Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering: Stefano Renzi, Claudia Madiai, Giovanni Vannucchi
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering: Stefano Renzi, Claudia Madiai, Giovanni Vannucchi
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering: Stefano Renzi, Claudia Madiai, Giovanni Vannucchi
art ic l e i nf o
a b s t r a c t
Article history:
Received 23 May 2012
Received in revised form
16 September 2013
Accepted 18 September 2013
Available online 8 October 2013
The benecial or detrimental effect of seismic soil-structure interaction (SSI) is still a controversial issue.
A parametric analysis of the seismic SSI effects of a large number of idealised ordinary shear-type
buildings was carried out with some simplifying assumptions. Results were compared to the corresponding classical xed-base solutions.
Structures were modelled as generalised single degree of freedom systems using the principle of
virtual displacements and shallow squared foundations resting on different soil types were assumed.
The outcomes of the numerical analyses were used as a statistical base in order to obtain simple
analytical and non-dimensional relationships for estimating seismic SSI effects in terms of modied
period and damping.
The proposed approximated method can be used by consultants in an immediate and simplied
manner in order to obtain a preliminary evaluation of SSI effects and seismic demand without devoting
resources to complex analyses.
& 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Seismic soil-structure interaction
SSI simplied procedure
Modied structural damping and period
Modied structural seismic demand
1. Introduction
Due to evidence of historical earthquakes, the importance of
achieving an acceptable level of safety for ordinary shear-type
buildings, as element at risk, is undisputed. It is also well known
that seismic Soil-Structure Interaction (SSI) can play a relevant role
even if the issue is not free from misconceptions.
The dynamic response of a structure supported on soft soil may
differ substantially in amplitude and frequency content from the
response of an identical structure founded on rm ground.
The main effects of seismic SSI on buildings with shallow
foundations consist of an increase in the fundamental period and
damping of the soil-structure system, as evidenced by many
researchers [18].
In addition, other effects of SSI, such as foundation uplift and
sliding at the soil-foundation interface, were analysed by several
authors [916]. The latter phenomena can occur when seismically
induced loads attain a limit value, the soil-foundation system
initiates signicant yielding and foundation permanent displacements take place, with accumulation of large residual foundation
rotations and horizontal displacements. Such effects, particularly
associated with strong earthquakes, involve non linearity and will
not be considered in this paper.
0267-7261/$ - see front matter & 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fig. 1. Reduction in design base shear due to SSI ( according to NEHRP seismic
coad [21]).
2. Analyses performed
Extensive numerical analyses of simplied superstructurefoundation-soil models [41,42] were performed in order to evaluate SSI effects and summarise the results in equations obtained
from statistical analyses. The adopted procedure can be summarised as follows:
(1) Computation of soil-foundation impedance matrices. Horizontal and rocking components were numerically evaluated using
the computer programme SASSI2000.
(2) Idealisation of shear-type buildings. Superstructures were
modelled as equivalent SDF systems having a fundamental
period T and damping ratio .
(3) Estimate of SSI effects. Modied period T~ and damping ratio ~
of the analysed soil-foundation-superstructure systems were
evaluated by means of a recent exact solution.
(4) Statistical analyses of the results from step 3. Analytical relationships were obtained between the main non dimensional
Code of Canada (NBCC) [48] and in the 2004 edition of the Mexico
Federal District Code (MFDC) [49].
Following the method previously described, each superstructure was modelled as a SDF system, having equivalent height, heq,
equivalent mass, meq, and equivalent stiffness, keq, with 5% viscous
damping ratio.
At this stage of the procedure the foundation mass, mb, was
introduced, considering a 1 m thick foundation in all the cases
under investigation.
As previously mentioned, a linear approach was applied,
ignoring the nonlinear interaction effects of the soil-foundation
2.3. Estimate of SSI effects
The classical approach for elasto-dynamic analysis of SoilStructure Interaction [39,40] aims at replacing the actual structure
by an equivalent Single Degree of Freedom (SDF) (see Section 2.2)
system supported on a set of frequency-dependent springs and
dashpots accounting for the stiffness and damping of the compliant soil-foundation system (see Section 2.1).
The structure is described by its stiffness k, mass m, height h,
and damping coefcient c (Fig. 5a). The foundation consists of a
rigid shallow squared raft of characteristic dimension b (half
width) and mass mb resting on a homogeneous, linearly elastic,
isotropic halfspace described by a shear modulus Gs, mass density s,
Poisson's ratio s, and hysteretic damping ratio s.
Translational and rotational stiffness, Kx and Kr respectively, of
the compliant soil-foundation system, are modelled by a pair of
frequency-dependent springs. To ensure uniform units in all
stiffness terms, Kr is represented by a translational vertical spring
acting at the edge of the foundation (i.e. at a distance b from the
centre of the footing).
Translational and rotational damping, Cx and Cr respectively, of
the compliant soil-foundation system, are modelled by a pair of
frequency-dependent dashpots, attached in parallel to the springs,
representing energy loss due to hysteretic action and wave radiation in the soil medium.
The stiffness and damping terms of both the structure and the
soil-foundation system can be condensed in two terms [39,40], K~
~ The corresponding system is represented by the replaceand C.
ment oscillator shown in Fig. 5b.
Superstructure-foundation-soil model parameters (Hdep, VS, heq,
meq, keq, b and mb) were selected in order to be representative of a
wide range of actual systems; SSI analyses were performed on 563
different models.
Period lengthening and effective damping of each analysed SSI
system were calculated by systematic application of the exact
solution recently proposed by Maravas et al. [40] (Eqs. (2) and (3)
and compared to the corresponding values of the xed-base
The method contains no approximations in the derivation of
~ of the
~ and effective damping, ,
the fundamental natural period, ,
system. Furthermore, the exact frequency-varying foundation
impedances may be employed.
The properties of the replacement oscillator are given by
2 1 42
2 1 42
2 1 42
~ x
2x 1 42x 2r 1 42r 2 1 42
~ 2 1 4
x 1 4x
r 1 4r
1 42
where x Kmx , r K r b2 , mk , i C
2K i , (ix, r) with being
1 heq
s TV S
H dep
y ;
Fig. 6. Comparison between estimated and computed values of the ratio (a) y TT and (b) z .
3. Results
In the statistical model the best estimate of the variable y T~ =T
was found to be represented by means of the following equation:
y ax1 m1 x2 m2 x3 m3 1
that is
lny 1 m1 lnx1 m2 lnx2 m3 lnx3 lna
m1 1:663;
m2 0:1359;
m3 0:8443
Fig. 7. Histogram for the residuals of the statistical model for: (a) y TT and (b) z .
and (b) .
z m1 x4 m2 x3 x1 2 m3 x4 m4 x3 m5 x2 x1 1
that is
z 1 m1 x4 x1 2 m2 x3 x1 2 m3 x4 x1 m4 x3 x1 m5 x2 x1
and (b)
Table 1
Comparison with existing solutions.
SDF parameters
heq [m]
keq [kN/m]
meq [Mg]
T [s]
b [m]
VS [m/s]
[kN/m ]
Hdep [m]
Kx [kN/m]
Kr [kNm]
2.11E 05
4.06E 05
2.93E 05
3.32E 05
7.37E 06
8.85E 06
7.04E 06
8.38E 06
4. Conclusions
Fig. 11. Estimated versus computed values of : (a) spectral acceleration ration
S De
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