Shiv Tantra
Shiv Tantra
Shiv Tantra
|| Saiva Tantra ||
Agamas and Tantras are a vast collection of knowledge and form a major portion
of spiritual literature and practices. Like the Veda, they have come down through
Guru-Sishya parampara, in oral traditions. Agamas form the base for many of the
popular as well as specialist aspects of Hinduism.
The word Agama means 'that which has come to (us)'. Tantra means 'that which
protects with detail'. Sruti, the eternal word, is said to be of two forms Nigama
(Veda) and Agama. Two kinds of texts, Agama and Tantra are in general grouped
under the same class of literature.
There are three main classes of Agamic/Tantric texts Vaishnava Agamas, Saiva
Agamas and Sakta Tantras, though not limited to these. The Vaishnava and
Saiva texts are generally called Agamas, while the word Tantra in general applies
to Sakta texts. However, technically Tantra is a part of Agama and owing to the
centrality of Tantra the two words are used often interchangeably.
The five face of Shiva represents the five branches of Saiva Tantra and the 5
faces of Lord Shiva defines the 5 different Saiva Agamas.
Five Faces of Lord Shiva:
1. Sadyojata - West Face:
3)Shivagocharaadi (born out of shiva and 25 Aagamas)
West is called as Paschima or Pratyak. The soul is called as Pratyagaatma.
Sadyaha which means just now and Jataha means now born. Shiva makes his
presence felt through the countless souls being born. Hence the apt name
'Sadyosata'. This shows the creative aspect of Parameshvara. Since the very
existence of any being starts from its birth, the Sadyosata aspect of Lord Shiva is
prayed first.
The essence of the Sadyosata Mantra is : "O! Lord ! Sadyojaata, never give me
desires which are the reason for this countless births and deaths. Please Bless
me with the passion for liberation. My prayers to Sadyosata.
This Sadyosata aspect is correlated with the following;
To Shi Beekakshara in Panchakshara Mantra
To Mano Maya Kosha amongst the five Koshas
To Agni principle among five principles Pancha Bhuta.
vmadevya namh jyesthya namah resthya
namo rudrya namah klya namah
kalavikaranya namo balya namo
balavikaranya namo balapramathanya namah
sarvabhtadamanya namo manonmanya namah
I bow to the Noble One, the Eldest; to the Best, to Rudra and to Time,
I bow to the Incomprehensible, to Strength,
To the Causer of various forces, and to the Extender of Strength.
I bow to the Subduer of all beings, and to the One who kindles the Light.
3. Aghora Mantra:
aghorebhyo'tha ghorebhyo aghoraghoretarebhyah
sarvatah arvah sarvebhyo namaste rudra rpebhyah
I bow to those not terrible and those who are terrible,
And to those who are both terrible and not terrible.
Everywhere and always, arva, I bow to all Thy Rudra forms.
4. Tatpurusa Mantra:
tatpurushya vidmahe mahdevya dhmahi
tanno rudrah pracodayt
May we know that Supreme Person
And mediate on that Great God,
May Rudra impel us!
5. na Mantra:
na sarvavidynmvarah sarvabhtnm brahmdipati brahmano'dhipatir
brahm ivo me astu sa eva sadiva om
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