TO:Professor Gomez
FROM:Blanca Urcuyo
SUBJECT: Gender Iniqualityin the LGBT community
Description of Topic:
Same-sex marriage is now legalby the SupremeCourtin the United States of America,
but the LGBT community still struggles with issues of violence, poverty, and what
seems like never ending discrimination. The LGBT community still has a long way to
go before these issues are addressedand come to the attention of the citizensof the
U.S.A. that our not directly affectedby these issues. If we bring to the attention these
hardships that these individuals have to gothrough we could promote a bigger social
movement for the fair treatment the people fromthis community is entitled too.
Ichose this topic because as an individual who comes from an immigrant family,
and who has seen the differences in state laws about freedom throughout several
countries I believethe LGBT community deserves to be treated as the founding
fathers have stated in our declaration of independence that "all men are created
equal" and that we have "certainunalienable rights" which include, "life, liberty and
the pursuit of Happiness." And as I have witnessed throughthe media and even
personal experience these individuals are not being treated in such way. They are
being treated unfairly and we our violating their said "unalienable" rights.
I stronglybelievethat everyone in this nation deserves to be treated fair and equal
which is one of the many reasons so many people migrate here, and as we
show disrespectand discrimination towards this community the U.S.A. is turning into
a countrythat reflects the one the firstimmigrants to the U.S. first were escaping
Academic Sources:
Articles, institutionallaws, court cases and media coverage.