Joe and Sheila Mark 12-14-16
Joe and Sheila Mark 12-14-16
Joe and Sheila Mark 12-14-16
Submitted by:
Consideration of Use Permit (UP 16-440) and the associated Design Study
(DS 16-387) applications for the conversion of two existing office
buildings into a single family residence as well as an addition to connect
the two buildings. The project site is located in the Service Commercial
(SC) Zoning District.
Approve the Use Permit (UP 16-440) and associated Design Study (DS 16-387) subject to the
attached findings and conditions
UP 16-440/DS 16-387
APN: 010-098-011
Mission Street, 2 NE of 6 Avenue
Lot: 12
Paul Mcenroe
Property Owner: Joe and Sheila Mark
the buildings and remodeling the interior. The total interior floor area of the residence will be
1,765 square feet or 44 percent of the site while the maximum allowed in the SC Zoning District
is 80 percent. The height of the addition will be 15.5 feet total while the height of the existing
structure is 19 feet and the maximum height allowed in the SC Zoning District is 30 feet.
The applicant is also proposing other exterior changes including the installation of two new
doors and three new windows. On the south elevation on the addition, the applicant is
proposing to install wood double doors with divided lights at the top. On the north elevation
on the addition, the applicant is proposing to install a wood door with divided lights at the top.
Also on the north elevation, the applicant is proposing to remove an existing door at the east
end of the building and replace it with a 3x3 divided light wood casement window, and install
a new 3x3 and a new 2x3 wood divided light casement window to match existing. The
applicant is also proposing to relocate the existing gate and trellis at the north side yard facing
the inter-block walkway to enclose the south side yard. Finally, the applicant is proposing to
replace an existing 3-foot-high wood retaining wall at the front of the property with a new
stucco retaining wall at the same height and location as the existing retaining wall. Project
plans are included as Attachment E. This Use Permit (UP 16-440) application is for the
conversion of the existing buildings from a commercial office use to a single-family residential
use which requires Planning Commission review and the issuance of a Conditional Use Permit.
Staff analysis:
Conditional Use Permit: According to CMC 17.14.030, in order to establish a single-family
residence in the Service Commercial (SC) Zoning District, a conditional use permit must be
issued by the Planning Commission. In 2011, the City amended its Municipal Code by changing
single-family dwellings from a permitted use to a limited use in the Central Commercial (CC)
District, and from a permitted use to a conditional use in the Service Commercial (SC) and
Residential and Limited Commercial (RC) districts. At that time the Planning Commission and
City Council both expressed some concern regarding the potential incompatibility of new single
family residential projects in the commercial Districts. Requiring a conditional use permit for
single-family uses in the SC and RC Zoning Districts ensured that the decision would be
Attachment B contains a list of all findings required by the Municipal Code that the Planning
Commission must make in order to grant a Commercial Use Permit for this use. One pertinent
finding requires that granting the use permit will not set a precedent for the approval of similar
uses whose incremental effect will be detrimental to the City, or will be in conflict with the
General Plan. An additional finding requires that granting the use permit must not conflict
with the purpose established for the district within which it will be located. According to CMC
17.14.030, the purpose of the Service Commercial (SC) Zoning District is to provide an
appropriate location for services, offices, residential and limited retail activities that primarily
serve local needs. This district is intended to provide a distinct transition between the more
intense activities in the CC district and the less intense activities in the districts on its periphery.
Mixed uses of commercial and residential activities are appropriate throughout this district.
Since the Municipal Code calls for a mix of both commercial and residential uses, the
introduction of a residential use complies with the intent of the zoning district, however, it
should be noted that residential projects in the commercial district typically consist of secondstory residences above commercial uses, or multi-family buildings.
Additionally, in order to comply with the findings for the conversion of the use to single-family
residential, the use must be compatible with surrounding land uses, must not generate
adverse impacts affecting health, safety, or welfare of neighboring properties or uses and
must not conflict with the Citys goal of achieving and maintaining a balanced mix of uses that
serve the needs of both local and nonlocal populations. In evaluating the neighborhood, the
proposed single-family residence will be adjacent to the Harrison Library Park Branch to the
south, and Katys Place restaurant to the north. Directly behind the proposed residence facing
Junipero Avenue is a private parking lot for a commercial office use. The vicinity around the
project site primarily contains commercial uses. There are numerous retail uses on the east and
west sides of Mission Street including five clothing boutiques, five art galleries, three jewelry
stores, three home and garden stores, and a florist. There are also four restaurant uses, a retail
liquor and wine tasting business, four hair and nail salon service-oriented uses, and three office
uses. In regard to residential uses, on the upper-floors of at least two buildings on the block are
residential apartment uses. Finally, on the east side of Mission Street is Oak Tree Lodge
apartments which offer nine residential apartment cottages for rent and provides on-site
parking for six of the units. For a map illustrating the location of all commercial and residential
uses, see Attachment D.
Despite the presence of numerous first- and second-story apartment uses, the proposed use
conversion will be the only single-family residence located on the block. The record indicates
that when the Planning Commission chose to amend the Municipal Code in 2011, it had
concerns that in most commercial district neighborhoods single family dwellings would likely
appear out of place and would be inconsistent with the character of the downtown. The
Commission also had concerns that applicants could take advantage of the generous floor area
allowances in the commercial district to construct single-family mansions. In staffs opinion,
the existing building already has a residential design and appearance, and the conversion of the
use from commercial to single-family would still preserve the character of the neighborhood.
Furthermore, the proposed residence would be 1,765 square feet in size and would not
capitalize on the maximum allowed floor area of 3,800 square feet for this site. For these
reasons staff supports the proposal, however, given the preponderance of commercial uses in
the vicinity, the Commission could still determine that the proposed single-family use is
incompatible with the neighborhood. It should be noted that if the Planning Commission
denies the proposal for a single-family use, the applicant could re-apply to establish two
residential units at this site, which would be considered multi-family and is a non-discretionary
permitted use.
Conservation of Design: Commercial Design Guideline 3 states that Building forms should
complement the rhythms established by other buildings in the immediate vicinity. Such patterns
as height, number of stories, width of storefronts, scale of building forms, eave heights, and
sizes of doors and windows should be used as guides to establish the context for new or
remodeled buildings.
Commercial Design Guidelines 7 and 8 state that, Roof forms should be complete and not
present false fronts. Partial mansard roofs (typical of franchise architecture) and pitched roofs
that do not reach a true peak or hip.
The roof and wall lines of the proposed 213 square-foot addition complies with the Commercial
Design Guidelines because the applicant is proposing to match the buildings existing eave line
located 1 feet back from the north side property line and the buildings existing wall line
located 3 feet back from the north side property line. Additionally, the roof of the addition
demonstrates a complete roof form in which the top ridge reaches a true peak. Also the
roofline of the addition will sit below the roofline of the existing offices and will not change the
height of the building. The applicant is proposing to locate the wall of the addition three feet
from the north property line, the same distance back from the property line as an existing
portion of the building. While the addition will be visible from the inter-block pedestrian
walkway that connects Mission Street to Junipero Avenue, staff does not anticipate any
negative impact to the walkway.
Materials, Textures, and Colors: Commercial Design Guideline E states that Building materials
and colors should respect the traditions already established in the commercial district. The use
of richly detailed wood, tile, moldings, corbels, brick, and stone, as well as landscaping, are
The 213 square-foot addition complies with the Commercial Design Guidelines since the
applicant proposes to match the buildings existing Spanish clay tile roofing and stucco siding.
Parking: The existing buildings were constructed in 1940 and 1947 and since no on-site parking
was provided at the time of construction, the parking is classified as legal, nonconforming.
According to CMC 17.38.020, Proposed additions of floor area, new shops or dwelling units, or
other similar changes in land use resulting in a net increase in parking requirements, as set forth
in this chapter, shall provide all required parking generated by the new activities on the site.
The existing property contains four commercial office spaces which, according to Table A of
CMC 17.38.020, requires four total on-site parking spaces while a single-family residence only
requires one space. No additional parking is required for the proposed residence because the
applicant is proposing a net decrease in required parking rather than a net increase.
In regard to available on-street parking, there are four 2-hour parking spaces directly in front of
the project site. A residential parking permit allows residents to park in these two hour spaces
all day and only one of the spaces would be occupied all day if the occupants of the residence
have only one vehicle. Staff notes that if the occupants host a social event at the residence,
more spaces on the block may be occupied by the guests of the resident, and consequently,
fewer spaces would be available for patrons of the retail and service uses. However, since this
project involves a decrease in the required parking for the use, in staffs opinion, parking will
not be an issue and may even constitute an improvement over the existing parking demand.
Environmental Review: The proposed project is categorically exempt from CEQA requirements,
pursuant to Section 15301 (Class 1) Existing Facilities. The project includes a single-story
addition of 213 square feet and alterations (primarily an interior remodel as well as window
and door changes) to two commercial buildings totaling 1,552 square feet, and therefore
qualifies for a Class 1 exemption. The proposed project does not present any unusual
circumstances that would result in a potentially significant environmental impact.
Attachment A
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Area of addition on south elevation of residence with and without staking and flagging
Businesses and apartments on the east side of the street immediately adjacent to the project site
Businesses on the west side of Mission Street directly across the street from the project site
Retail shops on the street and in the alley way across Mission from the project site
Retail businesses on the first floor and apartment uses on the second floor
For each of the required design study findings listed below, staff has indicated whether the
submitted plans support adoption of the findings. For all findings checked "no" the staff report
discusses the issues to facilitate the Planning Commission decision-making.
Municipal Code Findings for Design Review
1. The project will conform to the applicable policies of the General Plan and the
Local Coastal Program;
2. The project will comply with all applicable provisions of this code; and
5. The proposed use will comply with all applicable zoning standards.
6. The granting of the Use Permit will not set a precedent for the approval of similar
uses whose incremental effect will be detrimental to the City, or will be in conflict
with the General Plan.
7. The proposed use will not make excessive demands on the provision of public
services, including water supply, sewer capacity, energy supply, communication
facilities, police protection, street capacity and fire protection.
8. The proposed use will not be injurious to public health, safety or welfare and
provides adequate ingress and egress.
9. The proposed use will be compatible with surrounding land uses and will not
conflict with the purpose established for the district within which it will be located.
10. The proposed use will not generate adverse impacts affecting health, safety, or
welfare of neighboring properties or uses.
13. The capacity of surrounding streets is adequate to serve the automobile and
delivery truck traffic generated by the proposed use.
Conditions of Approval
Standard Conditions
Authorization: This approval of Design Study (DS 16-387), Coastal Development
Permit, and Use Permit (UP 16-440) applications authorizes: 1) The conversion
of two single-story buildings containing four commercial offices into one singlestory, single-family residence by constructing a 213 square-foot addition to
connect the buildings and remodeling the interior. The total interior floor area
of the residence will be 1,765 square feet and the height of the addition will be
15.5 feet total. 2) The installation of two new doors and three new windows
including wood double doors with divided lights at the top on the south
elevation and on the north elevation, the installation of new door, the
replacement of an existing door with a 3x3 divided light wood casement
window, and the installation of a new 3x3 and a new 2x3 wood, unclad
divided light casement window to match existing. 3) The relocation of the
existing gate and trellis at the north side yard facing the inter-block walkway to
enclose the south side yard. 4) The replacement of an existing 3-foot-high wood
retaining wall in the front yard on the applicants property with a new stucco
retaining wall at the same height and location as the existing retaining wall. 5)
The relocation of an existing west facing light to face south next to the new
doors on the addition. 6) The use of stucco siding and clay tile roofing on the
new addition to match the existing residence.
The project shall be constructed in conformance with all requirements of the
local SC zoning ordinances. All adopted building and fire codes shall be adhered
to in preparing the working drawings. If any codes or ordinances require design
elements to be changed, or if any other changes are requested at the time such
plans are submitted, such changes may require additional environmental review
and subsequent approval by the Planning Commission.
This approval shall be valid for a period of 18 months from the date of action
unless an active building permit has been issued and maintained for the
proposed construction.
All new landscaping, if proposed, shall be shown on a landscape plan and shall
be submitted to the Department of Community Planning and Building and to the
City Forester prior to the issuance of a building permit. The landscape plan will
be reviewed for compliance with the landscaping standards contained in the
Zoning Code, including the following requirements: 1) all new landscaping shall
be 75% drought-tolerant; 2) landscaped areas shall be irrigated by a
drip/sprinkler system set on a timer; and 3) the project shall meet the Citys
Trees on the site shall only be removed upon the approval of the City Forester or
Forest and Beach Commission as appropriate; and all remaining trees shall be
protected during construction by methods approved by the City Forester.
Approval of this application does not permit an increase in water use on the
project site. Should the Monterey Peninsula Water Management District
determine that the use would result in an increase in water beyond the
maximum units allowed on a 4,000-square foot parcel, this permit will be
scheduled for reconsideration and the appropriate findings will be prepared for
review and adoption by the Planning Commission.
The applicant shall submit in writing to the Community Planning and Building
staff any proposed changes to the approved project plans prior to incorporating
changes on the site. If the applicant changes the project without first obtaining
City approval, the applicant will be required to either: a) submit the change in
writing and cease all work on the project until either the Planning Commission
or staff has approved the change; or b) eliminate the change and submit the
proposed change in writing for review. The project will be reviewed for its
compliance to the approved plans prior to final inspection.
All skylights shall use non-reflective glass to minimize the amount of light and
glare visible from adjoining properties. The applicant shall install skylights with
flashing that matches the roof color, or shall paint the skylight flashing to match
the roof color.
The driveway material shall extend beyond the property line into the public right
of way as needed to connect to the paved street edge. A minimal asphalt
connection at the street edge may be required by the Superintendent of Streets
or the Building Official, depending on site conditions, to accommodate the
drainage flow line of the street.
The applicant shall submit a grading plan with the Building Permit Application
identifying the cubic yardage of soil proposed to be excavated and removed
from this site as part of the project.
The applicant shall include a storm water drainage plan with the working
drawings that are submitted for building permit review. The drainage plan shall
comply with the Central Coast Region Post-Construction Storm-water
Management Requirements. The drainage plan shall include applicable Best
Management Practices and retain all drainage on site through the use of semipermeable paving materials, French drains, seepage pits, etc. Excess drainage
that cannot be maintained on site, may be directed into the Citys storm drain
system after passing through a silt trap to reduce sediment from entering the
storm drain. Drainage shall not be directed to adjacent private property.
An archaeological reconnaissance report shall be prepared by a qualified
archaeologist or other person(s) meeting the standards of the State Office of
Historic Preservation prior to approval of a final building permit. The applicant
shall adhere to any recommendations set forth in the archaeological report. All
new construction involving excavation shall immediately cease if materials of
archaeological significance are discovered on the site and shall not be permitted
to recommence until a mitigation and monitoring plan is approved by the
Planning Commission.
All new construction involving excavation shall immediately cease if cultural
resources are discovered on the site, and the applicant shall notified the
Community Planning and Building Department within 24 hours. Work shall not
be permitted to recommence until such resources are properly evaluated for
significance by a qualified archaeologist. If the resources are determined to be
significant, prior to resumption of work, a mitigation and monitoring plan shall
be prepared by a qualified archaeologist and reviewed and approved by the
Community Planning and Building Director. In addition, if human remains are
unearthed during excavation, no further disturbance shall occur until the County
Coroner has made the necessary findings as to origin and distribution pursuant
to California Public Resources Code (PRC) Section 5097.98.
Prior to Building Permit issuance, the applicant shall provide for City
(Community Planning and Building Director in consultation with the Public
Services and Public Safety Departments) review and approval, a truck-haul route
and any necessary temporary traffic control measures for the grading activities.
The applicant shall be responsible for ensuring adherence to the truck-haul
route and implementation of any required traffic control measures.
All conditions of approval for the Planning permit(s) shall be printed on a fullsize sheet and included with the construction plan set submitted to the Building
Safety Division.
The applicant agrees, at his or her sole expense, to defend, indemnify, and hold
harmless the City, its public officials, officers, employees, and assigns, from any
liability; and shall reimburse the City for any expense incurred, resulting from, or
in connection with any project approvals. This includes any appeal, claim, suit,
or other legal proceeding, to attack, set aside, void, or annul any project
approval. The City shall promptly notify the applicant of any legal proceeding,
and shall cooperate fully in the defense. The City may, at its sole discretion,
participate in any such legal action, but participation shall not relieve the
applicant of any obligation under this condition. Should any party bring any
legal action in connection with this project, the Superior Court of the County of
Monterey, California, shall be the situs and have jurisdiction for the resolution of
all such actions by the parties hereto.
Printed Name
Once signed, please return to the Community Planning and Building Department.
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