o Our business people and developers work together daily (very closely)
throughout the project.
o We build projects around motivated individuals. We give them the environment
and support they need, and trust them to get the job done.
o We emphasize more on face-to-face communication for conveying information
to and within the development team.
o We measure and track progress based on working software.
o We promote sustainable development. Our sponsors, developers, and users
maintain a constant pace indefinitely.
o Our software development project team follows continuous attention to
technical excellence and good design for development.
o We practice simple designs, processes, and approaches in our software
development methodologies. We implement features that are required by the
customers nothing more.
o Our development teams are self-organizing. Our team can (re) organize
continuously in different configurations to meet the changing requirements and
the newly arising challenges of the business.
o At regular intervals, our team reflects on how to become more effective, then
tunes and adjusts its behavior accordingly.
Success Factor Survey
Please indicate your level of agreement of the following statements based on your
experience of agile software development practices in your team within your
organization. Your replies should reflect your best guess from your knowledge and
experience of software development projects performed by your tram in your
organization. (Likert scale)
1. In our projects, we give very high priority to achieving customer satisfaction.
(customer satisfaction)
2. In our projects, customers closely collaborate with the development team
members. (customer collaboration)
3. In our software development projects, customers are committed to the project,
i.e.they are motivated, active, and consider themselves to be responsible elements of
the project. (customer commitment)
4. We strive to make important project decisions rapidly within short timeframes.
(decision time)
5. The members in our team are geographically closely located. (team distribution)
6. The other teams that we interact with within or outside our organization are
geographically closely located to ours. (team distribution)
7. We work in small teams (no more than 20-40 members) in our projects. (team size)
8. Our organization encourages rapid communication.
9. Our organization has the culture for trusting people.
10. Our management has the culture for supporting the decisions of the developers.
11. Our organizational culture is customer centric.
12. Our organization encourages fast feedback from customers.
13. Our organization does not have a bureaucratic management structure.
14. Our management, developers, and testers are in total agreement to use agile
15. Our software development team relies on internalized, informal, undocumented
plans (as against formal document plans). (planning)
16. Our software development team has qualitative control (as against quantitative
performance measures). (control)
17. Our team generally consists of technically competent and experienced people
(who have developed alike software in the past, have practical experience of the
technology domain). (technical competency).
18. The majority of our team members have strong interpersonal and communication
19. The majority of the members of our team consists of people who are motivated.
20. The majority of the members of our team consists of people who have
collaborative attitude.
21. The majority of the members of our team consists of people who have sense of
22. Our projects have mechanisms that enable personnel to communicate and
negotiate quickly and effectively with developers, operations, support, customers,
management, and business areas.
23. In most cases, communication and negotiation in our projects are face-to-face.
24. In most cases, communication and negotiation in our projects happen between
people who are physically close to one another.
25. In most cases, communication and negotiation in our projects happen between
people who work in the same (similar) time zone as ours.
26. Most people in our projects are amicable to each other to such an extent that they
communicate with each other with trust and good will.
27. Our team members are in general always willing to continuously learn from one
another and train them through mentoring and professionally guided discussions than
through formal training. (training and learning)
# Please rate, on a scale of 1 to 5, your assessment of the degree of impact of
practicing agile software development principles in your projects.
11. Challenges of the agile teams in integrating the development processes and
subsystems with teams within the same organization practicing traditional
development methodologies.
12. Development process conflicts due to the differences in lifecycle between agile
methodologies (characterized by test driven design, short, and focused iterations of
development), and traditional methodologies (heavyweight processes and long
13. Adopting agile methodologies for use in legacy systems, which are resistant to
changes in internal source code.
14. Differences in development processes between agile methodologies (informal
requirements driven) and traditional methodologies (formal requirements driven).
15. Differences in performance management approaches in traditional methodologies
(more contract and milestone driven), and agile methodologies (based on
incorporating continuous customer feedback into the development lifecycle).
16. Continued conformance to traditional certified process standards (CMM, ISO) in
organizations that have adopted them, and are in the process of adopting agile
17. Differences in attitudes towards project success between the management
practicing traditional and agile methodologies.
18. Differences between the team size requirements and suitability of the agile and
traditional methodologies.
19. Problems with selecting the appropriate agile methodology and the supporting
tools according to organizational needs and characteristics.