Multiple Representations of Functions - Canva
Multiple Representations of Functions - Canva
Multiple Representations of Functions - Canva
Stockton, CA 95206 (209) 468-4926
Britainie Ault
Learning Objective:
Students will write function rules, use input-output tables to represent functions and use graphs to represent functions.
Anticipatory Set:
How will you build understanding? *Includes guided practice, independent practice and closure
Running Clock
7-10 min
14 minutes
5 minutes
Teacher Action
Bell Work
Take roll, mark bell work for attempts
Help students understand the concept of a function by
discussions how functions are used in real life. For
example, the number of plates to set on the dinner table is a
function of the number of people expected to eat. A person
earning an hourly wage has an income that is a function of
the number of hours worked. Discuss with students other
instances of functions in real life.
Function Rules
1. Tell students that another representation of a function
that is sometimes used is a function machine. (A simple
function machine will be drawn on the board.) Explain
to students that inside the box is a function rule, a rule
that with every input is a unique output.
VOCABULARY: English Language Learners may find it
helpful to relate the words input and output with the
prepositions in and out.
2. Starting off with a simple rule of y=4x, the teacher will
write this rule inside of the function machine and cover
Student Action
Materials Needed
Each student should be completing the bell work and
then participating in the review.
Function Rules
1. Students will listen actively
2. Students will provide input values for the function
machine. Using the input and output values, students
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Bell Work Record Sheet
Folders with coordinate plane
Whiteboard Markers
3 minutes
3 minutes
3 minutes
15 minutes
3 minutes
2 minutes
3 minutes
2 minutes
3 minutes
2 minutes
Show Me The Money
1. Teacher will introduce the scenario: You are looking to
make some extra money after school and on the
weekends with a part time job around the neighborhood.
You have posted to social media that you are charging
$12 an hour to do some basic yard work such as mowing
lawns, weeding, etc.
2. Have students work in small groups to complete the
Number of Hours
Total Money Earned
Worked (Hours)
3. As a class discuss the student answers.
4. Have students work in pairs to create a graph using the
Show Me The Money Graphing sheet.
5. Have the pairs share out to the whole class. Ask each
pair to share a different part of their graph. For
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Show Me The Money Worksheet
Ruler/Straight Edge
Multiple Representations of
Functions - Homework
Assessment: How will you know students have achieved the learning objectives? What evidence will you look for and/or collect?
I will know that students have achieved the learning objective by monitoring the students responses. I will also monitor the students as
they are working with a partner addressing any misconceptions and filling in learning gaps. Students will also submit a Canva poster
electronically. This will allow me to collect evidence of students understanding.
8.F.1 Understand that a function is a rule that assigns to each input exactly one output. The graph of a function is the set of ordered
pairs consisting of an input and the corresponding output.
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Learning Objectives
What are some ways these objectives were appropriate for your students, including your EL and Special Populations students?
In what ways were these objectives not appropriate?
How might these objectives relate to what students have learned and what you plan to do in the future?
Anticipatory Set
What are some ways your strategies for building student interest were effective/ineffective?
What are some strategies you might use in the future?
In what ways were your instructional strategies, activities, groupings, and closure effective/ineffective?
In the future, what are some instructional strategies, activities, groupings, and closure you might use?
What are some ways in which students were able to share their learning?
What are some ways your materials were effective/ineffective?
What are some materials you might use in the future?
How effective were your assessment strategies in measuring the student learning objectives for all students, including any identified
distinct learners?
How might you assess student learning in the future?
Teachers College of San Joaquin
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