5e Lesson Plan Maps Pages

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The key takeaways are that the lesson plan teaches map skills to first grade students using a treasure map activity. It emphasizes using symbols, a compass rose, and a legend/key to make maps understandable.

The purpose/goal of the lesson plan is for students to demonstrate their map skills through the creation of a treasure map. The essential question is 'Why is it important to use symbols, compass rose, legends/key in our maps?'

The main components/sections of the 5E lesson plan model are Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, and Evaluate. The lesson plan describes activities and discussions for each section.

5E Lesson Plan Template

Ximena Gmez Peralta
Social Studies

maps skills

Pima Course: 274

Dr. Eagleton

Grade Level: 1st grade

45-50 min

List of Materials, Handouts, Rubrics, and other Documents:

self assessment, white construction paper in half (to create the maps)
Purpose/Goal and/or Essential Question(s):

Why is it important to use symbols, compass rose, legends/key in our maps?

Content Standards
Choose no more than TWO standards per
lesson. One standard MUST be an ELA

Learning Objective

Est #

Choose ONE objective that leads

toward mastery of the focal standard
Must be specific, measurable, and
Must have at least two parts: learning
and behavior


Describe how the teacher will

capture students interest.
What kind of questions should
the students ask themselves
after the engagement?

Description of Plan
PO 3. Construct a map of a familiar place (e.g., classroom, bedroom, playground) that
includes a compass rose, symbols, and key/legend.
1.SL.1 Participate in collaborative conversations with diverse 1. partners about grade
1 topics and texts with peers and adults in small and larger groups.
SWBAT demonstrate their map skills through the creation of a treasure map.
I can create a map of a hidden treasure, using the maps skills I have learned.

TW project a picture of the school map on a document camera, TW ask Does anyone
know what this is? most students will respond: a map
T: turn to your shoulder buddy and talk to your buddy what is this map of? S: talk to
their partners. Possible responses could be a park, a school, our school.
T: Talk to your partner about How did you know this was a map
S: We saw the symbols for tree, and playground, the compass rose (from previous
T: Why do we need symbols? a legend? a compass rose? S: To find places, find
things on the maps, to know which direction to go.
T: Do all maps have symbols, legend and a compass rose? S: yes
T: Today, with a partner you will create a treasure map , you will decide what are the
symbols that you will need to create your map to make it understandable.
TW tell students our Big Question for today is, Why is it important to use
symbols, compass rose, legends/key in our maps?

Think: What are the things that I need to put on my map? What are the things I can
leave out?

5E Lesson Plan Template

Est #



Describe the hands-on/mindson activities students will be

List big idea conceptual
questions the teacher will use
to encourage and/or focus
students exploration

In pairs students will have the opportunity to create a map of a hidden treasure (a
coupon for the treasure box) inside the classroom (the location maybe changed to the
school garden, small patio, playground etc.)
Teacher will explain that it will be the students decision what to include but they must
have at least 6 items on their map to guide their friends.
Students must decide: 1. What are the elements that they will include in their maps?;
2. What are the symbols they will include in their maps?; 3. How will they represent
them in their legend?; 4. Where will they draw their compass rose.
Teacher should ask this Big question to every group: Why is it important to use
symbols, compass rose, legends/key in our maps?
This are some questions the teacher can ask to guide students in their map making
1. Where will you hide the coupon?
2. What will be your starting point?
3. What are the things you have to include for your friend to find the coupon?
4. What are the things that you can leave out?
5. How will your friend know how to orient themselves, which way is north, south, east
or west?
6. How will you give them the directions?
7. How will your friend figure out that s/he has arrived at the treasure?
Student will get 15 to 20 minutes to create their maps. It is essential that there will be
more than one adult, especially for bigger classrooms.
Students will fill out a self evaluation of the things that their map should include and
revise their map accordingly.
Pairs will be numbered and we will exchange maps by putting all numbers in a tub and
picking out the number of the map.
The pairs of students will read their friends map and search for the treasure.

Est #



Student explanations should

precede introduction of terms
or explanations by the teacher.
What questions or techniques
will the teacher use to help
students connect their
exploration to the concept
under examination?
List higher order thinking
questions that teachers will use
to solicit student explanations
and help them to justify their

Once they have found the treasure they will need to explain what are the elements in
the map that help their group find the treasure.
If the treasure is not found we give the map back to the makers and they must clarify
any misconceptions or revise their map.
At the end all groups should have a coupon from the treasure box.
Students will sit back at the rug area. Teacher will ask for students to discuss with their
shoulder buddy?
Higher Order Thinking Questions:
What are the elements in the map that help you find your treasure?
What would happen if you did not have those elements, symbols, compass rose, in
the map?
Why is it important to have those elements in a map?

5E Lesson Plan Template

Checks for Understanding

Est #

Various strategies that are ongoing

throughout the entire lesson.
Enables teacher to determine whether
ALL students have "gotten it."



Describe how students will

develop a more sophisticated
understanding of the concept.
What vocabulary will be
introduced and how will it
connect to students
How is this knowledge applied
in our daily lives?

Adults should ask the Big question to all groups.

Students should use the self assessment to recognize the elements that they
have and the ones they are missing and how they revise their work.
Teacher should make notes on the elements that each groups has included in
their maps and their reasoning for including them, teacher should make sure
students are completing the self assessment and revising their work.
TW Why is it important to use symbols, compass rose, legends/key in our
T will write students answer on chart paper.
Our maps are just one example of why we use maps. Wha is another reason
to use maps. T will encourage students to think on a larger scale, when we
go on trips, to another city or country.
TW review and identify new vocabulary learned throughout the lessons on
maps skills: map, political and physical, compass rose, symbols, key/legend,
physical and human features
T: How can we use what we learned today in our every day life?
SW: students will answer different ways and teacher will write them on the
chart paper.

Est #



Est #

How will students demonstrate

their understanding throughout
and after the lesson?
How will the teacher know that
all students have achieved the
lesson objective?
How will students assess their
own progress?

Teacher observations based on how students made their maps and reviewed
TW take anecdotal notes during each rotation, and during class discussions.
SW complete Self Evaluation (attached) to assess their use of the different



Together as class we will re read the objective for he the day and student will discuss with their
Actions or statements made by shoulder buddies on how they achieved the objective for today.
teachers AND students that
summarize lesson objectives.
Essential for helping students
integrate ideas, make sense
out of what has just been
taught, and to improve their
chances of retention and

Assessment Options

Observation of how students create their maps and what elements they
include will be main assessment for the teacher.
Formative and summative tools that
Students will choose and create at their level of understanding their map.
will be used as pre- and/or postassessments.
Alternative options for diverse learners
should also be provided

Differentiation Options
How you will reach diverse learners by
varying the:

Teacher can lead a small group for students that need extra guidance.
Self-Evaluation can be filled out with the help of an adult and then help with
the revision of the map.
Student pairs can try and follow their own map to evaluate the effectiveness
before exchanging it.

5E Lesson Plan Template

21st Century Learning

Includes technology as well as the 4 Cs:

Critical Thinking

Additional Information:

Critical Thinking: Students will need to use prior knowledge of maps. what is
necessary what can be left out of the map.
Creativity: Students can create their own map using the elements and symbols
they think are appropriate.
Collaboration: Students will work in pairs to create and to read the map and
will be encouraged to help each other at every stage.
Communication: Students will have to communicate to their buddy before
creating their map, Students will have to communicate to find their treasure.

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