Ussd Mmi Codes
Ussd Mmi Codes
Ussd Mmi Codes
So what are the codes with those */# characters called and what is an USSD code?
Every code that you enter over your phones keypad that contains asterisk (*) or hash (#) characters is an MMI code. MMI
stands for Man-Machine-Interface.
Even though most of these MMI codes look pretty similar, they fall into different groups with completely different actions.
Some are just used locally on the device, some are sent to the SIM, others are sent to the network.
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code will be sent to the network verbatim. It then depends on the network if this code is supported. One of the most used
cases is a code for prepaid cards to check your balance. Many networks use something like *#100#. But it is really the choice
of the network operator which code to use as long as it not already taken.
So entering *20*1234# <SEND> or *21*1234# <SEND> would do two completely different things: The rst code would be sent
as-is to the network for further processing (most likely returning an error), while the second code would be parsed by the
phone and a structured request for activation of call forwarding would be sent to the network.
Please note: For SS and USSD codes you always need to press the <SEND> key after entering them, so it is not possible to
automatically execute those codes with a tel-URL.
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tobias at ccc . de
Twitter: @2b_as
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