Classroom Management Plan

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First Day of School Schedule

1. Stand at the door and greet students

2. Tell the students they can find their name on a desk and to begin the
activity on the board
3. Welcome the students, introduce and share about yourself, and tell
the students how much they are going to learn and succeed in your
class be excited
4. Introduce the word Procedure
5. Explain and demonstrate how you will be at the door every day, and
that the students will be greeted every day. When the students are
greeted, they are to find their desk and begin the warm-up.
6. Teach the procedure of the morning routine demonstrate, rehearse,
and implement
7. Teach the procedures for planners, class schedule, and work-up that
will begin every day.
8. Show students how to write their names on their papers with the
date. Students will put this on their warm-up, and the teacher will
check the papers for understanding
9. Make the classroom rules with the students and show them where
the rules will be posted
10. Teach students what to bring to class everyday
11. End with the procedure for exiting the class.

Opening Day Script

Greet each student at the door:

Put name cards on each desk

Have the first assignment on the board
Tell students to read and follow the instructions on the board
Have instructions written on the board before the students come into class
Finish greeting the students

Welcome students to class:

Tell the students my name

Talk about my family, where I went to school, where I am from, and where I live
Tell the students why I teach
Be excited

Determine your classroom procedures:

Have a procedure for lining up, going to the bathroom, leaving the classroom, turning in
papers, entering and exiting the classroom

Explain rules and daily procedures:

Make a list of rules with the class about 5 rules

Teach the procedure for entering class
Teach the procedure for exiting class
Explain the discipline plan
Talk about class schedule
Talk about daily warm-ups

Teach respect of the classroom:

Respect each other, myself, and the classroom materials

Explain Notebooks, folders, etc:

Each student will have their own interactive notebook explain the purpose
Each student will have their own weekly folder explain the purpose

Morning/Class Opening Procedures

We start every morning as

Coats and bookbags hung up
Homework Turned in
All notes on teachers desk
Make lunch choice
Pencils sharpened
Start bellringer!

Roll Taking Procedures

1. After the first 5 minutes of class has started, get out the grade book
2. Check for attendance by looking at the seating chart and seeing what
seats are empty
3. For each student that is absent put a slash in the class roster
4. If the student comes in late put a half slash down the other diagonal of
the box
5. For present students leave their names empty
6. Students will be working on their bellringer while I am taking role
7. One student will take the role to the office

Tardy Procedures
Students who come in late:


Sign in on tardy sheet at the board

Write the Bellringer in your notebook
Start work that others are working on
After being tardy three times, a note will be sent home
If more proceed, there will be a meeting with the principal to explain
further punishment

Absent Student Procedures

1. A student will bring in a note from the office to show the absence
was excused.
2. Check the Missed Work set of drawers for work that was missed.
Each drawer is labeled with a day, so the missing work from the
absent day will be inside the correct day.
3. The student will have the one day for each excused absence day to
make up their work.
4. If the absence was unexcused, the student will receive a 0 for all the
missed work.
Classroom Rules

Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

Respect others property and space.
Be a good listener and raise your hand to be called on to speak.
Follow directions the FIRST time.
Make smart choices!

Classroom Consequences
1. Move clip to yellow circle -warning
2. Move clip to orange think time in class

3. Move clip to red think time in another room

4. Move clip to purple notify parents/go to the office
a. Behavior is dangerous or makes learning impossible
Posting Homework Assignments
1. Homework will be written on the board under the Homework
section. This will list homework for the whole week and will be
updated every Monday.
2. 2.Students will also write the weeks homework in the planners. I will
come around and sign each planner after the correct information has
be written.

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