The Anunnaki

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The passage discusses the Sumerian beliefs about the Anunnaki, who they believed came from another planet called Nibiru and helped teach them skills and technology. It also talks about how the Sumerians believed the Earth was formed from a collision that created the asteroid belt according to their creation myths.

The Sumerians believed the Anunnaki were beings who came from the sky, had the power of flight, and taught the Sumerians things and gave them resources and information. They saw the Anunnaki as living gods who came from the heavens to live among them.

According to Sumerian creation myths called the 'Seven Tablets of Creation', they believed the Earth was formed when a large planet collided with a primordial planet called Tiamat, cracking it in half and forming the Earth and asteroid belt. This differs from the biblical story of creation.

The Anunnaki - Those Who From Heaven to Earth Came

In the early 1900's British archeologists started doing excavations in the ancient Sumerian
city of UR. Many of the artifacts and tablets spoke of beings called the Anunnaki and
depicted these beings with wings. Why did ancient man depict the Anunnkai with wings?
This seems very similar to angels in the modern bible. The answer is quite simple if we look
at more modern references. In ancient times, man did not understand technology. So
anything flying in the skies of Earth had to be alive. Depicting the Anunnkai with wings
leads me to believe the Sumerians were trying to say that the Anunnaki had the power of
flight. Since ancient man did not understand technology, they gave the Anunnaki wings to
symbolically represent their power of flight.

We find references to this same phenomenon in other ancient cultural records as I have
discussed elsewhere in the bookbeings who were clearly others, who had arrived from the
sky. And we must not forget the astronaut and the other images constructed upon the
Nazca plainimages that could only have come if the designer had an aerial viewpoint.
If you look at modern references to when we landed the first Apollo mission on the moon,
the words used to mark that event were Houston, the Eagle has landed. Even the Apollo
symbol was an eagle. Does this mean 6,000 years from now people will wonder why we
were landing birds on the moon?

As archeologists over the years have gone over the cuneiform tablets left by the Sumerians,
they have found countless references to these Anunnakiwhich in Sumerian means literally
those who from heaven to Earth came. In these writings, they were described as beings
who came from the sky, who had the power of flight, who taught them things, who gave
them resources and information. As you might imagine, most of the tablets describing the
Anunnaki were thrown into a big MYTH pile and basically left untouched to this day. What is
truly stunning is how the Sumerian stories relating to the Anunnaki are similar to so many
other myths we find in the study of other ancient cultures.
Finally, with regard to the Sumerian cuneiform tablets, something remarkable happened.
The assistant curators of the museum found a set of tablets and began to decipher a very
familiar story. On this ancient stone tablet was recorded a story about how a Sumerian man
is chosen by god to build a great ship. He is instructed to take his family and animals and
even plants onto the boat because there is going to be a great floodand he must preserve
their lives on his boat while everything on land is swept away. Sound familiar? This tablet
was thousands of years older than any other biblical source of information. Clearly, they had
found the original source for "Noah's Ark. A little bit later, I will discuss in more detail the
true significance of the story of Noahs Ark.
The curator ran out of the room with his hands in the air shouting, "I can't believe it, I can't
believe it!"
The Epic of Gilgamesh is widely known today. The first modern translation of the epic was
published in the early 1870s by George Smith who found the tablet. More recent
translations into English include one undertaken with the assistance of the American
novelist John Gardner, and John Maier, published in 1984. In 2001, Benjamin Foster
produced a reading in the Norton Critical Edition Series that fills in many of the blanks of the
standard edition with previous material.
Scholars found many tablets that seem to parallel stories found in our modern biblical texts.
But since Sumer is the oldest recorded civilization, did we find the original source of biblical

What really makes the Sumerian versions of these seemingly biblical stories different is the
remarkable fact that they so often speak of these Anunnaki. It is clear that the Anunnaki are
not another people like themselvesno, instead they are living gods to the Sumerians. They
speak about how they came from heaven and live among them. Even though they live
among them, there is still a sense of worship and an understanding that these Anunnaki are
The Sumerians left behind much more evidence of the Anunnaki than just the cuneiform
tablets. They also took the trouble to produce a number of wall carvings depicting their
interaction with these beings. They always drew the Anunnaki with wings on their backs, or
coming down from heaven on a winged disk.
Of course, when British archeologists in the early 1900's were uncovering all this
information, they considered it mythology. But why is it that so many of the images and
stories left behind by other ancient cultures across the globe share so many similar echoes?
All the tablets that talked about the distance of the planets or what the outer planets looked
like in space did not make any sense at the time. We did not discover Pluto until 1930. So
many of these tablets talking about their GODS or events taking places in the Heavens"
were thought of as myths, and put into a big pile and ignored for the most part by

In the British museum alone, there are thousands of Sumerian tablets and only about one
per cent of them have been translated up to this point. The tablets that haven been
translated show that Sumerian knowledge was vast in many areas which modern science
now confirms.
The area modern science has not yet been able to confirm is the stories they recorded about
interaction with their living gods, the Anunnaki. The term Anunnaki simply means those who
from heaven to Earth came. If you were to ask a Sumerian man, "How do you know all that
you know?" he would respond "All we know, we were taught by the Anunnaki."
Remarkably, the depictions of the Anunnaki left by the Sumerians show us that we look
very much like them. According to the Atrahasis tabletsa series of 7 tablets recording the
Sumerians creation storiesthe Anunnaki told the Sumerian priests we made you in our

image and our likeness. Now, this has obvious biblical echoes, clearly. We are all familiar
with the Christian idea that God created all of humanity in his image. But Id like you to
consider an even more literal interpretation of this statementand hold it in your mind as
we move into the next section of the book.
First, lets focus a bit more on the Atrahasis tablets. According to these 7 tablets, the
Anunnaki had come to Earth over 350,000 years ago and had a major influence on how our
Earth as we know it came to be. The Anunnaki explained that they originally came to Earth
seeking gold and other precious elements. On their own rise to a technological civilization,
the Anunnaki had damaged their planets atmosphere to a dangerous degree. They
discovered, however, that using fine particulates of gold, they could shoot this into the
atmosphere to help patch the holes in the planets ozone. We know gold has several key
properties in how we use it today. We line all the astronauts spacesuit visors with gold, as
it is an excellent reflector of heat.
The Anunnaki found large veins of gold deposited in southern Africa. They dispatched a
team of 50 Anunnaki to the surface of Earth and began mining the gold out of the ground.
They soon discovered the mining process was long and arduous. One of the leaders of the
Anunnaki named Enkil suggested they create a worker race to mine the gold. He suggested
using the primitive "ape man" that was evolving here on Earth as the slave race. But Enkil
did not simply want to leave this ape man as he was. He wanted to place the Anunnakis
genetic marker on him. To do this, he would use genetic manipulation to combine 20% of
the primitive genes with 80% of the more advanced Anunnaki genes. Thus, he would create
a new being that would be "in their image and after their likeness."
There were several images that accompanied the texts explaining this creation process. The
texts explain how one of the chief scientists, Ninharsad, tried several different attempts to
create a working model. In his first version, the arm did not function. In the second model,
the kidneys were not working. Until finally she created a perfect model, they called Lu-Lu
Amelu. There were pictograms that accompanied this text showing Ninharsad holding up the
first working model, the one they called 'the adam.'
It is important to note that this word, adam, appeared here in the Sumerian texts long
before the bible. Interestingly, we later find it as the Hebrew word adamuwhich means
worker. Adam and Eve? Not just the product of biblical tales. It is now known that these
workers really existed long before the bible was written. They were created by the
Once the Anunnaki had the working Lu Lu Amelu, they soon decided that they wanted to
have a much larger work force and decided to then upgrade the Lu Lu Amelu to have male
and female. By copying their own genetic code onto the primitive man, they created a new
version of Lu Lu Amelu that was now male and female, just like the Anunnaki.
At this point, the male and female could not actually procreate, because they were genetic
hybrids. Yet, the Anunnaki needed more workers, so they practiced more and more genetic
manipulation to make it possible for us to reproduce. Once this happened, we became quite
numerousbecame fruitful, if you will, and multiplied. Eventually, the species began moving
out of the city centers and spreading out across the entire planet. At this point, think of all
the megalithic structures across the planet and how we have discussed so many significant
echoes from one to the other.

Ultimately, the Anunnaki began to procreate with their hybrid race (us) and children were
born. This was considered taboo by their High Council and it created a big problem. How did
the Anunnaki resolve this problem?
They created a flood. Because they could predict the flood by knowing when Nibiruthe
tenth planet or Planet x which we will dicuss in more detail laterwas scheduled to come
back through the inner solar system again. This home planet of the Anunnaki came through
the inner solar system on a periodic 3600 return12,500 years ago, creating the flood that
would wipe out the humans and genetic hybrids. Because Enki had created us, though, he
was sympathetic and managed to save many human lives. Enki was the god, essentially,
who told Noah to build an Ark. Or so we might say.
For years, we worked as their slaves. Evidence of what they taught us about construction,
technology, science and mathematics is clearly found all over the Earthfrom Mesopotamia
to India to South America. There is nowhere on this plante the Anunnaki have not
Then, about 6,000 years ago, they decided to bring us to our independence. That explains
the surprising, sudden appearance of the highly advanced civilization of Sumer. They began
to let us go as slaves, and the Sumerians began to name human kings, forerunners of the
population that would answer to the Anunnaki as gods. Many believe that some humans
were deliberately genetically enhanced by their genes to create a ruling bloodline.
The humans chosen by their ancient alien gods were then taught technology, mathematics,
advanced construction techniques, arts, crafts and all the other trappings of a great
The Sumerian creation tales not only tell about the creation of man, but also the creation of
Earth. In the bible we have a consolidated version that says God created the heavens and
Earth in 7 days. Well the Sumerian "7 tablets of creation" tell a much more detailed story
about the creation of Earth.
The creation tablets state that our solar system was just starting to form and the planets
had not become solid yet. An intruder planet appeared and fell under gravitational influence
by the outer planets. It passed by Pluto, Uranus and Neptune. The intruder planet began to
travel towards the inner part of our solar system. Our primitive planet Earth was labeled by
the Sumerians as Tiamat. They explain that as the intruder planet passed through the inner
part of the solar system, one of the large moons of this intruder planet collided into our
primitive Earth (Tiamat). The collision cracked Tiamat in half, spewing out debris into the
pattern we now see today as the asteroid belt. The bible calls this the hammered-out
After the collision, Tiamat was thrust into a new orbit and the waters of Nibiru intermingled
with the waters of Earth and life began to arise already whole and complete. A term for this
is panspermia.
The Sumerian creation tales explain some very key aspects to our modern understanding of
cosmology, and possibly how life on Earth began. For life to have naturally evolved here are
Earth would have taken billions of years longer than the recorded history of Earth. The
biological process of a living creature to take in nutrients and expel waste is extremely
complex genetics. The idea that somehow life evolved on Earth from primordial soup and a
bolt of lighting is just not accepted anymore. That is equivalent to a tornado ripping through

a junkyard and somehow magically assembling a 747, the odds are too great for that to be
the answer.
Panspermia is the hypothesis that "seeds" of life exist already all over the Universe, that life
on Earth may have originated through these "seeds," and that they may deliver or have
delivered life to other habitable bodies.
The related but distinct idea of exogenesis is a more limited hypothesis that proposes life on
Earth was transferred from elsewhere in the Universe but makes no prediction about how
widespread it is. Because the term "exogenesis" is more well-known, it tends to be used in
reference to what should strictly speaking be called panspermia.
The Sumerian creation tales explain how the waters of Nibriu mingled with our Earth. Could
this be the answer to how life arrived on Earth whole and complete? Nibiru being a much
older planet, probably has had billions of years longer time for life to evolve. Or life to have
arrived on Nibiru and then evolved much longer than life here on Earth.
The creation tale goes on to explain that the planet Nibiru becomes a permanent member of
our solar system on a highly elliptical orbit. The Sumerians recorded this orbit to be 3,600
years to complete and they called this a shar. A solar year for Earth is 356 days to orbit the
sun. Nibiru's orbit around the sun takes 3,600 years to complete one orbit.
If the Anunnaki come from Nibiru as the Sumerian have stated in their creation tales they
would have a much longer life span compared to here on Earth. As an example, lets say
someone from Earth travels to Nibiru and stays on that planet for one year. When they
return to Earth, 3,600 years will have passed on Earth. But the person returning to Earth,
has only aged 1 year. This point speaks to many of the biblical references with regards to
ascending to heaven to enjoy a longer lifespan. Imagine if Jesus Christ was an Anunnaki
and came here to Earth and established his following. Then he leaves Earth and returns to
Nibiru for 1 year. When he returns back to Earth, he has only aged 1 year, but it has been
3,600 years on Earth.
If Nibiru does exist, our modern science might be able to see it. There are actual Sumerian
tablets that show a man looking up while plowing a field. He is looking up to the sky with his
hands shielding his eyes. In the sky you see circle emanating rays of light (the sun) and a
cross emanating rays of light (Nibiru). The Sumerians were aware of a time when they could
actually see Nibiru as it came close to the inner part of our solar system.

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