MBS Thesis Structure
MBS Thesis Structure
MBS Thesis Structure
A thesis is typically made up of three main divisions: (1) preliminary, (2) body, and (3)
supplementary. Each of the sections contains different kind of contents. You are required
to assemble the thesis report in the following order:
Preliminary Materials
Title Page of the Thesis
Approval Sheet
Certification of Authorship
Table of Contents
List of Tables and Figures
The thesis should contain an abstract of up to 350 words. An abstract represents
a brief summary of the results of the thesis. By summarising the results of the
research, it allows other people to get an idea of what was accomplished without
having to read through the whole thesis.
Body of the Report
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Literature Review
Supplementary Materials
Introduction - Background information on the topic so that you are able to place your
research in the context. The contents of this chapter may include:
Background of the Study
Problem Statement and Research Questions
Purpose of the Study
Significance of the Study
Literature Review This chapter should include the following:
Present and to analyse, in a critical manner, that part of the published literature
which is relevant to your research topic and which acts as the basis for a fuller
understanding of the context in which you are conducting your research.
Show that you know what the key variables and trends are in the context of your
Show that not only have you discovered and reported what you have found to be
relevant in the literature search, but that you have understood it and that you are
able to analyse it in a critical manner.
Identify and state where the knowledge gap exists which justifies your research.
Methodology - You clearly outline what methodology you used in your research i.e.
what you did and how you did it. It must be clearly written so that it would be easy for
another researcher to duplicate your research if they wished to. The contents of this
chapter may include:
Research Approach
Respondents and Sampling Procedure
Research Instruments
Collection of Data
Statistical Treatment of Data
Results This chapter has two sections. In the first section data are analyzed statistically
and results are presented and interpreted. This is where you indicate what you found in
your research. You give the results of your research.
In the second section, based on these results, you give your interpretation. You are
supposed to develop analytic and critical thinking on primary results and analysis. The
discussion will basically consist of argumentation. In other words, you investigate a
phenomenon from several different perspectives. To discuss means to question your
findings in the context of your research questions and objectives.
Conclusions - This chapter includes key facts from your research findings to help explain
your results as needed. You have to summarize, compare and evaluate your research
results in the context of existing theories, and make comments about its success and
effectiveness. You should also bring back your research questions and state clearly your
understanding of those questions. Be careful not to make claims that are not substantiated
from the evidence you have presented in earlier chapters.
You could also indicate some areas where your research has limitations and where further
research would be useful. Implications of the research for furthering understanding of the
research problem need to be explored.
A thesis report must be 1.5-spaced. Single spacing may be used only in the Table
of Contents, footnotes and endnotes, charts, graphs, tables, quotations,
appendices, and references.
Typing should be done using the Times New Roman and font size of 12 or
equivalent, except for text in the tables.
Beginning with the first page of the main body of the text, pages are numbered
consecutively with Arabic numerals (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.). All pages preceding the first
page of the body are counted and numbered with lower case Roman numerals (ii,
iii, iv, etc.). The title page is counted but the number is not printed on the page.
Figures and tables should be inserted at the appropriate place in the text. Figures
must have numbers and captions under the figures. Tables have their titles and
numbers above.
FOM expects a high standard of editing of the work submitted to it for
examination. The manuscript is to be neat in appearance and without error.
Report writing format should follow the APA styles of citation and references.
Except for text in the tables, all other text must always be justified.
Reference Book
For styles of citation and references and for report writing formats, please refer to:
Prem R. Pant (2015). Social Science Research and Thesis Writing. Kathmandu: Buddha
Academic Enterprises.