Air Navigation Service Provider United Kingdom
Air Navigation Service Provider United Kingdom
Air Navigation Service Provider United Kingdom
NATS (National Air Traffic Services) is the main air navigation service
provider in the United Kingdom. It inherited the traditions of UK air traffic control,
which (founded over Croydon Airport) was the world's first air traffic control
regime. It provides en-route air traffic control services to flights within the
UK Flight Information Regionsand the Shanwick Oceanic Control Area, and
provides air traffic control services to fifteen UK airports.
It was originally established in 1962 as a government body but was later turned
into a Public/ Private Partnership in 2001 so that private funding could be invested
into NATS. Over 123 million have been invested into NATS since the PPP setup.
Over the years NATS has grown from a UK focused business to a global business,
with contracts in more than 30 countries. It offers aerodrome, data and consultancy
solutions to worldwide customers which include airports, air traffic service
providers (ANSP) and governments.