Valve Modeling
Valve Modeling
Valve Modeling
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From ControlsWiki
1 Introduction
2 Flow through a Valve
2.1 Flow Characteristics
2.2 Valve Coefficient, Cv
3 Pressure Drop
4 Control Valve Gain
4.1 Constant Pressure Drop
4.2 Variable Pressure Drop
5 Rangeability
6 Modeling Installed Valve Characteristics
7 Special Considerations for the Equation describing Flow Through a Valve
8 Example 1: Verbal Model of a Control Valve
8.1 Problem Statement:
8.2 Solution
9 Example 2: Modeling Installed Valve Characteristics
9.1 Problem Statement
9.2 Solution
10 References
A valve acts as a control device in a larger system; it can be modeled to regulate the flow of material
and energy within a process. There are several different kinds of valves (butterfly, ball, globe etc.),
selection of which depends on the application and chemical process in consideration. The sizing of
valves depends on the fluids processing unit (heat exchanger, pump etc.) which is in series with the
valve. Sizing and selection of valves is discussed in the other wiki article on Valve Selection. Valves
need to be modeled to perform effectively with respect to the process requirements. Important
components for the modeling of control valves are:
1. Flow
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Flow Characteristics
The inherent flow characteristic, f(x), is key to modeling the flow through a valve, and depends on
the kind of valve you are using. A flow characteristic is defined as the relationship between valve
capacity and fluid travel through the valve.
There are three flow characteristics to choose from:
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Cvmax depends on pipe characteristics and was chosen to be 110 gpm in this example. Constant
pressure throughout the pipe line is assumed and the curves are accurate when the valve position is
between 5% and 95% open.
Comparing the slopes of the graphs for the quick opening and equal percentage valves, we can see
that a quick opening valve would experience greater change in flow with slight change in valve
position in the lower flow range. The opposite is true for the higher range of flow. The equal
percentage valve experiences slighter change in flow with respect to valve position in the lower
range of flow.
When selecting the appropriate control valve, it is often the goal of the engineer to choose a valve
that will exhibit a linear relationship between F and x over the normal operating position(s) of the
valve. This linear relationship provides the most control for the operator. The flow characteristic
observed through an installed valve, and all process factors considered (i.e. total pressure drop, etc.),
is termed the installed flow characteristic. Therefore, it is not always the case that an inherently
linear valve is desirable or even useful. An inherently linear valve is appropriate when there is a
linear relationship between the valve position and the actual flow rate; however, consider the case
and of significant value. In this case a valve with inherent equal percentage flow
characteristic would be appropriate. The inherently non-linear valve would compensate for PL and
result in an installed linear flow characteristic.
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Valve Coefficient, Cv
The valve coefficient, Cv, is defined as the flow in gpm that flows through a valve with a pressure
drop of 1psi across the valve (Pv = 1psi). Cv is an important parameter that comes up in other
modeling equations. It is specific to the valve you are using.
Pressure Drop
The pressure drop in the pipe line (pressure drop due to the pipe line and any other equipment in
series with the valve), PL, is defined as:
] = constant friction coefficient for the pipe and any equipment in series with the valve
If the line pressure drop is negligble (constant pressure in the pipe line) then PL = 0 and Po =
Pv. When PL = 0 a valve with a linear flow characteristic will be desirable. When
and of significant value, a valve with flow characteristics closer to an equal percentage or quick
opening valve will be more desirable.
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One objective when choosing a valve is to achieve "constant valve gain". The gain is a product of the
dependence of valve position on controller output, the dependence of the flow on Cv, and the
dependence of Cv on the valve position. The change in valve coefficient, Cv, with respect to valve
position depends on the valve characteristics f(x).
For linear characteristics
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The flow term cancels some of the effect of the Cv term until the valve is fully opened, so this gain is
less variable with valve opening. Therefore the installed characteristics are much more linear when
compared to the inherent characteristics of an equal percentage valve.
Valve rangeability is defined as the ratio of the maximum to minimum controlable flow through the
valve. Mathematically the maximum and minimum flows are taken to be the values when 95% (max)
and 5% (min) of the valve is open.
Rangeability =
A smaller rangeablilty correlates to a valve that has a small range of controllable flowrates. Valves
that exhibit quick opening characteristics have low rangeablilty values. Larger rangeability values
correlate to valves that have a wider range of controllable flows. Linear and equal percentage valves
fall into this category.
Another case to consider is when the pressure drop across the valve is independent of the flow
through the valve. If this is true then the flow is proportional to CV and the rangeability can be
calculated from the valve's flow characteristics equation.
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This equation, and its modified forms, is most accurate for water, air or steam using
conventional valves installed in straight pipes. If you are dealing with non-Newtonian, viscous
or two phase systems the calculations will be less accurate.
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you were dealing with a nuclear reactor or something highly explosive it may be worth the
10.) Check Component Balances: Does not apply. Preventing accumulation is the point of this
control valve.
11.) Apply Process Optimization: Our manipulatable variable is choosing a valve with a specific
Cv. The valve should be able to withstand extreme temperatures and high pressures. It would be a
gate valve, which opens completely upon failure. For other sizing concerns refer to Valve Sizing.
The flow through the line from the pump is 300 gpm. The desired pressure drop across the valve is 4
psi. A high level of control is desired for the flow through the new valve. Two valves are being
considered, one has an inherent linear characteristic, the other is equal percentage (=50). From the
manufacturers literature, both have a CVmax value of 200. Use the Installed Valve Characteristcs
Model ( to
determine which valve has a higher range of controllable flows values.
To view the valve model spreadsheet with the correct inputs, click here
( .
Note that the pressure drop across the pipe is 13.5psi, which is significantly larger than the pressure
drop across the valve (4 psi). These conditions indicate that the characteristic flow through the valves
may not match the inherent characteristics. This is verified by the plots and also by the calculated
rangeability values shown in the valve model spreadsheet. The equal percentage valve has a higher
rangeabilty value, corresponding to a higher range of controllable flows.
Bequette, B. Wayne. Process Control Modeling, Design, and Simulation, Upper Saddle River,
New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Crane Co. Flow of Fluids Through Valves, Fittings, and Pipe, Joliet, IL: CRANE.
"Friction Losses in Pipe
Fittings" ( (PDF), Western
Dynamics, LLC., retrieved September 11, 2006.
Perry, R. H., and D. Green (ed). Perry's Chemical Engineering Handbook, 7th ed. New York:
Seborg, Dale E., Thomas F. Edgar, Duncan A Mellichamp. Process Dynamics and Control,
New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Smith, Carlos A., Armando B. Corripio. Principles and Practice of Automatic Process
Control, 3rd ed. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
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