Chapter 2 Fundamentals of Retrofit: 2.1 General

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2.1 General
In retrofitting, the structure must be designed so it is in keeping with its purpose of use and is both safe and
durable, with consideration given to the ease of retrofitting construction and post-retrofitting maintenance, as
well as overall economy and environment-friendliness.
The design requirements in the text must be fulfilled for both new and repaired structures.
As indicated in the text, structures have a variety of performance requirements. Of these performance
requirements, retrofitting of structures is performed to improve performance that is directly related to
mechanical characteristics. Therefore, methods for quantitative verification of these performance
requirements are noted in these (draft) guidelines. Table C2.1.1 shows the performance requirements that
generally relate to mechanical characteristics of structures.
Table C2.1.1

Performance related to the me chanical characteristics of structures

Performance Category



Performance needed to ensure that the structure does not threaten the
lives of users or persons in the surrounding area


Performance such that the structure can be used comfortably and does not
cause discomfort exceeding allowable levels to users of the structure and
persons in the surrounding area, as well as watertightness and other
performance requirements for structures


Performance such that the performance can be easily restored if damage

is suffered during the service life

The performance that the structure to be retrofitted should possess during its remaining service life after
retrofitting is prescribed according to the type of structure, purpose of use, degree of importance and other
factors. Also, since "durability" is the structure's resistance to a drop in various performance values, it is
related to all performance through time, and so "durability" is not included in Table C2.1.1.
In order to evaluate the performance of a structure and verify that it fulfills its performance requirements, it
is necessary to express performance in terms of quantifiable physical quantities that represent performance.
For example, safety with respect to failure is verified by means of such indices as flexural load-carrying
capacity of members, shear capacity, torsional capacity and so on. The indices to be used may depend on the
performance evaluation technology being employed. These (draft) guidelines contain calculation methods for
indices that can be evaluated using existing technologies. Ideally, technological progress will make it
possible to use more advanced methods and enable verification using indices that can express performance
values more directly. Table C2.1.2 shows sample indices when the evaluation methods generally used today
are employed to evaluate the safety, serviceability and restorability of structures, as well as when more
detailed performance evaluation methods expected to be possible in the future are used.

Table C2.1.2 Sample indices used for performance verification

Performance and
Performance Item


With respect to
failure and
With respect to
rigid body safety
Driving and
walking comfort
Resistance to
Resistance to
Visual stability


Index when general performance

evaluation method is used with
existing technologies
Flexural load-carrying capacity, shear
capacity, torsional capacity, various
types of fatigue capacity, ductility, etc.
Resistance moment with respect to
Deflection, rigidity, levelness of road
surface, level differences, vibration
characteristics of structure and
foundation, values for speed,
acceleration, vibration level and
sound level transmitted to drivers and
pedestrians, etc.
Crack width, crack density, surface
soiling, etc.
Deflection, crack width, crack density,
Residual displacement, residual crack
width, degree of damage to concrete,

Index when more precise performance

evaluation method is used
Deformation and failure of structure
with respect to anticipated load action
(evaluation and verification of
structure's response to load through
numerical simulations)
Perceptions of users and neighbors
produced by the response of the
structure to anticipated load action and
environmental action (conduct
evaluation and verification of the
interaction between the response of the
structure and the perceptions of human

Deformation and failure of structure

with respect to anticipated load action

2.2 Flow of Retrofitting Process

Retrofitting of structures shall proceed as follows:
(1) Identify the performance requirements for the existing structure to be retrofitted and draft an overall
plan from inspection through selection of retrofitting method, design of retrofitting structure and
implementation of retrofitting work.
(2) Inspect the existing structure to be retrofitted.
(3) Based on the results of the inspection, evaluate the performance of the structure and verify that it fulfills
performance requirements.
(4) If the structure does not fulfill performance requirements, and if continued use of the structure through
retrofitting is desired, proceed with design of the retrofitting structure.
(5) Select an appropriate retrofitting method and establish the materials to be used, structural specifications
and construction method.
(6) Evaluate the performance of the structure after retrofitting and verify that it will fulfill performance
(7) If it is determined that the retrofitting structure will be capable of fulfilling performance requirements
with the selected retrofitting and construction methods, implement the retrofitting work.

Figure C2.2.1 shows a flow diagram of the retrofitting process. This flow is based on the "General approach
to maintenance" in the (draft) Maintenance Guidelines, with the portions dealing with retrofitting extracted
and matters pertaining specifically to retrofitting added.
(2) Inspections of structures to be retrofitted correspond to the "detailed inspections" in the (draft)
Maintenance Guidelines. These should be performed in particular to determine whether or not retrofitting

should be performed and gather data needed for retrofitting. Inspections should be performed in accordance
with Chapter 5 in these (draft) guidelines and the (draft) Maintenance Guidelines.
(3) The primary criteria for determining whether or not retrofitting should be performed is whether the
structure fulfills performance requirements at the time of the retrofitting study. The performance of the
existing structure should be verified using methods shown in the Standard Specification (Design) (Seismic
Design). However, unlike new structures, with retrofitted structures actual measured values based on the
results of inspections can be used for the properties of materials in the structure, section specifications and
the like. Accordingly, safety factors used to compensate for uncertainties in the design of new structures can
be changed for the retrofitting structure. Also, the effect of such factors as damage to the structure or loss of
steel cross-sectional area due to corrosion or the like must be considered when necessary. The method used
to determine the design values for the materials in the existing structure is shown in Chapter 3 of these (draft)
Drafting of retrofitting plan
Performance requirements
for existing structure
Inspection of existing

verification for existing


Continue use of structure

and take other maintenance


Restrictions on use,
dismantling and removal,
new construction, abandon

as to whether use of the
structure can be continued
through retrofitting
Performance requirements
after retrofitting

Selection of retrofitting

Presume structural
specifications and
construction methods


verification for retrofitted
Implement retrofitting work

Use and maintenance of

retrofitted structure

Figure C2.2.1 Flow of retrofitting process

(4) If it is determined through performance evaluation and verification that the existing structure does not
fulfill performance requirements, and that use of the structure can be continued through retrofitting, the
design process should proceed. In some cases, the performance requirements for the structure after
retrofitting will not be the same as those of the existing structure.
Retrofitting of structures includes the following cases:


The performance requirements are the same as those of the structure when it was first built, but because
the performance of the structure has declined due to load action and environmental action over time, the
structure did not fulfill performance requirements at the time of the inspection; through retrofitting, the
performance that would satisfy performance requirements is added.
(ii) The design load has been changed or the structure otherwise requires a higher level of performance than
when initially constructed, and therefore it does not fulfill performance requirements; through
retrofitting, the performance that would satisfy performance requirements is added.
(iii) At the time of the inspection, the structure fulfilled performance requirements but is predicted to not do
so in the future due to a decline in performance due to load action and environmental action over time;
performance improvements are conducted to prevent this in advance.
Figure C2.2.2 contains a diagram illustrating these cases. In cases (i) and (iii), a higher level of performance
than the structure when first built may be added, or the structure may be restored to the same performance
level, or performance at a lower level than the structure when first built, but still satisfying performance
requirements, may be added (Figure C2.2.2 uses case (i) as an example).
Performance level
Residual performance

(i) Performance requirements are not

being fulfilled due to deterioration

Required performance

Beginning of service life

Performance level

At time of

At end of design
service life

(ii) Performance requirements have changed

Residual performance
Required performance
Beginning of service life

At time of

At end of design
service life

Performance level

(iii) Prevention of future performance deterioration

Residual performance
Required performance
Beginning of service life

Figure C2.2.2

At time of

At end of design
service life

Performance improvement through retrofitting

(5) A viable retrofitting method is selected in accordance with the type of structure being retrofitted, the use
conditions, the type and degree of performance to be improved, and so on. Chapter 7 in these (draft)
guidelines covers general matters pertaining to the selection of the retrofitting method, primarily the external
cable construction method, bonding and jacketing construction method, and overlaying and jacketing
construction method. Design considerations when conducting retrofitting using these construction methods
are shown in the retrofitting manuals.
(6) A check is conducted to confirm that the structure retrofitted with the selected retrofitting method will
fulfill performance requirements after retrofitting at all points throughout its remaining design service life.
Changes over time in the performance of retrofitted structures should be considered in design, in accordance
with the principles shown in Section 2.3 in this chapter.

(7) Considerations for construction using the external cable construction method, bonding and jacketing
construction method, and overlaying and jacketing construction method are shown in the retrofitting

2.3 Changes over Time in Performance of Retrofitted Structures

(1) In the design of retrofitted structures, it must be confirmed that the retrofitted structure will fulfill
performance requirements after retrofitting at all points throughout its remaining design service life. When
the performance requirements remain constant over time, based on the fact that the performance of a
structure generally deteriorates over time, verification assuming the end of design service life may be
performed in place of overall design life verification.
(2) When the changes over time in the performance of the retrofitted structure during its service life due to
load action and environmenta l action cannot be predicted with sufficient reliability, one of the following
methods must be used.
(i) Select retrofitting materials, structural specifications and construction methods such that there will be no
decline in the performance of the structure over time in real terms.
(ii) Select retrofitting materials, structural specifications and construction methods such that the decline in
performance will only be to the extent predictable with existing prediction technologies.
(iii) Devise measures to conduct maintenance during the service life after retrofitting to ensure that the
performance will not go below performance requirements.
(1) Figure C2.3.1 shows the ideal manner in which performance verification for retrofitted structures
should be performed. During use, the status of the structure (characteristics of materials in the structure,
accumulated damage, structural aspects) will change over time due to load action and environmental action.
As the performance of a structure at each point in time will be achieved by the result of these factors, the
performance exhibited will also change over time. Accordingly, to verify the performance of the structure
after retrofitting at a future point in time, ideally the changes experienced by the structure over time under
the assumed load action and environmental conditions should be predicted and, based on the results, the
performance at the point in time being verified should be evaluated and verified against the performance
Residual performance level

Evaluation of residual performance

based on prediction of structures
status at each point in time

Required performance level

Specified performance
Verification of whether structure fulfills
performance requirements at each point
in time

Status of structure
(material properties in
the structure, damage,
structural aspects)


Load action / Environmental action

Predicted status of structure at each

point in time after retrofitting

End of design
service life

Figure C2.3.1 Performance verification of structure along time axis


Performance level

Performance level

Residual performance

Residual performance



Required performance

Required performance


End of design
service life

( a) When performance requirements are

constant over time, verification for the end
of the design service life may be performed
in place of verification over the entire
design service life.

Figure C2.3.2


End of design
service life

(b) When performance requirements are

not constant over time, points for
verification sufficient to ensure that
performance requirements are fulfilled over
the entire design service life must be set.

Approach to setting verification points for performance of retrofitted structures

When the required level of performance for the structure after retrofitting is constant over time, the
performance of the structure at the end of its design service life may be evaluated and fulfillment of
performance requirements confirmed rather than performing verification over the entire design service life.
This approach uses the fact that the performance of structures generally experiences monotonic decrease
over time due to load action and environmental action during use. It cannot be used when performance
requirements change over time (see Figure C2.3.2). With this method, it is not necessary to make a minute
evaluation of changes over time in the performance of the structure, just the performance at the end of the
design service life.
(2) Currently, these are the methods generally used to deal with changes over time in the performance of
structures. Considerations relating to materials when these methods are used with the external cable
construction method, the bonding and jacketing construction method and the overlaying and jacketing
construction method are noted in Chapter 3 of these (draft) guidelines. Considerations relating to design and
construction are noted in the retrofitting manuals.

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