BDD Installation

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Oracle Big Data Discovery

Installation Guide
Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

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Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Table of Contents
Copyright and disclaimer ..........................................................2
Preface ..........................................................................6
About this guide ................................................................6
Conventions ...................................................................6
Contacting Oracle Customer Support .................................................7

Part I: Before You Install

Chapter 1: Introduction ............................................................9
The Big Data Discovery software package .............................................9
Integration with Hadoop ..........................................................10
Integration with WebLogic ........................................................11
Integration with Jetty ............................................................11
Cluster configurations and diagrams.................................................11
A note about component names....................................................14
Chapter 2: Prerequisites ..........................................................15
Supported platforms ............................................................15
Hardware requirements ..........................................................19
Memory requirements ...........................................................19
Disk space requirements .........................................................20
Network requirements ...........................................................21
Supported operating systems ......................................................21
Required Linux utilities...........................................................21
Installing the required Perl modules .............................................22
OS user requirements ...........................................................23
Enabling passwordless SSH ..................................................24
Hadoop requirements ...........................................................24
YARN setting changes.......................................................26
Required Hadoop client libraries................................................27
Required HDP JARs ........................................................28
MapR-specific requirements...................................................28
Updating the YARN ResourceManager configuration.............................29
Applying the MapR patches ...............................................29
JDK requirements ..............................................................30
Security options................................................................31
TLS/SSL .................................................................33
Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Table of Contents

HDFS data at rest encryption ..................................................34

Other security options .......................................................35
Dgraph database requirements ....................................................35
HDFS ...................................................................36
Setting up cgroups .....................................................36
Installing the HDFS NFS Gateway service ....................................38
Installing FUSE ........................................................38
NFS ....................................................................39
Increasing the number of open file descriptors .....................................39
Studio database requirements .....................................................40
Sample commands for production databases ......................................41
Supported Web browsers.........................................................41
Screen resolution requirements ....................................................42
Studio support for iPad ..........................................................42

Part II: Installing Big Data Discovery

Chapter 3: Prerequisite checklist ...................................................44
Chapter 4: QuickStart Installation ..................................................49
Installing BDD with quickstart ......................................................49
Chapter 5: Single-Node Installation .................................................51
Installing BDD on a single node ....................................................51
Configuring a single-node installation ................................................52
Chapter 6: Cluster Installation .....................................................57
The BDD installer ..............................................................57
Silent installation ...........................................................57
Installer behavior ...........................................................59
Setting up the install machine......................................................60
Downloading the BDD media pack ..................................................61
Downloading a WebLogic Server patch ..............................................62
Configuring BDD ...............................................................62
Required settings ..........................................................63
Running the prerequisite checker ...................................................70
Installing BDD on a cluster........................................................70
Chapter 7: Troubleshooting a Failed Installation .....................................72
Failed ZooKeeper check .........................................................72
Failure to download the Hadoop client libraries .........................................72
Failure to generate the Hadoop fat JAR ..............................................73
Rerunning the installer ...........................................................73

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Table of Contents

Part III: After You Install

Chapter 8: Post-Installation Tasks ..................................................76
Verifying your installation .........................................................76
Verifying your cluster's health..................................................76
Verifying Data Processing ....................................................77
Navigating the BDD directory structure ...............................................77
Enabling Kerberos for the Transform Service ..........................................81
Configuring load balancing........................................................82
Configuring load balancing for Studio ............................................82
Configuring load balancing for the Transform Service ................................82
Updating the DP CLI whitelist and blacklist ............................................83
Signing in to Studio as an administrator ..............................................83
Backing up your cluster ..........................................................84
Replacing certificates............................................................84
Increasing Linux file descriptors ....................................................84
Customizing the WebLogic JVM heap size ............................................85
Configuring Studio database caching ................................................85
Customizing Studio database caching ...........................................85
Disabling Studio database caching ..............................................86
Clearing the Studio database cache .............................................87
Chapter 9: Using Studio with a Reverse Proxy .......................................88
About reverse proxies ...........................................................88
Types of reverse proxies .........................................................88
Example sequence for a reverse proxy request.........................................89
Recommendations for reverse proxy configuration ......................................89
Preserving HTTP 1.1 Host: headers .............................................90
Enabling the Apache ProxyPreserveHost directive ..................................90
Reverse proxy configuration options for Studio .........................................91
Simple Studio reverse proxy configuration ........................................91
Studio reverse proxy configuration without preserving Host: headers .....................91
Configuring Studio to support an SSL-enabled reverse proxy...........................92

Part IV: Uninstalling Big Data Discovery

Chapter 10: Uninstallation ........................................................94
The uninstallation script ..........................................................94
Running the uninstallation script ....................................................95

Appendix A: Optional and Internal BDD Properties

Optional settings ...............................................................96
Internal settings...............................................................102

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Oracle Big Data Discovery is a set of end-to-end visual analytic capabilities that leverage the power of Apache
Spark to turn raw data into business insight in minutes, without the need to learn specialist big data tools or
rely only on highly skilled resources. The visual user interface empowers business analysts to find, explore,
transform, blend and analyze big data, and then easily share results.

About this guide

This guide describes how to configure and install Oracle Big Data Discovery. It also provides information on
tasks you can perform after deployment and instructions for uninstalling the product.
This guide relates specifically to Big Data Discovery version 1.3.2. The most up-to-date version of this
document is available on the
Note: This guide does not describe how to install Big Data Discovery on the Oracle Big Data
Appliance. If you want to install on the Big Data Appliance, see the Oracle Big Data Appliance
Owner's Guide Release 4 (4.6) and the corresponding MOS note.

This guide addresses administrators and engineers who need to install and deploy Big Data Discovery within
their existing Hadoop environment.

The following conventions are used in this document.

Typographic conventions
The following table describes the typographic conventions used in this document.


User Interface Elements

This formatting is used for graphical user interface elements such as

pages, dialog boxes, buttons, and fields.

Code Sample

This formatting is used for sample code segments within a paragraph.


This formatting is used for variable values.

For variables within a code sample, the formatting is Variable.

File Path

This formatting is used for file names and paths.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016


Symbol conventions
The following table describes symbol conventions used in this document.





The right angle bracket,

or greater-than sign,
indicates menu item
selections in a graphic
user interface.

File > New > Project

From the File menu,

choose New, then from
the New submenu,
choose Project.

Path variable conventions

This table describes the path variable conventions used in this document.
Path variable



Indicates the absolute path to your Oracle Middleware home directory,

where BDD and WebLogic Server are installed.


Indicates the absolute path to your Oracle Big Data Discovery home
directory, $ORACLE_HOME/BDD-<version>.


Indicates the absolute path to your WebLogic domain home directory. For
example, if your domain is named bdd-<version>_domain, then
$DOMAIN_HOME is $ORACLE_HOME/user_projects/domains/bdd<version>_domain.


Indicates the absolute path to your Dgraph home directory,


Contacting Oracle Customer Support

Oracle customers that have purchased support have access to electronic support through My Oracle Support.
This includes important information regarding Oracle software, implementation questions, product and solution
help, as well as overall news and updates from Oracle.
You can contact Oracle Customer Support through Oracle's Support portal, My Oracle Support at

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Part I
Before You Install

Chapter 1

The following sections describe Oracle Big Data Discovery and how it integrates with other software products.
They also describe some of the different cluster configurations Big Data Discovery supports.
The Big Data Discovery software package
Integration with Hadoop
Integration with WebLogic
Integration with Jetty
Cluster configurations and diagrams
A note about component names

The Big Data Discovery software package

Oracle Big Data Discovery has a number of distinct components, which are installed simultaneously.

Studio is Big Data Discovery's front-end web application. It provides tools that you can use to create and
manage data sets and projects, as well as administrator tools for managing end user access and other
settings. Studio stores its project data and the majority of its configuration in a relational database.
Studio is a Java-based application. It runs inside the WebLogic Server, along with the Dgraph Gateway.

Dgraph Gateway
The Dgraph Gateway is a Java-based interface that routes requests to the Dgraph instances and provides
caching and business logic. It also leverages Hadoop ZooKeeper to handle cluster services for the Dgraph
The Dgraph Gateway runs inside WebLogic Server, along with Studio.

Transform Service
The Transform Service processes end user-defined changes to data sets (called transformations) on behalf of
Studio. It enables you to preview the effects your transformations will have on your data before saving them.
The Transform Service is a web application that runs inside a Jetty container. It is separate from Studio and
the Dgraph Gateway.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016



Data Processing
Data Processing collectively refers to a set of processes and jobs that discover, sample, profile, and enrich
source data. Many of these processes run within Hadoop, so Data Processing must be installed on Hadoop

Data Processing CLI

The Data Processing Command Line Interface (CLI) provides a way to manually launch Data Processing jobs
and invoke the Hive Table Detector (see below). It can also be configured to run as a cron job.
The CLI is automatically installed on all Managed Servers and Dgraph nodes. It can later be moved to any
node that has access to the Big Data Discovery deployment.

Hive Table Detector

The Hive Table Detector is a Data Processing component that monitors the Hive database for new or deleted
tables, and launches Data Processing workflows as needed.
The Hive Table Detector is invoked by the CLI, either manually by the Hive administrator or via the CLI cron
job. If you enable the CLI to run as a cron job, the Hive Table Detector runs at each invocation of the cron job.

The Dgraph indexes the data sets produced by Data Processing and stores them in databases on either
HDFS or a shared NFS. It also responds to end user queries for data routed to it by the Dgraph Gateway. It is
designed to be stateless, so each Dgraph instance can respond to queries independently of the others.
The nodes the Dgraph instances can be hosted on depend on whether the databases are stored on HDFS or
an NFS. These nodes form a Dgraph cluster inside the BDD cluster.

Dgraph HDFS Agent

The Dgraph HDFS Agent acts as a data transport layer between the Dgraph and the HDFS environment. It
exports records to HDFS on behalf of the Dgraph, and imports records from HDFS during data ingest
The HDFS Agent is automatically installed on the same nodes as the Dgraph.

Integration with Hadoop

BDD runs on top of an existing Hadoop cluster, which provides a number of components and tools that BDD
requires to process and manage data. For example, the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) stores your
source data and Hadoop Spark on YARN runs all Data Processing jobs.
BDD supports the following Hadoop distributions:
Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH) 5.5.x (min. 5.5.2), 5.6, 5.7.x (min. 5.7.1), 5.8
Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP), 2.4.x (min. 2.4.2)
MapR Converged Data Platform (MapR) 5.1

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016



You must have one of these installed on your cluster before installing BDD, as the configuration of your
Hadoop cluster determines where some of the BDD components will be installed. However, Hadoop doesn't
need to be on every node that will host BDD, as some BDD components don't require Hadoop to function. For
more information, see Hadoop requirements on page 24.
Note: You can't connect BDD to more than one Hadoop cluster.

Integration with WebLogic

WebLogic Server provides a J2EE container for hosting and managing Studio and the Dgraph Gateway, which
are J2EE applications. Additionally, WebLogic's Admin Server plays an important role in the installation
process and administering BDD after installing.
WebLogic Server 12c (12.1.3) is included in the BDD media pack and automatically installed on all nodes that
will host Studio and the Dgraph Gateway.
Note: BDD does not currently support integration with an existing WebLogic installation. You must use
the version included with the BDD packages.
The WebLogic Admin Server serves as a central point of control for your BDD cluster. Before installing, you
select a node to be the Admin Server and perform the entire installation from it. After installation, you can
perform script-based administrative taskssuch as starting individual components and updating the cluster
configurationfrom this node.
You can also use the WebLogic Administration Console and WLST (WebLogic Server Scripting Tool) for
starting and stopping the Managed Servers that host Studio and the Dgraph Gateway.

Integration with Jetty

Jetty provides an open-source javax.servlet container for hosting the Transform Service.
BDD supports Jetty 9, which is included in the BDD package. The BDD installer will automatically install Jetty
and deploy the Transform Service within its own Jetty container.

Cluster configurations and diagrams

BDD supports many different cluster configurations. You should determine the one that best suits your needs
before installing.
The following sections describe three configurations suitable for demonstration, development, and production
environments, and their possible variations.
Note: You aren't limited to the deployment configurations described below. You can deploy BDD into
any configuration that meets your data processing needs.

Single-node demo environment

You can install BDD in a demo environment running on a single physical or virtual machine. This configuration
can only handle a limited amount of data, so it is recommended solely for demonstrating the product's
functionality with small a small sample database.
Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016



In a single-node deployment, all BDD and Hadoop components are hosted on the same node, and the Dgraph
databases are stored on the local filesystem.

Two-node development environment

You can install BDD in a development environment running on two nodes. This configuration can handle a
slightly larger database than a single-node deployment, but is still has limited processing capacity.
Additionally, it doesn't provide high availability for the Dgraph or Studio.
In a two-node configuration, Hadoop and Data Processing are hosted on one node, and WebLogic Server
(including Studio and the Dgraph Gateway) and the Dgraph are hosted on another. The Dgraph databases are
stored on the local filesystem.

Six-node production environment

A production environment can consist of any number of nodes required for scale; however, a cluster of six
nodes, with BDD deployed on at least four Hadoop nodes, provides maximum availability guarantees.
In this six-node cluster deployment of BDD:
Nodes 1 and 2 are running Spark on YARN (and other related services) and BDD Data Processing.
Nodes 3 and 4 are running the HDFS DataNode service and the Dgraph, with the Dgraph databases
stored on HDFS.
Note that this configuration is different from the two described above, in which the Dgraph is separate from
Hadoop and its databases are stored on the local filesystem. Storing the databases on HDFS is a high
availability option for the Dgraph and is recommended for large production environments.
Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016



Nodes 4 and 5 are running WebLogic Server, Studio, and the Dgraph Gateway. Having two of these
nodes ensures minimal redundancy of the Studio instances.

Remember that you aren't restricted to the above configurationyour cluster can contain as many Data
Processing, WebLogic Server, and Dgraph nodes as necessary. You can also co-locate WebLogic Server and
Hadoop on the same nodes, or host your databases on a shared NFS and run the Dgraph on its own node.
Be aware that these decisions may impact your cluster's overall performance and are dependent on your site's
resources and requirements.

About the number of nodes

Although this document doesn't include sizing recommendations, you can use the following guidelines along
with your site's specific requirements to determine an appropriate size for your cluster. You can also add more
Dgraph and Data Processing nodes later on, if necessary; for more information, see the Administrator's Guide.
Note: You can't add more WebLogic Server nodes without reinstalling, so be sure to determine the
number you need beforehand.
Data Processing nodes: Your BDD cluster must include at least one Hadoop node running Data
Processing. For high availability, Oracle recommends having at least three. (Note: Your pre-existing
Hadoop cluster may have more than three nodes. The Hadoop nodes discussed here are those that BDD
has also been installed on.) The BDD installer will automatically install Data Processing on all Hadoop
nodes running Spark on YARN, YARN, and HDFS.
WebLogic Server nodes: Your BDD cluster must include at least one WebLogic Server node running
Studio and the Dgraph Gateway. There is no recommended number of Studio instances, but if you expect
to have a large number of end users making queries at the same time, you might want two.
Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016



Dgraph nodes: Your deployment must include at least one Dgraph instance. If there are more than one,
they will run as a cluster within the BDD cluster. Having a cluster of Dgraphs is desirable because it
enhances high availability of query processing. Note that if your Dgraph databases are on HDFS, the
Dgraph must be installed on HDFS DataNodes.
Note: You can add and remove nodes from your Hadoop cluster without reinstalling BDD.

Co-locating Hadoop, WebLogic Server, and the Dgraph

One way to configure your cluster is to co-locate different components on the same nodes. This is a more
efficient use of your hardware, since you don't have to devote an entire node to any specific BDD component.
Be aware, however, that the co-located components will compete for memory, which can have a negative
impact on performance. The decision to host different components on the same nodes depends on your site's
production requirements and your hardware's capacity.
Any combination of Hadoop and BDD components can run on a single node, including all three together.
Possible combinations include:
The Dgraph and Hadoop. The Dgraph can run on Hadoop DataNodes. This is required if you store your
databases on HDFS, and is also an option if you store them on an NFS.
For best performance, you shouldn't host the Dgraph on a node running Spark on YARN as both
processes require a lot of memory. However, if you have to co-locate them, you can use cgroups to
partition resources for the Dgraph. For more information, see Setting up cgroups on page 36.
The Dgraph and WebLogic Server. The Dgraph and WebLogic Server can be hosted on the same node.
If you do this, you should configure the WebLogic Server to consume a limited amount of memory to
ensure the Dgraph has access to sufficient resources for its query processing.
WebLogic Server and Hadoop. WebLogic Server can run on any of your Hadoop nodes. If do this, you
should configure WebLogic Server to consume a limited amount of memory to ensure that Hadoop has
access to sufficient resources for processing.

A note about component names

Some of the installation files and scripts may contain references to the Endeca Server, which is a legacy name
for the Dgraph Gateway. This document refers to the component as the Dgraph Gateway, and notes any
discrepancies to avoid confusion.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Chapter 2

The following sections describe the hardware and software requirements your environment must meet before
you can install BDD.
Supported platforms
Hardware requirements
Memory requirements
Disk space requirements
Network requirements
Supported operating systems
Required Linux utilities
OS user requirements
Hadoop requirements
JDK requirements
Security options
Dgraph database requirements
Studio database requirements
Supported Web browsers
Screen resolution requirements
Studio support for iPad

Supported platforms
The following tables list the platforms and versions supported in each BDD release.
Note that this is not an exhaustive list of BDD's requirements. Be sure to read through the rest of this chapter
before installing for more information about the components and configuration changes BDD requires.

Supported Hadoop distributions

Big Data Discovery version Hadoop distribution

Supported version(s)



Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016



Big Data Discovery version Hadoop distribution

Supported version(s)


Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop

5.3.x, 5.4.x, 5.5.2

Hortonworks Data Platform


Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop


Hortonworks Data Platform

Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop

5.5.x (min. 5.5.2), 5.6, 5.7.1

Hortonworks Data Platform, 2.4.x (min. 2.4.2)

Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop

5.5.x (min. 5.5.2), 5.6, 5.7.x (min.

5.7.1), 5.8




Hortonworks Data Platform

MapR Converged Data Platform, 2.4.x (min. 2.4.2)


Supported Big Data Appliance versions

Big Data Discovery version

Supported Big Data Appliance version(s)




4.3, 4.4




4.4, 4.5


4.5, 4.6

Supported operating systems

Big Data Discovery version

Operating system

Supported version(s)


Oracle Enterprise Linux

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

Oracle Enterprise Linux


Red Hat Enterprise Linux


Oracle Enterprise Linux

6.4+, 7.1

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

6.4+, 7.1



Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016



Big Data Discovery version

Operating system

Supported version(s)


Oracle Enterprise Linux

6.4+, 7.1

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

6.4+, 7.1

Oracle Enterprise Linux

6.4+, 7.1

Red Hat Enterprise Linux

6.4+, 7.1


Supported application servers

Big Data Discovery version

Application server

Supported version(s)


Oracle WebLogic Server

12c 12.1.3


Oracle WebLogic Server

12c 12.1.3


Oracle WebLogic Server

12c 12.1.3


Oracle WebLogic Server

12c 12.1.3


Oracle WebLogic Server

12c 12.1.3

Supported JDK versions

Big Data Discovery version

Supported JDK version(s)


HotSpot jdk 7U67+ x64


HotSpot JDK 7u67+ x64

HotSpot JDK 8u45+ x64


HotSpot JDK 7u67+ x64

HotSpot JDK 8u45+ x64


HotSpot JDK 7u67+ x64

HotSpot JDK 8u45+ x64


HotSpot JDK 7u67+ x64

HotSpot JDK 8u45+ x64

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016



Supported Studio database servers

Big Data Discovery version

Database server

Supported version(s)



11g, 12c



Hypersonic (non-prod environments, only)



11g, 12c



Hypersonic (non-prod environments, only)



11g, 12c



Hypersonic (non-prod environments, only)



11g, 12c



Hypersonic (non-prod environments, only)



11g, 12c



Hypersonic (non-prod environments, only)






Supported browsers
Big Data Discovery version

Supported browsers


Internet Explorer 10, 11

Firefox ESR
Chrome for Business
Safari Mobile 7.x


Internet Explorer 10, 11

Firefox ESR
Chrome for Business
Safari Mobile 8.x

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016



Big Data Discovery version

Supported browsers


Internet Explorer 11
Firefox ESR
Chrome for Business
Safari Mobile 9.x


Internet Explorer 11
Firefox ESR
Chrome for Business
Safari Mobile 9.x


Internet Explorer 11
Firefox ESR
Chrome for Business
Safari Mobile 9.x

Hardware requirements
The hardware requirements for your BDD installation depend on the amount of data you will process. Oracle
recommends the following minimum requirements:
Note: In this guide, the term "x64" refers to any processor compatible with the AMD64/EM64T
architecture. You might need to upgrade your hardware, depending on the data you are processing.
All run-time code must fit entirely in RAM. Likewise, hard disk capacity must be sufficient based on the
size of your data set. Please contact your Oracle representative if you need more information on
sizing your hardware.
x86_64 dual-core CPU for Dgraph nodes
x86_64 quad-core CPU for WebLogic Managed Servers, which will run Studio and the Dgraph Gateway
Note: Oracle recommends turning off hyper-threading for Dgraph nodes. Because of the way the
Dgraph works, hyper-threading is actually detrimental to cache performance.

Memory requirements
The amount of RAM your system requires depends on the amount of data you plan on processing.
The following table lists the minimum amounts of RAM required to install BDD on each type of node.
Important: Be aware that these are the amounts required by the product itself and don't account for
storing or processing datafull-scale installations will require more. You should work with your Oracle
representative to determine an appropriate amount for your processing needs before installing.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016



Type of node



This breaks down into 5GB for WebLogic Server and 11GB for the
Transform Service.
Note that installing the Transform Service on WebLogic nodes is
recommended, but not required. If you decide to host it on a different type
of node, verify that it has enough RAM.


If you're planning on storing your databases on HDFS, your Dgraph nodes
should have 5GB of RAM plus the amount required by HDFS and any
other Hadoop components running on them. For more information, see
Dgraph database requirements on page 35.

Data Processing (YARN


Note that this is for the entire YARN cluster combined, not per node.

Disk space requirements

You must ensure that each node contains enough space to install BDD.
The product has the following minimum space requirements:
30GB in the ORACLE_HOME directory on all BDD nodes. You will define the location of this directory in
BDD's configuration file before installing.
20GB in the TEMP_FOLDER_PATH directory on all BDD nodes. You will define the location of this directory
in BDD's configuration file before installing.
10GB in the INSTALLER_PATH directory on the install machine. You will define the location of this
directory in BDD's configuration file before installing.
512MB swap space on the install machine and all Managed Servers. If these nodes don't meet this
requirement, be sure to set the WLS_NO_SWAP property in BDD's configuration file to TRUE.
39GB virtual memory on all Transform Service nodes.
Important: Be aware that these are the amounts required by the product itself and don't account for
storing or processing datafull-scale installations will require more. You should work with your Oracle
representative to determine an appropriate amount of space for your processing needs before

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016



Network requirements
The hostname of each BDD machine must be externally-resolvable and accessible using the machine's IP
address. Oracle recommends using only Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs).

Supported operating systems

BDD supports the following operating systems:
Oracle Enterprise Linux 6.4+, 7.1 x64
Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.4+, 7.1 x64
One of these must be installed on all nodes in the cluster, including Hadoop nodes.

Required Linux utilities

The BDD installer requires several Linux utilities.
The following must be present in the /bin directory:

The following must be present in the /usr/bin directory:

perl (see below)
sudo (Note: This is the default version on OEL 6.x.)

In addition to these, BDD requires the following:

Perl 5.10+ with multithreading. This must be set as the default version on all BDD nodes. Additionally, the
install machine requires a few specific Perl modules; see Installing the required Perl modules on page 22
for instructions on installing them.
Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016



The default umask set to 022 on all BDD nodes, including Hadoop nodes.
curl 7.19.7+, with support for the --tlsv1.2 and --negotiate options. This must be installed on all
nodes that will host Studio.
Network Security Services (NSS) 3.16.1+ on all nodes that will host Studio.
nss-devel on all nodes that will host Studio. This contains the nss-config command, which must be
installed in /usr/bin.
nss-devel is included in Linux 6.7 and higher, but needs to be installed manually on older versions. To
see if it's installed, run:
sudo rpm -q nss-devel

If nss-devel is installed, the above command should return its version number. You should also verify
that nss-config is available in /usr/bin.
If you don't have nss-devel, install it by running:
sudo yum install nss-devel

nss-config will be installed in /usr/bin by default.

tty disabled for sudo. If it's currently enabled, comment out the line Defaults requiretty in
/etc/sudoers on all nodes:
#Defaults requiretty

Installing the required Perl modules

Installing the required Perl modules

Three Perl modules are required on the install machine.
These are:
Note: You only need to perform this procedure on the install machine. These modules aren't required
on any other nodes.
To install the required Perl modules:

Install Mail::Address:
(a) Download Mail::Address from
(b) Extract MailTools-2.14.tar.gz:
tar -xvf MailTools-2.14.tar.gz

This creates a directory called /MailTools-2.14.

(c) Go to /MailTools-2.14 and run the following commands to install the module:
perl Makefile.PL
Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

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make test
sudo make install


Install XML::Parser:
(a) Download XML::Parser from
(b) Extract XML-Parser-2.44.tar.gz:
tar -xvf XML-Parser-2.44.tar.gz

This creates a directory called /XML-Parser-2.44.

(c) Go to /XML-Parser-2.44 and run the following commands to install the module:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
sudo make install


Install JSON-2.90:
(a) Download JSON-2.90 from
(b) Extract JSON-2.90.tar.gz:
tar -xvf JSON-2.90.tar.gz

This creates a directory called /JSON-2.90.

(c) Go to /JSON-2.90 and run the following commands to install the module:
perl Makefile.PL
make test
sudo make install

OS user requirements
The entire installation must be performed by a single OS user, called the bdd user. After installing, this user
will run all BDD processes.
You must create this user or select an existing one to fill this role before installing. Although this document
refers to it as the bdd user, its name is arbitrary.
The user you choose must meet the following requirements:
It can't be the root user.
Its UID must be the same on all nodes in the cluster, including Hadoop nodes.
It must have passwordless sudo enabled on all nodes in the cluster, including Hadoop nodes.
It must have passwordless SSH enabled on all nodes in the cluster, including Hadoop nodes, so that it
can log into each node from the install machine. For instructions on enabling this, see Enabling
passwordless SSH on page 24.
It must have bash set as its default shell on all nodes in the cluster, including Hadoop nodes.
Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

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It must have permission to create the directory BDD will be installed in on all nodes in the cluster,
including Hadoop nodes. This directory is defined by the ORACLE_HOME property in the BDD configuration
If your databases are located on HDFS, the bdd user has additional requirements. These are described in
Dgraph database requirements on page 35.
Enabling passwordless SSH

Enabling passwordless SSH

You must enable passwordless SSH on all nodes in the cluster for the bdd user.
To enable passwordless SSH for the bdd user:

Generate SSH keys on all nodes in the cluster, including Hadoop nodes.


Copy the keys to the install machine to create known_hosts and authorized_keys files.


Copy the known_hosts and authorized_keys files to all servers in the cluster.

Hadoop requirements
One of the following Hadoop distributions must be running on your cluster before you install BDD:
Cloudera Distribution for Hadoop (CDH) 5.5.x (min. 5.5.2), 5.6, 5.7.x (min. 5.7.1), 5.8. Enterprise edition is
Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP), 2.4.x (min. 2.4.2)
MapR Converged Data Platform (MapR) 5.1
Note: You can switch to a different version of your Hadoop distribution after installing BDD, if
necessary. See the Administrator's Guide for more information.
BDD doesn't require all of the components each distribution provides, and the components it does require
don't need to be installed on all nodes. The following table lists the required Hadoop components and the
node(s) they must be installed on.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

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Note: If you are installing on a single machine, that machine must be running all required Hadoop


Cluster manager Your cluster manager depends on your Hadoop distribution:

CDH: Cloudera Manager
HDP: Ambari
MapR: MapR Control System (MCS)
The installer uses a RESTful API to query your cluster manager for information about
your Hadoop nodes, such as their hostnames and port numbers.
Your cluster manager must be installed on at least one node in your cluster, although it
doesn't have to be on any that will host BDD.

BDD uses ZooKeeper to manage the Dgraph instances and ensure high availability of
Dgraph query processing. ZooKeeper must be installed on at least one node in your
Hadoop cluster, although it doesn't have to be on any that will host BDD. For more
information on ZooKeeper and how it affects BDD's high availability, see the
Administrator's Guide.
All Managed Servers must be able to connect to a node running ZooKeeper.


The Hive tables that contain your source data are stored in HDFS. HDFS must be
installed on at least one node in your cluster.
You can also store your Dgraph databases on HDFS. If you choose to do this, the
Dgraph must be installed on HDFS DataNode service must be installed on all nodes that
will run the Dgraph.
Note: MapR uses the MapR File System (MapR-FS) instead of standard HDFS,
although this document typically refers to HDFS only for simplicity. Any
requirements specific to MapR-FS will be called out explicitly.


The Data Processing Hive Table Detector monitors HCatalog for new and deleted tables
that require processing. HCatalog must be installed on at least one node in your Hadoop
cluster, although it doesn't have to be one that will host BDD.


All of your data is stored as Hive tables on HDFS. When BDD discovers a new or
modified Hive table, it launches a Data Processing workflow for that table.

Spark on YARN

BDD uses Spark on YARN to run all Data Processing jobs. Spark on YARN must be
installed on all nodes that will run Data Processing.


You can use Hue to load your source data into Hive and to view data exported from
Note: HDP doesn't include Hue. If you have HDP, you must install Hue
separately and set the HUE_URI property in BDD's configuration file. You can
also use the bdd-admin script to update this property after installation, if
necessary. For more information, see the Administrator's Guide.

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YARN worker nodes run all Data Processing jobs. YARN must be installed on all nodes
that will run Data Processing.
Note: Data Processing will automatically be installed on nodes running the following Hadoop
Spark on YARN
If you want to store your Dgraph databases on HDFS, the Dgraph must be installed on HDFS
DataNodes. For more information, see Dgraph database requirements on page 35.

You must also make a few changes within your Hadoop cluster to ensure that BDD can communicate with
your Hadoop nodes. These changes are described below.
YARN setting changes
Required Hadoop client libraries
Required HDP JARs
MapR-specific requirements

YARN setting changes

To ensure that each YARN worker node has access to sufficient resources during processing, you need to
update the following YARN-specific Hadoop properties.
You can access these properties in your Hadoop cluster manager (Cloudera Manager, Ambari, or MCS). If
you need help locating any of them, refer to your Hadoop distribution's documentation.

Description The total amount of memory available to your entire YARN cluster.
This should be at least 16GB, although you might need to set it
higher depending on the amount of data you plan on processing.

The maximum number of virtual CPU cores allocated to each YARN

container per request.
If your Hadoop cluster contains only one YARN worker node, this
should be less than or equal to half of that node's cores. If it
contains multiple YARN worker nodes, this should be less than or
equal to each node's total number of cores.

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The maximum amount of RAM allocated to each YARN container

per request.
If your Hadoop cluster contains only one YARN worker node, this
should be less than or equal to half of that node's RAM. If it contains
multiple YARN worker nodes, this should be less than or equal to
each node's total amount of RAM.

yarn.scheduler.capacity.maxi The maximum number of concurrently-running jobs allowed on each

node. This can be between 2 and 8.
Note that setting this value higher could cause jobs submitted at the
same time to hang indefinitely.

Required Hadoop client libraries

BDD requires a number of client libraries to interact with Hadoop. When the installer runs, it adds these
libraries to a single JAR, called the Hadoop fat JAR, which it then distributes to all BDD nodes.
How you obtain the client libraries depends on your Hadoop distribution:
CDH: The installer downloads the required libraries automatically. Note that this requires an internet
connection on the install machine. If the script can't download all of the client libraries, it will fail and you
will have to download them manually. See Failure to download the Hadoop client libraries on page 72 for
more information.
HDP: Locate the following directories on your Hadoop nodes and copy them to the install machine. Note
that they might not all be on the same node.
MapR: Locate the following directories on your Hadoop nodes and copy them to the install machine. Note
that they might not all be on the same node.
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Required HDP JARs

If you have HDP, make sure that the following JAR files are present on all of your Hadoop nodes.
Note: This isn't required if you have CDH or MapR.

If any are missing, copy them over from one of your Hive or Spark nodes.

MapR-specific requirements
If you have MapR, your system must meet a few additional requirements.
The MapR Client must be installed and added to the $PATH on all non-MapR nodes that will host the
Dgraph, Studio, and the Transform Service (if different from Studio nodes). Note that the Client isn't
required on these nodes if they host any MapR processes.
For instructions on installing the MapR Client, see Installing the MapR Client in MapR's documentation.
Pluggable authentication modules (PAMs) must be disabled for the installation.
The yarn.resourcemanager.hostname property in yarn-site.xml must be set to the fully-qualified
domain name (FQDN) of your YARN ResourceManager. For instructions on updating this property, see
Updating the YARN ResourceManager configuration on page 29.
The directories /user/HDFS_DP_USER_DIR/<bdd> and /user/HDFS_DP_USER_DIR/edp/data must
be either nonexistent or mounted with a volume. HDFS_DP_USER_DIR is defined in BDD's configuration
file, and <bdd> is be the name of the bdd user.
The /opt/mapr/zkdata and /opt/mapr/zookeeper/zookeeper-3.4.5/logs directories must
have their permissions set to 755.
If you want to store your Dgraph databases on MapR-FS, the directory defined by DGRAPH_INDEX_DIR in
BDD's configuration file must be either nonexistent or mounted with a volume. Additionally, the MapR NFS

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service must be installed on all nodes that will host the Dgraph. For more information, see HDFS on page
The required Spark, ZooKeeper, and Hive patches must be installed as described in Applying the MapR
patches on page 29.

Updating the YARN ResourceManager configuration

If you have MapR, you must set the yarn.resourcemanager.hostname property in yarn-site.xml to
the fully-qualified domain name (FQDN) of your YARN ResourceManager.
Note: This procedure isn't required if you have CDH or HDP.

The property is set to by default. To update it, run the following command on the machine hosting
/opt/mapr/server/ -C <cldb_host>[:<cldb_port>][,<cldb_host>[:<cldb_port>]...]
-Z <zk_host>[:<zk_port>][,<zk_host>[:<zk_port>]...] [-RM <rm_host>] [-HS <hs_host>] [-L <logfile>]
[-N <cluster_name>]

<cldb_host> and <cldb_port> are the FQDNs and ports of your container location database (CLDB)
<zk_host> and <zk_port> are the FQDNs and ports of your ZooKeeper nodes
<rm_host> is the FQDN of your ResourceManager
<hs_host> is the FQDN of your HistoryServer
<logfile> is the log file will write to
<cluster_name> is the name of your MapR cluster
For more information on updating node configuration, see in MapR's documentation.

Applying the MapR patches

If you have MapR, you must apply three sets of patches to your Hadoop cluster before installing BDD.
Note: These patches aren't required if you have CDH or HDP.

The patches are required to upgrade the versions of Spark, ZooKeeper, and Hive you have installed.
Otherwise, BDD won't be able to work with them.
To apply the patches:

To apply the Spark patches, do the following on each Spark node:

(a) Download the following patches from

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(b) Go to the directory you put the patches in and install each by running:
rmp -ivh <patch>

If the patches succeeded, your Spark nodes should contain the directory

To apply the ZooKeeper patch, do the following on each ZooKeeper node:

(a) Download the following patch from
(b) Apply the patch according to the instructions in MapR's Patch Installation Guide.
(c) Restart ZooKeeper by running:
sudo service mapr-zookeeper restart

(d) Verify that the patch succeeded by running:

echo status|nc <hostname> 5181|grep "Zookeeper version"

Where <hostname> is the hostname of the current ZooKeeper node.

The output should report ZooKeeper's current version as 1604, and not 1503:
Zookeeper version: 3.4.5-mapr-1604--1, built on 05/18/2016 14:50 GMT


To apply the Hive patches:

(a) Download the following patches from and
copy them to each Hive node:
(b) On each Hive node, go to the directory you put the patches in and install them by running:
rpm -Uvh <patch>

(c) Go to MCS and restart the HiveServer 2, Hivemeta, and WebHcat services.

Update your MapR cluster's configuration by running the following command:

/opt/mapr/server/ -R

JDK requirements
BDD requires one of the following JDK versions:
Note: BDD requires a JDK that includes the HotSpot JVM, which must support the MD5 algorithm.
These requirements will be met by any version you download using the following links, as long as you
don't select a version from the JRockit Family.
JDK 7u67+ x64
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JDK 8u45+ x64

The JDK must be installed in the same location on all nodes.
Note: If a supported JDK is installed on your Hadoop nodes, you can copy it to your BDD nodes.

Also, be sure to set the $JAVA_HOME environment variable on all nodes. If you have multiple versions of the
JDK installed, be sure that this points to the correct one. If the path is set to or contains a symlink, the symlink
must be identical on all other nodes.

Security options
The following sections describe methods for securing your BDD cluster.
Additional information on BDD security is available in the Security Guide.
HDFS data at rest encryption
Other security options

The Kerberos network authentication protocol enables client/server applications to identify one another in a
secure manner, even when communicating over an unsecured network.
In Kerberos terminology, individual applications are called principals. Each principal has a keytab file, which
contains its key, or password. When one principal wants to communicate with another, it presents its keytab
file for authentication and is only granted access to the other principal if its name and key are recognized.
Because keytab files are protected using strong encryption, this process still works over unsecured networks.
You can configure BDD to use Kerberos authentication for its communications with Hadoop. This is required if
Kerberos is already enabled in your Hadoop cluster, and strongly recommended for production environments
in general. BDD supports integration with Kerberos 5+.
Note: This procedure assumes you already have Kerberos enabled in your Hadoop cluster.

To enable Kerberos:

Create the following directories in HDFS:

/user/<bdd user>, where <bdd user> is the name of the bdd user.
/user/<HDFS_DP_USER_DIR>, where <HDFS_DP_USER_DIR> is the value of
HDFS_DP_USER_DIR in BDD's configuration file.
The owner of both directories must be the bdd user and their group must be supergroup.


Add the bdd user to the hive group.

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Add the bdd user to the hdfs group on all BDD nodes.


Create a BDD principal.


The primary component must be the name of the bdd user. The realm must be your default realm.

Generate a keytab file for the BDD principal and copy it to the install machine.
The name and location of this file are arbitrary. The installer will rename it bdd.keytab and copy it to
all BDD nodes.


Copy the krb5.conf file from one of your Hadoop nodes to the install machine.
The location you put it in is arbitrary. The installer will copy it to /etc on all BDD nodes.


Install the kinit and kdestroy utilities on all BDD nodes.


If you have HDP, set the hadoop.proxyuser.hive.groups property in core-site.xml to *.

You can do this in Ambari.

You also need to manually configure Kerberos for the Transform Service after installing BDD. For instructions,
see Enabling Kerberos for the Transform Service on page 81.

Sentry provides role-based authorization in Hadoop clusters. Among other things, it can be used to restrict
access to Hive data at a granular level.
Oracle strongly recommends using Sentry to protect your data from outside users. If you already have it set up
in your Hadoop cluster, you must do a few things to enable BDD to work with it.
Note: The first two steps in this procedure are also required to enable Kerberos. If you've already
done them, you can skip them.
To enable Sentry:

If you haven't already, create the following directories in HDFS:

/user/<bdd user>, where <bdd user> is the name of the bdd user.
/user/<HDFS_DP_USER_DIR>, where <HDFS_DP_USER_DIR> is the value of
HDFS_DP_USER_DIR in BDD's configuration file.
The owner of both directories must be the bdd user and their group must be supergroup.


If you haven't already, add the bdd user to the hive group.


Create a new role for BDD:

create role <BDD_role>;
grant all on server server1 to role <BDD_role>;
show grant role <BDD_role>;
grant role <BDD_role> to group hive;

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

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BDD can be installed on Hadoop clusters secured with TLS/SSL.
TLS/SSL can be configured for specific Hadoop services to encrypt communication between them. If you have
it enabled in Hadoop, you can enable it for BDD to encrypt its communications with your Hadoop cluster.
If your Hadoop cluster has TLS/SSL enabled, verify that your system meets the following requirements:
Kerberos is enabled for both Hadoop and BDD. Note that this isn't required, but is strongly recommended.
For more information, see Kerberos on page 31.
TLS/SSL is enabled in your Hadoop cluster for the HDFS, YARN, Hive, and/or Key Management Server
(KMS) services.
The KMS service is installed in your Hadoop cluster. You should have already done this as part of
enabling TLS/SSL.
To enable BDD to run on a Hadoop cluster secured with TLS/SSL:

Export the public key certificates for all nodes running TLS/SSL-enabled HDFS, YARN, Hive, and/or
You can do this with the following command:
keytool -exportcert -alias <alias> -keystore <keystore_filename> -file <export_filename>

<alias> is the certificate's alias.
<keystore_filename> is the absolute path to your keystore file. You can find this in Cloudera
Manager, Ambari, or MCS.
<export_filename> is the name of the file you want to export the keystore to.

Copy the exported certificates to a single directory on the install machine.

The location of this directory is arbitrary, as you will define it in BDD's configuration file before
installing. Don't remove this directory after installing, as you will use it if you have to update the


Verify that the password for $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/cacerts is set to the default,

This is required by the installer. If it has been changed, be sure to set it back to the default.

When the installer runs, it imports the certificates to the custom truststore file, then copies the truststore to
$BDD_HOME/common/security/cacerts on all BDD nodes.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

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HDFS data at rest encryption

HDFS data at rest encryption allows data to be stored in encrypted HDFS directories called encryption zones.
All files within an encryption zone are transparently encrypted and decrypted on the client side, meaning
decrypted data is never stored in HDFS.
If HDFS data at rest encryption is enabled in your Hadoop cluster, you must enable it for BDD, as well. Verify
that your system meets the following requirements:
The key trustee KMS and key trustee server are installed and configured in your Hadoop cluster. You
should have already done this as part of enabling HDFS data at rest encryption.
Kerberos is enabled for both Hadoop and BDD. Note that this isn't required, but is strongly recommended.
For more information, see Kerberos on page 31.
TLS/SSL is enabled for both Hadoop and BDD. Note that this isn't required, but is strongly recommended.
For more information, see TLS/SSL on page 33.
To enable HDFS data at rest encryption for BDD:

Create an encryption zone in HDFS for your BDD files.

For instructions, refer to the documentation for your Hadoop distribution.


Grant the bdd user the GENERATE_EEK and DECRYPT_EEK privileges for the encryption and
decryption keys.
You can do this in Cloudera Manager, Ambari, or MCS by adding the following properties to the KMS
service's kms-acls.xml file. If you need help locating them, refer to your distribution's
<value>bdd,hdfs supergroup</value>
ACL for DECRYPT_EEK operations on key 'bdd_key'.
<value>bdd supergroup</value>
ACL for GENERATE_EEK operations on key 'bdd_key'.

Be sure to replace bdd in the above code with the name of the bdd user.
Also note that the hdfs user is included in the value of the DECRYPT_EEK property. This is required if
you're storing your Dgraph databases on HDFS, but can be omitted otherwise. For more information,
see Installing the HDFS NFS Gateway service on page 38.

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Other security options

You can further protect BDD by installing it behind a firewall and enabling TLS/SSL on Studio's outward-facing

Oracle recommends using a firewall to protect your network and BDD cluster from external entities. A firewall
limits traffic into and out of your network, creating a secure barrier around it. It can consist of a combination of
software and hardware, including routers and dedicated gateway machines.
There are multiple types of firewalls, so be sure to choose one that suits your resources and specific needs.
One option is to use a reverse proxy server as part of your firewall, which you can configure after installing
BDD. For instructions, see Using Studio with a Reverse Proxy on page 87.

TLS/SSL in Studio
You can enable TLS/SSL on Studio's outward-facing ports in one or both of the following ways:
Enable encryption through WebLogic Server. You can do this by setting WLS_SECURE_MODE to TRUE in
BDD's configuration file.
This method activates WebLogic's default demo keystores, which you should replace with your own
certificates after deployment. For more information, see Replacing certificates on page 84.
Set up a reverse-proxy server. For instructions on how to do this, see About reverse proxies on page 88.
Note: These methods don't enable encryption on the inward-facing port on which the Dgraph Gateway
listens for requests from Studio.

Dgraph database requirements

The data sets the Dgraph queries are stored in databases. For high availability, these can be stored on
HDFS/MapR-FS or a shared NFS. They can also be stored on the local disk for a non-HA option.
The location you choose determines the database requirements, as well as where the Dgraph will be installed
and its behavior.
Note: You can install with pre-existing BDD-formatted databases if you have any you want to use. To
do this, put them in the directory you want to store your databases in and point BDD's configuration
file to it. For more information, see Configuring BDD on page 62.
Regardless of where you put your Dgraph databases, you must increase the allowed number of open file
descriptors on all nodes in the cluster, including Hadoop nodes. Otherwise, the Dgraph may crash.
Increasing the number of open file descriptors

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

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Storing your databases on HDFS provides increased high availability for the Dgraphthe contents of the
databases are distributed across multiple nodes, so the Dgraph can continue to process queries if a node
goes down. It also increases the amount of data your databases can contain.
Note: This information also applies to MapR-FS.

To store your databases on HDFS, your system must meet the following requirements:
The HDFS DataNode service must be running on all nodes that will host the Dgraph. For best
performance, this should be the only Hadoop service running on your Dgraph nodes. In particular, the
Dgraph shouldn't be co-located with Spark, as both services require a lot of resources.
If you have to co-locate the Dgraph with Spark or any other Hadoop services, you should use cgroups to
isolate resources for it. For more information, see Setting up cgroups on page 36.
For best performance, configure short-circuit reads in HDFS. This enables the Dgraph to access the local
database files directly, rather than using the DataNode's network sockets to transfer the data. For
instructions, refer to the documentation for your Hadoop distribution.
The bdd user must have read and write permissions for the HDFS directory where the databases will be
stored. Be sure to set this on all Dgraph nodes.
If you have HDFS data at rest encryption enabled in Hadoop, you must store your databases in an
encryption zone. For more information, see HDFS data at rest encryption on page 34.
If you decide to not use the default HDFS mount point (the local directory where the Dgraph mounts the
HDFS root directory), make sure the one you use is empty and has read, write, and execute permissions
for the bdd user. This must be set on all Dgraph nodes.
Be sure to set the DGRAPH_HDFS_USE_MOUNT property in BDD's configuration file to TRUE.
Additionally, to enable the Dgraph to access its databases in HDFS, you must install either the HDFS NFS
Gateway (called MapR NFS in MapR) service or FUSE. The option you use depends on your Hadoop cluster:
You must use the NFS Gateway if have any of the following:
CDH 5.7.x or higher
HDFS data at rest encryption enabled
For more information, see Installing the HDFS NFS Gateway service on page 38.
In all other cases, you can use either FUSE or the NFS Gateway. For more information on FUSE, see
Installing FUSE on page 38.

Setting up cgroups
Control groups, or cgroups, are a Linux kernel feature that enable you to allocate resources like CPU time and
system memory to specific processes or groups of processes. If you need to host the Dgraph on nodes
running Spark, you should use cgroups to ensure sufficient resources are available to it.
Note: Installing the Dgraph on Spark nodes is not recommended and should only be done if
absolutely necessary.

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To do this, you enable cgroups in Hadoop and create one for YARN that limits the amounts of CPU and
memory it can consume. You then create a separate cgroup for the Dgraph.
To set up cgroups:

If your system doesn't currently have the libcgroup package, install it as root.
This creates /etc/cgconfig.conf, which is used to configure cgroups.


Enable the cgconfig service to run automatically:

chkconfig cgconfig on


Create a cgroup for YARN. You must do this within Hadoop. For instructions, refer to the
documentation for your Hadoop distribution.
The YARN cgroup should limit the amounts of CPU and memory allocated to all YARN containers.
The appropriate limits to set depend on your system and the amount of data you will process. At a
minimum, you should reserve the following for the Dgraph:
5GB of RAM
2 CPU cores
The number of CPU cores YARN is allowed to use must be specified as a percentage. For example,
on a quad-core machine, YARN should only get two cores, or 50%. On an eight-core machine, YARN
could get up to six of them, or 75%. When setting this amount, remember that allocating more cores to
the Dgraph will boost its performance.


Create a cgroup for the Dgraph by adding the following to cgconfig.conf:

# Create a Dgraph cgroup named "dgraph"
group dgraph {
# Specify which users can edit this group
perm {
admin {
uid = $BDD_USER;
# Specify which users can add tasks for this group
task {
uid = $BDD_USER;
# Set the memory and swap limits for this group
memory {
# Sets memory limit to 10GB
memory.limit_in_bytes = 10000000000;
# Sets memory + swap limit to 12GB
memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes = 12000000000;

Where $BDD_USER is the name of the bdd user.

Important: The values given for memory.limit_in_bytes and
memory.memsw.limit_in_bytes above are the absolute minimum requirements. You
should use higher values, if possible.

Restart cfconfig to enable your changes.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016



Installing the HDFS NFS Gateway service

If you have MapR, CDH 5.7.x or higher, or HDFS data at rest encryption, and you want to store your Dgraph
databases on HDFS, you must install the HDFS NFS Gateway service (called the MapR NFS service in
The NFS Gateway service enables client applications to mount HDFS as part of the local file system. Clients
can then search for, read from, and write to HDFS files as if they were stored locally. In the context of BDD,
the NFS Gateway allows the Dgraph to access its databases when they're stored in HDFS.
To enable this for BDD, the NFS Gateway service must be installed on all Dgraph nodes. For instructions on
installing it, refer to the documentation for your Hadoop distribution.
The NFS Gateway service must be running when you install BDD. The installer will automatically detect it at
runtime and add the following properties to BDD's configuration file:
NFS_GATEWAY_SERVERS=<list of NFS Gateway nodes>

After installing, the Dgraph will mount HDFS via the NFS Gateway when it starts.

Installing FUSE
Filesystem in Userspace (FUSE) enables unprivileged users to access filesystems without having to make
changes to the kernel. In the context of BDD, it enables the Dgraph to read and write data to HDFS by making
HDFS behave like a mountable local disk. The Dgraph supports FUSE 2.8+.
Note: FUSE isn't supported for Hadoop clusters that have MapR, CDH 5.7.x or higher, or HDFS data
at rest encryption.
If you're not using the HDFS NFS Gateway service, FUSE must be installed on all HDFS DataNodes that will
host the Dgraph. Additionally, the bdd user requires extra permissions to enable the Dgraph process to
integrate with FUSE, and socket timeouts in HDFS must be increased to prevent FUSE and the Dgraph from
crashing during parallel ingests.
To install FUSE:

Download the FUSE client from

The fuse-<version>.tar.gz file is downloaded to your machine.


Extract fuse-<version>.tar.gz:
tar xvf fuse-<version>.tar.gz

This creates a directory called /fuse-<version>.


Copy /fuse-<version> to all nodes that will host the Dgraph.


On each node, install FUSE by going to /fuse-<version> and running:

make -j8
make install


On each Dgraph node:

(a) Add the bdd user to the fuse group.
(b) Give the bdd user read and execute permissions for fusermount.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016



(c) Give the bdd user read and write permissions for /dev/fuse.

Update your HDFS configuration:

(a) Open hdfs-site.xml in a text editor and add the following lines:

(b) Make the following changes in your Hadoop manager.

If you have CDH, open Cloudera Manager and add the above lines to the following properties:
HDFS Service Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hdfs-site.xml
DataNode Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safely Valve) for hdfs-site.xml
HDFS Client Advanced Configuration Snippet (Safety Valve) for hdfs-site.xml
If you Have HDP, open Ambari and set the following properties to 600000:
(c) Restart HDFS to make your changes take effect.

If you don't want to store your databases on HDFS, you can keep them on a shared NFS.
Before installing, be sure that your NFS is properly set up and that all Dgraph nodes have read/write access to

Increasing the number of open file descriptors

Regardless of where you put your Dgraph databases, you must set the hard and soft limits on the number of
open file descriptors to 65536, at a minimum.
On each cluster node (including Hadoop nodes), open /etc/security/limits.conf and set the hard
and soft nofile limits to at least 65536:




Where <bdd> is the name of the bdd user.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016



Studio database requirements

Studio requires a relational database to store configuration and state, including component configuration, user
permissions, and system settings. If you install with multiple Studio instances, all of them must be connected
to the same database.
BDD supports the following database types:
Oracle 11g
Oracle 12c
MySQL 5.5.3+
Note: BDD doesn't currently support database migration. If you decide to switch to a different type of
database later on, you must reinstall BDD with a new database instance.
If you're installing BDD in a production environment, you must create the following:
A database of one of the types listed above.
A database username and password.
An empty schema. The name of this is arbitrary.
If you're installing BDD in a non-production environment with the Quickstart option, you must use a MySQL
database. For more information, see QuickStart Installation on page 48.
You can optionally use a clustered database configuration. For clustering, Oracle 11g uses RAC and MySQL
has MySQL Cluster. Refer to the documentation for your database system for details on setting up a clustered
You must install the database client on the install machine. For MySQL, this should be MySQL client. For
Oracle databases, this should be Oracle Database Client, installed with a type of Administrator. Note that
the Instant Client is not supported.
If you have a MySQL database, you must set UTF-8 as the default character set.
If you have an Oracle database, you must set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the directory
one level above the /bin directory that the sqlplus executable is located in. For example, if the
sqlplus executable is located in /u01/app/oracle/product/11/2/0/dbhome/bin, you should set
ORACLE_HOME to /u01/app/oracle/product/11/2/0/dbhome. Note that this is different from the
ORACLE_HOME property in BDD's configuration file.
Sample commands for creating Oracle and MySQL database users and schemas are available in Sample
commands for production databases on page 41.

Studio database requirements in demo environments

In demo environments, Studio supports Hypersonic (HSQL) databases in addition to the types listed above.
Hypersonic is an embedded database that runs inside the JVM. It is useful for getting Studio up and running
quickly, but can't be used in a production environment due to performance issues and its inability to support
multiple Studio nodes.
Note: The Connector Service and the Component Registry don't support Hypersonic databases, even
in demo environments.
Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016



If you want to use a Hypersonic database, the installer will create it for you. You can enable this in BDD's
configuration file.
Important: If you install in a demo environment with a Hypersonic database and later decide to scale
up to a production environment, you must reinstall BDD with one of the supported MySQL or Oracle
databases listed above.
Sample commands for production databases

Sample commands for production databases

Below are sample commands you can use to create users and schemas for Oracle and MySQL databases.
You are not required to use these exact commands when setting up your component databasesthese are
just examples to help get you started.

Oracle database
You can use the following commands to create a user and schema for an Oracle 11g or 12c database.
GRANT CONNECT TO <username>;

MySQL database
You can use the following commands to create a user and schema for a MySQL database.
Note: MySQL databases must use UTF-8 as the default character encoding.

create user '<username>'@'%' identified by '<password>';

create database <database name> default character set utf8 default collate utf8_general_ci;
grant all on <database name>.* to '<username>'@'%' identified by '<password>' with grant option;
flush privileges;

Supported Web browsers

Studio supports the following Web browsers:
Firefox ESR
Internet Explorer 11 (compatibility mode is not supported)
Chrome for Business
Safari 9+ (for mobile)

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016



Screen resolution requirements

BDD has the following screen resolution requirements:
Minimum: 1366x768
Recommended: 1920x1080

Studio support for iPad

You can use the Safari Web browser on an iPad running iOS 7+ to sign in to Studio and view projects. You
cannot use an iPad to create, configure, or export projects.
While the iPad can support most component functions, the component export option is disabled.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Part II
Installing Big Data Discovery

Chapter 3

Prerequisite checklist
Before installing, run through the following checklist to verify you've satisfied all prerequisites.
For more information on each prerequisite, refer to the relevant section in Prerequisites on page 14.



Minimum requirements:
WebLogic nodes: quad-core CPU
Dgraph nodes: dual-core CPU
Note that these are the minimum amounts required to install BDD. A full-scale
installation will require more.


Minimum requirements:
Managed Servers: 16GB (5GB for WebLogic Server and 11GB for the Transform
Dgraph nodes: 5GB (excluding requirements for HDFS, if applicable)
YARN cluster: 16GB (combined)
Note that these are the minimum amounts required to install BDD. A full-scale
installation will require more.

Disk space

Minimum requirements:
30GB in ORACLE_HOME on all BDD nodes
20GB in TEMP_FOLDER_PATH on all BDD nodes
10GB in INSTALLER_PATH on the install machine
512MB swap space on the install machine and all Managed Servers
39GB virtual memory on all Transform Service nodes
Note that these are the minimum amounts required to install BDD. A full-scale
installation will require more.


Operating system

The hostname of each BDD machine can be externally resolved and accessed using
the machine's IP address.
OEL 6.4+, 7.1
RHEL 6.4+, 7.1

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Prerequisite checklist

Linux utilities











Perl 5.10+ with multithreading

Perl modules:
The default umask set to 022
curl 7.19.7+ (with support for --tlsv1.2 and --negotiate) on all nodes that will
host Studio
Network Security Services (NSS) 3.16.1+ and nss-devel on all nodes that will
host Studio
tty disabled for sudo
OS user

The following are set for the bdd user:

Passwordless sudo and SSH on all nodes, including Hadoop nodes
Passwordless SSH on all nodes, including Hadoop nodes
Bash set as the default shell
Permission to create the ORACLE_HOME directory on all nodes

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Prerequisite checklist



CDH 5.5.x (min. 5.5.2), 5.6, 5.7.x (min. 5.7.1), 5.8
HDP, 2.4.x (min. 2.4.2)
MapR 5.1
Cluster manager: Cloudera Manager, Ambari, or MCS
Spark on YARN
Spark on YARN, YARN, and HDFS are on all Data Processing nodes
YARN configuration has been updated


The required client libraries are on the install machine

The hive-metastore and spark-assembly JARs are on all Hadoop nodes


The MapR Client is installed on all non-MapR nodes that will host the Dgraph,
Studio, and the Transform Service
PAMs are disabled
The YARN Resource Manager IP is configured correctly on the machine hosting
The directories /user/HDFS_DP_USER_DIR/<bdd> and
/user/HDFS_DP_USER_DIR/edp/data are either nonexistent or mounted with a
The permissions for the /opt/mapr/zkdata and
/opt/mapr/zookeeper/zookeeper-3.4.5/logs directories are set to 755
The required Spark, ZooKeeper, and Hive patches have been applied


JDK 7u67+
JDK 8u45+
The installed JDK contains the HotSpot JVM, which supports MD5
$JAVA_HOME set on all nodes

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Prerequisite checklist



/user/<bdd_user> and /user/<HDFS_DP_USER_DIR> created in HDFS
bdd user is a member of the hive and hdfs groups
bdd principal and keytab file have been generated
bdd keytab file and krb5.conf are on the install machine
kinit and kdestroy are installed on BDD nodes
core-site.xml has been updated (HDP only)


/user/<bdd_user> and /user/<HDFS_DP_USER_DIR> in HDFS

bdd user is a member of the hive group
BDD role


Kerberos enabled for BDD and Hadoop

KMS is installed and configured
TLS/SSL enabled in Hadoop for HDFS, YARN, Hive, and/or KMS
The public key certificates for all TLS/SSL enabled services (HDFS, YARN, Hive,
and/or KMS) have been exported and copied to the install machine
The password for cacerts is set to the default (chageit)

HDFS data at rest


Kerberos and TLS/SSL enabled for BDD and Hadoop

The key trustee KMS and key trustee server installed and configured in Hadoop
HDFS data at rest encryption enabled in Hadoop
A BDD encryption zone has been created in HDFS
The bdd user nas GENERATE_EEK and DECRYPT_EEK privileges for the encryption
and decryption keys

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Prerequisite checklist

Dgraph databases


If stored on HDFS:
The HDFS DataNode service is on all Dgraph nodes
cgroups are set up, if necessary
(Optional) Short-circuit reads are enabled in HDFS
The bdd user has read and write permissions to the databases directory in
If using a non-default mount point, it's empty and the bdd user has read, write,
and execute permissions for it
You installed either the HDFS NFS Gateway service or FUSE
If stored on an NFS:
The NFS is set up
All Dgraph nodes can write to it
The number of open file descriptors is set to 65536 on all Dgraph nodes

Studio database

The following have been created:

One of the following databases:
Oracle 11g
Oracle 12c
MySQL 5.5.3+
A database username and password
An empty schema
Note: You can also configure the installer to create an HSQL database for you,
although this isn't supported for production environments.

Web browser

Firefox ESR
Internet Explorer 11 (compatibility mode not supported)
Chrome for Business
Safari 9+ (for mobile)

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Chapter 4

QuickStart Installation
The BDD installer includes a quickstart option, which installs the software on a single machine with default
configuration suitable for a demo environment. You can use quickstart to install BDD quickly and easily,
without having to worry about setting it up yourself.
Important: Single-node installations can only be used for demo purposes; you can't host a production
environment on a single machine. If you want to install BDD in a production environment, see Cluster
Installation on page 56.
Before you can install BDD with quickstart, you must satisfy all of the prerequisites described in
Prerequisites on page 14, with a few exceptions:
You must use CDH. HDP and MapR aren't supported.
You must have a MySQL database.
You can't have Kerberos installed.
You can't use any existing Dgraph databases.
Note: If you want to install BDD on a single machine but need more control and flexibility than
quickstart offers, see Single-Node Installation on page 50.
Installing BDD with quickstart

Installing BDD with quickstart

Once you've satisfied all of BDD's prerequisites, you can download and install the software.
Before installing, verify that:
CDH is installed.
You satisfied all requirements described in Prerequisites on page 14.
The bdd user meets all requirements described in OS user requirements on page 23.
You set up a MySQL database (including its username, password, and schema) for Studio.
The following Hadoop components are running:
Cloudera Manager
Spark on YARN
Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

QuickStart Installation


To install BDD with quickstart:

On your machine, create a new directory or choose an existing one to be the installation source
This directory must contain at least 10GB of free space.


Within the installation source directory, create a new directory named packages.


Download the BDD media pack from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.
Be sure to download all packages in the media pack. Make a note of each file's part number, as you
will need this to identify it later.


Move the BDD installer, BDD binary, and WebLogic Server packages from the download location to
the packages directory.


Rename the first BDD binary package and the second
This ensures that the installer will recognize them.


Extract the WebLogic Server package.

This creates a file called fmw_12., which contains the WebLogic Server installer.


Navigate back to the installation source directory and extract the BDD installer package:
unzip packages/<BDD_installer_package>.zip

This creates a new directory called installer, which contains the install script and other files it

Go to the installer directory and run:

./ --quickstart


Enter the following when prompted:

The username and password for Cloudera Manager.
A username and password for the WebLogic Server admin. The password must contain at least 8
characters, one of which must be a number, and can't begin with a number.
The username and password for the Studio database.
The password for the Studio admin. This must contain at least 6 characters, one of which must be
a non-alphanumeric character.

If the script succeeded, BDD is now installed under the current directory and ready for you to begin working
with it. See Post-Installation Tasks on page 75 to learn more about your installation and how to verify it.
If the script failed, see Troubleshooting a Failed Installation on page 71.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Chapter 5

Single-Node Installation
If you want to demo BDD before committing to a full-cluster installation, you can install it on a single node.
This gives you the chance to learn more about the software and see how it performs on a smaller scale. The
following sections describe how to get BDD running on your machine quickly and easily.
Important: Single-node installations can only be used for demo purposes; you can't host a production
environment on a single machine. If you want to install BDD in a production environment, see Cluster
Installation on page 56.
Installing BDD on a single node
Configuring a single-node installation

Installing BDD on a single node

Once you've satisfied all of BDD's prerequisites, you can download and install the software.
Before installing, verify that:
You satisfied all requirements described in Prerequisites on page 14.
The bdd user meets the requirements described in OS user requirements on page 23.
The Studio database (including its username, password, and schema) is set up.
The following Hadoop components are running:
Cloudera Manager/Ambari/MCS
Spark on YARN
To install BDD:

On your machine, create a new directory or choose an existing one to be the installation source
This directory must contain at least 10GB of free space.


Within the installation source directory, create a new directory named packages.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Single-Node Installation



Download the BDD media pack from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud.
Be sure to download all packages in the media pack. Make a note of each file's part number, as you
will need this to identify it later.


Move the BDD installer, BDD binary, and WebLogic Server packages from the download location to
the packages directory.


Rename the first BDD binary package and the second
This ensures that the installer will recognize them.


Extract the WebLogic Server package.

This creates a file called fmw_12., which contains the WebLogic Server installer.


Navigate back to the installation source directory and extract the BDD installer package:
unzip packages/<BDD_installer_package>.zip

This creates a new directory called installer, which contains the install script and other files it

Open BDD's configuration file, bdd.conf, in a text editor and update the Required Settings section.
See Configuring a single-node installation on page 52 for instructions on how to do this.


Go to the installer directory and run:



Enter the following when prompted:

The username and password for your cluster manager.
A username and password for the WebLogic Server admin. The password must contain at least 8
characters, one of which must be a number, and can't begin with a number.
The username and password for the database.
The password for the Studio admin. This must contain at least 6 characters, one of which must be
a non-alphanumeric character.

If the script succeeded, BDD is now installed on your machine and ready for you to begin working with it. See
Post-Installation Tasks on page 75 to learn more about your installation and how to verify it.
If the script failed, see Troubleshooting a Failed Installation on page 71.

Configuring a single-node installation

The table below describes the properties you should set for a single-node installation. You can modify
bdd.conf in any text editor.
Keep the following in mind when editing the file:
The accepted values for some properties are case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as they appear
in the table below.
All hostnames must be Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs).
Each port setting must have a unique value.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Single-Node Installation


Some of the directories defined in bdd.conf have location requirements. These are specified below.
Configuration property



The path to the directory BDD will be installed in. This must not exist
and the system must contain at least 30GB of free space to create
this directory. Additionally, its parent directories' permissions must be
set to either 755 or 775.
Note that this setting is different from the ORACLE_HOME environment
variable required by the Studio database.


The absolute path to the Oracle inventory pointer file, which the
installer will create when it runs. This can't be located in the
ORACLE_HOME directory.
If you have any other Oracle software products installed, this file will
already exist. Update this property to point to it.


The absolute path to the installation source directory.


The absolute path to the Dgraph databases. This directory shouldn't

be located under ORACLE_HOME, or it will be deleted.
The script will create this directory if it doesn't currently exist. If you're
installing with existing databases, set this property to their parent


The hostname of the machine running your Hadoop manager

(Cloudera Manager, Ambari, or MCS). Set this to your machine's


The JDBC URL for your Studio database, which Studio requires to
connect to it.
There are three templates for this property. Copy the template that
corresponds to your database type to STUDIO_JDBC_URL and
update the URL to point to your database.
If you have a MySQL database, use the first template and update
the URL as follows:
jdbc:mysql://<database hostname>:<port number>
/<database name>?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding

If you have an Oracle database, use the first template and update
the URL as follows:
@<database hostname>:<port number>:<database SID>

If you're not installing on a production environment and want the

installer to create a Hypersonic database for you, use the third
template. The script will create the database for you in the
location defined by the URL.
Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Single-Node Installation


Configuration property



Determines the installation type according to your hardware and

Hadoop distribution. Set this to one of the following:


The absolute path to the JDK install directory. This should have the
same value as the $JAVA_HOME environment variable.
If you have multiple versions of the JDK installed, be sure that this
points to the correct one.


The temporary directory used by the installer. This must exist and
contain at least 20GB of free space.


The port number for the Hadoop manager.


The name of your Hadoop cluster, which is listed in the manager. Be

sure to replace any spaces in the cluster name with %20.


The hostname and port for Hue, in the format <hostname>:<port>.

This property is only required for HDP installations.


A comma-separated list of the absolute paths to the Hadoop client

Note: You only need to set this property before installing if
you have HDP or MapR. For CDH, the installer will download
the required libraries and set this property automatically. This
requires an internet connection. If the script is unable to
download the libraries, it will fail; see Failure to download the
Hadoop client libraries on page 72 for instructions on solving
this issue.
To set this property, copy the template that corresponds to your
Hadoop distribution to HADOOP_CLIENT_LIB_PATHS and update the
paths to point to the libraries you copied to the install machine.
Don't change the order of the paths in the list as they must be
specified as they appear.


Only required for Hadoop clusters with TLS/SSL enabled. The

absolute path to the directory on the install machine where you put
the certificates for HDFS, YARN, Hive, and the KMS.
Don't remove this directory after installing, as you will use it if you
have to update the certificates.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Single-Node Installation


Configuration property



Enables Kerberos. If you have Kerberos 5+ installed, set this value to

TRUE; if not, set it to FALSE.


The name of the BDD principal. This should include the name of your
domain; for example, [email protected].
This property is only required if ENABLE_KERBEROS is set to TRUE.


The absolute path to the BDD keytab file. This property is only
required if ENABLE_KERBEROS is set to TRUE.


The absolute path to the krb5.conf file. This property is only

required if ENABLE_KERBEROS is set to TRUE.


The hostname of the WebLogic Admin Server. This will default to

your machine's hostname, so you don't need to set it.


The hostname of the Managed Server. Leave this set to



The Dgraph hostname. Leave this set to ${ADMIN_SERVER}.


The number of threads the Dgraph starts with. This will default to the
number of cores your machine has minus 2, so you don't need to set


The size of the Dgraph cache, in MB. This will default to either 50%
of your RAM or the total amount of free memory minus 2GB
(whichever is larger), so you don't need to set it.


The index of the Dgraph cluster in the ZooKeeper ensemble, which

ZooKeeper uses to identify it.


The location within the HDFS /user directory that stores the Avro
files created when Studio users export data. The installer will create
this directory if it doesn't already exist. The name of this directory
can't include spaces or slashes (/).


The YARN queue Data Processing jobs are submitted to.


The name of the Hive database that stores the source data for Studio
data sets.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Single-Node Installation


Configuration property



The absolute path to the Spark on YARN JAR on your Hadoop

nodes. This will be added to the CLI classpath.
There are two templates for this property. Copy the value of the
template that corresponds to your Hadoop distribution to
SPARK_ON_YARN_JAR and update its value as follows:
For CDH, use the first template. This should be the absolute path
to spark-assembly.jar.
For HDP, use the second template. This should be the absolute
paths to hive-exec.jar and spark-assembly.jar,
separated by a colon:

For MapR, use the third template. This should be the absolute
path to spark-assembly-1.5.2-mapr-1602-hadoop2.7.0mapr-1602.jar.

A comma-separated list of the Transform Service nodes. For best

performance, these should all be Managed Servers. In particular, they
shouldn't be Dgraph nodes, as both the Dgraph and the Transform
Service require a lot of memory.


The port the Transform Service listens on for requests from Studio.


For use by Oracle Support only. Leave this property set to FALSE.


For use by Oracle Support only. Don't modify this property.


For use by Oracle Support only. Don't modify this property.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Chapter 6

Cluster Installation
The following sections describe how to install BDD on multiple nodes, and provide tips on troubleshooting a
failed installation.
The BDD installer
Setting up the install machine
Downloading the BDD media pack
Downloading a WebLogic Server patch
Configuring BDD
Running the prerequisite checker
Installing BDD on a cluster

The BDD installer

BDD uses a single script to install and deploy its components all at once. When the script finishes, BDD will be
completely installed, and your cluster will be up and running.
The installer is contained in one of the BDD installation packages, which you will download to a single
directory on the install machine. You must perform the entire installation process, including running the
installer, from this location.
The same installation package also contains the script's configuration file, bdd.conf, which defines the
configuration of your cluster and provides the script with information it requires at runtime. You must update
this file with information specific to your system and BDD cluster configuration before you run the installer.
Silent installation
Installer behavior

Silent installation
You can optionally run the installer in silent mode. This means that instead of prompting you for information it
requires at runtime, it obtains that information from environment variables you set beforehand.
Normally, the script prompts you to enter the following:
The username and password for your cluster manager (Cloudera Manager, Ambari, or MCS), which the
script uses to query your cluster manager for information related to your Hadoop cluster.
The username and password for the WebLogic Server admin. The script will create this user when it
deploys WebLogic.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Cluster Installation


The JDBC username and password for the Studio database, which it requires to connect Studio to the
The username and password for the Studio admin.
The absolute path to the location of the installation packages.
You can avoid these steps by setting the following environment variables before running the script.
Environment variable



The username for your cluster manager (Cloudera Manager, Ambari,

or MCS).


The password for your cluster manager.


The username for the WebLogic Server administrator.


The password for the WebLogic Server administrator. This must

contain at least 8 characters, one of which must be a number, and
cannot start with a number.


The username for the Studio database.


The password for the Studio database.


The email address of the Studio admin, which will be their username.
This must be a full email address and can't begin with root@ or
Note: The installer will automatically populate this value to
bdd.conf, overwriting any existing value. If you set
environment variable, the installer will still execute silently.


The password for the Studio admin. This must contain at least 6
characters, one of which must be a non-alphanumeric character.
Note that the Studio admin will be asked to reset their password the
first time they log in if you set the


Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

The absolute path to the location of the installation packages. This is

only required if you don't set the INSTALLER_PATH property in

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Cluster Installation


Installer behavior
The diagram below illustrates the behavior of the installer.
Note: This diagram shows how the installer distributes the BDD components to the different nodes in
your cluster. This diagram is not intended to illustrate the number of nodes you can have. For various
installation configurations, including options for co-locating different BDD components on the same
node, see Cluster configurations and diagrams on page 11.

When the installer runs, it:

1. Reads and validates bdd.conf and the Hadoop client libraries.
2. If running in normal (non-silent) mode, prompts you for the values it requires, including the username and
password for the WebLogic Server admin.
3. Queries the cluster manager for information on your Hadoop cluster, including the host names and port
numbers of specific Hadoop nodes.
4. Distributes the installation packages to each node in the cluster according to the configuration defined in
5. Generates the Hadoop fat JAR.
6. If the FORCE property in bdd.conf is set to TRUE, deletes the ORACLE_HOME directory from each node.
7. Verifies that each node meets all requirements.
8. Installs the components:
Installs WebLogic Server (including Studio and the Dgraph Gateway) on the Admin Server node and
all Managed Server nodes.
Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

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Cluster Installation


Installs the Dgraph and HDFS Agent on all Dgraph nodes.

Installs the Data Processing CLI on all Managed Server and Dgraph nodes.
Installs Data Processing on all qualified Spark nodes.
Installs Jetty and the Transform Service.
Distributes the Hadoop fat JAR all BDD nodes.
If Kerberos is enabled, distributes the keytab file to all BDD nodes.
Installs the bdd-admin script on all Managed Server nodes, Dgraph nodes, and Data Processing
nodes (not shown in the diagram).
9. Deploys the Transform Service:
Starts and configures Jetty.
Deploys the Transform Service.
10. Deploys Data Processing:
Deploys Data Processing.
If configured to do so, deploys the cron job that runs the Hive Table Detector and starts it.
Deploys the Data Processing CLI to all Managed Server and Dgraph nodes.
11. Deploys WebLogic Server:
Creates the WebLogic domain and the Managed Servers.
Deploys the Dgraph Gateway and Studio as applications within the WebLogic domain.
Deploys WebLogic as a service on all Managed Servers.
Starts all Managed Servers.
12. Deploys the Dgraph and the Dgraph HDFS Agent:
Deploys both components.
Creates the database directory if it doesn't currently exist.
Starts the components.
If the databases are stored on HDFS, creates and tests the local Dgraph mount directory.
13. Verifies that the entire BDD deployment cluster is running.

Setting up the install machine

The first step in the installation process is to set up the install machine.
To set up the install machine:

Select one machine in your cluster to be the install machine.

This can be any machine in your cluster that has the following:
A supported operating system and JDK
Perl 5.10+ with multithreading

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Cluster Installation


The Mail::Address, XML::Parser, and JSON-2.90 Perl modules

Passwordless sudo and SSH enabled for the bdd user
Bash set as the default shell for the bdd user

Choose an existing directory or create a new one to be the installation source directory.
You'll perform the entire installation process from this directory. Its name and location are arbitrary and
it must contain at least 10GB of free space.


Within the installation source directory, create a new directory named packages.

Next, download the BDD media pack.

Downloading the BDD media pack

After you set up the install machine, you can download the BDD media pack from the Oracle Software
Delivery Cloud.
To download the media pack:

Go to the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud and sign in.


Accept the Export Restrictions.


Check Programs if it isn't already.


In the Product text box, enter Oracle Big Data Discovery.


Click Select Platform and check Linux x86-64.

Oracle Big Data Discovery displays in the Selected Products table.


Click Continue.


Verify that Available Release and Oracle Big Data Discovery 1.3.x.x.x for Linux x86-64 are both
checked, then click Continue.


Accept the Oracle Standard Terms and Restrictions and click Continue.


In the File Download popup, click Download All.

This downloads the following packages to your machine:

First of two parts of the Oracle Big Data Discovery binary

Second of two parts of the Oracle Big Data Discovery binary
Installer for Oracle Big Data Discovery
SDK for Oracle Big Data Discovery
Documentation for Oracle Big Data Discovery
Oracle Fusion Middleware 12c ( WebLogic Server and Coherence

You should also make a note of each file's part number, as you will need this information to identify it.

Move the BDD installer, BDD binary, and WebLogic Server packages from the download location to
the packages directory.


Rename the first BDD binary package and the second
This ensures that the installer will recognize them.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

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Cluster Installation



Extract the WebLogic Server package.

This creates a file called fmw_12., which contains the WebLogic Server installer.


Navigate back to the installation source directory and extract the installer package:
unzip packages/<installer_package>.zip

This creates a new directory within the installation source directory called installer, which contains
the installer, bdd.conf, and other files required by the installer.
Next, you can download a WebLogic Server patch for the installer to apply. If you don't want to patch
WebLogic Server, you should configure your BDD installation.

Downloading a WebLogic Server patch

You can optionally download a WebLogic Server patch for the installer to apply when it runs.
You can only apply one patch when installing. If the patch fails, the installer will remove it and continue
For more information on patching WebLogic Server, see Oracle Fusion Middleware Patching with OPatch.
To download a WebLogic Server patch:

Within the installation source directory, create a new directory called WLSPatches.
Don't change the name of this directory or the installer won't recognize it.


Go to My Oracle Support and log in.


On the Patches & Updates tab, find and download the patch you want to apply.


Move all ZIP files associated with the patch to WLSPatches/.

Don't extract the files. The installer will do this when it runs.

Next, you should configure your BDD installation.

Configuring BDD
After you download the required Hadoop client libraries, you must configure your installation by updating the
bdd.conf file, which is located in the /<installation_src_dir>/installer directory.
Important: bdd.conf defines the configuration of your BDD cluster and provides the installer with
parameters it requires to run. Updating this file is the most important step of the installation process. If
you don't modify the file, or if you modify it incorrectly, the installer could fail or your cluster could be
configured differently than you intended.
You can edit the file in any text editor. Be sure to save your changes before closing.
The installer validates bdd.conf at runtime and fails if it contains any invalid values. To avoid this, keep the
following in mind when updating the file:
The accepted values for some properties are case-sensitive and must be entered exactly as they appear
in this document.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Cluster Installation


All hostnames must be Fully Qualified Domain Names (FQDNs).

Any symlinks in paths must be identical on all nodes. If any are different or don't exist, the installation may
Each port setting must have a unique value.
Some of the directories defined in bdd.conf have location requirements. These are specified in this
bdd.conf is divided into three parts:
Required settings: You must update these properties with information specific to your system and
installation, or the installer may fail.
Optional settings: You can update these settings if you want to further customize your installation, but
the defaults will work for most.
Internal settings: These are intended for use by Oracle Support, only. Don't edit these unless instructed
to do so by a support representative.
The required properties are described below. Information about the optional and internal properties is available
in Optional and Internal BDD Properties on page 95.
Required settings

Required settings
The first part of bdd.conf contains required settings. You must update these with information specific to your
system, or the installer could fail.

Must Set
This section contains blank settings that you must provide values for. If you don't set these, the installation will
Configuration property



The path to the BDD root directory, where BDD will be installed on each
node in the cluster. This directory must not exist and its parent directories'
permissions must be set to either 755 or 775. There must be at least 30GB
of space available on each BDD node to create this directory.
Note that this is different from the ORACLE_HOME environment variable
required by the Studio database.
Important: You must ensure that the installer can create this
directory on all nodes that will host BDD components, including
Hadoop nodes that will host Data Processing.


The absolute path to the Oracle inventory pointer file, which the installer
will create. This file can't be located in the ORACLE_HOME directory.
If you have any other Oracle software products installed, this file will
already exist. Update this property to point to it.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Cluster Installation


Configuration property



Optional. The absolute path to the installation source directory. This must
contain at least 10GB of free space.
If you don't set this property, you can either set the INSTALLER_PATH
environment variable or specify the path at runtime. For more information,
see The BDD installer on page 57.


The absolute path to the Dgraph databases. This directory shouldn't be

located under ORACLE_HOME, or it will be deleted.
The script will create this directory if it doesn't currently exist. If you're
installing with existing databases, set this property to their parent directory.
If you have HDFS data at rest encryption enabled in Hadoop and you want
to store your databases on HDFS, be sure that this is in an encryption


The name of the server hosting your Hadoop manager (Cloudera Manager,
Ambari, or MCS).


The JDBC URL for the Studio database.

There are three templates for this property. Copy the template that
corresponds to your database type to STUDIO_JDBC_URL and update the
URL to point to your database.
For MySQL databases, use the first template and update the URL as
jdbc:mysql://<database hostname>:<port number>/<database name>

For Oracle databases, use the first template and update the URL as
@<database hostname>:<port number>:<database SID>

If you're not installing on a production environment and want the

installer to create a Hypersonic database for you, use the third
template. The script will create the database for you in the location
defined by the URL.
If you're installing on more than one machine, be sure to use the database
host's FQDN and not localhost.
Note: BDD doesn't currently support database migration. After
deployment, the only ways to change to a different database are to
reconfigure the database itself or reinstall BDD.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

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Cluster Installation


This section configures settings relevant to all components and the installation process itself.
Configuration property



Determines the installation type according to your hardware and Hadoop

distribution. Set this to one of the following:
Note that this document doesn't cover Oracle Big Data Appliance (BDA) or
Oracle Public Cloud (OPC) installations. If you want to install on the Big
Data Appliance, see the Oracle Big Data Appliance Owner's Guide
Release 4 (4.6) and any corresponding MOS notes.


The absolute path to the JDK install directory. This must be the same on all
BDD servers and should have the same value as the $JAVA_HOME
environment variable.
If you have multiple versions of the JDK installed, be sure that this points to
the correct one.


The temporary directory used on each node during the installation. This
directory must exist on all BDD nodes and must contain at least 20GB of
free space.

This section contains properties related to Hadoop. The installer uses these properties to query the Hadoop
cluster manager (Cloudera Manager, Ambari, or MCS) for information about the Hadoop components, such as
the URIs and names of their host servers.
Configuration property

Description and possible settings


The port number of the server running the Hadoop cluster manager.


The name of your Hadoop cluster, which is listed in the cluster

manager. Be sure to replace any spaces in the cluster name with %20.


HDP only. The hostname and port of the node running Hue, in the
format <hostname>:<port>.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

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Cluster Installation


Configuration property

Description and possible settings


A comma-separated list of the absolute paths to the Hadoop client

Note: You only need to set this property before installing if you
have HDP or MapR. For CDH, the installer will download the
required libraries and set this property automatically. Note that
this requires an internet connection. If the script is unable to
download the libraries, it will fail; see Failure to download the
Hadoop client libraries on page 72 for instructions on solving
this issue.
To set this property, copy the template for your Hadoop distribution to
HADOOP_CLIENT_LIB_PATHS and update the paths to point to the
client libraries you copied to the install machine.
Don't change the order of the paths in the list as they must be specified
as they appear.


Only required for Hadoop clusters with TLS/SSL enabled. The absolute
path to the directory on the install machine where you put the
certificates for HDFS, YARN, Hive, and the KMS.
Don't remove this directory after installing, as you will use it if you have
to update the certificates.

This section configures Kerberos for BDD.
Note: You only need to modify these properties if you want to enable Kerberos.

Configuration property

Description and possible settings


Enables Kerberos in the BDD cluster. If Kerberos is installed on your

cluster and you want BDD to integrate with it, set this value to TRUE; if not,
set it to FALSE.


The name of the BDD principal. This should include the name of your
domain; for example, [email protected].
This property is only required if ENABLE_KERBEROS is set to TRUE.


The absolute path to the BDD keytab file on the install machine.
The installer will rename this to bdd.keytab and copy it to
$BDD_HOME/common/kerberos/ on all BDD nodes.
This property is only required if ENABLE_KERBEROS is set to TRUE.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

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Cluster Installation


Configuration property

Description and possible settings


The absolute path to the krb5.conf file on the install machine. The
installer will copy this to /etc on all BDD nodes.
This property is only required if ENABLE_KERBEROS is set to TRUE.

WebLogic (BDD Server)

This section configures the WebLogic Server, including the Admin Server and all Managed Servers.
Configuration property

Description and possible settings


The hostname of the install machine, which will become the Admin
If you leave this blank, it will default to the hostname of the machine
you're on.


A comma-separated list of the Managed Server hostnames (the

servers that will run WebLogic, Studio, and the Dgraph Gateway).
This list must include the Admin Server and can't contain duplicate
Note: If you define more that one Managed Server, you
must set up a load balancer in front of them after installing.
For more information, see Configuring load balancing for
Studio on page 82.

Dgraph and HDFS Agent

This section configures the Dgraph and the HDFS Agent.
Configuration property

Description and possible settings


A comma-separated list of the hostnames of the nodes that will run the
Dgraph and the Dgraph HDFS Agent.
This list can't contain duplicate values. If you plan on storing your
databases on HDFS, these must be HDFS DataNodes. For best
performance, there shouldn't be any other Hadoop services running on
these nodes, especially Spark.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Cluster Installation


Configuration property

Description and possible settings


The number of threads the Dgraph starts with. This should be at least 2.
The exact number depends on the other services running on the machine:
For machines running only the Dgraph, the number of threads should
be equal to the number of cores on the machine.
For machines running the Dgraph and other BDD components, the
number of threads should be the number of cores minus 2. For
example, a quad-core machine should have 2 threads.
For HDFS nodes running the Dgraph, the number of threads should be
the number of CPU cores minus the number required for the Hadoop
services. For example, a quad-core machine running Hadoop services
that require 2 cores should have 2 threads.
If you leave this property blank, it will default to the number of CPU cores
minus 2.
Be sure that the number you use is in compliance with the licensing


The size of the Dgraph cache, in MB. Only specify the number; don't
include MB.
If you leave this property blank, it will default to either 50% of the node's
available RAM or the total mount of free memory minus 2GB (whichever is
Oracle recommends allocating at least 50% of the node's available RAM to
the Dgraph cache. If you later find that queries are getting cancelled
because there isn't enough available memory to process them, experiment
with gradually decreasing this amount.


The index of the Dgraph cluster in the ZooKeeper ensemble, which

ZooKeeper uses to identify it.

Data Processing
This section configures Data Processing and the Hive Table Detector.
Configuration property

Description and possible settings


The location within the HDFS /user directory that stores the sample
files created when Studio users export data. The name of this
directory must not include spaces or slashes (/). The installer will
create it if it doesn't already exist.
If you have MapR and want to use an existing directory, it must be
mounted with a volume.


Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

The YARN queue Data Processing jobs are submitted to.

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Cluster Installation


Configuration property

Description and possible settings


The name of the Hive database that stores the source data for Studio
data sets.
The default value is default. This is the same as the default value
of DETECTOR_HIVE_DATABASE, which is used by the Hive Table
Detector. It is possible to use different databases for these properties,
but it is recommended that you start with one for a first time


The absolute path to the Spark on YARN JAR on your Hadoop

nodes. This will be added to the CLI classpath.
There are two templates for this property. Copy the value of the
template that corresponds to your Hadoop distribution to
SPARK_ON_YARN_JAR and update its value as follows:
If you have CDH, use the first template. This should be the
absolute path to spark-assembly.jar.
If you have HDP, use the second template. This should be the
absolute paths to hive-exec.jar and spark-assembly.jar,
separated by a colon:

If you have MapR, use the third template. This should be the
absolute path to spark-assembly-1.5.2-mapr-1602hadoop2.7.0-mapr-1602.jar.
This JAR must be located in the same location on all Hadoop nodes.

Micro Service
This section configures the Transform Service.
Configuration property

Description and possible settings


A comma-separated list of the Transform Service nodes.

For best performance, these should all be Managed Servers. In
particular, they shouldn't be Dgraph nodes, as both the Dgraph and
the Transform Service require a lot of memory.
Note: If you define multiple Transform Service nodes, you
must set up a load balancer in front of them after installing.
For instructions, see Configuring load balancing for the
Transform Service on page 82.


The port the Transform Service listens on for requests from Studio.


For use by Oracle Support only. Leave this property set to FALSE.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Cluster Installation


Configuration property

Description and possible settings


For use by Oracle Support only. Don't modify this property.


For use by Oracle Support only. Don't modify this property.

Running the prerequisite checker

Before installing, you should run the prerequisite checker script to determine whether all requirements have
been satisfied.
This script checks your system to make sure it meets each requirement and verifies that bdd.conf is properly
configured. When it completes, it outputs the results to an HTML file, which you can view in your browser.
To run the prerequisite checker:

On the install machine, open a new terminal window and go to



Run the following command:

python <path_to_bdd.conf>

Where <path_to_bdd.conf> is the absolute path to bdd.conf.


Enter the username and password for your Hadoop manager when prompted.


When the script completes, go to the timestamped output directory and open test_report.html in
a browser.

The report lists all BDD requirements and whether each passed, failed, or was ignored. Ignored requirements
aren't applicable to your system.
If everything passed, you're ready to install BDD. If any requirement failed, update your system or bdd.conf
accordingly and rerun the prerequisite checker.

Installing BDD on a cluster

After you update bdd.conf and verify that you satisfied all prerequisites, you can install BDD.
Before running the installer, verify that all of BDD's prerequisites have been satisfied. Specifically, make sure
You satisfied all requirements described in Prerequisites on page 14.
The bdd user meets the requirements described in OS user requirements on page 23.
You are working on the install machine, which is properly set up.
The Studio database (including its username, password, and schema) is set up.
If you are installing with existing Dgraph databases, the files are on either HDFS or the NFS and
DRAPH_INDEX_DIR points to the correct location.
If you want to run the script in silent mode, you set the environment variables described in Silent
installation on page 57.
Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

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Cluster Installation


bdd.conf is available and properly configured.

The following Hadoop components are running:
Cloudera Manager/Ambari/MCS
Spark on YARN
NFS Gateway (if required)
To install BDD:

On the install machine, open a new terminal window and go to the /installer directory.


Run the installer:



If you are not running the script in silent mode, enter the following information when prompted:
The username and password for the cluster manager.
A username and password for the WebLogic Server admin. The password must contain at least 8
characters, including at least 1 number, and can't begin with a number.
The username and password for the Studio database.
The password for the Studio admin. This must contain at least 6 characters, including at least 1
non-alphanumeric character.
The absolute path to the installation source directory, if you didn't set INSTALLER_PATH in

If the script succeeds, BDD will be fully installed and running. See Post-Installation Tasks on page 75 to learn
more about your installation and how to verify it.
If the script fails, see Troubleshooting a Failed Installation on page 71.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

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Chapter 7

Troubleshooting a Failed Installation

If the installer fails, you can use its console output and log files to determine why.
The installer's console output specifies the steps it performed and whether each passed or failed. For failed
steps, the output indicates the cause of the failure. If a step failed on one or more specific servers, the output
will also list the hostnames of those servers. For example:
[Installer] Error! Fail to copy Data Processing package to servers: <hostname1, hostname2>

You can then check the log files on those servers for more information about the failure. The installer's log
files are located on each server in the directory defined by TEMP_FOLDER_PATH.
Once you determine what caused the failure, you can fix it and rerun the installer.
Failed ZooKeeper check
Failure to download the Hadoop client libraries
Failure to generate the Hadoop fat JAR
Rerunning the installer

Failed ZooKeeper check

The installer will fail if it can't connect to the ZooKeeper. This can occur if the ZooKeeper crashes during the
If this happens, you will receive an error similar to the following:
Checking Zookpeers...Exception in thread "main" org.apache.zookpeer ...
Fail! Error executing zookeeper-client on Return code 1.

To fix this problem, try rerunning the installer according to the instructions in Rerunning the installer on page
73. If it continues to fail, check if ZooKeeper is completely down and restart it if it is.

Failure to download the Hadoop client libraries

If you have CDH, the installer will fail if it can't download the required Hadoop client libraries. This can occur if
you don't have an internet connection, or if some of the libraries are missing or incomplete.
If this occurs, you'll receive an error similar to the following:
Error! Cannot download <client_library_package>

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Troubleshooting a Failed Installation


To fix this problem:


On the install machine, download the following packages from and extract them:
Note: It is recommended that you use a browser other than Chrome for this.


The location you extract them to is arbitrary.


Open bdd.conf in a text editor and locate the HADOOP_CLIENT_LIB_PATHS property.

Note that there are three templates below this property.


Copy and paste the value of the first template to HADOOP_CLIENT_LIB_PATHS and replace each
instance of $UNZIPPED_<COMPONENT>_BASE with the absolute path to that library's location on the
install machine.


Rerun the installer.

For instructions on rerunning the installer, see Rerunning the installer on page 73.

Failure to generate the Hadoop fat JAR

If you have HDP, the installer will fail if it's unable to generate the Hadoop fat JAR. This can occur if it can't
find the ojdbc6.jar file.
To fix this problem:

On the install machine, create a directory called /usr/share/java.


Download ojdbc6.jar from

and copy it to /usr/share/java.


Rerun the installer.

For instructions on rerunning the installer, see Rerunning the installer on page 73.

Rerunning the installer

After you have fixed the errors that caused the installer to fail, you can reinstall BDD.
To rerun the installer:

On the install machine, go to $BDD_HOME/uninstall/ and run:

./ bdd.conf

This removes many of the files created the last time you ran the installer and cleans up your

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Troubleshooting a Failed Installation



If the installer was previously run by a different Linux user, delete the TEMP_FOLDER_PATH directory
from all nodes.


Go to the installation source directory and open bdd.conf in any text editor.


Set the value of FORCE to TRUE.

Be sure to enter TRUE in all caps.


Rerun the installer.

The installer removes any files created the last time it ran and runs again on the clean system.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Part III
After You Install

Chapter 8

Post-Installation Tasks
The following sections describe tasks you can perform after you install BDD, such as verifying your installation
and increasing Linux file descriptors.
Verifying your installation
Navigating the BDD directory structure
Enabling Kerberos for the Transform Service
Configuring load balancing
Updating the DP CLI whitelist and blacklist
Signing in to Studio as an administrator
Backing up your cluster
Replacing certificates
Increasing Linux file descriptors
Customizing the WebLogic JVM heap size
Configuring Studio database caching

Verifying your installation

Once the installer completes, you can verify that each of the major BDD components were installed properly
and are running.
Verifying your cluster's health
Verifying Data Processing

Verifying your cluster's health

Use the bdd-admin script to verify the overall health of your cluster.
More information on the bdd-admin script is available in the Administrator's Guide.
To verify the deployed components:

On the Admin Server, open a new terminal window and navigate to the
$BDD_HOME/BDD_manager/bin directory.


Run the following:

./ status --health-check

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Post-Installation Tasks


If your cluster is healthy, the script's output should be similar to the following:
[2015/06/19 04:18:55 -0700] [Admin Server] Checking health of BDD cluster...
[2015/06/19 04:20:39 -0700] [] Check BDD functionality......Pass!
/19 04:20:39 -0700] [] Check Hive Data Detector health......Hive Data Detector
has previously run
[2015/06/19 04:20:39 -0700] [Admin Server] Successfully checked statuses.

Verifying Data Processing

To verify that Data Processing is running, you must launch a Data Processing workflow. You can do this in
two ways:
Use the CLI to launch a Data Processing workflow. For more information, see the Data Processing Guide.
Create a data set in Studio. For more information, see the Studio User's Guide.
Note: If you use the CLI to verify Data Processing, you must first add the table(s) you want processed
to the CLI whitelist. For more information, see Updating the DP CLI whitelist and blacklist on page 83.

Navigating the BDD directory structure

Your BDD installation consists of two main directories: $BDD_HOME and $DOMAIN_HOME.

$BDD_HOME is the root directory of your BDD installation. Its default path is:

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Post-Installation Tasks


$BDD_HOME contains the following subdirectories.

Directory name



Directories related to the bdd-admin script:

/bin: The bdd-admin script, which you can use to administer your
cluster from the command line.
/commands: Scripts invoked by bdd-admin.
/conf: Contains bdd.conf.
/lib: Additional files required by bdd-admin.
/log: The bdd-admin log files.
/utils: Additional scripts required by bdd-admin.
version.txt: Version information for bdd-admin.
More information on the bdd-admin script is available in the
Administrator's Guide.
Note: Although the bdd-admin script can only be run from the
Admin Server, this directory is created on all nodes BDD is
installed on because it's required for updating cluster
configuration post-installation.


Files related to the optional BDD Shell component. For more information,
see the BDD Shell Guide.


For use by Oracle Support, only. Files and directories related to the
Cluster Analysis service.


Files and directories required by all BDD components:

/edp: Libraries and OLT files required by Data Processing.
/hadoop: The Hadoop fat JAR generated from the client libraries,
and other Hadoop configuration files required by BDD.
/security/cacerts: Only available when BDD is installed on
secure Hadoop clusters. Contains the certificates for HDFS, YARN,
Hive, and the KMS services.
/templates: Additional JARs required by BDD components.


The DP CLI and related files.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Post-Installation Tasks


Directory name



Files and directories related to the Dgraph, including:

/bin: Scripts for administering the Dgraph.
/bin/trace_logs: The Dgraph Tracing Utility logs.
/bin/zk_session: ZooKeeper session information.
/conf: Stylesheets for Dgraph statistics pages and schemas for
Dgraph queries and responses.
/dgraph-hdfs-agent: Scripts for administering the HDFS Agent
and its libraries.
/doc: Schemas for communications between the Dgraph and other
/hdfs_root: The mount point for the HDFS root directory, which
enables the Dgraph to access the databases. This is only used if
your databases are on HDFS.
/lib and /lib64: Dgraph libraries.
/msg: Localized messages for EQL queries.
/olt: Files related to the OLT.
/ssl: File for configuring SSL.
version.txt: Contains version information for the Dgraph and
HDFS Agent components.
/xquery: XQuery documents for communications between the
Dgraph and other services.


The Jetty installation location.


BDD log files.


The Jetty and OPSS installation packages.


Files and directories related to the Dgraph Gateway, including:

/common: JARs required by the Dgraph Gateway.
/endeca-server: EAR file for the Dgraph Gateway application.
README_BDD.txt: The BDD release notes.
version.txt: Contains version information for the Dgraph
Gateway component.


Contains the EAR file for the Studio application and a version file for


Scripts and other resources required by the Transform Service.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Post-Installation Tasks


Directory name



The uninstall script and required utilities.


Version information for your BDD installation.

$DOMAIN_HOME is the root directory of Studio, the Dgraph Gateway, and your WebLogic domain. Its default
path is:

$DOMAIN_HOME contains the following subdirectories.

Directory name



Provides a way to quickly deploy applications to a development server.

You can place J2EE applications in this directory; these will be
automatically deployed to the WebLogic Server when it is started in
development mode.


Scripts for migrating servers and services, setting up domain and

startup environments, and starting and stopping the WebLogic Server
and other components.


Data sources and configuration files for Studio and the Dgraph


Console extensions. This directory is only used on the Admin Server.


Ensures can only edit the domain's configuration one at a time. Don't
edit this file.

Configuration file for the file realm.


Schemas used by the Dgraph Gateway.


The domain library. JAR files placed in this directory will be

dynamically added to the end of the Dgraph Gateway's classpath
when the Dgraph Gateway is started. You use this directory to add
application libraries to the Dgraph Gateway's classpath.


Files used by the Node Manager. lists the

locations of directories created by the configuration wizard, and configures the Node Manager.


Stores pending configuration changes.


Files related to domain security.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Post-Installation Tasks


Directory name



Log files and security information for each server in the cluster.

Script for starting the WebLogic Server.


Temporary directory.

Enabling Kerberos for the Transform Service

If you have Kerberos, you need to manually enable it for the Transform Service after installing.
The Transform Service requires the Kerberos utility k5start to automatically refresh its ticket at regular
intervals; otherwise, it won't be able to communicate with other Kerberized services in your cluster. k5start
is installed automatically on Dgraph nodes, but must be manually copied to all Transform Service nodes after
To enable Kerberos for the Transform Service:

Copy k5start from $BDD_HOME/dgraph/bin/ on one of your Dgraph nodes to

$BDD_HOME/transformservice/ on all of your Transform Service nodes.


On each Transform Service node, start k5start by running the following command from
./k5start -f $KERBEROS_KEYTAB_PATH -K <ticket_refresh>
-l <ticket_lifetime> $KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL -b > <logfile> 2>&1

$KERBEROS_KEYTAB_PATH and $KERBEROS_PRINCIPAL are the values of those properties
defined in bdd.conf.
<ticket_refresh> is the rate at which the Transform Service's Kerberos ticket is refreshed, in
minutes. For example, a value of 60 would set its ticket to be refreshed every 60 minutes, or every
hour. You can optionally use the value for KERBEROS_TICKET_REFRESH_INTERVAL in
<ticket_lifetime> is the amount of time the Transform Service's Kerberos ticket is valid for.
This should be given as a number followed by a supported unit of time: s, m, h, or d. For example,
10h (10 hours) or 10m (10 minutes). You can optionally use the value for
<logfile> is the absolute path to the log file you want k5start to write to.

Optionally, configure k5start to run as a service on all Transform Service nodes.

This will enable it to start automatically after a node reboot. Otherwise, you'll have to rerun the above
command each time a Transform Service node is rebooted.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Post-Installation Tasks


Configuring load balancing

Studio and the Transform Service require load balancing when installed on multiple nodes.
A load balancer distributes client requests to individual nodes within a cluster. It improves the speed and
efficiency of the cluster by ensuring individual nodes aren't overwhelmed with requests while others remain
The following sections describe how to configure load balancing for Studio and the Transform Service.
Configuring load balancing for Studio
Configuring load balancing for the Transform Service

Configuring load balancing for Studio

If you installed Studio on multiple nodes, you need to set up a load balancer in front of them to ensure that
user requests are always routed to available nodes.
Note: A load balancer isn't required if Studio is only installed on one node.

There are many load balancing options available. Oracle recommends an external HTTP load balancer, but
you can use whatever option is best suited to your needs and available resources. Just be sure the option you
choose uses session affinity (also called sticky sessions).
Session affinity forces all requests from a given session to be routed to the same node, resulting in one
session token. Without this, requests from a single session could be handled by multiple nodes, which would
create multiple session tokens.

Configuring load balancing for the Transform Service

If you installed the Transform Service on multiple nodes, you need to set up a load balancer in front of them.
Note: A load balancer isn't required if the Transform Service is installed on one node.

There are many load balancing options available. Be sure to choose one that:
Uses session affinity, or "sticky sessions". For more information, see Configuring load balancing for Studio
on page 82.
Can assign a virtual IP address to the Transform Service cluster. This is required for Studio to
communicate with the cluster; without it, Studio will only send requests to the first Transform Service
To configure load balancing for the Transform Service:

Set up the load balancer and configure a virtual IP address for the Transform Service cluster.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Post-Installation Tasks



On all Studio nodes, open $DOMAIN_HOME/config/studio/ and

change the hostname portion of bdd.microservice.transformservice.url to the virtual IP for
the Transform Service cluster.
Don't change the port number or anything after it. The new value should be similar to
Additionally, don't change the value of TRANSFORM_SERVICE_NODES in bdd.conf, as it's used by
other BDD components to locate the Transform Service.

Updating the DP CLI whitelist and blacklist

In order to create data sets from existing Hive tables, you must update the DP CLI white- and blacklists that
define which tables are processed by Data Processing.
The DP CLI whitelist specifies which Hive tables should be processed. Tables not included in this list are
ignored by the Hive Table Detector and any Data Processing workflows invoked by the DP CLI. Similarly, the
blacklist specifies the Hive tables that should not be processed. You can use one or both of these lists to
control which of your Hive tables are processed and which are not.
Once you have updated the whitelist and/or blacklist as needed, you can either wait for the Hive Table
Detector to process your tables automatically or use the DP CLI to start a Data Processing workflow
For information on the DP CLI white- and blacklists, see the Data Processing Guide.

Signing in to Studio as an administrator

After you complete the BDD installation and deployment, you can sign in to Studio as an administrator, begin
to create new users, explore data sets, re-configure Studio settings as necessary, and so on.
To sign in to Studio as an administrator:

Ensure the WebLogic Server on the Admin Server node is running.

(This is the WebLogic instance running Studio.)


Open a Web browser and load Studio.

By default, the URL is http://<Admin Server Name>:7003/bdd.


Specify the admin username and password set during the installation and click Sign In.
If the admin username and password weren't set, login with the default values.
Table 8.1: Sign in Values




[email protected]



Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Post-Installation Tasks



Reset the password, if prompted.

The new password must contain:
At least 6 characters
At least one non-alphabetic character

Now you can add additional Studio users. There are several ways to add new Studio Users:
Integrate Studio with an Oracle Single Sign On (SSO) system. For details, see the Administrator's Guide.
Integrate Studio with an LDAP system. For details, see the Administrator's Guide.
Or, while you are signed in as an administrator, you can create users manually in Studio from the Control
Panel>Users page.

Backing up your cluster

Oracle recommends that you back up your BDD cluster immediately after deployment.
You can do this with the bdd-admin script. For more information, see the Administrator's Guide.

Replacing certificates
Enabling SSL for Studio activates WebLogic Server's default Demo Identity and Demo Trust Keystores. As
their names suggest, these keystores are untrusted and meant for demo purposes only. After deployment, you
should replace them with your own certificates.
More information on WebLogic's demo keystores is available in section Configure keystores of WebLogic's
Administration Console Online Help.

Increasing Linux file descriptors

You should increase the number of file descriptors from the 1024 default.
Having a higher number of file descriptors ensures that the WebLogic Server can open sockets under high
load and not abort requests coming in from clients.
Note: On Dgraph nodes, the recommended number of open file descriptors is 65536. For more
information, see Increasing the number of open file descriptors on page 39.
To increase the number of file descriptors on Linux:

Edit the /etc/security/limits.conf file.


Modify the nofile limit so that soft is 4096 and hard is 8192. Either edit existing lines or add these two
lines to the file:




The "*" character is a wildcard that identifies all users.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Post-Installation Tasks


Customizing the WebLogic JVM heap size

You can change the default JVM heap size to fit the needs of your deployment.
The default JVM heap size for WebLogic is 3GB. The size is set in the file, which is in the
$DOMAIN_HOME/bin directory. The heap size is set with the -Xmx option.
To change the WebLogic JVM heap size:

Open the setDomainEnv file in a text editor.


Search for this comment line:

# IF USER_MEM_ARGS the environment variable is set, use it to override ALL MEM_ARGS values


Add the following line immediately after the comment line:

export USER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms128m -Xmx3072m ${MEM_DEV_ARGS} ${MEM_MAX_PERM_SIZE}"


Save and close the file.


Re-start WebLogic Server.

Configuring Studio database caching

All Studio instances are automatically configured to use synchronized database caching, so that information
cached on one instance is available to the others.
Studio uses Ehcache (, which uses RMI (Remote Method Invocation) multicast to notify
each instance when the cache has been updated.
Although the default caching configuration will work in most cases, you may want to customize it. You might
also want to disable it entirely, depending on your environment.
Customizing Studio database caching
Disabling Studio database caching
Clearing the Studio database cache

Customizing Studio database caching

You can customize Studio's database cache configuration, if needed.
The most likely change you'd want to make would be to update the IP address and port number at the top of
each configuration file:

Note that any changes you make must be made on all Studio nodes.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Post-Installation Tasks


To customize Studio's database caching:


Extract the default files from the ehcache directory in portal-impl.jar.

The file is in the WEB-INF/lib directory, which is located in endeca-portal.war, which is in bddstudio.ear.


Update the files as needed.

To ensure that Studio uses the correct files, you may want to rename the customized files to
something like:


Deploy the customized files:

(a) Undeploy bdd-studio.ear.
Use the appropriate method to undeploy the file based on whether you auto-deployed the .ear file
or installed it.
(b) Update bdd-studio.ear to add a subdirectory APP-INF/classes/ehcache/ that contains
the customized XML files.
(c) Redeploy the updated .ear file.


If needed, update to reflect the customized file names:


Disabling Studio database caching

Database caching is enabled for Studio by default. This provides better network efficiency for most clusters,
but can in some cases cause issues in Studio.
You will likely want to disable database caching if you installed or plan on installing Studio on multiple nodes
and either of the following is true:
Your network or host environment doesn't support multicast UDP traffic. This is sometimes true of VM
Your Studio nodes are on separate LANs that don't use multicast routing.
To disable database caching for Studio:

Before installing, set STUDIO_JDBC_CACHE to FALSE in bdd.conf.

You can also do this after installing. For instructions on updating BDD's configuration post-install, see
the Administrator's Guide.


After installing, open $DOMAIN_HOME/bin/ on each Studio node and add

the following argument to JAVA_OPTIONS, before the final quotation mark:


Restart each Studio node.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Post-Installation Tasks


Clearing the Studio database cache

As part of troubleshooting issues with Studio, you can clear the cache for either a single Studio instance or the
entire Studio cluster.
To clear the Studio cache:

Click the Configuration Options icon, then click Control Panel.


Click Server > Server Administration.


In the Actions tab at the bottom of the page:

To clear the cache for the current instance only, click the Execute button next to Clear content
cached by this VM.
To clear the cache for the entire Studio cluster, click the Execute button next to Clear content
cached across the cluster.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Chapter 9

Using Studio with a Reverse Proxy

Studio can be configured to use a reverse proxy.
About reverse proxies
Types of reverse proxies
Example sequence for a reverse proxy request
Recommendations for reverse proxy configuration
Reverse proxy configuration options for Studio

About reverse proxies

A reverse proxy provides a more secure way for users to get access to application servers by retrieving
resources on behalf of a client from one or more servers and returning them to the client as though they came
from the server itself.
A reverse proxy is located between the client and the proxied server(s). Clients access content through the
proxy server. The reverse proxy server assumes the public hostname of the proxied server. The hostname(s)
of the actual/proxied servers are often internal and unknown to the client browser.
Some common reasons for implementing a reverse proxy include:
Security or firewalling
SSL termination
Load balancing and failover
Resource caching/acceleration
URL partitioning

Types of reverse proxies

Reverse proxies may be either devices/appliances or specially configured web servers.
A very popular software-based reverse proxy is the Apache HTTP Server configured with the mod_proxy
module. Many commercial web servers and reverse proxy solutions are built on top of Apache HTTP Server,
including Oracle HTTP Server.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Using Studio with a Reverse Proxy


Example sequence for a reverse proxy request

Here is an example of the typical sequence for a request processed using a reverse proxy server.

1. The client makes a request to the public URL.

For this example, for a Studio project, the request URL might be something like
http://mybdd/bdd/web/myproject, using the default port 80.
The hostname resolves to the address of the reverse proxy server. The reverse proxy is listening on this
address and receives the request.
2. The reverse proxy server analyzes the URL to determine where the request needs to be proxied to.
A reverse proxy might use any part of the URL to route the request, such as the protocol, host, port, path,
or query-string. Typically the path is the main data used for routing.
The reverse proxy configuration rules determine the outbound URL to send the request to. This
destination is usually the end server responsible for serving the content. The reverse proxy server may
also rewrite parts of the request. For example, it may change or make additions to path segments.
Reverse proxies can also add standard or custom headers to the request.
For example, the URL http://mybdd/web/myproject might be proxied to
http://bddserver1:8080/bdd/web/myproject. In this case:
The hostname of the target server is bddserver1
The port is changed to 8080
The context path /bdd/ is added
3. The reverse proxy server sends the request to the target server.
4. The target server sends the response to the reverse proxy server.
5. The reverse proxy server reads the request and returns it to the client.

Recommendations for reverse proxy configuration

Here are some general configuration recommendations for setting up a reverse proxy.
Preserving HTTP 1.1 Host: headers
Enabling the Apache ProxyPreserveHost directive

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Using Studio with a Reverse Proxy


Preserving HTTP 1.1 Host: headers

HTTP 1.1 requests often include a Host: header, which contains the hostname from the client request. This
is because a server may use a single IP address or interface to accept requests for multiple DNS hostnames.
The Host: header identifies the server requested by the client. When a reverse proxy proxies an HTTP 1.1
request between a client and a target server, when it makes the request, it must add the Host: header to the
outbound request. The Host: header it sends to the target server should be the same as the Host: header it
received from the client. It should not be the Host: header that would be sent if accessing the target server
When the application server needs to create an absolute, fully-qualified URL, such as for a redirect URL or an
absolute path to an image or CSS file, it must provide the correct hostname to the client to use in a
subsequent request.
For example, a Java application server sends a client-side redirect to a browser (HTTP 302 Moved). It uses
the ServletRequest.getServerName() method to fetch the hostname in the request, then constructs a
Host: header.
The URL sent by the client is http://mystudio/web/myapp. The actual internal target URL generated by
the reverse proxy will be http://studioserver1:8080/bdd/web/myapp.
If there is no specific configuration for the target server, then if the reverse proxy retains the Host: header,
the header is:
Host: http://mystudio

If the reverse proxy does not retain the Host: header, the result is:
Host: http://studioserver1:8080

In the latter case, where the header uses the actual target server hostname, the client may not have access to
studioserver1, or may not be able to resolve the hostname. It also will bypass the reverse proxy on the
next request, which may cause security issues.
If the Host: header cannot be relied on as correct for the client, then it must be configured specifically for the
web or application server, so that it can render correct absolute URLs.
Most reverse proxy solutions should have a configuration option to allow the Host: header to be preserved.

Enabling the Apache ProxyPreserveHost directive

The ProxyPreserveHost directive is used to instruct Apache mod_proxy, when acting as a reverse proxy,
to preserve and retain the original Host: header from the client browser when constructing the proxied
request to send to the target server.
The default setting for this configuration directive is Off, indicating to not preserve the Host: header and
instead generate a Host: header based on the target server's hostname.
Because this is often not what is wanted, you should add the ProxyPreserveHost On directive to the
Apache HTTPD configuration, either in httpd.conf or related/equivalent configuration files.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Using Studio with a Reverse Proxy


Reverse proxy configuration options for Studio

Here are some options for configuring reverse proxy for Studio.
Simple Studio reverse proxy configuration
Studio reverse proxy configuration without preserving Host: headers
Configuring Studio to support an SSL-enabled reverse proxy

Simple Studio reverse proxy configuration

Here is a brief overview of a simple reverse proxy configuration for Studio. The configuration preserves the
Host: header, and does not use SSL or path remapping. Studio only supports matching context paths.
In this simple configuration:
A reverse proxy server is in front of a single Studio application server.
The reverse proxy server is configured to preserve the Host: header.
The context paths match.
Neither the reverse proxy nor the application server is configured for SSL.
With this setup, you should be able to access Studio correctly using the reverse proxy without additional

Studio reverse proxy configuration without preserving Host: headers

If a reverse proxy used by Studio does not preserve the Host: header, and instead makes a request with a
Host: header referring to the target application server, Studio and the application server receive an incorrect
hostname. This causes Studio to generate absolute URLs that refer to the proxied application server instead
of to the reverse proxy server.
If the reverse proxy cannot be configured to preserve the Host: header, you must configure a fixed hostname
and port. To do this, you can either:
Configure the application server to have a fixed hostname and port
Use to configure Studio with a fixed hostname and port

Configuring a fixed hostname for the application server

In WebLogic, set up a virtual host with the fixed hostname and port.

Configuring Studio with a fixed hostname

To configure Studio with a fixed hostname and port, add the following properties to<reverseProxyHostName>

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Using Studio with a Reverse Proxy


Configuring Studio to support an SSL-enabled reverse proxy

If Studio is installed behind a reverse proxy that has SSL capabilities, and the client SSL is terminated on the
reverse proxy, you must configure Studio to set the preferred protocol to HTTPS, and provide the host and
port for the reverse proxy server.
To do this, add the following settings to

reverseProxyHostName is the host name of the reverse proxy server.
reverseProxyPort is the port number for the reverse proxy server.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Part IV
Uninstalling Big Data Discovery

Chapter 10

This section describes how to uninstall BDD.
The uninstallation script
Running the uninstallation script

The uninstallation script

You uninstall BDD by running the script, which is located in $BDD_HOME/uninstall.
You must run the script from the Admin Server. It doesn't require any arguments, but it does need access to
bdd.conf, which it assumes is located in $BDD_HOME/BDD_manager/conf.
When the script runs, it:
1. Reads bdd.conf.
2. Terminates all currently running processes.
3. Deletes the WebLogic domain.
4. Cleans up the Hive Table Detector cron job.
5. Deletes the Data Processing CLI.
6. Deletes all Data Processing libraries.
7. Deletes the contents of the $ORACLE_HOME directory, including WebLogic Server and all BDD
components, and the WebLogic domain.
8. Deletes the .dataIngestSwamp directory from HDFS.
9. Deletes the znode for the Dgraph cluster from the ZooKeeper namespace.
Note: If you upgraded BDD at any point, the script also removes any remaining files from the previous
BDD versions.
Although the script deletes most of the BDD data from your system, it leaves behind some BDD-related files
and directories, including:
The empty BDD directories. For example, the script removes everything inside of $ORACLE_HOME, but
leaves the directory itself. You can remove these manually when the script finishes running, although this
isn't required if you're going to reinstall.
The Dgraph databases. If you plan on reinstalling BDD, you can leave them where they are and reuse
The sample files created by Data Processing.
The /oraInventory directory and the oraInst.lok file.
Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016



Running the uninstallation script

You uninstall BDD by running from the Admin Server.
Note: If you upgraded BDD at any point, the script also removes any remaining files from the previous
BDD versions.
To run the uninstallation script:

On the Admin Server, open a command prompt and go to $BDD_HOME/uninstall.


Run the uninstallation script:

./ [--silent]

The optional [--silent] option runs the script in silent mode, which enables you to skip the
following confirmation step.

Enter yes or y when asked if you're sure you want to uninstall BDD.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Appendix A

Optional and Internal BDD Properties

The following sections describe the optional and internal properties in bdd.conf.
Optional settings
Internal settings

Optional settings
The second part of bdd.conf contains optional properties. You can update these if you want, but the default
values will work for most installations.

This section configures settings relevant to all components and the installation process itself.
Configuration property



Determines whether the installer removes files and directories left over
from previous installations.
Use FALSE if this is your first time installing BDD. Use TRUE if you're
reinstalling after either a failed installation or an uninstallation.
Note that this property only accepts UPPERCASE values.


Determines whether the BDD components restart automatically after their

servers are rebooted. When set to FALSE, all components must be
restarted manually.
Note that this property only accepts UPPERCASE values.

BACKUP_LOCAL_TEMP_FOLDER The absolute path to the default temporary folder on the Admin Server
used during backup and restore operations. This can be overridden on a
case-by-case basis by the bdd-admin script.
BACKUP_HDFS_TEMP_FOLDER_ The absolute path to the default temporary folder on HDFS used during
backup and restore operations. This can be overridden on a case-by-case
basis by the bdd-admin script.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Optional and Internal BDD Properties


WebLogic (BDD Server)

This section configures WebLogic Server, including the Admin Server and all Managed Servers. It doesn't
configure Studio or the Dgraph Gateway.
Configuration property

Description and possible settings


Defines the mode WebLogic Server starts in:

prod: Starts WebLogic in production mode, which requires a
username and password when it starts. Use this if you're
installing on a production environment, as its more secure.
dev: Starts WebLogic in development mode, which doesn't
require a username or password. The installer will still prompt
you for a username and password at runtime, but these will not
be required when starting WebLogic Server.
Note that this property only accepts lowercase values.


Determines whether the installer checks for the required amount of

free swap space (512MB) on the Admin Server and all Managed
Servers before installing WebLogic Server.
Use TRUE (no swap space check) if you're installing WebLogic
Server on nodes that don't meet the swap space requirement.
For more information, see Disk space requirements on page 20.


The name of the WebLogic domain, which Studio and the Dgraph
Gateway run in. This is automatically created by the installer.


The Admin Server's port number. This number must be unique.


The port used by the Managed Server (i.e., Studio). This number
must be unique.
This property is still required if you're installing on a single server.


Toggles SSL for Studio's outward-facing ports.

When set to TRUE, the Studio instances on the Admin Server and
the Managed Servers listen for requests on the
Note that this property doesn't enable SSL for any other BDD


The secure port on the Admin Server that Studio listens on when
Note that when SSL is enabled, Studio still listens on the un-secure
ADMIN_SERVER_PORT for requests from the Dgraph Gateway.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Optional and Internal BDD Properties


Configuration property

Description and possible settings


The secure port on the Managed Server that Studio listens on when
Note that when SSL is enabled, Studio still listens on the un-secure
MANAGED_SERVER_PORT for requests from the Dgraph Gateway.


The log level used by the Dgraph Gateway:

More information on Dgraph Gateway log levels is available in the
Administrator's Guide.


The timeout value (in milliseconds) used when responding to

requests sent to all Dgraph Gateway web services except the Data
Ingest Web Service. A value of 0 means there is no timeout.


The timeout value (in milliseconds) used when responding to

requests sent to the Data Ingest Web Service. A value of 0 means
there is no timeout.


The timeout value (in milliseconds) used when checking data source
availability when connections are initialized. A value of 0 means
there is no timeout.


Enables/disables database caching for Studio.

You may want to set this to FALSE, depending on your environment.
For more information, see Disabling Studio database caching on
page 86.


The Studio admin's screen name. This can only contain

alphanumeric characters, periods (.), and hyphens (-).


The Studio admin's email address, which will be their username.

This must be a full email address and can't begin with root@ or
environment variable for a silent installation, you don't need
to set this property. If you do, the installer will overwrite this
value with the value of BDD_STUDIO_ADMIN_USERNAME.

STUDIO_ADMIN_PASSWORD_RESET_ Determines whether the Studio admin is asked to reset their

password the first time they log in.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Optional and Internal BDD Properties


Configuration property

Description and possible settings


The Studio admin's first name.


The Studio admin's middle name.


The Studio admin's last name.

Dgraph and HDFS Agent

This section configures the Dgraph and the HDFS Agent.
Configuration property

Description and possible settings


The port the Dgraph listens on for requests.


The port that the Dgraph listens on for bulk load ingest requests.


The path to the Dgraph's stdout/stderr file.


Defines the log levels for the Dgraph's out log subsystems. This must be
formatted as:
"subsystem1 level1|subsystem2,subsystem3
level2|subsystemN levelN"

Be sure to include the quotes. For example:

= "bulk_ingest WARNING|cluster ERROR|dgraph, eql, eve

You can include as many subsystems as you want. Unspecified

subsystems and unsupported/improperly formatted values default to
For more information on the Dgraph's out log subsystems and their
supported levels, see the Administrator's Guide.

Note: This property is only intended for use by Oracle Support.

Don't provide a value for this property when installing BDD.
Defines one or more flags to start the Dgraph with. More information on
Dgraph flags is available in the Administrator's Guide.


Specifies whether the Dgraph databases are stored on HDFS. When set
to TRUE, the Dgraph runs on Hadoop DataNodes and mounts HDFS
when it starts, through either the NFS Gateway or FUSE.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Optional and Internal BDD Properties


Configuration property

Description and possible settings


The absolute path to the local directory where the Dgraph mounts the
HDFS root directory.
Use a nonexistent directory when installing. If this location changes after
installing, the new location must be empty and have read, write, and
execute permissions for the bdd user.
This setting is only required if DGRAPH_USE_MOUNT_HDFS is set to


For use by Oracle Support only. Don't modify this property.


For use by Oracle Support only. Don't modify this property.


The interval (in minutes) at which the Dgraph's Kerberos ticket is

refreshed. For example, if set to 60, the Dgraph's ticket would be
refreshed every 60 minutes, or every hour.
This setting is only required if DGRAPH_USE_MOUNT_HDFS and


The amount of time that the Dgraph's Kerberos ticket is valid. This
should be given as a number followed by a supported unit of time: s, m,
h, or d. For example, 10h (10 hours), or 10m (10 minutes).
This setting is only required if DGRAPH_USE_MOUNT_HDFS and


Enables cgroups for the Dgraph. This must be set to TRUE if you created
a cgroup for the Dgraph.
If set to TRUE, DGRAPH_CGROUP_NAME must also be set.


The name of the cgroup that controls the Dgraph. This is required if
DGRAPH_ENABLE_CGROUP is set to TRUE. You must create this before
installing; for more information, see Setting up cgroups on page 36.


The port that the HDFS Agent listens on for HTTP requests.


The port that the HDFS Agent listens on for requests from the Dgraph.


The path to the HDFS Agent's stdout/stderr file.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Optional and Internal BDD Properties


Data Processing
This section configures Data Processing and the Hive Table Detector.
Configuration property

Description and possible settings

Enables the DP CLI to automatically run the Hive Table Detector
according to the schedule defined by the subsequent properties.
When set to TRUE, the Hive Table Detector runs automatically on the
DETECTOR_SERVER. By default, it does the following when it runs:
Provisions any new Hive table in the "default" database, if that
table passes the whitelist and blacklist.
Deletes any BDD data sets that don't have corresponding source
Hive tables. This is an action that you can't prevent.
When set to FALSE, the Hive Table Detector doesn't run.


The hostname of the server the Hive Table Detector runs on. This
must be one of the WebLogic Managed Servers.


The name of the Hive database that the Hive Table Detector
The default value is default. This is the same as the default value
of HIVE_DATABASE_NAME, which is used by Studio and the CLI. You
can use a different database for each these properties, but Oracle
recommends you start with one for a first time installation.
This value can't contain semicolons (;).


The maximum amount of time (in seconds) that the Hive Table
Detector waits before submitting update jobs.


The cron schedule that specifies how often the Hive Table Detector
runs. This must be enclosed in quotes. The default value is "0 0 * *
*", which sets the Hive Table Detector to run at midnight every day
of every month.


Enables the following data enrichment modules to run during the

sampling phase of data processing: Language Detection, Term
Extraction, Geocoding Address, Geocoding IP, and Reverse
When set to true, all of the data enrichments run. When set to
false, none of them run.
For more information on data enrichments, see the Data Processing

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Optional and Internal BDD Properties


Configuration property

Description and possible settings


The maximum number of records included in a data set. For example,

if a Hive table has 1,000,000 records, you could restrict the total
number of sampled records to 100,000.
Note that the actual number of records in each data set may be
slightly higher or less than this value.


The path to the HDFS directory where the Avro files created when
Studio users export data are stored.


Specifies either a supported ISO-639 language code (en, de, fr,

etc.) or a value of unknown to set the language property for all
attributes in the data set. This controls whether Oracle Language
Technology (OLT) libraries are invoked during indexing.
A language code requires more processing but produces better
processing and indexing results by using the OLT libraries for the
specified language. If the value is unknown, the processing time is
faster but the processing and indexing results are more generic and
OLT is not invoked.
For a complete list of the languages BDD supports, see the Data
Processing Guide.


A colon-separated list of the absolute paths to additional JARs, such

as custom SerDe JARs, used during data processing. These are
added to the CLI classpath.
Note that you must manually copy each SerDe JAR to the same
location on all cluster nodes before installing.

Internal settings
The third part of bdd.conf contains internal settings either required by the installer or intended for use by
Oracle Support. Note that the installer will automatically add properties to this section when it runs.
Note: Don't modify any properties in this part unless instructed to by Oracle Support.

Configuration property



The maximum number of concurrent calls Studio can make to Data



The maximum number of jobs Studio can add to the Data

Processing queue.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Optional and Internal BDD Properties


Configuration property



The maximum partition size used for Spark inputs, in MB. This
controls the size of the blocks of data handled by Data Processing
Partition size directly affects Data Processing performance. When
partitions are smaller, more jobs run in parallel and cluster
resources are used more efficiently. This improves both speed and
The default value is 32. This amount should be sufficient for most
clusters, with a few exceptions:
If your Hadoop cluster has a very large processing capacity
and most of your data sets are small (around 1GB), you can
decrease this value.
In rare cases, when data enrichments are enabled, the
enriched data set in a partition can become too large for its
YARN container to handle. If this occurs, you can decrease this
value to reduce the amount of memory each partition requires.
Note that this property overrides the HDFS block size used in


Determines whether Data Processing dynamically computes the

resources allocated to the Spark executors during processing. This
value should always be set to true.
false is only intended for use by Oracle Support. When set, Data
Processing allocates Spark resources according to the static
configuration defined by the following properties:


The number of cores used by the Spark job driver.


The maximum memory heap size for the Spark job driver. This
must be in the same format as JVM memory settings; for example,
512m or 2g.


The total number of Spark executors to launch.


The number of cores for each Spark executor.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

Optional and Internal BDD Properties


Configuration property



The maximum memory heap size for each Spark executor. This
must be in the same format as JVM memory settings; for example,
512M or 2g.


The minimum number of characters the average value of a String

attribute must contain to be record searchable.


The minimum number of characters the average value of a String

attribute must contain to be value searchable.


The version of BDD. This property is intended for use by Oracle

Support and shouldn't be changed.


The BDD hotfix or patch version. This property is intended for use
by Oracle Support and shouldn't be changed.

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016


directory structure
DP CLI whitelist and blacklist, updating 83

Admin Server, about 11

backups 84
internal settings 102
optional settings 96
overview 62
required settings 63
BDD installer
about 57
behavior 59
rerunning 73
silent mode 57
troubleshooting 72
Big Data Discovery
about 9
configuration options 11
integration with Hadoop 10
integration with WebLogic 11
uninstalling 94

cgroups 36
cluster installation
configuration 62
downloading a WebLogic Server patch 62
downloading the media pack 61
installing 71
selecting the install machine 60
Command Line Interface, about 10
internal settings 102
optional settings 96
required settings 63

Endeca Server 14

file descriptors, increasing 84

Hadoop, about 10
Hadoop requirements
client libraries 27
distributions and components 24
YARN setting changes 26
HDP-specific requirements
required JARs 28
Hive Table Detector, about 10

installation and deployment
about 57
rerunning the installer 73
troubleshooting 72
install machine, selecting 60
iPad, using to view projects 42

Jetty, about 11
JVM heap size, setting 85

Data Processing, about 10
Data Processing CLI, about 10
Dgraph, about 10
Dgraph Gateway, about 9
Dgraph HDFS Agent, about 10
Dgraph requirements
about 35
file descriptors 39
NFS Gateway 38

Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

Kerberos 31

load balancing
overview 82
Studio 82
Transform Service 82

configuration 29
patches 29
Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016



special requirements 28

signing in 83
Studio database caching
clearing cache 87
customizing 85
overview 85
supported platforms 15
system requirements
authentication 31
authorization 32
bdd user 23
bdd user, enabling passwordless SSH 24
Dgraph databases 35
encryption 33
Hadoop client libraries 27
Hadoop requirements 24
hardware 19
HDFS encryption 34
JDK 30
Linux utilities 21
memory 19
operating system 21
Perl modules, installing 22
physical memory and disk space 20
screen resolution 42
Studio database 40
Studio database commands 41
supported browsers 41
supported platforms 15
YARN setting changes 26

prerequisite checker, running 70
prerequisite checklist 44
authentication 31
authorization 32
bdd user 23
bdd user, enabling passwordless SSH 24
Dgraph databases 35
encryption 33
Hadoop client libraries 27
Hadoop requirements 24
hardware 19
HDFS encryption 34
JDK 30
memory 19
network 21
operating system 21
Perl modules, installing 22
physical memory and disk space 20
screen resolution 42
Studio database 40
Studio database commands 41
supported browsers 41
supported platforms 15
YARN setting changes 26

about 49
installing BDD 50

Transform Service
about 9
Kerberos configuration 81
about 72
failed ZooKeeper check 72
failure to download Hadoop client libraries 72
failure to generate Hadoop fat JAR 73

reverse proxy, using with Studio 88

firewalls 35
Hadoop encryption 33
HDFS encryption 34
Kerberos 31
replacing certificates 84
reverse proxy 88
Sentry 32
Studio encryption 35
Sentry 32
single-node installation
configuring 52
installing 51
about 9
database, creating 41
disabling 86
projects, viewing on iPad 42
Oracle Big Data Discovery : Installation Guide

about 94
running the uninstallation script 95

Data Processing 77
deployed components 76

WebLogic Server
about 11
patches, downloading 62
setting JVM heap size 85

Version 1.3.2 Revision A October 2016

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