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Name of Lesson: Geologic Time

Group Members:Nancy Magana, Cecily Garcia, Jasmin Bandy

Grade Level:


Education Standards Addressed:

9th grade

Earth Science

History of Earth
HS-ESS2-1. Develop a model to illustrate how Earths internal and surface processes operate at
different spatial and temporal scales to form continental and ocean-floor features.
Speaking and Listening Standards
Comprehension and Collaboration (Common Core State Standards)

1. Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and

teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade four topics and texts, building on others ideas and
expressing their own clearly.
Overview & Purpose:
(What the lesson is about.)

This lesson is designed to introduce students to relative age in geologic time. This lesson will focus on stratigraphy and its different principles.
This lesson will introduce new vocabulary relating to relative age of Earths strata. Students will be introduced to the different principles of
stratigraphy. (principle of superposition, principle of original horizontality, principle of cross-cutting relationships, and principle of inclusion)
Students will work in groups using different color sand to create a model of Earths strata. Based on their model, students will be able to identify
which layer was the oldest and/or newest. Students will use their model to illustrate/observe the different principles.


1. Students will be able to identify the principles used to determine relative

ages of geologic events.
Students will be able to identify which layers of rocks were established first
and which ones were formed last.
3. Students will use their model of Earths strata to identify different
Warm-up and/or Review 1. Introductory activity for stratigraphy and principle of superposition.
(Connect current lesson with
2. Each group/table will be given a deck of cards. Students will be asked to
previous lessons; help
consider each card as an Earths layer.
students get in mood for class;
NOT teacher dominated)
3. Students will deal the cards in the center of the table, and then identify
which cards were dealt/deposited first, middle, and last.
4. Every student will have a change to deal the cards and quiz their peers on
order/ principle of superposition.

(Specify new skills the student will

gain as a result of the lesson; focus
on student (not) teacher behaviors.)2.

Materials Needed
(Items needed to give lesson; e.g, PowerPoint
presentation, transparencies, art materials,
worksheets, etc.)

Deck of Cards
Cylinder/Water Bottles
Colored Sand
Funnels/ Construction Paper
Art Materials
Permanent markers

(Intro provides
interest/motivation; Presentation,
teacher introduces new


(Describe the activity that

students will do to reinforce this

Introduce, define, and explain new terms: stratigraphy, principle of original

horizontality, principle of superposition, principle of cross-cutting
relationship, and principle of inclusion.
Teacher will have a word chart to define new vocabulary.
Visual aids will be used to illustrate the different principles.
Teacher will describe the specific traits of each principle i.e. principle of
superposition states that each layer is older than the one above and younger
that the one below etc.
Using color sand and a clear water bottle, students will create Earths strata.
Students will pour the sand into the water bottle. Each color will represent a
different layer of the Earth.
Using their models, students will be asked to identify and compare which
layers are the oldest, or youngest.
Students will be encouraged to use their model to look for evidence of the
other of stratigraphy. They will label their water bottle depending upon what
principles they observe.
Students will use their models to complete their worksheet.
Students will be divided into groups of three or four to complete the
worksheets. They will be encouraged to use their models of Earths strata to
guide them to complete the worksheets.

Student Evaluation

Students will create 2 questions regarding the lesson.

Teacher would use the questions to evaluate students understanding.

Contingency Plan

White board would be used to illustrate the lessons objectives.

If sand was not accessible have poster board to create a diagram of the
different principles.
If the computer is not operating, the teacher will have a transparency sheet as
back up.
Did everyone bring a water bottle, or is it better to provide the water bottles
to the students?
Was working with sand effective or easy to obtain?
What other materials can we use to complete the activity? (paper funnel
instead of purchased ones, alternatives to sand such as flour)

(Does not always equal a test.

Should be done during and after
instruction; both formal and

(Good idea to have some idea of

what you will do if things don't go
as planned, i.e., technology does
not work).

Teacher Self-Evaluation
(Describe how the teacher will
assess what went well, problems
experienced, what could be done
differently, etc.).

Resources Needed/Used

(E.g. Web, books (provide appropriate

academic style citation (APA, MLA, etc.)

Rowand County Schools.

Retrieved from
accessed on November 16, 2016

Log in journal any question students had during lecture.

What would better illustrate to student the three different principles?
Would a video work better to introduce this subject?

Additional Notes:

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