Hi 250
Hi 250
Hi 250
From 1941-1945 the Germans were responsible for almost all of the political murder
In summer 1941 they had 4 uptopias:
Molotov-Ribbentrop Europe
Hitlers invasion of Poland was ruthless, multiple incidences of mass killings under
either false or punitive pretenses
Ukrainians sad to see Polish soldiers as they still thought Poland may relieve them
of Soviet rule
The Molotov-Ribbentrop line is the line that separated German and Soviet rule of
Poland neutrality pact
Tool of persecution, the Einsatzgruppe was the creation of Heinrich Himmlers right
hand man, Reinhard Heydrich. A special task force led by Security Police. In Czech
and Austria they were not ordered to kill any specific groups but in Poland they
eliminated the educated classes of a defeated enemy.
Unlike the experienced NKVD, the Einsatzgruppen did not follow protocols and did
not murder who they were supposed to or keep records of the people they killed.
Germans and Hitler wanted to put the Jews and Poles somewhere in eastern district
in some kind of natural preserve, which quickly turned into the ghettos.
Stalinism legitimate to destroy the Polish upper class
Natioanl Socialism destroy the artificially educated layers of Polish subhumanity
Stalin had an economic revolution to defend, Hitler needed a war for his economic
In the long run Nazis Generalplan Ost involved seizing farmland, destroying those
who farmed it and settling it with Germans
Wanted food from Ukraine, food fromt his region would supply Germany and
western Europe not east
Hunger plan- feed Germans soldiers by starving Soviet people
Goring and Kaganovich had the same ideals both thought starvation was the
weapon of the enemy
Germans took Kiev in Sept 19, 1941, Germans could not seal off city their Hunger
plan and starving technique were not as effective as Soviet
Leningrad was deliberately starved but still managed to function inside the city,
Hitler wanted to kill Soviet people and both leaders could not believe theyr soldiers
would retreat.
Germans purposely starved Soviet POWs
As hunger plan fails, Goring orders soldiers to fend for themselves which further
complicates the starvation and mass killings
In Kiev September 1941 Wehrmachts army group south took Kiev on the 19 th,
German high command agreed a mass killing of jews was necessary of the bombing
of German offices on the 24th
German propaganda put up posters that Kiev jews were going to be resettled, and
on the 29th most showed up to a checkpoint
Dina Pronicheva woman of thirty walked ahead to hear gunshots and learn of the
actually fate of people here, saved by her mother who knew what was happening
you dont look like a Jew she told a German at the checkpoint she was Russia not
a jew. Saw her parents die, later Germans decided to kill her she had seen too much
however she managed to survive by pretending to be dead even as soldiers walked
over her and buried her alive, she managed to escape and became one of few
survivors of the massacre.
People were forced to strip naked, stripped of their valuables and documents; many
beat or raped parents begged to murder their daughters first (so they would not be
raped) or be murdered together, a woman who was breastfeeding jumped after her
baby who was thrown into the ravine, around 33,761 Kiev jews were murdered.
Germans offered incentives to the remaining Jews to turn themselves in. Iza
Belozovskaia another survivor, some lived by the grace of their non-Jewish spouses
or families. Sofia Eizenshtayn was hidden by her husband in a pit he dug he would
visit her every day with his dog and talk to her as if talking to the dog. Germans
officials sent soldiers back to exhume the bodies to destroy evidence of what they
had done
Jews that were caught were sent to cells of Kiev, same ones used in the Great
Terror, when prisons were getting full prisoners were driven away in a covered truck;
they were sent to Babi Yar where they were forced to disrobe, kneel at the edge of
the ravine and wait for the shot.
Early April 1945, Soviet announced to build a museum there, in 1950 nothing was
done and funds taken to build a park. They wanted to remove the ravine, decided
to flood it through nearby brick factories
Kurenivka Tragedy mass of heaay dirt built up over years, (13 ft high) due to
flooding that was ignored by Soviet officials
Soviets kept trying to deny Babi Yar, it was finally filled and road built ontop by
1969, citizens of city of Kiev and prisoners of war killed denied its Jewishness
In august 1991 Ukraine became independent and finally recognized the tragedy, but
Babi Yar was turned into part of the city
Soviet censorship, arrest and destruction of the site itself
-By Karel c. Berkhoff BabiYar
Berkhoff Dina Pronichevas story
Chapter 8