Quadrature Sampling Scheme With Improved Image Rejection For Complex-IF Receivers
Quadrature Sampling Scheme With Improved Image Rejection For Complex-IF Receivers
Quadrature Sampling Scheme With Improved Image Rejection For Complex-IF Receivers
Digital radio receivers with complex intermediate frequency (IF) stage have on-chip image rejection capability and attracted great attention recently[l], (21, [3]. In
complex-IF receivers, the complex I F signal is usually directly digitized by two real bandpass A X analog-to-digital
converters (ADC) or one complex bandpass 4 E ADC.
Since non-zero I F is used, it avoids many pitfalls existed in
zero-IF receivers, like spurious local oscillator (LO) leakage, DC offsets caused by self-mixing of LO and interferes,
flicker noise, etc. However, complex-IF receivers suffer from
the well-known image problem. If there are gain or phase
imbalances between the in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q)
paths, interferers a t the image frequency will be folded to
the signal band. For example, gain mismatch of 1% will
introduce a n image of -40dBc. In general, a receiver must
reject image interferers by at least 60dB. Therefore high-Q
front-end image filters, usually off-chip, are still required to
fulfill this requirement.
Recently. a double quadrature sampling (DQS) scheme.
which performs complex I F signal sampling and IF-tobaseband conversion by discrete-time analog circuit techniques, was proposed [4]. It inherits all the advantages
of direct-IF digitizing receivers but uses baseband AX
converters rather than bandpass converters Again. this
method has limited image rejection performance due to
channel mismatches or phase eirors.
To improve the image rejection III complex-IF receivers. a
quadrature sampling technique independent on the channel
mismatches as well as phase errots is proposed in this paper. Similar to the previous method, the proposed method
samples the signal at I F stage and performs IF-to-baseband
conversion in the discrete-time analog domain, all realized
in the sampling units of baseband I and Q AC ADCs. The
T h i s work \\.as supported i n part I,?. the FCT of the hlinistry
of Science and Technology of Portugal under the grant PRAXIS
S S I / R D / I Y888/99.
main contribution of the proposed method is the elimination of the image problem caused by channel mismatches
and phase errors. Any such errors existed after the IF input will not cause the image interferer to be folded t o the
desired signal band. Only the so-called self-image, which
is not critical since it origins from the desired signal itself,
can arise from I/Q imbalances.
The rest of this paper is arranged as follows. In section 11, the principles of quadrature sampling in complex
I F receivers and its realizations by digital and analog circuits are presented. Mismatch and A/D conversion issues
are discussed. Section I11 presents the proposed method.
Section I\- shows circuit simulation results, and section 1concludes the paper.
Sampling a complex signal in quadrature form is referred
as double quadrature sampling. Different DQS approaches
are shown in Fig. 1. All of them sample the I and Q inputs
directly a t IF stage. Based on the different approaches on
IF-to-baseband conversion, they can be categorized into
two classes as described as follows.
A . IF-Sampling IF-Dagitiziny
The first kind of DQS methods is t o sample and digitize
the complex input signals a t IF stage, and then perform
the complex IF-to-baseband conversion in digital domain.
Fig. l(a-b) shows two varia.tions of this method. Fig. l ( a )
uses two .4DCs with sampling frequency at, least, two times
0-7803-6685-9101/$10.0002001 IEEE
where S ( j w ) = X ~ ( j w +
) j S ~ ( j w ) The
first and second
term of (1) represents the nominal input and a mirrored
version of it. Therefore, a. portion of the image interferer
is folded to the wanted signal band, and vice versa. Define
the image rejection ratio (IRR.) as the rat,io of the power
gain of the desired signal S ( j w ) over the power gain of the
image signal S * ( j w ) . From ( l ) ,we have I R R = ~ , ? ?
Let G;, G, = G f AG: where G is the nominal gain value
and AG is t,he deviation. We have
B. IF-Sunipling Busebu7id-Digitizirig
The second kind of DQS methods is to sample the conipies input signals a t I F stage, perform the coniples IF-tobaseband conversion in discrete -time a.nalog domain, then
the .4/D conversions in baseband, as shown in Fig. l ( c ) .
This method is obtained a.ctually by moving forward the
complex IF-to-baseband conversion before the A/D conversion. Since signals at, t,he input, of ADCs lies in baseband.
liasehand AC ADCs can be used.
In Fig. l ( c ) , I F inputs +IF;,+IF,,-IF;, and -IF,I arc
sampled by I channel during clock phase 1, 2, 3 arid 4
respectively; +IFq,+IFj,-IFq, and -IF; are sampled bj.
Q channel during clock phase 1, 2, 3 and 4 respectively.
The I and Q outputs are equivalent to [ X l c o s ( n n / 2 )-YQ sin(n7i/2)] and [XQcos(7~7r/2)+ -Til sin(nn/2)], 71 =
0, 1,2 , . . ..
A circuit, realization of the special sampling technique is
shown in Fig. 2 [4]. It, is actually realized by the sampling
J . J .
Fig. 2. Switched-capacitor double quadrature sampling circuit realized in the sampling units of two baseband AX .4DCs.
and X ( j w ) = X i ( j w )
j . Y ~ ( j w ) , P ( j w ) = P~(jw)
j P ~ ( j w ) The
output consists of two parts: input X ( j w )
sampled by P,,,, and input conjugate X * ( j w ) sampled by
The spectra of P,,, Pdzff
and output l ' ( j w ) are
shown in Fig. 4.
;k.;. ..."?a;P..,
0 w 4
Fig. 5 . The proposed mismatch- and phase-error-free double quadrature sampling circuit.
0 w4
+ 2(24G)? - ( % ) 2 .
e - m
1- e m , ) ,
>> 1 and
<< 1,
UL - r L n
scheme transforms the image problem caused by I / Q mismatches to the less-iniporta,nt self-image problem. Circuit
simulations proved that, complete image rejection can be
achieved in this IF-to-baseband stage in the presence of
I/Q mismatches and phase errors. Only self-image arises
from I / Q mismatches.
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For the existed DQS circuit, Fig. 7(b) shows that the
A quadrature sampling scheme has been proposed for
complex I F receivers to improve their image rejection performa.nce. In this approach, the ideal I / Q mixer is moved
from the digital signal processing unit t o the analog sampling unit, so that most advantages of the direct-IF digitizing approach, including the immunity to DC offset error,
are preserved while lowpass AX ADCs instead of bandpass ones are required. More importantly, the proposed