Mathematics Department
Mathematics Department
Mathematics Department
Mathematics Department
Professor Thomas J. Sanders
Mathematics provides a logical framework and a language indispensable to understanding the technical
world in which we live. The following description summarizes the many contributions to this field of study made
during the past academic year by the faculty and midshipmen majors of the Mathematics Department of the U.S.
Naval Academy. The results cited reveal the great scope, diversity, and applicability of mathematics and offer
glimpses of its intellectual beauty and appeal.
Several midshipmen conducted research projects as Honors Mathematics Majors, or in specially created projects
under the guidance of faculty members. There were eight mathematics honors majors in the class of 2006. They are
listed below with their project titles and their faculty mentors:
Midshipman 1/C Peter Barkley, Justice in Liver Transplant Allocation, an Integer Programming
Approach (Assistant Professor Sommer Gentry)
Midshipman 1/C Timothy B. Brock, Linear Feedback Shift Registers and Cyclic Codes in Sage
(Professor W. David Joyner)
Midshipman 1/C Greg Coy, Long Quadratic Residue Codes (Professor W. David Joyner)
Midshipman 1/C Gregory Dietzen, Singular Analysis of an N-dimensional Cosmic String (Professor
Deborah A. Konkowski, Professor Mitch Baker and Associate Professor Alexis A. Alveras)
Midshipman 1/C John H. Doherty, Dynamic Systems: Spring, Cycloid and Pendulum Systems (Professor
Mark Kidwell)
Midshipman 1/C Robert B. Irving, Higher Dimensional Linear Regression as a Mathematical Foundation
for Data Classification (Associate Professor Gary O. Fowler)
Midshipman 1/C Gordon R. McDonald, Mathematics Honors Project Summary: Low Density Parity
Check Codes (Professor W. David Joyner)
Midshipman 1/C Daniel C. Ryan, Gods Algorithm on the Edges and Corners of the Rubiks Cube
(Assistant Professor Amy E. Ksir)
A special note is that Midshipman Dietzen was the winner of the Naval Intelligence Foundation Award for the best
honors project at the Naval Academy.
Regularly meeting throughout the year are four colloquia series, in pure mathematics, applied mathematics,
operations research, and teaching methods. These both bring in outside speakers and provide a forum for
department members and mathematics majors to present their work. There are also weekly seminars in topics of
special interest, such as Riemann Surfaces, Algebra, Applied Math and the Mathematics of Fluid Flows.
Once again, the Mathematics Department produced a wide range of scholarly work that appeared as
technical reports or as publications in refereed journals throughout the world. Dozens of articles appeared as
applications of mathematics or as pure mathematical research. Topics that Mathematics Department faculty
researched include:
mathematics pedagogy, chaos and dynamical systems, mathematical physics and cosmology, algorithms for
computers, wavelets, cryptology, ocean acoustics, image recognition, fluid flows, beam propagation, and
basic mathematical research in areas such as algebra, analysis, combinatorics, computational geometry,
differential equations, differential geometry, matrices, number theory, operator theory, and statistics.
In addition to many independent research projects, several research projects were sponsored in whole or part by a
variety of sources, such as:
Defense Modeling and Simulation Office
Joint Technical Office, High Energy Laser
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
National Science Foundation
Naval Research Laboratory
Naval Surface Warfare Center
Office of Naval Research
The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Surgery
During the past year, members of the USNA Mathematics Department presented the results of their
scholarly activities on over forty occasions at professional mathematical meetings and colloquia throughout the
United States and abroad. This activity, along with publication, enhances the academic stature of the Naval
Academy and promotes the professional growth and reputation of those individuals involved. Through research
activity, the faculty expanded their intellectual horizons and stayed vital in their disciplines. They contribute to the
discovery of new mathematics. And they develop new materials and ideas that they can share with midshipmen
students in their mathematics courses and research projects.
Sponsored Research
Endomorphism-semigroups of B(H)
Researcher: Assistant Professor Alexis A. Alevras
Sponsor: Naval Academy Research Council (NARC)
In joint work with Professor R. T. Powers ,University of Pennsylvania and G. L. Price, US Naval
Academy, we initiated the study of non-conservative (i.e. non-unital) endomorphism semigroups on type I factors.
Cocycle conjugacy among such semigroups has many of the properties of cocycle conjugacy among (conservative)
E0-semigroups. We introduced and studied a natural relationship between endomorphism semigroups: if
is cocycle conjugate to a subordinate of . Using techniques developed in our previous work, we proved that
this relation is antisymmetric, at least among semigroups corresponding to one-dimensional boundary weights: if
and then and are cocycle conjugates. This is work in progress.
Optimizing the Utilization of Live Donor Kidneys through Kidney Paired Donation
Researchers: Dorry Segeg and Assistant Professor Sommer Gentry
Sponsor: The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Department of Surgery
Members of an end-stage-renal-disease patients family are often willing to be live kidney donors, but at
least a third of such offers must be rejected because of blood-type or tissue-matching incompatibility. In kidney
paired donation, two such patients and their donors exchange kidneys in simultaneous operations so that both
patients receive a compatible kidney: the donor of the first family gives to the patient of the second, and vice versa.
In a large pool of patients and their incompatible donors, deciding which pairs should exchange with which other
pairs is equivalent to matching on a graph. We have used computational trials of proposed interventions on
simulated patient databases to design and test these novel organ allocation systems in advance of implementation.
Because we provided some of the first numerical estimates of the extent to which this could alleviate the
organ shortage, this work kicked off an effort to create a national kidney paired donation registry. A bill explicitly
making kidney paired donation legal (its legality is now unclear) was introduced in February and is expected to pass
in the U.S. Senate. Our research has also generated excitement in the popular press, which can only help encourage
organ donation in general. Articles and programs on this research have appeared in TIME magazine, Readers
Digest, MIT Technology Review, the Baltimore Sun, CBS News, and National Public Radios Diane Rehm Show.
The TV show NUMB3RS also formulated an episode around this idea.
This grant focused our research more directly on the many questions that policy-makers, clinicians, and
especially patients will have about paired donation as it becomes more widely available. The grant funded computer
programming / support services for a 20- node Linux cluster housed at Johns Hopkins University, and to date 17
abstracts have been accepted / presented at national transplant meetings, from four different investigators working
on this project.
divisor D. Our second family of examples is the Artin-Schreier curves y = x x , where p is prime and is the
characteristic of the field. We realized that the techniques we were developing to compute Riemann-Roch spaces
for these curves could be generalized to any hyperelliptic curve y = h( x) . We then turned our focus to finding
explicit bases for Riemann-Roch spaces of hyperelliptic curves. This will have applications in computational
algebraic geometry beyond our project. We have written up and submitted both results.
The Modeling, Mathematical and Numerical Analysis includes the Paraxial Wave Equation
2ik z = 0 where t2 , the transverse Laplacian, is the basic partial differential equation describing
laser propagation through a uniform medium. It arises by making the so-called paraxial approximation to
Helmholtzs equation. A cylindrical coordinate based Gauss-Laguerre normal mode analysis of solutions of the
PWE initiated by Reza Malek-Madani (RMM) and Peter McCoy (PMc) is to be completed. An elliptical coordinate
based analysis of the PWE will be conducted by RMM and PMc based on Gauss-Ince normal modes. These normal
modes are state of the art in modeling Laser Propagation as well as in the study of orthogonal polynomials and
special functions.
= 1,
where I is the identity on A, and 2) ( xy ) = ( yx) for all x, y in A. It is well-known that there is a unique tracial
state TrB on B, the algebra of n n matrices over the complex numbers. Suppose B1 = B = B2 .
tracial state on the tensor product
A marginal
( I y ) = TrB ( y )
2 2
matrices the extremal marginal states on B1 B2 are all pure states, i.e., they are extremal among the convex set
of all states on B1 B2 .
Recently Price and Shoichuro Sakai have made some progress in their attempt to generalize this result to
the case where B is the algebra of n n matrices over the complex numbers.
Independent Research
Endomorphism Semigroups Parametrized by the Forward Light Cone
Researcher: Assistant Professor Alexis A. Alevras
This project is in progress. We are interested in the study of strongly continuous semigroups of
endomorphisms of B(H), ={: C }, where C is the forward light cone in Minkowski space. Such semigroups
occur naturally, for example when one is given a system of local observables which is acted upon by the Poincare
group in such a way that the Haag-Kastler axioms are satisfied, and a subalgebra which is invariant under the action
of translations by elements of the forward light cone. Specific examples of this situation have been given using the
construction of Free Hermitian Scalar Fields. The immediate goal is the classification of these examples up to
cocycle conjugacy through index theory.
Seabed Acoustics
Researcher: Professor James L. Buchanan
Chotiros and Isakson [J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 116 (4), 2011-2022 (2004)] recently proposed an extension of
the Biot-Stoll model for poroelastic sediments that makes predictions for compressional wave speed and attenuation
which are in much better accord with the experimental measurements of these quantities extant in the literature than
either those of the conventional Biot-Stoll model or the rival model of Buckingham [J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 108 (6),
2796-2815 (2000)]. Using a local minimizer, the Nelder-Mead simplex method, it is shown that there are generally
at least two choices of the Chotiros-Isakson parameters which produce good agreement with experimental
measurements. Since one postulate of the Chotiros-Isakson model is that, due to the presence of air bubbles in the
pore space, the pore fluid compressibility is greater than that of water, an alternative model based on a conjecture by
Biot [J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 34 (5), 1254-1264 (1962)], air bubble resonance, is considered. While this model does as
well or better than the Chotiros-Isakson model in predicting measured values of wave speed and attenuation, the
Rayleigh-Plesset theory of bubble oscillation casts doubt on its plausibility as a general explanation of large
dispersion of velocity with respect to frequency.
transient data streams generally need to analyze the data immediately without storing it on a disk. These systems are
referred to as data stream management systems (DSMS). This emerging field has been pushed to the forefront by
technology that demands analyzing data in realtime. Babcock et. el. [2002] analyzed the issues involved in mining
rapid time-varying data streams. To date most of the work in the area of DSMS has primarily been concerned with
querying the data streams. These queries provide estimates of parameters, such as the mean, and then continuously
update them as more data arrives. Recently, Heinz and Seeger [2004] used data streams to provide an estimate of
the underlying probability density function by dividing the data up into bins or windows containing the most recent
data. An estimate of the density was created using the standard wavelet cascading algorithm on the binned data.
between preferred and non-preferred edges. We are extending these results to special cases in which some
exceptions to this maximum cardinality rule are allowed to give extraordinary preference to a small number of
Ramified Artin-Schreier
Researcher: Professor W. D. Joyner and Assistant Professor Amy E. Ksir
We consider the curve y2 = xp x over the field GF(p), which is both an Artin-Schreier curve and a
hyperelliptic curve. This curve has SL(2, p) as its automorphism group. We compute the SL(2, p)-module structure
of the ramification module and Riemann-Roch spaces for this curve.
then been studied for quantum singularities and further analyzed. Whole parameter spaces of classically singular but
quantum mechanically nonsingular spacetimes have been discovered. This research is almost complete and a paper
will soon be in preparation. Whereas completed results for early research on primarily quasiregular spacetimes were
presented at summer 2005 conferences in Bern (Switzerland) and Paris (France), preliminary results for the latter
work was presented more recently in Dallas (Texas).
In the second case, conjectures proposed by T. M. Helliwell and D. A. Konkowski to predict whether
various mild singularities and Cauchy horizons are stable are being investigated further. Thus far, the singularity
conjecture always holds true but the Cauchy horizon conjecture misses purely Weyl singularities that occur in the
plane wave and exact mass-inflation spacetimes.
In the third case, spacetimes with nonscalar and quasiregular singularities are under analytical
investigatigation. This includes work on: (1) spacetimes with nonscalar singularities due to Siklos, (2) quasiregular
singularities in the context of dislocations and disclinations and in the context of Columbeaus extended theory of
distributions, and (3) the structure of some spacetimes with directional singularities.
Rationality of G-Modules
Researchers: Dr. Ted Chinburg (University of Pennsylvania) and Assistant Professor Amy E. Ksir
Let X be a projective algebraic curve and let G be a finite group of automorphisms of X. The ramification
module is a G-module induced from the action of the stabilizer subgroup on the cotangent space at the ramification
points of X over X/G. A recent paper of Joyner and Ksir established a simple formula for the structure of the
ramification module in the case that it is rational. This has led to the natural question: when will such a module will
be rational? More generally, when will a G-module induced from a cyclic subgroup be rational? This project has
two goals. The first is to determine, in general, when induced modules from cyclic subgroups will be defined over
the rational numbers. The second is to determine when such a G-module is defined over the p-adic numbers. The
answers to these questions are of interest both in the theory of error-correcting codes and in number theory.
Research on this project was started in April 2006; one theorem giving a criterion in the case that G is PSL(2,q) has
been proven and is being written up.
(S I )2 := rj =1 f j
and the fj's are the local generators of the ideal I. Our proof of (i) makes use of our
generalization of Chow's theorem for coherent ideals. We prove Saper type growth for our metric near the singular
set and local boundedness of the gradient of a local generating function for our metric, motivated by results of
Donnelly-Fefferman, Ohsawa, and Gromov on vanishing of certain L2-cohomology groups. In an appendix we give
a simple constructive proof of a valuation criterion due to M. Lejeune and B. Teissier.
This 68-page joint paper has been accepted for publication in the Annales de la Facult des Sciences de
Frank theory needs modifications in order to fit real physical phenomena. We provide modifications by coupling this
equation with Maxwell's Equations. One particular application we have in mind is to use this theory to model the
propagation of light through liquid crystals and compare it with the propagation of light through optical fibers. We
are currently working on the model for the system of differential equations and will study the existence of solutions.
I used the Custom Menu feature of the calculator to create an interface to the Stats/List programs. This
approach leaves the inputs and outputs from previous problems on the home screen. This makes it easier for the
student to see what was done wrong. It also allows the instructor to see exactly what was typed in for a given
problem, rather than what the student thought or meant to type in. Also, the ability to save the home screen (and all
the student inputs) provides a way to verify the work on an exam.
A Fast Method for Determining Taylor Series Weights for Finite Difference
Approximations of Derivatives on Uniform Grids
Researcher: Commander Vincent Van Joolen, USN
Finite difference approximations for derivatives provide an important means for numerically solving
systems modeled with ordinary and partial differential equations. Taylor series polynomials are a major conveyance
by which finite difference expressions are generated. Though basic expressions for the lower derivatives are well
known, easily derived, or readily available in mathematical tables, expressions involving higher order derivatives or
that sample a greater number of grid points are more difficult to come by. Here a scheme is proposed that will allow
the reader to theoretically calculate finite difference weights to approximate any derivative using any combination of
grid points.
This project studied of the number of solutions of the closely related matrix equation: X = cI where
c Z p , p being a prime and I is the identity matrix. Results were obtained for 2x2 and 3x3 matrices.
were next studied. This involved Midshipmen Dietzen learning some of the basics of operator theory in functional
analysis and the application of this knowledge to this particular case. Quantum singularities were found for some,
but not all, cases. Midshipman Dietzen then tackled the n-dimensional cosmic string and found similar classical and
quantum singularity structure.
In conclusion, Midshipman Dietzens analysis showed that a cosmic string has a classically singular
spacetime. It is cone-shaped causing a topological defect which made it impossible to analyze using the usual
curvature analysis of Einsteins relativity. However, basic quantum theory could be applied showing the ndimensional string may or may not be quantum mechanically singular. He successfully found the range of
parameters when it is, values that must be determined from the study of each wave mode and each individual string.
d 2 ( (t ))
= m * L * sin( (t )) + T0
d (t ) 2
It was revealed that these three unique systems have numerous interrelated properties and provide a
fascinating application of differential equations.
Journal (Refereed) Manuscripts
ALEVRAS, Alexis A., Assistant Professor, and PRICE, Geoffrey, Professor, (co-authors), Cocycles for Oneparameter Flows of B(H), Journal of Functional Analysis, 230 (2006), pp. 1-64.
The set of local cocycles is a natural invariant for an E0-semigroup. It has a multiplicative structure, as well
as a partial order structure among its positive elements. In particular, the unitary local cocycles form a
topological group which may be appropriately viewed as the automorphism group of the E0-semigroup,
while the set of positive contractive local cocycles is order isomorphic to the set of flows of completely
positive maps dominated by the semigroup. The local cocycles have been computed for the standard, type I
examples of the CAR/CCR flows by W. Arveson and R. Bhat. In this paper we compute for the first time
the local cocycles for a class of type II E0-semigroups of B(H) with index zero, and describe the order
structure as well as the multiplication in terms of the boundary weight associated with such a semigroup.
ALEVRAS, Alexis A., Assistant Professor, The Gauge Group of an E0-semigroup, Contemporary Mathematics, in
We discuss the role of the group of unitary local cocycles in the study of E0-semigroups of B(H) and
describe the computation of that group for a class of E0-semigroups of type II and index zero.
BUCHANAN, J.L., Professor, Gilbert, R.P., and Xu, Y., Ultrasound as a Diagnostic Tool to Determine
Osteoporosis, Advances in Analysis, pp. 345-354, World Scientific.
Cancellous bone is known to be poroelastic in structure. Ultrasonic wave propagation in cancellous bone
can be formulated by using Biots equations. In this paper we present some results in our ongoing research
on the reflection and transmission of ultrasonic waves in cancellous bone. We investigate the relations
among reflected waves, transmitted waves and the Biot coefficients. We present an algorithm for the
determination of the porosity of cancellous bone.
CRAWFORD, Carol G., Professor, 6 Steps to Successful, Interactive Math WEB Design - An Innovative Real
World Calculus Laboratory Designed with Java for the United States Naval Academy, Proceedings of the Joint
Meeting of the 3rd International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications
(EISTA 2005) and the International Conference on Cybernetics and Information Technologies, Systems and
Applications (CITSA 2005). Volume I, pages 223-228.
The author presents 6 Steps to help in the design of an effective, interactive mathematics resource for
higher education. These steps reflect her work with Professor Mark Meyerson in the creation of an
innovative, online Real World Calculus Laboratory for the 3- semester Calculus sequence taken by all
midshipmen at The United States Naval Academy. The Curriculum Development Program at the Academy
funded the research for this two-year design project.
GAGLIONE, Anthony M., Professor (co-author), Notions of Discrimination, Communications in Algebra,
September 2005, in press.
As an outgrowth of the study of algebraic geometry over groups, discriminating groups were introduced.
Many important universal type groups such as Higmans universal group and Thompsons group F were
shown to be discriminating. Squarelike groups were then introduced to better capture axiomatic properties
of discrimination. In the present article squarelike groups are reinterpreted in terms of discrimination of
quasi-varieties, and the relationship with an older version of discrimination, termed varietal discrimination
here, is studied.
GAGLIONE, Anthony M., Professor (co-author), An Embedding Theorem for Groups Universally Equivalent to
Free Nilpotent Groups, Groups St. Andrews 2005, November 2005, in press.
Let F be a finitely generated nonabelian free group. Kharlampovich and Myasnikov proved that any
finitely generated group H containing a distinguished copy of F is universally equivalent to F in the
language of F if and only if there is an embedding of H into Lyndon's free exponential group FZ[t} which is
the identity on F. Myasnikov posed the question as to whether or not a similar result holds for finitely
generated free nilpotent groups with Lyndon's group replaced by Philip Hall's completion with respect to a
suitable binomial ring. We answer his question here in the affirmative.
GAGLIONE, Anthony M., Professor, (co-author), Reflections on Discriminating Groups, Journal of Group
Theory, February 2006, in press.
Here we continue the study of discriminating groups as introduced by Baumslag, Myasnikov and
Remeslennikov in [BMR2]. First we give examples of finitely generated groups which are discriminating
but not trivially discriminating in the sense they embed their direct squares and then show how to
generalize these examples. In the opposite direction we show that if F is a nonabelian free group and R is
normal in F such that F/R is torsion free, then F/R, where R=[R,R] is the commutator subgroup of R, is
GAGLIONE, Anthony M., Professor (co-author), The Search for Origins of the Commutator Calculus,
Proceedings in Honor of Gehard Rosenberger, April 2006, in press.
The origins of the commutator calculus and the relationships between some of the key investigators are
discussed. Also their subsequent work in the Age of the Enigma,1930-1950,is presented. Several questions
about the history are proposed.
GAGLIONE, Anthony M., Professor (co-author), A Note on Nondiscrimination of Nilpotent Groups and Mal'cev
Completions, Proceedings in Honor of Gehard Rosenberger, April 2006, in press.
In this note we prove that if a finitely generated nilpotent group is discriminating then so is its Mal'cev
completion. From this, we recover that a finitely generated nilpotent group can be discriminating only if it
is torsion free abelian. This was proved in a very different way by Myasnikov and Shumyatsky but the
method of this paper should shed additional light on nondiscrimination in an alternate manner.
GAGLIONE, Anthony M., Professor, (co-authored), Finitely Presented Infinite Torsion Groups and a Question of
V.H. Dyson, Proceedings in Honor of Gehard Rosenberger, April 2006, in press.
Let L be a first-order language appropriate for group theory. The universal theory of a class of groups is the
set of all universal sentences of L true in every group in this class. In this note, it is shown that if the
universal theory of the torsion groups coincides with the universal theory of the finite groups, then there
cannot exist a finitlely presented infinite group of finite exponent.
GAGLIONE, Anthony M., Professor (co-author), Unions of Varieties and Quasivarieties, Proceedings in Honor
of Gehard Rosenberger, April 2006, in press.
In this paper we characterize unions and direct unions of varieties and quasivarieties of operator algebras in
terms of closure properties. In terms of groups these apply to many important classes such as nilpotent
groups, solvable groups and equationally Neotherian groups.
GENTRY, Sommer, Assistant Professor (co-author), Kidney Paired Donation: Optimizing the Use of Live Donor
Organs, Journal of the American Medical Association, vol. 293, pp.1883-1890, 2005. This paper was awarded the
2005 Vanguard Prize from the American Society for Transplant Surgeons.
Blood type and crossmatch incompatibility will exclude at least one third of patients in need from receiving
a live donor kidney transplant. Kidney paired donation (KPD) offers incompatible donor/recipient pairs the
HOFFMAN, Michael E., Professor, Symmetric Functions, Quasi-symmetric Functions and Rooted Trees,
Oberwolfach Reports, in press.
The Hopf algebra of symmetric functions is a subalgebra of the larger Hopf algebra of quasi-symmetreic
functions. Similarly, there is an injective map of Hopf algebras from the Grossman-Larson Hopf algebra of
rooted trees to L. Foissys Hopf algebra of planar rooted trees. These four Hopf algebras fit into a
commutative diagram, and several results can be obtained by consideration of the images of objects under
the maps forming this diagram.
JACKSON, R.K., Assistant Professor, Pinto, D.J., and Wayne, C.E., Existence and Stability of Traveling Pulses in
a Continuous Neuronal Network, SIAM J. Appl.Dyn. Syst., 4 (2005), pp. 954-984.
In this work, we examined the existence and stability of traveling pulse solutions of a set of integrodifferential equations that describe activity in a spatially extended population of synaptically connected
neurons. Our results were guided by the local behavior of individual neurons. When neurons have a single
stable state, we demonstrated the existence of two traveling pulse solutions in a connected network. For
bistable neurons, we demonstrated the existence of a stationary pulse solution and, in some cases, a single
traveling pulse solution. Additionally, we performed a linear stability analysis of all these pulse solutions
by constructing an Evans function. Numerical evaluation of these traveling pulses suggests that for the
network of monostable neurons, fast pulses are stable and slow pulses are unstable. For the bistable system,
all pulses are unstable. The system simplifies considerably in the case of stationary pulses and we present
an alternate simpler analysis of their existence and instability.
JOYNER, W.D., Professor and KSIR, A.E. Assistant Professor, Decomposing Representations of Finite Groups on
Riemann-Roch Spaces, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, in press.
If G is a finite subgroup of the automorphism group of a projective curve X and D is a divisor on X
stabilized by G, then under the assumption that D is nonspecial, we compute a simplified formula for the
trace of the natural representation of G on the Riemann-Roch space L(D).
JOYNER, W.D. Professor and KSIR, A.E. Assistant Professor, Automorphism Groups of Some AG Codes, IEEE
Transactions on Information Theory, July 2006, in press.
We show that, in many cases the automorphism group of a curve and the permutation automorphism group
of a corresponding AG code are the same. This generalizes a result of Wesemeyer beyond the case of
planar curves.
JOYNER, W.D., Professor and KSIR, A.E. Assistant Professor, Modular Representations on Some Riemann-Roch
Spaces of Modular Curves X(N), Computational Aspects of Algebraic Curves, Lecture Notes Ser. Comput., 13,
World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2005, pp.163-205.
We compute the PSL(2,N)-module structure of the Riemann-Roch space L(D), where D is an invariant
non-special divisor on the modular curve X(N), with N > 5 prime. This depends on a computation of the
ramification module, which we give explicitly. These results hold for characteristic p if X(N) has good
reduction mod p and p does not divide the order of PSL(2,N). We give as examples the cases N=7, 11,
which were also computed using GAP. Applications to AG codes associated to this curve are considered,
and specific examples are computed using GAP and MAGMA.
KONKOWSKI, Deborah A., Professor, (co-author), Mining Metrics for Buried Treasure, Proceedings of
Malcolm@60 Festschrift Conference, General Relativity and Gravitation, to appear. It is currently available on the
ue,9,25;journal,1,391;linkingpublicationresults,1:101151,1 ArXiv Link:
The same but different: That might describe two metrics. On the surface CLASSI may show two metrics
are locally equivalent, but buried beneath one may be a wealth of further structure. This was beautifully
described in a paper by M.A.H. MacCallum in 1998. Here I will illustrate the effect with two flat metrics -one describing ordinary Minkowski spacetime and the other describing a three-parameter family of
Gal'tsov-Letelier-Tod spacetimes. I will dig out the beautiful hidden classical singularity structure of the
latter (a structure first noticed by Tod in 1994) and then show how quantum considerations can illuminate
the riches. I will then discuss how quantum structure can help us understand classical singularities and
metric parameters in a variety of exact solutions mined from the Exact Solutions book.
KONKOWSKI, Deborah A., Professor, (co-author), Classical and Quantum Singularity of Levi-Civita Spacetimes
with and without Cosmological Constant, appears in the Web Proceedings of Workshop on Dynamics and
Thermodynamics of Black Holes and Naked Singularities (Milan, Italy).(14 pages): Publication Link: ArXiv Link:
Levi-Civita spacetimes have classical naked singularities. They also have quantum singularities. Quantum
singularities in general relativistic spacetimes are determined by the behavior of quantum test particles. A
static spacetime is said to be quantum mechanically singular if the spatial portion of the wave operator is
not essentially self-adjoint on a C0 domain in L2, a Hilbert space of square integrable functions. Here we
summarize how Weyl's limit point-limit circle criterion can be used to determine whether a wave operator
is essentially self-adjoint and how this test can then be applied to scalar wave packets in Levi-Civita
spacetimes with and without a cosmological constant to help elucidate the physical properties of these
KSIR, A.E., Assistant Professor, (co-author), FoxTrot Brings Mathematics to the Comics Page, Math Horizons,
November 2005, pp. 18-20.
Fox Trot is a syndicated comic strip appearing in newspapers across the country and around the globe. Its
creator, Bill Amend, was a physics major in college and often includes mathematical references in the
strips. We examine some of these references and conduct an interview with Amend.
LIAKOS, A., Assistant Professor, (co-author), Time Dependent Flow Across a Step with Slip with Friction
Boundary Condition, International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, to appear. (Manuscript number FLD05-0058.R1, July 2005.
This paper studies numerically the slip with friction boundary condition in the time-dependent
incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. Numerical tests on two-and three-dimensional channel flows
across a step using this boundary condition on the bottom wall are performed. The influence of the friction
parameter on the flow field is studied and the results are explained according to the physics of the flow.
Due to the stretching and tilting of vortices, the three-dimensional results differ in many respects from the
two-dimensional ones.
LIAKOS, A., Assistant Professor,
(co-author), A 3-dimensional Simulation of Barrier Properties of
Nanocomposite Films, Journal of Membrane Science, Volume 263, Issues 1-2, 15 October 2005, Pages 47-56.
Monte Carlo simulations were conducted in two and three dimensions to compute the diffusion coefficients
for membranes containing oriented platelets. The effects of platelet aspect ratio, relative separation, loading
and spatial dimension were studied. The model of Aris (1986) was found to accurately predict these effects
in two dimensions. However, in 3D this model over-predicts the effects of the filler by 50% when
compared to simulations. The results have particular value for nanocomposite film currently under
development for use in food packaging applications.
LOCKHART, Jody, Associate Professor, and WARDLAW, William P., Professor, Determinants of Matrices over
the Integers Modulo m, Mathematics Magazine, in press.
In this paper, the number of matrices over the integers modulo m with determinant k is computed. The
problem is first reduced to the case when m and k are both prime powers. This is done by showing that the
number of such matrices is multiplicative in m and that the number with determinant a constant times a
power of a prime p is equal to the number with determinant the power of p if the constant is not divisible by
p. Next, a recursive formula giving the number of matrices with determinant 0 over the integers modulo m
where m is a prime power is found. The proof of the formula involves a very careful counting argument.
Finally, the number of matrices over the integers modulo m with determinant k where m and k are both
prime powers is expressed in terms of the number of matrices with determinant 0.
LOCKHART, Jody, Associate Professor, and WARDLAW, William P., Professor, A Modified Hill Cipher,
Cryptologia, in press.
Several modifications of the cipher invented in 1931 by Lester S. Hill are suggested to make the cipher
more secure.
LOCKHART, Jody, Associate Professor, with WARDLAW, William P., Professor, Problem 1727, Mathematics
Magazine, October 2005.
LUCAS, Marc D., Lieutenant Commander, USN, (co-author), Drilling for $4,100 a Day, U.S. Naval Reserve
Reservist Magazine 2005.
This entry provides an actuarial perspective of the present value of a drill or active duty day as a portion of
the remaining commitment to obtain a reserve retirement benefit.
LUCAS, Marc D., Lieutenant Commander, USN, Drilling for $4,200 a Day, The Reserve Officer Association
Officer Magazine 2006.
This entry provides an actuarial perspective of the present value of a drill or active duty day as a portion of
the remaining commitment to obtain a reserve retirement benefit updated for 2006.
MARUSZEWSKI, Richard, Professor, and CAUDLE, Kyle, Lieutenant Commander USNR, Approximating
Integrals Using Probability, MACE Journal, volume 39, #2, pp 143-147, 2005.
Monte Carlo techniques and expectations from probability are used to approximate the value of a definite
integral. The concepts are implemented via algorithms written in Visual Basic.
MARUSZEWSKI, Richard, Professor, "Do Differential Equations Swing?, MACE Journal, in press.
A look at forcing functions and resonance using both analytic techniques and MAPLE approximations. The
ideas are illustrated by the example of the playground swing.
MELLES, Caroline, Associate Professor, (co-author), Classical Poincar Metric Planted off Singularities using a
Chow-Type Theorem and Desingularization Annales de la Facult des Sciences de Toulous, in press.
We construct complete Khler metrics on the nonsingular set of a subvariety X of a compact Khler
manifold. To that end, we develop (i) a constructive method for replacing a sequence of blow-ups along
smooth centers, with a single blow-up along a product of coherent ideals corresponding to the centers and
(ii) an explicit local formula for a Chern form associated to this singular blow-up. Our metrics have a
particularly simple local formula of a sum of the original metric and of the pull back of the classical
Poincar metric on the punctured disc by a size-function SI of a coherent ideal I used to resolve the
singularities of X by a singular blow-up, where (S I ) :=
j =1
of the ideal I. Our proof of (i) makes use of our generalization of Chow's theorem for coherent ideals. We
prove Saper type growth for our metric near the singular set and local boundedness of the gradient of a
local generating function for our metric, motivated by results of Donnelly-Fefferman, Ohsawa, and
Gromov on vanishing of certain L2-cohomology groups. In an appendix we give a simple constructive
proof of a valuation criterion due to M. Lejeune and B. Teissier.
MICHAEL, T. S., Associate Professor (co-author), Packing Boxes with Bricks, Mathematics Magazine, 79
(2006), pp.14-30.
We provide an expository account of arithmetic and geometric conditions that are necessary and sufficient
for a d-dimensional rectangular box to be tiled (packed) by translates of two given rectangular bricks. Our
work unifies a number of results in the tiling literature.
MICHAEL, T. S., Associate Professor (co-author), Optimal Strategies for Node Selection Games: Skew Matrices
and Symmetric Games, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 412 (2006), pp.77-92.
Each of two players simultaneously selects a node in a directed graph with the payoff determined by the
direction of any arc between the selected nodes. We investigate the optimal strategies for the two players in
this node selection game. We show that when the graph is a non-trivial bipartite graph, the optimal strategy
is never unique.
MICHAEL, T. S., Associate Professor, Rysers Embedding Problem for Hadamard Matrices, Journal of
Combinatorial Designs, 14 (2006), pp.41-51.
We obtain better bounds for the minimum order of a Hadamard matrix that contains a rectangular all 1s
submatrix of a given size.
MICHAEL, T. S., Associate Professor (co-author), Guarding the Guards in Art Galleries, Math Horizons, 14
(2006), 22-23, 25.
We give an expository account of some recent research in computational geometry. Let P be a polygon (the
art gallery) with n sides. We wish to select a set G of points (the guards) so that (a) every point in the
polygon is visible to some guard; and (b) every guard is visible to at least one other guard. What is the
minimum number of guards g(n) that is guaranteed to suffice for all polygons with n sides? We prove that
g(n) = floor[ (3n-1)/7] for n at least 5. Also, if we restrict to rectilinear galleries the function is floor(n/3)
for n at least 6.
POPOVICI, Irina, Assistant Professor, and WITHERS, W. Douglas, Professor, Custom-Built Moments for Edge
Location, IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 28 (2006), no. 4, pp.637-642.
We present a general construction of functions whose moments serve to locate and parameterize step edges
within an image. A characteristic of the moment approach to edge location is that the result is specified
parametrically rather than as a set of pixels; thus our method performs best on sharp, straight edges.
Previous use of moments to locate edges was limited to functions supported on a circular region, but our
method allows the use of ``custom-designed'' functions supported on circles, rectangles, or any desired
shape, and with graphs whose shape may be chosen with great freedom. We present analyses of the
sensitivity of our method to pixelization errors or discrepancy between the image and an idealized edge
model. The parametric edge description provided by our method makes it especially suitable as a
component of wedgelet image coding.
POPOVICI, Irina, Assistant Professor, and WITHERS, W. Douglas, Professor, Locating Thin Lines and Roof
Edges by Custom-Built Moments, Proceedings of the 2006 International Conference on Image Processing, in
The method of custom-built moments allows location of step edges in an image in parametric form, as an
equation ax+by=c, using a customizable mask of almost any desired shape, or moment functions adapted
to calculation in a particular basis. We adapt this method to the problem of locating both thin lines and roof
edges in parametric form.
WARDLAW, William P., Professor, Row Rank Equals Column Rank, Mathematics Magazine, Vol. 78, No. 4,
(October 2005) 316-318.
This note gives a short (perhaps the shortest) proof that row rank is equal to column rank and continues to
derive some properties of matrix rank.
WARDLAW, William P., Professor, problem 811, College Mathematics Journal, Vol.36, No. 5, (November 2005),
This problem is to find the characteristic polynomial of the classical adjoint (adjugate) of a matrix, given
the characteristic polynomial of the matrix.
ZARIKIAN, Vrej A., Assistant Professor (co-author), The Calculus of One-Sided M-Ideals and Multipliers in
Operator Spaces, Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 179, No. 842, viii+85 pp., January 2006.
The theory of one-sided M-ideals and multipliers of operator spaces is simultaneously a generalization of
classical M-ideals, ideals in operator algebras, and aspects of the theory of Hilbert C*-modules and their
maps. Here we give a systematic exposition of this theory. The main part of this memoir consists of a
calculus for one-sided M-ideals and multipliers, i.e. a collection of the properties of one-sided M-ideals
and multipliers with respect to the basic constructions met in functional analysis. This is intended to be a
reference tool for noncommutative functional analysts who may encounter a one-sided M-ideal or
multiplier in their work.
Technical Reports
BUCHANAN, J.L., Professor, An Assessment of the Biot-Stoll Model of a Poroelastic Seabed, Naval Research
Laboratory Memorandum Report NRL/MR/7140-05-8885, 83 pages, August 5, 2005, Washington DC.
Discussed in this report are:
The derivation of the equations of the Biot-Stoll model, including later extensions of Biots original
The determination of the Biot-Stoll parameters.
The predictions of the Biot-Stoll model for wave speed, attenuation, reflection and transmission.
Difficulties with and controversies about the Biot-Stoll model.
The incorporation of frequency-dependent viscoelastic effects into the model.
GENTRY, Sommer E. Assistant Professor (co-author), Consensus Statement of the Mathematics Subgroup of the
United Network for Organ Sharing Kidney Paired Donation Working Group, 2 pages, April 2006.
This is an extremely short consensus statement on the mathematics of optimizing kidney paired donation
addressed from the primary academic researchers in the field to the federally-funded agency which is
planning to create and run a national kidney paired donation registry in the United States. The length of the
statement is inversely proportional to the difficulty we experienced in coming to the consensus that it
MINUT, Aurelia, Assistant Professor, Modeling of MEMS Gyroscopes, Institute for Scientific Research,
Technical Report.
The MEMS (microelectromechanical systems) gyroscopes can be used in navigation systems in cases
where the GPS is denied. The MEMS gyroscopes are small devices that can be mounted on a wide range of
platforms, such as UAVs, guided missiles.
We developed a model for the equations of motion and solved the equations numerically. Then we tried
coupling two, four, nine and twelve gyroscopes in different ways and compared the results. This research
attempts to improve the performance of current gyroscopes by weakly coupling an array of MEMS
HOFFMAN, Michael E., Professor, Rooted Trees and Symmetric Functions, Mini-Conference on Zeta Functions,
Index and Twisted K-Theory: Interactions with Physics, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach,
Germany, 4 May 2006.
KONKOWSKI, Deborah A., Professor, Quantum Singularities in Generalized Spacetimes, 13th Meeting of the
European Physical Society, Bern, Switzerland, 11-15 July 2005.
KONKOWSKI, Deborah A., Professor, Quantum Singularities in General Relativistic Spacetimes, Albert Einstein
International Centenary Conference, 17-23 July 2005.
KONKOWSKI, Deborah A., Professor, Black Holes, Big Bangs and Cosmic Strings, World Year of Physics
lecture, Hood College, Fredrick, MD, 3 November 2005.
KONKOWSKI, Deborah A., Professor, Einstein and Quantum Mechanics, World Year of Physics lecture,
University of Maryland, Baltimore County, MD, 1 March 2006.
KONKOWSKI, Deborah A., Professor, Quantum Mechanical Healing of Classical Singularities, American
Physical Society April Meeting, Dallas, TX, 22-25 April 2006.
KSIR, Amy E., Assistant Professor, Finite Group Actions on Riemann Roch Spaces and Automorphisms of
Algebraic Geometry Codes. American Mathematical Society Summer Research Institute for Algebraic Geometry,
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, 28 July 2005.
KSIR, Amy E., Assistant Professor. Error-Correcting Codes and Algebraic Curves, Gettysburg College
Mathematics Department Colloquium, Gettysburg, PA, 17 November 2004.
KSIR, Amy E., Assistant Professor, Group Representations on Some Riemann-Roch Spaces of Hurwitz Curves,
AMS Eastern Section meeting, 22 April 2006.
LIAKOS, A., Assistant Professor, Slip with Friction Boundary Condition for the Navier-Stokes Equations
Numerical Studies for Time Dependent Laminar Flows, 27 October 2005. (Sigma Xi invited talk)
LOCKHART, Jody, Associate Professor, Determinants of Matrices over the Integers Modulo m, MD-VA-DC
Section Spring MAA meeting, Loyola College, Baltimore, MD, 8 April 2006.
LUCAS, Marc D., Lieutenant Commander, USN, Midshipman to Millionaire - Practical Applications of
Mathematics to Personal Financial Security. Math Open House U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD, 21 February
LUCAS, Marc D., Lieutenant Commander, USN, An Overview of Actuary Science, SM280, Topics in
Mathematics, U.S. Naval Academy Annapolis, MD, January 2006.
MCCOY, Peter A., Professor, On the Propagation of Electromagnetic Waves, CP 22 Part III, SIAM Annual
Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 15 July 2005.
MCCOY, Peter A., Professor, An Overview of Shannons Sampling Theorem, U.S. Naval Academy Applied
Math Seminar (Chesapeake Bay Group), Annapolis, MD, 2 November 2005.
MCCOY, Peter A., Professor, On the Normal Mode Expansion of Solutions to the Paraxial Wave Equation,
Session on PDEs I, AMS-MAA annual joint meetings, San Antonio, TX, 13 January 2006.
MICHAEL, T. S., Associate Professor, Art Gallery Theorems, University of Delaware, Combinatorics Seminar,
Newark, DE, October 2005.
MICHAEL, T. S., Associate Professor, Bridge-Ratings, Wrestling Tournaments, and Combinatorics George
Washington University, Combinatorics Seminar, Washington, D.C., April 2006.
PENN, Howard L., Professor Which Ballparks are Homer Friendly?, Mathematical Association of America
Mathfest, Albuquerque, NM, 12 August 2005.
PENN, Howard L., Professor Which Ballparks are Homer Friendly, Part II? Mathematical Association of America
Sectional Meeting, Baltimore, MD, 8 April 2006.
POPOVICI, Irina, Assistant Professor, A Two-dimensional Dynamical System Underlying Cardiac Arrhythmias,
AMS Special Session on Dynamic Equations with Applications, 2005 Joint Meeting of the Mathematical Societies,
San Antonio, TX, January 2006.
POPOVICI, Irina, Assistant Professor, A Dynamical Systems Approach To Membrane Phenomena Underlying
Cardiac Arrhythmias, International Conference on Chaos and Nonlinear Dynamics, Bethesda MD, January 2006.
POPOVICI, Irina, Assistant Professor, A Two-dimensional Dynamical System Underlying Cardiac Arrhythmias,
MAA MD/DC/VA Regional Fall Meeting, Montgomery College, MD, November 2005.
SANDERS, Thomas J., Professor, Core Mathematics at the United States Naval Academy, Academic External
Review Group Meeting, Institute of Defense Analysis, Arlington, VA, 4 October 2005.
TURNER, John, Professor, The Flat Earth Guide to Probability and Statistics, Joint Statistical Meetings,
Minneapolis, MN, 10 August 2005.
WARDLAW, William P., Professor, A Modified Hill Cipher", U.S. Naval Academy Colloquium Talk, 8 February
WARDLAW, William P., Professor, Row Rank Equals Column Rank, Spring meeting of MD-VA-DC Section of
Mathematical Association of America(MAA), Loyola College, Baltimore, MD, 8 April 2006.
ZARIKIAN, Vrej A., Assistant Professor, Paving Small Matrices, Special Session on Recent Progress in Operator
Algebras, American Mathematical Society (AMS) Central Section Meeting, Lincoln, NE, 22-23 October 2005.
ZARIKIAN, Vrej A., Assistant Professor, Alternating-Projection Algorithms for Operator-Theoretic Calculations,
Special Session on Geometry of Banach Spaces and Connections with Other Areas, American Mathematical Society
(AMS) Southeastern Section Meeting, Miami, FL, 1-2 April 2006.