The Declaration of Global Sovereignty July 4 2015

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The Declaration of Global Sovereignty

"Something New Must Emerge"

Just as all individual humans enjoy inherent sovereignty - as their human existence is intrinsically Divine,
and as they enjoy the rights to full participation and protection within the human totality - so also does
the human totality enjoy its sovereignty, and its right to full existence and protection.
This Global Declaration is offered as a founding document for a new civilization for the human totality
and all of Earthkind, which will support the emergence of a Global Cooperative Forum, and a Free Union
of Renunciate Messengers, for the sake of the protection, awakening and sustainability of all life on Gaia
Mother Earth. This new civilization is founded on the principles of egolessness and prior unity.
We, the human totality, declare the following:
1. Rejecting all toxic and unsustainable economics, de-escalating global hotspots, and
"saving the world" through the restoration of prior unity based,
truly sacred and non-divisive human civilization.
1a. We, the global human family, reject all toxic and unsustainable economic activities, including the use
of fossil fuels, animal protein, nuclear energy, risky financial instruments, gross inequalities of wealth,
nuclear weapons, biological weapons, chemical weapons, electromagnetic weapons, conventional
weapons of mass destruction, the weaponization of space, chemtrails, water fluoridation/chlorination,
and GMO's.
1b. We, the global human family, call for the restoration of sacred, indigenous and renunciate cultures
worldwide, enforced by a global sacred cultures guild, known as the Free Union of Renunciate
1c. We call for global safe zones to be created in the Middle East and Kashmir and Ukraine, where
humans living in cooperatively sustainable bionomies create a physical buffer to "seprate the
combatants", while providing for immediate security and survival needs, and the infrastructure for open
conversations between all stakeholders.
1d. We, the global community, create a circle of light around Israel/Palestine, Iran and all of the Middle
East. We stand opposed to any and all dark human plans to create war and escalation in this region. We
will place as many bodies as necessary in Israel/Palestine in a cooperative, non-violent way to achieve a
2 state solution for Israel/Palestine, to broker a mutually equitable agreement on their respective
national borders, and to manifest durable peace in the Middle East.
1e. We, the voice of Earthkind, declare the phasing out of all warfare, except as a last resort for
self-defense within national borders. Peace in the Middle East is the will of the people, and is at the
center of our strategy to establish true and lasting peace worldwide.

2. From ego civilization to egoless civilization.

2a. We, the global stakeholders are voluntary participants in the transition from ego civilization to
egoless civilization - this is the greatest and most fundamental change in human history. This involves
the most fundamental turnabout in each sovereign human, from the position of the threatened,
suffering and separate ego, living in an ego culture of mass self-destruction, to the truly liberated,
awakened and radiant human being living in a cooperative global community.
3. Individual and collective awakening.
3a. We support the individual and collective awakening of all beings, and recognize this as the ultimate
solution to all ego-based human caused problems, such as war, slavery, tyranny and genocide.
3b. We recognize our collective human responsibility to protect all of Gaia and Earthkind from every
form of human caused un-necessary suffering and injustice, including phasing out all forms of human
slavery and sex-trafficking, all prisoners of conscience, over-incarceration, involuntary circumcision,
capital punishment, torture, and persecution of girls, women and LGBT people.
3c. We proclaim this a perpetual era for the allowance of unlimited human awakening and liberation
from ego bondage in all its forms.
4. Transparency and accountability.
4a. The global stakeholders require and demand complete and full disclosure of all of the relevant facts
concerning 911, Extra-terrestrials, the murder of JFK, chemtrails, weapons in space, and all black
budgeted and "shadow government" activities, as well as any other shadow activities that are a threat
to the human family and Earthkind. All surveillance information gathered must be copied to the global
open source commons. Any surveillance not in compliance with universal human rights must be ended.
4b. The global community will not tolerate any covert activities by any state or entity that would
constitute a "false flag" incident, designed to escalate violence.
5. Security and Sustainability.
Security and Sustainability must be built-in and pre-solved for every area of human life. This requires the
5a. Local self-sufficiency for all humans, relative to their energy, food, shelter, water, and waste
5b. A perpetual Global Cooperative Forum for all global stakeholders, that acts as a means for
addressing world issues as a global human community, and administering our global resources in
5c. A restoration of a true global commons administered by the Global Cooperative Forum. This global
commons will allow and enable the development of parallel forms of local and global currency, sacred

guilds, community global banks, and non-violent global security forces and disaster response.
5d. The creation of a parallel global internet that is owned in common by everybody-all-at-once, and is
not owned, censored or stoppable by any state or corporate interest.
6. Ending war.
6a. We, the global human family, declare our independence from all war, thuggery and violence.
6b. We revoke all nation-state "rights" to engender military violence, accept as a last resort in true
self-defense, within national boundaries. We declare an end to violence as a legitimate solution to any
problem, or as an acceptable form of state policy.
6c. We declare the policies of endless war/total war, the "drug war", and mutual assured destruction,
6d. We demand and require that all nation states convert their military and police forces to non-lethal
and less-lethal and non-violent methods.
6e. We will apply the latest in harm-reduction approaches to phase out war, including the use of a bullet
tax, and fines against nations to compensate for all persons killed or injured by their militaries, and the
expansion in the use of less lethal and non-lethal munitions. We encourage the use of fully non-violent
militaries and police forces worldwide.
6f. As an alternative means of conflict resolution, and as a means to enforce the ending of war, we the
global human family have established a Global Cooperative Forum where the interests of all global
stakeholders are voiced, represented and acted upon. This forum is based on the interests of
everybody-all-at-once and all of Earthkind first, and is empowered to require that all nation-states and
other entities cease and desist all violent military activities forever, except as a last resort for true
self-defense within national boundaries.
7. Values and principles.
7a. We declare that consumerism and scientific materialism are toxic philosophies that are a direct and
immediate threat to human survival. We affirm our willingness to grow beyond all previous limits in our
understanding and our philosophy of life. We accept the wisdom culture of humanity as our collective
inheritance, and as the necessary corrective to the limits and dangers of ego culture and ego bondage.
7b. All human processes must be in alignment with living systems, global sustainability, and universal
human rights.
7c. We, the global human family, affirm egolessness and prior unity as the real basis for a new human
8. Restoring education.
8a. Education must be converted from the model of the mass-production of self-interested consumers,

to a model that empowers everybody to live as self-transcending citizens in a culture of global

awakening, an awakening that is capable of organizing and representing itself as a voluntary,
cooperative, and undivided unity.
9. New Social Contracts.
9a. All social contracts must be brought into alignment with living systems, global sustainability and
universal human rights. This will apply to all corporate charters, international trade agreements, banking
and finance agreements, as well as the social contract declared by any sovereign individual, such as - "I
stand firm with everybody-all-at-once."
9b. We affirm those social contracts which proclaim the values of cooperative culture and community,
non-divisiveness, and universal tolerance.
10. Rites of passage and ages of consent.
10a. We, the world community, encourage the rights of youth, and deny the validity of any nation state
to have exclusive rights to determine when people reach the legal age of consent. The state must
recognize the adult rights of any individual who has successfully completed a community recognized rite
of passage, regardless of age.
11. Remove all victimless crimes of consent, and re-establish respect for and non-interference with all
forms of consenting ecstasy.
11a. Eliminate all state suppression of consenting adult behaviors, including marriage, sex-work, and
mind altering drug use.
11b. Recognize and uphold the universal human right to the free exploration of consciousness, as well as
altered states of consciousness, through all responsible use of drugs, and traditional modes of
shamanism, yoga, meditation, and esoteric practice. No state or entity has the right to suppress or
curtail the free exploration on the part of their citizens of their own human consciousness, through
consenting and expeditious means.
11c. Humans enjoy the free right to love or marry anyone of their choice within mutual consent. No
state or entity has any jurisdiction whatsoever over marriage, which is strictly a matter a personal
consent within intimate cooperative community.
11d. Eliminate all taboos, penalties and punishments against sex workers and their businesses and their
clientele. Recognize and uphold the right of consenting individuals to create sexual and economic
contracts with each other.
12. Restoring the Media.
12a. All appropriate harm-reduction methods should be applied to convert the media away from its dark
and materialistic and degraded and oppressively egoic and violent tendencies, and toward a new
relevancy to Mother Gaia, the human heart, true global peace, aesthetic ecstasy, and Consciousness

14. Sovereignty of the human.
14a. We declare and recognize the inherent sovereignty of the human being, which we define as the
fullest realization in every individual of all of their true human and spiritual faculties, including the
faculties of will, consciousness, choice, and free radiant existence.
15. The rightening of money.
15a. All forms and uses of money must be compatible with the interests of living systems, sustainability
and universal human rights. Harm-reduction taxes and fines should be applied in a fair and
proportionate manner to all human economic processes that are toxic, violent or unsustainable. These
harm-reduction taxes can then be spent on the re-education and re-tooling of all economic and human
activities to more benign and sustainable processes.
15b. The Federal Reserve must have all of its activities subject to full accountability and transparency.
16. The Global Arts and Culture Economy.
16a. The new global civilization requires a great conversion, via harm-reduction and the Global
Cooperative Forum, from a global economy that is based on endless warfare, escalation and mass
destruction, to a global economy based on a locally rooted sustainable self-sufficiency model, combined
with a globally unified and cooperative arts and culture economy.
16b. This conversion will involve replacing and re-tooling all economic and governmental processes that
are toxic, violent or unsustainable, with an arts and cultural economy that is generally benign, and
supports full liberation, happiness, ecstasy and sustainability for all humans and for all Earthkind.
17. The systematic de-nuclearization of planet Earth.
17a. We the human totality will peacefully dismantle every nuclear weapon on the planet through an
atomic weapon buy-back and free turn-in programs funded by the Global Cooperative Forum, and other
17b. We the human totality will peacefully stand-down all nuclear energy systems on the planet, and
make each site its own global bearing-witness site, until the technology is deployed to render all toxic
radiation on the planet harmless.
18. Formal greeting to all extra-terrestrial species
on behalf of everybody-all-at-once.
We, the human global family, say hello to all of the sentient species, extra-terrestrial species and
extra-dimensional species that are here today. We join with you as peers and partners, and as mutual
stakeholders in the future of Gaia and Earthkind, in the spirit of egolessness and prior unity. We invite all
extra-terrestrial species and inter-dimensional beings to join us in the Global Cooperative Forum, the

true representation of everybody-all-at-once.

We the totality of humankind stand together in our will and unwavering determination to protect, love
and heal our home planet Earth Gaia. We have been given the wise instruction that will enable us to
collectively re-bond as one family, and to refashion civilization through cooperative self-governance, and
put an end to the self-inflicted chaos of ego culture.
By embracing wise instruction everybody-all-at-once will bring humanity back from the brink of a
"narcissistic holocaust" of mass self-destruction. Through this great collective healing, the human family
will join the community of sentient species throughout Earth and the Cosmic Domain as both a worthy
and able partner in handling our mutual interests, and as truly loving friends sharing the indescribable
joy of the cosmic awakening of all beings, the cosmic reconciliation and cooperation of all beings, and
bearing witness to the Universal Emergence of the Divine.
19. Atoning to Earth Gaia
19a. I assume full responsibility for my share of the historic wounding and divide that has existed
between human culture and Earth Gaia. I offer my loyalty and solidarity to Earth and all her forms of life,
forever, and with all my heart.
I vow to You, Earth Gaia, to follow my own complicity and guilt to its source, into my own activity of
being separate and separative, into my own activity of self-contraction. In the Presence of the Divine, I
will walk the path of self-inquiry to its ultimate conclusion, the total transcendence of the
self-contraction. And thereby, the ancient obstacle is overcome, and all my native capacities for
unlimited relationship and equanimity are restored within the loving embrace of You Earth Gaia, and the
Divine Presence.
I vow to You, Earth Gaia, that I will forever serve and protect You as a faithful and loving partner, and
will do so through my right and full participation in the Global Cooperative Forum, and/or the Free
Union of Renunciate Messengers.
In partnership with all Earthkind,
Theo Cedar Jones

July 4,2015

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