Answer: To make applet permanently read only, one can use No Update, No Insert, No Delete, No
Merge property on applet to true. Read more
Question: How to create validation for first name field in Contact BC to have at
least 5 characters?
Answer: Length method can be used in validation field to ensure minimum number of characters
are entered in the field.
Syntax :
Len([First Name]) > 5
Question : What are the implications if Primary ID field is not used in MVG?
Answer: If Primary Id is not specified on an MVG then view will take a lot more time to load as
for every record in list applet another subquery will be executed.
Question: How to disable new record creation for certain users of Siebel?
Answer: Applet's PreCanInvokeMethod Method can be used to disable new button by setting
CanInvoke to false, this can be done conditionally by checking the position or responsibility of the
current user.
Question: How to make field editable for certain group of users only?
Answer: Create field read only field user property for the field and use calculated field expression
to check the responsibilities of user, return N if user has the responsibility to edit the field and Y if
it doesn't
Calculated field expression:
IIF(InList("Edit Field",GetProfileAttrAsList("User Responsibilities"))='Y','N','Y')
This way user who don't have the responsibility will see the field readonly.
bcSysPref.SetSearchSpec("Name", sName);
bcSysPref.ExecuteQuery( ForwardOnly );
if (bcSysPref.FirstRecord())
sValue = bcSysPref.GetFieldValue("Value");
Question . What could be reason behind a Picklist field which is not showing the
drop down icon?
Answer: There are only three reasons for picklist not showing drop down:
Picklist is not specified on BusComp field.
Picklist is not compiled or Picklist values are not created.
Control's Runtime property is not set to true on Applet
Question : How can you get the value of parent field value in browser script?
Answer: Only fields displayed on UI are accessible in browser script, it is applicable for all the
parent and child bus components.
var bcMVG = bcOpty.GetMVGBusComp("MVF Name");
bcMVG.ActivateField("SSA Primary Field");
bcMVG.SetSearchSpec("Id", "1-12345");
bcMVG.SetFieldValue("SSA Primary Field", "Y");
finally block is executed after try and catch has completed executing.
[throw exception]
Finally block is always executed no matter if there was error encountered or not.
Question: How to get language of Object Manager?
var lang = TheApplication().InvokeMethod("LANGUAGE");