Unit of Study Outline: Accounting, Business and Society
Unit of Study Outline: Accounting, Business and Society
Unit of Study Outline: Accounting, Business and Society
3. Assessment
Tutorial Contribution
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
Final Examination
Assessment Name
Individual/ Assessment
Academic Honesty
Length Weight
1, 2, 3, 4
1, 2, 3, 4
Due Date
Closing Date
Mid Semester
Exam Period
Final Exam
Week 4
Mid Semester
Exam Period
Final Exam
For the meaning and operation of this table, see policy information in the box on the front page or click here
Assessment details
Tutorial Contribution
Task Description
There are two components to this assessment, namely Component 1: Spreadsheet Homework and
Component 2: Tutorial Homework and Engagement.
Component 1: Spreadsheet Homework
Component 1 requires submission of your completed weekly spreadsheet homework assignment file. This file
will consist of homework questions from the textbook as well as exercises specifically related to IAN (the
Integrated Accounting Narrative). You will be required to read the relevant lecture material and textbook
pages prior to attempting this component. Files will be available on Blackboard and MUST be submitted to
Blackboard by Monday 12 pm starting from Week 3. There are NO marks associated with this component but
failure to attempt and submit this component will void any marks that are obtained from Component 2.
The week 8 submission is optional as there is no mark for tutorial P&E for this week only.
Component 2: Tutorial Homework and Engagement
Your mark for this component will be determined by your tutor. For each tutorial from Week 3 to 13 (excluding
Week 8), you will be awarded a mark of 1 or 0 for active participation. You will be able to receive a maximum
mark of 10 for active participation. Earning this mark requires:
On-time submission of the weekly spreadsheet homework
Engagement in your tutorial session
This assessment is listed as MANDATORY which means you must undertake the assessment and achieve a
mark above 50% of the available marks in that assessment. Students who fail to achieve this minimum
standard in this assessment, even when their aggregate mark for the entire unit of study is above 50%, will be
given a Fail grade for this unit. As a result a student's academic transcript will show a fail grade and the actual
mark achieved if the final mark of the unit is between 0-49 and a fail grade and a capped moderated mark of
49 for all other final marks.
Assessment Criteria
The assessment criteria for Tute P&E will be applied as described following. Marks will be awarded for
accuracy and effort in relation to:
A. Recording and analysing the the financial impact of various business transactions
B. Preparation of the basic financial statements
C. The application of appropriate accounting concepts and methods to new contexts
D. Displaying technical competency with various accounting skills and techniques.
Feedback - What, when and how feedback will be provided for this assessment
You will receive feedback on your peformance for the Spreadsheet Homework each week. In addition to this,
suggested solutions for selected additional homework questions will be available on Blackboard every Friday
after the last tutorial.
Task Description
This assessment task consists of two components. Component 1 (5%) will be assessed in tutorials through
random collection of the additional homework questions (2%) and the week 10 Financial Statement
Preparation group exercise (3%).
Twice during the semester, your attempt at the additional homework questions will be randomly collected and
a mark out of 1 awarded. Earning a maximum mark of 1 for each homework collected will require a complete
attempt of the homework and a substantially correct solutions for each question. You must ensure you are
completing the appropriate homework questions as provided on Blackboard to obtain the available marks. A
maximum mark of 2 is available for this task.
The Financial Statement Preparation group exercise (3%) requires students to work in groups with each group
preparing a complete set of F/Ss (income statement, cash flow statement and balance sheet) from provided
Component 2 (10%) requires use of the on-line MyAccountingLab system. This component requires posting
of your response to the weekly assignments (available with MyAccountingLab link on Blackboard) each week
by Monday 12 pm unless otherwise stated on Blackboard. This assessment starts in Week 3. Responses to
the weekly assignment must be posted for Weeks 3 to 13. Your work will be marked by MyAccountingLab.
Answers may be viewed after the due date using MyAccountingLab's review facility.
The week 8 submission is optional as there is no mark for MAL for this week only. Further information on how
to access MyAccountingLab will be available on Blackboard by week 2.
This assessment is listed as MANDATORY which means you must undertake the assessment and achieve a
mark above 80% of the available marks in that assessment. Students who fail to achieve this minimum
standard in this assessment, even when their aggregate mark for the entire unit of study is above 50%, will be
given a Fail grade for this unit. As a result a student's academic transcript will show a fail grade and the actual
mark achieved if the final mark of the unit is between 0-49 and a fail grade and a capped moderated mark of
49 for all other final marks.
Assessment Criteria
The assessment criteria for MyAccountingLab will be applied to the weekly assigned questions as described
following. Marks will be awarded for accuracy and effort in relation to:
A. Recording and analysing the the financial impact of various business transactions
B. Preparation of the basic financial statements
C. The application of appropriate accounting concepts and methods to new contexts
D. Displaying technical competency with various accounting skills and techniques
Feedback - What, when and how feedback will be provided for this assessment
You will be able to review your answers after the due date using the review facility in MyAccountingLab
Mid-semester Examination
Task Description
The mid-semester examination on Monday, 12 September 2016, 6 pm and will comprise 25% of the overall
assessment for this unit, This one hour examination will test material covered in the first 6 weeks of lectures,
the tutorial material up to and including week 7 and associated readings. This closed-book examination will be
conducted in several venues. Further information will be posted on Blackboard. You must bring a
non-programmable calculator, a black or blue pen, other approved stationary and your USyd Student Identity
Card to the examination.
Note: The examination is scheduled on the 19th September 2016 at 6pm. You cannot leave the examination
early and all exam formalities will be completed by 8:00 pm.
Assessment Criteria
The mid-semester examination is COMPULSORY. This means you must undertake the assessment. If you do
not undertake the assessment you will receive zero for this assessment.
The assessment criteria for the mid-semester exam will be applied as described following. Marks will be
awarded for completeness and accuracy in relation to:
A. Recording and analysing the the financial impact of various business transactions
B. Preparation of the basic financial statements
C. The application of appropriate accounting concepts and methods to new contexts
D. Displaying technical competency with various accounting skills and techniques.
Feedback - What, when and how feedback will be provided for this assessment
There will be a formal review session for the mid-semester examination. This session will be conducted in the
week following the examination and will provide students with feedback to further improve their learning.
Final Examination
Task Description
The final examination will be held during the University Examination Period will comprise 50% of the overall
assessment mark for this unit. The exact date, time and venue will be available in the university's website later
in the semester when the examination timetable is announced. This closed-book two hour examination (with a
further 10 minutes reading time) may cover topics from the entire unit of study, with a focus on the topics
covered after the mid-semester examination.
This assessment is listed as MANDATORY which means you must undertake the assessment and achieve a
mark above 45% of the available marks in that assessment. Students who fail to achieve this minimum
standard in this assessment, even when their aggregate mark for the entire unit of study is above 50%, will be
given a Fail grade for this unit. As a result a student's academic transcript will show a fail grade and the actual
mark achieved if the final mark of the unit is between 0-49 and a fail grade and a capped moderated mark of
49 for all other final marks.
Assessment Criteria
Feedback - What, when and how feedback will be provided for this assessment
There will be exam viewing sessions scheduled for students to review their final exam paper. This session will
be conducted in the month following the examination and will provide students with feedback to further
improve their learning.
Pass Program
Peer Assisted Study Sessions. This program helps to improve students' academic performance providing extra
free learning opportunities with trained student facilitators, including problem solving practice where relevant, in
areas directly related to understanding the unit concepts more thoroughly. Students register for PASS online at:
http://sydney.edu.au/business/learning/students/pass Email all enquiries about the PASS program to:
[email protected]
5. Unit Schedule
List of Topics
25 Jul 2016
Introduction to Accounting
Chapter 1 pp. 1-20
Key Accounting Concepts
Chapter 1 pp. 20-29
Chapter 2 pp. 64-71
Business Transactions
Chapter 2 pp. 71-96
Chapter 4 pp. 190-203
1 Aug 2016
8 Aug 2016
15 Aug 2016
22 Aug 2016
29 Aug 2016
5 Sep 2016
12 Sep 2016
19 Sep 2016
Assessments Due
No assessments in week 1
Spreadsheet homework (optional)
MyAccountingLab (optional)
Spreadsheet homework
Tute P&E
Spreadsheet homework
Business Transactions
same as week 3
Tute P&E
Spreadsheet homework
Cash Management and Internal Control
Chapter 6 pp. 317-358
Tute P&E
Spreadsheet homework
Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet)
Chapter 5 pp. 250-291
Tute P&E
Statement of Financial Performance (Income
Spreadsheet homework
Chapter 7 pp. 372-408
Tute P&E
Mid-semester exam
Statement of Cash Flows
Spreadsheet homework (optional)
Chapter 8 pp. 468-492
MyAccountingLab (optional)
Chapter 8 pp. 504-509
Tute P&E
Analysis & Interpretation of Financial
Spreadsheet homework
Chapter 9 pp. 543-581
Common week 26 Sep to 2 Oct
3 Oct 2016
10 Oct 2016 Chapter 12 pp. 667-697
17 Oct 2016 Chapter 13 pp. 717-736
Revision and practice exam
24 Oct 2016 To be provided in lectures