Individual Professional Growth Plan

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Paul School
1212 12 Avenue North
Lethbridge, AB T1H 6W1

Phone: (403)328-0611

Fax: (403)327-0816

Principal: Mr. Gerry Muldoon

Associate Principal: Mrs. Jackie Kraemer

Individual Professional Growth Plan

Teacher: Callie Lycar
School Year: 2016/17 _____________Home-room: Cyrenna Southern
Subjects: Social Studies, Physical Education, Fine Arts, Health and PLC
Grade: 5/6


First meeting date with administrator:

Goal # 1: To broaden my teacher leadership skills through developing proper classroom management techniques.
Rationale: Proper classroom management establishes a clear foundation of rules and expectations that students
understand to follow in order to create an open, fair, and full minded classroom. Through establishing a classroom
routine students will understand what is expected of them as soon as they enter the classroom saving time on
instruction. The less time I have to manage students and their behavior the more time I will be able to focus on
delivering detailed instruction or work time for the students. As well the more that my students are capable of
following a routine the more that I am able to bring in extensions materials to further learning. Establishing proper
classroom management provides the opportunity to have more hands on learning and activities for the students to
take part in.
Knowledge Skill and Attribute Connections:
#1 Teachers understand how contextual variables affect teaching & learning.
#5 Teachers understand all students can learn, albeit at different rates and in different ways.
#8 Teacher understands the importance of respecting students human dignity.
#9 Teachers understand there are many approaches to teaching and learning.
#16 Teacher understands the importance of guiding your actions with a personal, overall vision of the purpose of



1. Establishing routines and expectations early on in order to ensure proper time management.
- Repeat morning classroom routines so students know what to expect and model routine behavior
2. Establish strong expectations and reiterate expectations so students become familiar with them.
- Write morning prompts on board
- Write lesson expectations on the board
3. Get to know my students and consider their interests, make teaching connections to their interests to
scaffold their learning outside of the classroom.
- Incorporate students hobbies and interests into classroom examples
4. Use low, medium and high teacher status when appropriate.
- During explanations address the whole class with high teacher status so I know my instructions are
clear and heard.
- Use medium status when talking to a group of students.
- Use low when talking directly to a student.

St. Paul School

1212 12 Avenue North
Lethbridge, AB T1H 6W1

Phone: (403)328-0611

Fax: (403)327-0816

Principal: Mr. Gerry Muldoon

Associate Principal: Mrs. Jackie Kraemer

Resources/ Support:
1. Teacher Associates at St. Pauls Cyrenna Southern
2. University Consultant for the University of Lethbridge Dawn Burleigh
3. University of Lethbridge Curriculum Laboratory
4. Curriculum and Instruction Support Text Prof. Dani Balderson (University of Lethbridge)
Key Results:
1. Students will be able to follow and meet classroom behaviors and expectations.
2. Students will be engaged in project based learning activities and performance based assessments
throughout various subjects.
3. Students will show an increased understanding and appreciation of the outcomes being taught.
4. All students learning needs will be met and students will be challenged.



PROFESSIONAL PLAN: Second meeting date with administrator:

St. Paul School

1212 12 Avenue North
Lethbridge, AB T1H 6W1

Phone: (403)328-0611

Fax: (403)327-0816

Principal: Mr. Gerry Muldoon


Associate Principal: Mrs. Jackie Kraemer

First meeting date with administrator:

Goal # 2: To enhance my unit planning abilities; meeting multi-grade and cross curricular outcomes while
developing project based learning skills.
Rationale: Multi-age classrooms allow students to work together and develop understanding through peer
powered knowledge and leadership skills. Younger or below average students are paired with a stronger student
who models appropriate behaviors and structures learning expectations. Whereas higher level students in turn are
able to foster their mentorship and leadership skills within the classroom. Strengthening my unit planning skills
with help me group appropriate students together to complete knowledge building tasks. Students will be engaged
in project based learning activities and performance based assessments throughout various subjects. Project based
learning allows students to strengthen cross curricular knowledge by making those connections through hands-on
understanding. Properly structured multi-aged classrooms allow students to take on more responsibility in regards
to projects and their own education.
Knowledge Skills and Attributes Connections:
#3 Teacher understands the purpose of the guide to Education and programs of study for the subject of disciplines taught.
#4 Teachers understand the subject disciplines they teach.
#5 Teachers understand all students can learn, albeit at different rates and in different ways
#6 Teacher understands the purpose of short, medium, and long range planning.
#9 Teachers understand there are many approaches to teaching and learning


1. Develop dynamic unit plans, focused around inquiry questions that intrigue the students creative and
critical thought processes.
- Create multiple rubrics
- Seek Assistance with rubric making from TA and teaching staff
- Projects will be based around both Grade 5 and 6 outcomes expectations
2. Encourage group or pair discussion and support diversity of grades within activities when possible.
- Think-Pair-Share
- Table Group Activities
- Promote partnership between grade levels by choosing non-table partner groups when appropriate.
3. Foster student directed exploration and understanding
- Galley Walks, Viewing space, partner shares
- Whole class discussion on themes
- Small Groups / Individual time for deeper exportation
- Students will be able to access information on their own and develop a personal interest on topics

St. Paul School

1212 12 Avenue North
Lethbridge, AB T1H 6W1

Phone: (403)328-0611

Fax: (403)327-0816

Principal: Mr. Gerry Muldoon

Associate Principal: Mrs. Jackie Kraemer

Resources/ Support:
1. Teacher Associates at St. Pauls Cyrenna Southern
2. University Consultant for the University of Lethbridge Dawn Burleigh
3. University of Lethbridge Curriculum Laboratory
4. Pearson Text Teacher Resource
Key Results:
1. Students are able to work independently when expected.
2. Students show understanding, growth, and cross curricular connections in their projects that they create.
3. Students will effectively work with their peers, promoting peer powered knowledge and will increase their
stamina to work in groups throughout the year.
4. Outcomes and expectations are clearly recognized by the students thanks to rubrics and instructional
information set out by the teacher.



PROFESSIONAL PLAN: Second meeting date with administrator:


First meeting date with administrator:

St. Paul School

1212 12 Avenue North
Lethbridge, AB T1H 6W1

Phone: (403)328-0611

Fax: (403)327-0816

Principal: Mr. Gerry Muldoon

Associate Principal: Mrs. Jackie Kraemer

Goal # 3: To strengthen my qualifications in equal and fair assessment practices.

Rationale: I feel it is important that all students see themselves succeed within the classroom and as a new teacher
I do not want to limit any of my students learning because of my lack of experience with assessments and grading.
The marks that a student receives may heavily impact their learning abilities and motivation. I would like to work
on developing assessments both formative and summative that gradually build expectations for my students. Being
able to properly scaffold off of prior knowledge so my students feel supported throughout the school year. I am
hoping that through incorporating project based activities students will be given the ability to demonstrate their
knowledge clearly through multi-modal learning strategies and that I am able to assess in fair, open, and full
minded manner.
Knowledge Skills and Attributes Connections:
#4 Teachers understand the subject disciplines they teach.
#5 Teachers understand all students can learn, albeit at different rates and in different ways
#9 Teachers understand there are many approaches to teaching and learning
#11 Teachers understand the purposes of student assessment



1. Use multiple resources when creating a rubric or assessment piece.
- Create fair and equal rubrics
- Make multiple rubrics
- Seek assistance from TA or other advisors
2. Consider skill level of student to ensure all assessments are fair and equal to each student as an individual.
- Establish each outcome and/or expectation as achievable
- Differentiate assessments based on grade level
3. Develop skills to differentiate assignments and to understand when it is necessary to differentiate for
- Create differentiated assignments for ESL or lower level learning students so that all students can
participate in class.
4. Seek mentorship and help when struggling with assessment.
- Ask my Teacher Associate or University Consultant for assistance
- Reach out to other teaching mentors within the school and community
5. Incorporate a variety of assessment strategies, summative and formative, in order to create a fair and equal
assessment of all students.
Provide several opportunities to show understanding and work.
- Use creative, visual and audial projects that include coloring, labeling, acting, and listening in order
to work with all learning styles.
Resources/ Support:
1. Teacher Associates at St. Pauls Cyrenna Southern
2. University Consultant for the University of Lethbridge Dawn Burleigh
3. University of Lethbridge Curriculum Laboratory
4. Staff at St. Paul Elementary
Key Results:

St. Paul School

1212 12 Avenue North
Lethbridge, AB T1H 6W1

Phone: (403)328-0611

Fax: (403)327-0816

Principal: Mr. Gerry Muldoon

Associate Principal: Mrs. Jackie Kraemer

1. Delivering clear and thought out instruction for my students.

2. The ability to assess a situation appropriately to the standards that other colleagues and professionals in
this field would deem appropriate.
3. Successfully develop differentiated assignments that empower all students of the classroom to learn.



PROFESSIONAL PLAN: Second meeting date with administrator:

Teachers Signature:___________________________
Administrators Signature:_____________________

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