Photon-Initiated Processes at High Mass: A B, C C

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October 11, 2016

arXiv:1607.04635v3 [hep-ph] 10 Oct 2016

Photoninitiated processes at high mass

L. A. Harland-Langa , V. A. Khozeb,c and M. G. Ryskinc

Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, WC1E 6BT, UK

Institute for Particle Physics Phenomenology, Durham University, DH1 3LE, UK
Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, NRC Kurchatov Institute, Gatchina, St. Petersburg,
188300, Russia
We consider the influence of photoninitiated processes on highmass particle production. We discuss in detail the photon PDF at relatively high parton x, relevant to
such processes, and evaluate its uncertainties. In particular we show that, as the dominant contribution to the input photon distribution is due to coherent photon emission,
at phenomenologically relevant scales the photon PDF is already well determined in
this region, with the corresponding uncertainties under good control. We then demonstrate the implications of this result for the example processes of highmass lepton
and W boson pair production at the LHC and FCC. While for the former process the
photoninitiated contribution is expected to be small, in the latter case we find that it
is potentially significant, in particular at larger masses.


As we enter the era of precision LHC phenomenology, where NNLO QCD calculations are
becoming the standard for many processes, the influence of electroweak corrections is increasingly relevant. A complete treatment of these inevitably requires the inclusion of diagrams
with initialstate photons, with corresponding photon parton distribution function (PDF)
introduced in analogy to the more commonly considered PDFs of the quarks and gluons [15].
As discussed recently in [69] the photoninitiated contribution may be significant for the
production of lepton, W boson and top quark pairs at higher invariant masses, and hence
higher parton x. Such processes are of much phenomenological interest, being particularly
sensitive to electroweak corrections and the PDFs, as well BSM physics; high mass lepton
pair production, for example, is an irreducible background to the DrellYan production of a
new Z 0 boson.

The issue of how to extract the photon PDF, and what the uncertainties associated
with this are, is therefore crucial to any complete discussion of these processes. A range
of approaches to this problem have been taken by the global PDF fitting groups: the first
attempt in the MRST2004QED set [2] fixed the functional form of the photon PDF by taking
a simple model for photon emission from the valence quarks, while CT14QED [5] generalized
this to allow freedom in the overall normalization, which can then be extracted from data. An
alternative approach is taken in NNPDF2.3QED [3] (and more recently NNPDF3.0QED [10]),
where instead the photon is parameterised freely, as in the case of the quarks and gluons,
and fitted to a selection of inclusive data. In this case, the corresponding PDF uncertainties
due to the quite unconstraining data considered in these fits are very large.
However, these previous approaches in fact omit an important physical distinction between the photon and the quarks and gluons. The crucial difference is that QED, in contrast
to QCD, corresponds to a long range force that does not suffer from the issue of non
perturbativity at low scales. Thus, a proton may coherently emit a photon (p p): such a
process is experimentally extremely well measured, being governed by the well known electric
and magnetic proton form factors for coherent photon emission, and is expected to constitute
the dominant component of the input photon PDF. This is accounted for in the approach
of [4, 11] (see also [12, 13]), where it is shown that the photon PDF is then determined to
a relatively high degree of accuracy. It is important to emphasise that the inclusion of this
effect is not a theoretical assumption: indeed, exclusive lepton and W boson pair production, due to precisely this initialstate coherent photon emission have been observed by both
ATLAS [14, 15] and CMS [1618] at the LHC. Such processes contribute by definition to the
corresponding inclusive observables.
It is therefore important to consider the consequences of these physical considerations,
and the approach which derives from it for describing the photon PDF; we will consider for
concreteness in this paper the cases of high mass lepton and W boson pair production. Here,
the 2 suppression in the initialstate luminosity may be overcome by the enhancement
of the tchannel photoninduced process at higher masses. However, for certain sets the
most significant effect is due to the PDFs themselves: the NNPDF2.3QED [3, 10] set in
particular predicts a sharper decrease in the quark (and gluon) densities compared to the
central photon value, albeit within sizeable PDF uncertainties in the latter case. In such
a situation, for both processes the photoninitiated contribution is found to be potentially
sizeable and even dominant at high invariant mass [79]. The case of tt production has
also recently been discussed in [6], where it is again shown that the NNPDF2.3QED set is
consistent with a sizeable photoninitiated contribution at larger invariance masses, as well
as forward rapidities. Although for the sake of brevity we will not deal with this explicitly
here, our results can be readily extended to such a process.
Given these findings, it is natural to consider what the prediction is for these processes
within the approach of [4,11] (see also [1]). In other words, what are the consequences of this
dominantly coherent photon input PDF for the size and uncertainties of the photon PDF
at higher x, and what are the implications for these high mass production processes? This

is the question we consider in this paper: we will show that this approach in fact predicts
that the photon PDF is well constrained by the dominantly coherent input requirement,
with at higher x any unknown incoherent contribution, already expected to be small, being
further kinematically suppressed. We will demonstrate that this follows from the relatively
simple nature of the photon DGLAP evolution, which due to the small size of the coupling
may to very good approximation be solved exactly [11, 12]. Within this approach, we
will find that the decrease in the luminosity is qualitatively similar to the quark and
gluon cases. We will also discuss how the recent ATLAS measurement of high mass lepton
pair production [19] and the corresponding extraction of the photon PDF presented in this
analysis lends qualitative support to our results.
The production of lepton and W boson pairs are processes of much phenomenological
interest at both the LHC and at a Future Circular Collider (FCC). With this in mind, we
will consider cross section predictions for both of these processes at 13 and 100 TeV. In
the case of lepton pair production we will show that the DY contribution is expected to be
dominant out to very high masses, with a relatively small contribution from the photon
initiated process ( 10% for our choice of cuts). For W pair production, on the other
hand, the relative contribution from the photoninitiated process is more significant, and at
higher masses it is comparable in size to the standard QCDinitiated process. In this case a
very careful consideration of the uncertainties associated with the photon PDF is therefore
Finally, during the last stages of preparing this manuscript the paper [20] appeared.
While the overall approach to treating the photon PDF and the details of the analysis are
quite distinct, this work also includes the dominantly coherent input component. We may
therefore expect the general conclusions to be consistent with our findings. Although we will
not provide a detailed investigation of this question here, we present a brief comparison to
the results of this approach. As we shall see, the predicted photon PDF does indeed quite
closely coincide with our results. Thus, we will expect comparable results to hold for the
cases of high mass lepton and W boson pair production when using the LUXqed set.
The outline of this paper is as follows. In Section 2 we describe our approach to modelling
the photon PDF, demonstrating in Section 2.1 how the DGLAP equation for the photon
PDF may be solved, and then discussing in Section 2.2 how the input photon PDF may be
described. In Section 3 we discuss the implications for the photon, in particular at higher x,
and compare our results with the other available PDFs, concentrating on the NNPDFQED3.0
set. In Section 4
we present predictions for high mass lepton and W boson pair production
at the LHC and s = 100 TeV FCC. Finally, in Section 5 we conclude.


The photon PDF: general considerations

Solving the DGLAP equation

The starting point for any discussion of the photon PDF is the corresponding DGLAP evolution equation for the distribution (x, Q2 ). At LO in and S this is given by1
(x, Q2 )
x 2
(Q2 ) 1 dz
P (z)( , Q ) +
e2q Pq (z)q( , Q2 ) .
ln Q2
2 x z
Here Pq (z) is the q splitting function, and P corresponds to the virtual selfenergy
correction to the photon propagator, given by
P (z) = Nc
e2q +
e2l (1 z) ,
where q and l denote the active quark and lepton flavours in the fermion loop.
As the virtual correction (2) is proportional to an overall delta function the corresponding
contribution to (1) is proportional to the photon PDF evaluated at x. Therefore, if we ignore
the small effect that the photon PDF has on the evolution of the quark and gluons (as
discussed in [11], these generally give less than a 0.1% correction to the photon), which enter
at higher orders in , then (1) can be solved exactly, giving [11, 12]
(x, 2F )

(x, Q20 ) S (Q20 , 2F )



(Q2 ) dQ2
2 Q2


dz X 2
eq Pq (z)q( , Q2 ) S (Q2 , 2F ) ,
z q

in (x, 2 ) + evol (x, 2 ) ,


where (x, Q20 ) is the input PDF at the scale Q0 , and we have introduced the photon Sudakov
Z 2F
2 Z 1
Pa (z) .
S (Q20 , 2F ) = exp
2 Q20 Q2 2
Here Pq(l) (z) is the to quark (lepton) splitting function, given by

Pa (z) = Na z 2 + (1 z)2 ,


where Na = Nc e2q for quarks and Na = e2l for leptons, while the factor of 1/2 in (4) is present
to avoid double counting over the quark/antiquarks (lepton/antileptons). Written in this
form, the physical interpretation of the Sudakov factor is clear: it represents the Poissonian
In this section we work for simplicity at LO in S , but this discussion can readily be generalised to NLO,
as in [13], using the results of [21] for the corresponding splitting functions; in the following sections we use
the full NLO result.

probability for no parton emission from the photon during its evolution from the low scale
Q0 up to the hard scale F .
Thus, the photon PDF (3) at F can be written as the sum of a contribution from low
scale emission of a photon, with no further branching, and a term due to higher scale DGLAP
emission from quarks2 . For the purposes of the discussion in this paper, the crucial point is
that when considering the photon PDF and its corresponding uncertainty at some given x
and 2F value, the contributions to this from the input photon distribution, at the starting
scale Q0 , and from the DGLAP evolution term due to high scale emission from the quarks,
are completely separated; this will greatly simplify the discussion which follows, and allow
some fairly simple and robust conclusions to be drawn.


The input distribution

The photon PDF has been separated in (3) into an input component at Q0 and an evolution
component, due to high scale q q emission. While the latter quantity is given in terms of
the generally well determined quark PDFs, the former quantity is on the face of it completely
unknown. Thus the uncertainty on the photon distribution at some scale F is given quite
directly in terms of the uncertainty on the starting distribution in , and it is this object which
we are principally interested in.
It is perfectly possible to simply treat this as an unknown quantity in a global fit, i.e. in
the same way as the quarks and gluons. This is the approach taken in the latest NNPDFQED
fit [3,10], where the freely parameterised photon is fitted to DIS and a small set of LHC data,
namely W, Z and high/lowmass DrellYan production (more precisely this is achieved by
Bayesian reweighting, see [3] for full details). Due to the generally small contribution from
photoninitiated processes, the constraining power of this data is quite limited, and the
corresponding PDF uncertainties are large.
However, by treating the photon PDF identically to the quark and gluons, a significant
part of the available experimental information is in fact being thrown away [1, 4, 11]. The
crucial difference is that QED, in contrast to QCD, corresponds to a long range force that does
not suffer from the issue of nonperturbativity at low scales. Thus a proton may coherently
emit a photon (p p) at low scale Q < Q0 1 GeV, and this will contribute directly to
the input component in (3). Such a process is experimentally extremely well measured, being
governed by the well known electric and magnetic proton form factors for coherent photon
emission. In particular we have
coh (x, Q20 )



Q2 <Q20

qt2 + x2 m2p

(1 x)FE (Q ) + FM (Q ) ,
qt2 + x2 m2p


where qt is the transverse momentum of the emitted photon, and Q2 is the modulus of the

This separation was used in [11] to demonstrate how a rapidity gap veto can be included in photon
initiated processes.

photon virtuality, given by

qt2 + x2 m2p
Q =


The functions FE and FM are

FM (Q2 ) = G2M (Q2 ) ,
G2E (Q2 ) =

FE (Q2 ) =

4m2p G2E (Q2 ) + Q2 G2M (Q2 )

4m2p + Q2

G2M (Q2 )
4 ,
1 + Q2 /0.71GeV2



in the dipole approximation, where GE and GM are the Sachs form factors, which have been
very precisely measured in a range of elastic ep scattering experiments3 . As the contribution
to ep scattering for low photon Q2 is dominantly coherent, we expect (6) to give the dominant
contribution to the input photon PDF. Thus the input photon distribution is in fact already
well determined.
More precisely, in general there will also be some contribution from incoherent emission
(p X), where the proton dissociates after the scattering process. That is, we have
(x, Q20 ) = coh (x, Q20 ) + incoh (x, Q20 ) ,


where the second term corresponds to this incoherent input; it is this combined input PDF,
including both coherent and incoherent components, which corresponds to the freely parameterised NNPDF distribution described above. In general, as recently discussed in [20] this
incoherent contribution may be constrained from experimental data on F2 and FL , however
for our considerations it is sufficient to use a simplified model which gives an upper bound
on such a contribution. Thus, following [1, 4] we model this emission process as being due
to one photon emission from the valence quarks in the leadinglogarithmic approximation;
such an approach is also taken in [2, 5] to model the photon PDFs, although in these cases
no coherent component is included. We take4

Z 2

1 dz 4  x  1  x  1 + (1 z)2 Q0
+ d0

incoh (x, Q0 ) =
2 x z 9
Q2min Q + mq

Q2min =
m2 (1 x)m2p ,
The dipole approximation describes the available data to within a few percent in the lower Q2 region
most relevant to our study, however this description is not perfect, and a completely precise calculation would
go beyond this and in addition should consider the uncertainties associated with the available form factor
data. For the purposes of this paper, however, such a high level of precision is not necessary.
In fact, we take the slightly different form described in footnote 3 of [4], with as in (11) the replacement
F1 (Q2 ) GE (Q2 ) made to give a more precise evaluation for the probability of coherent emission.

accounts for the fact that the lowest proton excitation is the isobar, and the final factor
(1 G2E (Q2 )) corresponds to the probability to have no intact proton in the final state (which
is already included in the coherent component). Here mq = md (mu ) when convoluted with
d0 (u0 ), and the current quark masses are taken. Crucially, as the quark distributions are
frozen for Q < Q0 , this represents an upper bound on the incoherent contribution. If we
consider the momentum fraction
p = dx x(x, Q20 ) ,
carried by the photon at the starting scale Q20 = 2 GeV2 , then even for this upper bound we
= 0.15%
= 0.05% ,

that is we expect pincoh.

, consistent with the general expectation that the emission

process for low Q photons should be dominantly coherent. As the coherent input is quite
precisely determined, the uncertainty on the input photon PDF is essentially purely due to
the incoherent term. Being maximally conservative, we can consider a range of incoherent
inputs, with the lower bound being simply setting incoh. (x, Q20 ) = 0, and the upper bound
calculated as described above. Taking this as our uncertainty band, we then expect from (14)
a 1015% uncertainty on the photon PDF at the starting scale Q0 . On the other hand, at
higher scales as the contribution from the evolution term in (3) becomes more significant, this
uncertainty will be smaller; we will show this explicitly in the following section, where we will
see that for phenomenologically relevant scales the uncertainty due to the incoherent input
shrinks to 5%. It should be emphasised that this is a relatively conservative estimate of
the uncertainty on the photon PDF due to the incoherent input component. In particular,
it is possible and desirable to further constrain this incoherent input in a global fit, while a
more complete treatment accounting for example for the (...) resonant contribution to the
incoherent input, and more generally constraining this with the existing ep scattering data
will also further reduce this uncertainty.
Nonetheless, even within this simplified and conservative approach, we can see that the
corresponding uncertainty on the photon PDF is already under relatively good control. In
contrast, the NNPDF3.0QED set [10] gives
p = (1.26 1.26)% ,


that is, a 100% uncertainty, with a central value which lies much higher than that expected
from the simple physical considerations above; we will see the impact of this is in the following

The photon PDF: results

In the previous section we demonstrated how the photon PDF at the starting scale is already
quite precisely determined in terms of the form factors for coherent p p emission. We will


Q2min [GeV2 ]



x coh. (x, Q0 )
x incoh. (x, Q0 )


x incoh. (x,Q0 )
x tot. (x,Q0 )







Figure 1: (Left) The coherent (6) and incoherent (11) components of the photon PDF at the
starting scale Q20 = 2 GeV2 . (Right) The minimum photon Q2 vs. the momentum fraction x
carried for the coherent (6) and incoherent (11) emission processes.

now demonstrate the impact this result has on the photon PDF at higher x values. We show
in Fig. 1 (left) the contributions from the coherent (6) and incoherent (11) components of the
photon PDF at the starting scale Q20 = 2 GeV2 , where as described above the incoherent term
corresponds to an upper bound on this contribution. Here, and in all results which follow,
we take treat the evolution (1) at NLO in s . We make use of the MMHT2014NLO [22] set
for the quark PDFs in the incoherent component, as well as for the PDFs in the evolution
of the photon.
As expected from the previous discussion, the incoherent component is smaller than the
well determined coherent component, and constitutes 25% of the total photon PDF at
intermediate values of x, consistent with (14). However, interestingly the ratio of incoherent
to coherent is found to decrease with increasing x, such that in the higher x & 0.1 region, the
coherent component is particularly dominant. This is due in part to the decreasing phase
space for photon emission from the individual quarks, with the range of the z integral in
(11) decreasing with increasing x. In addition to this, another physical effect is playing a
role, due to the minimum photon virtuality Q2min , given by (7) and (12). The kinematic
minimum (7) follows simply from the onshellness requirement for the outgoing proton, and
similarly in (12) for the outgoing resonance. In the latter case this corresponds to the mass
of the lowest lying resonance above the proton: for higher mass resonance production, the
kinematic minimum will be larger still. The effect of this is shown in Fig. 1 (right). Due to
the higher mass of the dissociating state in the latter incoherent case, the minimum photon
virtuality can be quite large for higher x, with the effect that contribution from lowscale
incoherent photon emission becomes kinematically limited; by construction we must have
Q2 < Q20 1 GeV2 , while the contribution for photon Q2 > Q20 is given by the evolution
component in (3), in terms of the relatively well constrained quark PDFs. This effect can be
seen in Fig. 1 (left) in the high x region, where the coherent component becomes completely


x(x, = 100 GeV)






x(x, = 2 TeV)





Figure 2: The photon PDF at scale F = 100 and 2000 GeV, with the breakdown between
coherent, incoherent and evolution components, defined as in (3) and (10) given. Also shown
is the NNPDF3.0 [10] result, with the corresponding 68% C.L. uncertainty bands, and the
LUXqed [20] prediction. In the lower plots the ratios of the different components to the total
photon PDF are shown.

In Fig. 2 (right) we show the photon PDF at F = 2 TeV, corresponding to x 0.2
at the LHC, with the contributions from the input coherent and incoherent, and evolution
components shown explicitly. We also show in Fig. 2 (left) the corresponding PDF for the
lower scale F = 10 GeV, to give an indication of the influence of the photon evolution on
these different components. We can see that the effect of evolution is as expected to further
decrease the contribution from the incoherent input, which is already . 10% of the total
photon at F = 100 GeV, and even lower for F = 2 TeV. Thus in the cross section results
which follow we expect a conservative 5% uncertainty due to this effect. The coherent
contribution, even at the higher scale F = 2 TeV is 20% at x 0.01, and increases to
50% at higher x; for F = 100 GeV it is larger still. The LUXqed prediction is shown
and is found to coincide quite closely with our result, although some deviation is visible, in
particular at higher x.
The NNPDF3.0 distribution, with the corresponding 68% C.L. uncertainty bands, is
also shown in Fig. 2: here, and in all results which follow, we take the NLO set with
s (MZ ) = 0.118. For the lower x region the contribution from the high scale q q
evolution component in (3) is dominant, and as a result the corresponding uncertainties are
under reasonable control5 . As x increases, however, the phase space for the DGLAP q q
emission process decreases, and the contribution from the coherent photon input becomes

The slight deviation between our results and the NNPDF sets, even accounting for the PDF uncertainties,
at lower x is due to the differing truncated solution to the DGLAP equation applied in the latter case.

more important. This effect is evident in the NNPDF set, where the increasing contribution from the poorly determined input photon leads to a rapidly increasing uncertainty as x
In Fig. 3 we show the corresponding PDF luminosities, defined as
MX2 1 dx1
fi (x1 , MX2 )fj ( /x1 , MX2 ) ,
d ln MX2
s x1
where = MX2 /s and fi is the corresponding PDF for parton i. As well as the case
discussed above, we also show for comparison the qq, qq (defined in both cases as a uniform
sum over the 5 corresponding quark flavours) and gg cases, using the same NNPDF set. For
our prediction, we now for illustration include an uncertainty band due to varying the incoherent component between x(x, Q0 ) = 0 and the upper bound of (11), although in the plots
this is essentially invisible within the width of the central curves. Other uncertainties, due
for example to the quark (and at higher orders, gluon) PDFs entering the photon evolution
in (1), the use of the dipole approximation (9) for the elastic form factor and the choice
of Q0 in (3) are not included here. These effects are expected to be generally subleading
in comparison to that due to the incoherent input, and will be omitted in the results which
follow. Nonetheless, it is worth bearing in mind that the effect of these will be to increase the
total uncertainty on the photon PDF somewhat, which should be accounted for in a complete
analysis; for the current purposes, however, this is not necessary. The LUXqed prediction is
shown and is again found to coincide quite closely with our result, with some deviation at
higher MX .
The same increase in Fig. 3 in the NNPDF uncertainty band at high MX for the
case is clear. However, interestingly we can see that the trend in the central value of the
NNPDF luminosity is remarkably different compared to the other partons, with the former
decreasing much less rapidly at high MX , i.e. high x. On the other hand, our prediction
shows no such significant difference, and roughy follows the same trend as in the quarks.
As discussed in [9] some steepening of the PDF luminosities for the QCD partons may be
expected due to the differing behaviours of QED and s at higher scales. However this effect,
which is indeed observable in particular upon comparison of our result for the and the
gg luminosity, is relatively small and cannot explain the difference seen in the NNPDF case.
We are therefore led to conclude that this potentially significant difference is an artefact of
the large uncertainties in the NNPDF photon PDF; the physically motivated photon PDF
of our approach, which lies towards the lower end of the NNPDF uncertainty band, displays
no significant difference in behaviour at higher x compared to the quarks and gluons.
It is therefore in this higher x region that the importance of including all available information about the photon PDF is clearest; by excluding the additional input which comes from
considering the physics of the dominantly coherent photon emission process at the starting
scale Q0 , the corresponding PDF uncertainties are dramatically overinflated. By including
this information, as in Section 2.2, the predicted photon PDF at higher x is determined quite
precisely to lie close to the lower edge of the NNPDF uncertainty band. It has for example

2 ,
d ln MX

2 ,
d ln MX

s = 13 TeV



- this work
- LUXqed







s = 100 TeV


- this work
- LUXqed






MX [GeV]



MX [GeV]

Figure 3: The , gg, qq and qq PDF luminosities. The case is shown for the
NNPDF3.0 [10] set and following the approach of Section 2.2 , while all other luminosities
correspond to the NNPDF set. The corresponding 68% C.L. uncertainty bands are shown
in the NNPDF cases, while an uncertainty band due to varying the incoherent component
between x(x, Q0 ) = 0 and the upper bound of (11) is shown, although barely visible, for
our prediction. The LUXqed [20] prediction is also shown.

been pointed out in [7, 8] that the upper limits on the NNPDF photon PDF predict potentially sizeable photoninitiated contributions to the DrellYan cross section at high mass,
with large corresponding PDF uncertainties. From the above considerations, however, we
expect this not to be the case: we will consider this in more detail in the following section.

Cross section predictions

As discussed in the introduction, the photoninitiated contribution to lepton and W boson

pair production may be particularly significant at higher mass, where the production cross
sections are relatively enhanced due to the tchannel nature of the corresponding Feynman
diagrams. We therefore consider predictions for both these processes at the LHC and FCC
in this section. We use our own implementation of these processes, with the corresponding
LO cross sections given by (see e.g. [23, 24])
2 19 6 2 (1 2 ) + 2(8 3 2 ) 2 cos2 + 3 4 cos4

d cos
(1 2 cos2 )2
22 1 + 2 2 (1 2 )(1 cos2 ) 4 cos4

d cos
(1 2 cos2 )2
where = (1 4m2 /
s)1/2 , with m = mW , ml , and is the angle of the outgoing particles
with respect to the photons in the C.M. frame. As we are interested in the high mass



d/Mll [fb/TeV],

s = 13 TeV

- this work


d/Mll [fb/TeV],

s = 100 TeV
- this work








Mll [TeV]







Mll [TeV]

Figure 4: The differential lepton pair production cross sections at s = 13 TeV and 100 TeV
with respect to the invariant mass of the pair Mll , for lepton || < 2.5 and p > 20 GeV.
The photoninitiated contributions predicted following the approach of Section 2.2 and the
NNPDF3.0QED [10] set, including the 68% C.L. uncertainty bands are shown, in addition
to the NLO DrellYan cross section, calculated with MCFM [25]. An uncertainty band due to
varying the incoherent component between x(x, Q0 ) = 0 and the upper bound of (11) is
shown for our prediction.

regime, in the lepton case we will for concreteness take the massless limit, ml = 0, in what
In Fig. 4 we show the lepton pair production cross section via the photoninitiated production and DrellYan production mechanisms, for lepton || < 2.5 and p > 20 GeV. The
former is shown using both the approach of Section 2.2 and with the NNPDF3.0QED set,
while the latter is calculated at NLO in s with MCFM [25] using MMHT2014NLO [22] PDFs;
the results which follow are not affected significantly by NNLO corrections. For the curve
corresponding to our approach, we show an uncertainty band due to varying the incoherent
component between x(x, Q0 ) = 0 and the upper bound of (11). The 68% PDF uncertainty
bands are shown for the MCFM predictions in all cases which follow, although for certain
distributions this is sufficiently small that it is not visible on the plots.
For the LHC predictions in Fig. 4 (left), we can see that for higher Mll the photon
initiated cross section predicted by the NNPDF set may be comparable in size and even
larger than the DrellYan cross section, within the increasingly large PDF uncertainty bands.
This was recently discussed in [8], where it was pointed out that the potential dominance of
the photoninitiated NNPDF prediction induced a large uncertainty in the predicted cross
section for high mass lepton pair production; this could, for example, have an impact on
searches for new heavy particles decaying to lepton pairs. However, it is our finding that
this is not the case. In particular, we can see from Fig. 4 that even up to the highest Mll
values the predicted contribution from the photoninitiated process is fairly small, 10%
of the DrellYan. This result is entirely consistent with the expectations from Fig. 2. Thus


d/MW W [fb/TeV],

s = 13 TeV

- this work


d/MW W [fb/TeV],

s = 100 TeV
- this work










MW W [TeV]







MW W [TeV]

Figure 5: The differential W boson pair production cross sections at s = 13 TeV and 100
TeV with respect to the invariant mass of the pair MW W , for W pseudorapidity || < 4.
The photoninitiated contributions predicted following the approach of Section 2.2 and the
NNPDF3.0QED [10], including the 68% C.L. uncertainty bands are shown, in addition to
the NLO QCD cross section, calculated with MCFM [25], and including the gluoninitiated
box contribution. An uncertainty band due to varying the incoherent component between
x(x, Q0 ) = 0 and the upper bound of (11) is shown for our prediction.

we expect no significant contamination from the photoninitiated process. For the FCC case
shown in Fig. 4 (right), which was recently discussed in [9], a similar trend is seen. Moreover,
it is worth emphasising that for both the LHC and FCC cases, tighter cuts on the lepton
transverse momentum p and pseudorapidity will further decrease the relative contribution
from the photoninitiated process, which being due to the t and u channel diagrams is more
strongly peaked towards low p and high .
In Fig. 5 we show predictions for the W boson pair production cross sections, again at
the LHC and FCC. We impose the same cuts on the W boson pseudorapidities, and include
no further decays, as in [9], for the sake of comparison. MCFM [25] with MMHT2014NLO [22]
PDFs is used to generate the the QCD W W production process at NLO in s , with the gg
initiated box contribution also included. Again a similar trend is clear, with the NNPDF set
predicting potentially a completely dominant photoninitiated contribution at higher masses,
within very large uncertainties. However, for the LHC our approach predicts instead that
the standard QCDinitiated is dominant, apart from at the very highest masses. On the
other hand for the FCC this is no longer the case: over the mass range considered the and
QCDinitiated contributions are generally expected to be comparable in size. In this case a
very careful treatment of the photon PDF uncertainties will be essential.
It should be emphasised that the predicted cross sections within our approach lie entirely
within the NNPDF uncertainty bands, and are therefore completely consistent with these.
The issue is simply that the NNPDF approach, by omitting the physical constraints on the
photon input described in Section 2.2, allows in principle unphysically large input photon


d/Mll [fb/TeV],

s = 8 TeV
- this work








Mll [TeV]

Figure 6: The differential lepton pair production cross section at

to the invariant mass of the pair Mll , calculated as in Fig. 4.

s = 8 TeV with respect

distributions, the effect of which becomes increasingly dominant at higher x, where the
contribution from the DGLAP q q emission from the quarks becomes smaller. On the
other hand, the NNPDF starting distribution effectively parameterises the contribution from
both the coherent and incoherent input components as in (10), but without any further
constraints, and therefore we fully expect consistency within both approaches, once the PDF
uncertainties have been properly included; it is encouraging to find that this is indeed the
case. Moreover, as further data from the LHC is included in the NNPDF fit, we fully expect
this consistency to continue as the PDF uncertainties decrease.
Indeed, this expectation is supported by the recent ATLAS measurement
[19] of high mass

lepton pair production in the 116 < Mll < 1500 GeV region at s = 8 TeV, corresponding
to 0.015 . x . 0.2. We show the predicted cross section for this mass region in Fig. 6, and
we can see that for larger Mll quite significant photoninitiated contributions are allowed
within the NNPDF uncertainty bands. However, in [19] a Bayesian reweighting exercise is
performed, and it is found that a photon PDF which lies systematically on the lower end of the
NNPDF2.3 uncertainty band is preferred, with greatly reduced uncertainties, see in particular
Fig. 13 of [19]6 . While a full refit would be required to make a completely firm conclusion,
this nonetheless provides a strong indication that the larger photoninitiated cross section
predictions allowed by the higher x NNPDF photon uncertainty band are already disfavoured
by this ATLAS data, while our result, which predict lower photoninitiated cross sections,
are qualitatively consistent.
Further experimental support for this result at the LHC can be found in the ATLAS [15]
and CMS [17, 18] measurements of exclusive twophoton induced W + W production. Here,
events are selected by demanding a dilepton vertex with no additional associated charged

It is worth emphasising that in reality it is only for x & 0.05, i.e. Mll & 400 GeV, that the ATLAS data
begin to place any significant constraint on the photon. Thus the form of the reweighted photon distribution
below x 0.05 should not be taken too literally.


tracks within the tracker acceptance ( < 2.4). As part of these measurements, a larger
data sample of + events is also selected with the same track veto applied. Crucially,
such a veto effectively isolates the photoninitated contribution; the standard DrellYan
production process will dominantly produce additional tracks centrally, and the remaining
contribution can be suppressed with further cuts and then subtracted using MC simulation.
The photoninitiated cross section for this semiexclusive case was considered in [11], where
it was demonstrated how (3) could be relatively simply modified to account for such a rapidity
gap veto. Predictions for semiexclusive + production within the ATLAS/CMS event
selection were presented, and it was shown that the data are completely consistent with the
approach described in this paper, but are in strong tension with the higher cross sections
allowed by the NNPDF2.3 set.


Processes with initialstate photons are becoming increasingly relevant for phenomenology at
the LHC, in particular as the requirement for high precision becomes standard. Given this,
it is becoming increasingly important to constrain as precisely as possible the corresponding
photon PDF. This is particularly so for processes such as high mass lepton and W boson
production, where the contribution from the photoninitiated process may be significant.
In this paper we have described how the photon PDF may we be quite precisely constrained by relatively simple considerations about the nature of the initialstate photon,
see [4, 11]. In particular, QED, in contrast to QCD, corresponds to a long range force that
does not suffer from the issue of nonperturbativity at low scales, and thus a proton may
coherently emit a photon (p p) at low scales. This process is already experimentally
very well measured in ep collisions, and is governed by the well known electric and magnetic
proton form factors for coherent photon emission. Taking these as input, we have shown
how the photon PDF can already be well constrained with even a quite conservative model
estimation for an upper limit on the remaining incoherent contribution to the photon at the
starting scale: the uncertainty due to this is found to be generally 10% or less, with the
precise value depending on the scale and parton x. A more detailed treatment of the (resonant and nonresonant) incoherent contribution, and the inclusion of further constraints
within the context of a global fit will reduce this even further. Indeed, as discussed in the
recent analysis of [20], it is possible to place quite precise constraints by using low Q2 inelastic
structure function data. In this work, a dominantly coherent component is also included,
and we have seen that the resultant photon PDF lies quite close to our prediction.
These constraints are not included in the currently available global fits [2, 3, 5] and may
lead to a signifiant overestimation in the uncertainty in the photon PDF. This can have
important phenomenological implications, and indeed this is the case for high mass lepton
and W boson pair production, which have recently been discussed in [79]. Here, it was
found that the NNPDF2.3QED [3] set, which freely parameterises the input photon and fits
to a selection of DIS and LHC data, is consistent with strongly dominant photoninitiated

contributions to both of these processes at higher masses, at the LHC and FCC. In this paper
we have shown that this is not expected to be the case. We have found that the DY contribution to lepton pair production is dominant out to very high masses, while for W boson pair
production the QCD process is generally larger, although for higher masses the initiated
contribution is comparable in size. In this latter case, therefore, a precise treatment of the
photon PDF will be essential.

We thank Valerio Bertone, Amanda CooperSarkar, David DEnterria and Juan Rojo for
useful discussions. VAK thanks the Leverhulme Trust for an Emeritus Fellowship. The
work of MGR was supported by the RSCF grant 14-22-00281. LHL thanks the Science and
Technology Facilities Council (STFC) for support via the grant award ST/L000377/1. MGR
thanks the IPPP at the University of Durham for hospitality.

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