Para Professional Plan
Para Professional Plan
Para Professional Plan
GRADE: 4th
Paraprofessional Plan
Setting and Materials
Where: At the crescent moon table outside the resource room
When: 9:00-9:30AM
In the bucket by the table
3 whiteboards with story problems written on them
3 whiteboards (one for you, one for each student)
3 dry erase markers
3 whiteboard erasers
3 sheets of laminated graph paper
In the folder with the lesson plan
1 Teacher Problem Solving Strategy Checklist (same as student checklist but larger)
2 Student Problem Solving Strategy Checklists
2 Independent Practice worksheets
1 Independent Practice Answer Key
2 Mastery Measure Worksheets
1 Mastery Measure Answer Key
Behavior Expectation Poster
Vocabulary Words (posted on the word wall in the hall)
Lesson Plan
Ask students to read the following vocabulary from
the vocabulary visuals on the word wall
Multiplication To add a number to itself a certain
number of times
Sketch An array or representative picture
Story Problem A story that represents a
multiplication problem
Factors The number being multiplied
Product The answer to a multiplication equation
To check for student understanding of factors and
product, write 4 X 2 = 8 on the whiteboard. Point
to one number at a time. Ask students to give a
thumbs up if you are pointing to the product, and a
thumbs down if you are pointing to a factor.
Outline of Learning sequence: Model
Pass out the checklist to students.
Students should:
- Follow teacher prompts
- Think steps through
- Discuss any confusion
- Show answers on
fingers, whiteboard, or
laminated graph paper
Students should:
- Think steps through
- Discuss any confusion
- Show answers on
fingers, whiteboard, or
laminated graph paper
- Successfully complete
the steps of the
Thank them for their hard work and have them go back to class!
Plan for students who finish Independent Practice early:
Check students work:
- If complete and student used the strategy correctly, give them a challenge
- If incomplete or student incorrectly used the strategy, prompt students to
review their work. If they dont catch their errors, guide students to the error
(and help them fix if needed)
Plan for students who finish Mastery Measure early:
- Give students a challenge problem to complete
2. Ben has 2 bags of Jolly Ranchers. Each bag has 9 candies in it. How many candies does Ben have?
Problem 1
5. Label and
circle your
Problem 2