from Serafin Teves by tendering to him the payment of the redemption price
but the latter refused on the ground that the ownership had already been
consolidated in him as purchaser a retro.
April 26, 1940, before the expiration of the 18th-month period stipulated for the
redemption of the land, the donees instituted the present action.
(1) The lease covenant contained in the DoS with pacto de retro executed by
Marcelino Amigo as attorney-in-fact in favor of Serafin Teves is not germane to,
nor within the purview of, the powers granted to said attorney-in-fact and,
therefore, is ultra vires and null and void;
Oct 30, 1938, Marcelino Amigo, in his capacity as attorney-in-fact, executed a
(2) the penal clause stipulated in the lease covenant referring to the automatic
DoS of a parcel of land for a price of P3k in favor of Serafin Teves.
termination of the period of redemption is null and void; and
(3) Ps should be allowed to repurchase the land on equitable grounds
- vendors could repurchase the land within a period of 18 months from the date considering the great disproportion between the redemption price and the
of the sale.
market value of the land on the date the period of redemption is supposed to
- vendors would remain in possession of the land as lessees for a period of 18
months subject to the following terms and conditions: (a) the lessees shall pay
P180 as rent every six months from the date of the agreement; (b) the period of CFI dismissed the case (I think, no info in the case)
the lease shall terminate on April 30, 1940; (c) in case of litigation, the lessees
shall pay P100 as attorney's fees; and (d) in case of failure to pay any rental as CA modify it in the sense that Ps, should not be made to pay the sum of P100 as
agreed upon, the lease shall automatically terminate and the right of ownership attorney's fees.
of vendee shall become absolute.
- power granted to Marcelino Amigo was broad enough to justify the execution
of any contract concerning the lands covered by the authority even if this be a
July 20, 1939, the Sps Amigo donated to their sons Justino Amigo and Pastor
contract of lease. Even in the supposition that the power to take the land under
Amigo several parcels of land including their right to repurchase the land in
lease is not included within the authority granted, Ps cannot now impugn the
litigation. The deed of donation was made in a public instrument, was duly
validity of the lease covenant because such right devolves upon the principals,
accepted by the donees, and was registered in the Office of the Register of Deeds. who are the only one who can claim that their agent has exceeded the authority
granted to him, and because said principals had tacitly ratified the act done by
The vendors-lessees paid the rental corresponding to the first six months, but said agent.
not the rental for the subsequent semester.
Hence this petition for review.
Jan 8, 1940, Serafin Teves, executed an "Affidavit of Consolidation of Title" in
WON the lease covenant contained in the DoS with pacto de retro is ultra
view of the failure of the lessees to pay the rentals as agreed upon, and
vires and null and void.
registered said affidavit in the Office of the RoD of Negros Oriental, who, on
Held: No
January 28, 1940, issued to Serafin Teves the corresponding TCT over the land. The lease that a vendor executes on the property may be considered as a means
of delivery or tradition by constitutum possessorium. Where the vendor a retro
March 9, 1940, Justino Amigo and Pastor Amigo offered to repurchase the land continues to occupy the land as lessee, by fiction of law, the possession is
While this contention may have some basis when considered with reference to
an absolute contract of sale, it loses weight when applied to a contract of sale
with pacto de retro, where the price is usually less than in absolute sale for the
reason that in a sale with pacto de retro, the vendor expects to re-acquire or
WON the penal clause stipulated in the lease covenant referring to the
redeem the property sold. Another flaw we find is that all the evidence
automatic termination of the period of redemption is null and void.
presented refers to sales which were executed in 1940 and 1941 and none was
Held: No
presented pertaining to 1938, or its neighborhood, when the contract in
While the lease covenant may be onerous or may work hardship on the vendor question was entered into. And the main reason we find for not entertaining this
because of its clause providing for the automatic termination of the period of
claim is that it involves a question of fact and as the Court of Appeals has found
redemption, however, the same is not contrary to law, morals, or public order, that the price paid for the land is not unreasonable as to justify the nullification
which may serve as basis for its nullification. Rather than obnoxious are
of the sale, such finding, in appeal by certiorari, is final and conclusive upon this
oppressive , it is a clause common in a sale with pacto de retro, and as such it
received the sanction of our courts.
Finding no error in the decision appealed from, the same is hereby affirmed,
We have not failed to take notice of the Court's warning that "admitting the
without pronouncement as to costs.
validity of such a provision, it is not to be expected that any court will be
reluctant to relieve from its effects wherever this can be done consistently with
established principles of law." We only wish that in this case, a way may be
found consistent with law whereby we would relieve the Ps from the effects of
the penal clause under consideration, but, to our regret, none we have found, for
R has been alert and quick enough to assert his right by consolidating his
ownership when the first chance to do so has presented itself. He has shown no
vacillation, nor offered any compromise which may deem as a waiver or a
justification for forfeiting the privilege given him under the penal clause. The
only alternative left is to enforce it as stipulated in the agreement.
WON Ps should be allowed to repurchase the land on equitable grounds
Held: No
Ps also contend that as the assessed value of the land in 1938, when the contract
was celebrated, was P4,280, the selling price of P3,000 agreed upon is considered
as not written, and Ps should be allowed to exercise the right to repurchase on
equitable considerations. And in support of this contention, counsel presented
evidence to show that the market price of the land in 1940, the year the period
of redemption was supposed to expire was 14 times more than the money paid
for it by R such that, if that should be taken as basis, the value of the land would
be P43,004.50.