'Twas The Night Before Christmas

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“Twas The Night Before Christmas” : _~— fusic by awed Ghee Gries Sane Mase Choral tanergton By wen aay Tow Scot wana Siow Barcarolle - in 2 unison p= = = Soprano to — i Tenor Base Barcarolle- in 2 Piano ® Ba, # fa # fa # fa # fa * fae (Tenderly) vtwas the night be-fore Christ-mas and all thru the house, Téeah-ethukn naheet be foukr Kri - sma - san - dawl thuhroo thuk how-cos, iF Not a crea-ture was sth Naw tuk hree-choor coaks stub. ring, not e-ven a mouse. — ring, nam tenon nukm mow-sos tb wy. SS SS Note: ‘The Introduction and letters (8) and () should be performed quielly and smoothly, but aot too slowly. (©Copyright MCMXLI, MCMXLY, Shawnee Press, Inc, Delaware Water Gap, Pt 18327 U.S, Copyright Renewed, MCMLXX International Copyright Secured Made in U.S. A, All Rights Reserved rs were hung by the chim-ney with care, Thuk staw-hing swer hung bah-ee thuh chim nee In hopes that Saint Nich- 0 - las soon would be In ho-so-psthat Say-eent Ni- ho. =— ® — ‘The ehil-dren were nest-led all snug in thelr wee lit - tle Thuh childcorenéo-uhrn-neh-subl-dawl sauk gina thekr Sore 12 tub! Jae f } | Sr oTwas The Night ete. 32 S.A.TR. While vis-ions of sug - ar plums Hésaheel _vi-shun-suho shoo-guhr plum - te TF iP a fF poco rit. tempo danced in their wee Lit - tle adanstin thehr goee 1 tht ma in her 'ker-chief,and I in my cap, Hadjust settled down for a ‘mah in huhr hubr-chi-fan-dahee in mahee cap, Had just seht-ld_dah-Son— foh-oorth a Te: Sa ee ‘Twas The Night ote. 32 S.A.T. B. eee eee ee win-ter's nap. in. tukr snap. tt Orivey © Lively (Sleigh Belts) eee gee me out on the lawn there 2 - rose such a clat-ter, + GMs lawn tuk Taam theh-coruh —ro-dogsub-chuk cla tuhr, +The first @ bars after (D) should be sung with hushed excitement - almost spoken. The second 6 bars should increase in volume and tension with clinaz on the word sash?” ‘Iwas The Night etc. 82 S.A. B. aso z z I sprang from my bed to see So z what was the 7 mat-ter. Ah-ee sprang from mah-ee bed_to see hao-ch-tdoah-sthuh ma-tuhr. A - way to the window I jaye to thuh-Sein-do-do Ah-ec flo lahee-buhflash, —_ a et —— mss o-pen the shut-ters ‘threw o-pen the sash. 1ro-d0-pen thuh skub-turs, é thr 0.5-pen thuh sash, Twas The Night ete. 32 S.A. B. flew like a flash, tore to-do accel. —=——| +® Waltz moderato Soprano ang Alto what to my wonder - ing eyes should ap - pear, but a héo-aht foo makee Go-uhn-duh-coring ah-ee shoo duh - peer buh-tuhm 9, 2 *® Waltz moderato ie fi bP poe a win - in-tre sleigh, ne Tieayukaher Sate, ease oe oar ae — | * Letter © to © shoold be sung brightly, and smoothly, with a lift and a swing. *Dwas The Night ete. 92 8.A.T.B. driver, so 11 Jo.o0ld drah-ee-ouhr, 90.65 —— live-ly and quick, that I knew right a - way Iaheevlee and quick, thi-tah-ec nee-co rahee tuh-ooayee °Twas The Night ete. 32 S.A.T. B. must be Saint Nick must bee Say-eent Nick rap-id than ea-gles his ri-pid than ce-gls his cours-ers they came, -sukr sthayee cay.cem, And he More rap-id than eagles his cours-ers they came, And he Mo.sor ra-pid than ce-gls his co.Sor-suhr sthayee cay-eem, And he More rap-id than ea-gles his cours-ers they came, And he Mo-sir ra-pid than ce-gls_ his co-dor-suhr sthayee cay-tem, And he More rap-id than ea-gles his cours-ers they eame, And he Mo-cor ri-pid than ee-gla his sur athayee cay-cem, And he — Twas The Night ete. 32 S.A.T.B. fa = fi ‘hio-i-subl-dand shah. feat whist-led and shouted, and called them by teh-dand cawld them bakeen name: “Now, Dash -er! Now, nay-cem: Nah-Go, Di-shukr, Nah-6o =s= te ae whistled and shout-ed, and called them by hoo-i-subl-dand shah-steh-dand cawld them baheen name: “Now, Dash-er! Now, nay-¢em: Nah-Go, Di-shubr, Nah- Poe ed a Se SSS whist-led and shout-ed, and called them by name: hoo-i-suhl-dand shah-do.toh-dand cawld them bah-een “Now, Dash-er! Now, nay-eem: Nah-do, Di shukr, Nab. oy tS SS SSS = SS) a= whist-led and shout-ed, and called them by name: cawld them bah-een nay-com: Nah “No Dash-er! Now, Di shukr, Nak-&o ae = 4 = = 7 a ’Ewas The Night ete. 92 S.A.T.B. fie J 1 = or re ¥ ¥ =] SS SS eee Dane -er! Now, Pranc-er! Now, Vix- ent On Gom-et! On - Dan-suhr, Nah-oo Pran-sukr, Nah-co Vi-ksen Awn Caw-meh - tawn [pee je ie er eres Dane- ert Now, Prane-er! Now, Vix- ent On Comet! On Dan-tuks, Nabss Pran-suhr, Nakso Vi~lan den Conch - tan SS See | Prane-er! Now, Vix-enl On Com-et! On Pran-suhr, Nak-oo Vi~hsen dwn Caw-mech - town — ——— = t+ —+ Pranc-er! Now, Vix- en! On Com-et! On Pran-tuhr, Nah-oo Vi- sen An Caw-meh - tan : 44 = ie ee er 3 = <= - : EAS = += = =a = a 10 @, Cu pid! On Don-ner and Blitzen! Kees - pi-dawn Don-nuh-rand BLi- tsen! Cu- pid! On Don-ner and Blitz- ent Keess- pi-dawn Don-nuh-rand Bli-tsen! Cu pid! On Don-ner and Blitz ent Kees - pi-dawn Don-nuh-rand —Bli-tsen! Cu- pid! On Don-ner and Blitz-en! , Kees - pi-dawn Don-nuh-rand To the top of the poreh, to. the top of the Too thuh tawp uh thuh —por-chtd> thuh tam-puhv thuh To the top of the porch, to the top of the wall! Tao thuh tawp Por-chtde thu tam-puko thu soaxl! To the top of the porch, to the top of the wall! Tio thuh tawp who thuh — por-chtso thuh taw-pukv thuh coawl! To the top of the poreh, to the top of the wall! Too thuh tawp uo thuh — por-chta> thuk taw-puho thuh Gant! t r a Ne °Twas The Night ete. 32 S.A.7.B. iy == = ? Dash a-way, dash a-way, dash a-way, dash Di shuh-soayee, da-shubcoayee, di-shubdoayee, dash 1 £> Fay te SSS Saas = "Dash away, dash a-way, dash a-way, dash ‘Di shuk-soayee, di-shuh-ssayee, dit -shuh-seayee, St SSI -—F =z SS S= Dash a-way, dash away, dash a-way, Pein siege, shah aye A shah ny, a > ars Pa Se Dash a-way, dash a-way, dash a-way, Di shub-deayee, di-shub-soayee, di-shuh-doayee, i lpg epg ded] or Vi y > nf Baritone Solo So up to the house-tops the ? * Sing small notes if range is more practical. “Twas The Night ete, 82 S.A.7. B. 2 div. and Saint and Say-cent aacran and Saint cours-ers they flew, with a sleigh fall of toys, Nich- 0 - las, too. Ni. ho-do-1é - std. Baritone Solo “Twas The Night ete. 92 S.A.T.B. then in 8 twink-ling, 1 aA a YTwas The Night ete. 32 S.A.T.B. heard on the gal lop - ing gal - Iuh- ping gal-lop- ing gal - luh- ping roof all the clat-ter-ing 8 All bund-led in fur, from his end to his Awl bun dU-din fur, from his hed_to. his All bund-led in fur, from his head to his Awl bun dt din fur, from his, hed_fo his clothes were all tarn-ished with clo.éoth-sdouh-rawl tarn-nish tai - clothes were all tarnished with ash-es and clo.doth-séouh-rasl tarn-nish tii - thi-shth-zand Baritone Solo vDwas The Night ete. 32 S.A.T.B, 15 crese. poco a poco When down — the Hio-ehn dah-con thuk crese. poco « poco When down the Hio-ohn dah-som. thik Crese: poco a" poco When down — the Héo-ehn dah-ion thuk crese. poco a poco Tutti drew in my head and was turn-ing a - round, When down the Héo-chn dah-ion thuh 12co @ poco =e = Orgies gis gt == == = aa : = f chim-ney he came with sound! chim-nee he cayeom S3Uthuh bah Le as opie gies gh a sa pareve) chim-ney he came with a bound! chim-nee he cayeem oi-thuh = bah _ Se flies a ging =e p= chimney he "came with a bound! 7 chim-nee he ‘cayeem @2i-thuh bah zs = Be fmes. elise. elise, SS Sa chim-ney he came with 2 ound! chim-nee he cayeem doi-thuh bah — ge 7S SS Pea ee “Iwas The Night ete. 92 SATB. === SSE Bape eG SSS back, and he | a bag fall of toys he bed flung on his looked Ike a dag fio-Duko taw-ees he had fub-lung on his BE hand he 1oht Iah-ee huh = SS SSS bag full of toys he had flung’ on is back, and he looked like a bag fib-tuho taw-ees he had fub-lung on his bi- hand he Uiokt lah-ee-huh pS 2S SSS SS bag full of had flung on his back, and he looked like a bag fo-Luko had fub-lung on his bi hand he {ght lahee- buh ——= f SSS] bag full of toys he had flung on his bag fvo-luho taw-eex he had fub-lung on his ack, and he ba hand he looked like a Lookt lah-co-huh = Fo md oF a Twas The Night etc. 32 S.A.T.B. ” n Presto Vit-tle old ped-dler just o-pning his pack. Wjo-cold pik-dlukr ji. sto-dopning his pak >it ==> ped-dler just o-pning his pack. HE. th Jo.dold pik-dluky ji. sto-dopning his pak. > Tit adie Ut-tle old ped-dler just o-pning his pack. U. tLlocold pih-dluhr fii - sto-sopning his” pak, = =n. eee ee Ut-tle old ped-dier just o-phing his pack HW tLlo.dold péhdlubr jit - sto-copning hia pak. Sy imi ee RN esit a a *Twas The Night ete. 82 S.A.7.B. "\@ Recitative Solo Soprano Solo Soprano IT pee tome (spoken) His eyes how they twinkled so gay! His Solo Alto T oo His dim-ples how mer-ry were they! ® Recitative => PB. Solo Soprano IIT qo a ad cheeks were like roses, when hissed by the sun! His Solo Alto IL Spo ga His nose, ike a cherry, all wrin-kled with fin! droll Uit-tle mouth was drawn up likea bor! “Solo _Alto TIT oy The beard on his chin was as white as the snow. © Lines trom @) to @) should be apokan, each line with increasing enthesiam. ‘eas The Night ee. 32 S.A.7 B 1 © Rhythmic and Bright Atte soto @ ‘The stump of a lit-tle old pipe! He held his teeth, Tenors _ div. And the smoke went a-round, Snd & - And thuk smo-6o-héo-en-tuh-dorah-dondan-duh - Basses And the smoke went a-round, and a And thuk smo-Go-héo-en-tuh-corah-condan-duh - Lr Cr Alto Solo ont round, and’ a-round his orah-dondan-duh-dorah-dind his round, and a-round his orah-Gondan-duh-sorah-Gond kis dlak-ce-kuh - doreeth.— = x ‘Twas The Night ete. 32 S.A.T.B 20 He was so jol-ly and plump, a right jol-ly old, jol-ly old ‘And 1 laughed,and I loughed,and I laughed when I saw hmm in ‘Andahee la flan-daher la. flandahee la - ftco-ennah-ee sa him-min And I laughed, and I laughed,and I laughed when I saw him, in “Andahee la - flandahee la - flan-dahee la - fidoennah-ec saw him-min "Twas The Night ete. $2 S.A.T:B. at Solo Soprano I ®) He had a broad face Solo Alto T And a Cayghad tb. gehed Hol Ho! Ho! splte of my - self. spah-ce - tuho mah-eo-self. spite of my - self. spah-ce - tuko mah-ee-self. Solo Soprano It ‘That shook when he laughed Solo Alto I Ut-tle round bel-ly a | Mike a Hee! He! Heel Ho! Hol Hot ‘Twas The Night etc. 32 SATB. bowl full of jel-ly ae Hah! Hah! Hah! We gave me He He gave me - He gay-ce-umee uh tay] et B LE A’ chuck-le anda smile Uh chub-¥1 lan-duh smah-celah-cen ‘A chuck-le anda smile Uh chuh-RI lan-duh smah-ee-lah-con eye and a twist of his head sah-ce an-duh t0-ist uho his hed eye and a twist of his head aahce an-duh {60.ist who his hed ‘Twas The Night ete. 32 S.A.T.B- 23, knew all the while I had noth - ing to dread. nee.59-waul thukhdoakeel akechad nuk - thing too ddd-red. knew all the while I had noth - ing to needs-wawl thubhi-aheel ak-eehad nuk - thing too @ stow 4- dolce ‘Tenor Solo He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work. Twas The Night ete. 32 S.A.T.B. 24 He filled all the stock ings) — then turned with a jerk, ‘And lay-ing © fin - ger a.- side of his nose “Twas The Night ote. 82 S.A.T-B, 2s ©@ Brilliant int ‘And giv-ing a nod up the chimney he —— = ‘Twas The Night ete. 82 S.A. B. 28 team_— gave a whist-1 He sprang to his sleigh, whi He sprang to his slay-ce, to his teem gay-e0-0uhhéo- his tea gave a whist-1o— his teem gay ee-oukhiis- ukl_— He sprang to his sleigh, — He sprang to his slay-c¢,— his sleigh, to his team gave a whist-le_— He sprang his slay-ee, to his teem gay-ce-ouh his-is. whl__ He sprang team gave a whist-le his sleigh, — teem gay-ce-vuh his-is-whl ix slay-ee,— He sprang. He sprang SSS Se SS pa And a-way they all flew like the down of a thistle Anedubooayeethayee al fub-lG0_— lah-eethuh dab-oon— nuhouk thi-sukl “ —— = = SS yea * — ‘Abd away they all => like Ge GES? of a let Andub-ooayee thayee awl fuh-IG— lah-eekthuh dah-oon— nub-ouk thi-sukl_— = SSeS re SS ft And a-way they all flew" like the down—— of « thist-le—__ Ancdubeooayee thayee aut fub 1d lahechthuk dah-gon— nuh-oub thi-swhi—— Saha SSeS => 2 ‘And a-way they all flew like the down of a thistle An-duh-ooayee thayee aml fuuh-15e— lah-eekthuh dah-oon_ mubouh thi-sukl == oa pa == “t Twas The Night ete. 32 S.A. 7. B. a7 rit, ra “Se, ————— i= SS ae SS SS But I heard him ex-claim— ‘erehe drove out of sight. Buh tah- hub him mex-cuhlay-em chr he duh-ro-5s_oahsotubo sak eet. rit Pall, dim SSS == ———| But T heard him ex-claim— ‘erehe drove out of sight Bubtahechibdhinnes cub lay chr he dbo ech dott Pall im re es eae =] t+ t+ at {heard him exclaim 'erehe drove— ont of sight Buh tah-eehubrd hinges cublayeem ohr he dub-rodb_oah0 tubo sak-eet —~ rie Falk dim SS ae =] But I heard him ex-claim_— ‘erehe drove ont of aight. Buhtah-ee hubrd kines cub-laycom chr he duh-ro-Go-oahsotuho sahet = POS ari pe Ss = = {rie rat quasi arp. i ee a Eo Fy Christ-mas to Kri-sma-stéo awl, and axl ry Christ-mas to ze Kri-sma-stio aul, and to Christ-mas to Kri-sma-sté axl, and to awl ‘Mer - ry Christ-mas to all, Mb ree Kei sma-stts ani, 1 F *Dwas The Night ete. 32 S.A.T.B 28 @ Tempo 10 accel. ¢ crese, rite dim. = = eee eee eee dnah-eet accel. ¢ orese. night dnah-ect. accel, ¢ crese. rit. e dim. ——SSSaS aight dnah-eet accel. ¢ eres. night” dnah-eet. @ Tempo 10 rth. SF bs ® Not too stow 2M ae and its, union OO — in hm ‘Tenor and Bass, unison Cienderty) “tis the @® Not too stow Tis thks tty. Ba. * fa # fa # Za, * fa # fae ‘The Night etc. 82 S.A.T.B. night af-ter Christ-mas and all thru _ the house, nah-ee ti-fler Kri-sma-san - dawl thuhro huh hah-oos stir-ring, not e-ven a mouse. stub-doring, naw-tee ven mukm — mah-oos re pres-ents are seat-tered and bro - ken I fear prek-sen-tsahr sca. tuhrdan-dukbro.co-henmah-ee fee-uhr “Twas The Night ete. 92 S.A/T.B, Not a crea - ture is Naw tuh hree ~ chooria iF And Saint Nich-o - las “And Say-cont Ni-ko-d0-1a ~ a 30 wont come a-gain for a year. s80-oh-Gom-toukm-mub-gekn foh-doruk yeeuhr.— tiey chil-dren are nest-led all snug in their wee lit-tle beds, chil-dsoren-nakrn-ne - sl dawl snuh-gin thehr Goce Ii tuhl Beh poco rit, _ While mem‘ries of sug-ar plums dance in their wee lit-tle Hlooaheel mom-doreeeuko shoo gubr plum-sdan-stin thohr doge Ut tuht os < EE Twas The Night ete. 82 S.A.T.B. in her *ker-chief, in huhr kukr-chif, in her ‘ker-chief, in_huhr hukr-chif, in her *ker-chlef, in hukr kukr-chif, in her *ker-chief, in hukr huhr-chif, for a pa in his cap, are settled at foh- soruh pak in his cap, ahr seh-tuhl dé tlast for a Soh. coruk set-tled at ahr sch-tukl dé tlast for a foh - Goruh set-tled at pak in his cap, akr sch-tuhl dé tlast for a Soh. Goruh set-tled at, pak in his cap, ahr seh-tuhl di tlast. ——— Se Twas The Night etc. 32 S.A.T.B. 22 win-ter's ooin-tukr- snap. Goin-tuhr - snap. =— win-ters nap. Goin-tukr - snap. — Twas The Night ete. 32 SATB

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