Manufacturer-Supplier Relationships: An Empirical Study of German Manufacturing Companies
Manufacturer-Supplier Relationships: An Empirical Study of German Manufacturing Companies
Manufacturer-Supplier Relationships: An Empirical Study of German Manufacturing Companies
Abstract Effective management of suppliers is one of the ways manufacturing companies can
improve their performance. There are several important aspects of supplier management, they
include sourcing strategies, the way relationships are management and the information exchange
policies adopted by manufacturers. Typically, it has been argued in the literature that close
relationships with suppliers should be developed, in contrast to the traditional price-driven
transactional relationship. In conjunction with this approach manufacturers should employ a singlesourcing strategy rather than multi-sourcing. This paper presents the results of a study (using a
survey) of supplier management practices among German manufacturing companies. The research
found that significant portion of the companies surveyed had experienced a change in their
relationship with suppliers in the last few years. In the main relationships had become closer and
the use of partnerships was in evidence. Although the companies had developed partnerships with
some of their suppliers the majority of firms continued to prefer a multi-sourcing policy. The
research results have implications for German manufacturing companies as they indicate the
potential for improvement through the greater adoption of best practices in the area of supplier
In todays industrial environment, suppliers of components or assemblies can make a major
contribution to a manufacturers performance in the areas of quality, delivery, cost containment and
new product development. Consequently, effective supplier management has become a critical issue
for operations managers and what has been called the traditional approach to manufacturersupplier relationships where the main focus is on price can no longer deliver a competitive
advantage for anything other than commodity parts. Therefore, the way in which manufacturers deal
with their suppliers has transformed (Lamming, 1993). Nowadays, supplier management is
concerned with organising the optimal flow of high-quality, value-for-money materials or
components to manufacturing companies from a suitable set of innovative suppliers (Goffin et al.,
1997: 422). The challenge for manufacturers is to identify how to manage their suppliers
strategically and effectively.
A number of empirical studies in the UK have explored the importance of supplier management
in manufacturing (see, for example, Goffin et al., 1997; and Groves & Valsamakis, 1998). In
contrast, it has been recognised that very little empirical research has been conducted in Germany
(Homburg, 1995; Lemke et al., 2000; Lemke et al., 2003; and Szwejczewski et al., 2001). This is
somewhat surprising, because Germany has a substantial manufacturing sector that accounts for 25%
of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which employs an equally high proportion of the workforce and
is a leading exporter of manufactured goods (Anonymous, 1999). In addition, the competitiveness of
German manufacturing industry has been the subject of much foreign admiration in the past (e.g.,
Simon, 1992; Porter, 1990), although high manufacturing costs have, in recent years, somewhat
eroded this reputation (Goffin et al., 2001). Due to both its size and strength, the manufacturing
sector in Germany is a relevant business environment in which to study supplier management.
The importance of supplier management has been recognised by several German authors (see, for
example, Becker, 1997; and Nachtweh, 1999). Recently, Supply Chain Management (SCM) has
been identified as the key challenge for German manufacturers. However, it has been found that
leading-edge SCM practices and partnership approaches are not being adopted by German
companies (Friedrich et al., 1995). In a similar vein, it has been reported that manufacturers in
Germany have been slow to adopt lean production and other new manufacturing management
concepts (Kinkel and Wengel, 1997; Lay et al., 1996).
The small number of empirical investigations into supplier management in Germany means that
many SCM issues need to be investigated, such as:
How do German manufacturers characterise their relationships with suppliers are they
establishing close relationships with them?
In the past, the objectives of manufacturer supplier relationships have been focused on quality
enhancements, delivery on time, and especially, cost reduction (Lamming, 1993; Lemke et al.,
2003). The historical focus on costs in supplier management is explained by the goal of profit
maximisation. Drucker (1995: 122) concurred that this traditional mindset has always somehow
perceived business as buying cheap and selling dear. The new approach defines a business as the
organisation that adds value and creates wealth.
In the current business environment, that manufacturers face, relationships should not be
concerned simply with maximising the difference between purchasing costs and the sales price
there needs to be the development of lasting relationship (Anderson and Katz, 1998; Kim, 1999).
The change of emphasis from reducing costs to improving quality and utilising the innovative
potential of the supplier to create value has influenced relationships with suppliers. Leenders and
Fearon (1997: 282) highlighted this in saying that the whole art of supplier relationship
management from a supply perspective is to bring both sides into an effective working relationship.
The exact nature of the relationship has changed over the decades, the next section examines the
development that has taken place.
Take in Figure 1
Traditional relationships in the 1960s and 70s were characterised by an adversarial armslength approach. Lamming (1993: 149) surveyed supplier-manufacturer relationships in the UK
automotive industry and identified that at this time there was a period of relative calm with
domestic demand and supply well balanced for mass producers. This suited traditional purchasing,
which is primarily price-oriented. The pressure for change was low, but increased in the next decade
so that logistic relationships were adopted. These added an emphasis on making the materials
transfer from suppliers to manufacturers more efficient (da Villa and Panizzolo, 1996). At the
beginning of the 90s, relationships required an even greater degree of interaction due to the added
need for product innovation and cooperation in technological developments and this high level of
interaction is termed partnership (Lamming, 1993). Unfortunately, it is unclear how exactly
partnerships differ from other forms of relationship. Lemke et al.s (2003) study of the attributes of
partnerships was a rare empirical investigation of this area. As it was based on a limited sample,
however, the findings cannot be generalised. Similarly, it is unclear how the typical forms of
supplier-manufacturer relationship will develop in the 2000s (as indicated in Figure 1).
From a theoretical point of view, the difference between, traditional arms-length relationships
and partnerships is clear partnerships are closer than other types of relationship (e.g., Ellram, 1991;
Lambert et al., 1996; Lemke et al., 2003; Macbeth, 1998). In practice, however, the differentiation
between types of relationships is not straightforward. This is because of the abstract nature of most
definitions of relationships makes them difficult to operationalise. For instance, when exploring
supplier-manufacturer relationships in the US automotive industry, Dyer et al. (1998: 59) discovered
that U.S. automakers relationships with partners were not significantly different from their
relationships with arms-length suppliers. The authors attributed this to the history of how
suppliers have been managed. In America, suppliers had traditionally been dealt with at arms-length
and it is reported that this is still a common approach today, even in so-called partnerships. Another
conclusion, however, might be that researchers have not yet identified the critical dimensions of
partnerships. In addition, there is the strong possibility that managers understandings of partnership
are different from those of researchers. Support for this view comes from New and Paynes (1995)
exploratory work, which indicated a great diversity of interpretations of partnership among
managers. Therefore, it can be deduced that partnership is currently an equivocal concept and
exploring supplier-manufacturer relationships from the managers perspective is both timely and
Take in Figure 2
There are a number of possible sourcing options, as illustrated by Figure 2. Between the singlesourcing and multi-sourcing strategies is the single-active variation. This consists of one active
partner and one inactive back-up supplier. Additionally, there is a dual-sourcing strategy (with two
active suppliers). There are numerous options between dual- and multi-sourcing for example, any
strategy involving more than two suppliers per part/component as shown by the dotted line in Figure
2. Typically, a manufacturer will have a mix of options in its sourcing strategy. For example, critical
components may be sourced using a dual option, and commodity parts from multiple sources.
Each sourcing option has distinct advantages and disadvantages (Godefroid, 2003; Slack et al.,
1998). In the past, for instance, the safest approach was to focus on multiple sourcing, avoiding the
potential dependency on a small number of suppliers. This was most beneficial when the focus was
on price alone (Green and Nordstrom, 1974; Ramsay, 1996). Today, however, the majority of
researchers and practitioners advocate investing time and resources in maintaining relationships,
rather than choosing new suppliers time and time again (Peck et al., 1999; Preiss et al., 1996). This
shift in emphasis renders the sourcing options on the left-hand side of Figure 2 advantageous and
conversely, multi-sourcing appears outdated in many business situations. Christopher (1998: 32-33)
highlights the fact that in many industries the practice of single sourcing is widespread, . More
and more companies are discovering the advantages that can be gained by seeking mutually
beneficial, long-term relationships with suppliers. This observation accords with the development
of partnership relations in the 90s as portrayed in Figure 1.
Larson and Kulchitskys (1998) empirical work in the US lends support to Christophers
observation, as their survey and exploratory case study established significant links between singlesourcing, higher supplier product quality and lower total costs. In addition, Kalwani and
Narayandas (1995) demonstrated that suppliers in long-term relationships achieved a higher
profitability compared to other transactional oriented firms in the USA. Long-term relationships
have thus the potential to benefit both business partners.
Empirical evidence on manufacturing companies sourcing strategies is relatively sparse and so,
further empirical investigations are required. The tendency towards single-sourcing strategies
implies the development of supplier-manufacturer partnerships, but the question is: how can they
best be managed?
Take in Figure 3
Purchasing is located at the supplier-manufacturer interface and deals with the co-ordination of the
flow of information between the supplier base (external links) and various departments (internal
links). An effective supplier base can be used to enhance a manufacturers capabilities. For example,
through building on a suppliers expertise in technology and new product development. Stump and
Sriram (1997) found in their study of US manufacturing and service organisations that greater
investment in IT played a role in changing the nature of relationships investment in IT helped to
develop closer relationships with suppliers. Consequently, one would expect the increase in external
electronic information links to enable partnerships to flourish. In this environment, the purchasing
manager provides other functions within the manufacturing company with relevant data for their
decision-making, including:
Logistics data;
New-product information.
Supplier categorisation
The use of a portfolio approach has been recommended in classifying suppliers and thereby assisting
in the supplier management (Olsen & Ellram, 1997). In the portfolio approach, close relationships
are developed with the suppliers of critical parts or components, whereas transactional relationships
suffice with commodity suppliers. The method is considered to be helpful in suggesting how to deal
with different suppliers and can be a useful input for supplier management decision-making. The
more traditional method for categorising suppliers is the ABC approach (Backhaus, 1992). This
approach can be used to help guide how the suppliers should be managed, for example the Asuppliers should be treated differently to the C-suppliers (Hessenberger, 1991). Although, the
method is recommended by some writers (for example, Hessenberger, 1991) it is not clear the degree
to which German manufacturing companies use this method or the newer portfolio approach.
RQ 2. What are the most commonly used sourcing strategies in German manufacturing industry?
Research design
In order to investigate the three research questions a telephone survey was selected as the most
effective methodology. One possible approach to the research would have been to conduct a postal
survey. However, the exploratory nature of the research meant that this technique was not
appropriate (Alreck and Settle, 1985). The telephone interview allows the interviewer to probe in
more detail into an answer that is given, to gain clarity and greater insight.
Research instrument
The survey instrument was based on the one developed by Goffin et al. (1997) for a previous
investigation of supplier management. A native speaker (one of the researchers) translated the
questionnaire into German. The instrument was then checked that it was easy to understand and
relevant by an independent German expert in the supplier management field. Five pilot interviews
were conducted in order to check the effectiveness of the questionnaire (one face-to-face interview,
followed by four telephone interviews). The pilot interviews helped to affirm that the interview
structure, the individual questions, as well as the overall flow were relevant and applicable to
German manufacturers.
manufacturing plant in the database has completed a detailed 16-page, confidential questionnaire
covering descriptive data (e.g., cost structure), performance data (e.g., delivery reliability), the
products manufactured as well as management policies (e.g., market positioning). The IBFA-D
database also includes data on organisations supplier management policies. This made it possible
to triangulate respondents comments made during the telephone interviews with some of the
information in the database relating to supplier management (the answers given during the telephone
interviews were found to be consistent with the information provided in the questionnaire).
Three sectors of German industry were selected from the IBFA-D database in which to examine
the issues of supplier management: engineering (including automotive), process, and electronics.
The three were chosen because they were the key German manufacturing sectors (New et al, 1998),
and this selection yielded a population of 110 organisations from the database.
Based on the exploratory nature of the research, the authors decided to conduct interviews with a
representative sample of the database population. For this purpose, a stratified random sample from
the 110 German organisations was created 50 companies were selected to be contacted. This
number was deemed sufficient for an exploratory investigation. The sample breakdown by industry
is shown in Table I.
Take in Table I
Initially, the organisations selected were sent a letter explaining the research project. Our first
contact (as listed in the database; usually the Managing Director/Geschftsfhrer) was asked to pass
the letter on to the most appropriate manager dealing with the management of suppliers (normally
the purchasing manager). Thereby ensuring that interviews were carried out with the person with a
good understanding of how the company manages its suppliers. On the back of the letter was a pre13
printed form for the manager responsible for suppliers to complete with his/her name and contact
details. In addition to the first letter, a follow-up letter was sent three weeks later. After further two
weeks, one of the researchers (a native speaker) contacted the organisations that had not responded.
In this final contact phase, the MD was called directly and asked if their organisation would be
willing to co-operate. Utilising this intensive approach meant that 34 organisations agreed to
participate in the research (a 68% response rate). As an incentive to all participating companies,
respondents were offered the results of the study in return for their support. All the respondents were
promised confidentiality individuals and companies names would not be revealed.
Before each interview, it was vital to ensure that the interviewee was the key informant for the
current research purposes. As Campbell (1955) noted, knowledgeable individuals generate the
highest quality data when answering questionnaires within their area of expertise. Therefore, the
interviews were held mostly with senior purchasing managers (see Table II).
Take in Table II
One researcher conducted all 34 telephone interviews in his native language in order to avoid
possible errors resulting from multiple interviewers. Since the interviews were exploratory in nature,
recording the conversation on tape is beneficial (Oppenheim, 1992) and so respondents consent was
sought. In 32 cases the respondent agreed to a recording. In addition, notes were taken during the
interview process (and where recording was not allowed, this formed the data collection method).
The interviews took 30 minutes on average and discussed in-depth each companys approach to
supplier management.
Supplier-manufacturer relationships
In the first part of the investigation, the respondents were asked to characterise their relationships
with suppliers. The thirty-four managers described the relationship to their suppliers in thirteen ways
and Table III summarises the answers given, as well as the frequency count.
The table highlights that fourteen managers characterised the relationship with their suppliers as
good and nine described it directly as partnership-like (i.e., about a quarter of the respondents,
highlighted in grey). The remaining eleven interviewees, however, did not use either expression but
mentioned one or more other characteristics. This explains why the sum of responses (n = 49; i.e., 14
tangible + 35 intangible factors) is higher than the total number of respondents (n = 34). They
described the relationships, for instance, as goal directed or profit focus or climate of trust. The
researcher probed deeper into each relationship characteristic in order to gain a fuller understanding.
Interestingly, only three factors could be backed up by tangible measures: for example co-operative
was explained as having regular supplier meetings for problem solving and improving results, while;
goal directed / profit focus meant that goals had been officially established between both parties;
and long-term perspective sealed by a long-term contract between the supplier and the
manufacturer. The remaining characteristics, such as understanding / helpful, were explained with
phrases like It is my feeling that My experience tells me that or In my point of view In
short, these characteristics are intangible and are therefore should be differentiated from the more
tangible ones in Table III.
It is worth noting that every respondent had some difficulties expressing the views on suppliermanufacturer relationships; many were even surprised have being asked the question directly. This
might indicate that practitioners do not often discuss the real nature of supplier-manufacturer
relationships. The answers offered illustrate that a diversity of perspectives on relationships exists.
The marketing literature indicates that relationships are driven by deeply held personal perceptions
but unfortunately, the telephone interview format did not allow the researchers to explore this issue
further. Therefore, the drivers and real meaning of partnership is an area that warrants further
empirical attention.
Proportion of partnerships
Managers perceived that their organisations had a given proportion of partnerships of their total
supplier base see Table IV. This illustrates the proportions of partnerships ranges from 1% to the
complete supply base, i.e., 100%.
Take in Table IV
However, interpreting the results is difficult, as the perception of what a partnership constitutes is
obviously not the same among the manufacturers. This again points to the need for more research on
the meaning of partnerships. Only a few respondents (i.e., 6) claimed to have a partnership
proportion of more than 50% in their supply bases (highlighted in grey). The majority perceive
themselves as having a substantially smaller number of partnerships. The nature of the manufacturer
supplier relationships also has changed over time and needs to be considered (refer to Table V).
Take in Table V
Trends in relationships
Table V shows that 50% of managers (n = 17) perceived to have a closer relationship with their
suppliers today compared to 3 or 5 years ago (highlighted in grey). In the answers, the term close
appears to be often used synonymously with partnership. By contrast, five respondents perceived
the relationship to be more distant today, compared to the past. Interestingly, nine respondents did
not experience any changes in their supplier relationships within the same period. Their answers
prompted the question of whether the relationships were perceived to be partnerships already and did
not need to be changed as a result of this. It turned out that six, out of nine managers, described their
supplier relationships as being (very) close which is an indication that a partnership had already
been established some 3 or 5 years prior to our investigation.
Supplier categorisation
The research also looked at how suppliers are categorised. Although intangible supplier
characteristics play a vital role in relationships (as highlighted in Table III), New and Burnes (1998)
had the notion that the majority of companies tend to categorise suppliers in terms of
product/services they offer rather than their capabilities. This means that the suppliers past and
present levels of quality are of greater interest to manufacturers than, for instance, their expected
capability to innovate. The present research has shown that all but three managers use a
categorisation scheme based on ABC-analysis (see Table VI).
Take in Table VI
Of the thirty-one manufacturers who categorise their suppliers, twenty-seven take volume as the
criteria. This approach is followed by quality and delivery. These three categories clearly
dominate the ABC evaluation scheme and are often applied in combination. Other ways of grouping
suppliers were mentioned somewhat infrequently, as for instance, ABC analysis in terms of
packaging. Categories like these are not included in the table, as only single respondents mentioned
Sourcing strategies
Respondents were asked to identify what their organisations predominant sourcing strategy was
(refer to Table VII).
Seventeen managers claimed to predominantly apply the multi-sourcing strategy. This means that in
some instances a multi-sourcing manufacturer might be forced to purchase a specific component
from a single supplier, because there is no alternative available. However, as his policy is
predominantly multi-sourcing, his goal is to continuously search for other options single-sourcing
is not the preferred solution. Half of the respondents claimed to have a multi-sourcing policy in
place, while less than half (41%) apply the dual-sourcing strategy. Only three manufacturers had a
genuine single-sourcing policy. The relative low number of companies choosing single sourcing
could indicate that true partnerships are rare.
The research also explored the content of the information flow between manufacturers and
suppliers (see Table IX). The table illustrates that the majority of the information types identified (81
= 72%) passing between suppliers and manufacturers is related to order details (e.g., delivery, price,
and quality; highlighted in grey) and to a much lesser extent (17 = 15%) with technical specifications
(e.g., technical drawings, design sketches). A small proportion of the information exchanged (14 =
13%) is associated with the strategic side (e.g., new business directions, changes in product and
process designs).
Take in Table IX
As information exchange is predominantly driven by specific orders, the researchers were interested
in finding out whether the information provided by the suppliers is suitable for improving
manufacturers NPD processes. Of the thirty-four respondents, twenty-nine (85%) claimed to use the
information in their NPD processes while five (15%) admitted to find the information provided by
suppliers to be unsuitable for this purpose.
In the interviews, manufacturers stated that information is commonly exchanged in meetings with
suppliers, and in the exchange of engineers. Table X shows their answers.
Take in Table X
Typically, the flow of information between suppliers and manufacturers is optimised when they
exchange engineers on a temporary basis. This is especially important in NPD. The majority (82%)
stated that they use this practice, but only when they are experiencing problems at the manufacturing
site and solutions are needed quickly to keep the production process going. In turn, this means that
the exchange of engineers does not take place when production processes run trouble-free.
Somewhat surprising, no engineers were exchanged to enhance NPD possibly indicating that
German industry is not yet taking advantage of the guest engineer concept. Approximately every
fifth respondent did not exchange engineers at all, no matter of the nature of the problem at hand.
One of the reasons for avoiding exchanges was given by an MD in the engineering sector who said
our industry sector is characterised by know-how. Exchanging engineers would put this know-how
at risk, as it could unconsciously be transferred to competitors.
Similar findings were made with regard to meetings with suppliers. Here, the majority (65%)
prefer meetings with the supplier in order to establish a personal contact. However, meetings only
take place in problem cases or when something of importance needs to be discussed a regular
meeting-cycle is not agreed on. The researchers did not expect to find that 35% of the respondents
do not utilise any meetings with suppliers to discuss NPD. A manager for central purchasing in the
electronics industry highlighted in this respect that we do not have any meetings with suppliers, but
I am trying to organise these. I have to admit that there is an opinion in some areas of our company,
which says this component has not been invented here, so it cannot be any good. This view needs
to change before we can come together with our suppliers.
Key findings
The findings show that half of the German manufacturers surveyed experienced changes in their
relationships with suppliers in the last 3 to 5 years. In the main, relationships have become closer
and partnership-like. Nevertheless, managers hold different views on supplier relationships and
this study was able to lay open the range of perspectives. This probably reflects the wide diversity of
relationships that exist in supplier bases. Some respondents described 1% of their supply base as
partners; others saw 100% of the base as partners. This huge difference makes it difficult to draw
conclusions other than a) partnerships are different to normal relationships, and b) managers are
clearly able to distinguish relationship types. However, the need for further empirical investigation is
clear, as is the need to recognise that the term partnership is both overused and somewhat
As partnerships are evidently different from other types of supplier relationships, one would
expect to find additional factors used when evaluating partners. The present investigation has shown
that this is not the case. German manufactures commonly classify their suppliers in terms of
volume, quality and delivery, no matter what type of supplier relationship is perceived to be.
This approach goes against the long-term view associated with partnerships. Indeed, identifying and
monitoring the performance of companies in the supplier base merely using three factors is
insufficient. This suggests that the categorisation scheme of the companies surveyed is outdated
(New and Burnes, 1998).
With regard to the sourcing strategy, 50% of manufacturers stated that they predominantly use a
multi-sourcing policy, while 41% adopted the dual-sourcing approach. Only 9% of respondents have
a genuine single-sourcing strategy in place. The result would suggest that only a small percentage of
manufacturers apply the full partnership approach. Yet, about 67% of respondents believed they
were in partnership with their suppliers. Taking the high percentage of multi-sourcing into account,
one is led to believe that practitioners use the partnership-term lightly a multi-sourcing partnership
is somewhat a contradiction in terms. Yet, it appears that the German managers interviewed do not
perceive a problem with combining multi-sourcing with partnership. This point requires further
Due to the high percentage of manufacturers who claimed to see their suppliers as partners, one
would expect to find regular meetings as well as an exchange of engineers as typical ways of sharing
information. Contrarily, meetings and exchanges of engineers are taking place infrequently particularly depending on whether problems occurred in the production process. About 20 per cent
of the company did not exchange engineers with their suppliers at all; about a third did not have any
meetings with suppliers. Again, these results contradict the common understanding of how
partnerships should be managed as advocated by the literature.
encouraged to submit their ideas and systems needs to be set in place to channel these suggestions to
the appropriate places (e.g., R&D department). Regular meetings as well as the exchange of
engineers with selected partners seem to be the way forward. On the other hand, suppliers need to
demonstrate their innovation potential and their R&D capabilities if they would like to consolidate
their future place in the supply base as the manufacturers partner. They need to assemble a full
service package which is attractive enough for manufacturers to treat them as sole long-term
business partners fulfilling price, delivery and quality requirements is not good enough any longer.
Our study indicates some areas where German companies can take immediate action to improve
their manufacturing performance. Close relationships with innovative and high-performing suppliers
are the key to how this can be achieved. Currently, there is a debate in Germany about the
international competitiveness of its manufacturing industry, and has become generally know as the
Standort Deutschland discussion. This debate centres on the issue of whether Germany is a viable
location for manufacturing some companies have been questioning the viability of producing in
Germany (Fischer and Allen, 1998). Unfortunately, the debate in Germany has too often focused
only on the negative impact of high labour and social costs on the competitiveness of German
manufacturing industry (e.g., Rexrodt, 1997). Although these issues should not be ignored, it also
needs to be recognised that individual German manufacturers have little influence over the political
issues that determine social costs and how quickly they will be addressed. Companies have other
opportunities to improve their performance now. Our analysis has shown that supplier-manufacturer
relationships provide a very practical opportunity for German manufacturers to move forward. One
area where manufacturers have the power to improve is product innovation. With the goal of greater
product innovation the manufacturer and suppliers can work together to become more competitive.
To be more innovative the German manufacturers need to create partnerships with some of their
suppliers. To help companies do this, researchers need to capture the key ingredients of successful
partnerships now in order to contribute positive ideas and solutions to the Standort Deutschland
Overall, the research shows that appropriate use of partnerships offer a means for manufacturers
to improve performance. Unfortunately, the empirical evidence on how partnerships can best be
formed is currently weak. Researchers urgently need to address this, as the information is highly
relevant to practitioners in todays competitive manufacturing environment.
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Pressure to
Product innovations
and technological
Technical and
Time Era
Figure 1: The Steps in the Evolution of Buyer-Supplier Relationships Driven by the Pressure
to Change
Source: Based on da Villa and Panizzolo (1996: 40)
Numerous Options
B = Buyer/Manufacturer
S = Seller/Supplier
Source, product,
price information
Product availability
lead time, price,
and quality
of Supply
Flows from
Flows to
production rates
Prices and
Industry Sector
Companies Contacted Interviews Conducted
n = 50
n = 34
Response Rate
Function of Interviewee
Senior Purchasing Manager
Managing Director
20 (59%)
9 (26%)
5 (15%)
1. Good
2. Partnership-like
3. Co-operative
4. Normal /
5. Open
6. Understanding /
7. Goal Directed /
Profit focus
8. Human Factor is
important /
Climate of trust
9. Close
10. Direct
If you asked me directly, I can tell you that the
relationships with our suppliers are very good
(Purchasing Manager in Engineering)
Our relationships are partnership-like, which
sums it up pretty much (Purchasing Manager in
We are co-operative. So, working together does
not only mean to speaking about things actions
need to be carried out together., , It is a cooperative effort and meetings are scheduled on a
regular basis. (Purchasing Manager in
Our relationships are normal and based on
what any purchasing manager would reasonably
expect. (Purchasing Manager in Electronics).
In my experience, our relationships are open
which allows us to address issues in an
uncomplicated fashion. (Managing Director in
The supplier has to understand our problems
and has also to be helpful in solving these. I
have the feeling that these are the suppliers
everybody should look for. (Managing Director
in Electronics).
The bottom-line is the goal in our business and
so, the supplier relationship has to measure up
against profit. (Purchasing Manager in
We developed our relationships in a way that
we were able to establish a climate of trust. The
human factor is very important to us.
(Purchasing Manager in Engineering).
Our relationships are, , close, ,. In my
view, being close means that different functions
should work together on several levels.
(Managing Director Engineering).
Our relationship is not so much at an
organisational level, but more on a one-to-one
basis. Hence, the contact is very direct.
(Managing Director in Process).
Tangible Intangible
X (14)
X (9)
X (5)
X (4)
X (3)
X (3)
X (4)
X (2)
X (1)
X (1)
11. Liberal
12. Long-term
Tangible Intangible
We are highly liberal. Yes, we want to earn
money, but I dont have any advantage if an
excellent supplier cannot deliver components in
X (1)
two years time. Based on our understanding,
there is always a way around problems.
(Managing Director in Engineering).
Our relationships are built for the long-term
and are therefore sealed with a long-term
X (1)
contract. (Managing Director in Process).
In general, the relationship has to do with
giving and taking. For instance, sometimes we
forget to order parts on time and the supplier
sends an unscheduled lorry on his expenses. At
another time, I will order parts from my
X (1)
preferred supplier although another source
could be considered. This is just fair and this
situation I would describe as giving and
taking. (Purchasing Manager in Electronics).
Table IV: Proportion of the Supply Base with which Manufacturers have Partnerships
Change or Relationship
Relationship became
more close (partnership)
Relationship became
more distant
Other changes*
No changes
Over the last four years, our relationships became much
closer. This may be due to the fact that we got to know
each other better over time so that a partnership could be
developed. (Purchasing Manager in Process).
Today, many business contacts became anonymous. The
human factor is not so important any longer and the
relationship is therefore more distant. People are
replaceable, the system I mean the organisation as a
whole counts. (Managing Director in Engineering).
Relationships became more performance oriented,
which takes away the time needed to nurture our
contacts. (Purchasing Manager in Engineering).
The relationships havent really changed. After all, we
are the same people that work together. (Purchasing
Manager in Electronics).
* Other changes were more performance oriented / more joint working processes / more co-operation and trust.
Supplier Category
ABC in terms of Volume
ABC in term of Quality
ABC in term of Delivery
ABC in terms of Price
ABC in terms of Risk/Dependency
Sourcing Strategy
Table VIII: Email System for Information Exchange between Manufacturers and Suppliers
Information Content
(Technical) Drawings / Construction Information
Suppliers (new) skills, suggestions, ideas, expertise
Market trends
Materials information
Purchasing orders
Negotiation records, contracts
Confirmation of orders
Technical data
Production Processes
Problems (including personal issues)
Offers, counterproposals
Product specification
Design drafts and sketches
New business directions and new scenarios
Data processing and IT connections
Changes in product and process designs
Service information
Reliability information
Exchange of Engineers
28 (82%)
6 (18%)