Set - 1 GR 11 IV B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations, May, 2015 Programmable Logic Controllers (Electrical and Electronics Engineering)

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CODE: GR11A4096
IV B. Tech II Semester Regular Examinations,
May, 2015
Programmable Logic Controllers GR11D5104
(Electrical and Electronics Engineering)
GR 11

Max Marks: 75

Time: 3 hours

1). a

Answer any FIVE questions

All questions carry equal marks
Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of relay logic and PLC
applications in an industrial scenario.


Briefly discuss how input/output modules are addressed in a PLC.


2). a

Design a 1:4 de multiplexer using ladder logic.


Explain Retentive and Non Retentive Timers.


Discuss in detail about holding registers, input registers and output registers.


What is Module Addressing? Explain.


Explain the block diagram of the PID module.


Discuss some major counter functions used in PLC programming.


Discuss briefly the arithmetic and trigonometric functions used in PLCs.


Explain the BCD input and output systems with diagrams.


Describe PLC sequencer function with an example of its applications.


Explain the Master Control Relay function with an application.


How is PID controller tuned in a PLC control loop?


What are the advantages of Matrix functions?


3). a

4). a

5). a

6). a

7) a


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