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DF3 - DistributionFactorAnalysis (LRFR)

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AASHTOWare Bridge Rating Training DF3 Distribution Factor Analysis (LRFR)

AASHTOWare Bridge Rating Training

DF3 Distribution Factor Analysis (LRFR)
Topics Covered
Part 1: Review Distribution Factor Analysis

Distribution Factor Analysis Method of Solution

Non-standard gage vehicle description
Vehicle paths

Part 2: BrR Distribution Factor Engine Properties

Part 3: Perform LRFR Analysis.

Part 1: Review Distribution Factor Analysis

This example describes the distribution factor analysis feature in BrR to determine the adequacy
of a superstructure for a standard gage or non-standard gage vehicle.
Distribution Factor Analysis Method of Solution
The Distribution Factor Analysis feature computes live load distribution factors for a vehicle
traveling in a specified path along the length of the superstructure. This feature allows you to
analyze a bridge for standard gage or non-standard gage vehicles.
A 3D and a 2D finite element analysis of the superstructure is performed and moment and shear
live load distribution factors are computed for a vehicle traveling along user-specified paths
along the length of the superstructure. The computed distribution factors are then used to
perform a rating analysis using traditional line girder analysis techniques.
In the 3D finite element model, the deck is modeled as shell elements and the girders are
modeled as beam elements. The deck is always included in the model regardless of whether the
girders are composite with deck. Diaphragms are not included in the 3D finite element model.
BrR determines which nodes in the 3D FE model should be loaded with the vehicle by using the
vehicle path location and vehicle wheel description entered by the user. Unit loads are placed
at each of these nodes in the 3D FE model and the resulting moment and shear element forces
in the beam elements are stored. Moment and shear influence surfaces are generated from
these element forces. The influence surfaces are then loaded with the vehicle traveling along
the user-defined vehicle path. The moments and shears in the girders due to the actual
distribution of the vehicle through the deck are then computed.

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AASHTOWare Bridge Rating Training DF3 Distribution Factor Analysis (LRFR)

A 2D finite element analysis is then performed for each girder. The 2D FE model consists of the
girder modeled as beam elements. The nodes in the 2D FE model are at the same locations as
the nodes in the 3D FE model.
Unit loads are placed at each node along the girder in the 2D FE model and the moment and
shear influence lines are generated for the girder. These influence lines are then loaded with
the axle weights of the vehicle traveling along the superstructure and the resulting moments
and shears in the girder are then computed.
Moment and shear distribution factors are computed by dividing the 3D model moments and
shears by the 2D model moments and shears. These distribution factors are the ratio of the 3D
actions to the 2D actions. The critical moment distribution factor is chosen for each vehicle path
by first finding the moment distribution factors that correspond to the maximum 2D moment
and the minimum 2D moment. The critical moment distribution factor is the maximum of these
2 moment distribution factors. The critical shear distribution factor is determined in the same
manner. A traditional line girder analysis of the girder is then performed using these critical
distribution factors.
Non-standard gage vehicle description

NSG Truck Load Data

Front Axle
Rear Axle

Load/Axle Line

40 kips


20 kips

Load/Axle Line

48 kips


12 kips

Total Vehicle Weight


88 kips

Elevation View
Vehicle CL

Vehicle CL




End View of Front Axle

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End View of Rear Axle



AASHTOWare Bridge Rating Training DF3 Distribution Factor Analysis (LRFR)

The preceding non-standard gage vehicle can be entered in the BrDR vehicle library as follows.
Open the Library Explorer and select Agency under Non-Standard Gage/Vehicles in the Library
tree. Select File/New from the menu to open the Non-Standard Gage Vehicle window.

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AASHTOWare Bridge Rating Training DF3 Distribution Factor Analysis (LRFR)

The description for the first axle of the vehicle is shown below.

Be sure to check the

rating boxes so that you
will be able to select this
vehicle in the Analysis
Settings window when
doing the rating.

When describing the axles, the Distance to First Wheel is the distance from the centerline of the
vehicle to the first wheel in the axle. This value is a negative value to signify the first wheel is to
the left of the vehicle centerline. The following sketch illustrates the terminology used in this
Distance to
first wheel

Axle Spacing

Axle 1
(Front of vehicle)
Distance to
first wheel

Axle 2




Vehicle CL
Plan View of Vehicle

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AASHTOWare Bridge Rating Training DF3 Distribution Factor Analysis (LRFR)

The description of the wheels in the second axle of the vehicle is shown below.

Click Save to save this vehicle to the library.

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AASHTOWare Bridge Rating Training DF3 Distribution Factor Analysis (LRFR)

A schematic view of the vehicle and each axle is available to verify your data entry.

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AASHTOWare Bridge Rating Training DF3 Distribution Factor Analysis (LRFR)

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AASHTOWare Bridge Rating Training DF3 Distribution Factor Analysis (LRFR)

Vehicle paths
The distribution factor analysis is performed at the Superstructure level. When you perform a
distribution factor analysis on a Superstructure, the analysis will be performed on the
superstructure definition that is assigned to the existing Superstructure Alternative. This is
necessary since in BrDR a Bridge may consist of many superstructure definitions assigned to
different locations along the length of the bridge.
We are going to analyze BID1 (TrainingBridge1) in the BrDR sample database. Open the Bridge
Workspace for BID1. The Bridge Workspace for BID1 is shown below. The distribution factor
analysis for Single Span Structure will perform a 3D and 2D analyses of the Simple Span
Structure which is assigned to the existing superstructure alternative.

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AASHTOWare Bridge Rating Training DF3 Distribution Factor Analysis (LRFR)

Open the Single Span Structure superstructure window and select the Vehicle Path tab.

This tab controls the placement of the vehicle that will be used in the distribution factor
analysis. The vehicle longitudinal increment is the longitudinal length increment to use when
moving the vehicle along the length of the superstructure. Note that this value can greatly
affect the time required for the analysis.

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AASHTOWare Bridge Rating Training DF3 Distribution Factor Analysis (LRFR)

The vehicle path specifies the transverse location of the non-standard gage vehicle and an
adjacent vehicle to use in the analysis. The following illustrates where the vehicles would be
placed if the NSG vehicle path is specified as Left and the Adjacent vehicle path is specified as

NSG Vehicle

Adjacent Vehicle

Our example uses the NSG vehicle path specified as Centered and the adjacent vehicle path as
None. This path is shown below.

NSG Vehicle

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AASHTOWare Bridge Rating Training DF3 Distribution Factor Analysis (LRFR)

Part 2: BrR Distribution Factor Engine Properties

Select the Engine tab in the Single Span Structure superstructure window. The Engine tab allows
you to specify properties for the analysis engine. Select BrR Dist Fact as the analysis module and
then select the Properties button.

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AASHTOWare Bridge Rating Training DF3 Distribution Factor Analysis (LRFR)

This window allows you to specify the level of output that you want from the analysis and allows
you to control how the FE models are created and loaded. The Number of shell elements
between beams and Target length of beam and shell element selections control the size of the
elements in the model and also greatly influence the time required for the analysis.
The Scan critical live load distribution factor selection allows you to specify the method for
determining the critical distribution factors. The Per member option specifies one critical
moment and one critical shear distribution factors to be used for the whole member. The One
range per span option specifies each span in the member has its own critical moment and shear
distribution factors. The Multiple ranges per span option specifies each range in a span has its
own critical moment and shear distribution factors. The length of the range is the span length
divided by the entered Number of Ranges.
Click OK to close the BrR Dist Fact Superstructure Properties window and then click OK again to
close the Superstructure window.

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AASHTOWare Bridge Rating Training DF3 Distribution Factor Analysis (LRFR)

Part 3: Perform LRFR Analysis.

The distribution factor analysis can be initiated by selecting the superstructure in the Bridge
Workspace tree and clicking the View Analysis Settings toolbar button.
Select Distribution Factor-Line Girder as the Analysis Type and LRFR as the Rating Method. This
will cause the distribution factor analysis to be performed and LRFR analysis will be performed
during the traditional line girder analysis. Then select the NSG Truck as the permit vehicle to
use. Note that you could select a standard gage vehicle to use in the analysis. You can also
select a vehicle to use in the adjacent lane. We are not going to select a vehicle for the adjacent
lane in this example.

Click OK to save the settings and close the window.

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AASHTOWare Bridge Rating Training DF3 Distribution Factor Analysis (LRFR)

Click the Analyze toolbar button to initiate the Distribution Factor-Line Girder analysis.
The Analysis Progress dialog will appear showing the progress of the 3D and 2D finite element
analyses. The AASHTO LRFR Engine is then run for the traditional line girder analysis using the
distribution factors computed by the distribution factor analysis.
Click OK to close the Analysis Progress dialog.
The output of the distribution factor analysis can be found by selecting the View analysis output
toolbar button when the superstructure is selected in the Bridge Workspace tree.

The output of the distribution factor analysis includes the 3D and 2D finite element models, the
influence surface and influence lines and their loading.

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AASHTOWare Bridge Rating Training DF3 Distribution Factor Analysis (LRFR)

Double-click the Advanced Rating Results Summary Report for a summarized report of the
rating. The critical distribution factors used for each girder are also listed in the report.

You can view the results of the AASHTO LRFR Engine line girder analysis of each girder by
selecting the member alternative in the Bridge Workspace tree and clicking the View analysis
report toolbar button.

Last Modified: 4/24/2015


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