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By Aeryn Rudel Art by Mariusz gandzel, brian snoddy, and Matthew d. wilson

The Monsternomicons were the essential sources of

antagonists for players in the previous iteration
of the Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy Roleplaying
Game, and now, the Monsternomicon returns in
the pages of No Quarter. Each installment of the
Monsternomicon & Beyond will detail a group
of monsters for use in the Iron Kingdoms RPG,
providing all the information Game Masters need
to use these dangerous beasts, savage humanoids,
and chilling undead in their games.
In this installment we present the chitinous horror
of the cataphract beetle, the howling doom of the
duskwolves, and the scaly savagery of the gatormen.
As always, the monsters in this article are completely
revised and updated for the new Iron Kingdoms Full
Metal Fantasy Roleplaying Game.


Cataphract Beetle
The ground beneath you suddenly gives way, creating a steep-walled pit that pulls you toward its center. You try to climb to more stable
ground, but your feet are quickly sucked beneath the surface. Worse, the glistening onyx-black body of a giant beetle bursts from the center
of the pit and skitters toward you unimpeded by the shifting sand.

Cataphract Beetle Drone












Burrow The cataphract beetle can use a quick action to burrow beneath
loose earth or sand, leaving only its head exposed. Until it moves, is placed,
or is engaged, the cataphract beetles gains concealment and does not block
line of sight.
Pit Beast A cataphract beetle drone gains a +1 bonus to attack and
damage rolls against a character within a cataphract beetle sand trap.

Cataphract Beetle Soldier

















Burrow See cataphract beetle drone.
Pit Beast See cataphract beetle drone.



Cataphract beetles are large carnivorous insects that dwell in

dry, sandy environments, although they have been known to
range into temperate areas, especially where the soil is loose
enough to accommodate their burrows and pit traps. In areas
where they are common, cataphract beetles are considered a
dangerous threat.
The two most common castes of cataphract beetles,
drones and soldiers, are similar in appearancesquat,
six-legged insects about three feet long and standing
two to three feet from the ground. Both are armored
with a thick, spiky carapace stout enough to repel small
arms fire. Soldiers are slightly larger and have more
pronounced mandibles than drones, but this is the only
obvious difference between the two.
Communal insects, cataphract beetles dig extensive
underground burrows that can hold as many as fifty
individuals. The majority of cataphract beetles in a burrow
are drones tasked with gathering food and caring for their
large, immobile queen. The rest are soldiers, which protect
the burrow from intruders and dig the deadly pit traps for
which the cataphract beetles are infamous.
Cataphract beetles are predatory, and foraging drones will
attack any creature they encounter, dismember it, and drag
it piecemeal back to their burrow. Closer to their burrows,
cataphract beetles employ a very different method of
capturing prey. The soldiers burrow ever-widening circles in
loose earth or sand, creating an unstable pit that collapses
inward when anything but a cataphract beetles enters the
area. The shifting earth in these pits make them exceedingly
difficult to climb, sucking prey toward the center where the
cataphract beetle soldier awaits.

Cataphract beetles use their powerful mandibles to tear their
victims to pieces. Soldier cataphract beetles can also spray
a caustic stream of digestive fluid out to a range of 36 feet.
The beetles are typically encountered around their burrows,
where two to three soldiers hide in pit traps with only their
heads exposed, and up to half a dozen drones mill about.
When prey approaches or stumbles into a pit, both soldiers
and drones swarm to attack it.

A character can learn information about cataphract
beetles with a successful Lore (extraordinary zoology)
skill roll against the following target numbers.
8: Cataphract beetles are large predatory burrowing
insects that inhabit dry, sandy areas.
10: Cataphract beetles are armored in a thick spiky
carapace and have pronounced mandibles sharp enough
to rend steel.
12: Cataphract beetles dig treacherous pit traps to capture
prey. These steep-walled pits are difficult to climb and
leave victims at the beetles mercy.
15: There are three castes of cataphract beetles: drone,
soldier, and queen. Both drones and soldiers are armed
with powerful mandibles, but the soldier cataphract
beetles can also spray a stream of caustic digestive fluid
at foes. The queen is a defenseless, immobile egg-layer
found at the heart of a cataphract beetle burrow.

Idrian nomads report a hitherto unknown species of
giant, burrowing beetle lurking below the sands that
have been attacking their horses. Cygnaran scouts along
the border believe the vermin may be some type of new
skorne beast and are offering a handsome reward to any
mercenaries who can bring in a beetle carcass for study.

Cataphract Beetle
Sand Trap
3, 4, or 5-diameter pit



Cataphract beetle sand traps are hazards that can be

added to any encounter featuring cataphract beetles.
Each 18-foot-diameter (3) or 24-foot-diameter (4)
trap is worth 2 encounter points, while each 30-footdiameter (5) pit is worth 3 encounter points.
Cataphract beetles construct sand traps near their
burrows to disable prey. A sand trap is a pit of loose
earth or sand that is treated as rough terrain. However, a
character entering or ending his movement within a sand
trap must make an Agility roll against a target number of
10 or be knocked down and slide to the center of the pit.
On a success, the character is not knocked down and can
continue to move normally through the sand trap.
A knocked down character can stand up normally by
sacrificing his move or attack but must make another
Agility roll against a target number of 10 to move out of
the pit. On a failure, the character is knocked down again.
Cataphract beetles are not affected by these sand traps.


A soul-chilling howl splits the night and the woods come alive with the sound of many large creatures moving rapidly toward you. Ahead,
a large shadow beneath the trees suddenly becomes strangely solid and takes on the terrifying outline of an enormous wolf.

Duskwolf Female










6 6




Cull the Weak Duskwolves gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls
against damaged characters.
Flawless Tracker A duskwolf has Tracking 6 (skill level + ability modifier).
In addition, it gains an additional die on Tracking skill rolls when pursuing a
living target.
Shadow Camouflage As a quick action, a duskwolf female can change the
color of her pelt to match surrounding shadows. As a result, she gains Stealth
for one round. Ranged and magic attacks declared against a creature with
stealth automatically miss when the point of origin for the attack is more than
thirty feet (5) away. Shadow Camouflage does not work in areas of bright light.



Enormous wolves with intelligence and ferocity far

outstripping mere beasts, duskwolves are dangerous
predators that dwell within dark, primeval forests.
Duskwolves are infamous for their chilling howls that can
freeze a mans blood in his veins and the ability to become
all but invisible when hunting. They have been known to
stalk and kill humans found alone in the wilderness, and
creatures as large and powerful as trolls have fallen to
packs of hungry duskwolves.
A male duskwolf stands six to seven feet at the shoulder,
is ten feet long from nose to tail, and weighs as much
as six hundred pounds. Its coat is a dusky gray, and the
mane that runs the length of its spine is midnight black.









Pull Down When a male duskwolf scores a critical hit with this weapon
against a character with a large or smaller base, the character struck is
knocked down.

Cull the Weak See duskwolf female.
Flawless Tracker See duskwolf female.
Unnerving Howl Once per encounter, as a quick action, a male duskwolf
can unleash a terrifying howl that affects all living creatures with Terror [16]
except other duskwolves within 60 feet (10). See the rules for Terror in the
Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy Roleplaying Game Core Rules (pg. 224).



A character can learn information about duskwolves with

a successful Lore (extraordinary zoology) skill roll against
the following target numbers.






When hunting, the male duskwolf distracts and

demoralizes an opponent by unleashing a terrifying
howl. It then charges in, seizes the target in its jaws,
and attempts to drag the victim to the ground. This
distraction allows the female duskwolves to creep
through the shadows and strike en masse from behind.
Duskwolves are efficient predators and are especially
adept at dispatching injured prey.





Duskwolves are frequently tamed by Tharn tribes,

serving as swift, deadly mounts for lithe wolf riders.
Additionally, powerful druids and shamans may use
packs of duskwolves to hunt down those who intrude on
their sacred sites and rituals.



Male duskwolves are somewhat rare. As such, a typical

pack of duskwolves is composed of a single male and six
to eight females. Particularly large and trackless forests
may support larger packs, but there is fierce competition
between males for mates and territory, and it is uncommon
to find more than one male per pack.

Duskwolf Male

Female duskwolves are slightly smaller than the males,

lack manes, and their fur is much darker, although they
can change the color of their pelts at will to blend into the
shadows. Both males and females are powerfully built,
incredibly nimble, and their jaws are strong enough to
sunder armor and the flesh and bone beneath.

8: Duskwolves are enormous wolves that inhabit ancient

forests. They sometimes hunt and devour humans.
10: Duskwolf males are larger and stronger than females,
but the females are stealthier and can disappear into the
12: Duskwolf males can unleash a piercing howl that
frightens and demoralizes all who hear it.
15: Duskwolves are often tamed by the savage Tharn who
use them as mounts and hunting beasts.

Woodcutters from Corvis have gone missing near the
southern tip of the Glimmerwood, and large wolf tracks
have been found in the area. Many in Corvis believe
duskwolves are responsible for the missing woodsmen,
and their employer, a prosperous logging company, is
looking for mercenaries to hunt down and slay the beasts.


Towering scaled humanoids wade through the swamp toward you. They grip savage axe-like weapons in taloned fingers and regard you
with cool reptilian gazes that might denote curiosityor hunger.

Gatorman Warrior














The poleaxe is a Reach weapon.

Powerful Charge Gatorman warriors gain +2 to charge attack rolls with this weapon.




Amphibious Gatormen treat water as open terrain and gain concealment
while within water.
Snapping Jaws When an enemy misses a gatorman warrior with a melee
attack, the gatorman warrior can make an immediate bite attack against the
enemy. Snapping jaws can be used once per round.

Masters of the marsh, the brutal gatormen can be found in
nearly every bog and swamp in western Immoren. Although
not as numerous as the swamp gobbers and bog trogs with
whom they share their habitat, the gatormen outstrip both in
terms of raw physical strength and martial skill. In addition,
the gatormen have a powerful magical tradition, and their
shamans can command the great beasts of the swamp to
do their bidding. These factors have largely allowed the
gatormen to subjugate other swamp-dwelling races and
simply annihilate those who will not bend to their will.
Standing nearly eight feet tall and weighing up to four
hundred pounds, an adult gatormen is massive by human
standards. Gatormen have fully prehensile hands and can
wield weapons and tools as well as any human. Their heads
are decidedly gator-like, and their long powerful jaws filled
with ivory fangs make it difficult for them to speak the
tongues of other humanoids. Gatormen are covered from
head to toe in thick, horny scales that range in color from drab
olive green to dark gray.
Gatorman society is tribal in nature, and tribes are usually
fairly small, rarely exceeding fifty individuals. A chieftain
and a bokor lead each tribe. The chieftain is usually the most
adept hunter and fiercest warrior in the tribe, while the bokor
is a powerful shaman who channels the will and magic of the


great swamp spirits. In some tribes the bokor and chieftain

may be the same gatorman.
Gatormen are not always hostile when encountered, and
some tribes are quite eager to trade with other races for
goods they cannot produce on their own. Additionally,
the strength and martial prowess of the gatormen is well
regarded by other savage races, and some tribes work as
mercenaries for trollkin, skorne, and even the enigmatic
blackclad druids. However, more xenophobic tribes often
view outsiders as a threat and will savagely attack anyone
intruding upon their territory.

For their size, gatormen are fairly stealthy and will often hide
beneath the surface of the swamp to catch prey unaware. A
typical gatorman hunting party includes up to half a dozen
gatormen armed with poleaxes, which they wield with brutal
efficiency. Large hunting parties may include a gatorman
chieftain and a bokor. The chieftain is a mighty combatant
that can easily overwhelm numerous armed men, and the
bokor can decimate foes or aid his allies with powerful magic.

A character can learn information about gatormen with a
successful Lore (extraordinary zoology) skill roll against the
following target numbers.
8: Gatormen are large scaled humanoids that dwell within
marshes and swamps. They have been known to savagely
attack those intruding on their domains.
10: Gatormen compete for resources with other swampdwelling races. However, their size, physical strength, and
access to powerful magic generally ensures they emerge on
top in conflicts with bog trogs, swamp gobbers, and the like.
12: Gatormen speak a curious language, called Quor-gar, that
combines vocal utterances and body language. They have a
difficult time speaking human languages, but many learn to
understand it after a fashion.
15: Some tribes of gatormen are amenable to trade with
civilized races and are less hostile to outsiders.

Vykos Divir, an entrepreneurial merchant in Mercir, has
made contact with a tribe of gatormen in the Fenn Marsh.
These particular gatormen have access to beds of freshwater
mussels that produce a startling amount of pearls. The

gatormen have no use for the pearls but are willing to trade
them for goods they can use. Vykos approaches the PCs and
offers to pay them a substantial sum if they will escort him
into the swamp and act as bodyguards should negotiations
with the gatormen go badly.

Gatorman Bokor











Bone Knife


Gatorman Chieftain





Baleful Boon When a gatorman bokor damages a living enemy model with this
weapon, it removes 1 fatigue point from its current total.









The poleaxe is a Reach weapon.

Will Weaver




Amphibious See gatorman warrior.



Amphibious See gatorman warrior.
Cold-Blooded Once per activation, a gatorman chieftain can re-roll one
missed attack roll against a living creature.
Feat Points The gatorman chieftain starts each encounter with 1 feat point.
It is allocated 1 feat point at the start of each of its turns. The chieftain can
only have 1 feat point at a time.
Feat: Counter Charge When an enemy advances and ends its movement
within thirty-six feet (6) of the gatorman chieftain and in its line of sight,
it can immediately spend 1 feat point to charge the enemy. The gatorman
chieftain cannot make a counter charge while engaged.
Martial Savagery A gatorman chieftain can make one attack with each of its
melee weapons during each of its turns without penalty.




Powerful Charge The gatorman chieftain gains +2 to charge attack rolls with this weapon.


The bone knife is a Magical weapon.


Banishing Ward

Yes No

Enemy upkeep spells on target friendly character expire. The affected character
cannot be targeted by enemy spells or animi.

Caustic Bog


No No

Place a 3 AOE anywhere completely in the bokors control area where it does not
touch another character. The AOE is shallow water that remains in play for one round.
A non-gatorman character entering or ending its movement within in the AOE suffers
the corrosion continuous affect.

Swamp Mist

No No

Friendly characters within the bokors control area currently benefiting from
concealment gain Stealth. Swamp Mist last for one round.








Quick Shot Scenarios


Quick shot scenarios are short adventure

scenarios for use with the Iron Kingdoms Full
Metal Fantasy Roleplaying Game. Each quick
shot is designed to be easily integrated into a
Game Masters existing campaign, with flexible
locales, simple and compelling hooks, and openended conclusions that can inspire or provide
the foundation for further adventures in western
Immoren and the Iron Kingdoms.
Spirit in Steel is a quick shot scenario for
Hero-level characters with between 0 and
10XP each. It takes place in the Cygnaran
countryside between Mercir and Highgate,
although the location can easily change to suit
the Game Masters campaign.

By Aeryn Rudel Art by Sang Han Maps by Laine GarretT

By Aeryn Rudel


Quick shot scenarios

Scenario Synopsis
In Spirit in Steel, the PCs investigate a savage attack on a coastal fishing
village between Highgate and Mercir. Information discovered at the
village sets the heroes on the trail of the attackers, and they soon uncover
a nefarious plot to use innocent souls in hellish necromantic experiments
at an abandoned farmstead. However, all is not as it seems, and the true
villain in this scenario watches the heroes actions from the shadows while
they battle his pawns.

For the game master

Bowden Haightly is a young and gifted Cygnaran arcanist with a sordid
past. A year ago, shortly after he joined the Fraternal Order of Wizardry,
Bowden spent some time secretly pursuing an unrealistic dream.
Although he was a skilled arcanist, he longed to harness the power
commanded by Cygnars warcasters. Bowden began researching ways
that he might empower himself with this ability. Failure after failure in
the more accessible arcane arts eventually turned him down a dark path.
Bowdens initial research was predicated on the misguided theory that a
warcaster transfers a part of his soul into a warjack in order to command
it. This belief forced him to explore the dark lore of necromancy. The
arcanist finally reached a point where theory and simple experimentation
would no longer suffice; he needed souls in order to continue. Staring
over the precipice of true madness and evil, Bowden could not bring
himself to take the plunge. Feeling his own soul in mortal danger, he
abandoned his work and vowed never to return to it. He focused instead
on his work at the Fraternal Order Lodge in Mercir assisting more senior
arcanists with their research.
Unfortunately, Bowdens activities had not gone unnoticed. Shortly
after giving up on his research, he was contacted by men in the employ
of a powerful man named Vladislav Abrosim, an exiled member of the
Greylords Covenant. The men brought an ultimatum: Bowden would
continue his work on granting warcaster talents to those without them, or
his illicit research would be exposed to the Fraternal Order and the Order
of Illumination. Knowing the Order of Illuminationa Morrowan order
tasked with rooting out black magicwould likely sentence him to death
for practicing necromancy, Bowden reluctantly agreed.
Vladislav set the arcanist up in a laboratory on an abandoned farmstead in
the countryside between Mercir and Highgate, complete with guards and
a Talon warjack. Bowden abruptly left the lodge and the city, hoping to
return after finishing his work for Vladislav. The note he left his superiors
said only that he must attend to a personal emergency.
The arcanist quickly found himself at a dead end in his research. He did
not possess the knowledge of necromancy necessary to proceedbut he
knew where he might find it. Ulther Vara, the most senior member at the
Fraternal Order Lodge in Mercir, had received special dispensation to
translate a fragment of the dreaded Librum Mekanecrus into Cygnaran.
Bowden had been a favored apprentice to Ulther, who had foolishly
confided in him.
Bowden knew the fragmentary copy of the book was safely locked within
the Lodges vault but that Ulther kept his own work in his chambers.
He returned to Mercir and, using a combination of obfuscating magic
and simple stealth, entered Ulthers chambers in the dead of night
and absconded with the arcanists notes and translation of the Librum.
Ulther reported the theft to the Order of Illumination immediately, and
soon Bowden became a suspect. The mans desperation had made him

incautious: he had been seen on the premises despite his supposed leave,
and numerous people had witnessed him entering and leaving Mercir on
the night the book was stolen. The Order of Illumination set a group of
witch hunters, called illuminated ones, on his trail.
Once Bowden had examined the purloined text, he realized to his dismay
that there was no way to continue the experiments without the blood and
souls of the innocent. With little choice, Bowden tasked Vladislavs men
with gathering what he needed, and they soon brought him the required
materialsbound, gagged, and terrified.

Librum Mekanecrus

The Librum Mekanecrus is an ancient and much-reviled tome

that purportedly details the melding of mechanika with ancient
Orgoth rites. Its pages are said to contain designs for all manner
of terrible necromechanikal constructs; according to legend, the
helljacks of Cryx are based on such schematics. Organizations
such as the Fraternal Order of Wizardry and the Order of
Illumination work to keep the few known copies of the Librum
from falling into the hands of those who would use them for
nefarious purposes.

Vladislav Abrosim

Vladislav Abrosim was once a high-ranking member of

the Greylords Covenant, serving Khador and his order for
nearly twenty years. Behind a facade of extreme patriotism
and advocacy for progressive arcane research, however,
Vladislav hid a terrible secret: in private, he pursued the vilest
necromancy and studied forbidden tomes and scrolls.
In public, Vladislav espoused a policy of repealing safeguards
put in place to protect the nation from magic and lore
deemed too dangerous and corrupting for use. He argued that
men strong of will and pure of heart could control such magic
despite its intrinsic evil and could use it for the betterment
of the nation.
Vladislavs words swayed many, but they also aroused suspicion
from the Greylords Covenant, who launched a clandestine
investigation into his activities. What was uncovered was nothing
short of horrific. Vladislav had established secret laboratories
across Khador designed to glean power and information from
Orgoth tomes, captured Cryxian technology, and other items
of black magic. Far worse were the subterranean cells Vladislav
maintained to hold future research subjects. These lightless
prisons were packed with captured enemy soldiers, Vladislavs
political enemies, and even simple beggars plucked from the
streets. Shockingly, the former Greylord was claiming the blood
and souls of as many as three victims per day.

Quick shot scenarios


Vladislav Abrosim
Vladislav was arrested and sentenced to death by beheading. On
the morning of his execution, he calmly knelt before the block.
The headsman swung the axe, but the blade would not bite into
Vladislavs flesh. As the assembled crowd watched in terror, Vladislav
rose, ripped the axe from the headsmans fingers, and cut him down.
At that moment, men loyal to Vladislav stormed the prison to free
their master. They faced fierce resistance, and Vladislav was shot
numerous times in the escape attempt before disappearing into the
wilds. No trace of his corpse was ever found.
In truth, Vladislav had warded his flesh with an obscure Orgoth
ritual before the execution. He had many such contingencies in
place should his illicit deeds be discovered. With Khador grown too
dangerous for him, the powerful fugitive escaped south to Cygnar,
where he could continue his research in anonymity.
Vladislav immediately began building hidden laboratories in Ceryl,
Caspia, and Highgate. In addition, he established a vast network of
spies and hired thugs to serve him. These pawns were overseen by
loyal lieutenants, men hed brought from Khador who shared his lust
for black sorcerous power.
Today, Vladislav casts a wide net in search of particular items and
tomes of necromantic lore. His narrow escape from Khador has made
him fear the frailties of his own flesh, and he seeks magic that can
prolong life beyond the grave. To this end he scours Orgoth ruins;
abducts, interrogates, and then murders Thamarite priests; and keeps
a watchful eye on those dabbling in necromancy and infernalism.

Getting the Players Involved

The adventure begins in a tiny fishing village five miles south of
Southshield, a watchtower on the western coast of Cygnar manned by a
small garrison. The men sent by Vladislav to guard Bowden Haightly and
oversee his research attacked the thorp two days ago, killing nearly all
of the dozen men and women who lived there. They took two hostages,
needing live victims to power Bowdens foul experiments.
The simplest way to get the PCs involved is to let them stumble upon
the massacre. Travelling between Mercir and Highgate, the PCs see
smoke and circling carrion birds in the distance, denoting a battle of
some kind. When the heroes investigate they find the grim leavings of
Vladislavs merciless lackeys. See Scene 1: The Massacre.

Mercs for Hire

If you and your players want a more traditional (and mercenary)

beginning to the adventure, the PCs can be following up on
bandit activity in the area, having accepted a mercenary contract
in Highgate or Mercir. Their point of contact in the area will be
Captain Evlin Finnean at the Southshield garrison. Perched on a
seemingly inaccessible spire on an ocean-side cliff, Southshield is
a squat and well-built stone watchtower providing a good vantage
on the southwestern Cygnaran coastline. In addition to the tower,
its garrison extends to a number of claustrophobic chambers below
its base which can supports several dozen soldiers. The geography
makes it quite defensible by a small number, as the only approach
is landing at a narrow dock leading to a narrow winding tunnel up
into the lower garrison.
Once the heroes report the terrible events at the village, Captain
Finnean expands their contracts to find the men responsible. The
fee is a flat 500gc, and the PCs are granted salvage rights to any
and all equipment and possessions carried by the marauders.
Because of the nature of the attack and the remote location, the
PCs are empowered to use any means necessary to bring those
responsible for the murders to heel. Although the Cygnaran military
would like to avoid unnecessary bloodshed and try the attackers for
their crimes, it is made clear that simply killing the marauders is an
acceptable way to complete their contract.

Scene 1:
The Massacre
The adventure begins when the PCs reach the massacred fishing village.
Whether they are investigating banditry in the area or simply happened
upon the slaughter in their travels, the scene unfolds the same way.
When the PCs arrive at the fishing village, read or paraphrase the
Ahead, a small collection of smoldering buildings, burnt down to stone
foundations, projects from the gray beach like black, rotting teeth. A lone figure
moves between the ruins, dragging something along the ground.
When the PCs move closer they will discover the sole survivor of the
village, a young woman named Aideen Connolly, digging graves in the
sand for the charred remains of the villagers. She is covered in soot, her
clothing torn and bloody, and she is in a very obvious state of shock.
When Aideen sees the PCs, read or paraphrase the following:
The young woman squats before a row of blackened corpses, the smoke from
their charred flesh still rising in wisps around her head. As you approach, she
looks up, her face scoured by pain and horror. She stares at you for a moment
and then says,I need to get them in the ground. The dogs have been at Mama
and the Anderson boy. I need to get them in the ground so theyll be quiet. She
then plunges her hands back into the sand and begins digging again.


Quick shot scenarios

It should be obvious to the heroes they need to get Aideen away from
this grisly scene; the physical and emotional toll on her is unfathomable.
They can try to remove her by force, but she fights and screams horribly
if they do. The PCs can also try and question Aideen, but she answers
each question the same way: I need to get them in the ground. Get them in
the ground so theyll be quiet. However, if the heroes can calm her she can
describe a little of what she remembers. The PCs can accomplish this and
lead her away from the scene with a successful Interrogation, Medicine,
or Negotiation skill roll, depending on their technique, against a target
number of 12. Aideen relates the following bits of what she remembers of
what she remembers.
I was in the root cellar, but I heard the men kick in the door.
They killed Papa when he tried to fight them. And then Mama,

they, they...

I heard Kyle and Kara crying. Theyre only thirteen! I heard them

crying even after the killing stopped, but I couldnt find them.

The PCs can learn much more about the men who attacked the fishing
village by examining the bodies and the ruins.

The Bodies

who knew their business. This is not the work of simple

bandits or marauders. There was an objective. The fire was
likely a cover.
PER + Tracking 12/ INT + Forensic Science 14: The tracks left

by the attackers indicate a group of five or six armored men.

Three of the tracks are deeper than the rest, meaning these
men may have been carrying something heavy.

After the PCs have gathered all the information they can, their course is
obvious: follow the tracks heading east. The trail is fairly easy to follow. A
successful PER + Tracking roll against a target number of 12 is all that is
required to get the PCs to the next scene. If they fail this roll, the characters
can make another attempt after wasting thirty minutes and making their
way back to the start of the trail.
The PCs obviously cannot take Aideen with them, and they have a
few options. The easiest solution is to take the girl to Southshield, the
Cygnaran outpost five miles north of the village. If the PCs do not think
of it, Aideen can mention it. The commander of Southshield, Captain
Evlin Finnean, will gladly take her in. Captain Finnean doesnt have the
resources available to track the murderers herself and gives the PCs a writ
giving them the authorization to track them.

When the PCs examine the bodies, read or paraphrase the

Nearly a dozen corpses of men, women, and children lay in a row in the town
center. Each is burnt beyond recognition, their bodies withered and blackened,
charred hands curled into claws, faces pulled taut in rictus screams.
Closer examination of the bodies can tell the PCs a bit more about how
they died and possibly something about their attackers. A character can
use Forensic Science or Medicine to determine the cause of death for
each villager. Since Forensic Science is better suited to the task, the target
numbers for this skill are lower.
Forensic Science No roll/INT + Medicine 12: Although the

villagers are severely burned, the fire didnt kill them. They all
bear wounds indicating a violent death. Most of the villagers
were killed with heavy chopping weapons (axes and heavy
swords). There are only two gunshot wounds, both back
shots, as if the victims were running from their attackers.

INT + Forensic Science 12/INT + Medicine 14: The bodies

are not hacked or mangled, and most were dispatched with

a single precise blow to the head or torso. This denotes both
skill with weapons and a calm and professional demeanor.

The Village
PCs can investigate the village and the area around it to gather information
about the attack and the attackers. Each piece of information can be
determined with the application of an assortment of skills. The skills and
their target numbers are described below.
INT + Forensic Science 12/PER + Detection 12: It appears

most of the villagers were killed in their homes and the fire
was set afterward. Valuables were left behind; you found
gold and silver melted into slag in more than one house.

The Eyes of
Vladislav Abrosim

Vladislav Abrosim has much invested in Bowden Haightly

and his research and is keen to stay informed about
everything transpiring in and around the area of Bowdens
laboratory. Vladislav has animated a flock of undead crows
that are sympathetically linked to him, and he can see
through their eyes.
The crows are present in every scene in this adventure, and
the PCs should be given a chance to spot them and possibly
learn the party is being watched. At the end of each scene,
have each player make a PER + Detection roll. Dont tell
the players why, and dont tell them the target number. If a
player rolls a 16 or higher, tell him that his character spots a
strange black bird on a corpse, in a tree, or somewhere else
nearby. Have that player immediately make a second
PER + Detection roll at a target number of 14. If he
succeeds at the second roll, tell him the bird, a crow,
appears sick or diseased, with patches of feathers missing
and other signs of decay or decrepitude. Whether or not the
PC succeeds at the second Detection roll, the crow flies off
before it can be studied in any more detail.
The PCs should spot the crows enough times to get the
feeling they are being watched. If the PCs spot the birds three
or more times, you might allow a PC with the Lore (undead)
skill to make an INT + Lore roll against a target number of
14. On a success, this player rightly divines that the birds are
necromantic creatures.

INT + Forensic Science 12/INT + Command 14: The attack

was carried out with precision and speed by a group of men

Quick shot scenarios


Scene 2: Dying
of the Light
From the fishing village, the PCs can follow the attackers tracks east
toward the abandoned farmstead. Before arriving there, the PCs
encounter Olver Marsden, an investigator for the Order of Illumination
(called an illuminated one) and part of the group sent to track down
Bowden Haightly.
The illuminated ones hadnt expected Bowden to be so well defended and
were handily defeated by his guards. Two of the three were slain, and
Olver was mortally wounded, although he did manage to escape. He fled
west in hopes of reaching Southshield, but his wounds were too great and
he collapsed in a clearing some two miles from the farmstead.

If the PCs let Olver know they are investigating the attack on

the fishing village, he tells them he has no doubt Bowden and

his thugs are responsible. If the heroes wish to avenge the
deaths of the villagers, they must bring down Bowden.

Olver flatly tells the PCs that as followers of Menoth or

Morrow, it is their duty to protect the realm from the evil

Bowden represents. If one of the PCs is an obvious follower
of either godor better yet, a priestOlver directs his
declaration at that character.

If the PCs are not exactly the hero types and know a bit about

the Librum Mekanecrus, they will know how valuable it is and

that certain buyers would pay a kings ransom to own it.

Despite any efforts by the PCs, Olver dies shortly after making these
statements. Based on his information, the PCs can easily find Bowdens
laboratory, or they can simply follow Olvers trail back to the farmstead
with a successful PER + Tracking roll against a target number of 12.

When the PCs enter the clearing, read or paraphrase the following:
Ahead, the rugged forest gives way to a small clearing. A man in a heavy
armored coat sits propped against a moss-covered log, one hand clamped to his
side and the other gripping a large pistol. He looks toward you as you enter the
clearing, his eyes wide and fearful. He shakily tries to lift his weapon but passes
out before he can take aim.
If the PCs examine Olver, they discover he is alive but unconscious
and gravely wounded. A cursory examination reveals a gunshot in his
right shoulder and one in his stomach above the navel. A successful
INT + Medicine roll against a target number of 12 reveals that the
shoulder wound is superficial but the gut shot is mortal and well beyond
the partys abilities to treat. The PCs can patch Olver up to some degree,
however, and a successful INT + Medicine roll against a target number of
13 brings him around long enough to question him. If no one in the party
has the Medicine skill, the PCs can attempt the roll untrained. If the PCs
fail the Medicine roll, Olver wakens on his own in 20 minutes.
The Order of Illumination does not share sensitive information with
strangers, and even in his desperation Olver is willing to tell them only
the most essential information.
The Order of Illumination is seeking Bowden Haightly, a

member of the Fraternal Order of Wizardry, for interrogation.

He is suspected of being a practitioner of necromancy.

Bowden is a suspect in the theft of an illicit necromantic

tome. Olver refuses to name the tome at first, but a successful

Negotiation check against a target number of 12 convinces
him to reveal it is a translation of the Librum Mekanecrus. A
Lore (mechanika or undead) roll against a target number of
14 will give the PCs the information on the Librum presented
in For the Game Master.

The necromancer has set up a laboratory in a nearby

abandoned farmstead to the east. He is heavily guarded by

men skilled enough to defeat a party of veteran witch hunters.

The information Olver provides should make it clear that Bowden poses
a terrible threat, but this may not be enough to convince the PCs to risk
their lives. Use one of the hooks below (or a combination of all of them) to
persuade the PCs to take up Olvers cause.


Quick shot scenarios

Scene 3:
On the Farm
When the PCs arrive at the farmstead, read or paraphrase
the following:
The forest gives way to a cleared space of land that was once a small farmstead.
It was obviously abandoned some time ago, as the area is overgrown with
weeds and scrub. At the heart of the farmstead sits a large barn surrounded by
a crumbling low stone wall. Also within the wall are a small shed, an animal
pen, and a moldering stack of hay bales. Both buildings are quite dilapidated,
and there is a large hole in the eastern wall of the barn that looks fairly recent.
The scene is dominated by the commotion of a fierce battle. A group of armed
men fight a towering warjack. The warjack holds what appears to be the body
of a man in gray robes in one hand and is fending off the guards with lashing
blows from a great spear. Two corpses lie to the side, each clothed similarly to
the mortally wounded Illuminated One you encountered on the road. You hear
the unmistakable sound of human screams coming from inside the barn.
The PCs might be inclined to simply let the battle play out and see who
emerges the victor. If this is the case, give them some incentive to get
directly involved and read or paraphrase the following:
One of the men fighting the warjack is struck soundly with the haft of its spear
and knocked back against the barn door, causing it to swing wide. You get a
clear view of the barns interior, showing low tables strewn with alchemical
equipment. Manacled to the west wall are two figures, a boy and girl in sooty,
tattered clothes. They scream in terror as the battle surges back toward the barn.
If the PCs get involved at this point, a few things happen in rapid
succession. First, the warjack suddenly breaks off combat and charges off
to the east, disappearing into the tree line. Next, Bowdens guards turn on
the PCs, believing them to be either members of the Order of Illumination
or representatives of the local authority.

Abandoned Farmstead



G: Bowdens Guards


V: Captive Villagers

I: Order of Illumination Corpses

Bowdens Guards Tactics

Bowdens men fight as an organized unit with simple but effective
tactics. When combat begins, four of the men engage the heroes in
combat, while the fifth draws a wicked-looking dagger from his belt
and charges into the barn. The remaining guards then attack with their
military rifles at range, using Sentry and Fast Reload to get an extra
shot off every round. They immediately move to and spend a quick
action to take cover behind the wall, the water trough, or any solid
object. The guards focus their ranged attacks on PCs who demonstrate
either magic ability or the ability to attack effectively at range. If the
PCs try to push into melee with the guards, three of the guards charge
forward with axe or sword, while the fourth hangs back and attempts
to snipe unengaged PCs with his rifles.

The fifth guard is intent on murderingand thus silencingthe

two young captives. Once combat begins, the PCs have exactly three
rounds to get to the barn and stop the guard from slaying the boy and
girl. This is not easy task, as the remaining guards will do everything
in their power to hold the PCs at bay with ranged attacks.
If three of the guards are slain, the remaining two will attempt to escape
to the east. They are loyal to Vladislav to a point, but they are unwilling
to die for him.

Quick shot scenarios


They attacked the fishing village in order to obtain subjects

Bowdens Guards (5)



5 6 6 6




Military Rifle


Fast Reload: The character gains one extra quick action each turn that can be used
only to reload a ranged weapon.
Sentry: Once per round when an enemy is placed in or moves into the line of sight of
this character, this character can immediately make one attack, targeting that enemy.


Axe or sword, military rifle, infantry armor, 1d6gc each.

The battlefield for this encounter is shown on the previous page along
with the starting position of Bowdens guards. It also features the
following terrain features.
Hay Bales: This stack of moldering hay is ten feet high and can be climbed
without a skill roll. It is very unstable, and any violent action performed
atop it forces an AGL roll against a target number of 12. Failure means
the bales collapse and the PC falls to the ground and suffers a POW6
damage roll.
Shed: The doors to the shed are unlocked and the interior is unlit. There
are no windows. A barrel next to the shed makes it possible for a PC or
enemy to get on the roof with a successful PHY + Jumping roll against a
target number of 14 followed by a successful AGL + Climbing roll against
a target number of 12.
Wall: The wall is six feet high and wide enough for a man to stand atop.
Climbing the wall requires an AGL + Climbing successful skill roll against
a target number of 12.

If the PCs emerge victorious from the battle, they can examine the bodies
(including those of the illuminated ones). A successful PER + Detection
roll against a target number of 12 tells the PCs the men all have similar
gear and weapons although they do not wear uniforms. In addition, they
all appear to be of northern descent and wear their hair and beards in a
Khadoran fashion.
If the PCs managed to take one or more of the guards alive, they can
attempt an interrogation (the guards have a combined PHY + INT of 9). A
successful Interrogation roll allows the PCs to learn the following:
The men were ordered to guard the arcanist Bowden Haightly

while he conducted his research.


Quick shot scenarios

They were attacked by three illuminated ones earlier in the

day. They killed two and drove off the third.

Bowden retreated to his laboratory after the battle. About an

hour later, the Talon warjack inside burst through the barn
wall and attacked them.

Axe or Sword

for Bowdens research.

If the PCs dig deeper to find out who the men are really working for, they
run into incredibly fierce resistance, suffering a 3 penalty to Interrogation
rolls seeking this information. Even if the PCs succeed here, they get only
the name Vladislav.
If the PCs managed to save the villagers, who turn out to be the twins
Aideen mentioned in the Scene 1: The Massacre, they can question
them (the manacle keys can be found on Bowden, or the manacles can be
opened with a successful AGL + Lock Picking roll against a target number
of 12). Both are terrified and can tell the PCs only bits and pieces. They
relate that shortly after the battle with the illuminated ones, the robed
man (Bowden) returned to the lab and began working on the warjack.
After an hour or so, he began reading something from a book in a strange
language. There was a bright flash of greenish light and he collapsed to
the ground. Shortly thereafter the warjacks furnace and boiler ignited
and it began smashing apart the laboratory. It then picked up Bowden,
crashed through the wall, and began fighting with the men outside.
The PCs should be starting to get a picture of whats happening
now, although the final pieces of the puzzle lay within the barn and
Bowdens laboratory.

Overeager Heroes

If your PCs have no interest in exploring the barn and simply

want to chase after the warjack once they defeat Bowdens
guards, let them, and move directly on to Scene 5: Man in
the Machine. Although they will not have all the information
they might need to negotiate with Bowden, the encounter
does not have to end in bloody combat. If you play up the
possessed warjacks reluctance to fight the heroes and
especially note its desire to protect Bowdens body, it may
be enough to push the PCs toward a peaceful resolution.
Dont forget that if the PCs dont make arrangements for the
rescued twins to wait somewhere safe, they will follow along
and may get in the way!
If the PCs thoughtlessly destroy Bowden and then return
to the barn and gain the information above, the tragedy of
the arcanists plight is increased tenfold. The heroes had a
chance to right a grave injustice and failed to do so.

Scene 4:

Scene 5: Man
in the Machine



With the guards defeated, the PCs can investigate the area. Theres not
much of interest other than the laboratory in the barn, but allow the PCs
some time to look around if theyre so inclined.

The final scene in the adventure forces the PCs to deal with Bowden
Haightly, whose soul and consciousness now reside in the cortex of
the Talon. They should now realize that Bowden performed this
necromantic research against his will and that he chose to imperil his
own life and soul rather than those of the captured villagers.

When the PCs enter the barn, read or paraphrase the following:
The interior of barn is lit by a gas lamp hanging from the rafters on a stout chain
and sunlight streaming through a gaping hole in the west wall. A collection of
low tables strewn with broken arcane and alchemical equipment dominates the
eastern half of the room, while the western half is taken up by equipment more
commonly seen in a warjack repair depot.
Searching the laboratory turns up three important items: the partial
translation of the Librum Mekanecrus, Bowdens research notes, and his
journal. Together, the three items can fill in many of the missing pieces
of the story. A combination of research and deduction can tell the PCs
more about Bowdens experiments and what he may have been trying
to accomplish. His journal can tell the heroes more about why he was
doing the work in the first place. More importantly, it can give them some
information on Vladislav Abrosim.
The PCs dont have enough time to properly research the material here,
but a cursory read-through can provide some compelling pieces of
information. After ten minutes of page turning, allow a character to make
an INT + Research roll to determine what can be gleaned from the books.
This roll can be made unskilled. The amount of information learned will
be determined by the characters total.
10 or less: Bowden has dabbled in necromancy and soul magic before
but abandoned his research when it became clear he would have to
compromise his morality to continue.
11 to 13: Bowdens research centered on the manipulation of the soul
to grant individuals the ability to command warjacks. He was using the
translation of the Librum Mekanecrus to further his research.
14+: Bowden has continued his research against his will at the behest of a
mysterious individual named Vladislav Abrosim. The laboratory as well
as the guards the PCs battled were supplied by this man.
The last piece of important information comes from Bowdens journal
the very last entry, written only hours before. Let the PCs find this without
a Research roll.
I need only to sink completely into madness and horror to be done with
Vladislav and this hellish research. It would be easy to slay these children, to
use their blood and souls to be done with this work. But I cannot. I fear my
soul is irreparably tarnished even now; if I take their lives I am no better than
Vladislavs thugs. No. The work will be finished shortly, and I will bear the
burden of its cost upon my own flesh, my own soul. Perhaps this evil will be the
key to my salvation, its power sufficient to free me from Vladislavs grasp. That
some good may come of this wretched predicament
The PCs should be able to piece together what happened to Bowden
and conclude that his soul and consciousness now reside within the
Talon warjack.

Bowdens plight should engender some sympathy, compelling the PCs

to chase after him. If not, or if they havent figured out that the warjack
is Bowden, the PCs should be concerned about leaving a rogue warjack
roaming the countryside.
Tracking Bowden is fairly simple, as he has left a trail of destruction
through the forest. No roll is required to follow the warjack.
When the PCs come upon Bowden a mile or two into the woods,
read or paraphrase the following:
The warjack stands protectively over the body of the gray-robed man. Its single
eye glows a malevolent green, and as you draw closer, it looses a hiss of steam
and raises its spear.
Bowden is desperate and terrified, and he believes the PCs have come
to destroy him. They have two options in dealing with the possessed
warjack: fighting it or attempting to appeal to the arcanist trapped within
it. If the PCs decide to meet Bowden in combat and attempt to destroy
his warjack body, they will find it no easy task. He controls the huge
machine just as he would his own body and still commands the abilities
of a formidable arcanist. If the heroes choose this route, go to Bowdens
Tactics, below.
Assuming the PCs have pieced together the information from
Bowdens journal and other documents, they should sympathize
with the blackmailed arcanist and attempt to reason with him.
This is an uphill battle, but if they approach the situation carefully,
they can reach a peaceful resolution. If the PCs try this, continue to
Negotiating with Bowden.

Negotiating with Bowden

If the PCs decide they want to try and help Bowden, they can do
so, but must calm him down first. He is terrified and hostile and
believes the PCs are here to capture or kill him. As such, he is
primed for a fight and in no mood to talk. In order to calm him
down, the PCs will first need to get his attention, which can be
accomplished with a successful Negotiation roll against a target
number of 15. Because this is a social test, the Game Master will
determine the stat used with the Negotiation roll based on the
approach the PCs take. For example, if the PCs try to reason with
Bowden, an INT + Negotiation roll is appropriate; if they try a more
forceful approach (inadvisable), a PHY + Negotiation roll may be
in order. On a successful roll, Bowden does not attack, giving the
PCs a chance to speak with him. Although Bowden cannot speak
himself, he can still understand the PCs, and even communicate
with them in a limited fashion with body language, simple sign, and
creatively vented steam.

Quick shot scenarios


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