Organization Theory
Organization Theory
Organization Theory
Modem organization theory is rooted in concepts developed during
the Industrial Revolution in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Of import
during that period was the research of Max Weber (1864-1920), a German
sociologist. Weber believed that bureaucracies, staffed by bureaucrats,
findings have been criticized, he is credited with helping to define the role of
training, wage incentives, employee selection, and work standards in
organizational performance.
Researchers began to adopt a less mechanical view of organizations and to
pay more attention to human influences in the 1930s. This development was
motivated by several studies, particularly the Hawthorne experiments, that
shed light on the function of human fulfillment in organizations. Primarily under
the direction of Harvard University researcher Elton Mayo, the Hawthorne
Experiments were conducted in the mid 1920s and 1930s at a Western
Electric Company plant known as the Hawthorne Works. The company wanted
to determine the degree to which working conditions affected output.
Surprisingly, the studies failed to show any significant positive correlations
between workplace conditions and productivity. In one study, for example,
worker productivity escalated when lighting was increased, but it also
increased when illumination was decreased. The results of the studies
demonstrated that innate forces of human behavior may have a greater
influence on organizations than do mechanistic incentive systems. The legacy
of the Hawthorne studies and other organizational research efforts of that
period was an emphasis on the importance of individual and group interaction,
humanistic management skills, and social relationships in the workplace.
The focus on human influences in organizations was reflected most noticeably
by the integration of Abraham Maslow's "hierarchy of human needs" into
organization theory. Maslow's theories had two important implications for
organization theory: (1) people have different needs and are therefore
motivated by different incentives to achieve organizational objectives; and (2)
people's needs change predictably over time, meaning that as the needs of
people lower in the hierarchy are met, new needs arise. These assumptions
led to the recognition, for example, that assembly-line workers could be more
productive if more of their personal needs were met, whereas past theories
suggested that monetary rewards were the sole, or primary, motivators.
Traditional theories regarded organizations as closed systemsautonomous
and isolated from the outside world. In the 1960s, these mechanistic
organization theories, such as scientific management, were spurned in favor
of more holistic and humanistic ideologies. Recognizing that traditional theory
had failed to take into account many environmental influences that affected the
efficiency of organizations, most theorists and researchers embraced an
open-systems view of organizations.
The term "open systems" reflected the newfound belief that all organizations
are unique and should therefore be structured to accommodate unique
problems and opportunities. For example, research during the 1960s showed
that traditional bureaucratic organizations generally failed to succeed in
environments where technologies or markets were rapidly changing. They
The general environment encompasses four influences that emanate from the
geographic area in which the organization operates. The first is cultural
values, which determine views about what is right or wrong, good or bad, and
important or trivial. Companies in the United States will likely be influenced by
the values of individualism, democracy, individual rights and freedoms, and a
puritan work ethic, among many others. In addition, regional and local values
will affect organizations. For instance, workers and consumers in southern and
northwestern states are more likely to be ideologically conservative.
Economic conditions make up the second cluster of general environmental
influences on open systems. These influences include economic upswings,
recessions, regional unemployment, and many other factors that affect a
company's ability to grow and prosper. Economic influences may also partially
dictate an organization's role in the economy. For example, as the economy
grows the organization will likely become not only larger but more specialized.
A third influence on organizations is the legal/political environment, which
effectively helps to allocate power within a society and to enforce laws. The
legal and political system in which an open system operates determines, most
importantly, the long-term stability and security of the organization's future. For
instance, a national government can add stability by maintaining a strong
defense force. But legal and political mechanisms can also hamper a
company's success by burdening it with regulations, taxes, employee rights
laws, and other rules. In general, the larger and more powerful the local,
regional, or national government, the less attractive will be the general
environment to nongovernment organizations.
The fourth general environmental influence on open systems is educational
conditions. For example, businesses that operate in countries or regions with
a high education level will have a better chance of staffing a complex
organization that requires specialized skills and a precise division of labor.
Open-systems theory assumes that all large organizations are comprised of
multiple subsystems, each of which receives inputs from other subsystems
and turns them into outputs for use by other subsystems. The subsystems are
not necessarily represented by departments in an organization, but might
instead resemble patterns of activity.
An important distinction between open-systems theory and traditional
organization theory is that the former assumes a subsystem hierarchy,
meaning that not all of the subsystems are equally essential. Furthermore, a
failure in one subsystem will not necessarily thwart the entire system. By
contrast, traditional mechanistic theories imply that a malfunction in any part of
Organizations differ greatly in size, function, and makeup. Nevertheless, three
characteristics of nearly all organizations with more than a few members are:
(1) a division of labor; (2) a decision-making structure; and (3) formal rules
and policies.
Organizations practice division of labor both vertically and horizontally. Vertical
division includes three basic levelstop, middle, and bottom. The chief
function of top managers, or executives, typically is to plan long-term strategy
and oversee middle managers. Middle managers generally guide the day-today activities of the organization and administer top level strategy. Low-level
managers and laborers put strategy into action and perform the specific tasks
necessary to keep the organization operating.
Organizations also divide labor horizontally by defining task groups, or
departments, and assigning workers with applicable skills to those groups.
Line units perform the basic functions of the business, while staff units support
line units with expertise and services. For instance, the marketing department
(line unit) might be supported by the accounting department (staff unit). In
general, line units focus on supply, production, and distribution, while staff
units deal mostly with internal operations and controls or public relations
Decision-making structures, the second basic organizational characteristic,
are used to organize authority. They vary in their degree of centralization and
decentralization. Centralized decision structures are referred to as "tall"
organizations because important decisions usually emanate from a high level
and are passed down through several channels until they reach the lower end
of the hierarchy. Bosses at all levels have relatively few employees reporting
directly to them.
In contrast, flat organizations, which have decentralized decision making
structures, employ only a few hierarchical levels. The few bosses or authority
In addition to the three root characteristics of business organizations, there are
two main types of structures: functional and divisional. Most companies
represent an amalgam of both, and many variations exist. Functional
organizational structures are more traditional. They departmentalize the
company based on key functions. For example, activities related to production,
marketing, and finance might be grouped into three respective departments.
Within each, moreover, activities would be departmentalized into
subdepartments. Within the marketing department, for example, might be the
sales, advertising, and promotions departments.
The advantage of functionally structured organizations is that they typically
achieve an efficient specialization of labor because people with specific skills
can follow a career path within their department. In addition, this type of
structure is relatively easy for employees to comprehend. Therefore, they are
more likely to identify with their group and enjoy a sense of accomplishment
through the gains of the department. Finally, functional structures reduce
duplication of work because responsibilities are clearly defined.
On the other hand, functional structures are often divisive, causing
departments to become adversarial and employees to engage in behavior that
benefits their department at the expense of the overall organization.
Furthermore, employees in departments often become myopic, losing sight of
the goals of the entire organization. In addition, functional structures typically
fail to make full use of the talents of workers and they are often less reactive to
environmental influences.
Companies that employ a more divisional structure break the organization
down into semiautonomous units and profit centers based on activities related
to products, customers, or geography. Regardless of the activity group used to
segment the company, each unit operates as a separate business. For
example, a company might be broken down into southern, western, and
A variation on the divisional structure is known as the sector structure. This is
employed typically by very large and diversified companies. One of the best
known examples is General Electric Co., which pioneered the format in the
mid-1970s. Sectors are usually broad market-defined operating areas and
they may combine several conventional divisions that produce related goods
or services. For instance, some of GE's sectors include aircraft engines,
lighting, and capital services. The logic behind the sector structure is to strike
a medium between extreme centralization and extreme decentralization. If a
company has dozens of divisions it might be impractical to have all the division
heads report directly to the CEO. On the other hand, because the company is
so large, it may not be possible or desirable to merge divisions and centralize
it more. By grouping similar divisions into coherent sectors, the sector
approach attempts to make large organizations more focused and
A less traditional (and less common) approach is the matrix structure, which
emphasizes collaborative relationships between different parts of an
organization. Under a matrix structure, individuals or departments have
multiple reporting relationships, or at least multiple consulting relationships.
This is particularly useful on large projects that require inputs from many
different functional areas of the organization. For example, a company may
have a product manager for each of its product lines, and these individuals
may work both with marketing staff and with production staff in order to fulfill
their role. In addition, each may collaborate periodically with other product
managers in order to maintain a unified product strategy. If drawn on paper,
this structure would appear as a grid with reporting or consulting lines
connecting the product managers to the marketing department, the
manufacturing or production department, and each other.
Since the late 1980s, companies have been paying greater attention to how
their activities are organized across national borders. Interest in such
international management issues has grown as global market strategies
increasingly dominate corporate objectives. The primary issues in international
structures are local autonomy/uniqueness and how international units relate to
each other and to the headquarters.
Christopher Bartlett and Sumantra Ghoshal have done important work in this
area, summarizing their findings in the 1989 book Managing Across
Cultures, which was updated and re-released in 1998. They argue that the
oldestand least effectiveform of international structure is the "global"
structure, in which international divisions or subsidiaries follow detailed and
relatively inflexible supervision from the corporate headquarters. As a result,
the company tends to operate in a similar manner in all places following a
centrally determined formula. At the other end of the continuum, Bartlett and
Ghoshal cited the "transnational" organization, which allows local conditions