Baan Dimensions For Paper

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Baan Dimensions for Paper

Enterprise Software for the Paper Industry

Introducing Baan Dimensions for Paper

Growing competition, shrinking cycle times and ever-accelerating technological innovation make
todays environment extremely challenging. Baan Dimensions for Paper enables you to respond
by delivering solutions for streamlining business processes, forming tighter links throughout the
supply chain, and improving information visibility and performance tracking. Our extensive,
attribute-driven manufacturing industry expertise enhances your core competencies, helping
you to rapidly implement strategic initiatives, boost prot margins and improve customer

Meeting the demands of highly cyclic markets and multidimensional product production in a
hybrid system environment requires closer relationships with suppliers, customers and partners.
It means fully-integrating business and manufacturing systems and providing seamless Internet
connectivity of critical business and customer order information.

Manage Information, Manage


Dimensional Products

Because complexity characterizes attribute-

multiple dimensions (e.g. length, grammage,

driven industries, effective manufacturing and

inner diameter, outer diameter, width, color,

business information management can improve

paper type, packaging configuration, etc.)

decision support. This is especially critical

create a potentially infinite range of end items.

where conventional ERP systems fall short,

As a result, pulp and paper, primary metals,

such as in complex finished goods genealogy

textiles, glass, plastics, rubber and other

tracing or managing the performance of hybrid

multidimensional products require a system

processes such as energy and raw material

that can handle continuous range and discrete


quality parameters. And this multidimensional

Customer-defined product specifications and

functionality must integrate fully with other

Maximizing Return

business functions, enabling users to enter,

Converting forest products from lumber to

schedule, track, distribute, and invoice orders

paper or raw materials to film or foil is a

based on any number of specifications.

capital-intensive business that must meet the

maximize return, manufacturers must improve

Process Performance & Raw

Materials Tracking

capacity performance rather than add capacity.

The hybrid nature of pulping and paper-

They must improve utilization and must reduce

making and the complex parallel processing

cycle times, inventory, scrap and time-to-

involved in each activity present particular

market. The right solution integrates the entire

challenges. Wet end is process-like, dry end is

supply chain, measuring actual cost and added

discrete. Trace-ability, roll handling rewinding

value at each stage, while at the same time

& cutting (both in-line & off-line) must be

providing for superior customer service and


demands of a highly cyclic market. To

product quality.

Understanding the unique needs of attribute-driven manufacturing is a prerequisite for

providing the right solutions to the industry. Baan Dimensions for Paper, an intelligent software
application that delivers all the specic functionality and control the industry needs, enables
paper manufacturers to meet the challenges of ever-changing markets.

Adding Economic Value from

Orders to Payment

Protecting the Environment

Baan Dimensions for Paper provides the

and monitor compliance. Track all by-products

information you need to manage your business

and co-products and reduce risk of fines by

better. Track sales information by customer,

predicting emissions, effluent production and

region, channel and grade. Make improved

required treatment levels

Baan helps you capture regulatory information

decisions about loss leaders and poor

customers, reallocating grades to different

A fully-integrated system

plants to achieve the best margins. Quote

Baan enables you to model your entire

realistic shipping dates and ensure shipment

production process in a single, integrated

and billing accuracy.

system. A good pulping process model helps

manage recycling and waste streams, effluent

Optimizing Production

production and energy consumption. Manage

Baan Dimensions for Paper provides real-time

all paper processes with multiple end products.

information to monitor cost drivers and

Control converting operations, finishing and

performance indicators. It allows you to

packing, and end-to-end product tracking.

identify causes of variances and target areas for

improvement. Baan integrates manufacturing
elements with business functions so you can
satisfy customers better and react to market
swings more strategically. Link process
automation, quality measurement, and asset
management systems to critical product and
customer data. Reduce WIP costs and trim
losses with Baans unique Transformation Order

Differentiation through Superior

Customer Service

Planning and Scheduling

One good way to gain competitive advantage

customers the best possible delivery

with todays demanding customers is to

commitments at the time of order entry. The

streamline the order-to-payment cycle. Because

system supports online order commitment and

Baan Dimensions for Paper integrates order

inventory assignment, as well as line-of-credit

management, manufacturing, and distribution

checking. It provides fully integrated support

Baan Dimensions for Paper enables you to give

in a single system,fulfilling orders and resolving

for Block Planning, available to promise (ATP)

discrepancies goes much faster. Baan helps you

and trim optimization. Baan Planning and

deliver superior customer service. By providing

Scheduling is seamlessly integrated with sales

a single point of communication that is

order management, contract handling and

integrated to every step of your value chain,

includes channel management.

from order entry to planning and scheduling,

manufacturing, delivery and after-sale support,


it allows you to check the status of a sales order

With Baan, you can ensure the highest levels of

at any point.

quality by providing detailed tracing, genealogy,

and inheritance information electronically to

Order Entry

users and customers from production through

Baan speeds up order processing with tools for

to delivery. Customer specifications are

automating sales, marketing, and customer

maintained throughout the life of the order and

service functions. The system supports rapid,

are available online to ensure that customer

online order acceptance through both

requirements are met. Production reporting

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and

includes features as scrap management, defect

Electronic Commerce using XML standards.

handling and downgrading. Quality data

Orders can be placed by sales or over the

from line sensors and process automation, or

Internet, with confirmation of the order and a

data assessed through LIMS systems can be

feasible delivery date given in minutes. The

system is fully equipped to capture customerspecifications, packing requirements, and other
order details on line. Such tight integration
between sales, production and planning
enables the system to quote a due date in real
time, based on actual availability of the

integrated into the roll tracking.

Object Interfaces (BOIs) for integration with a

wide range of applications provided by certified

Counting Money Too

partners. Baan's multi-site architecture

Financial tracking and reporting across

simplifies the management of common data

multiple plants, multiple countries, currencies,

about parts, partners, warehousing, calendars,

languages, and tax laws is a formidable task.

costing, and pricing.

Baan enables you to perform complex,

enterprise-wide multidimensional financial data

Workow Management

analysis and reporting. Baan finance fully meets

Baans workflow management helps you put

legal accounting standards and is fully NAFTA

the right processes in place to support your

and FASB52 complaint. The systems activity

operational strategy. Baan's fully integrated

based costing allows you to view costs on a

workflow provides flexibility for planning and

user-defined basis and perform detailed cost

carrying out daily operations and enables a

analysis to identify cost drivers and reduce

smooth and efficient flow.

costs in the supply chain. It allows you to run

each operation like a micro-profit center,

Decision Support

enabling true Value Chain Management (VCM).

The iBaan Business Intelligence Suite (BIS)

provides the strategic business information

DEM: Dynamic Enterprise Modeling

framework you need to achieve superior

Baans innovative DEM business modeling

customer value and increase business

environment is an integral part of the system.

performance. Designed for long term strategic

DEM translates core business strategies into

planning and easy implementation, iBaan BIS

configuration, navigation and process execution

opens up business knowledge currently locked

throughout the entire system. DEM allows

away in disparate applications and databases.

companies to graphically model enterprise

structures and business processes, gain a
sophisticated high-level overview of their
operations, and change their software
components and processes at any time without
disrupting operations.

A Truly Open Architecture

iBaan Open World (BOW) offers the benefits of
an open architecture that complies with today's
industry standards. For built-in integration,
Baan offers more than 200 standard Business

Feeling the Pressure of Time

Consistent mechanisms for tracking and

Your customers expect rapid responses to

communicating product and process

orders for existing and new products. Meeting


these expectations demands reduced

manufacturing and distribution cycle time and
accelerated time to market. Baan streamlines

On the fly process rescheduling to reduce

cycle times
Dimensional inventory management to

and optimizes business and production

ensure reductions in inventory and scrap

processes throughout the supply chain,

Optimized transportation management to

contributing substantially to reduced cycle

reduce transportation costs and improve

times. On-the-fly process rescheduling


minimizes the impact of production

disruptions and material defects. By

Baan has the business and manufacturing

continuously monitoring key performance

systems expertise to integrate your company to

indicators, Baan BIS opens up additional

suppliers and customers in your Supply Chain.

opportunities for cycle-time reduction.

Find out what seamless Internet connectivity of

your critical business and customer order

Reducing Inventory and Logistics

Costs: The Margin Sponge
Better margins depend on controlling inventory
and logistics costs. Baans integrated
functionality helps you control those costs at
every step from production through customer
delivery. ATP and dimensional capabilities help
ensure that the oldest finished goods are used
first and that inventory is used to satisfy orders
before allocating WIP. The Planning and
Scheduling tools allow products to be
manufactured as needed rather than in advance
of customer orders, reducing un-allocated
stock. With Baan, you can meet changes in
market demands and pressures on margins
Support for optimized business and
production practices

information throughout the external supply

chain can do for your bottom line.

Baan helps companies to compete in the 'networked economy' with its ever-increasing demands for more information,
integration and collaboration. Through its powerful new iBaan suite of Internet-enabled solutions. Baan is ideally placed
to support organizations in the manufacturing, logistics, service and engineering industries as they move towards tighter
integration of their complex processes, collaborate more closely with customers and partners, and provide employees with
essential build-to-order shop floor data and supply information. Baan has more than 15,000 customers sites worldwide,
and is part of the Invensys Software and Systems Division - a global leader in the provision of e-business/automation
solutions. For more information please visit

Head Quarters

Baan Dimensions

95 Wells Avenue

Kruisboog 42, P.O. Box 180

Newton, MA 02459, USA

3900 AD Veenendaal - The Netherlands

Phone: +1 617 965 0220

Phone : +31 (0)318 587777

Fax: +1 617 965 7273

Fax : +31 (0)318 587778

No part of this document may be reproduced and/or published by print, photoprint, microfilm or audiotape, electronically, mechanically or any other means, or stored in an information
retrieval system, without prior permission from Baan. The information in this document shall not constitute and should not be construed as a warranty of any kind with respect to the
software described herein. Baan futhermore assumes no liability for any damages incurred, directly, from any errors, omissions or discrepancies between the software and the information in
this document.

get to the point

PR8XXENWPBD200202081 Baan. All rights reserved.

About Baan

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