Impact of Dental Caries On Preschool Children's Quality of Life: An Update
Impact of Dental Caries On Preschool Children's Quality of Life: An Update
Impact of Dental Caries On Preschool Children's Quality of Life: An Update
Pediatric Dentistry
Abstract: The literature reports that dental caries can cause functional,
physical and aesthetic impairment, often with repercussions on childrens
general health at an early age. Moreover, recent studies have investigated
how caries lesions can compromise childrens quality of life. This paper
aims to describe the current situation of dental caries prevalence in children and how this oral health disease can impact their quality of life.
Descriptors: Quality of Life; Dental Caries; Child, Preschool.
Corresponding Author:
Marcelo Bnecker
E-mail: [email protected]
Years of Study
The concept of health in regard to Health Promotion has expanded to include other issues, such
as socioeconomic, environmental and behavioral
factors that interfere in individual and collective
health. Thus, the concept of oral health now encompasses quality of life, as well as oral symptoms,
functional limitations, and emotional and social
well-being, factors not considered previously.33 The
indicators used in clinical dentistry have been restricted to people who notice symptoms such as
pain, discomfort and aesthetic changes. 34
It is not yet common practice to measure the
impact that these indicators have on childrens
lives when performing a diagnosis or carrying out
a treatment plan. Over the last two decades, there
has been a substantial development of an indicator
known as COHQoL - child oral-health-related quality of life.35 Currently there are some available tools
that can be used to measure functional and psychosocial oral disease outcomes; most of these are
targeted at adults. Since the evaluation in children
should be considered differently from that in adults,
the interest in assessing the impact of oral disease on
quality of life in pediatric populations has increased,
especially as of 2003. Children have been the major
focus of public health dentistry; this concern highlights the urgent need to apply the oral-health-related quality of life concept at this stage of life. 33 The
responsibility for young childrens health usually belongs to their parents, who are often responsible for
making decisions about their health. Therefore, it is
of utmost importance to evaluate parents perception toward their childrens oral health problems,
including how related symptoms, diseases and treatments may influence their childrens quality of life.
Evidence also suggests that early childhood caries
strate possible changes in OHQoL, in both individuals and groups.49 This is the goal of future studies.
Whenever cases of caries lesions compromise the
health of a child patient, the dentist should make use
of all resources available to restore the individual
to his/her previous state, recovering his/her self-esteem, and thus improving sleep quality, weight gain,
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