentials between the impact zone and the surrounding area,
which can cause aggregate or even chunks of concrete to be broken from the
surface and swept away in the flow. As erosion from the high velocity flow
continues, reinforcing bars become exposed. The bars may begin to vibrate, which
can lead to mechanical damage of the concrete surface and fatigue failure of the
reinforcing bars.
If flow velocities are sustained for a long enough period, the concrete lining can
be completely removed over a portion of the overtopping protection, exposing the
underlying embankment. Once the embankment is directly exposed to
overtopping flows, erosion is likely to progress rapidly. Figure 3-12 depicts
cavitation damage that has occurred in various spillways, as a function of the
cavitation index and the duration of spillway discharges. (Note the use of metric

Figure 3-12.Cavitation damage as a function of cavitation index and hours of operation

(Reclamation, 1990a).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

3.2.5 Structural Design Considerations

CRCS overtopping protection will require widely-spaced construction joints to
control cracking in the concrete slabs, as is commonly done for similar types of
construction, such as for concrete-faced rockfill dams, concrete pavements, and
concrete water retainment structures. If no joints are provided, the concrete may
crack and create joints on its own. Cracks and joints in the concrete overtopping
protection will create potential locations for water to penetrate the surface and
access the embankment material beneath the concrete overtopping protection.
Appropriate defensive design measures are required to prevent or minimize the
passage of water through the joints, as shown in Figure 3-8. These details include
the installation of waterstops at the joints, continuous reinforcement across the
joints, and possibly keys or other details to prevent offsets at the joints (especially
for transverse joints oriented perpendicular to the flow).
The amount of reinforcement will vary depending on the site conditions, but is
usually 0.5 to 0.7 percent of the gross area of the concrete slab cross section
(Hensley and Hennig, 1991). The reinforcement is spliced along the width and
length of the concrete slab protection as required and passes through all joints.
This ensures that the reinforcement is continuous and fully developed throughout
the slab. Properly proportioned reinforcement will keep joints and cracks tightly
closed so that they are impervious or allow only minor seepage. The dowelling
effect of the reinforcement, in combination with the aggregate interlock of the
tightly-closed cracks, will also prevent offsets and help maintain structural
integrity. The monolithic behavior of the CRCS should allow for localized
distress to occur in the slab, within limits, without compromising the overall
integrity of the concrete overtopping protection.
The CRCS proposed by Reclamation for overtopping protection of A.R. Bowman
Dam (see Appendix) was designed using the Continuously-Reinforced Concrete
Pavement (CRCP) computer program developed by the University of Texas. The
program modeled the response of the slab for various loadings based on the
properties and dimensions of the concrete, the gradation of the subgrade
materials, and on limiting criteria for crack spacing, crack width, and steel stress.
In order to reduce the seepage through the slab, a design crack width of
0.003 inches was selected with the temperature of the slab at 32o Fahrenheit (F).
Using the design crack width, the seepage volume through the slab during
overtopping was estimated assuming laminar flow through the cracks. This
information, along with estimates of the volume of the voids in the downstream
shell of the embankment dam, was used to determine the potential uplift loads on
the slab for design. Because no drain outlets can be located within or downstream
of the location of the hydraulic jump, control of seepage in this area is critical.
Seepage through the slab above the hydraulic jump was to be collected in a pipe
system and discharged through aspirating drains (ASCE, 1994).


Chapter 3 Conventional or Mass Concrete

A critical design requirement for CRCS overtopping protection is the provision of

suitable connections at the perimeter. The proposed CRCS for A.R. Bowman was
to be restrained at the dam crest, the toe block, the left abutment, and along the
left wall of the existing service spillway chute on the right abutment. Test results
from hydraulic model studies, along with analyses using CRCP design techniques,
were used in the structural design of each of these connections (ASCE, 1994).
The potential for differential settlement along the concrete overtopping protection
should be evaluated for design. If the overtopping protection is constructed over
the downstream face of a newly constructed embankment dam, the potential for
settlement will be greater than if it is placed over an embankment dam that has
been in place for a while and for which the settlement and consolidation have
already occurred. Excessive settlement has the potential to create offsets at joints
in the overtopping protection slab, and if severe, to fail waterstops and
reinforcement across the joints.

3.3 Construction Considerations

Construction of a CRCS on the downstream face of an embankment dam for
overtopping protection is similar in many respects to construction of the concrete
slab on the upstream face of a concrete-faced rockfill dam for a water barrier. In
order to ensure the integrity of the concrete overtopping protection, good quality
control is required during construction. The following items are especially
Concrete Tolerances.Specification tolerances for the concrete flow
surfaces must be met. The tolerances should be selected to minimize the
potential for cavitation damage (assuming that the cavitation indices
calculated along the flow surface indicate the potential for damage).
Complying with the specified tolerances will minimize the chance of
creating offsets into the flow at transverse joints or other surface
irregularities that could initiate cavitation.
Joint Details.Details at the joints within the concrete overtopping
protection are critical to preventing flow through the slab into the
foundation. Waterstops should be properly embedded at both sides of the
slab, and the required embedment and splice lengths should be provided
for reinforcing bars that extend across the joints.
Functioning Underdrain Systems.The underdrain system provided for
the overtopping protection slab is important for controlling seepage flows
and for reducing uplift pressures should stagnation pressures develop
locally in the future. Efforts should be made to allow access to the
drainage system in the future for CCTV inspections and possible cleaning


Overtopping Protection for Dams

efforts. The drain pipes must be open and functioning during and at the
completion of construction, without debris or damage.

3.4 Vulnerabilities and Risk

A major concern with conventional or mass concrete overtopping protection is
that if the protection fails during a flood event and the underlying embankment is
exposed, erosion and headcutting in the embankment materials could progress
rapidly. This could lead to a breach of the dam during the flood event, with no
potential for preventing the failure. In order for conventional or mass concrete to
be effective as overtopping protection, the integrity of the concrete layer must
remain intact and be free of significant defects during a flood event. Some of the
concerns related to the integrity of the concrete protection are:
Harsh climates.Spillways that are located in northern locations may
experience large temperature fluctuations between seasons and over the
course of the year. This environment may make the concrete overtopping
protection more vulnerable to damage as a result of freeze-thaw cycles and
thermal expansion/contraction of the concrete. Regular inspections of the
concrete surfaces are important during the life of the structure to ensure
that defects that could compromise the integrity of the protection dont
develop or are properly repaired.
Potential for settlement.Embankment dams can be expected to settle
and consolidate over their lifetime. This will be more of a concern for a
newly constructed embankment dam as compared to an existing dam that
has been in operation for a long duration. The potential for future
settlement of the embankment needs to be considered when designing the
concrete overtopping protection.
Using conventional or mass concrete as an overlay on the downstream face of an
embankment dam creates a situation where some erosion may occur underneath
the slab without being initially detected. This could allow undermining of the slab
and for the initiating steps of slab failure to progress to a dangerous situation
without any external evidence of the developing situation. The slab will likely
have sufficient strength to bridge over significant eroded areas without any signs
of distress. A subsequent storm event could result in enough additional erosion to
fail portions of the concrete protection, exposing the underlying embankment
directly to overtopping flows. This would likely lead to rapid erosion of the
embankment materials and could lead to a breach of the embankment dam during
the single flood event. This initial condition has been experienced at a number of
Reclamation dam spillways (see Hyrum Dam spillway discussion in the
Appendix). In these spillway case histories, the foundation underneath the
spillways was eroded over time and went undetected for years. The erosion was
initiated by stagnation pressure flows in some cases and by seepage within the


Chapter 3 Conventional or Mass Concrete

structure foundation in others and often was facilitated by unfiltered underdrains,

which serve as an exit for piped foundation materials.
Case histories of one large embankment dam for which CRCS overtopping
protection was initially selected over RCC, but was never constructed
(A. R. Bowman Dam) and of a smaller embankment dam for which CRCS was
provided (Baldhill Dam) are provided in the Appendix.


Chapter 4 Precast Concrete Blocks

Chapter 4. Precast Concrete Blocks

Precast concrete blocks can be used over earth materials to provide a hard surface
for flow to pass safely without eroding the underlying surface, and are commonly
referred to as articulating concrete blocks (ACB) when used for this purpose. An
ACB system is comprised of a matrix of individual concrete blocks placed
together to form an erosion-resistant revetment with specific hydraulic
performance characteristics. The term articulating implies the ability of the
matrix to conform to minor changes in the subgrade while remaining
interconnected with geometric interlock and/or additional system components
such as cables or anchors. These systems have also been referred to as cellular
concrete mats (CCM).
There are many types of precast concrete blocks, each with its own geometry,
useful application based upon hydraulic performance and erosion prevention,
installation procedures, aesthetic value, and cost. Of most importance for
providing overtopping protection is to select a product that has been tested under
the flow conditions expected during overtopping. Applications for overtopping
protection typically include high velocity flows, steep slopes, and possibly energy
dissipation on the flow surface.
The four main types of articulating concrete blocks are described below.
Cable-tied.Concrete block units that are individually formed with or
without open areas, and laced together with cables into large, sometimes
uniquely-shaped mattresses for installation. The blocks are normally
cabled together (both longitudinally and laterally) at the manufacturing
plant and are delivered to the site on flat-bed trucks for placement as a
mattress with a crane. Examples of cable-tied block manufacturers include
Armortec (a subsidiary of Contech, Inc.), Petraflex, Inc, and
International Erosion Control Systems.
Articulating Block (AB) mats are fabric-formed, cable-reinforced,
concrete mattresses that are cast in place. The AB fabric form consists of a
series of compartments linked by an interwoven perimeter. Grout ducts
interconnect the compartments, and high-strength revetment cables are
installed between and through the compartments and grout ducts. Once
filled with grout or small aggregate concrete, the AB mats become a
mattress of pillow-shaped, rectangular concrete blocks. The interwoven
perimeters between the blocks serve as hinges to permit articulation. The
cables remain embedded in the concrete blocks to link the blocks together.
AB mats include Hydrotex products manufactured by Synthetex, LLC
and Texicon products manufactured by Donnelly Fabricators, Inc. These
systems are discussed further in Chapter 9 as fabric-formed concrete.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Interlocking.Concrete block units that are individually formed with

mortise and tenon-type features that are fit together on site. Some
interlocking blocks have open areas, and some are solid. Some may also
use cables, but this type is generally hand-placed or brought to the site on
geotextile mats. Some examples of manufacturers products are Conlock
I, Conlock II, and Trilock (produced by a subsidiary of American
Excelsior Company).
Overlapping.Concrete block units that are tapered wedge-shaped blocks
or concrete slabs that are overlapped shingle-fashion from the toe of the
slope to the crest. The block units are formed at the manufacturing plant
and delivered to the site on pallets. Individual units in the system are
staggered and interlocked for enhanced stability. Each row of units is
laterally offset by one-half of a block width from the adjacent row. When
placed, the blocks form a stepped surface with slots providing open areas
for venting subgrade uplift pressures. They are hand-placed, but have been
cabled together on site (see Barriga Dam case study). Contech, Inc.
holds the exclusive license in the United States on the ArmorWedge
concrete block units, patented by Reclamation.
Butt- jointed.Commercially-available concrete construction blocks, also
known as concrete masonry units (CMUs) or cinder blocks, that are
normally used in the construction of walls for buildings. These have a
large open area and are hand-placed with butt joints on the earth surface
for erosion control. This system would only be applied to very low head
installations due to failure under fairly low velocities not considered
comparable for most overtopping situations (US Department of
Transportation (USDOT), 1988 and 1989). Therefore, these will not be
discussed further in this manual.
All types, except AB mats (fabric-formed concrete), are manufactured at a precast
concrete facility using a high-volume steel mold that is shipped close to the
project under construction for standard applications. Some may use a plastic form
or mold to cast the blocks if a unique situation develops. Most ACBs are from
4 to 9 inches in thickness. Each product may or may not have an open area equal
to anywhere from 2.5 percent for the wedge-shaped blocks, to 18-35 percent for
other types of articulating concrete blocks. Some varieties of blocks rely on a
vegetative cover grown in soil placed into open areas of the blocks or over the top
of the blocks to improve performance. Figures 4-1 and 4-2 show several types of


Chapter 4 Precast Concrete Blocks

All products require placement over a smooth subgrade with a geotextile and/or a
bedding or drainage layer between the subgrade and the block system. Installation
requirements and techniques vary with the product and affect product
performance. Product performance in overtopping or high velocity flow
conditions down steep slopes varies significantly. Only products that have been
tested in like conditions of the design application with flume or field test
conditions should be considered for use.

Figure 4-1.a) Fabric-formed AB mat

b) Armorwedge tapered block

c) Concrete construction or cinder blocks (Reclamation).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure 4-2.Common examples of precast concrete revetment systems.

(NRCS, 2007).

4.1 Historical Perspective

Concrete blocks of various forms have been used for years to protect against
erosion. The use of precast concrete blocks began in response to the less than
satisfactory performance of hand-placed or dumped riprap on steep slopes
exposed to high flows. Articulating concrete blocks were used for protection from
wave attack, armoring open channels, stream beds of relatively mild slope, and
drainages, and provided the first successful hard armoring using manufactured
concrete blocks that were cable-tied or mechanically interlocked. A recent design
manual for placement of ACBs for stream restoration and stabilization projects
was developed by the NRCS for typical placements of ACBs not subjected to
high velocity flow or overtopping situations (NRCS, 2007). Cost effectiveness,
and relatively easy construction methods, led to the desire to use ACBs for other
applications. At the same time, many dam owners and governmental agencies,
both overseas and in the United States, were being faced with new, larger floods
that needed to be passed through their dams. As a result, in the late 70s and early
80s, ways of armoring embankment dams were investigated and ACB products


Chapter 4 Precast Concrete Blocks

were developed for use with higher velocity flows on steeper slopes for passing
flood flows over spillways or embankment dams.
Early work on individual precast concrete blocks was performed in the former
Soviet Union in the 1970s with overlapping slabs forming wedges, and then with
wedge-shaped blocks. Most of the tests were prototype installations on farm dams
and then a high head power station (Powledge and Pravdivets, 1994 and Matos et
al., 2001). The success of these Russian installations led to more comprehensive
laboratory and field testing of a wedge-shaped block in England in the 1980s.
Laboratory and field tests were performed at the University of Salford and at
Brushes Clough (Baker, 1992, 1995, 2000a, and 2000b), respectively. These tests,
sponsored by the Construction Industry Research and Information Association
(CIRIA), Lancashire, England, led to the development of design guidance for
wedge-shaped blocks based upon block thickness (Hewlett et al., 1997).
In 1983 and 1986, the U.S. Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), U.S.
Forest Service (USFS), and Reclamation funded a research program at Colorado
State University (CSU) using a large outdoor facility to investigate the
performance of various overtopping protection methods including cable-tied and
interlocking ACBs (United States Department of Transportation [USDOT],
1988 and 1989). Additional field tests were conducted in England during the late
1980s at Jackhouse Dam of several different cable-tied ACBs with various
percent open areas to permit the growth of vegetation (Hewlett et al., 1987).
These test programs and ACB performance results were summarized in the
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) Journal of Hydraulic Engineering
by Powledge, et al. (1989) and by Frizell et al. (1991) in Hydro Review
The first application of cable-tied ACBs for overtopping protection on major dam
embankments in the U.S. was for three National Park Service dams on the Blue
Ridge Parkway (Wooten et al., 1989). The dams ranged in height from 28 to
40 feet with crest lengths of 270 to 530 feet, with unit discharges from about 7 to
30 ft3/s/ft and with computed flow velocities up to 26 ft/s (Powledge and
Pravdivets, 1994).
Federal research continued into the 1990s in Reclamations Denver laboratory and
in a 50-foot-high concrete flume facility at CSU that provided further test data on
an optimized wedge-shaped block that could not be failed up to the capacity of the
facility (Slovensky, 1993; Frizell et al., 1994; and Gaston, 1995). International
interest in the wedge-shaped block continued with large-scale testing on a
saturated embankment (Relvas and Pinheiro, 2008).
After the successful and promising initial works and testing was completed in the
United States and abroad, private companies saw the value of ACB products as a
means to protect some types of waterways. Private companies saw opportunities
for broader applications, particularly of the easy-to-install ACB cable-tied
systems. Additional knowledge was required concerning performance under

Overtopping Protection for Dams

steeper slopes with anticipated flow conditions that would produce higher
velocities, higher shear stresses, and an increased potential for erosion.
Subsequently, most recent testing and performance criteria that has been
developed is proprietary, but in some cases may be found in literature from the
companies and organizations that provided the funding for the tests (e.g.,
Thornton et al., 2006 and Harris County Flood Control District (HCFCD), 2001).
Schweiger (2002) provides a good summary of research on cable-tied and wedgeshaped blocks with design considerations.

4.2 Design and Analysis

Articulating block systems have been determined to fail in performance testing
when the blocks lose sustained intimate contact with the subgrade. The designer
should choose an ACB product that has been tested under the flow conditions for
which the product is expected to perform, giving due consideration to subgrade
and drainage provisions. Early prototype testing, discussed in the previous
section, may not have met the later standards developed for ACB revetment
performance testing, but should still be considered as valid information. All recent
testing, primarily funded by private companies for cable-tied ACB systems, has
followed ASTM D 7277-08, Standard Test Method for Performance Testing of
Articulating Concrete Block (ACB) Revetment Systems for Hydraulic Stability in
Open Channel Flow.
ASTM D7276 (2008) is a standard for analysis and interpretation of ACB
revetment system hydraulic test data collected under steep-slope, high-velocity
conditions in a rectangular open channel, and this standard is intended to be used
in conjunction with the ASTM D7277 (2008) standard for performance testing of
ACB revetment systems. Methods for computation of discharge, flow depths,
friction slope, cross-sectional averaged flow velocity, and boundary shear stress
are detailed within ASTM D7276 (2008). Furthermore, guidelines for qualitative
assessment of stability are also presented and are identical to those provided in
ASTM D7277 (2008).
Overall stability of the embankment under the additional hydraulic loading due to
overtopping, as discussed in Chapter 1, must be investigated by a competent
geotechnical engineer (Hewlett et al., 1997 and Frizell et al., 1991). This applies
to any of the ACB systems being considered for overtopping, and is separate from
the analysis of the hydraulic performance.
A designer must know the design features that are necessary for proper
performance of the project, and the designer must perform the necessary hydraulic
and geotechnical computations to ensure a stable ACB system for the project


Chapter 4 Precast Concrete Blocks

Most testing has been performedand prototype installations constructedwith

uniform channel widths and parallel walls, whether vertical or trapezoidal. If the
spillway walls converge (as for the overtopping protection provided for Peaks of
Otter Dam, by Reclamation for the National Park Service) additional physical or
numerical modeling should be performed to assure flow velocities and directions
are not exceeding tested design limits.

4.2.1 Hydraulic Design

Hydraulic design considerations for the embankment dam overtopping condition
shown in Chapter 1 on Figure 1-1 include:
Subcritical flow from the reservoir to critical depth on the dam crest
Potential for subatmospheric pressures developing just downstream from
the crest
Supercritical flow and maximum flow velocity, depth, and shear stress on
the downstream slope over the ACB revetment
Change from supercritical to subcritical flow at the location of the
hydraulic jump and potential for pressure fluctuations over the ACB
system toe, and changes in vertical profile where flows are no longer
parallel to the block face (transition from chute to stilling basin)
Figure 1-1 shows the potential areas that must be addressed in the design of an
ACB system. Each area has its own complicating factors:
Crest.Identify the design flow from IDF routings to determine the
design unit discharge and design head on the crest. Design data are
available from testing performed by Reclamation regarding the potential
low pressure zone at the break in slope from the crest to the downstream
revetment in Frizell et al. (1991). Powledge et al. (1989) reported that
large-scale testing failures of some block systems were due to the
formation of subatmospheric pressures near the crest. The designer should
anchor the revetment in accordance with the installation techniques
provided by the manufacturer and with ASTM D6884-03. The area may
be graded to transition from the crest to the downstream slope to minimize
the development of negative pressures. The crest details must not allow
water beneath the system from the reservoir or upstream pool and the crest
must be well anchored. A cutoff wall and suitable connection should be
provided at the embankment core. If using a wedge-shaped or individual
block system, the first row of blocks should be overlapped and held in
place by a cast-in-place, reinforced concrete crest cap.
Slope.The precast concrete block system on the slope must withstand
the hydraulic forces associated with the maximum unit discharge, slope

Overtopping Protection for Dams

angle, and roughness of the block system. Figure 4-3 shows a typical force
balance on a single unit in a cable-tied ACB system. These forces are
similar for an interlocking block system. The drag force on the blocks
should be computed by including both form drag and frictional drag. The
destabilizing force from form drag should also include the direct impact of
a vertical projection of the upstream face of a block to account for
imperfections during installation. Blocks on a side slope of a channel
require a separate analysis for the side slope because of the different
angles involved in the analysis. These computations lead to shear stresses
and safety factors that the project system must meet to ensure no loss of
intimate contact with the subgrade. Flow velocities have been measured
and shear stresses computed by the testing agencies or manufacturers. To
date, non-proprietary data for typical cable-tied systems suggest that
velocities down the revetment slope should not exceed 26 ft/s on
2:1 slopes. Mannings n values average between 0.026 0.033 for
unvegetated systems. Vegetation corrections would need to be considered
as necessary.
Equations for performing stability calculations that are based upon the factor of
safety method have been provided by Simons, Li & Associates (1990), Clopper
(1991), HCFCD (2001), and the National Concrete Masonry Association
(NCMA) (2006 and 2010). The stability analysis has been improved over the
years to include side slope stability (as described below). The NCMA documents
are used as the current design and installation standards for ACBs.

Figure 4-3.Hydraulic forces on the typical cable-tied ACB system

(Courtesy of Contech Engineering Solutions., all rights reserved).


Chapter 4 Precast Concrete Blocks

An additional reference (Melville et al., 2006) provides an equation for stability

failure of an unanchored mat or individual blocks that are neither cable-tied nor
interlocked. Critical shear stresses were determined from flow depth and velocity
measurements over small blocks with various protrusions.
A thesis report (Cox, 2010) provides a review of previous flume testing
performed at CSU on three tested ACB systems provided by Armortec: the
ArmorFlex 30s, the USACEs Block (ArmorLoc), and Petraflex. A new safety
factor analysis is provided for overtopping and channel flow with blocks on a side
slope. The new equations for the factor of safety incorporate a calibrated lift
coefficient that better predicts the system stability. The moment stability analysis
approach is a simplified model of a complex physical phenomenon and does not
include the benefit of cabling. Inter-block friction is also not represented in the
moment stability analysis and is encompassed within the calibrated lift
coefficient, CL. Therefore, coefficient extrapolations based on varying block
thicknesses, block footprints, and block weights should not be employed without
further research and verification. These results are essentially specific to the three
block geometries analyzed, but does show that more certainty can be achieved for
block system stability with further testing and analysis. The authors also feel that
more rigorous test data could be collected that would enhance the knowledge of
failure of these systems.
Tapered wedge block systems are subjected to the hydraulic forces shown in
Figure 4-4. Force balances are similar to the cable-tied equations, but should
include an element for aspiration of subgrade pressures. Velocities up to 45 ft/s
and critical depth up to 3.48 feet have been attained in flume testing on a 2:1
slope with vertical side walls (Slovensky, 1993 and Thornton et al., 2006). The
Mannings n value that has been computed from several flume tests and the
Brushes Clough prototype testing is between 0.03-0.04. Design guidance for
wedge-blocks, including the use of a friction factor of about 0.08 and guidance on
air entrainment and wall heights, has been developed (Frizell et al., 2000).
Side slopes may be vertical or trapezoidal-shaped, with the joint between the
invert and the side slope carefully treated with concrete shaped in the block shape
or as a strip running the full length of the installation. Several methods are
described in Hewlett et al. (1997), tested in Relvas and Pinheiro (2008), and
installed at Barriga Dam in the Appendix (Morn and Toledo, 2008 and 2013).
Another case study of the Friendship Village wedge-block spillway (included in
the Appendix) shows the joint between the invert and the side slope as an
untreated butt joint.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure 4-4.Typical forces on a wedge-block ACB system

(Courtesy of Contech Engineering Solutions, Inc., all rights reserved).

Case studies are provided in the Appendix of wedge-shaped blocks based upon
the CIRIA design guide that bases block stability on block thickness with a
minimum thickness of 4 inches (Hewlett et al., 1997). The blocks in the two case
histories were 4-feet-long by 3 feet-wide by 0.8 feet on the upstream end with a
0.6-foot step height. Based upon further testing in the United States as mentioned
previously, these size blocks seem excessive unless a special situation exists. The
CIRIA design guide (Hewlett et al., 1997) is recommended for addressing the
sizing of vents at 2.5 to 5 percent of the exposed block area, and this guide
includes a good procedure for determining geotechnical stability and
underlayment material design.
No tapered wedge block system has failed in laboratory or large-scale flume
testing situations up to the capacity of the systems. Prototype applications that
have operated in the former Soviet Union provide varying flow situations and
construction techniques that were not very idealized. One installation that failed,
Jelyevski Dam in the Ukraine, was found to have been placed on an abutment
consisting of improper fill. The failure occurred with the loss of the underdrain
and embankment material through the vent holes during first operation (Baker,
2000b). Because systems have not failed due to hydraulic forces, it has been
difficult to determine failure stresses as described in the cable-tied installations.
The wedge-shaped system would be considered stable as long as 1) the overlap
remains, and 2) the hydraulic connection remains between the separation zone and
the underlayment (i.e. the vents remain open). Reclamation is currently
developing further design guidance for wedge-shaped block applications.
Interlocking block systems have also been tested under the ASTM protocol and
have proven successful under the conditions tested (Leech et al., 1999 and Abt et
al., 2001). Additional information was not available, other than the case history
for the Tri-lock system provided in the Appendix.


Chapter 4 Precast Concrete Blocks

4.2.2 Toe Treatment

The toe treatment must be adequate to pass expected seepage and drainage flow,
to provide support for the block system, and prevent undermining of the system.
The presence of a hydraulic jump must be considered in the design by knowing
the project tailwater elevation and performing the hydraulic calculations
necessary to determine the location of the jump (Reclamation, 1978).
All systems have been shown to perform without the formation of the hydraulic
jump over the toe of the system in often idealized flume testing situations. An
adequate filter or collector drain must be designed at the toe of the slope to ensure
proper drainage from underneath the block system and through the toe
(Reclamation, 2004). Cable-tied and interlocking block systems are installed with
a trench at the toe. Wedge-shaped blocks need a cast-in-place, reinforced concrete
toe block or sill that supports the system from sliding while providing free
drainage (Slovensky, 1993; Frizell et al., 1994; and Thornton et al., 2006). The
toe block or sill is normally placed above the tailwater to prevent the formation of
a hydraulic jump on the blocks. The blocks may also be pinned together for
additional restraint.
The formation of the hydraulic jump is accompanied by increased turbulence and
pressure fluctuations that must be accounted for either by the block system, in the
design of a terminal structure, or by hard protection at the toe. Most overtopping
situations will have enough energy at the toe for consideration in the design in
some manner. If the hydraulic jump is to be located on the blocks, the following
should be considered:
For a cable-tied block system, the current design practice is to increase the
block weight within the hydraulic jump. This may be sufficient as long as
the selected product is not already at the maximum weight for the normal
flow depth and velocity; otherwise, a different system may have to be
For an interlocking block system, either the performance data are not
available or are proprietary, thus its use within a hydraulic jump would
generally not be recommended.
For a wedge-shaped block system, the blocks may either be pinned or
cabled together as tested under a unit discharge of 3.4 ft3/s/ft on a
2:1 slope (Slovensky, 1993) or the weight increased (Hewlett et al.,
1997). Proprietary testing showed successful performance with the
hydraulic jump forced by a gate at the toe of the system up to a unit
discharge of 42.5 ft3/s/ft without any restraint (Thornton et al., 2006).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

4.2.3 Bedding or Drainage Layer

The layer beneath the block system is normally comprised of one or more layers
of granular material or a combination of granular material and a geotextile, which
serves as a drainage or bedding layer and a filter layer, and provides the following
To assist with relief of uplift pressures below the blocks
To protect the subsoil from erosion by drainage flow in the underlayer
parallel to the slope
To restrain soil particles on the subsoil surface against movement due to
seepage exiting the subsoil and aspiration through the aeration vents of the
To provide a smooth foundation for placement of the blocks
The drainage layer may be made of free-draining granular material or an
equivalent substitute using a woven geotextile. The filter layer may also be made
of a granular material compatible with the embankment soil and the drainage
layer or a geotextile. Filter layer design may be found in Reclamation (2011).
Flow volumes in the drainage layer beneath wedge-shaped blocks have been
measured during flume testing at CSU (Thornton et al., 2006) and threedimensional laboratory tests at the National Civil Engineering Laboratory
(LNEC) in Lisbon, Portugal (Relvas and Pinheiro, 2008). These tests showed a
larger percentage of drainage flow, up to 0.7 percent of the total flow, for smaller
flows, then decreasing to an almost constant volume of 0.1 percent of the total
flow as the discharge increased. This behavior would be expected in wedgeshaped blocks because the higher velocities associated with higher flows would
provide more aspiration of flow from the underlayer than for smaller discharges.
No known measurements of underlayer drainage capacity have been documented
with other ACB systems.

4.2.4 Hydraulic Design Summary

Design and field installation procedures should comply with the procedures
utilized during the hydraulic testing procedures of the recommended system. All
system restraints and ancillary components (such as drainage mediums and
confining geogrid) should be employed as they were during testing. For example,
if the hydraulic testing installations use a drainage layer, then the field installation
must use a drainage layer of a similar design and composition.
The theoretical force-balance equation used for performance extrapolation of
thicker concrete units based on actual hydraulic testing of thinner units will


Chapter 4 Precast Concrete Blocks

produce conservative performance values. When establishing performance values

of thinner units based on actual hydraulic testing of thicker units, there is a
tendency to overestimate the hydraulic performance values of the thinner units.
Therefore, all performance extrapolation must be based on actual hydraulic
testing of a thinner unit then relating the values to the thicker units in the same
family of blocks (HCFCD, 2001).
In all systems, there has been no credit given in the hydraulic analyses to the
interblock restraint, overlap, cables (if used by the system), or soil anchors.
Therefore, it is generally accepted that an inherent conservatism exists in cabletied and/or interlocking systems. Although soil anchors used to be routinely
installed with early cable-tied systems, they are currently used only when
determined necessary to provide an extra measure of conservatism.

4.3 Construction Considerations

Cabled mattress products consist of ACBs that may interlock together, but are
also tied by cables running both longitudinally and laterally. The cables are
normally installed at the concrete manufacturing plant and the cabled sections are
delivered to the site on flat bed trucks for installation (unless site conditions
require them to be delivered on pallets and installed individually). Each cabled
mattress section is placed by a crane, using a spreader bar (Figure 4-5), and then
the exposed cables are attached to the adjoining section and the seams are grouted
in place. The cabled mattresses can be installed along a sloped surface or beneath
the water line.

Figure 4-5.Cabled ACB section being delivered and installed (Reclamation).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Wedge-shaped blocks and interlocking blocks are delivered to the site on pallets
and placed by hand. ArmorWedge blocks have been cabled after placement as an
extra precaution from vandalism or potential settlement of the dam (see the
Barriga Dam case study in the Appendix). The applicable ASTM standards for
ACB revetment systems should be followed for construction and installation of
any system.
ACB units and individual concrete blocks are precast at the factory and should be
in good condition and meet specification requirements when delivered to the site.
Subgrade preparation is critical to proper installation of the designed system. The
foundation should be free of all obstructions such as roots and projecting stones,
and should be graded to provide smooth slope transitions. Proper placement of
bedding layers, drainage layers, and compatible filter layers or comparable
geotextiles, where specified, is essential. Attachment points are critical to the
entire system and must be properly secured. ASTM D 6884-03, Installation of
ACB Revetment Systems, should be closely followed during construction.

4.3.1 Materials
Most concrete block products are dry cast at a factory or manufacturing plant near
the site using a mold supplied by the manufacturer. Some are wet cast (using a
higher water-cement ratio) if uniquely shaped (e.g., Barriga, Bruton, Fitzwarren
case studies). All products should meet the requirements of ASTM D6684-04,
Standard Specification for Materials and Manufacture of Articulating Concrete
Block (ACB) Revetment Systems. The materials used to manufacture the concrete
blocks should meet all applicable ASTM standards. A minimum concrete
compressive strength of 3,500 lb/in2 is typically specified for block products
delivered to the site, in accordance with ASTM D6684.
The critical subgrade design and preparation for ACB systems should follow
ASTM D1241-00, Standard Specification for Materials for Soil-Aggregate
Subbase, Base, and Surface Courses.
Final acceptance of the geotextile materials, if used, will be dependent upon the
geotextile performance when tested in accordance with ASTM D5101-12,
Standard Test Method for Measuring the Filtration Compatibility of SoilGeotextile Systems, or with ASTM D5567-94, Standard Test Method for
Hydraulic Conductivity Ratio (HCR) Testing of Soil/Geotextile Systems.
The cables used for the cable-tied systems are usually stainless steel, galvanized
steel, or polyester. All have performed competently in testing and field
installations and must meet applicable ASTM standards as specified by the ACB


Chapter 4 Precast Concrete Blocks

4.3.2 Installation Quality Control

The manufacturer of the ACB system for the project should provide on-site
inspection and guidance throughout the project. Written installation procedures
are also available for each system from the manufacturer.

4.4 Vulnerabilities and Risk

Only cable-tied and wedge-shaped blocks have been used as ACB overtopping
protection on embankment dams in the U.S. to date. There is more performance
data available for these two systems and additional safety associated with the
cabling and the overlapping in the systems that provides a greater level of
confidence (Schweiger, 2002).
Any overtopping protection design using an ACB system must be accomplished
as tested under large-scale laboratory situations. This means that the drainage
system and anchor details should be closely matched to those tested, and any use
of a geotextile should be confirmed with testing. Geotextile performance directly
beneath an ACB may reduce overall system performance (depending upon the
material properties and site conditions), whereas a gravel drainage layer or other
highly permeable layer beneath an ACB system has been typically shown to be
highly beneficial. Geonets have been used successfully between the gravel
drainage layer and the ACB system.
The largest pitfall facing a designer of an ACB system is obtaining and
understanding the hydraulic performance test results of the products. The
references cited here can be used for that purpose; however, additional proprietary
data specific to a manufacturers product should also be consulted. The designer
must clearly know the goals of the project and be able to match those with the
testing that has been successfully completed for the various products. There are
also regulatory restrictions in some States that prohibit the use of overtopping
protection for embankment dams (such as California), while other States allow
certain types, and some have no policy. In any case, it is the designers
responsibility to submit the required engineering design details that will show
adequate proof of no failure (Schweiger, 2002). New Jersey is one State that
has published guidelines for design of overtopping protection systems (Moyle,


Overtopping Protection for Dams

4.4.1 Potential Failure Modes

ACB systems have been determined to fail in performance testing when the
blocks lose sustained intimate contact with the subgrade. Failure would occur
from removal of the blocks and/or large deformations in the foundation or
subgrade that expose the underlying material to erosion. Failure due to removal of
individual blocks or a cabled mattress occurs when:
The shear forces produced by the flowing water exceed the frictional force
between the blocks and the bedding layer, and/or the confinement of the
The uplift forces produced by the water beneath the system exceed the

weight of the block and/or the confinement of the blocks

Erosion occurs at an open joint in the system, (e.g., toe, crest, side, or

adjacent to an individual block).

An improperly placed or lifted block exposes the upstream edge of the block
to high velocity flow that is redirected beneath the system.

Failure of individual blocks or cabled mattresses may cause the system to unravel
from that point downstream. Erosion of the foundation will occur and a headcut
will advance to the crest if the duration of the overtopping event is long enough.
Failure caused by hydraulic loading should be avoided by a competent hydraulic
analysis and by careful site inspection during construction. A closed-cell ACB
system failed and drained Kingstowne Park Reservoir in Fairfax County, Virginia,
during a heavy rain in 2010 (Kravitz, 2010).
Failure caused by deformation of the foundation would occur by the following:
Water during operation of the system saturates the subsoil leading to a

reduction of shear strength and a deep slip failure of the embankment

Shallow slip along a plane parallel to the face of the embankment caused by
down-slope forces on the blocks and an adjacent layer of soil exceeding the
local shear resistance along the underside of the soil layer
Settlement of the block system caused by removal of the drainage layer
beneath the blocks through the vents in a wedge block system, or through the
openings of an interlocking block system

Older ACB systems were anchored using rigid soil anchors. It is difficult to
determine the benefit of these and they potentially prevent a system from
conforming to a slightly deformed or settled subgrade. If anchors are used, a cable


Chapter 4 Precast Concrete Blocks

anchor that would allow system flexing may be preferable. Also, anchors can
puncture a geotextile if used beneath the system, creating a potential path for
piping. The potential foundation failure modes should be addressed by a
competent geotechnical engineer.

4.4.2 Vandalism or Block Damage

Block durability may be improved by making the blocks thicker or by increasing
their weight if the designer is concerned with the blocks breaking or cracking due
to debris laden flow, human or animal traffic, or vandalism. The Barriga Dam
wedge-shaped block was scaled up by Reclamation in accordance with the
procedure developed during testing protocols and discussed by HCFCD (2001).
A wedge-shaped block was broken up with a sledge hammer but left in place
during the first Reclamation tests for the blocks in the 1990s. The block pieces
were not removed under flows of about 32 ft3/s/ft and the broken block did not
lead to system failure (Slovensky, 1993).
Potential vandalism concerns with ArmorWedge blocks were partially addressed
by measuring the mechanical force required to remove a standard ArmorWedge
block weighing 50 pounds from the test flume after completion of the tests
(Slovensky, 1993 and Thornton et al., 2006). Overlapping of the blocks within the
matrix enhances the block resistance to removal. Blocks tend to compact down
the slope with both gravity and the hydraulic forces acting on the system. Prying
with a crowbar was initially attempted but could not be done. The measured force
to remove a block from the matrix ranged from 500 lb near the crest to 1,000 lb
near the bottom of the slope.
The standard ArmorWedge block system did not fail during testing; however,
the flume test situation is idealized because it is a narrow installation. On a
prototype, the possibility exists that the embankment or rockfill could settle and
the blocks could move up, down, or from side to side. However, as long as the
overlap remains, it is felt that the system would behave similarly to the test
facility and would require a similar force to remove.

4.5 Maintenance and Inspection

The ACB overtopping protection system should be inspected on the same
schedule as the rest of the dam. It should also be inspected after experiencing any
flow. A method should be devised to check for voids beneath the revetment
surface. Either a mechanical means of probing or sophisticated electronic
equipment could be used. Grade at all upstream and downstream ends of the
systems should be carefully maintained to match the surface of the block system
and avoid any protruding blocks. The geotextile fabric beneath the blocks, where
used, should be resistant to penetration.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

If vegetation is called for as part of the design and integral to the system
performance, then it should be maintained to the level called for by the
specifications. No woody plants or trees should be allowed to grow through the
blocks. Evidence of any invasive animal activity should be noted and addressed.
The inspection should identify any cracked or broken blocks. Testing of some
ACB systems has shown that cracked or even broken individual blocks that are
still interlocked with the adjacent blocks may not produce a failure. For example,
cracked interlocking open-celled Tri-Lock blocks placed for overflow channels on
3:1 slopes were shown in a field installat ion at the Richmond Hill Mine in South
Dakota to not fail during flows producing velocities up to 17 ft/s and maximum
shear stresses exceeding 9 lb/ft2 (greater than assumed for design) (Jacobs et al.,
2004). However, cracked or broken blocks should generally be replaced as part of
a proper maintenance program. If the owner decides a block must be replaced, an
individual block may be broken and removed, and most likely replaced with cast

in-place concrete of similar geometry.

For wedge-block systems, the block vents must be clear during flow events due to
potential uplift concerns. Early research did not address covering the blocks with
soil and vegetation. However, many projects now require precast concrete block
systems to be covered with vegetation for aesthetic reasons. Recent tests by the
ArmorWedge manufacturer have shown that soil cover will wash from the
system (Thornton et al., 2006). However, there was no vegetation grown on the
surface. If vegetated, the root system would need to be shallow enough to avoid
contact with the blocks, and allow complete removal of the vegetation and the soil
under flow conditions. To ensure the block vents remain clear, soil cover is not
recommended for wedge-block systems.
Several case histories of ACB overtopping protection systems for embankment
dams are provided in the Appendix; however, none of these systems has operated
to date. These case histories include a cable-tied system for Strahl Lake Dam, a
non-cable-tied system for Richmond Hill Mine, and tapered wedge-block
installations for Barriga Dam in Spain, Bruton Flood Storage Reservoir in
England, and Friendship Village in the United States.


Chapter 5 Gabions

Chapter 5. Gabions

Gabions are rectangular-shaped baskets or mattresses fabricated from wire mesh,

filled with rock, and assembled to form structures such as gravity retaining walls,
lined channels, overflow weirs, hydraulic drops, and other erosion control
structures. Gabions are also used for spillways and as overtopping protection for
small embankment dams as discussed in this chapter. Gabion baskets are
generally stacked in a stair-stepped fashion, while mattresses are generally placed
parallel to a slope.
Gabion baskets and mattresses are often manufactured from hexagonal woven
steel wire mesh, as specified in ASTM A975. Welded wire gabion baskets and
mattresses, conforming to ASTM A974, are also available and offer heavier
gauge and more rigid products. Hot dip galvanization, zinc treatments, polyvinyl
chloride (PVC) coatings, and stainless steel wire products are available,
depending on the site-specific corrosivity exposure and desired design life. The
gabions are delivered to the project site with the baskets formed, but collapsed for
delivery and handling (Figure 5-1). At the project site the gabions are expanded to
form the baskets and mattresses (Figure 5-2). Once placed, the gabions are filled
with rock, generally from 2 to 8 inches in size (Figure 5-3). Placement of the rock
may be by machine for production purposes or by hand methods if a more
aesthetic finished product is desired. Completed gabion structures are shown on
Figures 5-4, 5-5, and 5-6.

Figure 5-1.Example of gabion baskets delivered to the project site

(Reclamation, courtesy of Chris Ellis).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure 5-2.Typical unfilled gabion basket on left and mattress on right. Each is
formed with compartments to minimize rock movement within the gabion and
deformation of the overall structure. Hexagonal woven steel wire mesh gabions are
shown (Reclamation, courtesy of Chris Ellis).

Figure 5-3.Example of welded wire gabions filled with various rock sizes.
(Courtesy of, all rights reserved).

Figure 5-4.Example of gabion spillway crest structure.

(Courtesy of Concrib, all rights reserved)


Chapter 5 Gabions

Figure 5-5.Example of a gabion channel and drop structure.

(Courtesy of Juntong Guanda, all rights reserved)

Figure 5-6.Gabion erosion protection on slope of embankment. Zamoly Reservoir,

Hungary (Courtesy of Pannon Gabion Kft, all rights reserved).

Gabion baskets are typically divided into cells by diaphragms (often at 3-foot
centers) to reduce rock movement that can cause deformation. To reinforce the
structure, the corners and edges of the baskets are tied and reinforced with heavier
gauge wire to prevent unraveling and minimize deformation. Heavier gauge wire
and ties are also used to join the adjacent gabions, forming one continuous
Gabion baskets and mattresses are available in a variety of sizes, convenient for
forming a range of geometries. The empty baskets are generally light and can be
placed by hand. Once assembled, the gabions form flexible, permeable, rugged,


Overtopping Protection for Dams

monolithic structures. Gabions depend mainly on the interlocking of the stones

and rocks within the wire mesh for internal stability, and the assembled
structures weight to resist hydraulic and earth forces. The wire mesh simply
keeps the rockfill in place.
Gabions have advantages over loose riprap because of their modularity and rock
confinement properties, thus providing erosion protection with generally less rock
volume, within a smaller footprint, and with smaller rock sizes than loose riprap.
Reducing the required rock volume and rock size for gabions to provide a similar
level of erosion protectionas loose riprap can provide a significant reduction in
construction cost. Gabions also have advantages over more rigid structures as they

Conform to ground movement

Be easily constructed and repaired

Dissipate energy from flowing water

Be designed to drain freely

However, permeability may reduce over time as the voids in the rockfill become
progressively filled with silt, promoting vegetation growth.
Some disadvantages of gabions include appearance, since the wire is exposed
(although the use of attractive stone, colored wire coating, and vegetation may
alleviate this concern) and durability, since the wire mesh may be subject to
abrasion and corrosion damage (although special resistant coatings and materials
are available to increase the design life). Gabions are also more susceptible to
damage from debris and from vandalism compared to other types of dam
overtopping protection, such as RCC or ACBs, requiring more frequent
maintenance and repair. As for other types of overtopping protection, gabions can
make detection of changed seepage conditions within the embankment and
abutment more difficult.
Design considerations for gabions as embankment dam overtopping protection,
including hydraulic energy dissipation and erosion protection, are described in
this chapter. Additional design and construction considerations, advantages, and
disadvantages are also provided.

5.1 Historical Perspective

A form of gabions were originally used in Egypt and made of woven rushes
(reeds or tall grasses). Beginning in the 16th century, engineers in Europe used
wicker basketsItalian gabbionifilled with soil to fortify military


Chapter 5 Gabions

emplacements and reinforce river banks. The U.S. military continues to use
modern gabions as temporary barriers for blasts or small arms fire.
The use of wire-bound sausages was introduced by Maccaferri in 1894 to repair
the breach of the River Reno at Casalecchio, Italy. The USACE and others
initially investigated the use of gabions for stream bank stabilization and erosion
protection and found that they require less material and are significantly more
stable and cost effective than loose riprap. Significant research investigating the
use of gabion baskets or mattresses for water storage and flood passage while
preventing erosion were carried out by Stephenson in the late 1970s, using
hydraulic model studies involving flume tests of stacked gabion baskets.
Stephenson provided some information on energy dissipation (1979a) and
stability (1980). In 1982, an experimental study of gabions under high velocity
flow was conducted at Colorado State University (CSU) for Maccaferri (Simons
et al., 1984). Dodge (1988) and USDOT (1988) also performed hydraulic studies
on gabion mattresses and stacked gabion baskets under high velocity flows
similar to those expected in overtopping flows.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) has used
gabions to build spillways for earthen dams in developing countries (Charman et
al., 2001). The FAO developed a guide for designing small earthen dams with
gabion spillways, intake weirs for irrigation channels, river revetments, and
erosion protection measures. The emphasis of the FAO design guide is on
empowering local communities without engineering expertise and therefore
includes careful discussion of all aspects of the project design and construction
using simple means. De Marinis et al., (2000); Fratino (2004); Chinnarasri and
Wongwises (2006); Chinnarasri et al., (2008); and Fratino and Renna (2009) have
conducted studies of the influence of rock size, shape, and void fraction on gabion
performance and have made comparisons of flow conditions and energy
dissipation for gabions versus concrete stepped spillways.

5.2 Design and Analysis

Design and analysis for a gabion structure must address:

Hydraulic capacity

Energy dissipation

Anchoring details

Seepage and filter compatibility


Foundation preparation


Overtopping Protection for Dams

5.2.1 Hydraulic Capacity

Overtopping tests performed on various types of gabion protection systems have
indicated satisfactory performance for unit discharges up to 40 ft3/s/ft and for flow
velocities exceeding 30 ft/s (ASCE, 1994). The hydraulic design procedures for a
typical gabion structure to be used for overtopping protection, or for an auxiliary
spillway over an embankment dam, may be found in Charman et al. (2001), and
in Simons et al. (1984), based on testing and analysis performed for Maccaferri.
These comprehensive references are readily available to any designer and
incorporate the work of Stephenson (1979a, 1979b, and 1980) and of Peyras et al.,
Maccaferri provides software for the design of gabion channels and weirs. Their
design guides were developed from laboratory studies performed from the late
1970s into the early 1990s. They are based upon maximum velocities and shear
stresses developed during those studies for mattresses and stepped baskets
(Stephenson, 1980, 1991; Simons et al., 1984; Peyras et al., 1992; and USDOT,
1988). Their stage-discharge analysis calculates the discharge capacity and other
hydraulic characteristics of a channel section of specified geometry.
Reclamation (Dodge, 1988) tested gabions placed on 6:1 and 4:1 embankment
slopes and subjected to a unit overtopping discharge of 40 ft3/s/ft. The model
represented 3- by 3- by 3-foot gabion compartments containing angular rock up to
12 inches in diameter and placed on a filter bed. Also tested was an 18-inch-thick
rock mattress and filter bed anchored to the embankment crest and
4:1 downstream slope. During these tests, there was no indication that the gabion
baskets or mattresses would fail, although sagging and bulging of the
compartment tops due to rockfill movement was noted. The modeled slope
velocities exceeded 30 ft/s for all tests (ASCE, 1994).
Simons et al. (1984) conducted tests of gabion mattresses on 3:1 and
2:1 embankment slopes for overtopping depths up to 4 feet with velocities ranging
up to 19 ft/s. Each mattress measured 8-feet-long by 4-feet-wide by 6-inches

deep, and was placed on a non-woven filter fabric. The mattresses were laced
together at each seam and filled with 3- to 6-inch rounded stones. The mattresses
were relatively stable during testing, although two failures occurred due to loss of
the crest anchorage. As with the Reclamation tests, basket deformation was
reported as a result of migration of the rockfill to the downstream end of each
compartment (USDOT, 1988). Smooth gabion mattresses placed on a slope
should probably be limited to a unit discharge of 10 ft3/s/ft to minimize the
potential for damage (Peyras et al., 1992).

5.2.2 Energy Dissipation

Stepped gabion weirs offer greater structural stability and resistance to water
loads than sloping mattresses, and provide energy dissipation on the stepped face.
Hydraulic model studies were performed by Peyras et al. (1992) at a 1:5 scale for

Chapter 5 Gabions

3.3- by 3.3- by 9.8-foot hexagonal mesh baskets filled with 6- to 9-inch (scaled)
stones and placed in various stepped configurations. Overtopping flows from
7.5 to 30 ft3/s/ft were discharged over slopes of 1:1, 2:1, and 3:1, on embankments
from 10 to 16 feet high. This research permitted the evaluation of different types
of overtopping flow, and provided downstream head measurements to quantify
the amount of energy dissipation for stilling basin design (ASCE, 1994).
These model studies revealed two basic types of overtopping flow: nappe and
skimming. In nappe flow, energy is dissipated upon impact with the lower step
and within the turbulence resulting from dispersal of the nappe, with or without
formation of a hydraulic jump. At higher discharges, the nappe disappears and
skimming flow occurs as the flow velocity accelerates to a maximum or terminal
velocity under uniform flow conditions (18 to 20 ft/s in the tests). The flow skims
over the step lips and bottom rollers, and turbulence develops as air is entrained
(ASCE, 1994). Nappe flow and skimming flow may be predicted with the same
equations as for smooth concrete steps. Energy loss equations were developed by
Chamani and Rajaratnam (1994) and Fratino (2004) for predicting nappe flow,
and by Chanson (2005) for skimming flows, including adjustments for aeration to
represent the greater energy dissipation occurring on the gabion steps compared to
smooth concrete steps.
The key parameters governing overtopping flow for gabions are slope, drop
height, step profile, unit discharge, and gravitational acceleration. Based on the
experimental results from Peyras et al. (1992) for plain gabion steps, design
curves were developed for the head loss, E, between the crest and toe, and for
the flow depth at the downstream toe, d1. The equation (Equation 5-1) for
predicted head loss, E, is:
E/H = 1 a1Db1

Eq. 5-1



the dimensionless drop number =


the unit discharge in ft3/s/ft


the height of the drop in feet


the acceleration of gravity in ft/s2

a1 and b1 are coefficients depending upon the slope.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

The equation (Equation 5-2) for flow depth at the downstream toe, d1, is:
d1/H = a2Db2

Eq. 5-2


the dimensionless drop number as defined above


the height of the drop in feet

a2 and b2 are coefficients depending upon the slope.

Peyras et al. (1992) provides the following values for the coefficients a and b
(Table 5-1), and a series of curves defining the energy dissipation (Figure 5-7)
and flow depth at the downstream toe (Figure 5-8), for various slopes between
1:1 to 3:1 and for gabion spillways having 2 to 7 steps, with step heights ranging
from 0.65 to 3.3 feet. In Fratino and Renna (2009), the coefficients a1 and b1 are
equal to 4.31 and 0.635, respectively, for a 4:1 slope. Note that Equation 5-1
assumes uniform flow conditions have been attained, which may not occur on a
low gabion structure. Work by Chinnarasri and Wongwises (2006) and
Chinnarasri et al. (2008) seemed to over-predict energy dissipation and would,
therefore, not provide the conservative result that is typically required for stilling
basin design.
Table 5-1. Design coefficients for plain gabion steps (Peyras et al., 1992)






















Chapter 5 Gabions

Figure 5-7.Unit head loss over plain gabion steps (Adapted from Peyras et al, 1992).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure 5-8.Depth at toe of plain gabion spillway (Adapted from Peyras et al, 1992).


Chapter 5 Gabions

Fratino and Renna (2009) also investigated the influence of rock size, shape, and
packing or porosity on the energy dissipation characteristics of stepped gabions.
Testing was conducted within the 2-foot-wide flume shown in Figure 5-9, with
ten gabion steps each 8-inches-thick forming a 4:1 slope, and subjected to a unit
discharge of up to 4.5 ft3/s/ft. This testing revealed that stone size and shape do
not significantly influence the flow conditions on the stepped gabion slope for
both nappe and skimming flow. The earlier work by Peyras et al. (1992) regarding
energy dissipation on gabion steps was therefore confirmed.

Figure 5-9.Laboratory test facility at the University of Bari, Italy

(Courtesy of Fratino and Renna, 2009, all rights reserved).

A stilling basin for a gabion spillway may be designed for a given drop height, H;
unit discharge, q; and slope by determining the flow depth, d1, at the downstream
toe (as defined above), the conjugate depth, d2, for the hydraulic jump, and the
tailwater elevation. The conjugate depth (Equation 5-3) may be determined from
the Froude number, F, at the downstream toe, with F = q / (gd13)0.5, as follows:
d2 = 0.5 d1 [(1 + 8F2)0.5 1]

Eq. 5-3

The required stilling basin floor elevation may be determined by subtracting the
conjugate depth from the tailwater elevation for the design condition. The length
of the stilling basin (or downstream apron) may be estimated as 6 times the
conjugate depth for a 1:1 slope, with greater lengths required for flatter slopes (up
to 15 percent longer for a 3:1 slope) (Peyras et al., 1992).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

The model tests by Peyras et al. (1992) indicated some deformation of the gabions
due to movement of the stones (see Figure 7-6 in Chapter 7). Tightly packed,
angular stones at least 1.5 times larger than the mesh size (but less than the
thickness of the mattress) are recommended. For flows greater than 15 ft3/s/ft, the
mesh and lacing should be stiffened by adding diaphragms to reduce compartment
loads. Potential debris loads may require the addition of 2 to 4 inches of
protective concrete on the step surfaces. For increased stability and energy
dissipation, the gabions may be tilted upstream about 10 percent to provide a
rising lip. Design overtopping flows should generally be limited to 32 ft3/s/ft
(Peyras et al., 1992).

5.2.3 Anchoring Details

Gabions baskets and mattresses may be used to construct a spillway and stilling
basin or to provide erosion protection along a dam embankment crest and
downstream slope for overtopping scenarios. Anchoring the gabion spillway or
overflow structure to the crest of the embankment is critical to the performance of
the structure. Securing the gabion structure to the crest of the embankment may be
accomplished by constructing a runout extending some distance along the
upstream slope (approximately 10 to 15 feet) or by excavating an anchor trench
just upstream of the crest and backfilling the first gabion mattress in the trench
(Figures 5-10 and 5-11).
An estimation of the hydraulic shear forces acting on the approach apron should
be compared to the gabion basket tensile strength, runout frictional resistance,
and/or anchor trench resistance. The tensile strength of the selected woven or
welded wire mesh may be used to estimate the gabion baskets tensile strength per
unit width. The tensile strength of the tied basket connections should also be
considered. Frictional resistance may be estimated along the contact between the
bedding materials and the gabions by calculating the effective stress at the base of
the gabion layer and by using an appropriate friction angle. Inclination of the
bedding layer should be considered when calculating the frictional resistance.
Passive resistance provided by the anchor trench may be estimated by calculating
the passive earth pressure on the downstream side of the anchor trench. The depth
of the upstream anchor trench should also consider the potential for scour of the
embankment materials upstream of the trench (USDOT, 1988).
An anchor trench should also be constructed at the downstream end of the stilling
basin or downstream apron to prevent headcutting (Figure 5-10). A scour analysis
should be performed to determine the appropriate downstream anchor trench
depth where excavation to bedrock is impractical (Annandale, 2006). A riprap
blanket over a bedding layer may be provided beyond the end of the gabion
structure for additional scour protection.


Chapter 5 Gabions

Figure 5-10.Example gabion sections for overtopping protection and energy

dissipation (Reclamation, courtesy of Chris Ellis).

5.2.4 Seepage and Filter Compatibility

Gabions are considered free-draining due to the void space between the rockfill.
This free-draining zone placed along the downstream slope of the embankment
can serve as a drain for seepage passing through the embankment. However,
gabions placed on the downstream slope can make it more difficult to identify
changed seepage conditions and can mask seepage exit locations. The void space
within the rockfill also has the potential to serve as a repository for eroded
embankment materials. Given enough time, continued erosion of the embankment
materials could progress to a dam failure. Therefore, a filter compatible bedding
layer or geotextile material should be designed to prevent seepage or overtopping
flow from eroding the underlying surface and transporting embankment materials
into or through the gabion structure.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

A granular bedding layer is generally placed and compacted in preparation for the
gabion construction (Figure 5-11). The bedding layer will serve as a foundation
for the gabions and as a filter to prevent migration of embankment materials into
the gabion rockfill. Selection of the appropriate bedding material gradation should
consider the underlying embankment materials gradation (base soil) and the
selected gabion rockfill size. Filter compatibility analysis and selection of an
appropriate bedding gradation should be completed using procedures outlined in
FEMAs Filters for Embankment Dams manual (2011). Thickness of the bedding
layer(s) should allow for compaction with heavy equipment and be thick enough
to have confidence there are no thin areas or flaws in the filter section. The
bedding material immediately beneath gabions should also be resistant to
hydraulic forces during overtopping that might cause the material to migrate
upwards into the gabion rockfill. A bedding compatibility check should be
performed using procedures outlined in Reclamations Design Standard No. 13,
Chapter 7, Riprap Slope Protection, (Reclamation, 2014)4.

Figure 5-11.Example filter/bedding layer for gabion construction

(Reclamation, courtesy of Chris Ellis).

This Reclamation design standard was being updated at the time of this manual preparation. The
reader may also refer to the 2001 version of Design Standard No. 13, Chapter 7, but note there are
additional bedding criteria considerations provided in the updated 2014 version.

Chapter 5 Gabions

Where the embankment has internal filter and drainage zones, a compatible
downstream coarse rockfill zone, or where seepage analysis shows that it is
unlikely for seepage to exit beneath the gabion structure, then a filter compatible
bedding layer may not be required. However, for a fine-grained homogeneous
embankment, the bedding layer may need to be a multiple-stage filter (i.e. two or
more), transitioning from a sand material to a gravel material. The potential for
migration of the underlying material into the gabion rockfill during overtopping
should always be considered.
Where locally borrowed sand and gravel filter materials are not available or where
commercially-produced materials are cost prohibitive, a geotextile may be
considered (Figure 5-12). The geotextile should be carefully selected to prevent
the underlying embankment materials from migrating into the gabion rockfill
while providing adequate drainage capacity. In the United States, geotextiles are
not commonly accepted as filters in dam construction or used as the primary
defense against internal erosion. If the geotextile could be considered critical to
the safety of the dam, then a granular bedding material should be used instead.
Additional concerns related to the use of geotextiles are provided in FEMAs
Filters for Embankment Dams manual (2011). Where the embankment has an
engineered filter zone and the geotextile would be a secondary line of defense
against internal erosion, then geotextiles may be appropriate and likely costeffective. Procedures for selecting the appropriate weight, durability, and apparent
opening size (AOS) are provided in FEMAs Geotextiles in Embankment Dams
manual (2008). Special care should be taken during construction to avoid
puncturing and/or tearing the geotextile.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure 5-12.Example geotextile bedding layer for gabion construction

(Reclamation, courtesy of Chris Ellis).

5.2.5 Stability
Gabions used for the side walls of a spillway chute or stilling basin should be
analyzed as a gravity retaining wall. Conventional earth pressure design
procedures should be used to determine lateral forces that act against the
unsupported section of the gabion structure. Stability calculations for sliding and
overturning should be completed for each unique wall cross section. Bearing
capacity should also be analyzed. Where stability is questionable, either:

The width of the wall should be increased,

The unsupported wall height should be decreased, or

A stepped or battered wall should be considered.

Internal stability of the gabion wall is of less concern, as interlocking and

frictional resistance between the rockfill and wire mesh confinement generally


Chapter 5 Gabions

provide adequate stability. Where internal instability is possible, a more angular

rockfill should be specified or heavier gauge wire should be selected. Internal
stability concerns will likely be limited to gabions used to form tall hydraulic
drops or tall channel sidewalls.
Global slope stability of the gabion structure should also be considered. Gabions
have the tendency to creep when placed on steep slopes and may require a
thickened section at the toe of the slope to provided additional passive resistance.
Where geotextiles are used as a bedding material, the potential for slipping along
this interface should be evaluated using infinite slope analysis equations and other
analyses as appropriate.

5.2.6 Foundation Preparation

Prior to placing the bedding layer or geotextile, the foundation of the gabion
structure should be shaped and well compacted. Surface irregularities, loose
material, vegetation, and all foreign matter should be removed from the
foundation. Where stepped gabion baskets are used, the foundation surfaces
should be leveled. Gabion mattresses may be placed on a sloping foundation,
which should also be compacted prior to placement. Granular bedding material
should be well compacted and the surface free of mounds, dips, or windrows.

5.3 Availability
There are a number of gabion manufacturers in the United States providing full
service designs and manufactured products. The designer is encouraged to contact
a number of manufacturers and suppliers when considering the appropriate
product for their project. Proximity to the project site, lead time, and cost should
also be considered.
The rock fill can represent a significant portion of the gabion construction cost.
Rock may be quarried and processed at the project site or imported from
commercial sources. Rock availability will vary greatly, depending on the

5.4 Construction Considerations

The most important construction consideration is to have a contractor that is
familiar with gabion installation procedures. While assembling and filling the
gabions does not require highly-trained laborers (Figure 5-13), obtaining an
experienced contractor with regards to foundation preparation, connection of the
adjoining baskets, and efficient placement sequencing may be essential to the
projects success. Manufacturers and suppliers can help identify local contractors
with whom they have had recent success. Inspectors should also be familiar with
gabion installation procedures.

Overtopping Protection for Dams

Gabion assembly and filling instructions should be developed and included in the
specifications. These are often available from the manufacturers and suppliers and
may be used to help develop the specification requirements. Procedures should
cover basket placement and alignment, cross-tie and stiffener placement, rock
placement, and securing the lids.

Figure 5-13.Gabion baskets on slope being filled with rock,

Milltown Dam Removal project in Milltown, Montana
(Courtesy of Envirocon, all rights reserved).

5.4.1 Materials
There are a number of wire mesh gabion basket manufacturers available. Due to
the often lower cost provided by double-twisted hexagonal mesh (DTHM)
gabions, their usage has become commonplace in the United States. DTHM
gabions should conform to ASTM A975. Materials used to make the gabion mesh
include hot-dipped galvanized wire, which can be classified by the amount of zinc
coating into common (50 g/m2) and high (250-270 g/m2); electro-galvanized wire;
and Galfan steel wire, which uses a Zn-Al alloy low carbon steel wire (either 5 or
10 percent). Galfan gabion mesh has a high corrosion resistance performance,
which is about 2 to 3 times higher than that of the common galvanized gabion
mesh under any conditions. Galfan gabion mesh also has a high ductility and
deformability. It can withstand the test of winding and twisting under powerful
deformation processes, and the zinc coating will not peel off. Galvanized wire
baskets can be expected to have a life of up to 40 years and examples exist over
80 years old (Charman et al., 2001).


Chapter 5 Gabions

A PVC coating may be applied to the wire to provide additional protection for use
in polluted, contaminated, or aggressive environments: in salt, fresh water, acid
soil, or wherever the risk of corrosion is present. The PVC coating typically has a
nominal thickness of 0.02 inches (0.50 mm), and the coating can be applied after
either electro-galvanizing or hot-dipped galvanizing. A variety of colors are
available, such as grey, grass green, and dark green.
Welded wire gabion baskets are also available, constructed with heavier gauge
wire and available in stainless steel and even copper mesh. Welded wire gabion
baskets are typically more rigid, allowing for construction of more uniform lines,
and have more resistance to deformations. Welded wire gabions may be more
advantageous when forming spillway sidewalls or steps along the slope. Welded
wire gabions should conform to ASTM A974. It should be noted that the strength
of the welded wire connections are somewhat less than what is provided by
double-twisted mesh gabions. If large deformations, excessive abrasion, or impact
loads are expected, DTHM gabions should be considered. Corrosion-resistant
galvanized or PVC-coated welded wire mesh gabions are also available.
Rock used to fill the gabions must be of high strength and quality and not likely to
degrade or abrade over time. Specifications for hardness, durability, and specific
gravity of the rockfill should be established. At a minimum, the following should
be specified.

Specific gravity, ASTM C127, minimum: 2.60

Absorption, ASTM C127, maximum: 2 percent

Loss, Sulfate Soundness, ASTM C88, maximum: 10 percent

Loss at 100 cycles, Los Angeles Abrasion, ASTM C131,

maximum: 10 percent

Loss at 500 cycles, Los Angeles Abrasion, ASTM C131,

maximum: 40 percent

5.5 Vulnerabilities and Risk

A common challenge when designing gabions for overtopping protection is the
extrapolation of limited flume-tests to the site specific geometries and anticipated
hydraulic loadings for a project. The limits include drop height, unit discharge,
slope, and requirements for downstream energy dissipation for channel, spillway,
or dam overtopping scenarios.
Anchoring at the crest of the dam embankment or spillway is vital to the
performance of the gabion erosion protection. This was clearly pointed out by
USDOT et al. (1988) where the gabion systems consistently failed at the crest
without upstream anchoring. Providing a proper anchor and/or cutoff at the


Overtopping Protection for Dams

downstream end of the structure is also important to prevent undercutting. Figure

5-14 shows excessive scour at the toe of a structure with inadequate energy
dissipation before returning to the main channel.

Figure 5-14.Example gabion structure without and with proper downstream anchor
(Reclamation, courtesy of Chris Ellis).

Other observed failure modes have included:


Inadequate foundation soil preparation leading to differential settlement

and potential structural damage

Inadequate bedding material or filter material, resulting in migration of

foundation materials through the gabions and loss of foundation support
(Figure 5-15)

Improper attachment between gabion joints, allowing flow to undermine

the structure

Overstressed or corroded mesh systems

Improper soil or concrete and gabion interfaces

Chapter 5 Gabions

Figure 5-15.Example foundation erosion/migration and gabion settlement

(Reclamation, courtesy of Chris Ellis).

Gabions placed in frequently operated locations with heavy sediment or gravel

bed load may experience abrasion damage to the wire baskets leading to
premature failure of the structure. Where there is the potential for large floating
debris to damage the gabion structure, the gabion wires should be carefully
inspected and repaired following the flood event. Concrete caps may also be used
for protection against abrasion damage.
The most common damage occurring in gabion structures is the rupture of the
gabion baskets. This can occur due to continuous abrasion of bedload and debris
against the wire, long-term corrosion, excessive settlement, or through vandalism.
When wires break or if the basket opens, the stones become loose, and the
structure loses its shape and rigidityand consequently its function. Gabions can
empty even without breaks in the baskets. If the impact of the water flow is
particularly violent, and the stones are not durable, rock inside the gabions can
progressively degrade through shaking and abrasion until they are lost through the
gabion mesh openings. This should be avoided if rock of high strength and
quality, meeting the recommended specifications above, is used.
Gabions experiencing degradation and loss of the rockfill should be repaired as
soon as possible. The baskets should be opened, and the remaining material inside
should be completely removed. Assuming the baskets themselves are in good
condition, they can be filled with new rock material and then closed again. Where
the exposed wire mesh is damaged, it can be cut away and replaced with new
If inadequate bedding materials are used, there is the potential for the supporting
materials to be eroded and result in settlement, deformation of the gabion
structure, and possibly tearing of the gabion wire (Figure 5-15). Gabion baskets
typically have sufficient strength to span small voids; however, if the voids


Overtopping Protection for Dams

continue to expand then the gabion structure will conform to the void. These
deformations may negatively affect the hydraulic performance of the gabion
If excessive deformation occurs, one of two methods can be applied:
Restore the gabion structure to its original shape by placing additional
gabions on top of the settled areas. This method may be preferred if the
gabions have settled into a stable position.
If continued settlement and deformation is expected, it may be preferable
to remove and replace the damaged gabions with new ones on an
improved foundation and bedding layer.
A case history of a gabion spillway constructed on an embankment dam (West
Cornfield Dam) is provided in the Appendix.


Chapter 6 Vegetative Cover

Chapter 6. Vegetative Cover, Turf

Reinforcement Mats, and Synthetic Turf

Vegetative cover maintained on the downstream faces of embankment dams

provides some protection against normal weathering effects and rill development
due to rainfall. During small overtopping flows of short duration, vegetation can
also provide protection against the initiation of concentrated erosion that can
otherwise lead to headcut development and dam breach, and may allow for the
planned use of the embankment to convey a portion of a flood hydrograph. For
larger flow rates and/or for longer overtopping durations, vegetation alone may
not fully protect against failure, but vegetation may delay breaching sufficiently to
permit evacuation of downstream areas. Vegetative cover is most viable as an
overtopping protection method for small dams in humid climates that receive
sufficient moisture to establish relatively dense, uniform turf grasses. Good
maintenance of the grass cover is essential to achieve significant protective
benefits. Grass needs to be cut relatively short on the downstream face of an
embankment dam (between 2 and 6 inches) to facilitate visual inspections and to
promote uniformity of growth. Vegetative cover is generally not suitable for very
steep embankments because of the difficulty of mowing and other maintenance
required to achieve a uniform cover. Installation costs for vegetation are often
lower than for other forms of overtopping protection, but maintenance costs can
be higher. An advantage of vegetative overtopping protection systems, where
applicable for use, is the potential for unlimited sustainability via annual growth
and renewal, if proper maintenance can be achieved.
Vegetation provides protection to an embankment in two ways:
(1) Protection of the soil surface by reduction of velocities and shear stresses
at the embankment boundary as a result of the coverage provided by stems
and leaves that lay down in the flow and blanket the surface
(2) Reinforcement of the underlying soil due to the presence of plant roots
The reinforcement aspect may be further improved by the use of turf
reinforcement mats that can improve root mass continuity following full
vegetation establishment. Some types of turf reinforcement may also provide a
soil surface protection benefit before grass becomes fully established.
Reinforcement can be provided by a variety of materials, broadly classified by
Hewlett et al. (1987) into the categories of geotextile reinforcement and concrete
reinforcement. This chapter addresses natural vegetative cover, geotextile
reinforcements, and synthetic turf revetments. Geotextile reinforcements consist


Overtopping Protection for Dams

of fabrics, meshes, or mats that allow the grass plant to grow through the
reinforcement, so that grass roots bind around the geotextile fibers to create an
integrated geotextile/soil/root mass, and the established surface has the
appearance of 100 percent grass. Synthetic turf revetments consist of engineered
synthetic turf underlain by a structured geomembrane and infilled with a special
blend of cementitious materials for ballast. Chapter 4 deals with precast concrete
block protection systems, which include block placements having open cells filled
with soil and grass.

6.1 Historical Perspective

6.1.1 Vegetative Protection
Vegetative protection of embankment dams against weather-related erosion and
rill development is as old as embankments themselves, and there is a long history
of the use of vegetation as the first layer of protective cover in spillways and
storm runoff channels experiencing infrequent flows. The design objectives of
such protection can vary from the prevention of erosion during minor, frequent
events as a means of reducing regular maintenance costs, to the prevention of
erosion during design-flow conditions corresponding to higher and less frequent
flow rates. Temple et al., (2003) provides an excellent overview of the history of
testing and development of design procedures for grassed waterways, which dates
back to tests conducted by the Soil Conservation Service in 1935 at Spartanburg,
South Carolina. Work has continued on the topic since that time at USDA
laboratories in several locations, most notably the ARS laboratory at Stillwater,
Oklahoma. Design procedures have evolved from early graphical tools that
established permissible velocities and related flow resistance (expressed by
Mannings n) to the product of velocity and hydraulic radius (defined as flow
area divided by wetted perimeter), with individual curves that were specific to
discrete retardance classes characterizing the type, size, and quality of vegetation.
This approach was further generalized in the 1980s (Temple, et al., 1987) into an
erosionally effective tractive stress method that was amenable to graphical,
computerized, and hand-held calculator solution (see Section 6.2.1). In this
approach, a retardance curve index represents the length and density of the
vegetal elements and a single equation form is used across all retardance classes.
Although vegetative protection has long been provided on embankments, it was
not until the mid 1980s that engineers began to accept that it could have value
beyond the purpose of weather protection (Riley, 1986). Research to determine
the limits of vegetation performance in earth spillways led to methods for
predicting the thresholds of vegetation failure due to accumulated erosion of the
underlying soil through the vegetal cover or due to instantaneous failure of the
vegetation itself by stripping of thinly rooted sod or complete destruction of the
vegetal material due to gross turbulent hydraulic stress (Temple, 1987).


Chapter 6 Vegetative Cover

Experience in the spillway environment and further testing in channels having

similar slopes as embankment dams (Hanson and Temple, 2002) showed that
vegetation can provide significant protection against the onset of headcut erosion.
This may mean the survival of a structure for some flood loadings or a significant
delay in the breach of a spillway or dam in other cases. In recent years, the
concept of an allowable amount of overtopping flow for embankment dams has
become more fully developed and accepted as the reliability of predictions of the
permissible amount and duration of such flow has improved, and the need for
passage of larger floods has increased. The ARSs WinDAM B computer model
can estimate allowable overtopping discharges for embankment dams protected
by unreinforced vegetation or riprap. (Visser et al., 2012).

6.1.2 Turf Reinforcement

To improve upon the erosion protection provided by plain grass, turf
reinforcement methods were developed to help protect the surface soil particles,
grass seeds, and seedlings (especially during the period before full turf
establishment) and improve the lateral continuity between grass plants. Judging
by references cited by Hewlett et al. (1987) and others, the development of
vegetation reinforcement systems began in the mid 1970s with the rapid
development of man-made materials including geotextile fabrics. Hewlett et al.
(1987) report on tests of both geotextile and concrete reinforcing systems and
state that the purpose of each is to enhance the engineering functions of plain
grass while retaining its environmental and economic benefits.
Although two types of turf reinforcement are recognized, only the geotextile
systems are treated in this chapter, while precast concrete protection systems are
discussed in Chapter 4. Today, the two primary sources of information about
geotextile protection systems (other than proprietary information from geotextile
manufacturers) are still from the 1980s: Hewlett et al. (1987), describe testing
performed in the United Kingdom for the (CIRIA); and USDOT (1988) describe
work done in the United States for the FHWA and Reclamation.
Hewlett et al. (1987) subdivided geotextile protection systems available in the
1980s into three main groups:
Two-dimensional.Woven fabrics and meshes with essentially no
thickness. The weave should not be so tight that it restricts plant growth
through the fabric. Fabrics have very small apertures (similar to cloth) and
provide significant protection to the bare soil surface, which is beneficial
during the period of cover establishment. Meshes have larger apertures
that provide little or no protection during cover establishment, but are
beneficial for increasing the integrity of the established cover when roots
become interwoven into the mesh.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Three-dimensional openWoven synthetic meshes having significant

thickness (> 20 mm), which are placed in an unfilled condition and then
filled with topsoil after seed has been sown.
Three-dimensional filledSynthetic mats filled at the time of
manufacture with bitumen-bound gravel chips that are still loose enough
to permit natural growth of vegetation through the mat.
Some of the specific products tested for CIRIA and FHWA are still commercially
available while others have disappeared from use, and many new products have
become available. However, the categories described by Hewlett et al. (1987) still
encompass most of the available materials. The summary result from the work of
Hewlett et al. (1987), confirmed by USDOT (1988), was that in general, threedimensional filled products and the more tightly woven two-dimensional products
offer some immediate protection to the soil surface during the period of grass
establishment, but three-dimensional open products provide the best performance
after grass is fully established. This may be due to the fact that the infilling of
three-dimensional open materials eliminates voids below the geotextile, and the
resulting protective layer is relatively permeable compared to more tightly woven
materials and the pre-filled mats, which allows for uplift pressure relief.

6.1.3 Synthetic Turf Revetment

An innovative erosion protection technology was developed in 2010 for
embankment dams and levees that uses artificial or synthetic turf instead of
natural grass or hard armor (i.e., RCC, ACBs, and rock riprap) to eliminate the
long-term maintenance requirements and potential weaknesses of traditional
vegetative and hard armor systems. HydroTurf5 combines a durable, engineered
synthetic turf underlain by a high-friction impermeable geomembrane with an
integrated drainage layer:
The synthetic turf is infilled in place with a special blend of cementitious
materials for ballast, having a compressive strength of 5,000 lb/in2.
The cementitious infill is placed dry to a thickness of approximately 1 inch
and then hydrated with a light spray of water to produce an erosionresistant surface. Its high strength is capable of resisting potential damage
from vehicles, debris, and burrowing animals.
This system thereby offers the environmental and aesthetic benefits of natural
vegetation (i.e., low-turbidity surface runoff and natural appearance) as well as
the performance and maintenance benefits of hard armor. A typical installation is
shown in Figure 6-1.

Patented product of Watershed Geosynthetics LLC.


Chapter 6 Vegetative Cover

Figure 6.1.HydroTurfTM Outfall Structure with St. Johns River Water Management

District in Florida (Courtesy of Watershed Geo, all rights reserved).

6.2 Design and Analysis

Plain Vegetative Protection
The design and analysis of a plain grass protective layer on an embankment dam
can be accomplished using the erosionally effective stress method described in
detail by Temple et al. (1987), updated by Temple et al. (2003), and summarized
for application to the allowable overtopping of earthen dams by Temple and Irwin
(2006). This method considers the hydraulic attack in the form of shear stress and
separate erosion-resistive characteristics of the vegetation and underlying soil.
Application of the erosionally effective stress method begins with consideration
of the flow conditions over the dam crest. To accommodate the largest possible
overtopping discharge, the crest should be level throughout its length to minimize
flow concentrations. Since most embankment dams have some degree of
nonuniformity of the crest profile due to camber, the hydraulic attack of the flow
should be evaluated at the location of minimum crest elevation and maximum unit
Flow conditions down the slope are generally represented by uniform flow
calculated from Mannings equation (Equation 6-1), as follows.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Eq. 6-1


total discharge


Mannings coefficient representing the total roughness of the

vegetated surface


channel area


hydraulic radius, equal to the channel area divided by the wetted



slope of the energy grade line = sin , where is the slope angle
from horizontal

If calculations are carried out on a unit discharge basis, and with the assumption
of a hydraulically-wide channel (i.e. with R = D), the flow depth can be
determined directly from Equation 6-2:

/ /

Eq. 6-2

Where :
D is the depth of flow and the other variables are known.
If a wide channel is not assumed, then A and R in Equation 6-1 must be replaced
by appropriate functions of flow depth for the specific channel shape and the
depth can be determined by iterative solution knowing Q, S, and n.
Mannings n is determined as a function of the stem length and density of the
vegetal cover and the unit discharge on the slope. Temple et al. (1987) provide
general relations that incorporate effects of soil particle roughness, boundary form
roughness, and vegetal roughness, but for practical purposes simplifies the key
relation down to (Equation 6-3):
n e .

. ..

Eq. 6-3

CI = a retardance curve index that must satisfy the requirement
0.0025CI2.5 VR 36
V = flow velocity, computed knowing the discharge, flow depth, and
channel shape
R = hydraulic radius


Chapter 6 Vegetative Cover

The value of CI is computed in Equation 6-4 from parameters of the vegetal

protection as:


Eq. 6-4


representative vegetal stem length in feet

average vegetal density in stems per square foot (see Table 1)

For a hydraulically-wide channel, both A and R are equal to the flow depth, D,
and the combination VR is equal to the unit discharge q, allowing Mannings
equation and the full system of equations just presented to be solved directly. For
a channel with a finite width (or less than about 6 times the flow depth), an
iterative solution is required as indicated above.
Once the flow depth down the slope has been determined, the gross hydraulic
stress, o, and the erosionally effective hydraulic stress, e, can be determined
using Equations 6-5a and 6-5b:

Eq. 6-5a
Eq. 6-5b

o =

gross hydraulic stress on the vegetated slope

e =

erosionally effective hydraulic stress

unit weight of water


flow depth (measured normal to the slope)


slope of the energy grade line

CF =

vegetal cover factor

ns =

soil grain roughness of the material supporting the vegetation


Mannings coefficient representing the total roughness of the

vegetated surface

The parameters of these equations are discussed by Temple et al. (1987). For finegrained material typically found on vegetated embankment slopes, the soil grain
roughness, ns, has a value of 0.0156. If the grass cover is uniform, the cover
factor, CF, varies with the type of cover (as characterized by grass species and
stem density) as shown in Table 6-1. Three uniformity classifications are
recognized: uniform cover, minor discontinuities, and major discontinuities. If
uniform cover exists, the value of CF can be taken from Table 6-1.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Table 6-1. Properties of grass channel linings having good uniform stands of each
cover (Temple et al. 1987).
Cover factor, CF

Covers tested

Reference stem density, M









kentucky bluegrass


blue grama



grass mixture



weeping lovegrass


yellow bluestem




lespedeza sericea2


common lespedeza







1Multiply the stem densities given in the table by 1/3, 2/3, 1, 4/3, and 5/3, for poor, fair,
good, very good, and excellent covers, respectively. The equivalent adjustment to CF
remains a matter of engineering judgment until more data are obtained or a more analytic
model is developed. A reasonable, but arbitrary, approach is to reduce the cover factor by
20 percent for fair stands and 50 percent for poor stands. CF values for untested covers
may be estimated by recognizing that the cover factor is dominated by density and
uniformity of cover near the soil surface. Thus, the sod-forming grasses near the top of the
table exhibit higher CF values than the bunch grasses and annuals near the bottom.

the legumes tested, the effective stem count for resistance given in the table is
approximately five times the actual stem count very close to the bed. Similar adjustment may
be needed for other unusually large-stemmed, branching, and/or woody vegetation.

However, in field situations, minor discontinuities are typically assumed, since it

would be unusual for the cover to always be sufficiently uniform to allow
designing for uniform cover conditions. Minor discontinuities have dimensions on
the order of the vegetal stem length or flow depth, so that in the vicinity of these

Chapter 6 Vegetative Cover

discontinuities the entire hydraulic stress is borne by the soil surface (Equation
6-5b, with CF=0). Major discontinuities completely negate the value of the
protective vegetation, and the erosionally effective hydraulic stress is then set
equal to the gross hydraulic stress (Equation 6-5a). Examples of minor
discontinuities (Temple and Irwin, 2006) are narrow trails perpendicular to the
flow direction with a width comparable to or less than the vegetal stem length or
flow depth. Trails perpendicular to the flow direction should be considered major
discontinuities if their width exceeds the vegetal stem length or flow depth. Trails
parallel to the flow direction would be major discontinuities that not only expose
the soil surface to erosion but allow concentration of flow in the exposed area,
regardless of their size. Clearly, to receive any protective benefit from vegetation,
major discontinuities cannot be allowed to occur. Other serious discontinuit ies to
be avoided include trees, utility poles, buildings, and other structures within the
flow surface.
When embankment conditions allow adequate rooting of the vegetal cover, the
allowable hydraulic attack involves both the erosionally effective hydraulic stress
and the duration of flow, and is given by (Hanson and Temple, 1994) (Equations
6-6 and 6-7):
0.2 1

Eq. 6-6

13.5 lb/ft

Eq. 6-7

PI = plasticity index of the soil in which the cover is rooted

time in hours

In all cases, is restricted to values of 13.5 lb/ft2 or less. This represents a stress
level sufficient to cause direct instantaneous destruction of the vegetal cover
through uprooting or tearing and removal of the leaves and stems. Considering a
range of typical grass properties and embankment dam slopes ranging from 2:1 to
4:1, this puts a practical upper limit on the overtopping unit discharge of about
6 to 24 ft3/s/ft. Equation 6-6, which incorporates soil properties and duration of
flow, could indicate that even lower unit discharges are allowable for long
duration events or on soils with little plasticity.
These relations are unit dependent, and apply to natural vegetative systems only,
for a wide range of grass species. The erosionally effective hydraulic stress must
be expressed in lb/ft2, and the integral must be evaluated over the duration of the
routed overtopping flow with time expressed in hours. When either the
accumulated or instantaneous hydraulic attack exceeds the levels indicated by the
equations, failure of the grass cover occurs.

Overtopping Protection for Dams

For an example of the computations to be performed, consider an embankment

dam having the following properties that is to be protected against overtopping
using vegetative protection:
Downstream slope, S = 0.5 (2:1)
A grass mixture will be used with good uniform cover, CF = 0.75, and
with M = 200 stems/ft2 (from Table 6-1)
Grass will be maintained at a height, h=4 inches=0.33 feet
Embankment soil is a lean clay (CL) with plasticity index (PI), PI=8, and
with a soil grain roughness, ns=0.0156
If the design overtopping depth is 1 foot, the unit discharge is estimated to be
q=3.1*(1)1.5=3.1 ft3/s/ft (using the standard weir equation, with an assumed
discharge coefficient of 3.1). Mannings n for the vegetated slope is determined
to be 0.037 (using Equations 6-3 and 6-4), assuming that a wide-channel
assumption applies, so VR = q. For a wide channel, the depth of flow down the
slope can be determined directly using Mannings equation (Equation 6-2), and
the result is D=0.26 ft, with a velocity, V=11.9 ft/s. The gross hydraulic stress is
then calculated from Equation 6-5a, o =8.26 lb/ft2. Since this is less than 13.5
lb/ft2, some duration of flow can be endured and the erosionally effective stress
must be calculated. If no discontinuities are assumed, Equation 6-5b is applied
using the cover factor, CF=0.75. The erosionally effective stress is 0.37 lb/ft2 and
the allowable duration of overtopping before reaching the accumulated stress limit
(Equation 6-6) is about 7.1 hours.
If minor discontinuities are assumed for this example (as recommended by
Temple and Irwin, 2006), with CF=0, the erosionally effective stress is four times
greater at 1.47 lb/ft2 and the allowable duration of overtopping is only 1.75 hours.
If there are major discontinuities, the erosionally effective stress becomes equal to
the gross stress and the allowable duration is only 0.3 hours. Clearly, the presence
of discontinuities causes dramatic reductions in the amount of protection provided
by vegetation. The other factors that are highly significant are the embankment
slope and the soil plasticity. For example, a soil with a higher clay content and
with PI=20 is able to endure almost twice the duration of overtopping. With a
flatter slope of 4:1, the allowable duration is 60 percent more than the 2:1 slope.
Note that in this example, an overtopping depth of more than 2 feet (q=9 ft3/s/ft)
will cause the gross stress to exceed the 13.5 lb/ft2 threshold in Equation 6-7 and
failure of the cover will be immediate.


Chapter 6 Vegetative Cover

6.2.2 Reinforced Vegetative Protection

The most complete source of independent information on natural turf
reinforcement products and guidance for their design and use has come from the
CIRIA research program in the United Kingdom (Hewlett et al., 1987). Many
manufacturers of reinforcement products for vegetative systems have performed
testing of their own particular products and provide design guidance for them, but
the CIRIA work is the best source of unbiased comparative information. The
CIRIA work was performed in the mid 1980s, and there have been no more recent
independent studies. New turf reinforcement products have appeared on the
market in recent years, but most can still be classified according to the scheme
used for the CIRIA work and would probably perform similarly to the products
tested in the 1980s.
The CIRIA design approach also relies on the calculation of flow depth and
velocity using Mannings equation. For channel slopes less than 10 percent (or
10:1), the VR method (presented above) can be used to estimate Mannings n,
while for steeper slopes the value of n is varied linearly from 0.030 to 0.020 for
slopes from 10 to 33 percent (or from 10:1 to 3:1) and is taken to be constant at
0.020 for slopes steeper than 33 percent (or 3:1).
Erosion resistance of both plain grass and reinforced grass is evaluated in the
CIRIA approach using velocity-duration curves (Figure 6-1). The velocity of the
flow over the embankment can be computed using Mannings equation. The
CIRIA work also considered precast concrete block protection systems, which are
discussed in Chapter 4.
Please note that the graphs in Figure 6-2 should only be used for erosion
resistance to unidirectional flow. Values are based on available experience and
information at date of publication (1987). All reinforced grass values assume
well-established, good grass cover. Other criteria (such as short-term protection,
ease of installation and management, susceptibility to vandalism, etc.) must be
considered in choice of reinforcement.
For plain grass, the velocity-duration curves depend upon the quality of the grass
cover, which must be evaluated subjectively, since Hewlett et al. (1987) give no
criteria for delineating between good, average, and poor cover. The reinforcement
products provide resistance to increased flow velocity and/or flow duration as a
result of their abilities to protect and stabilize surface soil particles and to improve
the lateral continuity of the root system between individual grass plants, but it
must be noted that Hewlett et al. (1987) state that reinforcement enhances erosion
resistance compared to plain grass only if there is good grass cover.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

1 Minimum
2 Installed

nominal thickness 0.75 inch.

within 0.75 inch below soil surface, or in conjunction with a surface mesh.

Figure 6-2.CIRIA velocity-duration curves for plain and reinforced grass

(Hewlett et al. 1987, Courtesy of CIRIA, all rights reserved).

Two-dimensional fabrics and three-dimensional filled mats can provide all of

these functions throughout and following the period of grass establishment, so
they improve upon the performance of plain grass during both short- and longduration flows. On the other hand, two-dimensional meshes help to restrain and
improve the continuity between grass plants but provide no surface protection
benefit, especially during cover establishment. As a result, they increase the
duration of flow that can be tolerated, but do not increase the short-duration
(1 hour) allowable velocity magnitude. Three-dimensional open mat products
provide the greatest benefit once grass cover is established, as they do the best job
of increasing continuity of the grass cover root system, but by themselves they
provide no surface-protection benefit during the period of cover establishment. To
obtain protection during cover establishment and achieve the best protection after
establishment, systems combining products of different types (e.g., a threedimensional open mat and a two-dimensional fabric) are needed. The fabric
provides protection during establishment, and the three-dimensional open mat
gives the optimum protection once grass is established.


Chapter 6 Vegetative Cover

6.2.3 Synthetic Turf Systems

The HydroTurf system (Figure 6-3) has been extensively tested at CSU (2013)
and has shown good performance under a wide variety of flow conditions,
including both sustained flows and wave overtopping. CSU reported stable
performance on a silty sand subgrade at a 2:1 slope for steady-state overtopping
depths up to 5 feet for a total of 12 hours, with a maximum flow velocity of
29 ft/s and a maximum shear stress of 8.8 lb/ft2, with a Mannings n value of
0.020. Testing was performed in accordance with ASTM D7277 and analyzed in
accordance with ASTM D7276; however, testing data are proprietary. Hydraulic
jump testing was also performed in the steady-state flume at overtopping depths
up to 5 feet with no system instability or underlying soil erosion.
Full-scale wave overtopping testing for levee landward-side slope protection and
stability was performed by CSU (2013) on HydroTurf in accordance with a
methodology developed for USACE. It was tested for 13 hours, with a cumulative
water volume of 165,600 ft3/ft, up to the limits of their wave overtopping
simulator, with an average unit discharge of 4 ft3/s/ft. This flow rate represents a
500-year generic hurricane (or 0.2 percent annual exceedance probability) in New
Orleans, Louisiana. On both intact and intentionally damaged installations, the
performance of HydroTurf was described as good on a highly-erodible silty
sand subgrade.

Figure 6-3.Synthetic turf revetment system (Courtesy of Watershed Geosynthetics

LLC, 2013, all rights reserved)

There is currently insufficient information to support further discussion of the

design and analysis of synthetic turf systems. There is only one product in this
category and it has not been tested to failure, so the mechanisms by which it will
fail are unknown. The only design approach would be strictly empirical on the
basis of limited laboratory tests and experience. The manufacturer of the
HydroTurf system should be contacted for further information and guidance in
the use of this product.

Overtopping Protection for Dams

6.3 Establishment of Vegetative Systems

Creating a vegetative protection system is both a construction and agricultural
endeavor. Careful planning and scheduling are needed to ensure that earthwork
activities, reinforcement installation, and planting and grass establishment
activities are all coordinated and completed on a timely basis to allow for good
establishment of grass cover. This is especially important in more challenging
growing climates where the opportunities for good grass growth are relatively
short and confined to a specific time of year. The key to success of a vegetative
protection system is its integrity, meaning that one must be diligent in addressing
even small problems that can undermine the success of an entire project.

6.3.1 Grass Species

A wide range of grass species can be useful for erosion protection. The assistance
of a local agronomist should be sought when selecting specific varieties for a
given location, as there is variability in many aspects of initial and established
growth both between species and between varieties of a single species. Grass
species must be selected for compatibility with different geographic areas,
climatic conditions, soil types, and soil-moisture conditions throughout the year.
Hewlett et al. (1987), focusing on applications within the United Kingdom, list
four important species: perennial ryegrass, fescues, bents, and meadow grasses.
They give detailed information on the growth habits and maintenance needs of
more than a dozen specific varieties. They observe that it is common to sow
mixtures of different species, and suggest the mixtures shown in Table 6-2 for
different applications.
Table 6-2.Typical grass mixtures, in percent (Hewlett et al. 1987).

Red Fescue









normal sites




dry sites



wet sites





Chapter 6 Vegetative Cover

Ahring and Davis in USDA Agricultural Handbook 667 (Temple et al., 1987)
focus on applications in humid and subhumid areas of the United States and
identify several tight-sod-forming grasses for use as vegetal channel linings.
These include bermudagrass, bahiagrass, buffalograss, intermediate wheatgrass,
Kentucky bluegrass, reed canarygrass, smooth bromegrass, vine mesquitegrass,
and Western wheatgrass. They provide an extensive table that includes more than
two dozen different grass species and gives characteristics relating to growth
habit; root structure; site and soil adaptability; establishment rates from either
seed, rhizome, or stolons; and height at maturity.

6.3.2 Grass Establishment

A variety of methods can be used to establish grass, including broadcast seeding,
drilling, hydroseeding, sprigging, sodding, and mulch sodding. CIRIA Report 116
(Hewlett et al., 1987) and USDA Agricultural Handbook 667 (Temple et al.,
1987) are good references for more detailed information about methods, seeding
rates, seedbed preparation, supplemental irrigation, and weed control. Quick
summaries of the methods for sowing are as follows:
Broadcast seeding involves spreading seed over the area and then
packing or dragging to provide seed coverage. Seed can be broadcast by
hand, or by using tractor-mounted spreaders. This method usually requires
about twice as much seed as drilling. Mulching after sowing seed should
be considered to help prevent erosion before grass becomes established.
Drilling uses seed efficiently, places seed more accurately, and increases
the chance of establishment success. However, drilling requires a smooth
seedbed and may be difficult on steep slopes. Drilling should be done
across the slope to prevent erosion down the drill furrows, and mulching
after drilling should be considered to help prevent erosion before grass
becomes established.
Hydroseeding is adaptable to steep slopes and adverse conditions, but
uses large amounts of water to spray a mixture of seed, soil binder, plant
nutrients, mulch, and water.
Sprigging, sodding, and mulch sodding are common methods for
establishing bermudagrass (Ahring and Davis in Temple et al., 1987).
These methods all put living grass onto or into the ground, rather than
A range of establishment aids are available for difficult situations or to increase
the chance for establishment success. These include soil binding chemicals, dry
fiber mats that contain mulch and seed together, and pre-grown mats of sod and


Overtopping Protection for Dams

6.4 Turf Reinforcement Details

Hewlett et al. (1987) provide considerable information on specifications and
construction details that should be addressed for reinforced turf protection
systems. These are subdivided into the areas of crest, side, and toe details, shear
restraint, and miscellaneous details. Details of how the reinforcement is
terminated and anchored at the crest, side, and toe are important to ensure that
there are not localized high stresses and that flow cannot get under the
reinforcement layer near these edges. These details also prevent vandalism and
accidental damage to the reinforcement during future mowing and maintenance
operations. Several alternative methods are detailed for each location. Toe
protection details also include alternative methods for stabilizing a hydraulic jump
at the bottom of the slope.
Shear restraint is usually provided in the form of shear pins or wooden pegs to
temporarily hold the reinforcement in place until vegetation becomes established.
Typical spacing of such pins is about 3 to 6 feet. In addition, joints between
sections of turf reinforcement may require special construction details. Joints are
generally overlapped and should be seamed where possible to improve lateral
continuity of the reinforcement and prevent vandalism and maintenance damage.
When seams are crossing the flow, the upstream geotextile should overlap the
downstream piece.
The construction and installation of a synthetic turf surface using the
HydroTurf Revetment System is more rapid than for a vegetative cover, as it
does not require time for planting and establishment of grass. The synthetic turf
has the look and feel of natural vegetation, but without the vegetative coverage
requirements for performance. It has a projected functional life with proper
maintenance of between 50 and 100 years, based on weathering tests performed in
accordance with ASTM G147 and G7 (Watershed Geosynthetics, 2013) and
depending upon site specific exposure and environmental conditions. Joints in the
synthetic turf and underlying geomembrane layer of the HydroTurf system
should be seamed as recommended by the manufacturer (i.e., heat welded and
bonded). Intermediate pins or anchors are not necessary for installation of the
HydroTurf system, but suitable anchor trenches should be provided at the crest,
side, and toe as recommended by the manufacturer. The synthetic turf comes in
various color combinations of green and brown.

6.5 Vulnerabilities and Risk

The natural overtopping protection systems described in this chapter are living
systems that are critically dependent on the quality of the grass cover. A multitude
of factors can affect the establishment of good initial grass cover, including soil
properties, selection of grass species, seed germination rates, seedbed preparation,
planting techniques, and climatic conditions, which all affect root penetration as


Chapter 6 Vegetative Cover

the grass cover develops. Once established, a good grass cover cannot be
sustained without regular, effective maintenance, primarily mowing operations to
keep the cover from becoming too tall and patchy in its growth habit, and to ward
off the infiltration of woody plants that would produce non-uniform flow and
concentrated stresses. Hewlett et al. (1987) address many of these issues in the
context of reinforced turf protection, but most of the guidance is also applicable to
plain grass.
Geotechnical factors can be very important in the design of a vegetative
protection system. Hewlett et al. (1987) discuss possible failure modes that are
somewhat independent of the vegetative protection, including:
Deep slip failures of the soil mass beneath the vegetated slope following
its operation
Shallow surface slips when grass roots have failed to sufficiently penetrate
the subsoil
They outline field investigation programs and testing that should be conducted to
identify the potential for these problems, and offer design suggestions for dealing
with slope stability, settlement, drainage, plasticity, and soil shear strength
problems of the underlying embankment.
Long-term performance of reinforced turf systems is obviously affected by the
degradation of reinforcement materials due to weathering effects such as
ultraviolet (UV) exposure, wetting and drying, freeze-thaw cycling, and chemical
reactions involving the materials and the surrounding soil and water. This is a
research area that has not been fully explored, as many of these materials were
only first developed in the last 20 to 30 years.
A good inspection program is essential to ensuring the long-term performance of
any overtopping protection system. For grassed waterways, Hewlett et al. (1987)
emphasize that visual inspections should address the following topics:
Quality and uniformity of the grass cover
Soil shrinkage which creates gaps at junctions between grassed waterways
and rigid structures
Differential settlement between rigid structures and adjacent grassed
Crest settlement or crest features that lead to flow concentration
Exposed leading edges of reinforcement mats


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Damage to the turf reinforcement or grass caused by animals, mowing

machinery, or vandalism
Regular maintenance of the grass itself and of the turf reinforcement system are
required for good long-term performance. For the grass, regular mowing and
periodic fertilization and weed control are needed to keep the grass cover healthy
and uniform. Maintenance of the turf reinforcement primarily consists of
repairing areas where the reinforcement becomes exposed or damaged, either due
to flow events or other problems where:
Reinforcement is simply exposed, it should be pinned down, covered with
topsoil, and reseeded.
Reinforcement and the associated turf layer have been separated from the
subsoil but are still otherwise intact, the reinforcement should be pinned
back down which will allow it to quickly reroot.
Reinforcement has been torn or otherwise damaged, new sections of
reinforcement may need to be spliced in or overlaid, anchored by pins, and
then covered with top soil and reseeded.
Virginia Kendall Dam is a 20-foot-high embankment dam with a 2.5:1
downstream slope constructed in 1948 and located in the Cuyahoga Valley
National Park in Ohio. It was overtopped by about a foot of water for about three
hours in 2003, and sustained significant erosion damage to the downstream slope,
as shown in Figure 6-4. Erosion began in three main locations at the:
(1) Concrete headwall of the spillway/outlet tunnel portal
(2) Left groin
(3) Downstream toe near the maximum section, along with a couple of spots
on the slope where it started but did not progress very far before
overtopping ended
The crest of the dam showed very little damage, except where headcutting had
occurred. The dam would likely have failed if not for a concrete core wall at the
crest and the short duration of overtopping. Before overtopping, the downstream
slope had a well-established, thick, and uniform grass cover, mowed fairly short,
with a generally smooth surface. The surface erosion initiated at points of flow
disruption or discontinuities in the flow surface.


Chapter 6 Vegetative Cover

Figure 6-4.Virginia Kendall Dam in Ohio after 3 hours of overtopping flow

(Reclamation, 2003, courtesy of David Gillette).

Proper maintenance is also required of the synthetic turf revetment system. This
includes regular inspections to evaluate performance and potentially damaged
areas. Damage to synthetic turf and the ballast infill can be repaired or patched by
removal and replacement of the damaged sections as follows:
(1) Saw cut through the cementitious infill and synthetic turf to the limits of
(2) Break up and remove the cementitious infill
(3) Remove the synthetic turf and the underlying structured geomembrane
down to the subgrade
(4) Heat weld a new piece of geomembrane to the existing geomembrane.
(5) Heat weld a new piece of synthetic turf to the existing synthetic turf
(6) Infill the synthetic turf with cementitious materials and hydrate
If there are cracks or damage to the infill but not to the underlying synthetic turf
and geomembrane, fill these cracks or damaged areas with cementitious infill
materials and hydrate.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Since the synthetic turf revetment system is a manufactured product, it is

appropriate to consult the manufacturers recommendations for proper
maintenance. Since synthetic turf with a cementitious infill has not yet been tested
to failure, the mechanisms for which failure would occur are currently unknown.
A synthetic turf revetment has not yet been used for an overtopping protection


Chapter 7 Rockfill

Chapter 7. Flow-through Rockfill and

Reinforced Rockfill

This chapter discusses the use, analysis, and design of flow-through rockfill and
reinforced rockfill dams in the context of embankment dam overtopping
protection. All of the following information comes from:

Dams or cofferdams that are almost entirely composed of rockfill


Rockfill shells of dams


Massive rockfill placements

This is quite different from a veneer of riprap or unreinforced rockfill placed on

the downstream face for overtopping protection of an embankment dam. This is
also different from riprap used for slope protection for wave action or to protect
channels from erosion, although rockfill may provide some of the same benefits.
Both concrete-faced and central core rockfill dams have been designed to
withstand overtopping and flow-through conditions. Some of these approaches
may be applicable to existing dams with a downstream rockfill shell. The use of
riprap as overtopping protection of an embankment dam is addressed in Chapter
The term embankment dam is a general term for a dam constructed primarily of
natural materials placed in the shape of an embankment. References to rockfill
or earthen embankment dams are used to describe a specific type of
embankment based on the composition of the majority of the fill materials wit hin
the dam. A zoned embankment dam contains a variety of natural fill materials.
A zoned embankment dam, which includes a downstream rockfill shell
composing the majority of the fill, is usually called a central core rockfill dam.

7.1 Flow-Through Rockfill

Designing a modification to an existing dam to safely pass flood flow through or
over the dam is more difficult and uncertain than designing a new flow-through
rockfill dam. New designs have the luxury of specifying the construction
materials and placement procedures, which provides better knowledge of how the
rockfill dam will be built and improves the understanding of the performance of
the rockfill dam during overtopping or flow-through conditions (i.e., flows above
or below the sloping rockfill surface). Excessive anisotropy between the
horizontal lifts can be avoided in new rockfill placements by specifying a
uniform, clean, and durable rockfill. Variable compactive effort, material

Overtopping Protection for Dams

properties, and lift thicknesses present complications to understanding the

performance of existing embankment and massive rockfill placements. The
performance of existing rockfill dams (or massive rockfill placements over
existing embankment dams) is much more difficult to predict due to the nonhomogeneity of the existing structure. More control in placing rockfill for new
dams should make these new dams performance more predictable during
overtopping or flow-through conditions.
Overtopping protection of embankment dams is challenging because of the steep
slopes, erodible nature of the embankment fill, and the aggressive forces of the
flood flow. Erosion protection materials need to remain in place against the forces
of flowing water and be filter compatible with the soils that they are meant to
protect. These are competing goals for overtopping protection, because it takes
flat slopes and large rock to resist the forces of the overtopping flow, while it
takes smaller particles to be filter compatible with the underlying embankment
dam materials. For rockfill dams or zoned embankment dams with a significant
downstream rockfill shell and an erosion-resistant crest, the filter compatibility
issue is more easily addressed.
Cofferdams are commonly used during construction to retain floods that are more
frequent than the return period of the design floods of the new embankment dam
that they serve to protect. Cofferdams are often too low to divert flood water
toward the spillway of the dam that they are protecting, so they usually cannot
take advantage of the spillway discharge capacity. Some cofferdams store a
significant quantity of water and may pose high risks to downstream populations.
Both safety and economic considerations can lead to the need for designing flowthrough rockfill cofferdams to survive overtopping rather than to incorporate
other waterways to handle relatively rare floods.
Rockfill toe berms may be used to increase mass slope stability and increase the
flow-through stability of an embankment dam during a flood event. Rockfill
berms placed over the toe of a downstream rockfill shell can be cost effective for
moderate overtopping flows when most of the overtopping flow occurs inside the
rockfill shell. In this case, since the flow over the downstream face is minimal,
mass sliding is the main design concern (Morn et al. 2011 and Morn 2013).
Reclamations Pineview Dam in Utah presented a high risk of failure during a
large seismic event. The zoned embankment dam was expected to slump below
the reservoir surface, resulting in overtopping erosion, and its impervious core
could crack significantly during an earthquake, resulting in piping erosion. The
dam was modified to reduce the risk of both potential seismic failure modes. To
handle the overtopping, the crest was raised and the impervious earthen core was
extended well above the estimated amount of freeboard loss. To handle the
potential cracking, very wide, multi-stage filters were placed against the raised
section and downstream slope of the modified dam. A rockfill zone composed of
large rocks was designed to resist the flow-through seepage forces of reservoir


Chapter 7 Rockfill

water discharging through the cracks of the impervious core. The analysis
approach of Leps (1973), described below, was applied for this design. Not only
was the rockfill expected to remain stable under these flow conditions, it was also
designed to be filter compatible with the downstream-most filter zone
immediately adjacent to it. A similar approach would have been taken to reduce
hydrologic risks of dam overtopping during a large flood event.
Rockfill can also be used to slow the erosion rate and delay dam failure,
effectively reducing risk. Such an application could provide more time to allow
for the safe evacuation of the downstream population and greatly reduce the
consequences of dam failure.

7.2 Reinforced Rockfill

Reinforcement can be incorporated into rockfill to hold the surface rock particles
in place during overtopping and flow-through conditions. Improvement to the
mass slope stability is also a benefit, but is considered secondary. The
reinforcement is a system composed of two essential components: a mesh and
anchor bars. The mesh is located on the outside of the rockfill and is intended to
hold the rock particles on the outer embankment slope in place, while the anchor
bars are attached to the mesh and embedded deep within the rockfill to hold the
mesh securely in place. Even though the anchor bars will add some tensile
strength to the slope, this is not necessarily relied upon for global slope stability.
However, the tensile strength of anchor bars is somet imes relied upon in the mass
stability analysis to counter the effect of pore pressure increases caused by the
flow over the dam.
The reinforcement of rockfill dams is usually designed empirically; that is, by
copying designs of older dams performing successfully. Therefore, examples of
two reinforced dams that have successfully withstood overtopping many times are
included in this manual: Pit No. 7 Afterbay Dam and Des Arc Bayou Site No. 3.
Pit No. 7 Afterbay Dam in California (Figure 7-1) is an early design for a rockfill
dam with reinforcement that has been used as the basis for the design of many
subsequent reinforced rockfill dams. Leps (1973) described this low hazard dam,
its flow conditions, and performance, as follows:
The dam was designed to provide an afterbay for Pacific Gas & Electrics Pit
No. 7 Powerhouse. It is subjected continuously to throughflow and frequently
to overflow, with normal flows ranging from 2,000 to 6,650 ft3/s and
maximum flows up to an estimated 85,000 ft3/s. As the dam was being built, a
flow of 40,200 ft3/s passed through the contractors diversion channel and
over part of the incomplete rockfill embankment.
The dam is a 36-foot-high rockfill dam, about 555 feet long (with a concrete
overflow spillway on the right abutment). . . it has an upstream slope of 2:1, a

Overtopping Protection for Dams

downstream slope of 2:1, and a toe berm of reinforced rock about 20 feet
wide. The downstream slope is reinforced with a surface grid of No. 7 and
No. 8 steel bars, tied back at 3-foot vertical intervals with hooked, 37-foot
long, No. 7 bars. The pullout resistance is mobilized along the entire 37-foot

long anchor bars to hold the surface mesh in place. All rock within 4 feet of
the surface is at least 12 inches in size and the rock in the toe-berm has a
minimum size of 24 inches.
After a little over 3 years of successful operation of the dam, there was some
wear and dislocation of the bars, and about 1,400 yd3 of rock had been washed
away from the downstream face. In addition, there was a slight bulging of the
lower part of the downstream slope and some sagging of the upper part,
neither of which had exceeded 3 feet. The lost rock was replaced in 1968, and
additional No. 8 bars were incorporated in the grid on the downstream face to
inhibit further loss of rock.

Figure 7-1.Pit No. 7 Afterbay Dam in California (Reclamation).

The bulging and sagging mentioned in the paragraph above likely indicates mass
instability. The anchor bars may have prevented a complete stability failure. The
loss of 1,400 yd3 of rock would have represented about 2 percent of the total
estimated volume of the dam. With a crest length of 555 feet, normal flows would
produce a unit discharge between 3.6 and 12 ft3/s/ft, and maximum flows would
produce a unit discharge of 153 ft3/s/ft. Figure 7-2 provides a close-up view of the
reinforced rockfill surface as it appeared in June 2007.


Chapter 7 Rockfill

Figure 7-2.Pit No. 7 Afterbay Dam, looking at downstream face, toward right

abutment spillway. Dam crest has been capped with concrete.

(Reclamation, 2007, courtesy of Jared Vauk).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figures 7-3, 7-4, and 7-5 depict the reinforcement of a central core, zoned rockfill
dam at Des Arc Bayou Site No. 3 in Arkansas that was constructed for the NRCS
(formerly Soil Conservation Service)6. The design and construction, as described
by Henry (1977) is of a dam with a height of 131 feet, an upstream slope of 2:1, a
downstream slope of 1.8:1, and reinforcement on the downstream face to a height
of 75 feet above the toe. The design for this dam is intended to allow water to pass
through the dam when the reservoir level rises above the impervious core, then
safely flow through Zones 2 and 3 of the downstream shell. The anchor lengths
are uniform and relatively short compared to the height of the dam, indicating that
the anchor bars are primarily there to hold the surface mesh and not to enhance
global slope stability. Assuring internal filter compatibility between the
embankment zones, especially between Zones 2 and 3 for this dam, is an
important design requirement.
Stability of this dam is primarily provided by the Zone 4 rockfill. If the
impervious core of this dam (or the crest of any rockfill dam) is overtopped,
internal pore water pressures would rise and seepage forces would act within the
rockfill to decrease stability. Such a decrease in stability can normally be
countered in design by flattening the slopes. Flattening the downstream slope to
increase stability is generally more efficient than increasing the length or amount
of reinforcement, and more assured than changing the rockfill gradation. Neither
the design analysis nor the performance history of Des Arc Bayou No. 3 Dam
were reviewed for this manual.
No example of using reinforced rockfill to modify an existing embankment dam
to withstand overtopping flows or flow-through conditions was found in the
literature. While reinforcement is sometimes used for new rockfill dams and
reinforced rockfill is used to stabilize concrete structures, it does not appear to
have been used as slope protection for modification of existing earthfill
embankment dams, nor does it appear that reinforcement has been added to zoned
embankment dams with existing downstream shells considered to be rockfill.

Note that all figures from Henry 1977 are reprinted with permission from Rockfill Dams Designed
for Overtopping During Construction" by J. F. Henry. ASAE Paper No. 772536. Copyright 1977
American Society of Agriculture Engineers.

Chapter 7 Rockfill

Figure 7-3.Embankment sectionDes Arc Bayou site No. 3

(Courtesy of Henry, 1977, all rights reserved).

Figure 7-4.Detail of downstream slope reinforcement at the toe and at midslope

Des Arc Bayou site No. 3 (Courtesy of Henry, 1977, all rights reserved).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure 7-5.Reinforcement detail for the downstream toeDes Arc Bayou site No. 3
(Courtesy of Henry, 1977, all rights reserved)..

7.3 Design and Analysis

There are four essential parts to the analysis and design of a rockfill dam subject
to overtopping:
(1) Flow-over
(2) Flow-through
(3) Mass stability
(4) Filter compatibility
In each part, the prediction of a load is compared to the resistive capability and
expected performance of the dam. Flow through or over rock is turbulent,
therefore, Darcys law for laminar flow does not apply. Thus, loads to the dam
imposed by the turbulent flow are difficult to predict.
One of the first two parts of the analysis usually controls the design of the size of
the rockfill materials to resist the flow. The angle of the downstream slope of the
outer rockfill zone is controlled by the mass slope stability which is discussed in
the section 7.3.3. Knowing when design control shifts from flow-over to flowthrough conditions is difficult, so designers are encouraged to design the rock size
to accommodate both. Designs to accommodate flow over a dam are much more
stringent than those to accommodate flow through a dam because velocities of
water flowing over a rockfill dam can be orders of magnitude higher than flowthrough velocities. Rockfills with greater than 30 percent smaller than 1-inch

diameter particles would behave more like an earthfill, and the flow through such
material may be laminar. The slow flow-through rates for earthfills can be

Chapter 7 Rockfill

estimated by conventional permeability testing and geotechnical analysis and

would be found to be practically zero when compared to overflow rates. For flowthrough estimates to control a rockfill design, the rockfill (or significant portions
of lifts within the embankment) would likely have much less than 30 percent of its
material sizes smaller than 1-inch. Flood routings for flow-through rockfill dams
may need to account for the quantities of water that pass through the
embankment. For earthfill dams, flow-over condit ions will control the design,
which is addressed in Chapter 8.

7.3.1 Flow-Through Analysis

Because flow through a rockfill is turbulent and not linear with gradient,
estimating the flow rate is quite uncertain. Equations have been presented by Leps
(1973) that are still used to estimate critical parameters of turbulent flow through
a clean rockfill. Parameters such as the average velocity of water in the voids,
height of seepage exit on the downstream slope, and unit flow rate are solved
iteratively beginning with assumed values of rockfill permeability, hydraulic
gradient, hydraulic radius of the rockfill voids7, void ratio, rock size, and slope of
the downstream face. These equations are somewhat simplified because they do
not take into account the non-homogeneous and anisotropic nature of a rockfill
Rockfill is placed in lifts which are not expected to have the same gradation and
density at all levels, even within one lift. Rock materials tend to break down the
closer they are to the compaction machinery. Modern vibratory compactive effort
produces a layering of the fill, particularly at the top of each lift where the
compaction results in a finer grained layer. For this reason, vertical permeability
is normally less than horizontal permeability within a rockfill dam, often much
less. Some rockfill dams, and particularly the rockfill shells of zoned
embankments dams, have layers or entire zones with greater than 30 percent of
the particles smaller than 1-inch, so they would not behave like a clean rockfill as
was assumed by Leps. The permeability of a rockfill is very site-specific, likely to
be nonhomogeneous and anisotropic, and difficult to estimate. In addition,
permeability can be affected by plugging of the water entrance with water-borne
debris or wind-blown soil deposition. As stated earlier, there is a difference
between evaluating existing rockfill and designing new rockfill.
Physical, scaled down model tests have been performed to better understand pore
water pressures and permeability within a rockfill for design purposes (Toledo,
1998). Flow and tailwater conditions can be varied, and mass stability can be
checked. Nonconventional tests have been used to estimate resistance formula of
seepage flow. For example, in-situ rockfill sample testing or large scale

Defined by Leps (1973) for a given volume of rockfill particles as the volume of voids divided
by the total surface area of the rockfill particles, or the void ratio divided by the surface area per
unit volume of solids.

Overtopping Protection for Dams

permeameters can be used for this purpose (Zou, et. al., 2013; Siddiqua, et. al.
2011; and Morn, 2013).

7.3.2 Allowable Flow Through Rockfill

After the flow rate through an unreinforced rockfill is estimated, it can be
compared to the maximum permissible flow rate based on the 50-percent particle
size (D50), relative density, and downstream slope of the rockfill, as shown in
Table 7-1 from Leps (1973). The values shown represent maximum unit
discharges without particle movement. For example, a rockfill dam with a
downstream slope of 1.5:1 and a dominant rock size (D50) of 24 inches can handle
a unit discharge between 4 and 10 ft3/s/ft depending upon the relative density of
the rockfill.
Table 7-1..Maximum permissible flow rates through a downstream rockfill (Leps,
D50, Dominant size
Permissible flow through rockfill (ft3/s /ft)
Downstream Slope
of rock in slope
*Dumped rockfill, poorly graded with a relative density less than 50 percent.
**Compacted rockfill (by vibratory compactor) with a relative density near 100 percent.

7.3.3 Mass Slope Stability

Mass or global slope stability is part of any analysis and design of an embankment
dam. A slope stability analysis of deep-seated failure surfaces is necessary to
assure stability. Seepage forces need to be included in static slope stability
analysis to accurately compute the stability of a rockfill embankment subject to
flow-through conditions. Similarly, water flowing over a rockfill should be added
to a slope stability model to more accurately compute its stability. Most computer
stability programs are set up to solve these types of problems, but the challenge to
the analyst is to accurately estimate the seepage forces for turbulent flow. Since
seepage forces can be a function of the size of the rockfill particles, flow nets
from a laminar seepage analysis are not applicable.


Chapter 7 Rockfill

Research at the Technical University of Madrid in Spain (Toledo, 1998) has been
published addressing the critical issue of mass slope stability of rockfill dams.
Many physical tests were performed in this research on rockfill dams and toe
buttresses. Simplified formulas are presented; however, caution is advised in their
useconsidering the complicated nature of the problem. Conservatism can be
incorporated with sufficient safety factors.

7.3.4 Material Compatibility

Filter compatibility is required between the outer layers of a rockfill zone, e.g.,
the armor protection and the inner zones of an embankment dam. If the armor
protection of the outer layers is composed of large rock, the layer immediately
upstream or below must be sized so that it cannot move through the large rock of
the outer layer. Filter compatibility must be satisfied by all materials in the
embankment. This will require multiple layers of gradually smaller particles from
the outside, inward to the center core of the dam. Since the gradation difference
between the slope protection and the inner core of a dam is likely to be very large,
the layers may become numerous and the overall thickness could be substantial.
To achieve this material compatibility, common standards should be applied from
filter or riprap design such as Reclamation's Design Standards for Embankment
Dams, No. 13, Chapter 5 for Protective Filters (2011) and Chapter 7 for Riprap
Slope Protection (2013).

7.3.5 Reinforcement Design

With reinforced rockfill, individual rocks are kept in place with a mesh of steel
reinforcement on the surface. This mesh usually consists of steel reinforcement
bars tied together. Chain link fencing and welded wire have been used in some
cases, but experience with these is poor due to their weak strength and
vulnerability to debris impacts. The mesh is sized relative to the smallest rock that
could be dislodged from the downstream face of the embankment slope. The
mesh should have sufficient strength to resist the tractive and seepage forces
acting on the surface particles. If overtopping occurs, the mesh needs to also
withstand the impact forces of debris carried by the overflow. Heavy reinforcing
steel (No. 7 bars) is relatively resistant to damage from overtopping debris. To
best reduce the potential for debris to catch on a downstream mesh of steel
reinforcement during overtopping, horizontal bars should be placed against the fill
and the vertical bars should be attached above the horizontal steel. Large rockfill
reduces the cost of reinforcement by allowing more widely-spaced bars. The
horizontal bars should be connected to the vertical bars where they cross with
clamps or other devices to maintain the shape of the mesh.
The reinforcing mesh is affixed to the embankment slope with anchor bars.
Unless the anchor bars are designed for a dual purpose, it is advised to
conservatively ignore the tensile strength effects of the anchor bars in the slope
stability analysis of a reinforced rockfill. However, if the anchor bars are to be
used to provide reinforcement to increase global slope stability, the bars are

Overtopping Protection for Dams

embedded into the embankment beyond the critical shear surface to a depth
sufficient to transfer the design loads in the bars to the surrounding rockfill and
eliminate the possibility of premature pullout. Mass slope stability analysis should
also be performed to determine the required depth of embedment.
Alternatives to embed the anchors into the rockfill include crank-shaped anchors,
anchors fixed to grouted dowels in the fill, and inclined anchors (Brown and Pells,
1983). Figure 7-6 depicts alternatives for anchorage at the ends of typical
reinforcing bars, although reinforcement can take many other shapes. Vertical
spacing of the tie-back bars is not an exact science. Spacing should be close
enough to prevent the critical shear surfaces from circumventing the
reinforcement by exiting between the horizontal layers of reinforcement. The
reinforcement system is connected to the foundation and abutments with rock
bolts or another solid means to keep it in place along the edges where the erosive
forces may be the most aggressive.

Figure 7-6.Schematic detail of tie-back steel reinforcing bars

with end-anchorage alternatives

(Courtesy of Brown et al., 1983, all rights reserved).


Chapter 7 Rockfill

To resist through flow, reinforcement should extend well above the height of the
predicted seepage exit elevation. To resist flow over an embankment, the
reinforcement should extend over the entire downstream face, abutment to
abutment, unless the embankment has been shaped to direct overtopping flows
through a limited area. Designs should also assure crest stability during
overtopping. Rockfill would be largest and reinforcement would be heaviest at the
downstream toe of an embankment dam subject to overtopping.
As noted previously, the methodology for the design of rockfill reinforcement is
rather empirical. Designs are often copied from previous successful dams
performing similar functions. One valuable source of information on past designs
includes 50 reinforced rockfill dams and cofferdams in the report prepared by
Australian National Committee on Large Dams (ANCOLD) (1982). Of these 50
mostly Australian dams, 18 were overtopped by flood flows and 5 of these failed.
As described previously, Pit No. 7 Afterbay Dam and Des Arc Bayou Site No. 3
have successfully withstood overtopping many times.
Corrosion shortens the life of steel reinforcement and must be considered for
design. Carbonaceous rockfill materials should be avoided due to their galvanic
effect and because of their high electrical conductivity. If reinforcement is buried
within saturated soils, corrosion would be influenced by the quality and pH of the
water, soluble salt content of the overlying soil, and aeration. Conventional
practices to fight against corrosion include:

Substitution of nonmetals for metal reinforcement

Use of corrosion-resistant metal alloys

Use of protective coatings

Installation of corrosion monitoring systems

Cathodic protection

For steel, the first line of defense against corrosion is the use of protective
coatings such as zinc or fusion-bonded epoxy. Zinc, in the form of galvanized
coatings, has a limited life since it sacrifices itself to protect the steel. In addition,
zinc is conductive and would require more electrical energy if cathodic protection
were ever added as part of the protection scheme. Epoxy would be expected to
have discontinuities that would still leave some small areas of steel exposed to
corrosion. A corrosion monitoring system can be implemented which could tell
when cathodic protection might be necessary if all other types of protection do not


Overtopping Protection for Dams

7.4 Vulnerabilities and Risk

There are uncertainties in estimating the forces of flowing water through or over a
rockfill embankment. Additionally, there are uncertainties in the ability of
rockfill, especially unreinforced rockfill, to resist these forces. Estimating the
permeability and other important parameters associated with flow over or through
a rockfill is difficult. Rockfill placement results in an anisotropic and
nonhomogeneous structure. If reinforced rockfill is to be used for overtopping
protection of an existing dam, it should be rather massive. However, there is too
great a chance of dam failure to consider such a system in the design of a new or
modified high or significant hazard earthfill embankment dam.
Special attention is required around the perimeter of any downstream slope
protection system. Flow over or through a rockfill dam would concentrate in the
groins along the downstream slope (unless shaped to prevent that) and more
robust scour protection is likely necessary there. Any discontinuities or flow
concentrations on the crest or slope would be a location of more turbulence and
excessive erosion attack that could over-tax any protection system. Camber that is
constructed into a new dam is an example of a design feature that would
concentrate flow over a dam at the ends of the crest. Unless shaping to redirect
overtopping flow is provided, flow concentrations can be especially problematic
around structures or depressions, at the ends of camber, in the groins of dams, or
at the toe of an embankment. These are areas where overtopping protection needs
to be the strongest. The downstream toe would be the area where the particle size
of a rockfill protection system would need to be the largest and the reinforcement
(if provided) would need to be the heaviest.
Attention to protecting an embankment dam should also include the stability of
the crest. Even if a downstream slope can be well armored, if the crest erodes, all
could still be lost.
Reinforcement can degrade with use and over time. Surface meshes can be
damaged by rocks and logs carried by overtopping flows. Chemical attack can
corrode steel reinforcement. Bulges and deformations can occur in reinforced
rockfill slopes as a result of the migration of rock particles beneath the mesh as
noted by Leps (1973) and Simons et al. (1984). Figure 7-7, prepared for gabion
mattresses which are described in Chapter 5, depicts how this process could occur
for reinforced rockfill applications. Movement of rocks beneath the reinforcement
could be caused by rockfill that is placed too loosely or improperly graded, mesh
that is not well anchored, or slope instability.


Chapter 7 Rockfill

Figure 7-7.Local pattern of rock movement within a mattress

(Simmons et al., 1984).

One case history of flow-through rockfill or reinforced rockfill dams is provided

in the Appendix (Googong Dam). Two examples of reinforced rockfill dams are
included in this chapter.


Chapter 8 Riprap

Chapter 8. Riprap

A riprap layer on the downstream slope of an embankment dam can generally

provide some protection against the initiation of embankment erosion during
overtopping flow. Riprap is generally composed of high quality quarried rock
(often granite, volcanics, or limestone), or occasionally concrete rubble and is
dumped or manually placed over a suitable bedding layer. With riprap in place,
the overtopping flow is conveyed both through and above the riprap layer, thus
preventing erosion by reducing flow velocities and shear stresses along the
surface of the erodible embankment materials. Riprap is generally considered to
be lower-priced than many other erosion protection alternatives when suitable
borrow sources are available nearby.
This chapter provides a summary of research and laboratory testing of riprap in
overtopping flow, some design guidance, and case study examples. The guidance
is applicable to the design of new overtopping protection systems, rather than for
the evaluation of existing riprap placements, since it is difficult to accurately
assess the in-place gradation and placement uniformity of existing riprap that may
not have been originally intended to provide overtopping protection. Overtopping
performance is very sensitive to the permeability of a riprap placement, primarily
governed by the D10 size within the riprap layer, which is very difficult to
evaluate for an existing installation. The performance of flow-through rockfill and
reinforced rockfill is discussed in Chapter 7.

8.1 Historical Perspective

Riprap has long been used for erosion protection on a wide variety of hydraulic
structures, including embankment dams, canal drops, river training structures, and
bridge piers. For embankment dams, riprap has been used primarily to prevent rill
erosion of slopes due to surface runoff and to prevent wave erosion at the
interface between embankment slopes and standing water (i.e., upstream reservoir
or downstream tailwater) (USACE, 2004). Riprap has always been an attractive
option for erosion protection because it is widely available and conceptually
simple in function, requiring nonspecialized preparation and installation, and
minimal long-term maintenance to achieve apparent effectiveness. However,
experience and research have shown that riprap layer and bedding design details
and construction quality control can significantly affect performance for
protection against overtopping flow. Riprap has been widely used in arid areas
and on steeper embankment slopes (up to about 1.5:1, or the angle of repose)
where vegetative protection is difficult to establish and maintain.
Although it may not have been originally intended for the purpose, riprap is often
expected to provide some overtopping protection for existing dams of all sizes
during small overtopping events of short duration (Frizell et al., 1998). In recent


Overtopping Protection for Dams

years, riprap has been specified for this purpose on small, low hazard dams, and
has been successfully used on low drop structures with flat slopes in low hazard
situations. The use of riprap for high flow rates and steep slopes generally
becomes cost-prohibitive due to the large size of rock required.
Applications of riprap protection specifically designed for overtopping flows on
new significant or high hazard dams have thus far been very limited. One
example, however, is for the Khasab embankment dams on the Musandam
Peninsula of Oman (Taylor, 1991). Three high hazard embankment dams were
designed with flattened 4:1 downstream slopes to be armored by large
(20- to 66-inch) riprap over bedding, for protection against overtopping by large
floods up to the PMF. The design was based on theoretical calculations and
1:50 scale model tests, and included a maximum design unit discharge of nearly
55 ft3/s/ft for the main dam embankment. The quarried limestone riprap was to be
dumped and reworked in place to produce the required packing or density. During
construction, there were some difficulties obtaining sufficient quantities of large
size rock, and it was challenging to achieve placement uniformity and packing
specifications. These are typical of large riprap construction efforts and are not
believed to have impacted the quality of the final constructed project.
An example of the addition of riprap protection to an existing high hazard dam is
Upper Stoneville Reservoir Dam in Massachusetts (Wooten and Wood, 2002).
This 20-foot- high, 400-foot-long embankment received riprap protection
designed to resist a 50 percent PMF flow of 14 ft3/s/ft. The downstream slope of
the embankment was flattened from 2:1 to 4:1 to reduce the required stone size.
The riprap blanket was designed using the procedures in Frizell et al. (1998) and
was composed of rock with D50=1.5 feet dumped in a 6-foot-thick layer
(4*D50 thick) over a bedding layer of non-woven geotextile and 6 inches of
1.5-inch crushed stone (Figure 8-1). The dam has not experienced overtopping
flow since the modifications were completed.
A somewhat non-typical application of riprap for overtopping flow protection
arises in the decommissioning of watershed flood control dams. The NRCS has
undertaken a number of these projects in which the reservoir contains significant
accumulations of sediment. To avoid releasing the sediment downstream, the dam
is only partially breached by excavating a spillway channel through the
embankment just down to the elevation of the stored sediment. Flow is then
conveyed through a riprap-lined rock chute that protects the breached section and
the remaining embankment from erosion.


Chapter 8 Riprap

Figure 8-1. Dumped riprap placement on 6-inch bedding layer for Upper Stoneville

Reservoir Dam, Massachusetts (Wooten and Wood, 2002, Courtesy of ASDSO and

GEI Consultants, all rights reserved).

The design basis for decommissioning of watershed flood control dams is the
testing by Robinson et al. (1998). One example of this application is the rock
chute spillway constructed on Little Washita Site 13 in Oklahoma, shown in
Figure 8-2. This dam was decommissioned due to a troublesome karst foundation
condition. The rock chute was designed to convey a routed 25-year flood
discharge of 1,740 ft3/s within the chute. Larger discharges will be spread over a
400-foot wide section of the remnant embankment. The drop height of the chute is
12 feet, and the channel slope is 4.75 percent. The chute is nominally 50 feet wide
with 3:1 side slopes, and includes a 10-foot-wide riffle-and-pool channel on the
left side for very low flows. The riprap layer is 3 feet thick and the rock has a
maximum size of 36 inches and D50 of 24 inches. Riprap is placed onto a non

woven geotextile overlaying a 6-inch deep sand layer, and the chute is anchored
by sheet pile cutoffs at the upstream and downstream ends. Three such projects
have recent ly been constructed in Oklahoma, and NRCS has used an additional
seven rock chutes of similar configuration for grade control in the Sugar Creek
watershed in Caddo County, Oklahoma.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure 8-2.Rock chute spillway on Little Washita Site 13 in Grady County,

Oklahoma. This chute was installed in 2010 to convey flows over the remnants of the
decommissioned dam (USDA-NRCS, Courtesy of Chris Stoner).

8.2 Design and Analysis

There is much uncertainty in the design and analysis of riprap for overtopping
protection, and conservative approaches are recommended. The degree of
overtopping protection provided by riprap has been the subject of several research
efforts in recent years. The primary area of interest in these studies has been
determination of the allowable flow rate through and over a specified rock layer
or alternately the size and depth of rock needed to protect against a specified flow
rate. The secondary area of interest is the energy dissipation produced by the rock,
often expressed in terms of the effective hydraulic roughness of the surface.
Knowledge of the potential degree of energy dissipation aids in determining the
extent of riprap needed at the toe of a slope, or facilitates the design or analysis of
other energy dissipation features near the toe.

8.2.1 Basis for Design Guidance

Flow hydraulics on steep embankment slopes cannot be analyzed with standard
flow equations. Uniform flow and tractive shear equations do not apply to shallow
flow over large roughness elements, highly aerated flow, nor to chute and pool
flowall of which can occur during overtopping. Riprap design criteria for
overtopping protection of embankment dams should prevent stone movement and


Chapter 8 Riprap

ensure the riprap layer does not fail. Empirically-derived design criteria offer the
best approach for design (Frizell et al., 1990). Studies of riprap design include:
Riprap design to resist overtopping flow is dependent upon the material
properties (median size, shape, gradation, porosity, and unit weight), the
hydraulic gradient or embankment slope, and the unit discharge
(ASCE, 1994).
Robinson et al. (1998) and Peirson and Cameron (2006) provide two
valuable summaries of the historical investigations that have led to presentday design guidance for riprap subjected to overtopping flow.
Isbash (1936) conducted some of the earliest studies on the stability of
large rock in flowing water, considering the placement of large rock into
flowing water as a means for constructing rockfill dams.
Olivier (1967) studied through-flow and overflow of rockfill dams and
developed rock stability equations calibrated with small-scale data from
flow over and through gravel on slopes from 8 to 45 percent. Olivier
defined threshold flow where incipient stone movement occurs, and
collapse flow where stone failure occurs. This work did not incorporate the
effects of aeration which are significant with larger-size rock and typical
embankment slopes.
Stephenson (1979b) modified Oliviers work slightly by incorporating a
porosity term.
Hartung and Scheuerlein (1970) recognized the importance of aeration at
larger scales and developed stability equations based on the work of Isbash
(1936) and their own tests of aerated flow over fixed rocks, but they did not
test riprap placements to the point of failure.
Knauss (1979) combined the aerated flow concepts of Hartung and
Scheuerlein (1970) with the work of Olivier (1967) and developed a
simplified set of design equations. Knauss developed a rock stability
function based on unit discharge, slope, rock packing, and air concentration
for sizing riprap, and determined that flow aeration increases the critical
velocity for which riprap on a steep slope remains stable.
A design procedure focused on applications for relatively flat slopes (i.e.,
flatter than typical embankment dam slopes) was provided in the USACEs
Hydraulic Design of Flood Control Channels (EM 1110-02-1601)
(USACE, 1994).
Several investigators have studied the effect of material properties other than
stone size. Anderson et al. (1970) developed design methods for riprap-lined
drainage channels using rounded stones on relatively flat slopes. Later work (Abt

Overtopping Protection for Dams

et al. 1987; Abt and Johnson 1991) showed that rounded stones could withstand a
unit discharge about 40 percent lower than angular stones, leading most
subsequent investigators to focus only on angular riprap. Anderson et al. (1970)
studied various riprap gradations and found that uniformly-sized (or poorlygraded) riprap remained stable at higher flow rates than non-uniform (or wellgraded) riprap , but that non-uniform riprap provided better protection of the filter
and bedding materials located beneath the riprap layer. Wittler and Abt (1990)
further quantified the effects of stone gradation and confirmed that uniform
(or poorly-graded) materials withstood higher flow rates than non-uniform (or
well-graded) rock with the same D50. They also found that uniform materials
(D60/D10 = 1.1) failed more suddenly than non-uniform materials (D60/D10 = 2.2)
when the riprap layer became unstable. Riprap gradations with a wide range of
sizes typically experience problems with size segregation during placement. So
for best performance under overtopping flow, a rock of relatively uniform size is
generally desired, while gap-graded materials and mixes with a very large range
of sizes (D85/D15>7) are generally avoided.
Research has tended to consider steeper slopes and larger stone sizes over time as
the upper limits of riprap applicability have been pushed and as interest in the
protection of embankment dams against overtopping flows has increased.
Maynord (1988) performed overtopping tests at slopes of 2 percent or less. Abt
and Johnson (1991) ran tests at slopes of 1 to 20 percent with median rock sizes
up to 6.5 inches and unit discharges up to about 5 ft3/s/ft. Robinson et al. (1998)
tested and developed design procedures for rock chutes constructed on slopes of
2 to 40 percent (2.5:1) using rock as large as 11 inches median diameter and unit
discharges up to 17.5 ft3/s/ft. Both Abt and Johnson (1991) and Robinson et al.
(1998) found the allowable unit discharge to be a function of the embankment
slope and the median rock size. They probably did not identify porosity as a
parameter because by this time most investigators were concentrating on angular,
uniformly-sized rock mixes, and thus porosities of the rock mix were relatively
constant at around 0.45. Robinson et al. (1998) found that riprap sized for stability
on the slope would also be stable in the exit area of the chutes he studied, even
with minimal tailwater, suggesting that for an embankment dam application no
special treatment of the toe of the slope was needed other than continuing the
riprap protection beyond the end of any expected hydraulic jump.
Chang (1998) found the Robinson et al. equation to be accurate at the steep end of
its range (40 percent slope, or 2.5:1) but overly conservative at low slopes (less
than 10 percent). Chang resolved this with a more complex equation using the
embankment slope and angle of internal friction (angle of repose) of the rock
material. Chang also provided a good discussion of the typical two-stage failure
process observed for riprap on steep slopes:
(1) The threshold or motion stage, where there is initiation of stone movement
leading to consolidation and strengthening of the armor layer


Chapter 8 Riprap

(2) The collapse or failure stage in which the stones are already interlocked
and the eventual movement of one or a few stones leads to total collapse
of the protective layer
The difference between the threshold discharge and the failure discharge tends to
increase with stone angularity and slope (Olivier 1967 and Abt and Johnson
Mishra (1998) and Frizell et al. (1998) reported on overtopping tests with median
rock sizes from 10.5 to 26 inches on a 2:1 slope (50 percent) at unit discharges up
to 10 ft3/s/ft. At such steep slopes, flow takes place primarily through the rock
rather than over the rock, and a variety of multiphase flows can occur as noted by
Peirson and Cameron (2006) including aerated water, water through rock, and
potentially air and water through rock. Flow conditions were observed through
clear acrylic windows in the side of the test flume. Flow depths were measured
with piezometers embedded in the rock layer, and salt injectors and conductivity
probes were used to measure interstitial velocities. Failures of the riprap slope
occurred when measured flow depths were still below the top of the rock layer.
(Most recent investigators have been consistent in defining riprap failure to have
occurred when the bedding material is exposed.)
Highly aerated flow was also observed above the rock surface, but this aerated
flow did not register at the piezometers and was only a small fraction of the total
flow. Results of the tests were used to develop a design procedure that could
determine the appropriate rock size and layer thickness to safely protect against a
given unit discharge of overtopping flow. The relations developed include the
coefficient of uniformity, Cu=D60/D10, and the porosity of the rock mix,
recognizing that in large-size rock mixes, porosity can vary significantly
depending on placement methods and other factors. The procedure allows for
riprap layer thicknesses of 2 to 4 times D50, the former being the minimum
necessary to protect the bedding material and the latter being a practical upper
limit for effective placement. At slopes steeper than 4:1, the procedure requires
the entire computed flow to be conveyed interstitially. For flatter slopes, a portion
of the flow can be conveyed above the rock surface, with a check that the surface
flow will not exceed the critical shear stress limit for the rock. The testing also
explored the question of toe stability, with a variety of measures employed in
attempts to produce a test in which failure occurred at the toe of the slope, but no
toe failure ever occurred. Neither this work nor that of Robinson et al. (1998)
looked at the issue of increased protection for groin areas where embankment
slopes meet converging abutments. The increased unit discharge in these areas
may require larger stone sizes and an increased riprap layer thickness.
Two recent efforts have been made to integrate the data and design procedures
developed for the different slope ranges discussed above with the objective of
applying them to embankment overtopping protection applications. Peirson and
Cameron (2006) revisited the stability equations of Hartung and Scheuerlein
(1970), Olivier (1967), and Stephenson (1979b) and considered their effectiveness

Overtopping Protection for Dams

using the test data obtained by Abt et al. (1987), Abt et al. (1988), Abt and
Johnson (1991), and Robinson et al. (1998). They derived a new equation based in
part on Olivier (1967) and Stephenson (1979b) and an analysis of incipient
motion of individual stones, but found it to be much too conservative for steep
slopes. As an alternative, they proposed a modified form of the Hartung and
Scheuerlein (1970) equation, incorporating a new rock slope stability term
borrowed from the incipient motion-based equation. They tested this equation
using just three data points from Robinson et al. (1998) (8, 22, and 40 percent
slopes) and showed that for these three data points the new relation provided a
conservative design method that reproduced the essential dependence of riprap
performance on slopes, up to slopes of 40 percent. However, they did not test
their relation with or cite the work of Mishra (1998) and Frizell et al. (1998) at a
50 percent slope.
Temple and Irwin (2006) suggested applying the relations developed by Abt and
Johnson (1991), Robinson et al. (1998), Mishra (1998), and Frizell et al. (1998)
within slope ranges corresponding to the majority of the tests performed in each
study. This approach was reasonable, but a problem arose in the treatment of the
Mishra/Frizell work when they used a relation that calculated allowable unit
discharge based on interstitial flow but did not include a second rock-size design
equation that is often the limiting factor in the Mishra/Frizell iterative design
process. The equations presented in the following section for design and analysis
purposes follow the strategy suggested by Temple and Irwin (2006), but these
equations are modified to include the Mishra/Frizell rock-size design equation.
Notably, this method as described here has been incorporated into the WinDAM
B computer program USDA developed to simulate overtopping flow and
breaching of embankment dams (Visser et al., 2012). WinDAM B computes the
discharge needed to initiate failure of riprap on the downstream slope of an
embankment dam, the first step in a sequence of events that can lead to dam
Research to determine boundary roughness of riprap placements has been less
extensive. Anderson et al. (1970) proposed a relatively simple relation between
the Manning roughness coefficient and the stone size. Abt et al. (1987) and Rice
et al. (1998) developed relations that used both the stone size and the bed slope to
predict the Manning roughness coefficient. Rice et al. (1998) also developed a
relation for estimating the Darcy-Weisbach friction factor as a function of the
relative submergence of the riprap stones. The reader is referred to these
references for details of the equations.
Use of the equations and accurate estimation of flow profiles requires making
practical determinations of such things as the effective top of riprap and the flow
split between interstitial and surface flow. Robinson et al. (1998) provided an
example demonstrating such calculations using the boundary roughness relations
of Rice et al. (1998), and Frizell et al. (1998) demonstrated the determination of
interstitial flows and velocities for a steep-slope situation.


Chapter 8 Riprap

8.2.2 Design Guidance

The guidance that follows is based on the approach suggested by Temple and
Irwin (2006), modified to incorporate the Mishra/Frizell rock-size design
equation. For three different ranges of slopes, equations are provided to compute
either the allowable unit discharge for a given rock size or the rock size needed to
accommodate a particular unit discharge.
Definitions for terms in Equations 8-1 through 8-5 that follow are:
qa =

allowable or design unit discharge, above which riprap failure is

expected (ft3/s /ft )

St= the embankment slope expressed as the tangent of the slope angle (i.e.,
for 2:1 slope, St=0.5)
D50= the riprap diameter for which 50 percent by weight of the material is
finer (ft m)
np= the porosity of the riprap
hrr= the riprap thickness normal to the slope (should be in the range of
2*D50 to 4*D50), (ft)
Cu= the coefficient of uniformity, Cu =D60 / D10

the acceleration due to gravity, (32.2 ft/s22)

slope angle from horizontal,=tan-1(St)

angle of repose of angular riprap, typically about 42


specific gravity of stones, typically around 2.65


various coefficients, provided in Table 8-1

Table 8-1.Coefficients for riprap design equations.

Abt and Johnson (1991)

Robinson et al. (1998)

Mishra (1998) and Frizell et al. (1998)


U.S Customary units

(ft, s, ft3/s)











The Abt and Johnson (1991) relations apply to flat slopes of 50:1 to 10:1
(2 to 10 percent).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

1 0.768

Eq. 8-1

0.02 St 0.1

2 0.56

The Robinson et al. (1998) relations apply to slopes of 6:1 to 2.5:1 (17 to 40
percent), which is the range of interest for most embankment dams.
3 0.58

Eq. 8-2

0.167 St 0.4

4 0.53

Between slopes of 10:1 and 6:1 (10 to 17 percent), a slope-weighted average of

the Abt/Johnson and Robinson equations should be used:

6/4 10 /4


Eq. 8-3

0.1 St 0.167

the slope factor (e.g., Z=8 for an 8:1 slope)

represents either the allowable unit discharge, qa, or the rock size, D50,
for Abt or Robinson.

For embankments with slopes in the range of 2.5:1 to 2:1 (40 to 50 percent) the
equations developed by Mishra (1998) and Frizell et al. (1998) are used. The
allowable unit discharge is:


Eq. 8-4

2.4850 0.58



50 0.25

cos 1cos tan sin

0.4 St 0.5

with the first expression based on limiting interstitial flow through the rock and
the second based on rock stability. These equations, unlike those of Abt/Johnson
and Robinson include factors to account for variation of the specific gravity of the
rock, porosity, angle of repose, and coefficient of uniformity.


Chapter 8 Riprap

To determine rock size for these slopes, the corresponding equations are:
Eq. 8-5

50 max




5 0.52
0.25 0.75 cos 1cos tan sin

0.4 St 0.5

To apply Equation 8-5 for design purposes, D50 is unknown at the outset, so the
riprap thickness, hrr, is also unknown. Initial estimates must be made and the
equations checked iteratively to determine a suitable rock size. The riprap layer
thickness can also be adjusted within the range of 2*D50 to 4*D50. Again, the first
expression in Equation 8-5 is related to the requirement that all flow be contained
in the interstitial zone, and the second expression is based on rock stability. In the
40 to 50 percent slope range, it is typically the second expression that controls.
These equations are all applicable to angular riprap with D50 less than
approximately 2 feet (the upper limit of available test data), dumped randomly on
appropriate bedding material in a layer at least 2*D50 thick. It should be noted
there are no safety factors applied in these equations, and discharges above the
computed allowable level should be expected to cause riprap failure. A designer
should add a safety factor depending on the application and organizational
policies. Abt and Johnson (1991) stated that the equation they developed would
compute a rock size that would resist a discharge 35 percent greater than that for
the desired inception of failure, but that safety factor has been backed out of the
equation presented here so that all of the equations are consistently computing the
discharge at inception of failure.
To illustrate the general behavior of these equations over a range of embankment
slopes, they were applied to two hypothetical situations. In the first case (Figure
8-3), the equations were used to determine the allowable unit discharge, qa, for
riprap with stone sizes D50 = 1, 1.5 and 2 feet, over slopes ranging from 1 to
50 percent. In the second case (Figure 8-4), the equations were used over the same
slope range to determine the stone size required to give overtopping flow
protection at unit discharges of 10, 20, and 30 ft3/s/ft. Since the Mishra/Frizell
equations adjust for varying rock properties, to enable a comparison to the other
simpler equations, assumptions representative of typical riprap were made:

Coefficient of uniformity, Cu = 1.75

Porosity, np = 0.45

Specific gravity, Gs = 2.65


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Angle of repose, = 42

Although it is not specifically illustrated in the figures, it should be noted for

steep slopes that all flow should occur interstitially and the Mishra/Frizell
interstitial flow equations must be used to determine the riprap layer thickness.
For the steepest slopes shown in the figures (about 40 to 50 percent), a layer
thickness of 2*D50 is adequate to fully contain the flow, but for slopes flatter than
40 percent, thicker riprap layers may be needed. The exact threshold at which
flow fills the interstitial space varies in these examples and depends on the
particular stone size and unit discharge.

Figure 8-3.Example calculation of allowable unit discharge as a function of slope,

assuming a fixed stone size (Reclamation).


Chapter 8 Riprap

Figure 8-4.Example calculation of required stone size as a function of slope,

assuming a fixed allowable unit discharge (Reclamation).

8.2.3 Bedding
Reclamations Design Standards No. 13, Chapter 7 Riprap Slope Protection
(2013) provides design guidance for the bedding layer(s) required beneath a
riprap protective layer. The bedding layer acts as a filter to protect against the loss
of underlying embankment materials, and bedding layers themselves must be
filter-compatible with the overlying riprap layer so that the bedding is retained by
the riprap. To provide for the retention of the bedding particles by the overlying
riprap layer and for the retention of the material underlying the bedding layer, the
gradation of the bedding material should conform with the following filter criteria
(Equation 8-6) if the embankment materials are of low or no plasticity (PI<7):
D15B < 5(D85E)
D85B > D15R / 5

Eq. 8-6

D15B = the 15 percent passing size of the bedding
D85B = the 85 percent passing size of the bedding
D85E = the 85 percent passing size of the embankment material to be
protected by the bedding
D15R = the 15 percent size of the riprap


Overtopping Protection for Dams

When very large riprap is used, a two-stage filter/bedding layer is sometimes

needed to prevent loss of embankment material through the bedding and the
riprap. The thickness of bedding layers need only be sufficient to provide filter
protection, and to provide a supporting bed for the riprap.
Riprap particles will partially penetrate the bedding layer and will derive some
stability from this. The following are suggested bedding layer thicknesses:
Riprap layer, inches

Bedding layer, inches




Over 36


8.3 Alternative Riprap Placement Methods

The design equations provided in Section 8.2.2 are applicable to riprap dumped
randomly over a bedding layer. Several investigators have noted that careful hand
placement of riprap to achieve improved armor density and interlocking of
individual rocks can significantly increase allowable discharges. Peirson et al.
(2008) showed that a 30 percent increase in allowable discharge could be
achieved, but the application of this construction method is not commonplace, and
the degree of performance improvement should be expected to vary with the
quality of the hand-placement work.
Grouted riprap is an alternative placement method that involves the use of a grout
slurry to partially or fully fill the void spaces between the riprap. Typical
applications for grouted riprap include the protection of bed and bank slopes in
spillway entrance channels, turbulent areas adjacent to energy dissipators,
drainage ditch linings, culvert and storm sewer outfalls, and drainways through
conventional riprap (USACE, 1992). Grouted riprap is also used to prevent
vandalism to riprap placements and to provide and improve pedestrian access
across riprap-protected areas. When riprap is grouted, most flow within the riprap
layer is prevented, so the design equations in Section 8.2.2 would not apply.
Despite the lack of research in this area, there have been several applications of
grouted riprap for dam overtopping protection, mostly in the State of New Jersey.
These include three high hazard dams modified over 20 years ago to resist
half-probable maximum precipitation (PMP) or full-PMP flows, and four more
recent projects to protect low and significant hazard dams against 100-year or
half-PMP design storms. Overtopping heads have been relatively low3 feet or
less at the crest. All of these projects have featured fully grouted riprap
placements on the order of 2- to 3-feet thick or more, placed over free-draining
bedding and a filter layer between the bedding and the original embankment.

Chapter 8 Riprap

Cutoffs are provided upstream and downstream to prevent seepage into the
bedding layer, and a toe drain exiting through the toe wall or the face of the
downstream slope relieves pressure buildup below the riprap. Armoring is
extended into the groin or up the abutment slopes to contain all of the expected
flow within the armored area. For design guidance, the State of New Jersey has
directed engineers to USACE, 1992: ETL 1110-2-334, Design and Construction
of Grouted Riprap. None of these projects has experienced overtopping flows
since they were completed (Shaffer, 2014).
Although there is currently no research to support its use for overtopping
protection, the greatest potential for future use of grouted riprap in dam
overtopping applications appears to be for the placement procedure known
alternately as partially-grouted riprap (PGR) or matrix riprap. For this placement
method, riprap is randomly dumped over bedding material and partial grouting is
performed with the intent that grout should primarily be placed at the points of
contact between stones, but should not fill the entire void space. Typically, grout
might fill about one-third to one-half of the total void space. The objectives of this
placement method are threefold:
(1) To produce conglomerated riprap particles that are effectively much larger
than the base size of the stones and are tightly interlocked with adjacent
conglomerates of riprap
(2) To produce a riprap layer that remains flexible and able to adjust itself to
future settlement and shifting of the underlying materials
(3) to produce a riprap layer that is porous and able to relieve any buildup of
pore-water pressure that might occur beneath the riprap when flow takes
place over and through the riprap
This placement method has seen widespread use in Europe for several decades,
especially in Germany and Switzerland, primarily for scour protection around
bridge piers and abutments.
Lagasse et al. (2009) presents detailed design guidance for the use of partiallygrouted riprap for bridge pier scour protection. Rather than basing stone size
specifically on equations related to flow parameters, the typical practice is to
select a stone size in the 9 to 15 inch range, as this facilitates effective placement
of grout (Clopper, 2013). Smaller stones cause void spaces to be too small to
allow access into the pore spaces by the grouting equipment, while larger stones
cause voids to be so large that grout cannot be effectively kept in the contact areas
between stones, but instead the grout settles to the base of the riprap layer. There
is no analytical sizing of the stone for a partially-grouted riprap installation, and it
should be noted again that the equations in Section 8.2.2 would not apply to any
type of grouted riprap.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Lagasse et al. (2009) cites two recent research programs that conducted flume
studies of partially-grouted riprap. One series of tests completed at CSU in 2005
demonstrated effective performance of partially-grouted 6-inch diameter (Class I)
riprap around a prototype bridge pier with local velocities of 11 ft/s. In a test in
Germany (Heibaum, 2000), partially-grouted riprap was stable and undamaged in
a flow of 26 ft/s, but that test did not involve a bridge pier.
Until research specifically focused on overtopping flows can be conducted,
partially-grouted riprap is not recommended for protection of embankment dams.
Fully grouted riprap is also not recommended, since it suffers from the problems
that partially-grouted riprap is designed to address, namely the lack of flexibility
and inability to relieve high pore-water pressures.

8.4 Construction Considerations

USACE EM 1110-2-2302, General Design and Construction Considerations for
Earth and Rock-fill Dams (2004) identifies practical issues that must be dealt with
during construction to obtain desired overtopping protection performance. These
issues relate primarily to the materials and placement methods.

8.4.1 Material Quality Control

Riprap protection requires good quality rock and bedding of sufficient size to
meet the design requirements. Consideration should be given to materials
available from required excavations as well as from nearby quarry sources.
Contract documents should identify approved local sources and geologic
formations that can produce acceptable material, specify controlled blasting
methods for riprap production in quarries, define gradation ranges and permissible
percentages of undesirable materials, define permissible ratio of maximum to
minimum particle dimensions, and describe required particle quality. The control
of blasting in quarries is important to prevent the development of closely-spaced
incipient fractures in the produced rock that open quickly once the weathering
processes begin. Freeze-thaw, wet-dry, specific gravity, absorption, sodium
sulphate soundness, and Los Angeles abrasion tests should be performed to
determine the durability of the material under the anticipated field conditions
(detailed test procedures are given in USACE, 2004 [EM 1110-2-2302]). Service
records for proposed materials should be studied to evaluate how they have
performed under field conditions.
Laboratory research has shown that angularity and uniformity of the rock have
significant influence on the allowable overtopping flow rates. Although
specifications can be easily written, they can be difficult to meet during
production, especially as rock sizes increase. Methods used to produce and obtain
the rock should be selected to ensure that specifications can be met. Construction
observation and testing should be performed to confirm that the slope protection


Chapter 8 Riprap

materials meet the specifications and produce stable layers of interlocking

particles, and that segregation does not produce layers of reduced permeability.

8.4.2 Installation Quality Control

Important issues to be monitored during construction include maintaining desired
layer thicknesses, ensuring the cleanliness of materials, and preventing
segregation of bedding materials and riprap during handling and placement. Just
as research has shown that specified placement of riprap can increase allowable
overtopping flow, undesirable placement of materials could also lead to poor
overtopping performance. Although random dumping should lead to uniformly
acceptable placement of materials, some localized rearrangement and placement
of materials is generally needed, and inspectors should be watchful for localized
areas in which the resulting arrangement of rocks may appear unstable or leave
the underlying bedding layer exposed. Compaction of riprap placements is
generally not performed.
Some segregation is almost certain to occur during riprap placement, but the
method of placement can help minimize the effects on hydraulic performance.
Placing riprap initially at the top of the slope and then pushing it downslope to
build up thickness in layers parallel to the embankment slope will help to keep
low permeability layers running parallel to the slope. This should be preferable to
adding horizontally oriented lifts beginning at the bottom of the slope, which
would cause low permeability zones to be horizontal and might lead to flow being
forced out of the riprap layer.

8.4.3 Crest Details

For slopes steeper than 25 percent (or 4:1), the testing by Mishra (1998) and
Frizell et al. (1998) indicated that almost all of the flow occurs interstitially and
no flow should be designed to be above the top of the riprap layer. This indicates
that there is a need to ensure that flow can enter the rock layer at the top of the
slope. Thus, riprap placement should be continued to the top of the slope and the
exposed top surface of the layer should not be occluded by paving, infiltration of
dirt, or vegetation. In the flume studies by Mishra (1998) there was never an
indication that there would be a problem getting flow into the interstitial zone if
the top surface of the riprap was kept clean. Those studies enclosed the riprap at
the very top of the slope in a gabion basket to ensure that failure would initiate on
the slope, since flow down the slope was the focus of the studies, but this does not
suggest that similar protection is required in a field installation. In fact, this detail
was not used in the testing by Robinson et al. (1998) at 40 percent slope, nor in
any other riprap tests at flatter slopes.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

8.5 Vulnerabilities and Risk

Riprap armoring provides a relatively resilient system for protecting against
embankment erosion during small to perhaps moderate overtopping flow events.
Research has thus far been limited to riprap stone sizes up to D50=26 inches and
slopes up to 50 percent (2:1). For embankment dams with relatively flat
downstream slopes (4:1), unit discharges up to 40 ft3/s/ft may be passed safely
using 26-inch rock, with typical values of Cu (1.75) and porosity (0.45). At
steeper slopes, the value of riprap protection drops rapidly, and 26-inch rock on a
50 percent slope (2:1) only provides protection up to about 9 ft 3/s/ft.
Since research has shown that a large fraction of the flow is conveyed within the
riprap layer, long-term performance can be affected by infiltration of fine
materials into the riprap layer (e.g., wind-blown sediment or vegetation).
Degradation of the riprap over time due to weathering processes can also affect
long term performance, but this should not be an issue if high quality materials
have been used.
Flow transition areas at the crest, groin, and toe are potentially vulnerable,
although limited testing that has included crest and toe areas has shown thus far
that failure of the riprap would occur first on the slope. Testing has not focused
specifically on groin areas, where unit discharges can become much higher than
on the slope. Riprap stability in the groin areas should be evaluated with
consideration for these higher unit discharges. Crest, groin, and toe areas that will
experience overtopping flow, as well as the entire embankment slope, should
always be kept clear of obstructions (e.g., trees, buildings, and utility poles) that
would disrupt the uniformity of the flow and cause flow concentration that can
initiate riprap failure at lower than expected discharges. The rock chute concept
tested by Robinson et al. (1998) confines the overtopping flow to a defined area
and eliminates the issue of flow in converging abutment groin areas, but limits the
overtopping flow section to the width of the downstream waterway.
No case histories of riprap used for overtopping protection of an embankment
dam are provided in the Appendix. Two examples of riprap use are included in
this chapter.


Chapter 9 Geomembrane Liners

Chapter 9. Geomembrane Liners, Geocells,

and Fabric-Formed Concrete

The use of geomembrane liners, geocells, and fabric-formed concrete for

overtopping protection is discussed in this chapter. A geomembrane is an
impermeable synthetic liner or barrier made from relatively thin, continuous
polymeric sheets. The most commonly used polymers are linear low-density
polyethylene (LLDPE), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and polyvinyl
chloride (PVC). Other materials used include Hypalon chlorosulphonated
polyethylene (CSPE), Reinforced Polypropylene (PP-R), and ethylene propylene
diene monomer (EPDM) rubber. Geomembranes are commonly installed as an
impermeable sheet liner with a soil cover. A cellular confinement system (CCS),
commonly referred to as a geocell, is normally made from polyethylene strips
connected in a honeycomb pattern and is filled with earth materials or concrete.
Fabric forms, consisting of woven, double-layer synthetic fabric, are normally
filled with fine-aggregate concrete. Fabric-formed concrete systems are also
referred to as articulating block (AB) mats, as described in Chapter 4.

9.1 Geosynthetic Systems

Geomembranes are a subset of a larger group of geosynthetics that are widely
used in combination with other products to protect surfaces from erosion.
Geosynthetics have a large number of uses in providing protection from dam
seepage, reinforcement for dam raises, slope stabilization, and building roads on
sandy or soft soils, in addition to erosion protection. Geotextiles, another subset of
geosynthetic materials, have been used as an underlayment for other overtopping
protection materials, such as riprap and articulating concrete blocks (ACB).
Geomembranes have been used for watertight liners on the upstream face of
dams. Geosynthetic materials for these uses are not described in this chapter
because they are either used in conjunction with another overtopping protection
system described elsewhere, or are strictly used for waterproofing unrelated to
overtopping protection of embankment or concrete dams.

9.1.1 Geomembrane Liners

A geomembrane can be placed over an embankment dam for overtopping
protection, or over an earthen section, swale, dike, or abutment away from the
main dam, to provide a non-erodible surface for flow. The geomembrane should
be placed over a smooth subgrade with the sides and upstream and downstream
ends trenched and/or attached to fixed sills. The liner should then be protected
with a granular soil cover that will wash away during flood events. Where
feasible, seams between geomembrane rolls should be parallel to the flow. When
geomembrane seams cross the flow, the upstream sheet should overlap the


Overtopping Protection for Dams

downstream sheet. Overlaps of unbonded seams should be a minimum of 3 feet.

Energy dissipation should not be allowed to occur on the liner.
Geomembrane liner materials of various types (such as Hypalon, Reinforced
Polyproylene, and EPDM rubber) are available from many manufacturers. Each
application would be custom designed for the site conditions.

9.1.2 Geocells
Geocells are CCS products that are lightweight, flexible mats made of HDPE
strips and represent a synthetic cellular confinement soil stabilizer. The HDPE
strips are ultrasonically bonded together to form an extremely strong, honeycomb
configuration, or geocell. They are useful in a variety of applications that require
a barrier or structural foundation including slope, channel, and ground
stabilization. The product confines a variety of native or select fill materials,
including soil, sand, aggregate, and concrete. Concrete fill is generally preferred
for erosion control structures that could be subjected to severe or persistent flows
or to hydrodynamic forces from high velocity flows. In concrete revetment or
lining work, the CCS functions as a placement form, able to render large expanses
of poured concrete flexible and permeable. A geomembrane or geotextile is often
placed beneath the CCS for ease of construction or for redundant erosion
Most products are available in various heights and cell sizes in solid wall or
perforated wall (to allow flow between cells) styles. Cell depth typically ranges
from 4 to 8 inches. Typical expanded section sizes range from 8 by 2.6 feet to 8
by 40 feet. There are many manufacturers of geocells, all trademarked products,
with examples of solid wall and perforated wall products shown in Figure 9-1.


Chapter 9 Geomembrane Liners

Figure 9-1.Examples of a perforated and solid geoweb system with various fill
materials (a) Geoweb; (b) TerraCell (Courtesy of WEBTEC, Inc, all rights reserved).

9.1.3 Fabric-Formed Concrete

An additional type of erosion protection is provided by filled-in-place fabric
forms, such as the Filter Point, Filter Band, and Uniform Section from the
Hydrotex product line (manufactured by Synthetex, LLC) and fabric forms from
the Texicon product line (a subsidiary of Donnelly Fabricators). The Hydrotex
Filter Point and Filter Band systems have filtering locations or drains to
provide an erosion-resistant, permeable concrete lining. The Hydrotex Uniform
Section provides a watertight application where needed. Figure 9-2 provides
examples of various fabric-formed concrete systems.
The woven fabric form consists of a series of compartments linked by an
interwoven perimeter. Grout ducts interconnect the compartments, and highstrength cables are normally installed between and through the compartments and
grout ducts. Once filled with grout or fine-aggregate concrete, fabric forms can
provide concrete linings with deeply patterned surfaces. These patterns create a
lining with large hydraulic resistance. The result is reduced overtopping flow

Overtopping Protection for Dams

velocity over a dam crest, or reduced wave run up on the upstream face of a dam.
In addition to erosion protection, these surface characteristics impart stability to
the system by reducing velocities, and allow the designer to affect the flow
characteristics of a channel, creating the opportunity for an engineered
hydraulic system.
By choosing the correct type of fabric form, overtopping flow can be slowed,
reducing downstream velocities and discharge turbulence, or a hydraulicallyefficient, relatively smooth form (such as Hydrotex Uniform Section) can be
chosen to maximize the drainage from a given area.
Filled-in-place fabric forms accommodate themselves to uneven contours, curves,
and subgrades at the time they are filled, so the soil and the concrete protection
are in intimate contact, reducing the chance of erosion beneath the protection.
Some forms create discrete concrete units, attached to each other with fabric
perimeters and/or embedded cables, and these units can articulate to adapt to
uneven settlement. If settlement is a critical design consideration, care in choosing
the right mat is necessary to avoid bridging or the development of voids beneath
the mat.
Specifics on the fabric and final weights and dimensions of these products can be
obtained from the product manufacturers and do not vary much between
manufacturers. An applications chart from one manufacturer shows Filter Point,
Filter Band, and Uniform Section fabric-formed concrete as appropriate for
spillway and flow channel use.
Cellular confinement and fabric-formed concrete systems are provided by
companies that have proprietary claims on product manufacturing, testing, and
application designs. As such, it is difficult to obtain detailed data regarding
performance and applicability as an overtopping protection method. The authors
of this manual have provided their best judgment as to the applicabilit y of the
available design data.


Chapter 9 Geomembrane Liners

Figure 9-2.(a) Filter Point fabric form pumped with concrete (b) Filter Band

fabric form pumped with concrete ; (c) Uniform Section fabric form

(Courtesy of: Synthetex, LLC, all rights reserved).

9.2 Historical Perspective

The research on geomembrane protection for earthen materials exposed to flows
emerged as the membrane materials were strengthened and improved. In the late
1970s, researchers in France (Cassard, 1979) and in the USSR (Kozoreozva,
1977) thought that the use of flexible membranes as spillway protection seemed
The technology was proposed for adding low-cost spillway capacity to existing or
new low-head embankment dams. Therefore, testing was performed on
geomembrane properties and a geomembrane-lined spillway was constructed and
successfully tested in the field application in the 1980s (Timblin et al., 1988), as
described in section Not much work on flexible plain sheets of
geomembrane specifically designed for water conveyance has apparently been
carried out since then, perhaps due to the subsequent development of CCS and
fabric-formed concrete. Research and development of CCS began with the
USACE in 1975 to test the feasibility of constructing tactical bridge approach
roads over soft ground (Webster and Watkins, 1977). Engineers discovered that
sand-confinement systems performed better than conventional crushed stone
sections. They concluded that a sand-confinement system could be developed that


Overtopping Protection for Dams

would provide an expedient construction technique for building approach roads

over soft ground and that the system would not be adversely affected by wet
weather conditions (Webster, 1979 and 1981). These early efforts led to the
civilian commercialization of the product by the Presto Products Company
( to produce the first cellular confinement system from
HDPE that was lightweight, strong, and durable (Webster, 1986). This new
system was used first for load support applications in the United States in the
early 1980s; second for slope erosion control and channel lining in the United
States in 1984; and third for earth retention applications in Canada in 1986.
Additional research on cellular confinement systems or geocells in these
application areas also started during the 1980s (Engel and Flato, 1987; Simons, Li
& Associates, 1988; Bathurst et al., 1993; and Crowe et al., 1989).
The first fabric-formed concrete system was developed and patented by
Construction Techniques, Inc. in the mid-1960s. Geocells and fabric-formed
concrete have since become fairly popular and economical methods for slope and
soil stabilization as they can be filled with soil, gravel, rock, or concrete to
stabilize steep slopes (California Department of Transportation [Caltrans], 2003
and 2006). However, their use for overtopping protection has been limited to date.

9.3 Design and Analysis

There are three factors facing the designer of a geomembrane- or geocell-lined or
fabric-formed spillway or flow channel used for overtopping protection:

Material properties of the systems, both current and long-term

Performance of the systems when exposed to hydraulic loads

Installation of the systems in the field

Material properties, hydraulic performance, and installation for each of the three
product types are described in the following sections.

9.3.1 Geomembrane Liners Material Properties
For this application, the geomembrane is covered with granular material that will
protect the liner from damage caused by animals, foot and vehicle traffic, and
weather or sunlight exposure. Vegetation may also grow in the soil cover, which
could further stabilize the protective system. Sheet liner materials should have:
high tensile strength and flexibility, high puncture and abrasion resistance, good
impact tear resistance, good weatherability, and immunity to bacterial and fungus
attack. The test data for the geomembrane materials that would typically be used
for this type of installation may be found in Timblin et al. (1988). The materials

Chapter 9 Geomembrane Liners

tested passed ASTM test methods D751 and D413 for material and seam strengths
before and after exposure to the elements. See also ASTM D4354 and D4759 for
sampling and testing methods. Similar materials used today include Hypalon
(CSPE), PP-R, and EPDM rubber. Hydraulic Performance
The only known geomembrane-lined spillway channel that has been designed and
constructed was located on the right abutment of Cottonwood Dam No. 5 in
Colorado (when discussed in Timblin et al. in 1988). It had a trapezoidal-shaped
cross section with a 12-foot bottom width and 2:1 side slopes forming a channel
3 feet deep (Timblin et al., 1988). The maximum slope in the channel tested was
0.17 (6:1) and supercritical flow occurred throughout the channel. The overall
drop in the test case was 21.5 feet between the spillway crest and the downstream
apron. The material selected was a 36-mil reinforced Hypalon sheet.
For design purposes, a Mannings n value of 0.015 was used in the test case (see
the case history of Cottonwood Dam in the Appendix). This assumed roughness
value proved to be too high as the field measured velocities exceeded those
expected, suggesting less energy loss, but performance was not compromised. A
maximum design flow of 25 ft3/s and flow velocities up to 26 ft/s were
experienced by the test case (Timblin 1985 and Timblin et al., 1988). The
hydraulic shear stresses associated with these velocities must be accounted for in
the design material strength and anchoring systems (Chow, 1959). The differential
head across the membrane and the uplift pressure must also be determined. The
geomembrane was overlapped by 5 feet (without seaming) in the test case to
allow for release of uplift pressures that may build up underneath the liner.
The hydraulic jump should occur downstream of the liner section at the location
determined from the computed channel velocity and expected downstream
tailwater. If necessary, the designer should provide a terminal structure or an
energy dissipating basin to prevent erosion and undermining of the lined channel,
as described in Reclamations Engineering Monograph, Hydraulic Design of
Stilling Basins and Energy Dissipators (1978).
A geomembrane-lined spillway would typically be considered for a low-head
application and would not be subject to velocities high enough to cause cavitation.
Any new designs for a geomembrane-lined spillway or flow channel for
overtopping protection should fall within the hydraulic design values of the test
case (Timblin et al., 1988), unless additional testing is performed. Installation
The sheet liner should be attached to an upstream and downstream concrete cutoff
sill to prevent migration of the liner. The sheets along the channel should then be
overlapped shingle-fashion by a significant amount, such as the 5 feet provided in


Overtopping Protection for Dams

the field test. The liner is placed in trenches along the sides that are then
backfilled and compacted. The method chosen to provide energy dissipation must
be constructed downstream from the liner. The liner would not be capable of
resisting the pressure fluctuations associated with a hydraulic jump. Figures
9-3 through 9-5 (with dimensions in feet and slopes in H:V) show design and
installation features for the test case and may be generally used by a designer to
specify details of the liner installation.
The sheet liner is installed by hand placing it over the prepared subgrade and
folding it into the trenches and attaching it with redwood furring strips to the
concrete cutoff walls. Machinery is used to place the granular soil cover and
spread it to a minimum thickness of 12 inches.

Figure 9-3.Profile along the centerline of the spillway showing the

location of the geomembrane sheets (dimensions in feet)
(Reclamation figure republished in Timblin, 1985).

Figure 9-4.Typical cross-section of geomembrane installation procedure

along the channel (dimensions in feet)

(Reclamation figure republished in Timblin, 1985).


Chapter 9 Geomembrane Liners

Figure 9-5.Details of the upstream and downstream ends of the geomembrane

blankets, showing a) upstream end of the spillway at the dam crest; b) typical section

along the spillway showing the overlap of about 5 ft; and c) downstream end of the

spillway liner attachment to the concrete end sill (dimensions in feet)

(Reclamation figure republished in Timblin, 1985).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

9.3.2 Geocells Material Properties
Cellular confinement systems (CCS), or geocells, are typically filled with granular
material or soil. However, for steep slopes and high flows, they are most often
filled with concrete to provide a hard articulating armor that can conform to
possible differential settlement. When filled with concrete, no soil cover would be
necessary unless selected for aesthetic purposes. However, a concrete-filled
geocell may be subject to potential uplift pressures if proper drainage is not
Geocells have been developed since the basic sheet liner application reported by
Timblin et al. (1988). These materials meet thickness, strength, weight, and UV
protection criteria outlined by the various manufacturers. Hydraulic Performance
The lateral confinement of CCS combined with anchoring techniques ensures the
long-term stability of slopes using vegetated topsoil, aggregate, or concrete
surfacing (if exposed to severe mechanical and hydraulic pressures). The
enhanced drainage, frictional forces, and cell-fill-plant interaction of CCS limit
downslope movement and the potential impact of rainfall, channeling, and
hydraulic shear stresses. Perforations in the cells allow the passage of water,
nutrients, and organisms within the fill. This encourages plant growth and root
interlock, which further stabilizes the slope and soil mass, and facilitates
landscape rehabilitation. CCS filled with concrete forms a flexible slab that
accommodates minor subgrade movement and minimizes cracking. In mediumand low-velocity flows, CCS with geomembranes below and gravel cover can be
used to create impermeable channels, thereby eliminating the need for concrete
(Caltrans, 2006).
Proprietary testing was performed on the Presto GeoWeb CCS at CSU on a
2:1 slope for a combined system that featured a vegetated reinforced turf over the
top of a CCS (Bathurst et al., 1993; Crowe et al., 1989). The following was
obtained from the manufacturers brochure:
No system instability was observed for shear stresses up to 15.9 lb/ft 2 and for
average velocities up to 26.5 ft/s with peak velocities over 29 ft/s. Due to
facility constraints that prevented testing higher velocities than those reported,
system failure limits were never found. The test results for the integrated
system far exceed the limits of separately reported values of the Geoweb
cellular confinement system and turf reinforcement mats with
topsoil/vegetated soil.


Chapter 9 Geomembrane Liners Installation
CCS installation procedures vary by product and are detailed by the
manufacturers. The following information is from DX2 Geosyntex for
TerraCell. Other manufacturers will have similar requirements.
If it has been determined that TerraCell is the most appropriate solution to a slope
erosion control problem, it is necessary to select the proper cell height, cell size,
and fill material using Figure 9-6, which was developed for moderate site
conditions. Nominal TerraCell dimensions are 9.6- by 8-inches for the standard
cell, 13.7- by 12-inches for the mid-cell, and 19.2- by 16 inches for the large cell.
The maximum size of the fill particles should not be larger than one-third the
height of the cell, which may determine cell height. Moderate conditions are
characterized by modest precipitation and some overtopping flow, without a good
ground cover.

Figure 9-6.TerraCell design guide for moderate conditions

(Courtesy of DX2 Geosyntex, all rights reserved).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Proper anchoring of the TerraCell is critical to how well the product will perform.
Factors to consider for selection of the anchoring method and materials include
degree of slope, length of slope, external loads (such as snow), angle of internal
friction of the fill material and of the slope surface material (using the smaller of
the two), unit weight of the fill material, cell height, and presence of a
geomembrane on the slope.
When considered for overtopping protection, hydraulic parameters must also be
included. The upper edge of the TerraCell should be buried in an anchor trench to
prevent surface water from undermining the installation and to anchor the
TerraCell to the top of the slope. Staking or pinning the TerraCell to a slope is the
common anchoring method when there is no geomembrane present and where the
soil has adequate strength to retain the anchor pins. Steel reinforcing bars bent
into J-hooks, with a length equal to three times the cell height are typically used.
Adjacent sections of TerraCell can be joined together using stainless steel staples
or hog-rings. Tendons and restraint pins are used on steep slopes where additional
support is needed, or where the use of anchor pins is prohibited (such as for a
geomembrance liner or on a rock base), and for very long slopes when more than
one section of TerraCell is required. Tendons usually consist of high-strength
polyester webbing or cord, and must be durable and resistant to creep. The design
load and spacing of the tendons is determined by the force to be supported. A
large number of lighter tendons is preferable to a smaller number of heavier
tendons. Batten strips or large washers are needed at the bottom of the installation
to avoid stress concentrations. The tendons must be securely attached to a support
structure or dead-man within the anchor trench located beyond the crest of the

9.3.3 Fabric-Formed Concrete Material Properties
The materials for the fabric-formed concrete systems are woven from
multifilament and textured yarns. The double-layer fabric is joined at interwoven
controlled centers to form the concrete lining to the desired shape, thickness, and
weight for the selected system. Manufacturers provide tables for the fabric
property requirements based upon physical, mechanical, and hydraulic properties
that are specified for the design. Hydraulic Performance
Only the Hydrotex Filter Point, Filter Band, and Uniform Section
products are claimed by the manufacturers to have characteristics capable of
handling the shear stresses and uplift forces associated with high velocity flows
expected during dam overtopping or spillway flows. The systems also conform
with irregular surfaces to keep intimate contact with the subgrade.


Chapter 9 Geomembrane Liners

Fabric-formed Hydrotex concrete products have been evaluated in an advanced

hydraulics laboratory at a leading research facility. Flume testing of products has
produced design values for permissible shear stress up to 60 lb/ft2 to provide
protection of subgrades under high velocity flow conditions. Uplift pressures were
shown to be reduced with built-in filter drains.
Filter Point linings have a cobbled surface and a relatively high coefficient of
hydraulic friction in order to achieve lower flow velocities, with Mannings n
values reported of 0.025 to 0.030.
Filter Band linings are similar to Filter Point linings but with band-looking
geometry and have the capability of greater relief of uplift pressure and a higher
coefficient of hydraulic friction.
Uniform Section linings are smooth-faced, highly impermeable concrete
linings. They reduce the leakage of water into or out of open channels, landfills,
ponds, basins, and containment areas. The double-layer fabric is vertically
connected at closely-spaced centers by interwoven drop cords of specified length
to form a concrete lining of the desired thickness and weight. With a
comparatively smooth and uniform cross section, Uniform Section concrete
linings exhibit a relatively low coefficient of hydraulic friction (n = 0.015 to
0.020). Specially-designed weep tubes may be inserted through the fabric form,
prior to filling, to relieve hydrostatic pressure.
The manufacturers state that a minimum factor of safety of 1.5 is required for
design, and that installations should either conform to their test protocol or be
accompanied by hydraulic stability calculations derived from mathematical
models developed specifically for fabric-formed concrete linings used in the
intended application. Installation
Fabric forms are lightweight and can be shipped to the job site ready-to-fill.
Installation consists of preparing the foundation area, laying out the fabric forms,
and filling them with fine aggregate concrete from a small-line concrete pump.
The weight component of a fabric-formed system, the fine aggregate concrete,
should be readily available from local concrete suppliers. In areas with difficult or
restricted access, the concrete can be pumped to the fabric forms from as far away
as 800 feet. Fabric forms can generally be installed in wet environments without
dewatering. A typical installation in a canal is shown on Figure 9-7.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure 9-7.Fabric forms being filled with fine aggregate concrete.

(Courtesy of Donnelly Fabricators, all rights reserved).

9.4 Construction Considerations

Special care must be taken in preparation of the subgrade for all geomembrane
liners, geocells, and fabric-formed concrete applications. The subgrade should be
free of stones and rocks that could tear or puncture the materials. In the
Cottonwood Dam No. 5 case history for a geomembrane liner (included in the
Appendix), a small tear was observed in the liner during construction, probably
the result of a fist-sized rock discovered underneath it upon inspection following
operation. Similar damage to a fabric form can result in loss of concrete during
pumping. A geotextile can be used for additional cushioning to improve resistance
to tears and punctures for these systems.
During installation, careful attention should be paid to the edges of the
geosynthetic system. Geomembrane liners normally require excavated trenches
along the sides, top, and downstream toe for the materials to wrap into for
stability. Durable materials, such as redwood or stainless steel strips, should be
used to attach the sheet liner to the upstream and downstream cutoff walls or end
sills for long-term performance. Geocells and fabric-formed concrete may be
anchored at the top of the slope within a trench, with individual sections
connected by durable cables or clips, as recommended by the manufacturer.


Chapter 9 Geomembrane Liners

9.5 Vulnerabilities and Risk

The designer should not expect performance of a geomembrane-lined spillway, or
of a geocell or fabric-formed concrete used for overtopping flow protection,
outside the parameters of the known test case or test conditions, respectively. A
design should not exceed the unit discharge, channel slopes, and flow velocities of
tested conditions for that product. This implies that these systems should only be
used for low-head structures and relatively flat slopes until further research shows
them to be effective and safe for larger and steeper installations.
The materials available for use have improved greatly since they were first
introduced in the mid 1980s; however, they must still be in good condition when
the dam crest, downstream slope, spillway, or flow channel is needed for the safe
passage of flood flows. This suggests the use of durable products and some degree
of inspection and maintenance. The soil cover for a geomembrane liner will
provide mechanical protection from foot and animal traffic, vehicle traffic, and
the elements. However, debris may damage a liner during operation once the soil
cover is washed away.
Potential failure modes that could occur during flood releases include:
Improper anchoring of the geosynthetic system during construction,
resulting in system migration and exposure of the earthen materials
underneath during operation, leading to erosion and headcutting
Vandalism prior to operation
Damage occurring either prior to or during operation, leading to erosion of
the underlying earthen subgrade and failure
Formation of a hydraulic jump on the system surface during operation,
leading to pressure fluctuations sufficient to cause instability and localized
failure near the downstream toe
Inadequate energy dissipation at the downstream end of the system,
leading to erosion and undermining of the end sill
Development of uplift pressures beneath the system causing loss of the
For fabric-formed concrete installations, and for geocells filled with concrete,
uplift is a real concern if adequate drainage or some form of pressure relief is not
A failure of any portion of the geosyntheticovertopping protection system would
likely lead to progressive upstream and lateral erosion of the dam or flow channel.
Depending upon the location of the overtopping flow and duration of the flood

Overtopping Protection for Dams

release, this could lead to failure of the embankment dam and/or release of the

9.5.1 Maintenance Considerations

Maintenance requirements for geomembranes, geocells, and fabric-formed
concrete will generally be provided by the manufacturers of the product.
Vegetative growth over the granular material covering a geomembrane liner, or
within a geocell, could provide some additional erosion protection, but would
have to be regularly maintained by mowing. Woody vegetation should not be
allowed to grow anywhere on the overtopping protection system as this would
cause turbulence and flow concentrations and increase the chances of erosion.
One case history of the experimental use of a geomembrane liner for an
embankment dam spillway is provided in the Appendix (Cottonwood Dam No. 5).
Also provided in the Appendix is a case history of the use of a geocell system for
erosion protection along the toe of an embankment slope for a landfill site
(Empire Landfill). No case histories of geosynthetic materials used for
overtopping protection of an embankment dam are provided in the Appendix.


Chapter 10 Alternatives for Embankment Dams

Chapter 10. Summary of Overtopping

Protection Alternatives for Embankment Dams


There are many different types of overtopping protection systems that have been
considered or used for embankment dams. The preceding chapters describe each
of them in some detail, including a historical perspective of their development and
use, design and analysis guidance, construction considerations, and a discussion
of their potential vulnerabilities and risks, including summaries of their
performance to date and potential failure modes. Selected case histories of these
various types of systems have also been provided in the Appendix. The following
sections provide a brief assessment of each of these systems using physical,
hydraulic, and socio-economic factors as a means of comparison. This
information is intended to provide a quick reference to identify the various
similarities and differences, and potential advantages and limitations, of each of
the overtopping protection systems presented in this manual, and can be used to
help determine the various systems that may best apply to a given situation and be
suitable for further study. These overtopping protection alternatives would then be
studied further, either analytically or with laboratory model studies, for the
selection of the preferred alternative and for preparation of final designs.

10.1 Physical Factors

Physical factors for assessment of overtopping protection systems for
embankment dams include the physical dimensions of the dam itself, the physical
properties of the system components, and the physical conditions of the site.

10.1.1 Dam Dimensions

The height of the embankment dam, or the difference in elevation between the
dam crest and the downstream toe (or downstream channel), determines the drop
height for the dam overtopping protection and will directly influence the
maximum flow velocities that can be developed on the downstream face by
converting potential energy to kinetic energy. This will also affect the amount of
energy dissipation required at the toe of the dam. The dam height also affects the
potential breach outflow in the event of dam failure and loss of reservoir, and
therefore the downstream consequences and the hazard potential classification. If
large dams are defined as those having a height of greater than 50 feet8, only
RCC, CRCS, and reinforced rockfill have been considered or used for
overtopping protection of large embankment dams. Most laboratory testing of
overtopping protection systems has been limited to a drop height of 50 feet or less

As defined by the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD). Dam crest length,
reservoir storage capacity, and spillway discharge capacity are also considered in the ICOLD

Overtopping Protection for Dams

(e.g., CSU flume), which includes various types of precast concrete blocks
(ACBs), riprap, and turf systems. The remaining system types (gabions and
geosynthetics) would seem to be limited to drop heights up to about 25 feet.
The downstream slope of the dam will directly affect the hydraulic shear stress on
the system during operation (steeper slopes producing higher shear stresses), and
may have significant effects on the construction and maintenance of the system.
Most embankment slopes range between 1.5:1 and 4:1, and the systems covered
here have generally been considered for use on slopes within this range, with the
possible exception of geomembrane liners (at 6:1). Most laboratory testing of
overtopping protection systems has included testing on a 2:1 slope (e.g., CSU
flume). Rockfill and reinforced rockfill slopes can be as steep as about 1.5:1.
Gabion baskets have been tested to a slope of 1:1 for low drop heights. RCC
placed in horizontal lifts has been frequently used for downstream slopes of 0.6:1
or steeper in concrete dam applications (producing a thicker section with steeper
slopes). Vegetated slopes are generally used on flatter slopes to accommodate
mowing and other maintenance operations. Any abrupt changes in the
downstream slope may create a flow disturbance and require special attention in
the design. Structures that protrude into the overtopping flow may cause
turbulence and scour, and should be avoided.
The crest length of the dam will determine the total discharge capacity possible
for a maximum allowable unit discharge, or permit a reduction in unit discharge
by fully utilizing the available crest length. The relation of the crest length to the
downstream channel width will affect the amount of flow convergence required if
fully ut ilized, resulting in potential air bulking and standing waves on the
downstream face of the dam, with larger dams having longer crests in relation to
the downstream channel width.
Where camber is provided on the dam crest, overtopping flows may be
concentrated at the ends of the dam where crest elevations are lower, and along
the downstream groins. All overtopping protection systems require a uniform
crest to avoid flow concentrations. Any potential future settlement of the dam
embankment could concentrate overtopping flows near the central portion or
maximum section of the dam and should be accommodated by the system design.
Additional protective measures and more robust overtopping protection system
designs are required where flows may concentrate.
The age and composition of the dam should also be considered in the selection of
an overtopping protection alternative. Newer dams that are subject to future
consolidation or settlement may require a system that can conform to such
movement, such as rockfill, riprap, gabions, vegetative cover, articulating
concrete blocks, and some geosynthetic systems. Rigid systems, such as RCC,
CRCS, grouted riprap, and fabric-formed concrete, may either crack with
embankment settlement or span localized areas of settlement, producing
undesirable voids beneath the protective system which may remain undetected.


Chapter 10 Alternatives for Embankment Dams

Rigid systems may also be more vulnerable to seismic loads. Most embankment
dams will require some provisions for drainage and pressure relief at the
downstream face from existing or future seeps. The composition of the
downstream face of the dam may affect filter requirements and system anchor
design where required. The overtopping protection system must be filter
compatible with the underlying embankment materials to prevent piping, which
may require multiple zoned layers between a rockfill embankment and the system.
Installation of anchors within an existing rockfill surface may also be difficult.

10.1.2 Physical Properties of System Components

The system components will have varying physical properties related to
durability, constructability, drainage, performance, and maintenance. Durability
relates to how resistant the system components are to corrosion, abrasion,
cavitation damage, freeze-thaw damage, UV light, and debris loads. Systems
relying upon steel components, such as gabions and reinforced rockfill, must
consider corrosion protection and potential abrasion damage in the design.
Stainless steel cables, galvanized or PVC-coated wire, or reinforcing bars can be
used. Concrete systems should also consider potential abrasion damage and debris
loads during overtopping flows by specifying higher concrete compressive
strengths, or possibly allowing for a sacrificial surface subject to future loss as for
RCC. Many systems may include a soil cover for protection against freeze-thaw
damage (especially for RCC) and UV light (for various geosynthetic materials).
Conventional concrete is commonly air-entrained for improved freeze-thaw
durability. Most systems are not subjected to flow velocities sufficiently high to
produce cavitation, other than possibly CRCS systems on large dams, for which
air slots or ramps can be provided.
Constructability and contract duration will vary with the system and with the site.
RCC and CRCS designs will require contractors experienced with that specific
type of construction. RCC construction can generally be performed faster than for
conventional concrete, but that may depend upon the details of the design.
Systems requiring conventional earthwork, such as vegetative cover and rockfill,
will generally be the most easily constructed provided the materials are available
at the site. Gabions may also fit in this category. Reinforced rockfill will generally
be limited to new construction due to the deep anchors required. Proprietary
systems, such as most ACBs and geosynthetics, will require consultation with the
manufacturers for design and construction assistance.
Some form of drainage or pressure relief will be required for all overtopping
protection systems. Some systems provide natural drainage, such as gabions and
rockfill, while others will require special drainage layers, collector pipes, weep
holes, and outlets. Drainage systems must protect against the development of
uplift pressures and be adequately filtered to prevent internal erosion of finegrained materials.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

The performance of most overtopping protection systems in the field under design
loads is largely untested due to the remoteness of the design flood events. All
systems included in this manual have been tested in the laboratory, or to some
degree in the field, and the design parameters of any overtopping protection
system should be within the limits tested. Numerous RCC overtopping protection
projects have been shown to perform well for long durations and for overtopping
depths of up to several feet. Some overtopping of cable-tied ACBs (e.g., for a
temporary cofferdam at Portugues Dam in Puerto Rico) and non-cable-tied ACBs
(e.g., for downchutes at Richmond Hill Mine, in Appendix) have been reported.
Since embankment dams normally have a downstream slope that is either
vegetated or composed of rockfill, any overtopping of embankment dams can
provide information as to their performance up to the maximum conditions
sustained, with or without failure (see discussions of Virginia Kendall Dam in
Section 6.5 and the four dams on the Yellow River in Section 2.4.1, which all had
a vegetated overflow surface). The potential vulnerabilities and risks of each
system should always be carefully evaluated before selection for final design and
Some overtopping protection systems use geotextiles as the primary component,
or to provide for filtration, drainage, or added erosion protection of the underlying
soils. While the use of geotextiles is gaining acceptance for some dam
applications, many regulatory agencies (including Reclamation) would not use a
geotextile in an embankment dam where its poor performance could lead to
failure of the dam or require costly repairs. The filtration function of a geotextile
located beneath an overtopping protection system is usually critical to the
successful operation of the system. Geotextiles may tear with the placement of the
overtopping protection units or displace under the high velocity and turbulent
flows of the overtopping event. In some cases, system failure at one small
location can cause complete failure of the dam. Overtopping protection systems
that rely on a geotextile as an essential line of defense to protect against scouring
of the underlying soil materials during overtopping of an embankment dam
should be designed with special attention to the durability and longevity of the
geotextile or should be avoided.
A terminal structure is normally required at the downstream end of the system to
provide energy dissipation for the overtopping flow. Stepped systems, such as
RCC placed in horizontal lifts, tapered wedge blocks, and stacked gabions, or
systems with high surface roughness, such as rockfill, riprap, and most fabricformed concrete, will provide some energy dissipation before reaching the toe,
which can result in the design of a smaller terminal structure. Most systems
require some additional strength or capacity to resist the larger hydraulic forces
normally associated with a hydraulic jump, such as an increased thickness or
additional reinforcement, while other systems must avoid the occurrence of a
hydraulic jump on the surface entirely.


Chapter 10 Alternatives for Embankment Dams

Maintenance requirements will also vary with the system. All systems should be
inspected regularly to the extent possible for signs of deterioration or damage.
Buried systems will still require the maintenance of the vegetative or soil cover.
Vegetation must be maintained in good condition and mowed to a height between
2 and 6 inches to remain effective. Trees, shrubs, or other woody vegetation
should never be permitted on the overtopping protection, to avoid potential
damage by roots, allow proper inspection, and avoid flow disturbance during
operation. Exposed concrete surfaces should be inspected for cracks and open
joints. Drains should be periodically inspected and outlets should be maintained
open and free-draining. Systems relying upon steel components, such as gabions
and reinforced rockfill, must be periodically inspected for corrosion or abrasion
damage. Proprietary systems should be maintained in accordance with the
manufacturers instructions.

10.1.3 Site Conditions

Site conditions include climatic conditions, and will affect the availability of
system components or materials. Climatic conditions will determine whether
freeze-thaw protection is a consideration (not a concern in warmer climates) and
the ability to sustain a good grass cover for vegetated systems or in the soil cover
for buried systems (i.e. sufficient rainfall and moderate temperatures). High
temperatures or extreme temperature ranges may cause expansion and
delamination or cracking of cast-in-place concrete systems.
Site access and the availability of materials will affect construction costs and may
favor some systems over others. RCC and CRCS systems, and fabric-formed
concrete, require a sufficient source of good quality sand and coarse aggregates
and of cementitious materials. Precast concrete systems generally require a local
manufacturing facility, and access for tractor-trailers if delivered to the site in
cable-tied mats. Rockfill and riprap systems will require suitable local supplies of
good quality rock of a sufficient size for the design. Otherwise, smaller rock may
require (in order of decreasing size) a reinforced rockfill, gabion, or geocell
system design, if suitable for the application.

10.2 Hydraulic Factors

Hydraulic factors resulting from selection of the IDF for the overtopping
protection system include the design unit discharge and total discharge, design
head on the crest, maximum flow velocity, and maximum shear stress. These
factors are interrelated, as the:
Total discharge is the product of the design unit discharge and the crest
Design head is a function of the design unit discharge and the crest



Overtopping Protection for Dams

Flow velocity (or terminal velocity in some cases) is a function of the unit
discharge, drop height, and surface roughness
Shear stress is a function of the flow depth (which is related to the flow
velocity), downstream slope, and unit weight of water
The highest unit dischargesand highest design headsof all of the overtopping
protection systems evaluated for this manual are associated with the RCC and
CRCS systems. Attachment 1 indicates maximum unit discharges of
316 and 340 ft3/s/ft, and maximum overflow depths up to 20.4 feet, for RCC
overtopping protection projects in Texas and Tennessee.
The average design unit discharge for all RCC overtopping protection projects in
the United States is about 80 ft3/s/ft. Reclamation prepared designs for a CRCS
system requiring a maximum unit discharge of 280 ft3/s/ft, with a corresponding
maximum overflow depth of about 18 feet for A. R. Bowman Dam (see the case
history in Appendix).
Of the precast concrete block (or ACB) systems, cable-tied mats have been tested
to a unit discharge of about 30 ft3/s/ft (or an overflow depth of 4.2 feet), while
tapered wedge blocks have been tested to a higher unit discharge of about 42
ft3/s/ft (or an overflow depth of 5.5 feet).
One reinforced rockfill dam (Pit No. 7 Afterbay Dam) has sustained overtopping
flows of up to 153 ft3/s/ft (or an overflow depth of 14 feet) with some damage,
while most flow-through rockfill and riprap installations are generally limited for
design to much lower unit discharges between about 10 and 24 ft3/s/ft (or
overflow depths between about 2 and 4 feet).
Gabions have performed satisfactorily for unit discharges of up to 32 ft3/s/ft, with
similar performance for reinforced turf.
Natural grass systems are extremely dependent upon the type and quality of the
grass cover, and composition of the underlying soil, and will have design unit
discharges ranging between 6 and 24 ft3/s/ft (or overflow depths between about 1
and 4 feet). Unlike the other systems, natural grass systems are also limited by
overtopping duration to a period of hours, depending upon the erosionally
effective stress and clay content of the soil (see Chapter 6).
Many of the systems have been tested to a drop height of up to 50 feet, and have
corresponding maximum flow velocities between 20 and 30 ft/s. Applications of
RCC and CRCS for higher dams will result in higher flow velocities. Of generally
greater importance to performance of these systems is the associated shear stress,
or the product of the slope, flow depth, and unit weight of water. At any given
location on the slope, the unit discharge is equal to the product of the flow depth
and flow velocity. The unit weight of water is typically 62.4 lb/ft3. The maximum
allowable shear stresses of systems reporting shear stress as a factor range from


Chapter 10 Alternatives for Embankment Dams

about 9 lb/ft2 (without failure) for synthet ic turf revetments, to about 16 lb/ft2 for
a vegetated geocell, and 35 lb/ft2 for a gabion. Fabric-formed concrete reported an
allowable shear stress of 60 lb/ft2. Natural grass systems under optimum
conditions are limited to a shear stress of 13.5 lb/ft 2 or less, beyond which
instantaneous failure of the vegetal cover would occur through uprooting or
tearing and removal of the leaves and stems (see Chapter 6).

10.3 Socio-Economic Factors

Socio-economic factors affecting the selection of an overtopping protection
system include construction cost, aesthetics, and downstream consequences.
Although a detailed evaluation of construction costs for the various systems is
beyond the scope of this manual, some information on construction cost
comparisons between selected systems has been presented.
Design studies of potential overtopping protection systems for the tallest
embankment dam considered to date, at 200 feet (A. R. Bowman Dam), focused
on RCC and CRCS systems in 1992. At that time, a smooth CRCS system was
determined to be more economical than a stepped RCC system. A reinforced
rockfill alternative was determined to have the lowest construction cost, but was
not considered technically feasible for that dam height (200 feet) and depth of
overtopping (18 feet). However, based on the large number of RCC overtopping
protection projects in the U.S., compared to the other systems, it is assumed that
for those particular projects (with an average height of 44 feet and an average
design overflow depth of 8 feet), RCC was found to be a very cost effective
For smaller dams with relatively small depths of overtopping, natural grass may
be the cheapest alternative where feasible, followed by turf reinforcement and
synthetic turf revetments. Gabion structures are generally considered to be more
economical than rockfill or riprap placements (all other factors being equal) due
to the ability to construct them without heavy equipment. Rockfill (including
reinforced rockfill) and riprap placements will generally be less expensive than
concrete systems (RCC, CRCS, and ACBs) when suitable rock materials are
locally available. Of the concrete systems, ACBs are probably most economical
for small projects when precast concrete blocks can be supplied locally, assuming
they are technically feasible for the application. Future maintenance costs for all
systems may also be an important factor in the evaluation and selection process.
Aesthetics may play an important role in the final appearance of an overtopping
protection project. Many completed RCC and ACB installations on the
downstream face of embankment dams have included the addition of a soil cover
and grass to preserve the natural appearance of the site. As discussed previously,
four RCC overtopping projects on the Yellow River (Section 2.4.1), and three
ACB overtopping projects along the Blue Ridge Parkway (within a National Park)


Overtopping Protection for Dams

(Section 4.1), included a soil cover with grass to blend with the surroundings.
Synthetic turf revetments are designed to look like natural grass to improve the
appearance of a site that perhaps could not sustain grass. Gabions and geocells
can be vegetated, and geomembrane liners require a soil cover for protection.
Rockfill and riprap placements also have a natural appearance and can blend in
with rocky landscapes. For proper performance, CRCS and tapered wedge block
installations are normally not covered with soil and will therefore retain the
appearance of concrete. Although uncommon, colored concrete or concrete stains
could be considered for these installations if necessary.
Hazard potential classification is based on the probability of life loss, and the
extent of property damage, in the event of dam failure. Dams located in or near
populated areas will generally have a significant or high hazard potential
classification. Some of the overtopping protection systems considered in this
manual may not be considered appropriate for use for significant or high hazard
potential dams by some regulatory agencies, at least until more performance data
are collected. For example, Reclamation is developing a document that would
limit the use of tapered wedge blocks (specifically ArmorWedge blocks for which
Reclamation holds the patent) to low hazard potential dams at this time. A similar
concern may exist for the use of geomembrane liners and geocells, due in part to
concerns for their durability and longevity. It is also currently Reclamations
position that there is too much uncertainty and too great a chance of dam failure
with a rockfill protection system, whether or not it is reinforced, to employ it as
the only means of protection from floods that overtop a (new or modified) high or
significant hazard earthfill embankment dam. The designer of any overtopping
protection project must determine whether there are any regulatory requirements
or constraints that may limit the types of overtopping protection systems available
for further consideration.

10.4 Summary Table

Table 10-1 provides a summary of design parameters for various overtopping
protection systems for embankment dams that may represent practical upper
limits for their applications. The designer, however, must confirm that any
particular system selected will perform satisfactorily for the actual conditions of a
given project. Most regulatory agencies will only approve applications of
overtopping protection technology for embankment dams that are clearly within
the established capabilities of the technology proposed.


Chapter 10 Alternatives for Embankment Dams

Table 10-1.Summary of design limits for overtopping protection systems








Synthetic turf 6
Geo liners
Typical embankment slopes assumed (1.5:1 to 3:1)
See reference chapter for more information.
Natural grass systems assume good cover and are time dependent (i.e., for short
Rockfill and riprap systems are size and gradation dependent (i.e., larger rock of
uniform size performs best)


Part 2

Part 2: Concrete Dams

Chapter 11 General Considerations for Concrete Dams

Chapter 11. General Considerations for

Concrete Dams


Concrete dams generally pose less concern regarding failure during an

overtopping event than do embankment dams. The dam itself is typically
considered non-erodible, and the foundation is generally erosion resistant as most
concrete dams are founded on rock. Rock foundations can still be erodible;
however, depending on the weathering and fracture profiles in the foundation and
the spacing, orientation, opening, and continuity of joints and other discontinuities
in the foundation rock. The first part of this chapter (Sections 11.1 through 11.6)
provides some general guidance for evaluating the potential for dam failure given
flood overtopping and the second part of this chapter (Sections 11.7 through 11.8)
focuses on evaluating and designing remedial measures if corrective action is

11.1 Historical Perspective

There have been a number of instances where concrete dams were overtopped.
Some case histories of concrete dams that overtopped during large floods are
briefly described below.

11.1.1 Sweetwater DamCalifornia: 1895

In 1895, a rain of six inches in a 24-hour period created a catastrophic flood. The
result was that Sweetwater Dam was overtopped for a period of 40 hours, with the
highest reservoir level 22 inches over the top elevation of the parapet located on
the dam crest. The dam remained stable during this event, but the cascading water
caused erosion downstream from the structure and washed away some of the
pipeline and other facilities. Following this flood, the parapet was raised two feet,
except for a 200-foot long section in the middle of the dam that was left as an
overflow weir or spillway. An additional spillway was added on one abutment of
the dam. On January 14, 1916 the dam overtopped again, following 6 days of rain.
Another storm drenched the county on January 24 that same year, and the lake
rose 3 feet above the top of the dam, creating a huge waterfall as it spilled over
the entire span of the dam. This overtopping initiated erosion of the upper
abutments of the dam and created erosion channels around the ends of the dam.
This created a torrent of water that rushed down the Sweetwater Valley, causing
extensive damage. A more detailed discussion of this potential failure mode is
provided in the Appendix.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

11.1.2 Secondary (Saddle) Dam of Sella ZerbinoItaly: 1935

The Secondary Dam of Sella Zerbino is one of two dams that was completed in
1925 to form a reservoir on the Orba River, in South Piedmont, Italy, near
Liguria. The main dam is a 154-foot high gravity arch dam and the secondary
dam was a 46-foot high concrete gravity dam. The secondary dam was added late
in the design process to close off a low spot in the reservoir rim, when it was
decided to increase the capacity of the reservoir. The secondary dam was
designed and constructed quickly, without any geologic investigations. The
foundation for the secondary dam consisted of highly faulted and fractured
schistose rock. During initial filling, significant seepage was observed
downstream from the dam. A large storm occurred in the drainage basin above the
reservoir on August 13, 1935. It was reported that 14 inches of rain fell in the
Orba basin in less than 8 hours, equating to about a 1,000-year event. The inflow
into the reservoir resulted in both dams being overtopped by about 6 feet. The
Secondary Dam of Sella Zerbino failed as a result of the overtopping, resulting in
over 100 fatalities. (See

11.1.3 Gibson DamMontana, USA: 1964

Gibson Dam is a 199-foot-high concrete arch dam constructed by Reclamation on
the Sun River on the east side of the Continental Divide. The dam was completed
in 1929, and the spillway was modified in 1938. In June 1964, a major flood
developed in the area, producing 30-hour rainfall amounts from 8 to 16 inches.
Overtopping of Gibson Dam began at 2:00 p.m. on June 8 and continued until
10:00 a.m. on June 9. High water marks indicated a maximum overtopping depth
of 3.2 feet. The operators had left two of the spillway gates completely open, two
partially open, and two completely closed. The access road was inundated by the
overtopping flows, and personnel could not get to the spillway gate controls to
operate them. However, even if all gates had been fully open, the dam would have
overtopped. The dam survived the overtopping, with some erosional damage to
the limestone abutments. A more detailed discussion of this case history is
provided in the Appendix.

11.2 Failure Mechanisms (Potential Failure Modes)

Overtopping of concrete dams can lead to dam failure and an uncontrolled release
of the reservoir through a number of mechanisms. These general potential failure
modes are described below. The specifics of a potential failure mode will depend
on the site-specific characteristics of the dam and foundation.


Chapter 11 General Considerations for Concrete Dams

11.2.1 Scour and Undermining

Rock foundations are generally more resistant to erosion than a soil foundation,
but rock foundations can erode extensively, depending on the characteristics of
the foundation rock mass, and erosion can lead to undermining and breach of the
dam. The following description is an example of a potential failure mode
involving scour and undermining of a concrete dam:
During a large flood, the concrete dam overtops and a scour hole develops
downstream from the dam, as rock blocks are plucked from an area on the
downstream right abutment above the tailwater pool. Headcutting erosion
initiates, which progressively extends the erosion in the upstream direction. The
concrete gravity dam is undermined, resulting in loss of foundation support and
instability in the dam due to sliding of two of the concrete dam monoliths at the
foundation contact. The adjacent monoliths are not adequate to support the sliding
monoliths leading to a failure of the shear keys at the vertical contraction joints in
the dam, continued sliding and a reservoir release through the area of the two
failed mono liths.

11.2.2 Scour and Exposure of Sliding Planes of Foundation Blocks

Dam failure can occur even if the dam is not undermined due to scour and
headcutting. The following description is an example of a potential failure mode
involving scour that develops downstream from the dam foundation but that leads
to instability in the dam foundation:
During a large flood, a concrete butress dam overtops and a scour hole develops
downstream from the dam, as rock blocks are plucked from an area near the
center of the dam. The scour hole does not progress upstream, but widens and
deepens. The scour hole becomes large enough that the sliding plane and side
planes for a large foundation block are able to daylight (with the foundation
material removed the foundation block planes intersect the sides of the scour hole
opening) into the large opening. With the removal of passive foundation rock,
which stabilized the foundation block, sliding of the block initiates. The block is
large enough that a significant portion of the foundation support for the buttress
dam is removed. This causes stress in the dam concrete that cannot be effectively
redistributed and leads to extensive cracking of the dam. The cracking leads to
instability in the center portion of the dam and loss of the dam in this area. The
majority of the reservoir is lost through the breach in the dam.
See Figure 11-1 for a depiction of this potential failure mode.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure 11-1.Scour downstream from concrete dam showing potential for daylighting
of foundation discontinuities (Reclamation).

11.3 Concrete Dam Type

There are three main types of concrete dams: gravity dams, arch dams, and
buttress dams. They have different footprints and different abilities to withstand
erosion of the foundation downstream and underneath them:
Gravity dams have a wide base and are massive structures. Undermining
of the dam may have to be extensive to result in dam instability.
Arch dams have a smaller footprint and can be more easily undermined,
but they also have the ability to redistribute loads effectively in the arch
and cantilever directions.
Buttress dams have a more limited footprint than gravity dams and can be
vulnerable if localized erosion occurs at the location of a buttress.
The three basic types of concrete dams will be discussed in more detail here. Each
has unique stability considerations that can be affected by erosion of the dam

11.3.1 Concrete Gravity Dams

A concrete gravity dam achieves stability through the massive nature of the
structure. The size and shape of the structure makes it stable against sliding and
overturning. Gravity dams have wide bases and localized erosion at the toe of the
dam can likely be tolerated in most cases without significantly affecting the
stability of the dam. Exceptions to this would be if extensive erosion occurs


Chapter 11 General Considerations for Concrete Dams

(encroaching on the middle third of the dam base) or if a large removable

foundation block is allowed to daylight due to erosion at the toe of the dam, and
driving forces on the foundation block are sufficient to initiate sliding.

11.3.2 Concrete Arch Dams

A concrete arch dam provides redundant load carrying capacity. That is, an arch is
a very forgiving structure. If one part of the structure is overstressed, for example
due to cantilever cracking (e.g., horizontal cracking due to large vertical tensile
stresses) at the upstream face of the dam, the load can be transferred to other parts
of the structure and transmitted by arch action to the abutments.
A possibly more serious condition occurs when an abutment foundation block
upon which the dam rests becomes unstable under increased flood loading, which
may be compounded by overtopping flows and foundation erosion. The increase
in reservoir level not only affects the load on the dam which will be transmitted to
the foundation, but also the hydrostatic forces on the foundation block bounding
planes (joints, faults, shears, bedding plane partings, foliation planes, etc.).
Overtopping flows can also enter discontinuities downstream from the dam,
further pressurizing these features. Therefore, it is important to perform abutment
stability analyses under the increased loading (see Scott, 1999).

11.3.3 Concrete Buttress Dams

Buttress dams are concrete structures consisting of two basic features: an
upstream water barrier and buttresses. The upstream water barrier can be a flat
slab, large domes, cylindrical arches, or massive heads buttresses. The upstream
water barrier transfers the reservoir load into the buttresses that then transfer the
load into the foundation similar to a gravity dam. Buttress dams can be thought of
as hollowed-out gravity dams with a sloping upstream face. They were typically
built in the first half of the 20th century instead of gravity dams to save on
concrete material costs. The sloping upstream face allows the buttresses to
efficiently carry static loads because the weight of the water on the dam adds to
the vertical force transmitted to the foundation and therefore increases the
stability of the dam. Simply supported struts may be installed perpendicular to
and between buttresses to provide lateral support. Struts may not be installed if
the buttresses are more massive. Depending on the thickness of the concrete
members, buttress dams may or may not have reinforcing steel. Also, since most
of the buttress dams were built in the early 1900s and static loads are carried in
compression, reinforcement is minimal by current standards.
Buttress dams can be vulnerable to erosion from overtopping flows if the erosion
occurs adjacent to a buttress and leads to undermining of the buttress or
daylighting of sliding planes for removable foundation wedges. Either of these
conditions could lead to sliding of a buttress and failure of the buttress dam.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

11.4 Site Implications

11.4.1 Geometry of Top of Dam
The geometry of the top of the dam will influence the potential for erosion of the
dam foundation because of the potential for the concentration of overtopping
flows. If the top of dam or top of parapet walls on the crest of the dam are at a
constant elevation, the depth of overtopping flows will be uniform across the top
of the dam. If the top of dam is not at a uniform elevation, or if the parapet wall
does not extend completely to the abutments or has breaks in it (not continuous),
there may be locations where flows concentrate and erosion initiates. Dams can
be designed or modified to limit the portions of the dam that are overtopped. This
can reduce the extent of overtopping protection that is needed on the downstream
abutments and dam foundation.

11.4.2 Concentration of Flows Along Groin

In addition to the flows that impinge on a dam foundation from overtopping
flows, more effects from overtopping flows may result from flows that initiate at
the upper abutments and then increase due to accumulations of other overtopping
flows that then flow down along the groin of the dam (i.e., dam foundation
contact along the abutments). These flows may become substantial, especially for
dams with long crest lengths, and these flows may have sufficient energy to erode
the foundation rock independent or in combination with the erosion that takes
place from the impinging flows.

11.4.3 Trajectory of Overtopping Flows

The trajectory of overtopping flows will determine:

Where the overtopping flows will impact on the foundation

The location where erosion of the dam foundation is likely to start, if

erosion initiates.

The trajectory of the jet will be a function of the overtopping depth, the geometry
of the dam and foundation and the details of the dam crest (whether or not parapet
walls are provided on the crest of the dam and the details of the parapet wall).
The jet characteristics must be carefully determined to adequately predict the
erosion or scour potential. The flow overtopping a concrete dam is shown in the
definition sketch, Figure 11-2(a). Important parameters are the initial angle of
issuance, which will typically be zero for dam overtopping flows, and the initial
jet thickness as the jet leaves the top of the structure (brink depth). The brink
depth and initial velocity are computed from the discharge over the dam.


Chapter 11 General Considerations for Concrete Dams

Figure 11-2.Free jets (a) overtopping a dam, (b) issuing from an orifice through a

dam, (c) definition sketch for parameters of a free falling jet.

(Courtesy of Bollaert, 2002, all rights reserved)


Overtopping Protection for Dams

The discharge is computed using the weir equation in Equation 11-1.


Eq. 11-1


the discharge coefficient for the dam crest


the length of the dam crest


the overtopping head

The critical flow depth is computed by the relationship, shown in Equation 11-2,
dc = (q2/g)1/3

Eq. 11-2


the discharge per unit of crest length


the acceleration due to gravity

The brink depth can be determined using relationships developed between the
critical depth and the brink depth by Rouse (1936) and Delleur et al. (1956) (see
Wahl et al. (2008) for details of both studies).
The trajectory of overtopping flows can be computed using the equation of
motion, assuming no aerodynamic influences on the jet. The equation (Equation
11-3)for the bottom edge of the trajectory of a jet issuing horizontally from the
top of the dam due to dam overtopping is:
y = -gx2/((2)Vi2)

Eq. 11-3

Vi =

the mean jet velocity at issuance from the dam.

A more general equation (Equation 11-4) allowing for the initial jet to be inclined
at an angle is (Wahl et al., 2008):

Eq. 11-4



hv =

the velocity head at the brink


an empirical constant, set equal to 1 to obtain the theoretical trajectory

neglecting aerodynamic effects.

Chapter 11 General Considerations for Concrete Dams

The upper edge of the jet is defined by adding the initial depth or jet thickness to
the bottom edge of the jet. These basic equations provide a general indication of
the impingement points of the overtopping flows. The impingent point will also
vary, depending on the downstream geometries. Higher on the abutments, the jet
will impinge a shorter distance from the dam crest, since the vertical distance to
the foundation is less. The trajectory of the overtopping flows can be calculated
for a number of dam cross sections and the impingement locations then plotted in
plan view. This is useful for identifying the portion of the overtopping flows that
will discharge into the downstream tailwater, and if overtopping protection is
already in place can be used to determine if the extent of the overtopping
protection is adequate. Figure 11-3, 11-4, and 11-5 provide examples of this.
Changes in jet characteristics take place as the jet falls through the air to the
impact point with the foundation or with tailwater (see Figure-11-5). An inner
core of the jet remains unaffected by aeration, but diminishes in size as the jet
travels through the air, while the outer part of the jet begins to aerate and grows in
size. A first refinement in the modeling of overtopping jets is to predict the
dimension of the inner jet core and outer jet spread. Using the continuity equation,
Ervine et al. (1997) developed an equation (Equation 11-5) for the diameter of the
core of a round jet (Dj):
Dj = Di(Vi/Vj)1/2

Eq. 11-5

Di and Vi are the initial depth of overtopping and the initial velocity of the jet
and Vj is the velocity at the location of impact (Equation 11-6):
Vj = (Vi2 + 2gZ)1/2

Eq. 11-6

the elevation drop from reservoir level to the tailwater pool.

A similar equation (Equation 11-7) can easily be developed for a rectangular jet
by applying the continuity principle:
tj = ti(Vi/Vj)
tj =
ti =
Vi =

Eq. 11-7

the jet thickness at the point of impact

the initial brink depth
initial velocity of the jet


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure 11-3.Sectional view of the final trajectory profile for the PMF though a dam
section aligned with the river channel (the concrete surface line identifies the
downstream edge of the concrete overtopping protection from the upper abutment of
the dam down to the maximum section of the dam) (Reclamation 2006).


Chapter 11 General Considerations for Concrete Dams

Figure 11-4.Footprint of the trajectory with no spread of the jet for the PMF
overtopping. Note the location of the footprint extends beyond the right abutment
protection between contour elevations 4660 and 4710. The tailwater for the PMF is
shown on the plan view in blue at Elevation 4670 (Reclamation 2006).

Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure 11-5.Sectional view of predicted trajectories for various frequency

overtopping flood events (the concrete surface line represents the downstream edge
of the concrete overtopping protection from the upper abutment to the maximum
section of the dam (Reclamation 2006).


Chapter 11 General Considerations for Concrete Dams

Ervine and Falvey (1987) studied circular jets and found that the rate of spread of
the outer portion of the jet depends on the turbulence intensity and the distance
traveled by the jet through the air. This leads to an equation (Equation 11-8) for
the outer diameter Dout (Annandale, 2006).
Dout = Di + 2*0.38(TuLj)
Tu =

Eq. 11-8

the turbulence intensity of the jet

Lj =

the distance traveled by the jet along the trajectory arc as it falls
through the air to the impingement location.

Bollaert (2002) suggests turbulence intensity ranges from 0 to 0.03 for a free
overfall condition. Lj, the distance traveled by the jet can be determined from
(Equation 11-9):

Eq. 11-9

This integration can be performed in closed form for any given horizontal position

x by making the following substitutions (Equation 11-10):

Let A = 2Khvcos2 ()

Let B = dy/dx = tan()-x/A


1 1

Eq. 11-10

The outer spread of the jet can also be calculated by an alternate method
developed by Ervine et al. (1997) (Equation 11-11):

1 1

Eq. 11-11

where Fri is the Froude number of the initial jet and Vi is the initial velocity of the
jet. Note that this equation was presented in Ervine et al. (1997) using the velocity
at the point of jet impact, rather than the initial velocity, but the form shown here
is correct. Although this equation was also developed primarily from studies of
circular jets, it could be applied to a rectangular jet to calculate the outer
dimension, Dout, as (Equation 11-12):
Dout = ti(Vi/Vj) + 2

Eq. 11-12


Overtopping Protection for Dams Jet Break Up Length in Free Fall

The following equation (Equation 11-13) developed by Ervine et al. (1997), can
be used to determine the length to the expected break-up of a round jet as it falls
or travels through the air:


Eq. 11-13

The equations above can be solved for Lb by trial. An appropriate value for the
turbulence intensity factor, Tu, for a thick jet overtopping the dam is 0.03.
From experimental data, an alternative equation for calculating the jet break up
length for a round jet directly is (Equation 11-14):


Eq. 11-14

The following equation (Equation 11-15) by Horeni (1956) is a simplified

empirical equation specifically developed to estimate the break-up length for
rectangular jets:
Lb = 6q0.32,

Eq. 11-15

where q = discharge per unit width

Either of the above two methods should provide reasonable results. If the jet
trajectory length exceeds the breakup length, then the energy of the jet can be
presumed to be spread over the expanded jet width. If, however, the jet breakup
length has not been reached, then the central core of the jet is intact and the
energy density of the core will be represented by the jet thickness predicted by the
earlier equations that neglected aeration, spreading, and jet breakup.


Chapter 11 General Considerations for Concrete Dams Rectangular Jet Equations

Castillo (2006) developed equations (Equation 11-16 and 11-17) specifically for
rectangular jets. He begins by directly estimating a jet thickness at impact, Bg, that
considers only the contraction of the jet due to gravitational effects (i.e., no
aeration, spreading, or jet breakup).

Eq. 11-16

H = the drop height from reservoir pool to tailwater.
The thickness of the jet affected by aeration and spreading is computed as:

Eq. 11-17

Castillo (2006) suggests ho should be about 2 times the energy head upstream
from the dam crest, whereas Annandale (2006) suggests that ho be taken as the
overflow depth. Frizell (2009) obtained reasonable results using the brink depth in
place of ho. The parameter is estimated as (Equation 11-18):

Eq. 11-18

The estimate of Tu=0.03 can be used. Alternatively, Castillo also suggests

estimating the turbulence intensity as a function of the unit discharge and the
initial conditions at the top of the dam (Equation 11-19):


Eq. 11-19

. .

Cd =

the discharge coefficient for the dam crest.

This equation requires the use of consistent metric (S.I.) units for the unit
discharge, q, and gravitational constant, g. The discharge coefficient must be
given in units of m1/2/s.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Castillo (2006) also developed an equation for the distance to jet breakup
(Equation 11-20):


Eq. 11-20

This equation is similar in form to that suggested by Ervine et al. (1997) from
experimental data for circular jets, except that the constant in the numerator will
lead to shorter breakup distances for rectangular jets. Jet Plunge Pool Characteristics
For flows discharging into tailwater, there is additional jet spread and core
diffusion after the free falling jet enters the pool. The characteristics of a jet as it
plunges into and through a plunge pool are shown in Figure 11-6 for the jet entry
condition of a highly turbulent jet with very significant aeration and turbulence at
the jet boundary. If the jet has not fully broken up in the air, the core of the jet
will continue to dissipate or contract in the water; the outside of the jet will also
continue to disperse. The streampower density of the overtopping jet will decrease
as the jet expands.
To apply Figure 11-6, if the jet retains a core at tailwater impact, that core can be
expected to diminish in size at approximately the 8 angle shown (use Equation
11-5 to calculate the inner core thickness at tailwater impact). This will allow
estimation of the depth at which the core is dissipated. If the core does not
dissipate before the plunge pool floor is reached, then the energy density in the
core could be estimated assuming no breakup of the jet (i.e., estimate the
impingement area based on just the contraction of the jet due to gravity). If the
core is broken up before the boundary is reached, then the impingement area can
be estimated assuming the 14 spread of the outer edge of the jet, starting from
the estimated spread of the jet in the air (use Equation 11-12 to calculate the outer
dimension of the jet at tailwater impact). This impingement area would be used to
compute the stream power intensity. Note that Figure 11-6 shows an increased
widening rate at some point in the pool, but does not define how to estimate the
depth at which this begins. Since the change in spread angle is relatively small,
this is probably not an important refinement to include. A 14 spread angle could
be assumed for all depths.


Chapter 11 General Considerations for Concrete Dams

Figure 11-6.Jet diffusion in a plunge pool for two-phase shear layer and a highly
turbulent plunging jet (adapted from Ervine and Falvey, 1987). This case is typical of
almost all prototype flows and most model-scale flows.

11.4.4 Foundation Rock (Erosion Potential)

The characteristics of the foundation rock will have a major effect on whether or
not erosion occurs, and if it does, the extent of the erosion. If the foundation rock
is massive with widely spaced discontinuities (e.g., joint, shears, faults, and
bedding planes), then erosion will likely be limited because large blocks of rock
would have to be moved to initiate erosion. If the rock has closely spaced joints,
or large discontinuities in the form of faults or shears, erosion may initiate fairly
easily and quickly. The characteristics of joints and other discontinuities will also
have an effect on the erodibility of the foundation. Joints that are open and
oriented into the flow will allow water pressures to more easily develop on the
surfaces of the foundation block.
The potential for rock erosion due to overtopping flows can be evaluated using
the stream power-erodibility index method. Chapter 15 describes this method in


Overtopping Protection for Dams

detail. Once the jet characteristics have been defined, the potential for scour due
to the impinging jet may be determined (Equation 11-21). The scour potential
may be quantified by determining the erosive stream power. The stream power is
the rate at which energy is applied after the jet has travelled through a vertical
distance, Z, to a location on the surface or in a pool.
Pjet = QZ

Eq. 11-21

Pjet = the total stream power of the jet
= the unit weight of water
the total discharge
The stream power per unit area, Ai, is determined by dividing the total stream
power by the footprint of the jet at the point of impact. If the jet has not broken
up, the area should be based on the inner core thickness (Equation 11-7). If the jet
has broken up, the area should be based on the outer dimension of the jet
(Equation 11-12). The stream power per unit area or stream power density of the
jet is (Equation 11-22):
pjet = QZ/Ai

Eq. 11-22

and may be used with the threshold curve to determine whether erosion will occur
or not as a function of the erodibility of the material or rock. The unit area of the
jet changes with the fall both above and below the tailwater.
This approach can also be used to evaluate the ability of concrete overtopping
protection to resist the energy of overtopping flows, by calculating an erodibility
index for the concrete and comparing it to the streampower of the overtopping
Another consideration for overtopping flows is potential for erosion due to
surface flows. For flow down a slope, the rate of energy dissipation (P) is a
function of the flow depth, flow velocity and the energy slope (Equation 11-23):


Eq. 11-23

unit weight of water

flow velocity
water depth
hydraulic energy grade line slope

The rate of energy dissipation is small as the flow just comes over the crest and
increases as the water velocity increases. The analysis of erosion stability is
performed at the location where the value of energy dissipation is the highest. The
energy slope is assumed to be approximately equal to the bed slope and flow

Chapter 11 General Considerations for Concrete Dams

depths are taken to be equal to the normal depth computed for steady-state flow

11.5 Flow Depth and Duration Factors

The extent of foundation erosion that may occur due to dam overtopping during a
large flood will likely be a function of the depth and duration of dam overtopping.
Greater depths of overtopping will increase the energy of overtopping flows and
can increase the depth of scour and the rate of headcutting if it occurs. The
trajectory of the jet issuing from the top of the dam will be affected by the depth
of the overtopping flows, which affects the impact area for the overtopping flows.
Duration of the overtopping will also affect the progression of erosion and
headcutting. If the duration is limited, to say only a few hours, the extent of the
erosion will likely be limited and the erosion of the dam foundation may not be
able to progress to the point of leading to dam failure.

11.5.1 Flood Routing Results

Flood routings are needed to determine the depth and duration of dam
overtopping during floods. It is often valuable to perform flood routings for a
suite of frequency floods. This information can be used for a risk analysis or can
be used to judge the potential for erosion to develop during different frequency
floods. The flood routings provide depth and durations of dam overtopping for a
given flood. Sensitivity studies that evaluate the effects of non-ideal conditions
should be considered when performing flood routings. Conditions to evaluate are
discussed in more detail below.

11.5.2 Uncertainties Associated with Reservoir and/or Gate Operation

The assumpt ions made regarding reservoir operations for flood routing studies
should be evaluated for reasonableness. The Standing Operating Procedures
(SOP) for a given dam may require that the spillway gates be opened in direct
response to increasing inflows, but if the gate openings dictated by this operation
would exceed the safe channel capacity and flood homes and endanger
downstream residents, there may be a reluctance to pursue an aggressive release
schedule on the part of the dam operator. Assuming a delay in making critical
decisions on gate operations (such as the point where downstream populations are
dramatically affected) is a way to test the sensitivity of the flood routing results to
the flood operations.
Another issue to consider with spillway gates is the potential for one or more of
the gates to malfunction during a major flood. Gates can malfunction for a
number of reasons including failure of the hoist mechanism, failure of the wire
ropes or chains that lift the gates, binding of the gates due to pier deflections or
expansions, power failure, or access limitations. This can be simulated by


Overtopping Protection for Dams

eliminating the discharge capacity of one or more of the gates during the flood
routing to test the vulnerability of the operations to this type of failure.

11.5.3 Uncertainties Associated with Spillway Discharge

Spillway discharges assumed in flood routings are often based on idealized
discharge curves. If the spillway discharge curve was not based on a site-specific
hydraulic model study, and the approach conditions to the spillway are less than
ideal, consideration should be given to the impact that this may have in reducing
the predicted discharge. Another consideration is the potential for reservoir debris
to clog the spillway crest during a large flood and restrict spillway discharges.
Sensitivity routings can be performed to evaluate these potential effects. For gated
spillways, discharge conditions can vary from free flow to orifice flow depending
on the gate opening and the reservoir water surface. This should be accounted for
in the routings.

11.6 Types of Concrete Dam Overtopping Protection

If it is determined that the potential for failure of a concrete dam is significant and
that there is justification to pursue actions to mitigate this potential, there are a
number of different types of overtopping protection that can be provided.
Generally, overtopping protection for concrete dams must be very robust, since
the systems must be capable of withstanding the impact of concentrated jets
overtopping the dam that may have a significant fall height. Overtopping
protection systems that will be discussed for concrete dams include:

RCC overlays

Conventional or mass concrete overlays

Rock reinforcement


These systems can be used as single elements or can be combined. The different
systems are discussed in detail in:


Chapter 12 (Roller-Compacted Concrete)

Chapter 13 (Convent ional or Mass Concrete)

Chapter 14 (Foundation and Abutment Reinforcing)

Chapter 15 (Tailwater Effects)

Chapter 11 General Considerations for Concrete Dams

11.7 General Design Considerations

Once it is decided that flood overtopping of a concrete dam must be mitigated,
there are some general design considerations that will apply to any type of
overtopping protection. These considerations are presented below:
Current Hydrologic Loadings.If overtopping protection is being
pursued, it is important to have current hydrologic loadings available for
the designs. If the overtopping protection is being designed for PMF
flows, it should be verified that the PMF is current. If a risk-informed
approach is used to select the IDF, a hydrologic hazard study will either
need to be developed or updated to provide information on a range of
frequency floods. If outdated information is used, there is a chance that the
overtopping protection will be under-designed (possibly leading to failure
of the dam for extreme events) or overdesigned (resulting in an overly
costly design that is not efficient).
Flood Routing Results.Flood routings will be necessary to evaluate the
depths and durations of dam overtopping during floods of interest. In some
cases a critical flood, such as the PMF, will be the only flood that is
evaluated. In other cases, a suite of frequency floods may be used to help
determine the extent of flood overtopping protection that is necessary.
Routing of frequency floods will be needed if a risk analysis is used as
part of the design process. This will require a hydrologic hazard analysis
(which will establish relationships between flood frequency and peak
flood flows or flood volumes) and developing frequency flood
Trajectory of Overtopping Flows.Using the flood routing information,
the trajectory of jets issuing from flows that overtop the dam can be
predicted. This will be needed to determine which portions of the
foundation will be impacted directly from overtopping flows. Predictions
of the flow paths, depths, and lateral extent will also be needed for the
overtopping flows that collect along the downstream abutment and flow to
the river channel. The extent of the direct impact flows and the surface
flows will need to be defined to determine which foundation
discontinuities and potential foundation blocks will be subjected to
pressures and possible erosion from these flows. Splitter piers may be
needed on the crest of the dam to aerate overtopping flows and prevent
negative pressures from pulling the jet toward the dam, when the dam
crest lengths are long.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Depth and Duration and Impacts on Potential Failure.The depth and

duration of overtopping flows will be important to determine, as this will
help determine the level of protection needed. This information will be
useful in assessing the potential for significant scour depths to develop and
the potential for headcutting, once scour initiates.
Tailwater Depths.Tailwater depths will be important to determine for a
range of overtopping flows. Tailwater will serve to dissipate the energy of
overtopping flows and a determination of the depths and extent of
tailwater will be needed to determine if and where overtopping protection
may be needed.
Hydraulic Model Studies.Hydraulic model studies can be very useful in
designing overtopping protection systems for concrete dams. The models
can be either physical models or numerical models. The models have the
ability to capture three-dimensional effects which may be critical to
successfully designing the overtopping protection. A two dimensional
study will be able to predict the jet trajectory and impact area of
overtopping flows at various locations along the dam axis, but the effect of
flows impacting and then collecting and flowing down the downstream
groin cannot be easily captured. A three dimensional model study will
allow this behavior to be evaluated.
Streampower/Erodibility Index Method.This method can be used to
determine if erosion is likely to occur and also to estimate the vertical
extent of the erosion, if it initiates. This information can be used to
determine if overtopping protection is necessary and if so to what extent.
Erosion from the impingement of overtopping flows on the foundation and
from the surface flows that collect and travel down the abutments to the
river channel should be considered. A detailed presentation of this method
is provided in Chapter 15.

11.8 Vulnerabilities
Overtopping protection can improve the ability of a dam foundation to withstand
overtopping flows but overtopping protection is not foolproof. The protection
may not be effective in certain situations.

11.8.1 Inadequate Extent of Protection

To be cost effective, overtopping protection of dam foundations must be targeted
to those areas of the foundation likely to experience erosive flows. If the
overtopping protection is designed for a specific flood and a related depth of
overtopping but a larger flood occurs, the impinging jet from overtopping flows
may extend beyond the overtopping protection. It may also be the case that the

Chapter 11 General Considerations for Concrete Dams

streampower of overtopping flows increases substantially for larger events and

that this is sufficient to cause unacceptable erosion. When evaluating overtopping
protection that is already in place, a determination of the design level of the
protection should be made and an assessment of the adequacy of the protection
for larger flood events should be considered. If a determination is made that the
design flood level needs to be updated (possibly because of increased downstream
populations and increased risk or if the original design flood has become more
frequent due to updated hydrologic studies) and if it is concluded that the existing
protection is inadequate for the new design level, an extension of the protection
may need to be considered.

11.8.2 Deterioration of Overtopping Protection or Scheme

Overtopping protection that is installed may deteriorate over time. If the
overtopping protection consists of rock reinforcement, such as rock bolts or rock
anchors, the reinforcing steel may corrode if adequate corrosion protection has not
been provided. Even if corrosion is very localized, it has the potential to reduce
the cross sectional area of the reinforcement and significantly reduce the capacity
of the reinforcement. If the overtopping protection consists of concrete or RCC
overlays on the dam foundation, the concrete may deteriorate due to alkaliaggregate reaction or freeze-thaw damage. If concrete or RCC overlays are
damaged due to deterioration, the protection could fail during a flood overtopping
event and expose the foundation to overtopping flows. If overtopping protection
does exist at a dam, it is important to review the design considerations for the
protection, to determine if it is still adequate. The physical condition of the
overtopping protection should also be determined from an inspection and any
observed deterioration should be considered when evaluating the design adequacy
of the protection.

11.8.3 Erosion Downstream from Overtopping Protection

Overtopping protection can be defeated if erosion occurs downstream from the
protection and the protection is undermined due to headcutting. It is important to
identify the areas of the foundation that will be exposed to erosive flows and
determine if erosion of non-protected areas is likely. If there is the potential for
erosion downstream from the protected areas, consideration should be given to
extending the erosion protection.

11.8.4 Exceeding Design Discharge

If discharges occur that exceed the design discharge for the overtopping
protection, the protection may be compromised. This could occur as a result of a
change in the hydrologic hazard characterization, the result of plugged or
otherwise inoperable spillways or simply from the occurrence of an extremely
remotely possible flood event.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

11.8.5 Loss of or Miscalculated Tailwater

Tailwater may be a consideration in the design of concrete overlays as
overtopping protection. The tailwater may limit the areas that require protection
or may reduce the thickness and/or extent of the concrete overlays. If the tailwater
depths that were assumed in the design do not develop (due to a change in
downstream conditions or from a miscalculation in the tailwater study) the
existing overtopping protection may be compromised for larger flows.


Chapter 12 Roller-Compacted Concrete


Chapter 12. Roller-Compacted Concrete

Potential concerns for overtopping of concrete or masonry dams generally involve

blocky or erodible abutments or foundations, rather than concerns for the structure
itself. In these cases, overtopping protection may be required for the exposed
abutments and foundation within the impact zone of the overtopping flow, to
prevent the loss of materials and undermining of the dam which could otherwise
result in instability and failure. Alternatively, higher hydrostatic loads on concrete
or masonry dams resulting from the passage of a flood event could produce lower
factors of safety for sliding at a lift line within the body of the dam, at the damfoundation contact, or along a potential slide plane within the foundation. The
most common use of RCC for overtopping protection of a concrete or masonry
dam is to provide a massive buttress for the structure to improve sliding stability.
RCC may also be used to protect the dam foundation from erosion and
headcutting from an impinging jet, but would not lend itself to the protection of
steep abutments.

12.1 Historical Perspective

Reclamation has constructed RCC buttresses for a straight masonry gravity dam
(e.g., Camp Dyer Diversion Dam in Arizona), for a curved concrete arch dam
(e.g., Santa Cruz Dam in New Mexico), and for a concrete overflow spillway
structure (e.g., Pueblo Dam in Colorado). In each case, RCC was placed in
horizontal lifts along the downstream face of the existing structure to improve the
stability of the structure for the design loads.
Camp Dyer Diversion Dam was completed in 1926 as a masonry and concrete
gravity structure, and impounds a small reservoir (Lower Lake) for the diversion
of irrigation releases to Beardsley Canal. The main dam had a 613-foot crest
length and a maximum structural height of 75 feet. A smaller concrete gravity
dike to the right had a 263-foot crest length and a maximum structural height of
25 feet. The dam and dike are located on the Agua Fria River, approximately
35 miles northwest of Phoenix, Arizona, and less than 1 mile downstream from
Reclamations New Waddell Dam. Outlet releases to the Agua Fria River from
New Waddell Dam which exceed the capacity of the canal would overtop the dam
and dike crest. The construction of New Waddell Dam reduced the storage
capacity of Lower Lake. In 1988, Reclamation agreed to increase the height of
Camp Dyer Diversion Dam by 3.9 feet to maintain the original storage capacity of
the lake for potential peaking power development by the dam owner. The
modified structure was to meet all Reclamation criteria for static and dynamic
stability to ensure continued diversion releases and sufficient tailwater for
operation of the river outlet works at New Waddell Dam. A concrete buttress was


Overtopping Protection for Dams

required for the downstream face of the dam and dike to increase the dead load
and sliding resistance of the modified structure. RCC was selected over
conventional concrete for its relative economy and ease of construction.
Construction was completed in 1992 (Figure 12-1). The structure performed well
during overtopping in 1993 (Figure 12-2). Details of this modification can be
found in Hepler (1982).

Figure 12-1.Completed RCC buttress at downstream face of Camp Dyer Diversion

Dam in Arizona. Conventional concrete was used for the overflow crest and approach
apron. The stepped surface provides energy dissipation for overtopping flows

Figure 12-2.RCC buttress for Camp Dyer Diversion Dam during overtopping in

January 1993 (Reclamation).


Chapter 12 Roller-Compacted Concrete

Santa Cruz Dam is a cyclopean concrete arch dam located about 25 miles north of
Santa Fe, New Mexico on the Santa Cruz River. The dam was completed in 1929
with a height of 150 feet, a crest length of 500 feet, and a radius of 300 feet. The
dam had safety concerns related to the maximum credible earthquake (MCE) and
the PMF, and was experiencing severe concrete deterioration due to freeze-thaw.
An RCC buttress was constructed on the downstream face of the dam to address
the seismic concerns related to the MCE, and the entire dam crest was designed
for overtopping to address the hydrologic concerns related to the PMF (see
Figures 12-3 and 12-4). Completed in 1990, the Santa Cruz Dam modification
was the first RCC project to use an air-entraining admixture to improve freezethaw durability. Details of this modification can be found in Metcalf et al (1992).

Figure 12-3.Concrete overtopping protection for Santa Cruz Dam in New Mexico.

Splitter piers were provided for overtopping of the entire dam crest (Reclamation).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure 12-4.Service spillway flows confined by training walls on stepped

downstream face of Santa Cruz Dam (Reclamation).

Pueblo Dam is a composite concrete and earthfill structure located on the

Arkansas River, 6 miles west of Pueblo, Colorado, and was completed in 1975.
The concrete section consists of 23 massive-head buttresses and has a structural
height of approximately 245 feet to the lowest point in the foundation with a total
crest length of 1,750 feet. The earthfill sections consist of the left and right
embankments totaling 8,480 feet in length. The spillway, within the central
concrete section, consists of a 550-foot-wide uncontrolled ogee crest, with
downstream training walls, a flip bucket energy dissipator, and a 550-foot-wide
plunge pool at the downstream toe. The original plunge pool was 80 feet long,
with an invert approximately 31 feet below the spillway outlet channel and 45 feet
below the dam buttress foundation.
Dam safety modifications were completed in 1998 to reduce the potential for
sliding failure of the spillway foundation under static and hydrologic loads. The
modifications included the construction of a 20-foot-thick (vertical dimension)
RCC plug within the original plunge pool (Figure 12-5), and a 45-foot-thick
(horizontal dimension) RCC toe block against the upstream stilling basin apron
(Figure 12-6). High strength rock bolts were used to reduce the tensile stresses
that could develop in the RCC toe block, and to provide additional active
resistance across the assumed foundation failure surface. The exposed RCC


Chapter 12 Roller-Compacted Concrete

surfaces were capped using conventional reinforced concrete, and concrete impact
blocks were provided to improve stilling basin performance. The large RCC
placement was expected to crack as it contracted during cooling. Concrete
cracking was controlled by installing vertical contraction joints in the RCC at
specified intervals (based on predicted RCC temperatures and joint openings
using thermal analyses) and grouting the open contraction joints. Details of this
modification can be found in Reclamation (2002).

Figure 12-5.RCC buttress construction within the original spillway plunge pool for

Pueblo Dam in Colorado (Reclamation).

Figure 12-6.Mechanical anchors being installed through the RCC toe block into the
foundation for Pueblo Dam spillway, to improve sliding resistance (Reclamation).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

12.2 Design and Analysis

Methods to determine the dam overtopping depths and durations for design
floods, the corresponding trajectory and downstream impact zone of overtopping
flows, the resulting impact forces and potential for foundation erosion and scour,
and tailwater considerations are discussed in Chapter 11. The RCC overlay or
buttress for a concrete or masonry dam must be sized to meet the design
requirements, either to provide sufficient coverage for overtopping protection of a
weak foundation, or additional resistance to potential sliding of the dam or
foundation. RCC placements should be at least 20 feet wide to provide for the
passage of standard construction equipment, although narrower placements may
be possible, as discussed in Chapter 2.
Camp Dyer Diversion Dam.A minimum RCC buttress width of 20 feet,
with an 0.8:1 downstream slope, was selected for Camp Dyer Diversion
Dam to accommodate two lanes of construction traffic on the RCC lifts for
both the dam and dike sections (Figure 12-7). This was larger than that
required by analysis to provide a minimum sliding factor of safety of
3.0. A conventional concrete block having a vertical downstream face was
used within the narrow river channel at the maximum section of the dam
to facilitate construction and reduce the overall concrete volume. The
RCC buttresses were capped by a conventional, reinforced concrete apron
and ogee overflow crest to improve hydraulic performance. Although the
conventional concrete had joints every 25 feet, no joints were specified for
the RCC.
The downstream face of the overflow crest and RCC buttress included
1-foot high formed steps for energy dissipation of the maximum 2-foot

deep overtopping flow. The hard rhyolite bedrock at the downstream toe
was sufficiently erosion resistant so that a concrete apron or terminal
structure was not required. Pressure grouting of the existing masonry dam
was required prior to buttress construction to improve its structural
integrity and reduce reservoir seepage. Any remaining seepage would be
collected by a series of vertical flat drains spaced on 10-foot-centers at the
dam/buttress contact. Surface treatment at the dam/buttress contact
consisted of cleaning using a high-pressure water jet, and the placement of
conventional leveling concrete ahead of the RCC. No mechanical
anchorage was used for the RCC buttress.


Chapter 12 Roller-Compacted Concrete

Figure 12-7.RCC buttress being constructed at downstream face of

Camp Dyer Diversion Dam. Width of RCC placement is sufficient

for passing construction equipment. Note flat drains on contact surface

between dam and buttress. (Reclamation)

Figure 12-8.RCC placements followed curvature of existing arch dam,

Santa Cruz Dam (Reclamation).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Santa Cruz Dam.The RCC buttress for Santa Cruz Dam maintained the
curvature of the existing arch dam, and provided 2-foot-high steps on the
downstream face for energy dissipation of overtopping flows (Figure
12-8). The stilling basin at the downstream toe was designed assuming a
75 percent reduction of the total energy resulting from the steps. The
design requirements for the RCC included a minimum compressive
strength of 3,000 lb/in2 at 1 year, cohesion between the RCC and existing
concrete dam of 50 lb/in2 at 1 year, and freeze-thaw durability of 500
cycles (ASTM C666). The use of an air-entraining admixture significantly
improved the freeze-thaw durability. Leveling concrete was used around
the perimeter of the RCC placement, so that adequate bond would be
obtained with the existing dam concrete surface. No mechanical anchorage
was provided at the RCC buttress/dam contact.
Pueblo Dam.For the design of the Pueblo Dam buttress, Reclamation
originally assumed a cohesion value of 290 lb/in2 (based on 85 percent of
the surface being bonded) and a friction angle of 45 degrees for the RCC
lift lines, based on the proposed RCC mix design. However, the
Consultant Review Board (CRB) suggested that a safety factor of 3.0 be
applied with cohesion, ultimately resulting in a design cohesion value of
90 lb/in2. The CRB also suggested a safety factor of 1.5 be applied for use
of the friction angle without cohesion, resulting in a value of 30 degrees.
The final designs used the safety factors for the potential foundation
sliding surfaces that were reinforced by RCC and rock bolts, based on the
CRB recommendations. Mechanical anchorage for the RCC toe block
consisted of rock bolts placed through the apron. The rock bolts were
double corrosion protected, and consisted of 1-3/8 -inch-diameter high
strength bars, grouted into polyethylene sheaths. Drainage pipes were
provided beneath the stilling basin floor to relieve potential uplift
pressures. Contraction joints were provided in both longitudinal and
transverse directions for crack control. Design and construction
considerations for RCC can be found in Reclamation (2005b).

12.3 Construction Considerations

General construction considerations for RCC buttresses are similar to those for
other types of RCC construction, including RCC mix design, batching,
transportation, placing, spreading, compaction, and curing (Reclamation, 2005b).
RCC buttresses for a concrete or masonry dam will not require upstream forming.
However, they will require special surface preparation and treatment for the
upstream contact surface, which may consist of cleaning using a high-pressure
water jet, and the use of conventional leveling concrete or grout-enriched RCC to
ensure bond between the RCC and the existing concrete or masonry surface.


Chapter 12 Roller-Compacted Concrete

Extensive testing was performed by Reclamat ion for the conventional concrete
overlay for the modification of Theodore Roosevelt Dam in Arizona to
demonstrate the effectiveness of these treatment methods, without the requirement
of mechanical anchorage. Grouting of the existing dam may be necessary to
reduce potential seepage at the contact surface, and the installation of a drainage
system at the contact surface may be necessary to ensure that potential future
seepage can be collected and drained (as was required for Camp Dyer Diversion
The stepped downstream face for an RCC buttress subjected to overtopping flows
may be constructed using standard forms with steel pins and custom brackets,
with external bracing as required. Flat strap tiebacks were used on the upper lifts
of the dike buttress for Camp Dyer Diversion Dam. RCC was hand shoveled
against the forms to minimize segregation and rock pockets, and compacted by a
power tamper and plate vibrator. Surface repairs were generally not required
following form removal. If the buttress is constructed against a sloping dam face,
the buttress width may be fairly constant and may affect RCC construction for the
full height of the placement. When the RCC placements became 15 to 25 feet
wide at Santa Cruz Dam, a crane with a 2-yd3 bucket was used to place concrete.
Some of the main concerns during construction of the Pueblo Dam buttress and
toe block included the quality of RCC lift lines in the stilling basin area, the
compaction of RCC in the sloping toe block, finish tolerances of the sloping
portion of the conventional concrete overlay for spillway flows, and installation of
the mechanical anchorage. Pull-out tests indicated that some of the rock bolts did
not meet specification requirements due to manufacturing problems and had to be
replaced. Core testing was performed after construction for evaluating lift line
integrity, which raised concerns related to RCC lift line bond strength. It is
believed that some damage occurred below the lift lines when construction traffic
was allowed on the compacted lift surface approximately one day after placement.
A weak, somewhat porous zone within 2 inches below the lift surface was
identified in the cores taken from the RCC in the stilling basin. The lift surfaces
were also suspected of being too dry when the subsequent lift was placed due to
windy conditions at the site. The rounded aggregates and a lower paste content
used in the RCC mix may also have contributed to the problem. However, it was
finally concluded that the lift lines and the weak zones beneath the lift lines would
provide adequate strength for sliding resistance of the structure.

12.4 Vulnerabilities and Risk

The RCC buttress for Camp Dyer Diversion Dam was overtopped within
8 months of completion when a large flood event occurred in January 1993 during
the first filling of New Waddell Dam. The ogee crest and stepped downstream
face performed as designed with no reports of damage to the modified structure.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Potential failure modes for RCC overtopping protection for a concrete or masonry
dam could include:
Undermining of the downstream end of the RCC protection due to
inadequate energy dissipation resulting in erosion or scour within the
outlet channel
Inadequate coverage of RCC protection, resulting in erosion or scour of
the foundation due to impact from the overtopping flow
Deterioration or cracking of the RCC protection, resulting from poor
compaction, freeze-thaw damage, or thermal stresses
Inadequate bond at lift surfaces, resulting in insufficient sliding resistance.
Proper design and construction methods should ensure that these or other
potential failure modes do not represent an unacceptable risk to the completed


Chapter 13 Conventional or Mass Concrete


Chapter 13. Conventional or Mass Concrete

13.1 General
Conventional or mass concrete can be used to provide overtopping protection in
the form of concrete overlays that protect the underlying rock foundation at the
downstream toe of the dam and along the downstream abutment. The overlays
protect the rock from overtopping flows that could pluck rock blocks from the
rock foundation or that could scour and remove material along shears or faults
within the dam foundation. Splitter piers are often used in conjunction with
concrete overlay overtopping protection to aerate the overtopping flow jet and
prevent it from being pulled close to the toe of the dam (see Figures 13-1 and
13-2). Concrete overlays can protect the foundation from impinging flows or from
overtopping flows that collect and flow down the groin of the dam to the river
channel (see Figures 13-3 and 13-4). In addition to providing concrete overlays to
protect the foundation, concrete walls are often constructed to contain
overtopping flows and direct them to the downstream river channel (see Figure
13-5). Concrete overlays can be constructed of either conventional or mass
concrete. Conventional concrete overlays are thinner (2 to 2.5 feet thick), are
continuously reinforced to ensure structural integrity, generally have MSA of 1
inches or less, and typically have a 28-day compressive strength of at least 4,000
Mass concrete is defined as any large volume of concrete cast-in-place, generally
as a monolithic structure. Dimensions of the structure are of such magnitude that
measures must be taken to cope with the generation of heat and the resulting
volume changes and cracking. Mass concrete may not be reinforced (and if so, the
reinforcement may only be temperature steel to control concrete cracking);
maximum aggregate size may approach 6 inches or more; and thicker placements
would typically be used (greater than 3 feet). A typical mass concrete mix may
have a design of 3,000 lb/in2 at one year.

13.2 Historical Perspective

Reinforced concrete overlays have been provided at a number of concrete dams to
protect the foundation from overtopping flows. Five examples are provided
below. Detailed descriptions of the modifications are provided in the Appendix.
Gibson Dam.Gibson Dam is a thick concrete arch dam on the North
Fork of the Sun River near Augusta, Montana. Modifications to Gibson
Dam were completed in 1981 to provide protection for overtopping flows
that would result in up to 12 feet of overtopping over the parapet walls on
the dam crest. The overtopping protection consisted of groutable rock


Overtopping Protection for Dams

bolts to reinforce and stabilize jointed rock in the abutments and

placement of concrete caps on both abutments. The overtopping protection
on the right abutment was more extensive than on the left abutment,
because the rock was judged to be more erodible on the right side. The
reinforced concrete overlays had a minimum thickness of 2.5 feet. Figures
13-1 to 13-5 are of Gibson Dam.

Figure 13-1.Crest of concrete dam with splitter piers for overtopping flows

Figure 13-2.Splitter piers designed to aerate overtopping flows



Chapter 13 Conventional or Mass Concrete

Figure 13-3.Concrete overtopping protection at downstream toe of dam


Figure 13-4.Concrete overtopping protection at downstream toe of dam



Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure 13-5.Concrete channel using guide wall to convey overtopping flows

(USACE republished in Zaitsoff, 2003).

Railroad Canyon Dam.Railroad Canyon Dam is a concrete arch dam

on the San Jacinto River in Riverside County, California. Overtopping
protection for the dam was constructed in 1995. The overtopping
protection consisted of reinforced concrete overlays with rock anchors on
the downstream portions of the abutments. The reinforced concrete
overlays were 24 inches thick.
Coolidge Dam.Coolidge Dam is a multiple domed concrete dam on the
Gila River about 10 miles downstream of Peridot, Arizona. Extensive
reinforced concrete overlays were provided on the downstream abutments
at Coolidge Dam as part of an overtopping protection design. The overlays
had a minimum thickness of 2.5 feet and were designed to resist the static
uplift due to seepage through the abutments during dam overtopping,
dynamic uplift and dynamic impact during dam overtopping and
temperature loads. Flat drains and anchor bars were provided to help resist
uplift. Control joints with waterstops at 20-foot spacings each way were
provided to limit the number and minimize the size of temperature and
shrinkage cracks.


Chapter 13 Conventional or Mass Concrete

Boundary Dam.Boundary Dam is a thin concrete arch dam on the Pend

Oreille River in northeast Washington, about a mile south of the Canadian
border. The dam was modified in the 1990s to provide overtopping
protection on the downstream portion of the dam abutments. A reinforced
concrete slab was provided on the flatter upper portions of the abutments
but shotcrete reinforced with welded wire mesh was used to protect the
steeper portions of the abutments (shotcrete placements may be a good
alternative to conventional concrete when slopes are steep and
conventional concrete forming and placing is not practical).
Tygart Dam.Tygart Dam is a concrete gravity dam on the Tygart River
in the northern part of West Virginia. The dam was modified in the 1990s
to provide overtopping protection at the downstream toe of the dam. A
reinforced concrete slab and guidewalls were provided to protect the toe
and to direct the overtopping flows to an existing stilling basin.

13.3 Design and Analysis

A number of elements need to be considered when designing conventional or
mass concrete overtopping protection for concrete dams. These elements include:
Geologic Mapping and Joint Surveys.Geologic mapping and joint
surveys are needed to define the surface geology of the dam abutments
and foundation and to characterize discontinuities in the foundation, which
could form potentially removable foundation blocks. Guidance on
performing geologic mapping and rock joint surveys can be found in
Reclamation (1998).
Coring of Rock Foundations and Testing of Discontinuities.If
removable foundation blocks exist, a coring and testing program of the
foundation rock will be helpful in characterizing the continuity and
characteristics of the discontinuities and in estimating the shear strength
along the discontinuities.
Flood Hydrology.If a major modification is being pursued at a dam,
such as adding overtopping protection, the flood hydrology for the damsite
should be reviewed and updated as necessary. This will ensure that the
modification is being designed for the most up to date loading
A decision should be made on the inflow design flood or the level of
protection that will be designed for. Guidance for the evaluation of the
hydrologic safety of dams, including guidelines for determination of the
IDF for both new and existing dams, is provided by FEMAs new manual,
Selecting and Accommodating Inflow Design Floods for Dams (FEMA

Overtopping Protection for Dams

2013). A risk-informed approach can be used to make these design

determinations (Reclamation, 2013b).
Flood Routing Results.Flood routings will be necessary to evaluate the
depths and durations of dam overtopping during floods of interest. In some
cases, a critical flood, such as the PMF, will be the only flood that is
evaluated. In other cases, a suite of frequency floods may be used to help
determine the extent of flood overtopping protection needed. A suite of
frequency floods will be needed if a risk analysis is used as part of the
design process and will require a hydrologic hazard analysis (which will
establish relationships between flood frequency and peak flood flows or
flood volumes) and the development of frequency flood hydrographs
(Reclamation and USACE, 2013).
Tailwater Studies.Tailwater studies are important to define the depths
and extent of tailwater during overtopping flows. Tailwater will dissipate
the energy of overtopping flows and may reduce the extent of required
overtopping protection.
Trajectory of Overtopping Flows.Using the flood routing information,
the trajectory of jets issuing from flows that overtop the dam can be
predicted. This will be needed to determine which portions of the
foundation will be impacted directly from overtopping flows. Predictions
of the flow paths, depths, and lateral extent will also be needed for the
overtopping flows that collect along the downstream abutment and flow to
the river channel. The extent of the direct impact flows and the collected
flows will need to be defined to identify which foundation discontinuities
and potential foundation blocks will be subjected to pressures and possible
erosion from these flows. Chapter 11 provides a detailed discussion on
predicting the trajectory, configuration and energy related to overtopping
Depth and Duration and Impacts on Potential Failure.The depth and
duration of overtopping flows will be important to determine the level of
protection needed. This information will be useful in assessing the
potential for significant scour depths to develop and the potential for
headcutting, once scour initiates.
Hydraulic Model Studies.Hydraulic model studies can be very useful in
designing overtopping protection systems for concrete dams. The models
can be either physical models or numerical models. The models have the
ability to capture three-dimensional effects which may be critical to
successfully designing the overtopping protection. While a twodimensional numerical study will be able to predict the jet trajectory and
impact area of overtopping flows at various locations along the dam axis,
the effect of flows impacting and then collecting and flowing along the

Chapter 13 Conventional or Mass Concrete

downstream groin can not be easily captured. A three-dimensional model

study will allow this behavior to be evaluated.
Streampower/Erodibility Index Method.This method can be used to
determine if erosion is likely to occur and also to estimate the vertical
extent of the erosion, if it initiates. This information can be used to
determine if overtopping protection is necessary and if so to what extent.
Even if this approach indicates that the erosion will not undermine the
dam, there is the possibility that scour downstream of the dam may allow
removable blocks to daylight. If concrete erosion protection is in place or
being evaluated, the erodibility index of the concrete can be calculated and
compared to the streampower introduced by overtopping flows. This
comparison can be used to evaluate whether the concrete protection will
be adequate. For competent concrete with reasonable strength (3,000 to
4,000 lb/in2), the range of erodibility indices would typically be 4,000 to
5,500. A detailed presentation of this method is provided in Chapter 15.
Concrete overlays should be designed to protect the foundation from erosion and
prevent uplift pressure from seepage of water under the slab or into the
foundation. Slab thickness and reinforcement requirements will be dependent on
the loading conditions identified and the structural design. The minimum overlay
thickness used has generally been 2 to 2.5 feet. For thinner slabs, typically placed
with conventional concrete, the slab will typically be continuously reinforced to
control cracking, with waterstops provided at control joints (joints where concrete
bond is prevented to allow for contraction and expansion of the slab but which
includes steel reinforcement extending across the joint). For thicker mass concrete
placements, temperature reinforcement at the exposed surface of the slab may be
considered to control surface cracking.
To control cracking through the thickness of the concrete mass due to shrinkage
of the concrete, contraction joints (joints that prevent concrete bond but allow for
contraction and expansion of the concrete) should be provided. Contraction joints
and control joints are typically spaced from 30 to 50 feet apart. Geologic units
with differing properties may require special treatment to minimize shear stresses
in the slab.
A foundation drainage system should be provided below the slab to prevent
development of uplift pressures. Drain outlets should be located and designed to
prevent the introduction of foundation pressures from impinging overtopping
flows. Rock bolts and or anchor bars may be provided to ensure the concrete
protective slab remains firmly attached to the foundation. If rock bolts or anchor
bars are provided, consideration should be given to the potential corrosion of
these elements.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Corrosion protection can be provided by:

Grouting the perimeter of the rock anchor holes to prevent groundwater
access to the anchors,
Providing an encapsulation to seal the anchor within the borehole and
prevent contact with groundwater, and/or,
Providing epoxy coating on the anchors or rock bolts.
For more guidance on corrosion protection systems, refer to the Post-Tensioning
Institute, Recommendations for Prestressed Rock and Soil Anchors (2004).
When protection is planned for steep abutment slopes, shotcrete can be considered
in lieu of concrete overlays. The shotcrete can be installed more easily under these
conditions and will prevent forming issues with conventional concrete on steep
Overtopping of a concrete dam can be controlled by adjusting the top of dam or
top of parapet wall elevations. The effective top of dam can be raised near the
abutments (or lowered at the center of the dam) to allow for overtopping (at least
initially) only in the center of the dam and not on the abutments. Doing so will
reduce the portion of the crest of the dam that is overtopped, but will allow for
tailwater and/or overtopping protection to accommodate focused overtopping
flows. Such a scheme could allow for controlled overtopping up to a certain return
period flood but complete overtopping of the dam crest for more remote floods.
Overtopping protection for concrete dams should be designed for the following
Impinging jet load.Impact loads from impinging jets may induce
compressive, shear and bending stresses in protective slabs. Impact
pressures may be estimated on foundation areas without tailwater using
the Bernoulli equation, and converting the static head to a pressure head.
Flow aeration and reducing the angle of impingement will reduce the
actual pressure on the foundation. Chapter 11 provides details on
identifying impact areas and calculating the jet area and the pressures on
impacted areas.
Uplift due to impinging jet.Impinging jets entering open joints in the
foundation or open cracks in a protective slab may develop local uplift
pressures equal to the full energy head if the foundation is not adequately
Steady-state uplift.Seepage under the reservoir head will produce an
uplift pressure distribution between the upstream face of the dam and the

Chapter 13 Conventional or Mass Concrete

downstream end of the protective slab. The protective slab should be

designed to resist the maximum loads from the uplift pressure
distributionbut generally not less than 10 feet of design head. Uplift
pressures can be determined from seepage models calibrated to available
instrumentation data. For preliminary designs or final designs, where
limited information exists, uplift pressures may be assumed to vary
uniformly between the:
o Upstream face, using full reservoir head
o Drainage gallery, using tailwater head plus the difference between the
reservoir and tailwater heads multiplied by a drainage effectiveness
o Downstream end of the protective slab, using full tailwater head
The drainage effectiveness factor is usually taken as one-third to one-half,
depending on the quality of the drains and their accessibility for periodic
Designs for overtopping protection systems for concrete dams should provide for
redundancy, depending on the duration of the event. Overtopping of only a few
hours would require minimal redundancy, while overtopping flows of several
days would require greater redundancy to avoid potential failure. The design
should provide for uplift resistance and drainage, and make the foundation
materials act as a single unit. The following protective features should be
considered: a protective concrete slab to resist the impact of overtopping flows
and establish a smooth flow surface and prevent seepage into the foundation, a
drainage system below the protective concrete slab, and anchor bars to tie the
protective concrete slab into the foundation.
The design details of the concrete overtopping protection will be important. For
thinner conventional concrete slabs, reinforcement should be designed to resist
moments and shears from uplift pressures. For mass concrete placements,
structural reinforcement may not be necessary, but reinforcement at exposed
surfaces should be considered to minimize surface cracking.
Control or contraction joints should also be included for concrete overtopping
protection to minimize the extent of cracking in the concrete. The joint details will
be important to ensure the integrity of the overtopping protection and to prevent
the development of stagnation pressures at the concrete joints. Stagnation
pressures typically develop for thinner slabs at joints with an offset into the flow
that are oriented transverse to the direction of flow. Design details can mitigate
against the development of stagnation pressures for thinner slabs and include:


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Waterstops (to prevent water infiltration through the joints)

Joint details to minimize the chance of the downstream portion of the joint
from raising relative to the upstream portion of the joint
Rock bolts and/or anchor bars (to anchor the concrete protection to the
foundation and provide additional stability)
Drainage under the overtopping protection (to reduce uplift pressures and
improve stability of concrete protection)
Continuous reinforcement across the joint (to provide additional resistance
and stability across overtopping protection slabs)
Training walls are often provided to channel overtopping flows to the downstream
tailwater pool and prevent overtopping flows from flowing on unprotected
portions of the downstream foundation. The walls should be designed to contain
the anticipated depths of overtopping flows and the impact from the overtopping
flows. Water surface profiles can be used to estimate flow depths along the
downstream groins of the dam. When concentrated flows are collected and
confined in a channel, energy dissipation of the flows being discharged into the
downstream river channel may need to be considered (either relying on an
existing stilling basin or ensuring that a plunge pool exists to dissipate flows).

13.4 Construction Considerations

When concrete overlays are placed on the downstream foundation areas, the
foundation will need to be prepared for concrete placement. This will involve
removing loose and weathered foundation materials so that a sound surface can be
achieved. In the process of foundation cleanup, weak zones in the foundation may
be uncovered that may require additional treatment or require that the foundation
protection be extended further. If faults or shears are encountered, this weak
material should be removed to an acceptable depth and replaced with backfill
concrete. For areas just beyond the extent of the concrete overlay, the foundation
should be mapped and an assessment made as to whether the condition of the
unprotected foundation is as expected. If a determination is made that the
foundation is not as competent as expected and if the unprotected portions of the
foundation will be exposed to potentially erosive flows, consideration should be
given to extending the concrete overlays.

13.5 Vulnerabilities and Risk

Concrete overlays can be very effective in protecting portions of the dam
foundation exposed to overtopping flows by sealing the surface of the foundation

Chapter 13 Conventional or Mass Concrete

and preventing high velocity flow from entering joints and fractures in the rock
and initiating plucking of the foundation rock. To be effective, the overlays will
need to extend over the areas impacted from overtopping flows and the collective
flows which travel down the groin of the dam (which will change with the depth
of overtopping flows and will be a function of the flood magnitude) and will need
to remain intact during large flood events and be able to withstand the
environmental conditions. Hydraulic studies of the overtopping flows will be
needed to ensure that the coverage of the overlays is adequate. Good quality
control measures during foundation preparation and concrete placement and
regular inspections of installed concrete overlays will be needed to ensure that the
overlays are capable of withstanding overtopping flows.
Updated frequency floods.This may result in a change of flood
magnitude for the design return period. This change in magnitude may
result in overtopping flows impacting beyond the concrete overtopping
protection, with the potential for erosion to initiate. If the design flood
return period must be maintained to ensure acceptable risks for potential
failure modes related to the dam foundation eroding during flood events,
then additional overtopping protection may be needed.
Weathering or deterioration of concrete protection.If good quality
concrete is initially provided, the concrete should be durable and able to
withstand the elements. If localized damage occurs, then repairs should be
considered, especially if the damage has exposed reinforcing steel that
could deteriorate if left exposed or if cracking exists which could lead to
breakup and removal of the concrete protection. If damage to the
overtopping protection concrete is extensive, then an assessment will have
to be made on the ability of the overtopping protection to function as
intended. In some cases, the overtopping protection concrete may have to
be replaced.
Plugging of drainage system.Drainage systems can become plugged
over time due to calcium carbonate, iron bacteria, migration of sands and
gravels in the dam foundation, or from other mechanisms. The drainage
system should ideally be designed to allow access for an inspection
camera, so that the condition of the underdrain system can be periodically
checked. This may require designing a number of access points into the
drainage system where a camera can be inserted. Drain flows should be at
least visually monitored and if drain flows have visibly decreased, a
camera inspection should be initiated. If drains are plugged, drain cleaning
should be initiated. For guidance on monitoring, inspecting and cleaning
underdrain systems, see Reclamation (2004).
Inaccurate prediction of jet trajectory.A potential issue with concrete
overtopping protection is that the trajectory of the overtopping flows may
be estimated incorrectly. These inaccurate predictions could be due to the

Overtopping Protection for Dams

lack of a hydraulic model study. If the jet impinges further downstream

than predicted and impacts on unprotected foundation, erosion may
initiate. The design calculations should be reviewed to confirm that the
approach used and assumptions made are valid. During dam overtopping,
the flow characteristics of overtopping discharges should be documented
and compared to design calculations.


Chapter 14 Foundation and Abutment Reinforcing

Chapter 14. Foundation and Abutment



Foundation and abutment reinforcing can be an effective means of stabilizing

rock masses against overtopping flow. In many cases, this reinforcing will be
most effective if combined with concrete overlays. Without overlays, the joints
and discontinuities that form wedges in the rock mass will be subjected to
potentially large dynamic pressures and impact loads from the overtopping flows.
Figures 14-1 through 14-3 show some examples of typical removable foundation

14.1 Historical Perspective

Foundation and abutment reinforcing has been provided at a number of concrete
dams to stabilize foundation and abutment rock blocks for static and seismic
loading. A less common reason for stabilizing rock blocks has been to improve
stability during flood overtopping flows. Several dams have been modified for
this reason and three examples are provided below Detailed write-ups of these
case histories can be found in the Appendix.
Gibson Dam.Gibson Dam is a thick concrete arch dam on the North
Fork of the Sun River near Augusta, Montana. Modifications to Gibson
Dam were completed in 1981 to provide overtopping protection for
overtopping flows that would result in up to 12 feet of overtopping over
the parapet walls on the dam crest. The overtopping protection consisted
of groutable rock bolts to reinforce and stabilize jointed rock in the
abutments and placement of concrete caps on both abutments. The
overtopping protection on the right abutment was more extensive than on
the left abutment, because the rock was judged to be more erodible on the
right side. Rock bolt spacings and rock bolt lengths were not well
documented, but Figure 14-4 indicates that the rock bolting was extensive.
The rock on the left abutment of the dam was not judged to be erodible,
except for two weaker beds. Pairs of anchor bars at 5-foot spacings were
provided on each side of the beds. The anchor bars extended 5 feet into
rock and were grouted in place.
Railroad Canyon Dam.Railroad Canyon Dam is a concrete arch dam
on the San Jacinto River in Riverside County, California. Overtopping
protection for the dam was constructed in 1995. The overtopping
protection consisted of reinforced concrete overlays with rock anchors on
the downstream portions of the abutments. Details on the rock anchor
spacings and lengths are not available.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Boundary Dam.Boundary Dam is a thin concrete arch dam on the Pend

Oreille River in northeast Washington, about one mile south of the
Canadian border. Overtopping protection was provided on the downstream
abutments in the 1990s. A hydraulic model study was conducted to
determine a number of parameters, including: the trajectory of overtopping
flows, the impingement areas on the abutments, and the hydrodynamic
forces on the abutments during impingement. Erosion protection included
reinforced concrete slabs on the upper abutments, with rock bolts to
anchor the concrete slabs (No. 8 fully grouted 10-foot long bolts) to the

Figure 14-1. Nested foundation blocks, view from downstream (Reclamation)

Figure 14-2. Nested foundation blocks, view from upstream (Reclamation)


Chapter 14 Foundation and Abutment Reinforcing

Figure 14-3.Example of removable rock block in dam foundation. Photograph of the

right abutment as seen from the left abutment. Blue line indicates the approximate
location of the side plane and the green line indicates the approximate location of
the base plane. The side plane extends under the concrete cap and dam until
intersecting the release plane. (Reclamation).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure 14-4.Rock Bolt Installation on Downstream Abutment as Part of Overtopping

Protection (Reclamation)


Chapter 14 Foundation and Abutment Reinforcing

14.2 Design and Analysis

A number of elements need to be considered when designing conventional or
mass concrete overtopping protection for concrete dams. These elements include:
Geologic Mapping and Joint Surveys.Geologic mapping and joint
surveys are needed to define the surface geology of the dam abutments
and foundation and to characterize discontinuities in the foundation, which
could form potentially removable foundation blocks. Guidance on
performing geologic mapping and rock joint surveys can be found in
Reclamation (1998).
Coring of Rock Foundations and Testing of Discontinuities.If
removable foundation blocks exist, a coring and testing program of the
foundation rock will be helpful in characterizing the continuity and
characteristics of the discontinuities and in estimating the shear strength
along the discontinuities.
Flood Hydrology.If a major modification is being pursued at a dam,
such as adding overtopping protection, the flood hydrology for the damsite
should be reviewed and updated as necessary. This will ensure that the
modification is being designed for the most up to date loading
information. A decision should be made on the inflow design flood or the
level of protection that will be designed for. Guidance for the evaluation
of the hydrologic safety of dams, including guidelines for determination of
the IDF for both new and existing dams, is provided by FEMAs manual,
Selecting and Accommodating Inflow Design Floods for Dams (FEMA,
2013). A risk-informed approach can be used to make these design
determinations (Reclamation 2013b).
Flood Routing Results.Flood routings will be necessary to evaluate the
depths and durations of dam overtopping during floods of interest. In some
cases, a critical flood, such as the PMF, will be the only flood that is
evaluated. In other cases, a suite of frequency floods may be used to help
determine the extent of flood overtopping protection that is necessary. A
suite of frequency floods will be needed if a risk analysis is used as part of
the design process and will require a hydrologic hazard analysis (which
will establish relationships between flood frequency and peak flood flows
or flood volumes) and the development of frequency flood hydrographs
(Reclamation and USACE, 2013).
Tailwater Studies.Tailwater studies are important to define the depths
and extent of tailwater during overtopping flows. Tailwater will dissipate
the energy of overtopping flows and may reduce the extent of required


Overtopping Protection for Dams

overtopping protection. Refer to Chapter 15 for a discussion of tailwater

plunge pool technologies.
Trajectory of Overtopping Flows.Using the flood routing information,
the trajectory of jets issuing from flows that overtop the dam can be
predicted. This will be needed to determine which portions of the
foundation will be impacted directly from overtopping flows. Predictions
of the flow paths, depths and lateral extent will also be needed for the
overtopping flows that collect along the downstream abutment and flow to
the river channel. The extent of the direct impact flows and the collected
flows will need to be defined to determine which foundation
discontinuities and potential foundation blocks will be subjected to
pressures and possible erosion from these flows.
Depth and Duration and Impacts on Potential Failures.The depth and
duration of overtopping flows will be important to determine the level of
protection needed. This information will be useful in assessing the
potential for significant scour depths to develop and the potential for
headcutting, once scour initiates.
Hydraulic Model Studies.Hydraulic model studies can be very useful in
designing overtopping protection systems for concrete dams. The models
can be either physical models or numerical models. The models have the
ability to capture three-dimensional effects which may be critical to
successfully designing the overtopping protection. While a twodimensional study will be able to predict the jet trajectory and impact area
of overtopping flows at various locations along the dam axis, but the effect
of flows impacting and then collecting and flowing along the downstream
groin can not be easily captured. A-three dimensional model study will
allow this behavior to be evaluated.
Streampower/Erodibility Index Method.This method can be used to
determine if erosion is likely to occur and also to estimate the vertical
extent of the erosion, if it initiates. This information can be used to
determine if overtopping protection is necessary and if so to what extent.
Foundation blocks may be eroded as a result of overtopping flows that
impinge on the foundation directly or as a result of flows that collect and
travel down the abutment to the stream channel. Even if this approach
indicates that the erosion will not undermine the dam, there is the
possibility that scour downstream of the dam may allow removable blocks
to daylight. A detailed presentation of this method is provided in Chapter
Foundation Sliding Stability Analysis.If removable foundation blocks
exist, their stability should be evaluated for flood overtopping conditions.
The evaluation of foundation block stability should consider the potential

Chapter 14 Foundation and Abutment Reinforcing

for the removal of some of the downstream foundation due to scour.

Details on performing foundation stability analyses can be found in Scott
Overtopping of a concrete dam can be controlled by adjusting the top of dam or
top of parapet wall elevations. The effective top of dam can be raised near the
abutments (or lowered at the center of the dam) to allow for overtopping (at least
initially) only in the center of the dam and not on the abutments. Doing so will
reduce the crest of the dam that is overtopped, but will allow for tailwater and/or
overtopping protection to accommodate focused overtopping flows. Such a
scheme could allow for controlled overtopping up to a certain return period flood
but complete overtopping of the dam crest for more remote floods.
When evaluating the foundation for overtopping flows, the concentration of
overtopping flows along the abutments should be considered in addition to the
effect of impinging flows on the foundation. As overtopping flows travel from the
upper abutments to the tailwater in the downstream river channel, flows will
accumulate and the streampower and energy in the flow will increase.
Protecting anchors from corrosion is an important design consideration. Corrosion
protection can be provided in a variety of ways. In general, some form of
corrosion protection should be provided and higher levels of corrosion protection
should be considered if the anchors are installed in a corrosive environment or if
the anchors are critical to the stability of the foundation and/or the dam. Corrosion
protection can be provided by:
Grouting the perimeter of the rock anchor holes to prevent groundwater
access to the anchors,
Providing an encapsulation to seal the anchor within the borehole and
prevent contact with groundwater, and/or,
Providing epoxy coating on the anchors or rock bolts (see Figure 14-5).
For more guidance on corrosion protection systems, refer to the Post-Tensioning
Institute, Recommendations for Prestressed Rock and Soil Anchors (2004).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure 14-5.Epoxy coated rock bolts (Reclamation).

Rock reinforcement overtopping protection for concrete dams should be designed

for the fo llowing loads:
Impinging jet loadImpact loads from impinging jets will introduce
pressures on and into the dam foundation. Impact pressures may be
estimated on foundation areas without tailwater using the Bernoulli
equation, converting the static head to a pressure head. Flow aeration and
reducing the angle of impingement will reduce the actual pressure on the
foundation. For additional discussion, see Chapter 11.
Uplift due to impinging jets.Impinging jets entering open joints in the
foundation may develop local uplift pressures equal to the full reservoir
head if the foundation is not adequately drained.
Steady-state uplift.Seepage under reservoir head will produce an uplift
pressure distribution between the upstream and downstream ends of the
dam. Uplift pressures can be determined from seepage models calibrated
to available instrumentation data. For preliminary designs or final designs,
where limited information is available, uplift pressures may be assumed to
vary uniformly between the:


Chapter 14 Foundation and Abutment Reinforcing

o Upstream face, using full reservoir head

o Drainage gallery, using tailwater head plus the difference between the
reservoir and tailwater heads multiplied by a drainage effectiveness
o Downstream end of the protective slab, using full tailwater head.
The drainage effectiveness factor is usually taken as one-third to one-half,
depending on the quality of the drains and their accessibility for periodic
Dam Loads.For analysis of foundation blocks underneath the dam, dam
loads into the foundation will be needed. This is usually obtained from an
uncoupled analysis of the dam.

14.3 Construction Considerations

A number of factors should be considered when installing rock reinforcement for
overtopping protection of concrete dams. These include:
Adjustment of anchor depths/spacing based on site conditions.Rock
anchors stabilize a rock mass by reinforcing the rock and providing a
compressive force to hold the mass together and can be used to stabilize
individual rock wedges by anchoring the wedge to the adjacent rock mass.
When drilling holes for rock bolts, it may become apparent that key rock
joints are at different orientations or spacings than was anticipated. It may
be necessary to extend the length of rock bolts to provide adequate
anchorage for the rock bolts and/or to extend the rock bolt anchors beyond
planes that form rock blocks. Locations of rock joints within the rock mass
should be identified before installing rock bolts and adjustments should be
made to the rock bolt lengths, if necessary.
Documentation of foundation conditions during construction.It is
important to verify foundation conditions in terms of joint orientation and
spacing and rock mass quality during construction. The conditions should
be documented in the form of geologic maps and logs of drill holes for the
rock anchors. If conditions are different than was anticipated, then the
design assumptions should be reviewed and if necessary the planned rock
reinforcement should be adjusted.
Ability to verify performance of reinforcement over time.This may be
difficult to achieve but should be considered in the design.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure 14-4 shows the installation of rock bolts as part of an overtopping

protection modification.

14.4 Vulnerabilities and Risk

There are a number of vulnerabilities and risks which can reduce the effectiveness
of rock reinforcement and possibly lead to the initiation of a potential failure
Deterioration of anchors over time.Rock bolts or rock anchors can
deteriorate over time. The biggest concern is that corrosion will occur
somewhere along the rock bolt or anchor and the anchor will lose cross
sectional area and the structural capacity of the anchor will be reduced.
Insufficient extent of rock anchoring.Rock bolt reinforcement must
protect the critical portions of the foundation that may be vulnerable to
erosion from overtopping flows or vulnerable to large dynamic pressures
from overtopping flows. Erosion or dynamic pressures can lead to
foundation block displacement. If critical foundation areas are
unprotected, foundation erosion may initiate and be allowed to progress.
Daylighting of foundation planes caused by foundation erosion from
spillway or overtopping flows.This may or may not have been
considered in the original design. As foundation conditions change,
foundation stability should be reevaluated.
Removal of passive resistance provided by downstream foundation
blocks.This is a similar consideration from the previous bullet, and this
removal could lead to a condition that may need to be reevaluated in terms
of foundation stability.
Stagnation pressures or stagnation pressures on blocks.Flows
traveling along the surface of the foundation may be injected into joints
and other discontinuities and create high water pressures within the
foundation. This can occur if vertical offsets occur into the flow. If these
situations exist, this should be considered in the foundation stability
analysis. Insight into the potential for the development of stagnation
pressures can be found in a research report from Reclamation (2007). In
this research, a variety of crack configurations in concrete slabs were
evaluated (with the crack width, offset at the crack and crack geometries
(rounded vs sharp corners)) and the corresponding stagnation pressures
and flow volumes were measured.


Chapter 14 Foundation and Abutment Reinforcing

Reinforcement not extending deep enough (not beyond block planes).

If rock reinforcement is installed and the location and orientations of
discontinuities are not verified during drilling of rock reinforcement holes
(from coring or downhole cameras), then the extent of the rock
reinforcement may be inadequate to stabilize blocks.
Plugging of foundation drains.Foundation drains can become plugged
over time due to calcium carbonate, iron bacteria, migration of sands and
gravels in the dam foundation, hole caving, or other mechanisms. The
foundation drains should ideally be designed to allow access for an
inspection camera, so that the condition of the drains can be periodically
checked. Drain flows should be at least visually monitored. If drain flows
have visibly decreased, a camera inspection should be initiated. If drains
are plugged, drain cleaning should normally be initiated. For guidance on
monitoring, inspecting and cleaning foundation drains, see Reclamation
Inaccurate prediction of jet trajectory.A potential issue with concrete
overtopping protection is that the trajectory of the overtopping flows may
be estimated incorrectly (either due to inadequate or improper analysis or
due to a lack of a hydraulic model study). If the jet impinges at a different
location than what was predicted and impacts blocks that have not been
stabilized with reinforcement, erosion may initiate. The design
calculations should be reviewed to confirm that the approach used and
assumptions made are still valid. During dam overtopping, the flow
characteristics of overtopping discharges should be documented and
compared to design calculations.


Chapter 15 Tailwater Effects


Chapter 15. Tailwater Effects

This chapter describes the hydraulics of a free-falling jet from concrete dam
overtopping into a plunge pool of rock material. The jet will either impinge into
the pool below the dam and disperse into the pool before impinging on the rock
surface or it will not disperse. If the jet will disperse because of adequate tailwater
pool depth, then no energy remains to erode the rock material on the sides or base
of the pool. If not, then scour may occur, depending upon the rock materials. If
scour is predicted and is determined by the designer to be unacceptable, a
protective measure, such as a downstream weir may be constructed artificially
raise the tailwater pool depth and prevent scour at the toe of the dam.
Tailwater effects should be a consideration when evaluating a concrete dam for
overtopping flows. Even without any special design measures in place, tailwater
will help dissipate the energy of overtopping flows and may reduce the need for
or eliminate the need for other forms of overtopping protection. The downstream
dam foundation areas protected by tailwater will be limited, however. An
additional limitation on the protection provided by tailwater is that tailwater levels
can be reduced for a given discharge if downstream channel degredation occurs.
If tailwater by itself is not effective in reducing the energy of overtopping flows,
the designer must then determine an appropriate protective measure (e.g., adding
a reinforced concrete liner to a previously unprotected rock plunge pool or adding
a feature to the top of dam or release structure to break up the jet).

15.1 Historical Perspective

Erosion or scour of granular materials has been investigated for many years and
empirical relationships developed that related scour depth to various hydraulic
Equations used in the past to calculate plunge pool scour are the Veronese, Mason
and Arumugam, and Yildiz and zcek equations. Of these equations only the
Mason and Arumugam equation acknowledges that material resistance plays a
role in scour. The Veronese (1937) equation (Equation 15-1) is:
YS = 1.90H0.225q0.54
YS =

Eq. 15-1

depth of erosion below tailwater (meters)


elevation difference between reservoir and tailwater (meters)


unit discharge (m3/s/m)


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Yildiz and zcek (1994) present a modified version of the Veronese equation
(Equation 15-2), including the angle, , of incidence from the vertical, of the jet:
YS = 1.90H0.225q0.54cos

Eq. 15-2

The Mason and Arumugam (1985) prototype equation is given in (Equation15-3):

YS = K(qxHyhw)/(gvdz)

tailwater depth above original ground surface (meters)


median grain size of foundation material, d50 (meters)


acceleration of gravity (m/s2)















Eq. 15-3

Unlike the Veronese and the Yildiz and Uzucek equations, the Mason and
Arumugam equation includes a material factor, d. Although it is an attempt to
acknowledge the role that material properties play in resisting scour, it is unlikely
that this factor adequately represents the variety of material properties found in
foundation materials. In addition, the materials in the movable beds of the
hydraulic model studies may not scale very well to the rock material at a
particular site. In most cases these equations are likely to result in a conservative
estimate of maximum plunge pool scour depth, but not in all cases, particularly if
the rock is likely to break into platy slabs or smaller blocks. Progression of
erosion upstream also may not be realistically predicted for some rock geometries.
Pioneering work on plunge pool geology was conducted by Spurr (1985). He
proposed a procedure that compares the hydraulic energy with the erosion
resistance of the rock mass. The concept of using a rock mass index to correlate
with the power it would take to remove the rock was original developed by
Kirsten (1983) to characterize the rip-ability of earth materials using mechanical
equipment and its associated horsepower. This was extended to examine the
removal of rock from flowing water, and at that time the term erodibility index
was coined. This index was correlated empirically to the erosive power of flowing
water, or the energy rate of change, termed stream power. Data from the

Chapter 15 Tailwater Effects

performance of unlined spillways in both soil and rock were used to calibrate the
method for erosion potential. Thus, this method can also be used for either soil or
rock, but this section focuses on its use for estimating rock erosion.
Initial attempts to use the stream power-erosion relationship for predicting rock
erosion began with investigation of continuing erosion below the spillway at
Bartlett Dam, Arizona. The stream power-erosion relationsip was also applied to a
new spillway design for Theodore Roosevelt Dam, Arizona that called for
replacing the existing spillways with superelevated spillways that would direct
jets to impact each other and then fall into an unlined rock plunge pool below the
dam. (Reclamation, 1990b and 1993 and Frizell,1990).
The initial plots of erodibility were of soil materials, primarily from NRCS
database. When the erosion resistance of rock was added to the chart, questions
arose about the applicability of the method. Since then, many investigations have
been performed comparing existing prototype rock erosion, primarily from
spillway releases from high dams, with the methodology (Annandale, 2006).
Good agreement has generally been found.
Overtopping of Gibson Dam occurred in 1964, Figure 15-1. Based on a detailed
evaluation, the erodibility index of the dolomite abutment rock was estimated to
be between 5,100 and 12,000 and the stream power was estimated to be between
43 kW/m2 on the upper abutments and 258 kW/m2 on the lower abutments. With
these values, the stream power versus erodibility index would predict a
probability of erosion of at most a few percent. In fact, there was very little
erosion observed (see case history summary in the Appendix).
The erosion associated with overtopping is caused by a free-falling rectangular jet
as the jet impacts on the abutments or into the tailwater pool below. This section
will discuss only this type of jet and subsequent application related to
impingement onto the exposed rock and into a tailwater pool. The hydraulic
characteristics and erosive power associated with other types of flow and
erosional applications will not be discussed.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure 15-1.Overtopping of Gibson Dam in 1964 by about 3 feet

(Courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey [USGS] and USFS).

15.2 Design and Analysis

Current design philosophy is to determine the energy in the flow at the point of
entry to the plunge pool by determining the geometry and characteristics of the
overtopping jet and then determining if the material can withstand the force of the
water without eroding.

15.2.1 Jet Characteristics

The hydraulic properties of the jet that are included in the design are:
Initial depth, velocity, discharge, aeration, turbulence, angle of issuance, and
Jet break up
Aeration and spread of the falling jet


Chapter 15 Tailwater Effects

Jet velocity, depth, and angle at impingement with plunge pool

Dissipation and/or spread in a plunge pool
Figure 15-2 shows a schematic of the jet properties that must be determined. A jet
overtopping a concrete dam is usually of low initial turbulence and velocity and
the trajectory is as described by Wahl et al. (2008). The footprint of the location
of the impingement of the jet on the rock abutment, dam or in the tailwater below
is then determined.

Figure 15-2.Definition sketch for parameters of a free falling jet

into a plunge pool. (Courtesy of Bollaert, 2002, all rights reserved).

The series of equations that are used to determine the jet characteristics of a
rectangular jet are provided by Annandale (2006), and Castillo (2006). Jet spread
and the presence of a water core are determined from Ervine and Falvey (1987)
and reported in Annandale (2006). A more detailed discussion of the hydraulic
characteristics of overtopping jets is provided in Chapter 11.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Stream Power
The stream power of the falling jet (Equation 15-4) is then determined from:

P= d

Eq. 15-4


the unit weight of water (9.82 KN/m3)


the unit discharge at the location being examined (m3/s/m)


the head or height through which the jet falls (m)


the depth of the jet as it flows over the structure (the brink depth,
shown as Di in Figure 15-2) assumed to be the thickness of the jet as it
impacts the rock (m)

This equation does not account for the contraction of the jet or the cushioning
effects of tailwater (more cushioning with deeper tailwater) which occurs where
the jet impacts on tailwater. For additional discussion on the effects of tailwater
and a more detailed approach to calculating stream power, see Chapter 11.

Tailwater Pool
Bollaert (2002) and Annandale (2006) describe the behavior of the jet entering the
plunge pool and provide a methodology to determine the impact pressure and
potential for pressure fluctuations that may cause rock scour in the pool. Ervine et
al. (1997) presented the basic relationship between the average dynamic pressure
and dimensionless depth below the plunge pool water surface for round jets with a
breakup length ratio (the ratio of the length of the jet divided by the breakup
length) of 0.5 as shown in Figure 15-3.
The mean dynamic pressure coefficient, Cp, can be used to calculate the average
dynamic pressures at the base of a plunge pool, using Equation 15-5:
P = Cp Vj2/2g
Cp =

the mean dynamic pressure coefficient

the unit weight of water

Vj = the jet velocity at the water surface of the plunge pool



acceleration due to gravity

Eq. 15-5

Chapter 15 Tailwater Effects

Other work by Castillo provides guidance on rectangular jets. Ervine (1997) and
Bollaert (2002) provide equations and graphical results for predicting pressure
fluctuations based upon turbulence intensity of the jet and aeration of the jet
entering the pool.

Figure 15-3.Variation of mean dynamic pressure coefficient versus ratio of

pool depth to jet impact diameter. (Ervine, 1997 reprinted courtesy of
Journal of Hydraulic Research, all rights reserved).

Erodibility Index
The rock properties are expressed as a function of the block size, Kb, material
strength or mass strength, Ms, shear strength of joints, Kd, and relative ground
structure number, Js.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

The erodibility index, K, (Equation 15-6) is the product of these four factors:

Eq. 15-6

Ms= the mass strength, usually defined as the uniaxial compressive strength
(UCS) for rock (expressed in MPa) when the strength is greater than
10 MPa, and (0.78)(UCS)-1.05 when the strength is less than 10 MPa.
Kb defines the particle or fragment size of rock blocks that form the mass, which
can be determined from joint spacing or rock mass classification parameters.
The simplest and most straight forward relationship is shown in Equation 15-7:
Kb = RQD/Jn

Eq. 15-7

RQD = the rock quality designation and is measured by the percentage
recovery of core in lengths greater than twice the core diameter
Jn = a modified joint set number, shown in Table 15-1.
Kd describes the interblock strength and is usually taken as Jr/Ja
Jr and Ja are based on joint surface characteristics defined by Barton's Q-system
(1977) shown in Tables 15-2 and 15-3.
The relative shape and orientation of the blocks is accounted for by the Js
parameter. This represents the ease with which the water can penetrate the
discontinuities and dislodge the blocks. Table 15-4 can be used to determine Js.
The stream power -erodibility index method can be used to estimate the likelihood
of rock erosion initiating. The erodibilit y index (and its possible variability)
represents how erodible the foundation material is. It is relatively simple to
calculate. The stream power represents the erosive power of the overtopping
flows and is much more complicated to rigorously compute. This method will
provide an indication as to the likelihood that erosion will initiate, and if so,
additional judgment is needed as to whether the erosion will progress to the point
of undermining and failing the dam. This requires evaluating the likelihood of
erodibility at various depths and locations. The duration of overtopping flows
should also factor into the judgment on the potential for reservoir breach.


Chapter 15 Tailwater Effects

Table 15-1.Modified Joint Set Number Values (adapted from Annandale, 2006).
Jointing Description

Modified Joint Set Number


Intact, no or few joints


One joint set


One joint set plus random joints


Two joint sets


Two joint sets plus random joints


Three joint sets


Three joint sets plus random joints


Four joint sets


More than four joint sets


Table 15-2.Joint roughness number (adapted from Barton, 1977)

Joint Separation
Tightrock wall contact (or
rock wall contact before 10 cm shear)

Openno rock wall contact

(even when sheared)

Joint Condition

Joint Roughness


Rough or irregular, undulating

Smooth, undulating

Slickensided, undulating


Rough or irregular, planar


Smooth, planar


Slickensided, planar


Clay mineral filling


Sand, gravel, or crushed zone



Overtopping Protection for Dams

15.2.5 Erosion Potential

The erodibility index is plotted against the stream power on Figure 15-4. This
figure represents an evaluation of the original data used to develop the
streampower erodibility index relationship evaluated using logistic regression by
Wibowo et al. (2005a). The upper (blue line) represents a 99 percent chance of
erosion initiating. The bottom orange line represents a 1 percent chance of erosion
initiating, and the red line in the middle represents a 50 percent chance of erosion
initiating. The green line just below the middle red line is the initial erosion
threshold proposed by Annandale (2006). It can be seen that this represents about
a 40 percent chance of erosion initiation based on the regression analysis. The
likelihood of erosion initiation can be interpolated between these lines.
If erosion is predicted, but the character of the rock or hydraulic characteristics
change with depth, then an iterative procedure can be employed whereby the rock
is assumed to erode to a certain depth, and then the stream power and erodibility
index are recalculated for the new geometry and geologic conditions, and re

plotted on the empirical chart. Due to uncertainties in obtaining input parameters,

it is often necessary to look at a range of conditions. In addition, a jet plunging
from the crest of a concrete dam will have different stream power values
depending on the height of the dam and the distance to the foundation at any
given point.
Some judgment is required when applying this method. The results can be
sensitive to Kb, which is somewhat difficult to assess. In addit ion, materials will
be more easily eroded on an abutment slope where there are more degrees of
freedom for movement than in the bottom of a plunge pool where only the top of
rock blocks are exposed. Cross jointing, if not present, can also increase the
erosion resistance of the rock. These issues are not directly accounted for in this
method. Unless there are very weak rocks, it takes at least three discontinuities to
form a removable block. If removable foundation blocks do not exist, then erosion
of the foundation becomes more difficult as fracturing of the rock will be
required. A rigorous theorem for identifying removable blocks is given by
Goodman and Shi (1985, page 23).


Chapter 15 Tailwater Effects

Table 15-3.Joint Alteration Number (adapted from Barton, 1977)

Joint Separation
Tight, rock wall contact

Rock wall contact

before 10 cm shear

Joint Condition
Tightly healed, hard, non-softening filling (quarts
or epidote)


Unaltered joint walls, surface staining only


Slightly altered joint walls, non-softening mineral

coatings (sandy particles)


Silty or sandy-clay coatings (non-softening)


Softening or low friction clay mineral coatings

(< 12 mm thick)


Sandy particles (clay-free disintegrated rock)


Strongly over-consolidated non-softening clay

mineral fillings (< 5 mm thick)


Clay mineral fillings, not strongly overconsolidated (<5 mm thick)


Swelling clay fillings (< 5 mm thick, Ja increases

with increasing percent of swelling clay)
No rock wall contact
(even when sheared)

Joint Alteration


Zones or bands of silty or sandy clay (non



Zones or bands of crushed rock and strongly overconsolidated clay


Zones or bands of crushed rock and clay, not

strongly over-consolidated


Zones or bands of crushed rock and swelling clay

fillings (Ja increases with increasing percent of
swelling clay)


Thick continuous zones or bands of strongly overconsolidated clay


Thick continuous zones or bands of clay, not

strongly over-consolidated


Thick continuous zones or bands of swelling clay

(Ja increases with increasing percent of swelling



Overtopping Protection for Dams

Table 15-4.Determination of JS (adapted from Annandale, 2006)

Joint Dip
Angle in





































































































































Dip Down in Flow Direction Block


Dip Up in Flow Direction Block


Chapter 15 Tailwater Effects

Figure 15-4.Probability that erosion will occur based upon the available
flow energy or stream power and the characteristics of the rock in terms of
the erosion index. Probability of erosion by logistic regression for
Annandales regression line (Courtesy of Wibowo, 2005, USACE).

15.2.6 Alternative Methods for Scour from a Plunging Jet

An alternative method that predicts scour from a plunging jet into a tailwater pool
is the Comprehensive Scour Model (Bollaert and Schleiss, 2003a and 2003b and
Boellaert, 2004). This model is more rigorous than the streampower-erodibility
index method. The numerical model was developed to account for the physicalmechanical processes that lead to scour in rock channels exposed to a plunging
jet. The comprehensive scour model predicts the fracturing the rock joints due to
dynamic water pressures (which completes rock joint networks and allows for the
formation of rock blocks) and also models the ejection of individual rock blocks
due to uplift pressure. The comprehensive scour model predicts the ultimate scour
depth and the scour progression with time in a jointed rock mass.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

15.3 Construction Cnsiderations

This chapter does not present construction of a protection measure. However,
should a concrete plunge pool liner be determined to be necessary, the pressures
of uplift and impact, average and fluctuating must be taken into account in the
design and construction of the concrete lining (see Annandale, 2006, pp. 328

15.4 Vulnerabilities and Risk

This complex issue requires a team of designers capable of determining the
hydraulics of the jet and the geologic features of the rock with as much accuracy
as possible. This may require extensive drilling to determine the rock
characteristics and/or review of construction photos of the abutment and
foundation areas.
Judgment is still required by the designer to apply the methodology as intended.
The duration of the event is still an important parameter that is not accounted for
in the erodibility index or the stream power.


Chapter 16 Alternatives for Concrete Dams

Chapter 16. Summary of Overtopping

Protection Alternatives for Concrete Dams


Several different types of overtopping protection systems have been considered or

used for concrete dams. These systems are often used in combination, such
overtopping protection for a concrete arch dam, where the upper abutments are
reinforced with rock bolts, conventional concrete overlays are provided on the
upper dam abutments in the areas where the overtopping jet will impact the dam
foundation and tailwater is relied on in the center section of the dam to dissipate
the energy of overtopping flows.
Overtopping protection for concrete dams differs from overtopping protection for
embankment dams in that the areas typically protected for concrete dams focus on
the foundation. Erosion of the dam itself is typically not a concern. Overtopping
protection of the foundation should consider the effects of tailwater in dissipating
the energy of overtopping flows and the characteristics of the foundation and the
ability of the foundation to resist erosion from overtopping flows. It may be
concluded that some areas of the foundation that are exposed to overtopping flows
may be erosion resistant and that no protection is required in these areas.
As is the case for embankment dams, overtopping of a concrete dam should only
be allowed for remote flood events. There will always be some uncertainty on the
reliability of overtopping protectionand if overtopping protection fails, it is
unlikely that intervention would be successful if an overtopping event initiates
erosion of the dam foundation. Limiting the overtopping of the dam to remote
events will reduce the annualized failure probability for flood overtopping
potential failure modes.
The preceding chapters describe each of the overtopping protection systems in
some detail, including a historical perspective of their development and use,
design and analysis guidance, construction considerations, and a discussion of
their potential vulnerabilities and risks, including potential failure modes.
Selected case histories of these various types of systems have also been provided
in the Appendix. The following sections provide a brief assessment of each of
these systems using physical, hydrologic, and socio-economic factors as a means
of comparison.

16.1 Physical Factors

Physical factors for assessment of overtopping protection systems for concrete
dams include the physical dimensions of the dam itself, the physical properties of
the system components, and the physical and geologic conditions of the site.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

16.1.1 Dam Dimensions

The height of the concrete dam, or the difference in elevat ion between the dam
crest and the downstream abutment (or downstream channel), determines the drop
height for the dam overtopping protection, and will directly influence the energy
of the overtopping flows that will impact on the downstream abutments or on
overtopping protection that is in place. The dam height also affects the potential
breach outflow in the event of dam failure and loss of reservoir, and therefore the
downstream consequences and the hazard potential classification.
The crest length of the dam will determine the total discharge capacity (along
with spillway and outlet works releases) which will determine the overtopping
depths and durations when frequency floods are routed at the dam.
Overtopping flows will concentrate at the downstream groins of the dam, as
overtopping flows from the upper portions of the abutments collect and flow to
the downstream river channel. If parapet walls are provided at the crest of a
concrete dam and the parapet walls do not extend all the way to the abutments,
overtopping flows may be concentrated at the ends of the dam.
Additional protective measures and more robust overtopping protection designs
may be required where flows may concentrate.

16.1.2 Physical Properties of System Components

The system components will have varying physical properties related to
durability, constructability, drainage, performance, and maintenance. Durability
relates to how resistant the system components are to corrosion, abrasion,
cavitation damage, freeze-thaw damage. Systems relying upon steel components,
such as rock reinforcement must consider corrosion protection in the design.
Epoxy coated bars, greased and sheathed bars, or encapsulated anchors can be
used. Concrete systems should also consider potential abrasion damage and debris
loads during overtopping flows, which could lead to specifying higher concrete
compressive strengths, or possibly allowing for a sacrificial surface subject to
future loss as for RCC. Conventional concrete is commonly air-entrained for
improved freeze-thaw performance. Most systems are not subjected to flow
velocities sufficiently high to produce cavitation.
Constructability and contract duration will vary with the system and with the site.
RCC and conventional and mass concrete designs will require contractors
experienced with that specific type of construction. RCC construction can
generally be performed faster than for conventional concrete, but the schedule
may depend upon the details of the design and the working space.
Some form of drainage or pressure relief will be required for all overtopping
protection systems. This will require special drainage layers, collector pipes, weep


Chapter 16 Alternatives for Concrete Dams

holes and outlets. Drainage systems must protect against the development of uplift
The performance of most overtopping protection systems in the field under design
loads is largely untested due to the remoteness of the design flood events. Some
RCC overtopping protection projects have been shown to perform well for long
durations and for overtopping depths of up to a few feet. The potential
vulnerabilities and risks of each system should always be carefully evaluated
before selection for final design and construction.
A terminal structure may be required at the downstream end of the system to
provide energy dissipation for the overtopping flows. Most systems require some
additional strength or capacity to resist the larger hydraulic forces normally
associated with a hydraulic jump, such as an increased thickness or additional
Maintenance requirements will also vary with the system. All systems should be
inspected regularly to the extent possible for signs of deterioration or damage.
Trees, shrubs or other woody vegetation should never be permitted on the
overtopping protection, to avoid potential damage by roots, allow proper
inspection, and avoid flow disturbance during operation. Exposed concrete
surfaces should be inspected for cracks and open joints. Drains should be
periodically inspected and outlets should be maintained open and free-draining.
Systems relying upon steel components, such as rock reinforcement must be
periodically inspected for corrosion or abrasion damage.

16.1.3 Site Conditions

The foundation geology will greatly influence the ability of the foundation to
resist overtopping flows and the need for overtopping protection. The orientation,
spacing and openness of joints and fractures in the foundation rock will influence
the erosion resistance of the foundation. If the foundation for a concrete dam
consists of soil, the foundation will likely be very erodible.
Site conditions include climatic conditions, and will affect the availability of
system components or materials. Climatic conditions will determine whether
freeze-thaw protection is a consideration (not a concern in warmer climates). High
temperatures or extreme temperature ranges may cause expansion and
delamination or cracking of cast-in-place concrete systems.
Site access and the availability of materials will affect construction costs and may
favor some systems over others. RCC and conventional or mass concrete overlays
require a sufficient source of good quality sand and coarse aggregates and of
cementitious materials.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

16.2 Hydrologic/Hydraulic Factors

Hydrologic factors resulting from select ing the IDF, which may or may not be
equal to the PMF for the overtopping protection system include:
Design unit discharge and total discharge
Design head on the crest
Maximum flow velocity
Jet trajectory and area
Potential for breakup of the jet
Downstream tailwater elevations
These factors are interrelated, as the:
Total discharge is the product of the design unit discharge and the crest
Design head is a function of the unit discharge and the crest coefficient
Flow velocity (or terminal velocity in some cases) is a function of the unit
discharge, the drop height and the jet trajectory
The potential for erosion of the foundation and/or the overtopping
protection is a function of the energy of the overtopping jet or surface flow
(streampower) and the erosion resistance of the foundation or overtopping
protection (erodibility index).
The need for overtopping protection systems and the design of overtopping
protection systems can be based on a streampower-erodibility index analysis in
which the relative values for these two parameters are compared to empirical data
and an estimate made on the likelihood of erosion initiating. Other more advance
techniques that consider the rate at which erosion might occur and incorporate
three dimensional effects have also been developed. The potential for erosion
should be evaluated both for overtopping flows that impact directly on the
foundation but also for surface flows that collect as overtopping flows travel
down the dam abutments.

16.3 Socio-Economic Factors

Socio-economic factors affecting the selection of an overtopping protection
system include construction cost, aesthetics, and downstream consequences. A
detailed evaluation of construction costs for the various systems is beyond the


Chapter 16 Alternatives for Concrete Dams

scope of this manual and will depend on the site characteristics and the foundation
area downstream of the dam requiring protection.
Aesthetics may play an important role in the final appearance of an overtopping
protection project. Although uncommon, colored concrete or concrete stains could
be considered for RCC, conventional concrete or mass concrete installations if
Hazard potential classification is based on the probability of life loss, and the
extent of property damage, in the event of dam failure. Dams located in or near
populated areas will generally have a significant or high hazard potential
classification. The designer of any overtopping protection project must determine
whether there are any regulatory requirements or constraints that may limit the
types of overtopping protection systems available for further consideration.

16.4 Summary of Concrete Dam Overtopping Alternatives

Where overtopping protection has been provided for concrete dams, a number of
elements have been combined to provide the necessary protection. In a number of
the cases, rock reinforcement, concrete protection and tailwater were all provided.
Table 16-1 provides a summary of the case histories and provides information on
the overtopping protection systems that were used.
Table 16-1 Summary of concrete dam overtopping protection case histories


Boundary Dam


Coolidge Dam


Gibson Dam


Railroad Canyon


Sweetwater Dam


Tygart Dam


Type of Overtopping Protection







Reduced overtopping on abutments.



Extensive concrete overlays on

downstream abutments.
Dam overtopped by 3 feet in 1964 prior to
addition of overtopping protection.
Training walls guided flow from lower
abutments to the tailrace area.
Dam overtopped a number of times in its
early history and reservoir was breached in
1916 due to erosion around ends of dam.
Overtopping protection provided at the toe
of the dam on the abutments; training
walls were used to control the flow at the
toe of the dam and guide the overtopping
releases to the spillway stilling basin.



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Rock Mechanics, Anchorage Alaska.



Wibowo, J., D. Yule, E. Villanueva, USACE ERDC, and D. Temple, USDA,

2005b. Unlined Spillway Erosion Risk Assessment, USACE,
Wittler, R.J. and S.R. Abt. 1990. The Influence of Uniformity on Riprap Stability.
Proceedings, ASCE National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, 251256,
30 July-3 August 1990, San Diego, California.
Wooten, L., G.R. Powledge, and S.L. Whiteside. 1989. CCM Overtopping
Protection on Three Parkway Dams. American Society of Civil Engineering,
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, pp. 11541157.
Wooten, R.L. and K.E. Wood. 2002. Throwing Rocks at the PMF, Dam Safety
2002. Proceedings of the Association of State Dam Safety Officials Annual
Conference, Tampa, Florida, September 2002.
Wright, A.G. 1998. On Common Ground, Engineering News-Record,
November 9, 1998.
Yildiz, D., and E. zcek. 1994. Prediction of Scour Depth from Free Falling Flip
Bucket Jets, International Water Power and Dam Construction, November,
Zaitsoff, Mark P. 2003.Overtopping Modifications to Tygart Dam. Proceedings,
USACE Watershed Systems Conference, Portland, Oregon, May 13-15, 2003
Zou, Y. H., Q. Chen, and C.R. He. 2013. A New Large-Scale Plane-Strain
Permeameter for Gravelly Clay Soil Under Stresses, ASCE Journal of Civil
Engineering, 17(4), pp. 681-690.


Roller Compacted Concrete Overtopping Protection Projects (USA)


Cement + Fly
(lb/cu yd.)

Ocoee #2 (1980)

Ocoee, TN

Tennessee Valley Authority



North Fork Toutle River (1980)

Castle Dale, WA

US Army Corps of Engineers Portland District




500 + 0

Brownwood, TX

Brownwood Country Club




310 Type IP






225 + 0






285 + 0






232 + 39


48.5 &



292 + 244

7.1 & 10.7





195 + 195




360 + 0



Nicholas Const. Co. & SLM Const.




300 + 0






439 + 0



Nicholas Const. Co.




330 + 0



Versatile Const.




250 + 190





228 + 174





117 + 125



Charles J. Merlo, Inc.




300 + 100



Gilbert Western (a Kiewit Co.)



295 + 0




330 + 0






300 + 0



295 + 0


Dam (Year Completed)




RCC Volume



(cu yd.)

Max Unit

Height (ft)

Replacement service spillway

Brownwood Country Club (1984)
Spring Creek (1986)

Gunnison, CO

Colorado Div. of Wildlife

Bailey, CO

Harris Park Water & San. Dist.

Big Spring, TX

City of Big Spring

Houston, TX

US Army Corps of Engineers Galveston District

Bishop Creek #2 (1989)

Bishop, CA

Southern California Edison

Nederland, CO

City of Boulder

New emergency spillway

So. Cal. Edison / J.M Montgomery (Now MWH)

Estes Park, CO

New spillway

City of Greeley

Kemmerer, WY

City of Kemmerer

Thompson Park #3 (1990)

Amarillo, TX

City of Amarillo

White Cloud (1990)

White Cloud, MI

City of White Cloud

Buena Vista, Colorado

Lakewood, Colorado

HDR Engineering

Logan, New Mexico

OMM Engineering
Combined principal and emergency
Saltlick (1991)

Borough of Shenandoah

Two emergency spillways

Johnstown Water Authority

Ashton, ID

Pacific Power-Utah Power

Lake Lenape (1991)

Mays Landing, NJ

Atlantic County

Mineral Point, Pennsylvania

Black & Veatch

Murray, Utah

O'Brien & Gere

Goose Pasture (1991)

Breckenridge, CO

Town of Breckenridge, etc.

Marshall, TX

T & P Lake, Inc.

Rockaway, NJ

White Meadow Lake Assn.

Crested Butte, Colorado

East Texas Engineering

White Meadow Lake (1991)

PHA Const.
Cologne, New Jersey

Tipton & Kalmbach (Now Stantec)

Holmes Lake (1991)

Mount-Joy Const. Co.

Landisville, Pennsylvania


Ashton (1991)

Smalley Const.
Scottville, Michigan

Johnstown, PA

El Camino Const.

Lakewood & Grand Jct., Colorado

Woodward-Clyde Consultants (Now URS)

Ringtown, PA

Hassell Const. & Ernst Const. Co.

Fresno, California

Morrison-Knudsen Engineers (Now URS)

Kemmerer City (1990)

Versatile Const. Co.

Houston, Texas

Harza Engineering (Now MWH)

Comanche (1990)

Pridemore Const. Co.

Logan, New Mexico


Goose Lake (1989)


Montrose, Colorado

Freese & Nichols

Addicks & Barker (1988)

Central Plains Const. Co.

Crested Butte, Colorado

Edward Shaw
Comanche Trail (1988)

Mountain Eng. & Const. Co.

Shawnee Mission, Kansas

Morrison-Knudsen Engineers (Now URS)

Harris Park #1 (1986)

Prime Contractor

Bozeman, Montana
Freese & Nichols

Ringtown #5 (1991)


Max Height

Marshall Paving Co.

Marshall, Texas

O'Brien & Gere

PHA Const.
Cologne, New Jersey

Butler Reservoir (1992)

Camp Gordon, GA

US Army Corps of Engineers Savannah District




223 + 162



Curry Contracting Co.

Horsethief (1992)

Rapid City, SD

Black Hills National Forest



325 + 0




Meadowlark Lake (1992)

Ten Sleep, WY

Bighorn National Forest



325 + 0



Atlanta, Georgia
US Forest Service, Denver
US Forest Service, Denver

Crested Butte, Colorado

Buena Vista, Colorado

Roller Compacted Concrete Overtopping Protection Projects (USA)

Dam (Year Completed)





Philipsburg #3 (1992)

Philipsburg, PA

North Potato Creek (1992)

Copperhill, TN

PA - American Water Co.

Max Height

RCC Volume


Cement + Fly
(lb/cu yd.)


(cu yd.)

Max Unit

Height (ft)



295 + 0






170 + 110






225 + 37





417 + 0





131 + 151





330 + 0





200 + 170







295 + 0



Tuscarara Const. Co.



200 + 170



Prime Contractor

O'Brien & Gere

Federal Bankruptcy Court
Dames & Moore (Now URS)
Lake Diversion (1993)

Wichita Falls, TX

New emergency spillway

Lima (1993)

City of Wichita Falls, etc.

Atlanta, Georgia

Biggs & Mathews

Dell, MT

Beaverhead Co. Red Rock River W&S District

Rosebud, SD

Rosebud Sioux Tribe

Canyon, TX

US Fish & Wildlife Service

Ponca (1993)

Herrick, SD

Rosebud Sioux Tribe

Niagara Mohawk Power

He Dog (1994)

Paramalee, SD

Rosebud Sioux Tribe

Crested Butte, Colorado

O'Brien & Gere

Combined principal & emergency spillway
Long Run (1994)

Pulaski, New York

Harza Engineering (Now MWH)

Lehighton, PA

Borough of Lehighton

Barberton, OH

PPG Industries

South Dam #1 (1994)

St. Clairsville, OH

City of St. Clairsville

Anawalt (1994)

Anawalt, WV

W.Va. Dept. of Natural Resources

North Poudre #6 (1994)

Wellington, CO

North Poudre Irrigation Co.

South Prong (1994)

Waxahachie, TX

Ellis Co., WC&I Dist #1

Lake Ilo (1995)

Kildeer, ND

KC Const. & VFL



250 + 150






197 + 142

Kokosing Const. Co.



250 + 0


Beaver Excavating



361 + 0





350 + 0





210 + 105 &






312 + 0


Huntington Valley, Pennsylvania

ICF Kaiser Engineers

Loudenville, Ohio

Burgess & Niple

Canton, Ohio

Triad Engineering

Heeter Const. Co. & Gears

Spencer, West Virginia

Smith Geotechnical

National Const. & Gears

Boulder, Colorado

Freese & Nichols

US Fish & Wildlife Service

Petes Excavating
Torrington, Wyoming

Gannett Fleming
Lake Dorothy (1994)

Buena Vista, Colorado

Harza Engineering (Now MWH)

Altmar, NY

Petes Excavating
Torrington, Wyoming

GEI Consultants

Lighthouse Hill (1993)

Petes Excavating
Torrington, Wyoming

Harza Engineering (Now MWH)

Umbarger (1993)

Central Plains Const.

Shawnee Mission, Kansas

HKM Assoc. (Now DOWL HKM)

Rosebud (1993)

Dames & Moore (Now URS)

270 + 0

Central Plains
Shawnee Mission, Kansas

GEI Consultants

Park Const. Co. & Gears

Denver, Colorado

Fort Ritchie, MD

US Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District




200 + 100


Kiewit Const. Co. & Gears

Warden Lake (1995)

Wardensville, WV

W.Va. Dept. of Natural Resources




350 + 0



Heeter Const. Co.

North Stamford (1995)

Stamford, CT

Stamford Water Co.




200 + 128



John J. Brennan



325 + 0



Park Const. Co. & Gears



308 + 0






280 + 0



171 + 0



Lower Lake Royer (1995)

Widened Principal Spillway

Baltimore, Maryland
Triad Engineering

Spencer, West Virginia

Roald Haestad, Inc.

Big Beaver (1995)

Meeker, CO

Colorado Div. of Wildlife

Smith Lake (1996)

Garrisonville, VA

Stafford County, Virginia

Shelton, Connecticut

Boyle Engineering (Now AECOM)

Denver, Colorado

Woodward Clyde Consultants (Now URS)

Lake Throckmorton (1996)

Throckmorton, TX

City of Throckmorton

Tongue River (1997)

Decker, MT

Montana Dept. of Natural Resources

Roanoke, Virginia

Hibbs & Todd

Phase II

ESA Consultants (Now Strand)

Branch Hwys.
Nobles Road Const.
Abilene, Texas
Barnard Construction
Bozeman, Montana

Roller Compacted Concrete Overtopping Protection Projects (USA)

Dam (Year Completed)




Hungry Mother (1997)

Marion, VA

Va. Dept. of Parks

Douthat (1997)

Clifton Forge, VA

Va. Dept. of Parks

Alvin J. Wirtz (1997)

Marble Falls, TX

Lower Colorado River Authority

Mona (1997)

Juab County, UT

Current Co.

C& O Canal No. 5 (1998)

Williamsport, MD

Corps of Engineers

Dulce Lake (1998)

Dulce, NM

Jicarilla Apache Tribe

Max Height

RCC Volume


(cu yd.)


Cement + Fly
(lb/cu yd.)

Max Unit

Height (ft)




350 + 50






292 + 0




230 + 230




350 + 0




180 + 180

C.J Merlo



Dewberry & Davis / GEI Consultants

Madison, Virginia

Timmors Engineering / Schnabel Engineering

Buena Vista, Colorado

Dewberry and Davis/ GEI Consultants

Mineral Point, Pennsylvania


Benham Holway Power Group (Now Atkins)

St. Vrain and Left Hand Conservancy District

Bear Creek (1999)

Portsmouth, OH

Ohio Department of Natural Resources

Wolfden Lake (1999)

Portsmouth, OH

Ohio Department of Natural Resources

McBride (1999)

Portsmouth, OH

Ohio Department of Natural Resources

Bozeman, Montana









300 + 0



Lo-Debar Const.




300 + 0



Lo-Debar Const.




300 + 0






291 + 0






275 + 50


Thalle Construction





T-C Inc.




350 + 0





309 + 0






325 + 0



361 + 0


West Virginia Paving




280 + 70


Barnard Construction




375 + 0


James Cape & Sons





Crested Butte, Colorado

Fuller, Mossbarger, Scott and May (Now Stantec)

Newark, Ohio

Fuller, Mossbarger, Scott and May (Now Stantec)

Newark, Ohio

Fuller, Mossbarger, Scott and May (Now Stantec)


Clark Township, NJ

Clark Township

Fort Rucker, AL

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers - Mobile District

Hooiser National Forest, IN Hoosier National Forest

Gunnison (2000)

Gunnison, UT

Gunnison Irrigation District

Jackson Lake (2000)

Jackson County, OH

Ohio Dept. Natural Resources

Coal Ridge Waste (2000)

Longmont, CO

Platte Valley Irrigation Co.

Teter Creek (2000)

Barbour County, WV

West Virginia Dept. of Natural Resources

Mebane, North Carolina


Indianapolis, Indiana

Jones & DeMille Engineering

Fawell (2000)

Naperville, IL

Dupage County

Bunnell Pond (2000)

Bridgeport, CT

State of Connecticut

Black Rock (2001)

Zuni, NM

Pueblo of Zuni

Grafton, West Virginia

US Bureau of Reclamation

Bozeman, Montana

URS Corp.

Racine, Wisconsin

Milone & MacBroom

Spartanburg, SC

Spartanburg Water System

Arvada, CO

City of Arvada, Colorado

McKinney (2001)

Hoffman, NC

N.C. Wildlife Resource Commission

Laguna Consturction Company

Laguna , New Mexico






425 + 0






450 + 0


Black & Veatch

Leyden (2001)

D V Morin Construction
Meriden, Connecticut


GEI Consultants
Lake Blalock (2001)

Longmont, Colorado

Civil Tech Engineering

US Bureau of Indian Affairs

Lo-Debar Const.
Newark, Ohio

Rocky Mountain Consultants (Now Tetra Tech)

Many Farms, AZ

Nordic Ind.
Salt Lake City, Utah

BBC&M Engineers

Many Farms (2000)

J.A. Alexander Inc.

Belleville, New Jersey

Kellogg Brown & Root

Saddle Lake (2000)

Lo-Debar Const.
Newark, Ohio

Schnabel Engineering
Lake Tholocco (2000)

Barnard Construction


Rocky Mountain Consultants (Now Tetra Tech)

Robinsons Branch

Barnard Construction
Bozeman, Montana

Woodward Clyde Consultants (Now URS)

Boulder, CO

Branch Hwys.
Roanoke, Virginia

Freese & Nichols

Left Hand Valley (1998)

Prime Contractor
W&L Paving & Contracting

Thalle Construction Company

Hillsborough, North Carolina

URS Corp.

Buena Vista, Colorado
Atlas Resource Management

Roller Compacted Concrete Overtopping Protection Projects (USA)

Dam (Year Completed)


87, 88
93, 94
95, 96


Max Height

RCC Volume



(cu yd.)


Cement + Fly
(lb/cu yd.)

Max Unit

Height (ft)

URS Corp & Schnabel Engineering

Vesuvius (2001)

Ironton, OH

U.S. Forest Service



360 + 0



T C Inc.




375 + 0



DPS Ind.




330 + 0



Champagne and Marx Excavating




303 + 0






































157 + 78








Bureau of Reclamation
Potato Creek No. 6 (2002)

Thomaston, GA

Upson Co. and Towaliga River Soil & Water Conservation Dist.

Misteguay No. 4 (2002)

Flint, MI

Misteguay Creek Intercounty Drain Board

Caldwell Lake (2002)

Chillicothe, OH

Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources

Indianapolis, Indiana

Golder Associates

Marietta, Georgia

Spicer Group, Inc.

Saginaw, Michigan

Bowser-Morner & Assoc.

Great Gorge (2002)

McAfee, NJ

Great Gorge Resort, Inc.

Collin County SWCD / M & E Engineering LLC

Newtonsville, OH

Ohio DNR

Maiden & Jenkins Construction Co.

Nelsonville, Ohio

Schnabel Engineering for Schoor DePalma

Mckinney, TX

Prime Contractor
Fayetteville, North Carolina

Van Peenen Contractors, Inc.

Wayne, New Jersey

East Fork Above Lavon 1A (2003)

Stonelick Lake (2003)

Bowser-Morner & Assoc.

Yellow River Y-14 (2003)

Lawrenceville, GA

Gwinett County, GA

Newark, Ohio

Akron, OH

Willowdale Homeowners Assoc.

Thalle Construction
Hillsborough, North Carolina

Golder Associates
Willowdale Lake (2003)

Lo-Debar Const.

Great Lakes Const. Co.

Burgess Niple
Sweet Arrow (2003)

Pineview, PA

Schuykill County
WJP Engineers

Lake Hauto (2003)

Nesquehoning, PA

Lake Hauto Homeowners Assoc.

Ivyland, Pennsylvania

O'Brian & Gere

Tanglewood Lake (2003)

Geauga, OH

Homeowners Assoc.

Stillwater, NJ

Community of Stillwater, NJ

McKinney, TX

Collin County SWCD

Carlsbad, NM

Hackberry Draw Watershed Board / NRCS - New Mexico

Brunswick, OH

City of Brunswick, OH

Ritacco Construction
Belleville, New Jersey

M & E Engineering
Hackberry Draw 1 (2003)

C J Natale, Inc.
Hudson, Ohio

Malcolm Pirnie (Now ARCADIS)

East Fork Above Lavon 3C (2003)

No. 1 Consturction Co.

Ashley, Pennsylvania

BBC&M Engineers
Paulins Kill (2003)

K.C. Construction Co.

Jester Brothers Const.

Whitewright, Texas

(auxiliary spillway)
Brunswick Lake (2004)

MS Consultants
Bear Creek #11 & #12 (2004)

Goldsboro, NC

(auxiliary spillways)
Yellow River #17 (2005)

NRCS, North Carolina

Newark, Ohio
23 & 19

2,538 + 885

NRCS, North Carolina

Gwinnett County, GA

Gwinnett County, GA

Ridgeway, VA

NRCS, Virginia

Hillsborough, North Carolina

Hope, NJ

John P. Neufville

Marilla (2007)

Bradford, PA

Bradford City Water Authority







ASI Constructors












12560 + 3,000

Pueblo West, Colorado

Pueblo West, Colorado

Schnabel Engineering for French & Perillo

Coloradolorado Springs, Colorado

GAI Consultants
Deegan and Hinkle (2007)

Bridgeport, WV

(two dams)
Yellow River Y15 and Y16 (2008)

City of Bridgeport, WV
Gwinnett County, GA
Golder Assoc. (Y15), Schnabel Engineering (Y16)

Bob Cummins Const.

Bradford, Pennsylvania

Civil Tech Engineering

Gwinnett County, GA

ASI Constructors


Schnabel Engineering
Locust Lake (2005)

Thalle Construction


USACE - Savannah District + Golder Assoc.

Marrowbone #1 (2005)

Lo-Debar Const.

Kanawba Stone, Inc.

Poca, West Virginia
ASI Constructors
Pueblo West, Colorado

Roller Compacted Concrete Overtopping Protection Projects (USA)


Cement + Fly
(lb/cu yd.)






Adair County Conservation District / NRCS - Oklahoma







C. Watts Construction

Butler, PA

PA American Water Co.






Joseph B. Fay & ASI

Bear Creek (2011)

Wise, VA

Town of Wise, VA






Big Haynes Brushy Fork #3 H3 (2011)

Grayson, GA

Gwinnett County, GA
Golder Associates

ASI Constructors
Preblo West, Colorado

Dutch Fork (2011)

Donegal Township, PA

Pennsylvania Dept. of Cons. & Natural Resources

Dam (Year Completed)




Poe Valley (2008)

Centre County, PA

Pennsylvania Dept. of Cons. & Natural Resources

Sallisaw Creek Site 16 (2009)

Stilwell, OK

Thorn Run (2010)

Max Height

RCC Volume


(cu yd.)


Max Unit

Height (ft)

Schnabel Engineering

Prime Contractor
Jay Fulkroad & Sons, Inc.
McAlisterville, Pennsylvania
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma


Tarentum, Pennsylvania

Schnabel Engineering for Thompson & Litton

Jonesville, Virginia




Golden Triangle







Joseph B. Faye











Micheal Baker
Fox Creek #4 (2011)

Flemingsburg, KY

Fox Creek Watershed Cons. District

Stoney Creek (2011)

Bedford, VA

City of Bedford, VA

Imperial, Pennsylvania
Russelton, Pennsylvania

Schnabel Engineering
Schnabel Engineering for Thompson & Litton
T Nelson Elliott (2011)

Manassas, VA

City of Manassas, VA

Waynesburg, PA

Southwestern Pennsylvania Water Authority

Lake Oneida (2012)

Butler Co., PA

Pennsylvania American Water

Morgan Corporation
Spartanburg, South Carolina

URS Corp.
Wisecarver (2011)

Estes Brothers

ASI Constructors
Pueblo West, Colorado



















Schnabel Engineering
Lower Owl Creek (2012)

Tamaqua, PA

Pennsylvania Fish & Boat Comm.

KC Construction
Ivyland, Pennsylvania

Schnabel Engineering for Alfred Benesch & Co.

Performance Construction Services

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Nesbitt (2012)

Lackawana County, PA

Pensylvania American Water

West Reservoir (2012)

Akron, OH

Ohio Department of Natural Resources





Kenmore Construction Co.

Caney Coon Site 2 (2013)

Coalgate, OK

City of Coalgate and Coal County Conservation District / URS




203 + 68



Wynn Construction

New Creek #14 (2013)

Keyser, WV

NRCS - West Virginia









Gannett Fleming

ASI Constructors
Pueblo West, Colorado
Akron, Ohio
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Gannett Fleming
Mountain Creek #10 (2014)

Midlothian, TX

Dalworth S & W Conservation District and Ellis County /

Heeter Construction/ASI RCC

Spencer, West Virginia

NRCS - Texas

ASI Constructors
Pueblo West, Colorado

Pike Lake (2014)

Bainebridge, OH

Ohio Department of Natural Resources





Pond Lick Lake (2014)

Pike County, OH

Ohio Department of Natural Resources




Renwick (2014)
(RCC spillway and RCC road)

PembinaCo., ND

Pembina Co Water Resource District / NRCS - North Dako


air entrained


377 + 94



RSCI Group Meridian, ID (Prim

Meridian, Idaho

Roosevelt Lake (2014)

Scroto County, OH

Ohio Department of Natural Resources





Sunesis Construction Co.

Tuscarawas River Diversion (2014)

South Akron, OH

Ohio Department of Natural Resources







Santa Ana Detention (2014)

Santa Ana Pueblo, NM

Pueblo of Santa Ana



Trucco Construction
Delaware, Ohio
Sunesis Construction Co.
West Chester, Ohio

West Chester, Ohio

Kenmore Construction Co.
Akron, Ohio
(auxiliary spillway)

Ayers Associates

AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Appendix Case HistoriesEmbankment Dams

Part 1: Embankment Dams


Type of System

Page A-

Addicks and Barker Dams



Arthur R. Bowman Dam



Baldhill Dam

North Dakota


Barriga Dam


ArmorWedge ACB


Bruton Flood Storage



Tapered Wedge Block ACB


Cottonwood Dam No. 5


Geomembrane liner


Empire Landfill




Friendship Village


ArmorWedge ACB

Googong Dam


Reinforced rockfill

Richmond Hill Mine

South Dakota

Non-cable-tied ACB


Ringtown No. 5 Dam



Spring Creek Dam




Strahl Lake Dam


Cable-tied ACB


Tongue River Dam



West Cornfield Dam

New Mexico



Overtopping Protection for Dams

Part 2: Concrete Dams



Type of System

Page A-

Boundary Dam


Shotcrete overlays with rock


Coolidge Dam


Concrete overlays with rock


Gibson Dam


Concrete overlays with rock



Railroad Canyon Dam


Concrete overlays, rock

reinforcement and downstream weir


Sweetwater Dam


Mass concrete overlays


Tygart Dam

West Virginia

Concrete channel at downstream toe

of dam


AppendixCase Histories
Part 1: Embankment Dams

AppendixCase Histories

Part 1: Embankment Dams

AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Project: Addicks and Barker Dams

Location: Texas
Summary: RCC overtopping protection placed parallel to slope
Addicks and Barker Dams (Munn, W.D., 1988) are 20-foot-high earth
embankment detention dams located near Houston, Texas and owned by the U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). The 19,000-foot-long spillway at Addicks
Dam and the 15,000-foot-long spillway at Barker Dam were surfaced with RollerCompacted Concrete (RCC) and the crests were raised by 3 and 5 feet,
respectively, to provide for a design overtopping depth of 2.3 feet. An 8-inchthick layer of RCC was placed on the downstream face of both embankments
using a paving machine operating parallel to the crest across the 2:1 slope. A
specially-modified D8 Caterpillar dozer operating on the crest was equipped with
a winch controlling a cable attached to the paving machine. The cable kept the
paver on track and prevented it from sliding downhill. RCC material was
delivered to the paver from the crest by a conveyor system hooked up to the
hydraulic system of the D8.
The contractor was able to meet the compaction requirements on the 2:1 slope
with the vibrating action of the paving machine and it was not necessary to use a
vibratory roller; however, the specifications required a compaction of only
90 percent of the theoretical air-free density. This density is much lower than
normally required for RCC construction and the long term endurance of the facing
may not be as high as RCC protection placed by the horizontal lift method.
Production rates averaged 2,000 to 3,000 feet of paver travel per day.
The total RCC volume in both dams was about 56,700 yd3 and the total project
cost in 1988 was about $5,300,000. The RCC overtopping protection provided for
these dams represents a very early, non-typical application demonstrating
placement parallel to the embankment slopes that may not comply with current
RCC design and construction practice.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Addicks and Barker-1. Aerial view of Barker Dam outlet works (Courtesy of USACE).

Munn, W.D. 1988. Sloping Roller Concrete Faces Earthfill Dams, Highway and
Heavy Construction magazine, September 1988.


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Project: Arthur R. Bowman Dam

Location: Oregon
Summary: CRCS overtopping protection design
Arthur R. Bowman (A.R. Bowman) Dam is an embankment dam located on the
Crooked River, about 20 miles upstream of Prineville, Oregon shown in Figure
Bowman-1. The dam is owned by Reclamation and was completed in 1961. Its
main purpose is to provide water supply for irrigation. The embankment consists
of a wide central core, narrow transitional zones, and rockfill shells. It has a
structural height of 245 feet, a crest length of 800 feet, and a crest elevation of
3264 feet. The existing spillway at A.R. Bowman Dam, consisting of a 20-footlong ogee crest with a concrete-lined chute, has a capacity of about 8,100 ft3/s.
The outlet works is a concrete-lined tunnel controlled by two 6- by 4-foot highpressure gates and is located in the right abutment of the dam. The outlet works
discharges into the spillway stilling basin and has a design capacity of 3,300 ft/s.

Figure Bowman-1.A.R. Bowman Dam and Reservoir (Reclamation).

The flood routing for the 1988 Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) for A.R.
Bowman Dam indicated the dam will be overtopped by up to 20 feet for about
4.5 days. The 1988 PMF has a peak inflow of 263,000 ft3/s and a 15-day volume
of 964,000 acre-feet. Overtopping of the dam would be initiated by a flood whose
volume was about 23 percent of the PMF volume, which corresponds to about a
500-year event.
Corrective actions were evaluated for A.R. Bowman Dam, including a dam raise
to increase the surcharge space, construction of an auxiliary spillway, breaching
of the dam, and overtopping protection alternatives. Overtopping protection was
selected as the preferred alternative based on cost, environmental considerations,
and maintenance of project benefits.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Concrete and reinforced rockfill overtopping protection alternatives were

evaluated. One of the issues with the reinforced rockfill approach was the fact that
existing design approaches were empirical. The unit discharge that would occur
during the PMF at A.R. Bowman Dam (280 ft3/s/ft) was also larger than for any
reinforced rockfill protection. Based on this, it was decided to focus on concrete
overtopping protection.
Design methods were also not readily available for the concrete overtopping
protection alternatives. A thorough evaluation of past spillway slab failures,
hydraulic model studies, and consultation with design experts led to the
conclusion that concrete overtopping protection was feasible and it could be
designed so that confidence would exist in its performance. The biggest issue
identified with the concrete overtopping protection was the potential for
unrestricted access of water to the underside of the concrete slabs. Failure of
spillway concrete slabs had not been attributed solely to the tractive force of
water. The most significant flaw that could lead to water accessing the underside
of concrete slabs is open vertical joints or cracks and offsets into the flow at these
locations. These types of defects create the potential for stagnation pressures
under the slab that can lift and locally fail the lining or can introduce high velocity
flow that in combination with an unfiltered exit that can lead to erosion of the
foundation materials.
Two concrete overtopping protection alternatives were considered and the two
alternatives each had their own advantages:
(1) RCC overlay.The RCC option, which would create steps on the
downstream face of the dam, had the advantage of hiding transverse
cracks from the flowing water, which greatly reduces the potential for the
development of excessive uplift pressures
(2) A continuously reinforced concrete slab (CRCS).The CRCS option
would prevent offsets through the reinforcement in the slab. In addition,
the reinforcement would keep any cracks and joints in the slab very tight,
which will limit flow through the slab to the underlying embankment.
There were some technical advantages attributed to the CRCS
alternativethe seepage control provided by the design details, the ability
of the reinforcement to limit offsets in the slab, and the monolithic nature
of the reinforced concrete slab (which would restrict the failure of an
individual panel due to the support provided by the surrounding slabs).
Other considerations were that the CRCS option:


Allowed for good protection of the abutments

Would be placed on the exist ing embankment, which was in good


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Would be similar to upstreamCRCS provided on concrete-faced

rockfill dams

Could be verified with a hydraulic model study

Due to these technical advantages, and the fact that the costs of the RCC
and CRCS options were essentially equal, the CRCS option was selected
as the preferred alternative (Hensley et al., 1991).
Design Details
The CRCS protection was designed to be a minimum of 12 inches thick and
extend over the entire downstream face of the dam. The slab would follow the
existing slopes of the dam with a 2:1 upper slope and a 4:1 lower slope. The slab
thickness was increased in the transition area between the two slopes. This was
done to add protection to the slab in this area from flood debris impacts. Based on
the limited potential for open cracks to develop through the CRCS and the
drainage system to be provided underneath the slab, it was concluded the 12-inchthick slab would be stable.
The slab was underlain with a crushed rock drainage layer that would convey
seepage to a line of drain outlets. The drain outlets would be vented on the surface
of the slab by the pressure differential created by the flow over the ramp or
eyebrow located over the drain outlets (see Figure Bowman-2). The pressure
differential at the drain outlets also ensures that the outlets will not introduce
additional water underneath the concrete slab. The aspirating drain outlets are
located just above the toe of the hydraulic jump. The model study indicated that
the hydraulic jump would be below elevation 3110.4 feet mean sea level for all
flow conditions.
Three weep holes were provided at the toe of the dam to allow steady state
seepage to pass through the concrete slab protective overlay, in the area of the
hydraulic jump. Flap valves were provided at the weep holes to prevent backflow
of water due to pressures from the hydraulic jump. A header system was not
planned for these lower valves. If one of the flap valves were to fail, this would
limit the weep hole to a point source and minimize the amount of water
introduced under the slab.
The design included a reinforced concrete cap on the dam crest to protect against
seepage at the crest reaching the underside of the overtopping protective slab (see
Figures Bowman-3 and 4). Concrete blocks were placed at the upstream and
downstream edges of the crest to support the dam crest concrete slab and the
upstream end of the concrete slab on the downstream face of the dam. The
upstream and downstream blocks are embedded in impervious zone 1 material.
The dam crest concrete slab is underlain by a crushed basalt drainage blanket. A
toe block was included at the downstream toe of the dam to anchor the CRCS to
the foundation rock.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Bowman-2.Plan view of A.R. Bowman proposed overtopping protection

(Reclamation figure republished in McGovern and Frizell, 1991).

One of the design concerns was for the groins of the dam and the interface with
the overtopping protection. The continuously reinforced concrete slab was
anchored into the bedrock on the left abutment and was restrained by a concrete
gravity wall placed against the left wall of the existing spillway on the right
abutment. The concrete gravity wall was added because the existing spillway wall
was determined to be inadequate to reduce the forces that would be generated as
the slab expands under temperature loads as well as the loads from increased fill
heights. Another factor was that the vertical contraction joints in the existing
spillway chute walls do not have waterstops. This created the potential for flow in
the existing spillway to be introduced under the CRCS and contribute to uplift
Additionally, some of the rock in the abutments consists of fractured basalt which
is considered erodible. If erosion occurred in these areas, the overtopping
protection slab could be undermined. A 1:48 scale hydraulic model was used to


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

evaluate the feasibility design of the CRCS. The hydraulic model study evaluated
the erosion potential, and the intent was to line the vulnerable areas with concrete.
It was also planned to shape the abutments to provide smooth flow lines and to
minimize turbulence along the groins.
A major design consideration was ensuring the concrete slab was adequately
protected from undermining or other mechanisms that could lead to failure along
the perimeter of the slab. The continuously reinforced slab will be supported and
restrained at the dam crest, at the downstream toe block, along the left wall of the
service spillway chute along the right abutment, and at the left abutment of the
dam. These connections were designed using information from the hydraulic
model study and from the design approaches that were employed. See Figures
Bowman-4 and 5 for other design data.
Before a final decision was made on the CRCS option, two primary concrete
overtopping protection alternatives were considereda stepped RCC overlay and
the CRCS alternative. For the RCC alternative, an RCC apron was planned to
protect the downstream toe of the dam. The RCC alternative would be relatively
simple to construct and would have the advantage of dissipating energy on the
steps, which would reduce the size of the downstream apron. One of the
challenges of the RCC overlay was to design it to safely withstand uplift and
hydrodynamic loads in order for the protection to remain stable during all
overtopping events. Temperature loads, shrinkage, freeze-thaw damage and the
potential for settlement of the underlying embankment were all considerations in
the RCC overlay design. Cracking of the RCC overlay would be likely, so
measures would be needed to prevent erosion of the underlying embankment
materials should overtopping flows enter the cracks. A gravel filter layer
underneath the RCC overlay was planned to provide drainage and reduce
potential uplift pressures.
Hydraulic model studies were conducted to further evaluate the stepped RCC
alternative. The tests were conducted in a 1:12 scale, 2:1 sloping flume that was
1.5 feet wide. The flume was capable of studying overtopping of embankment
dams up to 165 feet high, overtopping heads of up to 30 feet and unit discharges
up to 500 ft3/s/ft. The initial tests were conducted with a 2-foot step height with
horizontal tread. A tailbox provided at the toe of the flume allowed for adjustment
of the tailwater and for return flows to the main channel. The model studies were
used to optimize the step geometry for A.R. Bowmans overtopping range of 5 to
21 feet.


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Figure Bowman-3.Crest details of A.R. Bowman proposed overtopping protection

(Reclamation figure republished in McGovern and Frizell, 1991).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Bowman-4.Drainage and toe details of A.R. Bowman proposed overtopping protection
(Reclamation figure republished in McGovern and Frizell, 1991).


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Studies and Model Tests

Pressure data were obtained from the stepped chute hydraulic model described
above. Pressures were measured on both the vertical and horizontal faces of the
steps at three measurement stations, located at the upper, middle, and lower
portions of the chute. At each station, two steps were instrumented, each with 11
piezometers, for a total of 66 instrument locations. The average pressure for each
piezometer tap was recorded with a data acquisition system and was used to plot
pressure profiles at each station. The pressure plots (see Figure Bowman-5)
indicate that higher pressures occur at the downstream end of the step tread where
the jet impacts and that a low pressure zone occurs in the offset below the pitch
line of the steps, where an eddy forms from recirculation of the impacting jet. The
approximate flow depth (which is fairly constant along the chute) is also plotted
on Figure Bowman-5. The jet impact and the recirculation of the jet result in
energy dissipation (Houston and Richardson, 1988) and the offset area below the
step pitch line provides a good location for embankment drains (Clopper, 1989).
The magnitude of the jet impact was evaluated for different overtopping depths.
For the 5 feet of overtopping case, the jet impact reduces down the slope. For the
21 feet of overtopping case, an increase in the jet impact occurred between the
upper and middle station, but a decrease occurred between the middle and lower
A 1:48 hydraulic model study was used to evaluate the feasibility design of the
CRCS option (see Figure Bowman-6). The model study was designed to address a
number of design concerns:
The accuracy of the discharge capacities
The structural stability of the existing left spillway wall
Flow conditions adjacent to the existing spillway
Static water loads on the CRCS
The required alignment and height of the left abutment wall
Treatments needed to prevent flows over the right abutment
Flow conditions with the spillway bridge in place during overtopping
The eyebrow shape for the aspirating drains
The location for the drain outfalls on the chute surface
Hydraulic loads on the CRCS
Flow conditions of the existing spillway stilling basin wall and the potential
for erosion in the downstream river channel
Erosion protection needed at the downstream toe of the dam


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Bowman-5.Pressures along the stepped chute

(Reclamation figure republished in Frizell et. al., 1990).

Figure Bowman-6.View of 1:48 scale model of A.R. Bowman Dam

(Reclamation figure republished in McGovern and Frizell, 1991).


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

To design the CRCS, a better understanding of the flow conditions over the slab
and of the hydraulic jump at the downstream toe of the dam was needed. Flow
conditions from the crest of the dam to the stilling basin were investigated in the
hydraulic model. The flow over the downstream face of the dam converges as it is
bounded by the existing spillway on the right abutment and by the contact with
the rock on the left abutment. The crest length at the top of the dam from the
existing spillway to the left abutment of the dam is 840 feet. The width of the
overtopping protection at the toe of the dam is 380 feet. Discharge curves were
developed from the hydraulic model study and included flow over the dam only;
dam overtopping and flows through the existing spillway; and dam overtopping,
existing spillway flows, and flows over the right abutment of the dam. The
discharge curves are shown in Figure Bowman-7.
The Continuously-Reinforced Concrete Pavement (CRCP) computer program
developed at the University of Texas at Austin (Ma and McCullough, 1977) was
used to design the concrete overtopping protection slab at A.R. Bowman Dam.
The program models the response of the slab for various loading conditions,
considering the properties and dimensions of the concrete slab, the gradation of
the subgrade materials, and limiting criteria selected for crack width, crack
spacing, and the stresses in the reinforcing steel. For A.R. Bowman Dam, a target
crack width of 0.003 inches was selected for a slab temperature of 32qF. Based on
daily temperature readings for Prineville, the minimum expected temperature is 33qF. The predicted crack width for this temperature is 0.025 inches. This
maximum crack width is a concern because of the potential for blowups in the
slab, which could occur if incompressible materials fill the cracks when they are
at their maximum opening. When temperatures increase and the slab expands,
large compressive forces can be introduced into the slab, potentially leading to
localized failure. This has only been a problem in CRCP when the crack widths
have exceeded 0.1 inches (McCullough, 1991).
Another important consideration in the design of the CRCS was the crack spacing
that would be expected to occur. For CRCP design, a minimum crack spacing is
recommended to prevent punchout failures of the slab and to provide adequate
development length within the reinforcement across the cracks (McCullough,
1991). The minimum crack spacing for the A.R. Bowman design was set as
2.0 feet. This was designed to limit seepage during the PMF condition and was
achieved by providing sufficient reinforcement in the concrete slab.
Based on the assumed crack widths and crack spacings, seepage volume through
the slab under a PMF condition was estimated, assuming laminar flow through the


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Bowman-7.Discharge curves for A.R. Bowman Dam

(Reclamation figure republished in McGovern and Frizell, 1991).

The following formula was used to estimate the seepage through cracks in the
CRSC (Amadei et al., 1989):


[ gb 3 h
12Q C L

Eq. A-1

C = 1 + 8.8 (k/Dh)1.5
Q = discharge through the cracks (ft3/s)
g = acceleration of gravity (ft/s2)
b = aperture (width) of crack (ft)
= kinematic viscosity of water (ft2/s)
h = difference in hydraulic head through crack (ft)
L = thickness of concrete (ft)
w = length of crack (ft)
= degree of crack separation (varies between 0 and 1)
C = roughness coefficient


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

k = absolute roughness of crack wall surface (ft)

Dh = hydraulic diameter = 2b (ft)
k/Dh = relative roughness (varies between 0 and 0.5; 0.5 was used because of
the very small crack width relative to the size of the sand and
aggregate in the concrete).
Water surface profiles along the CRCS were obtained for different head values
over the dam crest (see Figure Bowman-8). Tailwater information was also
developed (see Figure Bowman-9). The water surface profile and tailwater
information along with the above equation was used to determine seepage rates
through the CRCS. The seepage rates are plotted in Figure Bowman-10.
The seepage rates through the CRCS, the porosity of the downstream shell of the
dam and the tailwater elevations were used to estimate uplift pressures on the
slab. This was focused on the downstream portion of the concrete slab, above the
location of the hydraulic jump. Drains could not be located below this location
because of the concerns of introducing large dynamic pressures underneath the
concrete slab. Above this level, seepage was designed to be collected in a header
drain system and discharged though drains with flap valves at the downstream
end. The potential for uplift occurs when the predicted water level underneath the
slabs exceeds the tailwater elevation. Initial calculations indicated that uplift on
the slab could be an issue near the end of the PMF and the resulting overtopping
(see Figure Bowman-9). Further refinements of the seepage calculations were
planned and if uplift appeared to be an issue, additional measures may have been
necessary to stabilize the CRCS (McGovern and Frizell, 1991). These measures
included anchoring the slab to the dam or treating the lower portion of the slab to
reduce seepage.
Stilling basin or chute slabs have failed due to pressure fluctuations that are
transmitted underneath the concrete surface as a result of offsets into the flow or
poorly located drains. One of the design intents for CRCS is to prevent these
pressure fluctuations or differentials on the concrete slabs. In the hydraulic model
study, flush mounted pressure cells were located in the model at the anticipated
location of the highest pressure fluctuations, which was underneath the hydraulic
jump. The pressure cells were located 4 feet apart to determine the lateral extent
and possibly the periodic tendencies of the pressure fluctuations.
The time history plots of the instantaneous pressures on the apron slab are
provided in Figure Bowman-11.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Bowman-8.Water surface profiles over CRCS from start of 4:1 slope to the stilling
basin (Reclamation figure republished in McGovern and Frizell, 1991).

Figure Bowman-9.Tailwater elevation and water elevation underneath CRCS during PMF
(Reclamation figure republished in McGovern and Frizell, 1991).


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Figure Bowman-10.Seepage through CRCS

(Reclamation figure republished in McGovern and Frizell, 1991).

Figure Bowman-11Pressure fluctuations underneath CRCS for 20 feet of overtopping head

(Reclamation figure republished in McGovern and Frizell, 1991).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

The data indicate that the pressure spikes tended to be of short duration and
limited lateral extent. The plots also indicate that except for a few limited spikes,
the pressures are in the downward direction, indicating that uplift pressures are
not significant.
The model study indicated areas that warrant additional erosion protection and
these included the downstream groins of the dam. Due to the converging flow
down the face of the dam, the depth of flow and the turbulence was concentrated
at the groin areas. It was also identified that the existing spillway stilling basin
right wall would need to be modified to withstand the hydraulic jump from the
overtopping flows.
As part of the hydraulic model studies, flow through the existing spillway was
evaluated. Under the modified dam configuration and during the PMF event,
maximum flows through the spillway would be increased from 8,100 ft3/s to
21,900 ft3/s. The model study indicated the spillway chute walls would be
overtopped and that the backfill behind the right chute wall would be quickly
eroded and then the spillway could be undermined. The erosion could then extend
to the dam and cause failure of the overtopping protection. To prevent this, it was
planned to remove the backfill behind the chute walls and replace it with mass
concrete. On the abutments, a layer of shotcrete was planned above the mass
concrete to protect against flows coming down the abutment.
The overtopping protection at A.R. Bowman Dam was never constructed due to
changes to the hydrologic loads and estimated risks. Despite this, the hydraulic
model studies and analyses performed provide valuable information for designing
concrete overtopping protection.
Ma, James and McCullough, B. Frank. 1977. CRCP-2, An Improved Computer
Program for the Analysis of Continuously Reinforced Concrete Pavements,
Research Report 177-9, Center for Highway Research, The University of
Texas at Austin, August 1977.
Houston, Kathleen L, and Richardson, Alan T, 1988. Energy Dissipation
Characteristics of a Stepped Spillway for an RCC Dam, International
Symposium on Hydraulics for High Dams, Beijing, China, 1988.
Amadei, B.; Illangasekare T.; Morris, D.; and Boggs, H. 1989. Estimation of
Uplift in Cracks in Older Concrete Gravity Dams: Analytical Solution and
Parametric Study, ASCE Journal of Energy Engineering, Vol. 115, No. 1.
April 1989.


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Clopper, Paul E. 1989. Hydraulic Stability of Articulated Concrete Block

Revetment Systems During Overtopping Flow, Federal Highway
Administration, Report No. FHWA/RD-89-199, November 1989.
Frizell, Kathleen H., Hensley, Perry J., Hinchliff, David, J. and Henning, Charles.
1990. Overtopping Protection for Embankment Dams, ASCE Proceedings
of the 1990 National Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, San Diego CA,
August 1990.
Hensley, Perry J. and Hennig, Charles C. 1991. Overtopping Protection for A.R.
Bowman Dam, ASCE Proceedings of the 1991 National Conference on
Hydraulic Engineering, Nashville TN, August 1991.
McCullough, B. Frank. 1991. Review of Deck and Slab Design for A.R.
Bowman Dam, Bureau of Reclamation, May 1991.
McGovern, Robert K. and Frizell, Kathleen H. 1991. Design of a Continuously
Reinforced Concrete Slab to Protect A.R. Bowman During Overtopping,
Hydraulic Engineering, Proceedings of the 1991 National Conference on
Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers, New York,
N.Y., 1991.


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Project: Baldhill Dam

Location: North Dakota
Summary: CRCS overtopping protection
Baldhill Dam (Figure Baldhill-1) is located on the Sheyenne River in eastern North
Dakota, about 75 miles west of Fargo. The dam is about 271 miles upstream of the
confluence of the Sheyenne River and the Red River of the North. The reservoir
behind the dam is Lake Ashtabula. The dam is a compacted earthfill embankment,
with 2:1 slopes in the upper 8.5 feet of the dam and 3:1 for the lower sections of the
dam. The crest of the dam is at elevation 1278.5 feet mean sea level and is
1,650 feet long. The average height of the dam is 41 feet and the maximum height
is 61 feet at the old Sheyenne River Channel. The dam was completed in 1950 and
is owned by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE).
The service spillway is on the right abutment of the dam and is regulated by a gated
ogee crest and includes a concrete chute and a hydraulic jump stilling basin. There
are three 40-foot-wide gates that control spillway flows. The design capacity of the
service spillway is 43,100 ft3/s.
Lake Ashtabula is a multipurpose project, whose primary purpose is downstream
water supply. Additional project benefits include flood control and recreation. The
reservoir is drawn down every winter to create flood storage space for spring runoff
floods and to provide flood protection downstream.
The Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) for Baldhill Dam has a peak of 126,000 ft3/s
and overtops the dam by 4.4 feet. It was concluded that this level of overtopping
would likely fail the dam. Alternatives for preventing overtopping of the dam for
extreme floods were investigated in 1984 (Oswalt, 1991).
Design details
An analysis was performed to help select the inflow design flood for modifications
to reduce the risk from flood overtopping of the dam. Incremental consequences
were determined for a series of floods that represented percentages of the PMF. For
each of the floods evaluated, incremental consequences were estimated for the
failure and non-failure condition. The conclusion of this study was that there would
be incremental consequences for all floods up to the PMF. Based on this, the PMF
was selected as the inflow design flood.
Two primary alternatives were evaluated for increasing the spillway capacity
sufficiently to safely pass the PMF. The first alternative consisted of a gated
auxiliary spillway on the left abutment of the dam that would be regulated by two
58-foot-wide tainter gates. Downstream of the spillway crest structure was a
126-foot-wide by 160-foot-long concrete chute and stilling basin. The spillway


Overtopping Protection for Dams

stilling basin included two rows of baffle blocks for additional energy dissipation
and to reduce the length of the stilling basin. The combination of the existing
service spillway and the proposed gated auxiliary spillway provided adequate
overtopping protection but a second more economical alternative was considered.

Figure Baldhill-1.Baldhill Dam, with service spillway at the right end of the dam (looking
downstream) and the uncontrolled auxiliary spillway on the downstream face of the dam
(Courtesy of USACE).

The second alternative consisted of supplementing the existing spillway capacity

with capacity of an uncontrolled auxiliary spillway located on the crest and
downstream face of the dam. The crest of the auxiliary spillway was set at elevation
1271 feet and the crest was 1,200 feet long. A slightly sloping crest, consisting of a
continuously reinforced concrete slab, was provided at the top of the dam (which
was lowered from the original elevation of 1278.5 feet). The chute of the spillway
consisted of a continuously reinforced concrete slab on the downstream face of the
dam and a continuously reinforced concrete apron slab at the downstream toe of the
dam (see Figures Baldhill-2 and Baldhill-3). Riprap was included in the
downstream channel immediately downstream of the concrete apron.
The crest slab varies from 5 to 4 feet in thickness. A three-inch layer of extruded
polystyrene insulation was provided underneath the crest slab to limit the potential
for frost heave. A sheet pile cutoff was provided at the upstream end of the crest


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

The following conclusions were reached regarding the uncontrolled auxiliary

spillway hydraulic model studies (Oswalt, 1991):

The existing spillway capacity the crest of the auxiliary spillway is over 4
times the peak of the 100-year flood (10,000 ft3/s). This indicates that the
auxiliary spillway would only operate under extreme floods.

The coefficient of discharge for the auxiliary spillway crest was determined
to be 3.2, based on the model study. This exceeds the theoretical coefficient
for a broad-crested weir (3.07) but was attributed to the slight rounding at
the downstream end of the weir as well as the supercritical slope of the weir.

The uncontrolled spillway capacity at low levels would increase gradually

and would not produce a flow surge that would be more hazardous to
downstream populations.

The original 1,200-foot design length of the spillway can likely be reduced
to 880 feet.

For the PMF conditions, the exit velocity is below 4 ft/s

The original stilling basin design length of 60 feet was reduced to 35 feet, based
on the hydraulic model study. This was the result of a couple of factorsfirst,
that the hydraulic jump was shown to form at the toe of the spillway chute for
low flows and move up the chute for higher flows due to the tailwater resulting
from the combined flow of the service and auxiliary spillways. Second, the
Bureau of Reclamation Type III stilling basin used for the model study
(Reclamation, 1978) had baffle blocks and an end sill, but no chute blocks. The
blocks resulted in the basin performing well over a range of spillway flows and
tailwater conditions with the reduced length.
Based on the performance of the uncontrolled auxiliary spillway and cost
advantages of this alternative, it was chosen as the preferred alternative.
The cost of the auxiliary spillway was estimated to be $17 million, based on May
1990 prices. This represented a substantial savings from the estimated cost of the
gated spillway alternative.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Baldhill-2.Plan of overtopping protection for Baldhill Dam (Courtesy of Association of State Dam Safety

Officials [ASDSO] Eggers, 1990, all rights reserved).


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Figure Baldhill-3.Profile of overtopping protection for Baldhill Dam

(Courtesy of Association of State Dam Safety Officials [ASDSO] Eggers, 1990, all rights reserved).


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Eggers, Gregory; Newberry, Michael and Gemperline, Eugene. 1990. The
Rehabilitation of Baldhill Dam, N.D., Twice the Spillway at Half the Price,
Proceedings of 7th Annual ASDSO Conference held in New Orleans, Louisiana,
October 1990.
Oswalt, Noel R. 1991. Overtopping Flow Spillway for Baldhill Dam, Sheyenne
River, North Dakota, Hydraulic Engineering, Proceedings of the 1991 National
Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, American Society of Civil Engineers,
New York, New York.
Reclamation. 1978. Hydraulic Design of Stilling Basins and Energy Dissipators,
Engineering Monograph No. 25, Denver Colorado.


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Project: Barriga Dam

Location: Spain
Summary: ArmorWedge spillway on new rockfill dam
A new rockfill dam located near Burgos, Spain used the first ArmorWedge
blocks provided by Contech Construction Products, Inc. for a dam. The project is
one of three water storage reservoirs for the Losa Valley irrigation project funded
by the Agriculture Department of the Castilla y Leon Regional Government. The
Spanish consulting firm PYPSA, S.L. (a subsidiary of ALATEC, S.A.) was the
designer of the project and selected the ArmorWedge block as the most cost
effective solution after looking at many alternatives. Collaborative technical
assistance was received from Reclamation, Armortec, (a subsidiary of Contech.
Construction Products, Inc.), Colorado State University (CSU), Polytechnic
University of Madrid, Spain and the National Laboratory of Civil Engineering
(LNEC) in Lisbon, Portugal, under various agreements.
The blocks were used on the trapezoidal-shaped service spillway with a 65-footwidth and 2:1 downstream invert and side slopes. The upstream reservoir is lined
with a membrane that forms an impervious barrier to seepage. The dam is 59-foothigh and the 36-foot-high spillway has a unit discharge of 86 ft3/s/ft under a
8.9-foot head. The project was completed in early 2008 as shown in
Figure Barriga-1.
Design Considerations and Details
This was the first installation of the ArmorWedge block for a dam and was based
upon flume studies performed at CSU. Additional flume studies were performed at
CSU for the Barriga Dam spillway project using the standard ArmorWedge block
over a compacted embankment material and gravel filter (Frizell et al, 2005 and
Thornton et al., 2006). The flume studies verified block performance up to the
capacity of the flume. A geometric scale factor of 1.6 was applied to the block to
provide for uncertainty in block performance under the larger design discharge that
could not be modeled (Frizell, 2006). Three-dimensional physical model studies
were also conducted at the National Laboratory of Lisbon, Portugal. These studies
addressed the inlet flow conditions, the flip bucket energy dissipator design,
tailwater levels to ensure free drainage, and the potential for erosion in the
downstream channel. This model did not include the actual blocks, but strips
representing steps. Figure Barriga-2 shows both the CSU flume in the dry with the
blocks installed and the Lisbon laboratory model in operation (Couto et al., 2006).
Additional studies of a more general nature on wedge-shaped blocks at LNEC, in
Lisbon, were underway and nearing completion at the time of the Barriga Dam
designs. Trapezoidal-shaped channels lined with wedge-blocks (one shown in


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Barriga-3) were investigated. The blocks were placed over a compacted
earth fill and drainage layer in the model and provided additional support for the
Barriga Dam design (Frizell, et. al., 2000 and Pinheiro, 2000).
Of primary concern is the joint between the crest and first row of blocks, the chute
invert and side slopes, and the last row of blocks and the toe structure. In addition,
drainage must be adequate to ensure drainage of the underlayer beneath the blocks
to reduce uplift. Two filter-compatible gravel layers were designed and installed
over the rock fill of the damthe bottom layer preventing migration from the dam
body, and the bedding layer beneath the blocks preventing removal of the gravel
through the block vents. Each layer was about 8 in thick. Figures Barriga-4 and
Barriga-5 show the design drawings for the critical block sections.
A summary of these studies is provided in Frizell et al. (2005); Couto et al. (2006);
Morn et al. (2008); and Morn et al. (2010).
The larger block size for Barriga Dam (1.6 times the standard block of 12 inches
wide by 18 inches long) had to be wet cast with special forms made for the project
in the U.S. and shipped to a pre-cast factory near the site for manufacturing
(Figure Barriga-6). Figures Barriga-7 through Barriga-13 show the spillway section
under construction in 2007.

Figure Barriga-1.Overall view of the completed Barriga Dam water storage project showing the

membrane-lined reservoir and stepped block spillway in the lower left hand corner

(courtesy of Rafael Morn, all rights reserved).


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Figure Barriga-2.(a) Prototype two-dimensional flume testing of the standard ArmorWedge block
performance at CSU (upper left) (courtesy of CSU).
(b) Laboratory testing of full three-dimensional flow conditions with simulated block surfaces in
Portugal (lower right) (courtesy of Morn and Toledo, 2006).

Figure Barriga-3.Laboratory testing of smaller scale wedge-shaped blocks in a

trapezoidal channel over a compacted embankment in Portugal. General testing of velocities,

air concentration, depths, pressures on the surface and in the drainage layer, and drainage

flows have been accomplished with the data used for the Barriga project

(courtesy of LNEC, Portugal, all rights reserved).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Barriga-4.Close up of transition concrete design between the invert and side slopes
(courtesy of PYPSA, S.L., and Junta Castilla y Len, 2006, all rights reserved).

Side views of the a) reinforced concrete crest cap overlapping blocks, and

b) toe block with block inserted (drawings in metric units)

(courtesy of PYPSA,S.L., and Junta Castilla y Len, 2006, all rights reserved).


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Figure Barriga-6.a) Concrete block being finished in the plastic mold using a wet cast.

b) Finished block upside down on table in plant.

c) Blocks stacked at dam site on top of compacted spillway crest in preparation for placement

(courtesy of Morn and Toledo, 2006, all rights reserved).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Barriga-7.Completed flip bucket toe block and drainage with initial

grading for block spillway

(courtesy of Morn and Toledo, 2006, all rights reserved).

Figure Barriga-8.Views of the two filter-compatible gravel layers beneath the block system, (a) top

bedding layer (left) and (b) bottom drainage layer (right)

(courtesy of Morn and Toledo, 2006, all rights reserved).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Barriga-9.Crane passing down a block and placement of the first block at the flip bucket (courtesy
of Morn and Toledo, 2006, all rights reserved).

Figure Barriga-10.View of
a) Block delivery by crane with straps on
steel rod through block and

b) Polyester rope being pulled through block

(courtesy of Morn and Toledo, 2006, all
rights reserved).


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Figure Barriga-11.View of block placement on side slope (left) and close up of rope in joint
(right) (courtesy of Morn and Toledo, 2006, all rights reserved).

Figure Barriga-12Views of shimmed joint on left and completed concrete transition on

right between invert and side slope (courtesy of Morn and Toledo, 2006, all rights


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Barriga-13.View of top caps for the side slope blocks on left and of the completed crest
cap on right (courtesy of Morn and Toledo, 2006, all rights reserved).

The larger block for Barriga Dam (with approximate dimensions of 19 inches wide
by 29 inches long and up to 8 inches thick, and with a weight of 245 lbs) was wet
cast rather than dry cast, and reportedly cost 20 euros per block. There were 1,760
full blocks and 96 half blocks used in the construction of the block spillway. The
estimated cost of the installation of the blocks with the 2 gravel layers was reported
as 60,000 euros. Prices were based upon 2006 estimated values. If the standard size
block with a steel dry cast mold could have been used, the cost would have
probably been less.
Performance Data
The spillway has operated annually since March 2008 with flows that are a very
small percentage of the design flow, on the order of 350 to 530 ft3/s. No settlement
has been observed. Some abrasion from the flow has produced rounding of the
sharp corners of the blocks, but this was intended to be done in the manufacturing
anyway. There has also been some light deposition of calcium or other film on the
surface of the blocks (per personal communication with Rafael Morn, designer).
Measurement points were installed on selected blocks within the channel in 2009 to
monitor settlements; however, these data are proprietary and not available for
review. Figures Barriga-14 through Barriga-17 show the completed spillway and


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Figure Barriga-14.Completed spillway prior to operation (courtesy of Morn

and Toledo, 2006, all rights reserved).

Figure Barriga-15.Operation in May 2008 with estimated discharge of 350

530 ft3/s (courtesy of Morn and Toledo, 2006, all rights reserved).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Barriga-16.Side view of the flip bucket operating

(courtesy of Morn and Toledo, 2006, all rights reserved).

Figure Barriga-17.View of the lined reservoir and approach conditions into

the completed spillway

(courtesy of Morn and Toledo, 2006, all rights reserved).


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Lessons Learned
The standard-sized block would likely be more cost effective and easier to
manufacture and place, since it would be dry cast and not weigh more than a single
person can handle. The layers beneath the block must be carefully designed and
placed, since they are critical to the system performance by having these layers
provide support and free drainage of the blocks under flow conditions. This
installation is a rock fill dam; whereas testing has been performed on compacted
soil fill. Successful operation to date under small flow rates has provided short-term
data supporting the block system design and construction on a new rockfill dam.
Couto L. T., Pinto Magalhes A., Toledo, M.A., Morn R. 2006. A New Solution
for a Concrete Spillway over a Rockfill Dam. Hydraulic Model Study of
Barriga Dam in Spain, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on
Dam Engineering.
ISBN: 978-981-05-7585-4.
Frizell, K.H., Matos, J., Pinheiro, A.N. 2000. Design of concrete stepped overlay
protection for embankment dams, Proceedings International Workshop on
Hydraulics of Stepped Spillways, Zurich, Switzerland, H.E. Minor & W. H.
Hager (eds), Balkema: 155161.
Frizell, K.H. 2006. ArmorWedge Analysis Report: Block System Scaling for
Barriga Dam, Spain, U.S. Department of Interior, Reclamation, Water
Resources Research Laboratory, December 2006. (Proprietary and confidential).
Frizell, K.H., Kane, R., Morn, R, and Toledo, M. A. 2005. Barriga DamThe
Worlds First ArmorWedge Articulated Concrete Block Service Spillway,
Dam Engineering. (Unpublished).
Morn R., Toledo M.A. 2008. Wedge-Shaped Blocks Spillway upon Barriga Dam
(Burgos), Proceedings of VIII Jornadas espaolas de presas, Crdoba, Spain.
Morn R., Toledo M.A. Design and Construction of the Barriga Dam Spillway
through an Improved Wedge-Shaped Block Technology, Canadian Journal of
Civil Engineering. (Under review).
Pinheiro, A., Relvas, A. 2000. Non-Conventional Spillways over Earth Dams. An
Economical Alternative to Conventional Chute Spillways, Dam Engineering,
Vol. 10, No. 4, February, United Kingdom.
Thornton, C.I., Robeson, M.D., Varyu, D.R. 2006. ArmorWedge Data Report
2006 Testing for Armortec Erosion Control Solutions, Inc., Colorado State
University, Engineering Research Center, Fort Collins, Colorado, April 2006.
(Confidential and proprietary).


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Project: Bruton Flood Storage Reservoir

Location: England
Summary: Tapered Wedge Block
Following significant floods in 1979 and 1982, a flood storage reservoir (FSR) was
constructed about 1 mile upstream of Bruton, England, to provide flood protection
for the 100-year flood (Figure Bruton-1). The FSR site is surrounded by mixed
woodland and pasture farmland. The storage capacity of the FSR was
approximately 400 acre-feet (or 500,000 m3) and hence it was covered by the
Reservoirs Act of 1975. The dam impounding the FSR comprised a 30-foot high,
500 foot long earth embankment, with 4:1 slopes and a 157-foot long spillway. The
spillway crest and slope were protected by a Petraflex open cellular precast
concrete block (articulating concrete block [ACB]) revetment, covered by 6 inches
of grassed topsoil. A 63-inch diameter concrete culvert pipe beneath the FSR limits
the flow downstream to the capacity of the watercourse through Bruton, and excess
flow is stored in the reservoir upstream (Pether et al., 2009).
Various studies on enlarging the FSR were undertaken between 2000 and 2006 as a
result of recommendations made during inspections executed under the Reservoirs
Act. The Environment Agency then implemented a program of remedial and
improvement works at Bruton FSR, commencing in 2007. One of the primary
drivers for the spillway improvement was that the peak design velocity on the
spillway chute was up to 36 ft/s (reached at discharges of 5,300 to 7,000 ft3/s),
which is significantly greater than the normally recommended limit of 26 ft/s for
the ACB mattresses that formed the original surface protection.
After appraisal of various methods of upgrading the spillway, the project team
concluded that the only viable options were either an in-situ concrete slab or an
innovative wedge-shaped, stepped block system designed following the guidance in
Construction Industry Research and Information Association (CIRIA) Special
Publication 142, Design of stepped-block spillways (Hewlett et al., 1997). An
appraisal study concluded that the stepped block system was the preferred option
Cost estimates suggested that it would be cheaper
The blocks could be precast in a controlled factory environment, reducing

construction health and safety risks and improving quality

It represented the most sustainable, least waste solution
It would have the lowest long-term maintenance


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Bruton-1.Bruton Flood Storage Reservoir embankment prior to new wedge

block spillway installation

(Courtesy of Pether et al., 2009, all rights reserved).

It would be the contractors preferred option on the grounds of constructability

The design was completed in 2007 by Black and Veatch Ltd, and construction was
undertaken between April and September 2008 by Jackson Civil Engineering, using
blocks manufactured by CPM Ltd.
Design Considerations and Details
The Petraflex spillway was subsequently overlaid with large overlapping wedgeshaped blocks. Each application is different with the CIRIA manual design. These
blocks were designed to withstand the expected hydraulic jump on the spillway due
to high tailwater caused by a downstream bridge. The hydraulic design of the
blocks was accomplished using the CIRIA publication, using thicker blocks to
withstand the hydraulic forces of the jump. The wedge-block spillway was designed
to fit over the existing spillway and was 157-foot-wide over a 30-foot-high dam
with a 23-foot hydraulic height.
The blocks were placed over a geotextile on top of the Petraflex blocks and soil,
then the 1-foot-thick drainage layer of 0.2 to 1.5 inches material, then another layer
of geotextile. The geotextile next to the blocks was required because the contractor
did not think that he could meet tolerances while laying the blocks over the required
size drainage material. The crest, toe, and two side joints in the spillway were
completed using reinforced concrete (Figure Bruton-2).


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Figure Bruton-2.(a) Crest detail and (b) toe detail (metric units)
(Courtesy of Pether et al., 2009, all rights reserved).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Bruton-.Aerial view of completed project.


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Project: Cottonwood Dam No. 5

Location: Colorado
Summary: Geomembrane installation
Cottonwood Dam No. 5, Colorado, was recommended to be breached and
reconstructed. This offered the opportunity for a geomembrane-lined spillway to be
constructed and tested. The research project was three-fold and involved
geomembrane properties testing, the field installation and test, and the long-term
follow up on the material properties after exposure to the elements for two seasons.
The project began in 1981, with the field installation in the fall of 1985, and the
operational test in the summer of 1986.
The 260-foot-long Hypalon lined spillway was constructed on the right abutment of
the 19-foot-high and 450-foot-long embankment dam (Figure Cottonwood-1). The
spillway was designed to provide a watertight barrier which would protect the earth
beneath it from erosion.
Design considerations and details
Laboratory tests of water immersion and outdoor exposure were performed on
potential geomembranes. ASTM test methods D751 and D413 were conducted to
determine Hypalon material and seam strengths before and after the exposure tests
(Timblin et al., 1988). Minimal change in material properties occurred, consistent
with the cure of the materials, and no indication of progressive deterioration with
time was noted.
Figures Cottonwood-2 through Cottonwood-6, at the end of this case study, show
the design details of the Cottonwood Dam No. 5 application. The liner is attached at
upstream and downstream concrete sills. The liner is overlapped in the
upstream/downstream direction and should not be bonded to provide a positive seal
for water while providing relief for any hydrostatic pressures under the liner. It also
prevents transfer of hydraulic forces from one sheet to another during operation.
The hydraulic jump should occur downstream of the liner on riprap or some other
type of energy dissipation structure.
A log boom should be installed upstream to prevent large woody debris from
entering the spillway during a flood event.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Cottonwood-1.Overall plan view of Cottonwood No. 5 Dam and emergency spillway
(Reclamation figure republished in Timblin et al., 1985).

The Hypalon liner material selected for the field study was a 0.04-inch thick
reinforced Hypalon sheet, fabricated to 38 by 40 feet, and 38 by 23 feet. Because of
the remote location and weather conditions, no seams were constructed in the field.
Figures Cottonwood-5 through Cottonwood-11, at the end of this case study, show
the construction of the geomembraned-lined channel. The upstream and
downstream ends were stabilized with concrete sills. The liner was trenched in
along the sides with compacted backfill, and the subsurface was cleared of large


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

rocks and debris. The geomembrane was protected by one foot of loose soil cover,
which was expected to be washed out.
Performance Data
Figures Cottonwood 12 through Cottonwood 17, at the end of this case study, show
the membrane-lined channel operating under a total flow of up to 25 ft3/s and a flow
velocity up to 26 ft/s. The total drop of the spillway was 21.5 feet. The soil cover
eroded as expected, and the material showed only a few locations of minor
abrasion. There was one puncture of the liner that was assumed to have occurred
during construction. The overlapped field joints performed well.
Lessons Learned
Future designs should use a curved bottom in cross section rather than a flat
trapezoidal section to minimize the amount of cover washed away at low flows.
Vegatative earth cover could provide additional reinforcement and less erosion at
low flows, thus reducing the need to recover. Reasonable care must be taken in
preparation of the subgrade and it should be free of stones and rocks.

Figure Cottonwood-2.Profile along the centerline of the spillway showing the locations of the
geomembrane liner (Reclamation figure republished in Timblin et al., 1985).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Cottonwood-3.Termination of the upstream and downstream ends of the geomembrane

liner, showing (a) upstream end of the spillway at the dam crest

(b) typical section along the spillway showing an overlap of approximately 5 feet

(c) downstream end of the spillway

(Reclamation figure republished in Timblin et al., 1985).


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Figure Cottonwood-4.Typical cross section showing the location of the

geomembrane liner, the soil cover, and the extent of the sides of

the geomembrane liner (Reclamation figure republished in Timblin et al., 1985).

Figure Cottonwood-5.Preparation of subgrade before geomembrane

liner installation in spillway

(Reclamation figure republished in Timblin et al., 1988).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Cottonwood-6.Section of geomembrane liner installed in

spillway before backfilling and compacting anchor trenches
(Reclamation figure republished in Timblin et al., 1988).

Figure Cottonwood-7.Downstream end of geomembrane-lined spillway.

Note concrete cutoff wall

(Reclamation figure republished in Timblin et al., 1988).


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Figure Cottonwood-8.Looking upstream at geomembrane-lined spillway

(Reclamation figure republished in Timblin et al., 1988).

Figure Cottonwood-9.Placement of soil cover to protect geomembrane liner

from the elements and mechanical damage

(Reclamation figure republished in Timblin et al., 1988).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Cottonwood-10.Completed spillway looking upstream into the

reservoir (Reclamation figure republished in Timblin et al., 1988).

Figure Cottonwood-11.Sandbags were placed 5 layers high to

increase head on the spillway by about 20 inches prior to the test
(Reclamation figure republished in Timblin et al., 1988).


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Figure Cottonwood-12.Flow over spillway crest during operational test.

The flow was estimated to be 21 to 25 ft3/s at a maximum velocity of
19 to 26 ft/s (Reclamation figure republished in Timblin et al., 1988).

Figure Cottonwood-13.Flow in the membrane-lined channel during

operation. View looking upstream towards the crest with the flat bottom

eroded to the edges of the 2:1 side slopes

(Reclamation figure republished in Timblin et al., 1988).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Cottonwood-14.Flow at the downstream end of the spillway as it

entered the riprap basin

(Reclamation figure republished in Timblin et al., 1988).

Figure Cottonwood-15.View looking upstream at the channel after the

conclusion of the test

(Reclamation figure republished in Timblin et al., 1988).


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Figure Cottonwood-16.View looking at the end of the channel after the

conclusion of the test

(Reclamation figure republished in Timblin et al., 1988).

Figure Cottonwood-17.Inspection after the test revealed a small tear in

the geomembrane liner that may have occurred during installation.

The material was in excellent condition after the test with only

small areas showing some minor abrasion damage

(Reclamation figure republished in Timblin et al., 1988).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Cottonwood-18.The overlapped seams were inspected after the test.

The geomembrane liner and the earthen materials were all dry under the
overlapped areas (Reclamation figure republished in Timblin et al., 1988).

Timblin, L.O. 1985. The use of geomembranes for emergency spillways, Water
Power & Dam Construction.
Timblin, L.O., P.G. Grey, B.C. Muller, and W.R. Morrison, 1988. Emergency
Spillways Using Geomembranes, REC-ERC-88-1, U.S. Department of
Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado.


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Project: Empire Landfill

Location: Pennsylvania
Summary: Geocell installation with concrete infill
A GeoWeb system manufactured by Presto Products was used to provide erosion
protection for the diversion and interceptor channels along the toe of the Empire
Landfill site in Taylor, Pennsylvania (Henry et al., 1999). The sections protected
were of trapezoidal shape with an 8-foot bottom width and 2:1 side slopes for a
depth of 4 feet. The grades ranged from 2 to 16 percent over a total protected
channel length of 1,910 feet. Figure Empire-1 shows the installation for the Empire
Design considerations and details
A channel analysis program developed by Intersol Engineering was used to analyze
the stability of the GeoWeb channel lining system against sliding due to drag
forces. The program calculated the downslope and downstream driving and
resisting forces, and a resultant factor of safety for each element of the channel
cross section. Elements are the components (i.e., channel invert and side slopes) of
a single cross section defined by the user. This program may have been appropriate,
but the reference paper quotes articulating concrete block (ACB) testing by Simons,
Li & Associates and by CIRIA that was performed in the laboratory and field, and
may not be applicable to the geocell system with concrete infill. Specific tests of the
GeoWeb channel lining system have been performed by Engel et al. (1987) and by
Simons, Li & Associates (1988), but although available at the time, it is unclear
whether these test data were considered for the design.
The channel erosion protection was provided by a 4-inch-thick textured GeoWeb
cellular confinement system (CCS) underlain by a nonwoven geotextile and infilled
with concrete. The channel was designed to accommodate flows from a 100-year,
24-hour storm producing a maximum discharge of 210 ft3/s and a maximum
computed flow velocity of 23.7 ft/s. The critical sliding friction angle for the system
was determined to be 28 degrees at the soil and geotextile interface, providing a
minimum factor of safety against sliding of 1.3. The concrete infill produced a
system weight of about 50 lb/ft2, and the system was anchored in place using highstrength, low density polyethylene (LDPE)-coated polyester tendons and 2-footlong J-pin anchors.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Empire-1 Installation of the GeoWeb CCS with concrete infill

for Empire Landfill

(courtesy of Presto Geosystems, all rights reserved).

Lessons Learned
The GeoWeb CCS channel protection was found to be a more economical solution
for this location than the installation of gabion baskets and riprap-lined channels,
requiring less time to install, with lower construction and maintenance costs.
Engel, P. and Flato, G. 1987. Flow Resistance and Critical Flow Velocities for
GEOWEB Erosion Control System, Research and Applications Branch
National Water Research Institute Canada Centre for Inland Waters, Burlington,
Ontario, Canada.
Henry, J., Benedict, N., Sochovka, R., Bodner, R., Lister, A., and Adams, B.W.
1999. Case HistoryEmpire Landfill, Solid Waste Tech, pp. 32 - 35, June
Simons, Li & Associates. 1988. Full Scale Hydraulic Studies of GeoWeb Grid
Confinement System for Minimizing Embankment Damage During
Overtopping Flows, Report to Presto Products Co.


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Project: Friendship Village

Location: Missouri
Summary: ArmorWedge block spillway
Morris & Munger Engineers, with the help of Contech Construction Products, Inc,
performed the hydrologic and hydraulic design of an ArmorWedge concrete
block auxiliary spillway for a reservoir in Friendship Village of Chesterfield,
Missouri, near St. Louis. Another company, Landscape, performed the construction
in 2008. ArmorWedge blocks were incorporated into the project to create a durable
auxiliary spillway that will meet the hydrologic needs of the site. Once construction
was completed, the project was accepted by the Missouri Department of Natural
Resources Dam and Reservoir Safety Program.
Hydraulic Design and Construction
The hydraulic design details were obtained from HEC-RAS program files and a
design drawing that were forwarded by Morris and Munger, Inc. The ArmorWedge
block spillway is located on the embankment near the left abutment, looking
downstream. The spillway is designed for floods that far exceed the 100-year event.
The normal flows, which are a maximum of about 69 ft 3/s, are passed with a pipe
through the embankment (referred to as the service spillway). The ArmorWedge
block spillway has a trapezoidal shape with a conventional concrete crest and toe
block for stability. The spillway height is about 59 feet. The ArmorWedge blocks
were placed over a layer of gravel, underlain by a geotextile placed on the graded
earthen slope. The spillway converges through the upper section from 16.5 feet at
the crest to 9 feet approximately 100 feet downstream. The spillway invert slope
changes throughout this section, going from relatively flat to a maximum of 2:1
near the bottom of the spillway. Table Friendship Village-1 summarizes the
pertinent data. Investigating the HEC-RAS files, it appears that the spillway
geometry was developed using the hydraulic data in Table Friendship Village-1.
Figures FriendshipVillage-1 through Friendship Village-4 show the project under
construction and the final finished installation.
Table Friendship Village-1.Hydraulic data used for spillway geometry
Spillway Design Discharge

167 ft3/s

Unit discharge

10 ft3/s /ft

Crest Elevation

608.95 feet

Predicted maximum velocity at toe of spillway

Mannings n

28 ft/s


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Performance Data
No performance of this spillway has been reported. Viewing the few construction
photos and information provided raises the question as to whether the joint between
the invert and the side slopes is adequately constructed. The joint appears tight, but
the blocks are butted up along the joint without any apparent grouting or additional
support or structure to prevent a potentially continuous plane for water to flow into
the subgrade during operation.

Figure Friendship Village-1. Overall view of the ArmorWedge auxiliary spillway for the

Friendship Village Project nearing completion. The spillway is converging near the top, with

three slope changes. The flow will enter an energy dissipating basin shared with the

service spillway pipe located to the right in the photo

(courtesy of Contech Engineering Solutions, all rights reserved).


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Figure Friendship Village-2.

Top left photo is of ArmorWedge block placement over graded bedding material near toe

Top right photo is of the toe of the spillway

Bottom left photo is of the block placement with equipment used to survey

grade and sawcut blocks as installation proceeds

Bottom right photo is of the placement at the sidewall joint with the invert

(courtesy of Contech Engineering Solutions, all rights reserved).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Friendship Village-3.Finished crest forming a sidewalk for the

lake and the top of the ArmorWedge block spillway

(courtesy of Contech Engineering Solutions, all rights reserved).

Figure Friendship Village-4.View looking upstream toward the

Friendship Village community and the finished top of spillway
(courtesy of Contech Engineering Solutions, all rights reserved).


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Project: Googong Dam

Location: Australia
Summary: Reinforced rockfill overtopping protection
Design and Construction
Googong Dam is a 200-foot-high earth and rockfill embankment on the
Queanbeyan River in Australia. Overtopping protection was required for the
partially-completed embankment during construction for embankment heights
(between 56 and 138 feet above streambed) to limit the probability and extent of
downstream damage in the event of failure. Diversion over the embankment crest
was considered the only practical method due to the estimated magnitude of the
floods involved and the limited low-level diversion release capacity.
A steel mesh and bar reinforcement system was installed on the 1.7:1 downstream
slope as the embankment was constructed. The system consisted of a compacted
berm of Zone 3E rockfill placed in 3.3-foot lifts and faced with smaller Zone 3F
rockfill with a minimum thickness of 1.6 feet. Mats of F81 wire mesh (8 millimeter
wires spaced at 100 mm each way) were placed against the Zone 3F rockfill and
held in place by 20 mm (approximately No. 6) bars spaced at
1.6 feet along the sloping face and passing through the mesh to provide anchorage
back into the rockfill.
The 20 mm bars were placed in two lengths: one welded to the 20 mm face bar of
the previous lift, and the other hooked around a 20 mm anchor bar placed on the
previous lift. The lapping ends of the 20 mm anchor bars were tensioned and
welded to ensure the wire mesh was held tightly to the downstream face of the
rockfill. Concrete was placed along the bedrock contacts to provide a starting
surface, and anchor bars were drilled and grouted 6.5 feet into bedrock along the
downstream toe and abutment groins for additional anchorage. The Zone 3F rockfill
graded between 6- and 15-inches in size to retain the larger Zone 3E rockfill and to
be retained by the wire mesh at the face. Hand labor was required to ensure
adequate packing and close contact of the Zone 3F rock with the wire mesh (ASCE,
Overtopping Performance
Based on a study of the performance records of other projects, model studies,
theoretical calculations, and consultant review, the Googong Dam designers
estimated the unreinforced rock slope would withstand a peak overtopping flow
depth of 2 feet, while the reinforced rock slope would withstand a peak overtopping
flow depth of about 10 feet before complete failure of the embankment. In October
1976, the partially-completed Googong Dam was overtopped by up to 8.2 feet (for


Overtopping Protection for Dams

a maximum total discharge of 20,000 ft3/s) for 17.5 hours, and again 7 hours later
by up to 4.9 feet for 16 hours. During both flood peaks, the 16-foot-diameter
diversion tunnel was flowing full with a capacity of about 7,800 ft 3/s.
Just prior to the initial overtopping, the embankment with rock reinforcement had
been completed to 66 feet above streambed and with a crest length of about 460
feet. The resulting nappe was generally smooth, except where debris became caught
on the wire mesh (see Figure Googong-1). Following overtopping, all 20 mm
sloping face bars and sloping mesh wires were found to be in good condition, while
the horizontal mesh wires had broken in several locations and been pushed down
the slope by debris. Smaller rock had been washed away in local areas, producing
scattered voids beneath the wire mesh up to 1.6-feet-deep, with maximum areas of
about 3.3 by 6.6 feet. Some scour was observed along the concrete abutment
protection. To repair the overtopping damage, approximately 200 yd3 of dental
concrete was pumped into substantial cavities behind the wire mesh and along the
abutment contact, and around 70 new sheets of wire mesh held by 20 mm face bars
were added where the mesh had suffered the most damage. The remainder of the
embankment construction was completed without further overtopping (ASCE,

Figure Googong-1.Overtopping of Googong Dam during construction, October 1976. (Courtesy

of Engineering Heritage Canberra, all rights reserved).


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Lessons Learned
Much of the damage sustained by the rockfill reinforcement system during
overtopping was due to debris carried in the flow. Efforts to minimize debris
potential within the overtopping flow, such as installing a floating log-boom on the
reservoir upstream of the dam, should be considered. The 8 mm horizontal wires
were particularly susceptible to damage, which could have been minimized by the
use of heavier reinforcing bars as used for the sloping face and anchor bars.
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE). 1994. Alternatives for Overtopping
Protection of Dams, Hydraulics Division Task Committee on Alternatives for
Overtopping Protection for Dams, New York, New York, 140 pages.
Engineering Heritage Australia. Lakes and DamsGoogong Dam, Chapter 4. Accessed 3-18-2014.
Fokkema, A., Smith, M.R., and Flutter, J. ND. Googong Dam Flood Diversion and
Embankment Protection During Construction, Technical Session on Flow over
Rockfill Dams: 17th A.G.M., Adelaide, Australia.



AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Project: Richmond Hill Mine

Location: South Dakota
Summary: Non-cable-tied ACB
The Richmond Hill Mine is located in the Black Hills of South Dakota. The mine is
part of reclamation efforts by Lac Minerals LLC. A surface water management plan
was implemented in 1994 that included a reclaimed overburden stockpile (ROS)
with steep downchute channels armored with Tri-lock articulating concrete blocks
(ACB) (from American Excelsior Inc.) for erosion protection during storm events
(Figure Richmond Hill-1). Five downchutes were constructed and were designed to
convey the 100-year, 24-hour storm event of 4.8 inches and withstand the 100-year
design storm event of 1.4 inches in 25 minutes.
This case study describes the initial design parameters of the Tri-lock blocks and
the subsequent inspection after the downchutes experienced large storm events
(Jacobs et al., 2004).
Design Considerations and Details
The Tri-lock ACBs were designed in accordance with Ayres (1993) and Abt et al.
(2001). ErosionWorks Version 1.0 (software package and reference manual)
developed by the American Excelsior CompanyEarth Science Division was used.
The typical lock-and-key pattern of the product is shown in Figure Richmond Hill2. Three of the five constructed downchutes were inspected after the storm events.
The storm events were in October 1994, May 1995, July 1997, and June 1998.
Table Richmond Hill-1 shows the project design parameters and the hydraulic
computations for the extreme storm event in May 1995 that each of the three
inspected downchutes experienced. Each downchute had a trapezoidal shape with a
6-foot bottom width and 3:1 side slopes.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Richmond Hill 1.A downchute for conveying stormwater runoff from the

Richmond Hill reclaimed overburden stockpile in the foreground

(Courtesy of Jacobs et al., 2004, all rights reserved).

Figure Richmond Hill-2.Interlocking Tri-lock ACB matrix example

(from computations made using ErosionWorks, 1996)

(Courtesy of Jacobs et al., 2004, all rights reserved).


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams
Table Richmond Hill-1. Project design parameters with hydraulic computations for the extreme
storm event in May 1995
Design Values
(Storm 4.8 inches in 24 hours)

Computed Values after May 1995

Storm of 9 inches in 24 hours









































Photos of the installation are shown in Figures Richmond Hill-3 through 5. The
Tri-lock blocks were manufactured with 4,600 lb/in2 concrete.
After construction and prior to inspection, the downchutes had been densely
covered by up to 12- inch-high grasses as shown in Figure Richmond Hill-6.

Figure Richmond Hill-3.Installation of the 40-in-thick ACBs directly

over the geotextile prior to backfilling the open space between blocks
with topsoil (Courtesy of Jacobs et al., 2004, all rights reserved).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Richmond Hill-4.Typical sideslope termination with sides of mat anchored into the stockpile
(Courtesy of Jacobs et al., 2004, all rights reserved).

Figure Richmond Hill-5.Nearly completed downchute constructed of interlocking ACBs.

The upstream end of the Tri-lock mat was not anchored as it would be in todays installations. The sides of

the mat were anchored into the overburden stockpile cover material

(Courtesy of Jacobs et al., 2004, all rights reserved).


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Performance Data
The focus of the reference paper (Jacobs et al., 2004) was on performance of the
downchutes at the ROS. During the storm events, the downchute sections
experienced significantly higher velocities and nearly double the shear stresses of
the design parameters as listed in Table Richmond Hill-1. The inspection was
performed in 2001, so the systems had been in place for 7 years.
A summary of findings is:
The geofabric beneath the blocks was intact and resistant to penetration with a
metal probe.
The same metal probe was used as a pry bar to attempt to remove a few broken
blocks and they could not be removed from the block matrix.
Vegetation was growing between open spaces in the blocks and between the
cracked blocks.
Cracked or broken blocks were not generally protruding from the mat surface.
Site personnel had tamped back down one block.
The steeper downchute of 2.5:1 slope experienced more block cracking and
breakages due to the higher velocities and forces. The mat remained intact
even with localized block failures.
Movement of rocks and debris down the chutes and invasive animal activity
has caused some damage but, in this installation, these factors did not cause
system failure.

Project personnel are pleased with the installation performance after experiencing
many flows.
Lessons Learned
Good quality assurance on the foundation preparation is critical for long-term
durability of the mat systems. Continuous contact between the ground surface and
the geotextileand between the geotextile and the blocksallows the system to
function optimally.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Richmond Hill-6.Vegetative cover on downchute 3

(Courtesy of Jacobs et al., 2004, all rights reserved).

Ayres Associates (formerly Resource Consultants and Engineers). 1993. Hydraulic
Stability of Trilock 4010 Revetment in High Velocity Flow, Performed for the
American. Excelsior Co., Ayres Project No. 92-0857, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Abt, S.R., Leech, J.R., Thornton, C.I. and Lipscomb, C.M. 2001. Articulated
Concrete Block Stability Testing, Journal of the American Water Resources
Association (37):1.
Jacobs, M., Rotter, A., Cazier, T., Clopper, P. 2004. Performance of Articulated
Concrete Block on Steep Slopes Following Extreme Storm Events, Erosion
Control Magazine, July-August 2004.


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Project: Ringtown No. 5 Dam

Location: Pennsylvania
Summary: RCC overtopping protection placed in horizontal lifts
Ringtown No. 5 Dam (Bingham, 1992) is a 60-foot-high, 700-foot-long
embankment dam constructed in northeastern Pennsylvania in the early 1900s. It is
one of the primary sources of water for the Borough of Shenandoah. The dam was
identified as a high-hazard structure by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(USACE) Plan I Inspection Program. Flood discharges greater than 46 percent of
the current spillway design flood would overtop the dam.
The modification consisted of constructing a new combined service and auxiliary
spillway with RCC; having a 60-foot-long crest; a trapezoidal chute on the
downstream face of the embankment; and a 47-foot-wide, 40-foot-long stilling
basin at the downstream toe. The maximum design head on the crest is 7 feet, with
a maximum unit of 56 ft3/s/ft. Typical lifts on the sloping embankment face
consisted of a channel portion and 22-foot-long wing portions forming the channel
side walls. Each 1-foot-thick lift was offset 2.75 feet horizontally from the edge of
the preceding lift, forming a stepped spillway face with a 2.75:1 downstream slope
to provide partial energy dissipation. The total volume of RCC placed was
6,300 yd3. Construction was completed in 1991 at a cost of approximately

Figure Ringtown-1.Ringtown Dam and Reservoir

(Courtesy of Gannett Fleming, Inc., all rights reserved).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Bingham, W.B., Schweiger, P.G., and Holderbaum, R.E. 1992. Three Innovative
Approaches to Modify the Spillways of Existing Embankment Dams to
Accommodate Larger Floods Using RCC, USCOLD Annual Meeting, Fort
Worth, Texas, April 1992.


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Project: Spring Creek Dam

Location: Colorado
Summary: RCC overtopping protection placed in horizontal lifts
Spring Creek Dam (Moler, 1986) is an earth embankment dam 53 feet high with a
crest length of 250 feet. It is located near Gunnison, Colorado and is owned by
Colorado Parks and Wildlife. The original chute spillway could safely pass only
1,000 ft3/s. The modified dam was designed to pass the PMF, having a peak
discharge of 20,200 ft3/s, by armoring the crest and downstream face with RCC.
The maximum depth of overtopping during passage of the PMF is about 4.5 feet,
with a maximum unit discharge of 44.4 ft3/s/ft. The upper 3 feet of the embankment
crest was removed and replaced with RCC, and the downstream face was blanketed
with RCC placed in 1-foot-thick, 8-foot-wide horizontal lifts. Lateral containment
walls were constructed by placing RCC against the cut slope on the left side and
along the existing spillway on the right side. A downstream apron was constructed
for a distance of about 60 feet from the toe of the embankment. The apron was
anchored at the downstream end by a 5-foot-deep RCC keyway. A 1-foot-thick
drainage blanket was provided beneath the RCC on the lower third of the
embankment slope. The entire modification was constructed in about one week in
August, 1986. The 4,880 yd3 of RCC was placed continuously for 80 hours. The
total cost of the modification in 1986 was about $350,000.
Moler, W.A. 1986. Spring Creek Dam Modification Using Roller-Compacted
Concrete, Morrison-Knudsen Engineers, Inc..


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Spring Creek-1.RCC overtopping protection placed on downstream face of Spring Creek
Dam between left abutment groin and right abutment service spillway (shown operating in
foreground). (Courtesy of Colorado Department of Natural Resources)


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Project: Strahl Lake Dam

Location: Indiana
Summary: Cable-tied ACB
Strahl Lake Dam is located in Brown County, Indiana, and was constructed in 1939.
In 1993, overtopping protection using Armorflex articulating concrete block (ACB)
was constructed on the downstream face of the embankment dam. The project was
approved by the Indiana Department of Natural Resources.
Strahl Lake Dam is 28 feet high and has a crest length of 260 feet. The overtopping
protection system, was designed by Fink, Roberts, & Petrie of Indianapolis. The
dam was classified as high hazard and the protection system was designed to pass
the 60 percent probable maximum flood and allow vegetation to grow, providing an
attractive surface.
Design considerations and details
Model studies were performed by the United States Department of Transportation
(USDOT et al., 1989) and the design methodology used was provided by Clopper
Flow velocities for the 2.3 feet of overtopping head and unit discharge of about 10
ft3/s/ft were computed to be 16 ft/s with a corresponding shear stress of 19 lb/ft2
down the 3:1 dam slope. The Armorflex product chosen had a block weight of 100
lbs and was placed over a geotextile filter, covered with soil, and seeded.
Figures Strahl-1 through Stahl-7 show the construction sequence.
U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, and U.S.
Bureau of Reclamation. 1989. Hydraulic Stability of Articulated Concrete
Block Revetment Systems During Overtopping Flow, Report No. FHWA-RD89-199, Washington, DC, November 1989.
Clopper, P.E. 1991. Protecting Embankment Dams with Concrete Block Systems,
Hydro Review, Vol. X, Number 2, April 1991.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Strahl 1.Typical transport and stretcher bar, and crane,

used for placing cable-tied block mats

(Courtesy of Contech Engineering Solutions, all rights reserved).

Figure Strahl-2.Placement of the cable-tied mats over a geotextile

on the downstream face of Strahl Lake Dam

(Courtesy of Contech Engineering Solutions, all rights reserved).


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Figure Strahl-3.View of a typical lateral joint between mats with the cables

shown traversing the entire length of the system

(Courtesy of Contech Engineering Solutions, all rights reserved).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Strahl-4.Close up view of a typical tied joint prior to filling with grout
(Courtesy of Contech Engineering Solutions, all rights reserved).

Figure Strahl-5.View of the upstream trench used to anchor the

system at the crest

(Courtesy of Contech Engineering Solutions, all rights reserved).


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Figure Strahl-6.Completed view of the cable-tied ACB system at Strahl Lake Dam for

overtopping protection. Note all joints have been grouted

(Courtesy of Contech Engineering Solutions, all rights reserved).

Figure Strahl-7.Vegetative cover on Strahl Lake Dam overtopping protection

(Courtesy of Contech Engineering Solutions, all rights reserved).



AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Project: Tongue River Dam

Location: Montana
Summary: RCC overtopping protection placed in horizontal lifts
Tongue River Dam (Wright, 1998) is a 91-foot-high, 1,250-foot-long earthfill dam
located in southeastern Montana and constructed in 1939. Severe flooding in 1978
caused extensive erosion at the downstream end of the spillway, nearly causing a
breach of the dam.
Dam safety modifications completed in 1999 for the Montana Department of
Natural Resources included the reconstruction of the dams primary spillway on the
left abutment, construction of an auxiliary RCC spillway on the embankment dam,
an increase in storage capacity by raising the normal pool by 4 feet, and
improvements to public recreational facilities. The primary spillway features a fourcycle, 688-foot-long labyrinth weir with a 150-foot-wide crest, converging chute,
and flip bucket, constructed of conventional reinforced concrete, but founded on
46,000 yd3 of low strength RCC. A stepped-chute auxiliary spillway was
constructed on the dam crest and downstream slope, and consists of an approach
apron, 650-foot-long ogee crest, sloping chute, and stilling basin. The maximum
design overtopping head on the crest is 12.5 feet, with a maximum design unit
discharge of 167 ft3/s/ft.
A physical model study was used to establish the stilling basin length and floor
elevation. The spillway structure required 58,600 yd3 of RCC, and 7,100 yd3 of
conventional concrete for the approach apron walls, chute walls, horizontal stairstep surfaces, stilling basin walls, and end sill. Precast concrete panels were used
for the 2-foot 10-inch-high step riser faces.
Approximately 245,000 tons of RCC aggregate and 25,000 tons of filter sand, base
course materials, and pipe bedding were mined, processed, and stockpiled for use
prior to construction. Four different RCC mixes were used, ranging in cement
content from 140 lb/yd3 for the primary spillway foundation, to 150 lb/yd3 for the
lower portions of the auxiliary spillway chute and stilling basin, to 300 lb/yd3 for
the top surfaces of the approach apron and stilling basin. Total project cost in 1999
was $50 million.
Wright, A.G. 1998. On Common Ground, Engineering News Record, November
9, 1998.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Tongue-1.Closeup view of RCC overtopping protection constructed

on the downstream face of Tongue River Dam.

(Courtesy of Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation [DNRC]).

Figure Tongue-2.Aerial view of Tongue River Dam in Montana, with service spillway shown at

right and RCC overtopping protection shown at left.

(Courtesy of Montana DNRC).


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Project: West Cornfield Dam

Location: New Mexico
Summary: Gabion spillway
The Rio Puerco River and watershed is in the northwest corner of New Mexico and
southern Colorado. The area is characterized as semi-arid with severe cloud bursts
that can produce large volume, short duration, flows. These flows have historically
caused erosion that has brought large amounts of sediment into the downstream
basin. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM) hired the Tierra Lopez Garcia
Group and Maccaferri, Inc to design a dam and spillway structure to control the
erosion (Maccaferri, 2004). The dam impounds storm water, slowing its progress
downstream and reducing erosion. The project was constructed in the summer of
Design considerations and details
Gabion baskets and mats were used in the design of the spillway and stilling basin
constructed over the crest and downstream slope of the embankment dam. The
spillway has a 25 ft. drop, with about a 60-ft-long stilling basin with an end sill to
force the hydraulic jump on the gabion mat surface (Figure West Cornfield-1). To
prevent water from washing out the fine soils from behind and beneath the
structure, a nonwoven, needle-punched polypropylene geotextile was installed
between the ground and the gabion units. Where high shear forces were expected, a
6-inch thick gravel filter was also installed beneath the gabions. The gabion
structure was designed to contain the high velocity flow and the corresponding
hydraulic jump to prevent erosion of the fine soils in the area surrounding the dam.

Figure West Cornfield-1.Sectional view of the gabion spillway constructed for West Cornfield Dam, New

Mexico (Courtesy of Maccaferri, Inc., all rights reserved).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figures West Cornfield-2 through West Cornfield-6 show the construction of the
gabion and gabion mat spillway section on Cornfield Dam in New Mexico.

Figure West Cornfield-2.Dam beginning construction

(Courtesy of Maccaferri, Inc., all rights reserved).

Figure West Cornfield-3.Unrolling gabion mats in stilling basin

(Courtesy of Maccaferri, Inc., all rights reserved).


AppendixCase Histories
Embankment Dams

Figure West Cornfield-4.Constructing stilling basin retaining walls

(Courtesy of Maccaferri, Inc., all rights reserved).

Figure West Cornfield-5.Construction nearing completion

(Courtesy of Maccaferri, Inc., all rights reserved).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure West Cornfield-6.Completed gabion spillway in 2003

(Courtesy of Maccaferri, Inc., all rights reserved).

Maccaferri, Inc. 2004. Dam Structure Controls Erosion, West Cornfield, New
Mexico, USA, Case History, Dams and Reservoirs, USA041-Rev:00, Issue
Date December 22, 2004.


AppendixCase Histories

Part 2: Concrete Dams

AppendixCase Histories
Part 2: Concrete Dams

AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

Project: Boundary Dam

Location: Washington
Summary: Conventional concrete and shotcrete overlays with rock reinforcement
Boundary Dam is part of Seattle City Lights 1,000 MW Boundary Hydroelectric
Project. The dam is located on the Pend Oreille River in northeast Washington,
about one mile south of the Canadian border. It was constructed between
1963 and 1967. The dam is a thin concrete arch dam (see Figure Boundary-1).
The dam has a maximum structural height of 340 feet and a crest length of
508 feet. There are gated spillways at each abutment of the dam that discharge
into concrete chutes and then free fall into a plunge pool downstream of the dam
(see Figure Boundary-2). Boundary Dam is located in a steep canyon. The two
spillways and seven mid-level sluice gates have a combined discharge capacity of
360,000 ft3/s. The foundation for the dam is primarily interbedded limestone and
dolomite, which strikes about normal to the river and dips upstream from 40 to
50 degrees.
Potential for Dam Overtopping
The 1973 Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) for Boundary Dam has a peak inflow
of 495,000 ft3/s. Flood routings of the PMF indicate that the maximum reservoir
water surface would be 8.8 feet above the top of the concrete parapet walls. The
dam would be overtopped for 21 days during the PMF. Based on the extent of the
overtopping, a consultant review board recommended that an erosion protection
system be constructed to protect the dam abutment rock from overtopping flows.
Design Studies
A number of studies were performed to provide data for the modification designs.
Detailed topographic mapping was performed downstream of the dam to assist in
the geologic mapping of the abutments and to provide information for a hydraulic
model of the dam. The topography was developed from aerial photographic
surveys, oblique angle aerial photographs, and river cross sections. Geologic
mapping was also performed for the abutments. Data collected included: intact
rock strength (through the use of a Schmidt Hammer); characterization of the
abutment rock including rock type, degree of weathering, bedding, and joint
information (spacing, orientation and infilling); and photographs of important
features. The data were collected by geologists (trained in rock climbing
techniques) who accessed the abutments by ropes. The data were compiled and
presented on photo mosaic maps.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Boundary-1. Aerial view of Boundary Dam

(courtesy of the City of Seattle, Washington, all rights reserved).

)LJXUH%RXQGDU\Test of spillway gates, May 18, 2006

(courtesy of the City of Seattle, Washington, all rights reserved).


AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

Design Alternatives
A number of alternatives were considered for addressing the potential for
abutment erosion due to overtopping flows. The alternatives included:

Reducing the overtopping discharge concentration on the abutments and

protecting the rock surface against erosion

Preventing dam overtopping by raising the dam parapet wall

Providing an auxiliary spillway to either prevent dam overtopping during

the PMF or minimize the depth and duration of overtopping

The first alternative was selected as the preferred alternative based on cost

Studies and Model Tests

A hydraulic model study was used to develop the final designs for the
overtopping modifications at Boundary Dam. The model study was conducted at
the Albrook Hydraulic Laboratory at Washington State University, Pullman,
Washington and involved a 1:72 scale model of the dam and the abutments. The
model study was used to determine a number of parameters, including: the
trajectory of the overtopping flows and the areas of impingement on the
abutments; hydrodynamic forces on the abutments during impingement;
requirements of aerating the under nappe of the overtopping jet; and, maximum
reservoir water surface and tailwater elevations.
Reevaluation of the PMF
In September 1994, a review was conducted of the 1973 PMF. The review
concluded that the 1973 PMF was probably conservative, with the peak discharge
being about 12 percent higher than what was warranted in 1994. This conclusion
was based on newly published Probable Maximum Precipitation (PMP) values
(from HMR 57), new meteorological information and consideration of current
operating procedures for upstream reservoirs. Based on this review it was decided
that a new updated PMF would be developed and would form the basis for final
Design Details
The final design consisted of erosion protection for the portions of the abutments
that would be impacted by overtopping flows. The protection consisted of:
reinforced concrete slabs on the flatter areas of the upper rock abutments;
shotcrete reinforced with welded wire mesh on the steeper portions of the
abutments above the tailwater; and rock bolts to anchor the concrete slabs and
shotcrete to the abutments, to strengthen the upper surfaces of the abutments and
to stabilize localized rock blocks. Drains were provided through the shotcrete
layer to prevent the buildup of uplift pressures. Shaping of the abutments prior to


Overtopping Protection for Dams

placement of the shotcrete was also considered, in order to improve the flow
conditions over the abutments. Figure Boundary-3 shows a typical section
through the overtopping protection.

Figure Boundary-3Erosion Protection for Dam Abutments (Sharma, et al., 1995, with
permission from American Society of Civil Engineers, all rights reserved).

Lessons Learned
Extensive geologic data collection and topographic modeling along with a
hydraulic model study were used to optimize the designs and to ensure adequate
protection for overtopping flows on the dam abutments. Steeper areas of the dam
abutments were protected with shotcrete, as the use of conventional concrete
would not have been practical.
Sharma, Ram P., Jackson, Harry E., Davis, Walter L., and Gwilyn, Donald. 1995.
Abutment Erosion Control System at Boundary Dam, Water Resources
Engineering, Proceedings of the First International Conference, San Antonio,
Texas, August 14-18, 1995.
City of Seattle, 2006. Boundary Dam Water Spill video. Accessed
March 23, 2014.


AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

Project: Coolidge Dam

Location: Arizona
Summary: Extensive conventional concrete overlays with rock reinforcement
Coolidge Dam is located within the San Carlos Indian Reservation, in a box
canyon on the Gila River, in southeast Arizona, approximately 10 miles
downstream of Peridot, Arizona. The dam is just downstream from the confluence
of the San Carlos River with the Gila River, about 30 miles southeast of Globe,
Arizona and approximately 120 miles east of Phoenix, Arizona. Coolidge Dam
forms San Carlos Reservoir. Coolidge Dam was the first multiple dome reinforced
concrete dam to be built in the United States. It was designed and constructed by
the U.S. Indian Service (now the Bureau of Indian Affairs-[BIA]). Construction of
the dam occurred between 1927 and 1928. The three domes that form Coolidge
Dam are supported by massive buttresses on 180-foot centers. The structural
height of the dam is about 250 feet above bedrock. The crest length of the dam is
approximately 920 feet. Drawings of the dam are provided in Figures Coolidge-1,
Coolidge-2 and Coolidge-3. The dam forms a reservoir with a storage capacity of
912,400 acre-feet at the spillway crest. Releases from the dam are made from two
outlets, having a total capacity of 5000 ft3/s and from two uncontrolled overflow
spillways on each abutment. The total release capacity is 120,000 ft3/s with the
reservoir at the dam crest. Coolidge Dam is owned and operated by the Bureau of
Indian Affairs and serves as a major component of the San Carlos Irrigation
Project (SCIP), providing irrigation to 100,000 acres of land.
Dam Safety Evaluations
A safety evaluation was performed on Coolidge Dam under the Safety Evaluation
of Existing Dams (SEED) program. The examination was performed during
March 1980, by the Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) and others at the
request of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA). Subsequent examinations of
Coolidge Dam, under the SEED program, were made in 1984 and 1987. Dam
safety evaluations found significant potential for failure of the dam due to
overloading of the spillways and dam overtopping from a probable maximum
flood (PMF) event. These deficiencies were then evaluated in a Corrective Action
Study (CAS) performed in 1987 and 1988. Evaluations of the foundations for the
two main buttresses indicated that the factors of safety for normal and PMF
conditions did not meet Reclamation criteria, based upon geologic data that were
available to the team at the time.
A PMF study for Coolidge Dam was conducted in August 1984 and approved for
final design in December 1987 and reapproved for final design in April 1992. The
critical PMF for Coolidge Dam is a summer-type event and is composed of an
antecedent 100-year flood followed by the PMF.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Flood Routing/Hydraulic Studies

Studies were performed to determine the response of the dam and foundation
under hydrologic conditions. This involved routing the PMF through the dam and
reservoir. Flood routings were performed assuming a full reservoir at the start of
the flood with an initial reservoir water surface at the spillway crest and no
releases from the outlet works. The original total design discharge capacity of the
two spillways was 120,000 ft3/s with the reservoir water surface at dam crest.
However, analysis of the chute configuration shows that the actual safe discharge
capacity of the spillways to be much less than designed (Reclamation, 1988b).
The horizontal curves and narrowing of the chutes cause water to back up and
create undesired hydraulic jumps downstream from the crest structures. In
addition, the narrowing of the chutes also creates a flow condition characterized
by large cross waves which would impact on the chute walls. It is estimated that
discharges greater than 20,000 ft3/s in the left spillway will begin to overtop both
chute walls and discharges in excess of 40,000 ft3/s will overtop the left wall of
the right spillway.

Figure Coolidge-1.Cross-section through Coolidge Dam

(Courtesy of Bureau of Indian Affairs [BIA] archives).


AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

Figure Coolidge -2.Plan, Elevation and Section View of Coolidge Dam (Courtesy of BIA archives).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Coolidge -3.Plan View of Coolidge Dam Modifications (Courtesy of BIA archives).

AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

Numerous offsets, cracks, exposed reinforcement and surface irregularities

existed in the concrete flow surfaces of both spillways. Due to these deteriorated
conditions, it was estimated that discharges in excess of 20,000 ft3/s per spillway
would cause major erosional damage within the spillways. Routings indicated that
discharge in each spillway would reach 20,000 ft3/s for floods greater than
approximately 15 percent of the PMF event. For example:

For floods greater than approximately 20 percent of the PMF event,

discharge in each spillway would reach 30,000 ft3/s, resulting in
overtopping of the chute walls and the start of major erosion of the dam
abutments and foundation

For floods greater than approximately 25 percent of the PMF event,

discharge in each spillway would reach 37,500 ft3/s

Floods greater than 35 percent of the PMF would begin to overtop the dam

Routing 100 percent of the PMF resulted in a maximum water surface at elevation
2557 feet, 22 feet above the crest of the dam. The dam would be overtopped for a
total of 70 hours, assuming the dam and spillway did not fail during the flood.
The total peak discharge from the spillways and over the dam, assuming no
failure, would be 459,000 ft3/s.
Foundation Stability Evaluations
Foundation stability analyses of the abutments indicated that there is marginal
stability against sliding of abutment foundation blocks under normal operating
conditions and factors of safety less than unity for loadings under MCE and PMF
conditions (Reclamation, 1988a). Flood routing studies and analyses indicated
that the dam will fail when subjected to 25 percent of the PMF due to overtopping
and/or failure of the spillway walls, failure of the spillway inverts, and subsequent
severe erosion and failure of the dam abutments. Overtopping of the dam crest
would occur at 35 percent of the PMF, which would accelerate dam failure. Flood
routing studies indicated that even if the reservoir were drained at the beginning
of the PMF, the dam would be vulnerable to structural and erosional failure. The
dam abutments are sedimentary sandstones and quartzite and would be expected
to erode by water flowing over the spillway walls and dam crest.
Preliminary studies were performed to evaluate the static and seismic stability of
the dam foundation and abutments. The rigid block method of analysis was used
to investigate the stability of potential failure wedges in the abutments. Four static
loading combinations were investigated: the winter and summer normal loading
conditions, the winter PMF, and the summer PMF. The seismic loading condition
was evaluated in combination with the winter normal loading condition.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

The foundations of both abutments contain claystone beds which are continuous
and planar in nature. The preliminary stability analyses assumed that potential
failure wedges can be formed from the intersection of the claystone bedding
planes and the nearly vertical joint sets that form side planes, with shears forming
the release planes. Rock mechanics testing of cored samples provided strength
parameters for the analysis. Forces from the structural analysis of the dam were
used to calculate the forces transmitted by the dam into the foundation. A number
of potential failure wedges were identified in each abutment. Uplift forces acting
on the wedge planes were estimated using differential head contour maps of each
abutment, developed using piezometric and surface seepage data.
The preliminary stability analysis of the Coolidge Dam foundation revealed
several areas of concern. Exploration drill holes had indicated the possibility of a
fractured zone just below the concrete-to-foundation contact for both main
A worst case scenario would be if this fractured rock actually extended over the
entire base of each buttress, creating a potential failure plane. The preliminary
stability analyses performed on the main buttress foundation for this scenario
indicated that factors of safety against sliding at the base were less than the
Reclamation criteria of 4.0 for usual loading conditions, and 2.7 for unusual
loading conditions, but was acceptable for the extreme loading condition with a
required factor of safety of 1.3. The second area of concern was the left abutment.
Stability analyses indicated that there is marginal stability against sliding of
potential failure wedges under normal loading conditions, and factors of safety
less than unity for hydrologic and seismic loadings. The final area of concern was
the right abutment. Preliminary stability analyses show that for normal reservoir
operations during the winter months, the factor of safety against sliding of a
potential failure wedge does not meet Reclamation criteria. During hydrologic
and seismic loadings, the factors of safety fall below one.
As a result of these preliminary analyses, additional investigations were
recommended for the abutments to further define the geology and material
properties. Additional investigations were also recommended under the main
buttresses to assess the continuity of the assumed fractured rock zone.
Initial assessment of the instability of rock mass wedges located in the left and
right abutments of the dam was based on limited rock strength data and the use of
averaged joint surveys, which identified the potential critical geologic
discontinuities. Instability could be due to sliding from the weight, dam and water
loadings, and assumptions made concerning continuous joint surfaces and the
amount of cohesion. Failure of these wedges would lead to instability of the
smaller buttresses supporting the left and right domes of the dam.
Based upon the init ial assessment, the decision was made to collect additional
geologic and geotechnical data to further define the wedges and shale beds in the
abutments for the stability analyses. This additional exploration included cleaning


AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

and scaling the left and right abutments immediately downstream of the dam to
expose the rock units for examination and mapping. Figures Coolidge-4 through
Coolidge-7 show the abutments in various stages of foundation clean up. The
primary purpose of stripping the abutments of overburden materials were to
identify and map specific geologic features that would be used in updated stability
analyses, to provide a good understanding of the critical wedge failure planes, and
to determine a more realistic estimate for the percent of intact rock. The stability
analyses of the left and right abutment rock mass wedges were updated and
revised as appropriate using the results of additional exploration, laboratory
testing, and detailed geologic mapping of both abutments following the clean up
efforts. The additional geologic investigations and revised stability analyses
indicated that the two critical wedges on the right abutment were stable and that
only one of the critical wedges on the left abutment required stabilization. A large
conventional mass concrete buttress wall was the preferred alternative for
stabilization of the left abutment. It was also recommended that a system of deep
drains be installed to relieve any uplift pressures that could develop within the
Updated exploration and analyses of the foundation of the two main buttresses
indicated that it did not appear that there was a continuous, horizontal zone or
layer of fractured rock at or near the foundation contact that would form a single
low strength sliding plane. A significant amount of intact rock would have to be
sheared for sliding of the main buttresses to occur and, therefore, the main
buttresses appear to be stable. The foundation area of the two main buttresses
would be subject to impingement by overtopping flows and should be protected
against erosion. Severe erosion of the abutments could also take place during
overtopping which in turn could undermine the stability of the dam.
Modification Decision
In June 1988, the decision was made to modify Coolidge Dam to eliminate the
potential for failure due to static or seismic loadings and to safely accommodate
the PMF. Structural modifications to Coolidge Dam were recommended to correct
the safety deficiencies that existed. In addition to the safety modifications,
stabilization of a large potential rockslide on the right abutment was also
evaluated. The existence of a large potential rockslide on the right abutment of
Coolidge Dam had been of concern for some time. The rock mass consists of very
large limestone blocks resting on a shale foundation, which is weathering and
losing the capability to support the blocks. The rock could fail by toppling or
sliding from its current location above the dam and right spillway. The
recommended corrective actions included realigning and replacing the spillways,
stabilizing the abutments with post-tensioned anchors, armoring the downstream
rock surfaces with a concrete mat to provide protection during dam overtopping,
and stabilizing a rock mass above the right spillway.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Coolidge-. Right abutment foundation preparation. Note bedding planes

and jointing in rock (Reclamation).

Figure Coolidge- . Photo of left abutment before any material was excavated or
vegetation removed (Reclamation).


AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

Figure Coolidge-6. Left abutment cleanup. Note bedding planes in abutment rock

Figure Coolidge-7. Photo of lower right abutment of dam and right spillway chute. Right
abutment overtopping and excavation and cleanup in progress (Reclamation).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Hydraulic Model Study

A hydraulic model study was conducted to evaluate and refine the hydraulic
features associated with the rehabilitation of the spillways and passage of the
PMF by dam overtopping at Coolidge Dam. The performances of the spillways
and the dam during overtopping were evaluated using a 1:55 scale hydraulic
model. Of particular interest was the evaluation of impact pressures and flow
velocities on the abutments and downstream rock surfaces during overtopping. In
addition, dam overtopping rating curves were developed and tailwater levels
immediately downstream of the dam were determined.
The model study showed that the overtopping jet breaks up as it falls and then
quickly disperses in the tailwater pool because of the heavy air entrainment,
which results in generally low average impact pressures. Analysis showed that
even at the maximum discharge, the average impact pressures are small because
the overtopping jet is dispersed. Average observed impact pressures were
approximately 3.7 feet of water. Impact pressures on downstream topography
resulting from dam overtopping are greatly reduced by tailwater effects. However
with shallow or no submergence of topography by tailwater, the full vertical drop
from the reservoir water surface to the topography can be developed as an impact
The model study evaluated impact pressures resulting from the dam overtopping
jet impinging on the abutments and tailrace areas below. The average impact
pressure and the maximum impact pressure were evaluated as a function of
discharge and tailwater depth. Factors considered in computing impact pressure
included overtopping depth at the top of the dam, initial turbulence levels in the
flow which influences jet breakup and air entrainment (based on a free falling jet),
the initial velocity, the vertical fall to the ground or tailwater surface and the
tailwater depth. The amount of jet flow velocity diffusion is a function of the
depth in the tailwater pool. This, in turn yields jet velocities as a function of depth
and average impact pressures. Impact pressures were computed based on a gravity
corrected jet diameter at the tailwater surface, and it was assumed that the
maximum impact pressure is related to 80 percent of the computed outer limit of
the diffused or spread free jet at the tailwater surface.
Flow velocities were measured in the model study at various discharges (both
within the spillway chutes and over the abutments during overtopping). At a
combined spillway discharge of 80,000 ft3/s, the low tailwater yields the
maximum reservoir surface to tailwater head differential, which in turn yields
maximum velocities. At 80,000 ft3/s, the maximum velocities that the spillway
chutes and rock surfaces downstream of the chutes will be exposed to exceed 100
ft/s. In general, flow velocities over the abutments are well below 90 ft3/s, but
velocities of 90 to 100 ft/s are possible. Flow over the abutments is highly broken
and aerated, and thus cavitation erosion on these surfaces is unlikely.


AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

The hydraulic model study determined that over the full range of overtopping
discharges, the horizontal velocity components are small compared to velocities
generated by the vertical fall over the dam. Consequently, dam overtopping flows
drop nearly vertically to the tailwater or ground surface below the dam. No direct
overtopping flow impinges on the power plant tucked beneath the center dome.
Tailwater elevations increase greatly with overtopping, and the lower portions of
both spillway chutes become submerged and the power plant becomes inundated.
The model study showed that tailwater elevations at the base of the dam,
immediately downstream of the powerhouse, are strongly influenced by the flow
exiting the spillway chutes. Flows exiting from the spillway chutes tend to sweep
downstream reducing tailwater elevations between the spillway chutes and the
dam. As the tailwater pool becomes deeper at higher discharges and dam
overtopping, the sweeping influence of the spillway flow is reduced. At high
discharges, the high tailwater levels greatly reduce the area of free flow over the
abutments and in the lower ends of the spillway chutes.
The model study indicated that as the reservoir releases reach 150,000 ft3/s just
before the dam is overtopped, the tailwater depth is approximately 40 feet. As
reservoir releases reach 459,000 ft3/s during the PMF, the tailwater depth is
approximately 120 feet. The model study indicated that the tailrace area would
experience erosion from overtopping where unprotected by adequate tailwater.
Armor stone was chosen to provide erosion protection of the tailrace area. The
armor stone eliminated complicated concrete placements in the tailrace area and
will help reduce potential uplift pressures from developing under the main
buttresses. Geometrically scaled armor stone was modeled and was found to
perform satisfactorily in the model study.
The cavitation potential within the spillway chutes was evaluated using a
computer model and aeration ramps were developed to reduce the cavitation
potential, using both a computer model and the physical model (Reclamation,
1997). The discharge capacities of the spillways and outlet works were also
Concrete Chute Repairs
The concrete in the spillway chutes was in need of repair. There were numerous
areas of concrete delamination, cracking, exposed rebar, and spalling on both the
spillway floors and walls, with most of the damaged areas occurring in the steep
portions of the chutes. These damaged areas were due to poor concrete
construction techniques (horizontal lift lines at the joints created feathered edges
in the floor slabs), weathering, rockfalls, and alkali aggregate reaction (much of
the spillways were originally constructed using a highly alkaline cement). Both
spillways were expected to continue to degrade as exposed rebar, alkali reactive
concrete, and damaged concrete surfaces continued to be exposed to weather and
spillway discharges. Future large spillway discharges were expected to cause


Overtopping Protection for Dams

significant damage to the flow surfaces, especially in the steep portions of the
chute where the flow velocities would be high. A cavitation analysis of the
spillway chutes indicated that when chute velocities exceed 90 ft/s, the existing
irregularities on the chute surfaces are sufficient to trigger major cavitation
erosion. Thus, the lower 100 feet of the spillway chutes where higher flow
velocities would occur appeared to be susceptible to major damage. Concrete
overlays and aeration ramps were recommended to be placed in both spillway
chutes to prevent significant cavitation erosion at the numerous abrupt offsets in
the damaged concrete surfaces.
Overtopping Design Details
Overtopping protection was provided by placing a conventional reinforced
concrete slab, with a minimum thickness of 2.5 feet, on the left and right
abutments and by placing armor stones in the tailrace area. The concrete
overtopping protection was laid out to provide a thickness of concrete as required
by the design loading conditions, to minimize the volume of concrete, to provide
ease of construction, and to direct flows away from the dam during an
overtopping event. To shape the concrete overtopping protection for good
hydraulic performance, an actual thickness greater than 10 feet was required at
some locations. The concrete overtopping protection was designed to resist the
static uplift due to seepage through the abutments, the dynamic uplift occurring
during dam overtopping, the dynamic impact occurring during dam overtopping,
and temperature loads. Flat drains and anchor bars were provided to help resist
uplift. Control joints with waterstops at 20-foot spacing, each way, were provided
to limit the number and minimize the size of temperature and shrinkage cracks.
Most of the concrete overtopping protection extends from each spillway down to
the tailrace area. An access road along the upstream portion of the outside chute
wall of the right spillway was also protected from overtopping with a concrete
slab. Concrete overtopping protection was also provided on top of a rock ridge
just to the right of the right chute wall of the left spillway. Overtopping protection
was provided in an area just to the left of the left chute wall of the left spillway
with a concrete slab. A vertical concrete buttress wall covers the large cliff area
near the bottom of the dam on the left abutment and extends to the downstream
end of the left spillway.
Overtopping protection in the tailrace area immediately downstream of the power
house consists of armor stone to provide erosion protection around the main
buttresses of the dam. The hydraulic model study determined the size of the armor
stone and indicated that a layer of armor stone, approximately 7 feet thick,
extending approximately 240 feet downstream from the power house for the
entire width of the river channel, was found to be sufficient to protect against
erosion. The armor stone, weighing between 2,000 and 4,000 pounds in the
overtopping impact area, was defined as blocks of hard, intact rock, lacking
obvious fractures and with a maximum volume of approximately one cubic yard.
Alluvial material in the tailrace area was excavated down to competent rock and


AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

armor stone was placed so that the larger armor stones were uniformly distributed
with the smaller armor stones filling in the spaces so that there was not a direct
open channel from the surface of the armor stone to the foundation. The
approximate size of the armor stone ranged from 6 inches to 60 inches in
A large conventional mass concrete buttress wall was the preferred alternative for
stabilizing of the left abutment. It was also recommended that a system of deep
drains be installed to relieve any uplift pressures that could develop within the
Modifications to the spillways included concrete repairs, new concrete overlays,
and aeration ramps to minimize the potential for cavitation. The new overlays
extended the full width of each chute and consisted of a continuously reinforced
concrete slab wit h a minimum thickness of 8 inches. The concrete overlays were
placed continuously from the bottom of the spillway to the top without the use of
contraction or expansion joints to provide a better flow surface.Construction
joints were permitted and were used during the construction of the overlays.
Damaged and deteriorated concrete on the existing chute floors and walls to be
covered by the concrete overlays were removed before applying the overlay. The
surface of the new overlays were first determined from surveys of the existing
chute floor surfaces and then adjusted to minimize the thickness and provide a
smooth surface with minimal discontinuities and undulations.
Cracking of the new overlays was expected to occur, but the width, frequency,
and distribution of the cracks was expected to be minimized by using a
continuous single layer of reinforcement to provide adequate crack control. The
reinforcement was located in the upper portion of the concrete overlays with a 2inch cover to control surface cracking. Anchor bars were used to tie the new
overlays to the existing spillway chute floors. The anchor bars were designed to
resist the hydrostatic uplift pressure between the existing concrete and the new
concrete overlays, as well as resist the weight of the new overlays from sliding
down the steep portion of the chutes. A system of lateral and collector flat drains
was provided between the existing concrete and the concrete overlays.
Aeration ramps and slots were incorporated into the concrete overlays to reduce
the cavitation potential in the spillways during major releases. The aeration ramps
and slots were investigated in the hydraulic model study and are located high
enough in the chutes to insure no tailwater influence. The aeration slots draw air
to beneath the flow using side wall ramps on both sides of each chute. Flow
impingement into the aeration slots in the chute floors is only expected to occur at
small discharges where cavitation potentials are low. Damaged and deteriorated
concrete was also removed and replaced in areas of the spillway chute floors and
walls not covered by the concrete overlays. These repair areas were done using
either epoxy-bonded concrete for repair of thicknesses less than 6 inches or
concrete replacement for repair of thicknesses 6 inches or more.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Long-term stabilization of the rock slope on the right abutment above the existing
access road was not done, per a decision by BIA. Failure of the rock mass would
damage the right spillway, but would not affect the safety of the dam and would
not result in a catastrophic loss of reservoir storage. Instead, only short-term
stabilization was used to provide worker safety during construction of the
modifications and the access road to the dam was rerouted around the right
abutment. The short-term stabilization consisted of scaling to remove loose
material, rock bolting, rockfall netting, a rock trap, and a rockfall fence. The rock
trap, consisting of a uniformly-graded 3-foot layer of sand, was placed over a
critical portion of the abandoned access road and held in place with median
barriers. The 10-foot high rockfall fence, consisting of steel posts, steel wire
cables, and rockfall netting, was constructed between the rock trap and the right
spillway. Near the end of construction, the rock trap and cables were removed.
At the request of the BIA, preliminary designs included installing new 50-footwide by 12-foot-high radial gates on both spillways. Installation of these gates
would replace the inoperable drum gates and require modifications to the ogee
crests and piers. Installation of the new spillway radial gates was eliminated from
the modifications due to the lack of funding. During the 1993 flood, when the
water surface rose above the spillway crests, it was noted that vertical joints in the
dams superstructure caused numerous leaks near the top of the dam. If the
spillway gates were ever installed and the normal water surface rose above the
spillway crest, these leaks would become commonplace.
Modifications were performed in a prime contract awarded June 30, 1992 and a
completion contract awarded July 13, 1995. During the prime contract, the left
abutment stability was increased to an acceptable level with the construction of a
massive gravity stability buttress at the postulated failure plane exposure beneath
the left dome. The abutments were protected from overtopping flows with a
reinforced concrete cover and armor stone was placed in the tailrace area. The
roadway on top of the dam on the right abutment was also protected from
overtopping by placing a reinforced concrete roadway surfacing adjacent to
spillway chute. A temporary rock fence and a rock trap were also installed on the
right abutment to protect workers during the modifications from falling rocks and
construction traffic was re-routed around the right abutment.
The spillway chutes were rehabilitated by repairing damaged areas in the upper
portion of the chutes, where low velocities occur, and covering the lower, steep
portions of the chutes with continuously reinforced concrete overlays and aeration
ramps where high velocities could cause cavitation damage. Scaling and rockfall
protection were installed on the left and right abutments above the spillways.
The modifications performed under the completion contract included
miscellaneous construction and repairs to the top of the dam, the spillway piers,


AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

the power plant roof, and the tailrace wall. Figures Coolidge-8 through Coolidge10 show the completed modifications.

Figure Coolidge-8. Photo showing finished right spillway concrete overlay and
overtopping protection on lower right abutment of dam (Reclamation).

Figure Coolidge-9.Photo showing finished left spillway concrete overlay and

overtopping protection on lower left abutment of dam (Reclamation).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Coolidge-10. Aerial View of Overtopping Protection at Coolidge Dam (Reclamation).

Lessons Learned
A hydraulic model study was used to define tailwater levels for a range of
overtopping flows, to:
x Predict the jet trajectory and jet characteristics from overtopping flows
x Identify impact pressures on the abutments form overtopping flows
Design details were added to insure the integrity of the concrete overtopping
protection, including anchor bars, underdrains, waterstops, and reinforcement
across the concrete joints.
Reclamation. 1997. Design Summary, Coolidge Dam, Safety of Dams
Modification, Coolidge Dam, Bureau of Indian Affairs, San Carlos Irrigation
Project, Arizona, Denver, Colorado, December 1997.


AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

Reclamation. 1988a. Analysis Addressing Hydrologic/Hydraulic Issues Cited in

the SEED Examination Report on Coolidge Dam, Technical Memorandum
No. CD-BIA-220-3, Coolidge Dam, Bureau of Indian Affairs, Denver,
Colorado, June 1, 1988.
Reclamation. 1988b. Foundation Analyses and Proposed Remedial Treatment for
Coolidge Dam, Technical Memorandum No. CD-BIA-220-2, Coolidge Dam,
Bureau of Indian Affairs, Denver, Colorado, August 31, 1988.



AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

Project: Gibson Dam

Location: Montana
Summary: Conventional concrete overlays with rock reinforcement
Gibson Dam is located on the North Fork of the Sun River, approximately 30
miles northwest of Augusta, Montana. The dam is a massive concrete arch
structure with a structural height of 199 feet. Construction of Gibson Dam was
completed in 1929. The crest of the dam is approximately 960 feet long at
elevation 4725.5 feet mean sea level. Parapet walls are located on both the
upstream and downstream edges of the crest. The spillway is located through the
left abutment and has a funnel-shaped (or morning glory type) drop inlet just
upstream from the north end of the dam. The original free-flow inlet crest was
modified in 1939, and six radial gates were installed at the inlet crest. The outlet
works is located near the center of the arch dam and consist of a trashrack
structure, two steel-lined conduits through the base of the dam, two high pressure
emergency slide gates, and two regulating jet-flow gates in a concrete gate house
at the downstream toe of the dam. The jet-flow gates were installed in 1972 to
replace the two needle valves installed during original construction. Figure
Gibson-1 shows the downstream face of the dam.

Figure Gibson-1.Downstream face of Gibson Dam, Montana (Reclamation).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Site Geology
Gibson Dam is located in the Sawtooth Range in northwestern Montana on the
easterly flowing North Fork of the Sun River. The area is characterized by a series
of steep ridges of Paleozoic sedimentary strata separated by sedimentary
Mesozoic beds. The ridges were formed by thrust faults which trend north and dip
from 40 to 70 to the west. The thrust faults are considered inactive.
The river has cut a mature valley across the tilted rocks, and the tributary streams
have opened relatively wide valleys in the weaker shale zones between the sharp
ridges of limestone. These ridges were first cut through by an east-moving glacier,
and later by streams, forming what are called water gaps. Gibson Dam is built
on one of the water gaps where the rock formation is all crystalline limestone and
dolomite. The foundation is a crystalline limestone in regular beds which strike
normal to the river and dip upstream. The valley has been smoothed and the
valley bottom widened as a result of an eastward-moving glacier. The dam is
founded on the lower member of the Castle Reef Dolomite (Reclamation, 2006).
The foundation varies from beds a few inches thick to massive beds eight to ten
feet thick. Orientation of the beds is extremely regular, striking 5 to 8 west of
north and dipping to the west at angles ranging from 70 to 86. The bedding dips
upstream and is favorably oriented with respect to the arch of the dam.
The rock is broken by several fissures (more erodible shaly beds) which follow
the bedding planes. Between these are cross fissures or large joints. In addition,
there are a large number of bedding joints or numerous cross joints that break
beds into small blocks. This condition is most evident in the right abutment
(Figure Gibson-3) later in this case study.
On the right abutment, solid rock was excavated from 5 to 30 feet deep before the
joints were sufficiently tight to serve as a foundation for the dam. The major joint
system on the right abutment strikes about N10E and dips about 16SE, whereas
on the left abutment, it strikes about N62E and dips moderately to steeply
southeast. There is a continuous low angle joint set on the right abutment which
crosses the foundation excavation and corresponds to the major joint system. On
the right abutment, the original contour of the rock was nearly radial, which
required little shaping. The rock in the left abutment was more massive and of
better quality but required more shaping for the fit of the arch.
A board of consultants recommended using a gravity tangent or thrust block on
the upper right abutment to tie into the foundation at a more favorable orientation,
since the grouted contours nearly parallel the arch tangent in this location;
however, this was not done. A toe trench was excavated upstream from the axis of
the dam. Grouting was performed and a complex system of piping and manifolds,
with right angle bends, connects the foundation drains to horizontal pipes
extending to the downstream face of the dam. The nature of the piping makes it
virtually impossible to maintain and clean the drains. The grouting and drainage
curtain depths do not extend as deep as would be required by current practice.


AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

Landslide potential around the reservoir is considered low. The site geology was
considered in the determination of erodibility of the abutments during overtopping
Overtopping Event
On June 8-9, 1964, the dam was overtopped during a rain-on-snow flood event for
about 20 hours to a maximum depth of 3.2 feet above the top of the parapet wall
(or 6.7 feet above the dam crest). At the time of overtopping, two of the spillway
gates were completely closed, one was open 9 feet, one was open 11 feet, and two
were completely open at 12 feet. The maximum discharge over the parapet wall
was estimated to be about 18,500 ft3/s, and the maximum outflow from the dam
was about 56,400 ft3/s. Figure Gibson-2 shows the dam being overtopped.

Figure Gibson-2.Overtopping of on the Sun River, Montana, in June 1964

(Courtesy of USFS and USGS).

The dam likely would have been overtopped even if all the spillway gates had
been fully opened as early as June 1. Although some erosion damage occurred on
the left and right abutments just downstream from the dam, no significant damage
occurred to the dam, its appurtenances, or to either abutment. However, this flood
clearly pointed out the inadequate capacity of the spillway and outlet works to


Overtopping Protection for Dams

prevent overtopping. Concern existed for larger floods which could overtop the
damresulting in loss of foundation or abutment stability.
Overtopping Protection Modifications
Modifications to Gibson Dam were completed in 1981 to permit safe overtopping
of the dam of up to 12 feet over the parapet walls. These modifications included
excavation of unstable rock on both abutments just downstream from the dam,
installation of groutable rock bolts to reinforce and stabilize the jointed rock in the
abutments, and placement of concrete caps on both abutments to help protect
them during overtopping. The concrete cap is very extensive over the right
abutment as shown in figure Gibson-3.

ure Gibson-3.Construction of the overtopping protection on the right abutment.
(Reclamation, 2006).


AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

The cap on the right abutment was designed with a minimum thickness of
2.5 feet. The design aspects of the cap are undocumented,(i.e., no information
regarding the selection of the rock bolt pattern, length of bolts, specifics on actual
slab thickness or extent). In addition, there are no waterstops between slab joints
and no drainage of the concrete overlay.
It was concluded that the rock on the left abutment was not erodible, except for
two weaker beds which were reinforced with 2.5 feet of concrete and pairs of
anchor bars on each side of the beds which are embedded 10 feet into rock on
5-foot centers. A couple of joints in the left abutment were grouted. Fully grouted
rock bolts were also installed on the downstream left abutment to tie the rock
together. Weep holes were installed through the concrete on the left abutment.
In addition, to help protect the top of the dam and the downstream face, eight
splitter piers were constructed at even intervals along the top of the dam to divide
the flow of water over the crest and allow aeration beneath the nappe.
Reevaluation of Overtopping Protection
The overtopping protection was reevaluated in 2006 (Reclamation, 2006) to
determine if the protection would be adequate for discharges that exceeded the
design discharge. A new hydrologic hazard study was conducted in September
2005 (Reclamation, 2005a), in which floods up to the one-million year event were
defined. The one-million year event, having a peak of 243,545 ft3/s and a 7-day
volume of 567,400 acre feet was equivalent to the 2005 General Storm Rain-onSnow probable maximum flood (PMF). Routings of the frequency flood were
performed (Reclamation, 2005b). While the 100,000 - year event (peak inflow of
153,394 ft3/s and 7-day volume of 327,692 acre-feet) resulted in similar depths
and magnitude of overtopping (10.4 feet of overtopping and overtopping
discharge of 107,436 ft3/s) as compared to the design parameters (12 feet of
overtopping and overtopping discharge of 99,800 ft3/s), the 1 - million year flood
exceeded the design overtopping depth by almost 3 feet (14.7 feet of overtopping)
and the design discharge by about 80 percent (overtopping discharge of 182,580
ft3/s). These results led to a reevaluation of the adequacy of the overtopping
As part of the evaluation of the existing overtopping protection, tailwater
elevations for the PMF condition were estimated by using a MIKE 11 1D model.
Overtopping but no breach of the dam was assumed. The modeling extended
about 3 miles downstream, and included 22 cross-sections. Tailwater elevations
were obtained at time increments throughout the routing of the PMF. The
evaluation of the overtopping protection then included the following

The jet characteristics including the jet trajectory, spread of the jet, and the
location of the impingement both above and below the tailwater


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Computations of the load or stream power associated with the jet


Evaluation of the effectiveness of the protective abutment treatment or

rock to withstand the loading of the jet

The trajectory of the flow over the dam crest during an overtopping situation was
computed using the brink depth, the velocity, and the velocity head. The
trajectory of the jet overtopping the dam during the PMF is shown in Figure
Gibson-4. The trajectory through the air shows the simple jet trajectory from the
equation of motion. No spread of the outer diameter of the jet is shown or with the
footprint of the jet on the abutments and or impact into the tailwater pool. The
plot of the concrete surface shows the distance radially downstream from the dam
parapet and the elevations of the concrete surfaces. Where the trajectory intersects
or goes beyond the surface is where the jet will impact on the downstream rock.
Figure Gibson-5 shows the predicted footprint of the jet as it would impinge on
the rock or concrete overlay on the abutments and into the tailwater pool at
elevation 4670 (max tailwater during the PMF). The area of concern was the
portion of the abutments above the tailwater elevation, where the jet impinges on
the unprotected rock. The jet will impinge on the rock abutment beyond the
concrete protection between elevation 4710 and elevation 4670 feet (maximum
tailwater for the PMF). The jet will not break up as it travels through the air
because the length predicted to break it up is much greater than the height of the
fall. The free-falling jet will, however, experience spread due to turbulence and
contraction of the core due to gravity. As the jet enters the tailwater, other factors
will combine to influence the dispersion of the core and the spread of the outer
edges of the jet.
Calculations were performed to adjust the width of the jet shown in Figure
Gibson-5, to account for contraction of the core of the jet, the spread of the
outside of the jet due to turbulence and the velocity of the jet at various locations.
Calculations were then repeated for overtopping flows representing different
return period floods. Additional calculations were performed to determine the
characteristics of different jets as they plunged into and through the plunge pool.
The core of the jet will dissipate or contract until the energy no longer remains to
impact a surface and the outside of the jet will disperse. Both the core and outer
diameter of the jet will change as a function of the incoming velocity and
turbulence. It was assumed that the core of the jet would dissipate at an angle of
8 degrees as it falls through the tailwater. It was calculated that the core of the jet
would be fully dissipated in 10 feet. Based on this, it was concluded that there
would be no impact on the rock of the abutments in the tailwater pool below
elevation 4660 feet. The outer edges of the jet were assumed to disperse at an
angle of 14 degrees. As the jet spreads, the extent of the impact zone on the dam
abutments will increase, but the energy of the impinging jet will also be diluted,
as it is spread over a larger area.


AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

Figure Gibson-4 - Sectional view of the final trajectory profile for the PMF

(the concrete surface line identifies the downstream edge of the concrete overtopping

protection from the upper abutment of the dam down to the maximum section of the dam)

(Reclamation, 2006).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Gibson-5 - Footprint of the trajectory with no spread of the jet for the PMF overtopping
(Reclamation, 2006).


AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

The next step in the evaluation was to calculate the stream power of the impinging
jet. The stream power is the rate at which energy is applied after the jet has
travelled through a vertical distance, Z, to a location on a surface or in a pool. The
stream power of the jet is defined as:
Pjet QZ
Pjet = the total stream power of the of the jet (typically with the units of

the unit density of water and Q is the total discharge

The stream power per unit area was computed by dividing the total stream power
by the footprint of the area of the jet at the point of impact. The stream power per
unit area was used to determine whether erosion will or occur or not as a function
of the erodibility of the rock or material. There is a threshold of erosion based on
a body of empirical data (see Figure Gibson-6).
The erodibility of the material that the jet impacts on is determined by analysis of
some key physical characteristics of the rock and is expressed as an erodibility
index, K. Ranges of erodibility indices were calculated for concrete, fractured
rock and sound foundation rock. Figure Gibson-6 presents the comparison of the
stream power values (representing a range of conditions above and below the
tailwater elevation) and the range of erodibility values for the different material
types. Points plotting above the erosion threshold line indicate the potential for
scour and points below the threshold line indicate that scour would be unlikely.
Figure Gibson-6 presents the results for overtopping of Gibson Dam during the
PMF. This is a worst-case condition and, even though there is the potential for
scour, (even for portions of the jet that impinge on the concrete protection and the
sound foundation rock), this may not lead to a high probability of dam failure.
Also, overtopping flows for floods less than the PMF will have less or no
impingement directly on the foundation rock and the stream power will also be
reduced. To fully evaluate this situation, a risk analysis would be needed. The risk
analysis would consider the progression of a potential failure mode once scour
initiated and would evaluate a full range of floods up to the PMF.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Gibson-6.Relationship between stream power and erodibility index for the PMF
overtopping of Gibson Dam. Estimates shown include stream power above and below the
tailwater (Reclamation, 2006).

Lessons learned
Although the dam itself experienced some damage during the 1964 overtopping
event, the consequences downstream were much more damaging. The very large
uncontrolled releases, combined with flows from other tributaries, caused heavy
flooding in nearly all rural and urban areas throughout the entire Sun River
Concrete dams are not threatened by crest erosion during overtopping, but there is
concern about the loss of foundation and abutment support which could lead to
dam failure.


AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

Annandale, George W. 2006. Scour Technology Mechanics and Engineering
Practice, McGraw-Hill Civil Engineering Series, ISBN 0-07-144057-7.
Reclamation. 2005. Gibson Dam, Montana, Hydrologic Hazard, Flood
Hydrology Group, D-8530, Technical Service Center, Bureau of Reclamation,
Denver, Colorado, September 2005a.
Reclamation. 2005b. Gibson Dam Frequency Flood Routings for Corrective
Action Study, Sun River Project, Great Plains Region, Technical Service
Center, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, Colorado, November 2005.
Reclamation. 2006. Hydraulic Investigations of the Erosion Potential of Flows
Overtopping Gibson Dam Sun River Project, Montana, Great Plains Region,
Hydraulic Laboratory Report HL-2006-02, April 2006.



AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

Project: Railroad Canyon Dam

Location: California
Summary: Conventional concrete overlays, rock reinforcement, and downstream
Railroad Canyon Dam is located on the San Jacinto River, upstream of Lake
Elsinore in Riverside Count y, California. The San Jacinto River is a tributary of
the Santa Ana River. The dam is a concrete arch dam with thrust blocks and
wingwalls. The dam has a maximum structural height of 104 feet and has a crest
length of 590 feet. The reservoir impounded by the dam has a volume of 11,900
acre-feet. The dam was completed in 1928 and is owned by the Elsinore Valley
Municipal Water District (EVMWD).
The existing overflow spillway is located in the central portion of the dam and
consists of nine 20-foot wide bays, with a crest elevation of 1380 feet. Flow
through the spillway discharges into a concrete lined plunge pool that is formed
by a 15-foot high arch, which is located about 60 feet downstream of the base of
the dam. The spillway was designed to pass about 35,000 ft3/s.

Figure Railroad Canyon-1.Railroad Canyon Dam during flood event in 2010

(Courtesy of Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Initial studies for Railroad Canyon Dam focused on developing an updated PMF.
The design PMF had a peak of 126,000 ft/s and a runoff volume of 305,000 acrefeet. Due to the relatively small volume of the reservoir, there is limited surcharge
space, and flood routings result in peak outflows very similar to the peak inflows.
Routings of the Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) and a set of frequency floods
indicated that the dam could only pass 28 percent of the PMF before overtopping
would occur (Marsh et al., 1995). The PMF routing resulted in the dam parapet
walls being overtopped by up to 10.7 feet, with a duration of overtopping of about
30 hours. For this level of overtopping, there was concern that the fractured and
weathered foundation rock along the downstream portion of the dam would erode
and possible result in undermining and breach of the dam. The foundation for
Railroad Canyon Dam consists of slate interbedded with thin layers of argillite
and quartzite. The upper abutments are closely fractured and highly weathered
near the surface, with the joint spacings from 0.5 to 6 inches. The foundation rock
near the base of the dam is more massive, with joint spacings ranging from 3 to
24 inches. Results of core drilling performed in the 1960s showed that the rock
does not improve with depth below the highly weathered zone at the surface.
As a result of the overtopping potential at Railroad Canyon Dam, alternatives
were explored that addressed this issue. The reservoir behind Railroad Canyon
Dam is surrounded by luxury homes. This was a consideration in evaluating
alternatives for the dam overtopping issue.
Evaluation of Alternatives
A number of alternatives were evaluated for preventing an overtopping failure of
the dam. There were four issues that were identified in the alternative study
(Marsh et al., 1995):

Could a larger spillway reduce reservoir surcharge to avoid flooding

lakefront properties on a cost effective basis?

What is the cost of larger spillways?

What was the frequency of flooding of lakefront properties?

What were the downstream impacts of larger spillways?

As part of the alternative study, the PMF for Railroad Canyon Dam was
reevaluated. The final PMF had a peak of 167,000 ft3/s.
Five spillway configurations were evaluated as part of the alternative study. The
first spillway configuration resulted in the least modification to the dam and also
had the largest reservoir surcharge and resulted in the lowest construction cost.
This alternative consisted of allowing overtopping of the entire dam with
extensive overtopping protection provided on the downstream slope. The other


AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

four spillway configuration alternatives involved larger spillway capacities, lower

reservoir surcharge volumes and more extensive overtopping protection on the
downstream slope of the dam. The costs of the various alternatives ranged from
$5 million to $20 million.

Figure Railroad Canyon-2.Plan View of Railroad Canyon Dam Overtopping Protection (from

Marsh et al., 1995, with permission from American Society of Civil Engineers [ASCE]).

Figure Railroad Canyon-3. Developed Elevation of Modified Railroad Canyon Dam

(from Marsh et al., 1995, with permission from ASCE).

The spillway configuration shown on Figures Railroad Canyon-2 and Railroad

Canyon-3 was selected as the preferred alternative. It had the lowest construction
cost, did not significantly change the upstream reservoir surcharge levels or the
downstream flow conditions and provided 100-year flood protection for the
upstream lakefront property. This alternative did require removal of the existing
spillway bridge and piers, removal of the top 16 feet of the arch dam adjacent to
the spillway, raising the thrust blocks and raising and extending the wing walls.
These modifications were intended to restrict dam overtopping to the portions of
the dam inside of the thrust blocks.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Design Details
The overtopping protection consisted of 24-inch thick reinforced concrete
overlays with rock anchors on the downstream portions of the abutments.
Training walls are provided on each abutment, extending from the thrust blocks to
the concrete apron. The protective channel apron was extended with a 5-foot
thick, 1,000 lb/in concrete slab. Both the concrete overlays on the abutments and
the concrete apron included an extensive underdrain system. The analysis of the
thrust blocks and wing walls for their raised condition and new PMF and seismic
loadings indicated that additional stability measures were needed. The thrust
blocks were stabilized by adding four 48-strand post-tensioned anchors. The
raised wing walls were stabilized with the addition of six 27-strand post-tensioned
Other improvements of the dam included installing three new outlet works intake
slide gates and trashracks, installing two new butterfly valves, installing a new
water supply outlet system, and constructing a new control building for the new
electrical and hydraulic control system.
Studies, Model Tests
The dam was analyzed for the new PMF loading condition and for seismic
loading resulting from an updated Magnitude 6.5 earthquake on the nearby
Elsinore Fault using a three-dimensional finite element model. A response spectra
analysis was performed for the seismic loading case. The arch dam was found to
be stable but the need for additional stability measures was identified for the
thrust blocks and wing walls.
Rough Costs
Bids for the modifications to Railroad Canyon Dam were received in early 1995
and the low bid received was $5.4 million. Construction of the modifications
began in 1995.
Lessons Learned
The selected design for modifying Railroad Canyon Dam balanced risk reduction
from a flood overtopping potential failure mode with construction costs and the
avoidance of additional flooding of lakefront property along the reservoir rim.
The overtopping protection focused on limiting overtopping of the dam to the
central portion of the dam and protecting these areas.
Marsh, Gordon, MacDonald, Tom, Hoagland, John, Wong, Noel. 1995. Railroad
Canyon Dam Overtopping Protection, Water Resources Engineering
International Conference; 1; pp. 155 - 158.


AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

Project: Sweetwater Dam

Location: California
Summary: Mass concrete overlays and downstream weir
Sweetwater Dam is located about 9 miles southeast of the city of San Diego,
California and is owned by the Sweetwater Authority. The reservoir contains
28,100 acre-feet and was completed in 1888. The dam was constructed using
rocks quarried a short distance downstream and hauled by horse and wagon.
Some of the rocks weighed up to 4 tons. During construction, it was discovered
that raising the dam 38 feet would store five times more water in the reservoir. So,
as the dam structure was nearing completion in January 1887, the workers
continued to work for another 16 months to raise the dam height and to encase the
rock surface in concrete. When completed, it was the highest dam in the United
States by 20 feet. Figure Sweetwater-1 and Sweetwater-2 show Sweetwater Dam
as it looks today.

Figure Sweetwater-1.Sweetwater Dam

(Courtesy, Sweetwater Authority, all rights reserved).


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Figure Sweetwater-2.Aerial Photo of Sweetwater Dam

(Courtesy, Sweetwater Authority, all rights reserved).

Dam Overtopping
In 1895, a rain of six inches in a 24-hour period created a catastrophic flood. The
result was that Sweetwater Dam was overtopped for a period of 40 hours, with the
highest reservoir level reaching 22 inches over the elevation of the parapet (Figure
Sweetwater-3). The dam remained stable during this event, but the cascading
water caused erosion downstream of the structure and washed away some of a
pipeline and other facilities. Following this flood, the parapet was raised two feet,
but 200 feet in the middle of the dam were left unraised as an overflow weir or
spillway. An additional spillway was added on the left abutment of the dam.
On January 14, 1916 it rained for 6 days, and the dam overtopped again. Another
storm drenched the county on January 24 that same year, and the lake rose 3 feet
above the top of the dam, creating a huge waterfall as it spilled over the entire
span of the dam. This overtopping caused flows to impinge on the downstream
abutments. Scouring progressed rapidly as the overtopping flows cascaded over
the steep abutments and the upper portion of the reservoir was released through
newly created channels around the dam. The dam was left standing, but both
abutments were breached by scour and the reservoir releases, which continued to
flow around the dam for days. The torrent of water rushed down the Sweetwater
Valley, causing extensive damage. It was reported that eight people died as a
result of the partial breach of the reservoir behind Sweetwater Dam (Reynolds,


AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

Figure Sweetwater-4 shows the dam after the collapse of the upper abutments.

Figure Sweetwater-3. Sweetwater Dam overtopping in 1895

(Courtesy, Sweetwater Authority, all rights reserved).

Overtopping Protection
A massive retrofit of Sweetwater Dam was undertaken in 1918 - 1919 to repair
damage caused by the 1916 flood. The spillway capacity was increased to
45,000 ft3/s by enlarging the existing spillways and constructing a massive siphon
spillway with six rectangular siphon tubes on the left abutment. Parapet walls at
the ends of the dam were raised by 13 feet to protect the abutments from
overtopping flows and to restrict flows to the center of the river channel. Concrete
overlay protection was added to the rock abutments between the spillways and the
center of the river channel. The south dike (a quarter mile east of the dam) was
replaced by a new higher dike. A low buttressed arch dam in the center of the
river channel, constructed 275 feet below the toe of the dam to provide a stilling
pool was added for spillway releases. The stilling weir was backfilled with large
rock (placed between the weir and the toe of the dam). The rock was intended to
dissipate energy for flows overtopping the dam and to protect the toe of the dam
and the downstream river channel immediately downstream of the dam.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

In 1939 - 1940, the upstream parapet wall of the dam was removed and replaced
with a rounded spillway crest. In the 1990s, additional modifications to
Sweetwater Dam included the replacement of surficially cracked concrete on the
abutments with a reinforced concrete overlay.

Figure Sweetwater-4.Sweetwater Dam After Flood of 1916 (Courtesy, Sweetwater Authority,

all rights reserved).


AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

Lessons Learned
Although the dam survived overtopping in 1916, erosion of the upper abutments

led to breach of the reservoir along both sides of the dam. Modifications were

performed in 1918 - 1919 to accommodate future large flood events. The

modifications included increasing spillway capacity, raising parapet walls on the

ends of the dam to prevent overtopping in those areas and direct overtopping

flows to the center of the dam, and constructing a concrete arch weir across the

downstream river channel to create a stilling pool for spillway releases.

Crawford, Richard. 2008. In 1888, Sweetwater Dam Hailed as Engineering
Marvel, The San Diego Union-Tribune, March 15, 2008.
Hansen, Brett. 2007. Stemming the Flow: The Sweetwater Dam, Civil
Engineering Magazine, June 2007.
Reynolds, Richard A. 2008. Sweetwater Dam: Then and Now, August 2008.
Schuyler, James D. 1888. The Construction of Sweetwater Dam, ASCE
Transactions Vol. XIX, November 1888.



AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

Project: Tygart Dam

Location: West Virginia
Summary: Conventional concrete channel at downstream toe of dam
Tygart Dam is a concrete gravity dam located in the northern part of West
Virginia on the Tygart River. The dam is about two miles upstream of the city of
Grafton, West Virginia and 23 miles upstream of Fairmont, West Virginia, where
the Tygart River and the West Fork River join to form the Mononagahela River.
Tygart Dam was constructed between 1935 and 1938. The dam has a hydraulic
height of 251 feet and a length of 1921 feet. Solid parapet walls are provided
along both the upstream and downstream faces of the dam. The uncontrolled
spillway is located in the center portion of the dam and has a crest length of 489
feet. Tygart Dam and the reservoir formed by Tygart Dam provide flood control,
navigation, water supply and recreation benefits. The Pittsburgh District of the US
Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) has operated and maintained the dam since
its construction was completed.
Design Details
Tygart Dam was determined to be hydrologically and hydraulically deficient
according to current USACE standards. The dam has inadequate discharge and
storage capacity to safely pass the PMF without overtopping. The current
Probable Maximum Flood (PMF) for Tygart Dam has a peak inflow of 375,120
ft3/s and a routing of this flood indicated that the dam would be overtopped by
about 2.7 feet above the top of the parapet walls, with a total duration of
overtopping of about 11 hours.
An evaluation by the USACE concluded that overtopping flows would impinge
on the downstream abutments and toe and scour foundation material from an area
critical to the stability of the dam. The failure was envisioned to be sudden and
complete. Breach of the dam would be initiated by sliding or overturning of a
single monolith (due to undermining and loss of toe support) and then loss of
adjacent monoliths due to the loss of lateral support and undermining by
concentrated flow through the breach.
A number of alternatives were considered to reduce the risk of a potential flood
overtopping failure of the dam. These included: constructing an auxiliary
spillway; modifying the existing spillway (lowering the spillway crest and adding
rubber dams); raising the top of dam (parapet walls would be raised by 6 feet);
and, adding features to safely allow dam overtopping. The first three alternatives
were eliminated due to cost and in the case of the dam raise, concerns regarding
the extensive changes to the historically significant architecture of the structure.
The preferred alternative was the overtopping protection option.


Overtopping Protection for Dams

The overtopping protection consisted of concrete channels and paving which will
guide high velocity overtopping flows (which will flow over the downstream
parapet walls and then along the downstream face of the dam before collecting in
the downstream channel) along the downstream toes of the dam and into the
stilling basin and river channel. The channels vary from 30 feet wide and 5.5 feet
deep at the top of the slope to 80 feet wide and 8 feet deep at the bottom.
Walls were also added at the downstream end of each abutment to prevent
overtopping flows from flowing past the ends of the dam. Additional features of
the overtopping protection included replacing all doors and windows of the
houses on the dam crest with watertight units or providing them with waterproof
covers and reinforcing the entrances to adits at the toe of the dam and providing
watertight doors. These measures were taken to prevent flooding of the interior of
the dam, which would possibly leave the structure inoperable for a period of time.
Figures Tygart-1 and Tygart-2 show the downstream features that were added to
provide overtopping protection.

Figure Tygart-1.Concrete Paving and Channel Along Downstream Right Abutment

(Courtesy of USACE).


AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

Figure Tygart-2.Concrete Paving and Channel Along Downstream Left Abutment (Courtesy of

Studies, Model Tests

A hydraulic model study was conducted from June 1996 to August 1997 at the
Coastal and Hydraulic Laboratory of the USACE Waterways Experiment Station
to evaluate the overtopping protection designs (Turner, 1999). The main
objectives of the hydraulic model study were to:

Determine the necessary modifications to the dam and spillway to safely

pass the PMF.

Determine modifications needed to the stilling basin and exit channel for
the increased flows from the new PMF.

The investigation was conducted using a 1:60 scale physical model. The model
included approximately 2,000 feet of the approach channel length, the dam and
approximately 2000 feet of the exit channel. The initial experiments were
conducted to observe and verify discharge capacities for the spillway and outlet
works. Four different designs were then evaluated which included:

Type 1 DesignExisting conditionsovertopping flows come over the

parapet walls and down the downstream face of the dam. Erosion of the
downstream foundation is expected as the flow impacts the ground surface
and attempts to reenter the downstream channel. Some of the overtopping
flow flanks the parapet wall on the right abutment and moves through the


Overtopping Protection for Dams

roadway opening. The flow is conveyed along the access roadway before
spilling back down the abutment.

Type 2 DesignOvertopping flows would flow over the parapet walls,

down the downstream face of the dam and then be routed to the stilling
basin by a gutter channel. An initial gutter width of 30 feet was used. At
the toe of the slope, a paved apron was designed to allow the gutter flow to
expand onto the flat area. Riprap was provided at the edge of the paving
and along the stilling base to prevent erosion. See Figure Tygart-3 for
erosion that was caused during testing of the Type 2 design.

x Type 3 DesignAs a result of erosional damage that occurred within the

riprap for the Type 2 design, the concrete apron was extended 30 feet and
used larger riprap. After subjecting the design to the PMF for 1 hour
prototype, erosional damage still developed due to flow expanding from
the gutter and stilling basin wave action.
x Type 4 DesignAs a result of the erosion that occurred with the Type 2
and Type 3 designs, a decision was made to use concrete to protect the
apron from scour and wave action. The revised apron began at the end of
the gutter wall and joined the existing slab of the equipment building, then
continued in a downstream direction until reaching existing slope
protection. See Figure Tygart-4 for the performance of the Type 4 design
during PMF flows.
The designs initially focused on the right gutter only. Once the design was
refined, the gutter and apron design were provided on the left side of the dam.
With both gutter channels installed, the Tygart Dam and spillway were able to
satisfactorily pass the PMF.
The stilling basin was originally only designed for a discharge of 215,000 ft3/s but
it performed adequately for the discharge required by the PMF. Problems were
observed in the basin performance due to wave action spilling over the basin
walls. A solution would have been to increase the stilling basin wall heights, but
this would have prevented gutter flow from entering the stilling basin. There
would also have been considerable expense to modify the walls for a greater
height. Since the hydraulic jump was contained in the stilling basin for the PMF,
it was concluded that the overtopping of the walls was not a significant concern
and no plans were included in the designs for modifying the stilling basin.
The hydraulic model study was used to refine the original design concept and
resulted in extended the limits of the concrete paving in the area of the stilling
basin. Velocities measured in the downstream river channel were up to 19 ft/sec,
200 feet downstream of the stilling basin. Velocities of this magnitude have the
potential to scour channel materials but since the channel is excavated through
hard rock, it was judged that scouring would be limited.


AppendixCase Histories
Concrete Dams

Figure Tygart-3.Type 2 design, damage resulting from PMF flow for 1 hour (Courtesy of

USACE, 1999).

Figure Tygart-4 Type 4 design, PMF overflow on right side of dam (Q = 373,120 ft3/s)
(Courtesy of USACE, 1999)


Overtopping Protection for Dams

Lessons Learned
A hydraulic model study was critical to the design of overtopping protection at
Tygart Dam. Overtopping protection was provided at the toe of the dam but just
as critical was designing guidewalls to contain the overtopping flows as the
travelled down the groins of the dam to the tailrace. A key design consideration
was how to accommodate the overtopping flows into the existing stilling basin.
The model study was used to optimize flow conditions while protecting the
backfill for the stilling basin from erosion.
Turner, Herman O. Jr. 1999. Dam Safety Assurance Model Study of Tygart
Dam, Tygart River, Grafton, West Virginia, Technical Report CHL-99-7,
USACE, Waterways Experiment Station, April 1999.
USACE. 1995. Dam Safety Assurance Evaluation Report, Tygart Dam West
Virginia, Pittsburgh District, November 1995.
Zaitsoff, Mark P. 2003. Overtopping Modifications to Tygart Dam,
Proceedings, USACE Watershed Systems Conference, Portland, Oregon, May
13-15, 2003.


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